Delicious pizza dough. Homemade pizza. The most famous pizzas in Italy

Everyone knows that homemade pizza tastes much better than store-bought pizza. Especially if all its components: dough, and - do it yourself. Today we will show you how to make simple pizza dough.

Simple yeast-free pizza dough


  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • flour – 2 tbsp;
  • butter – 1 teaspoon;
  • milk – 140 ml;
  • salt - a pinch.


Break the chicken eggs into a bowl with high walls and beat them with a mixer. Then pour warm milk and olive oil into them. Sift the flour separately, and then gradually add the egg mixture into it, in small portions. Knead the dough for about 10 minutes. Next, we form it into a ball and place it in a bowl greased with oil. Leave to rest for 15 minutes. That's it, after a while your quick and easy pizza dough is ready!

Simple pizza dough with water


  • flour – 2 tbsp;
  • filtered water – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • salt.


Sift the flour and salt into a bowl, and in another bowl beat the eggs with a mixer. Then add filtered water and vegetable oil. The resulting mixture is gradually introduced into the flour, stirring constantly. Then knead the mixture thoroughly, adding a little flour if necessary. Next, transfer it to a bowl, cover with a clean towel and leave for 30 minutes. When the time is up, roll out the finished dough with a rolling pin, transfer it to a greased baking sheet and fill it with any filling to your taste.

Simple and tasty pizza dough with mayonnaise


  • kefir 3.2% – 0.5 l;
  • fine sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Lenten mayonnaise – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • flour – 3 tbsp;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • baking soda – 1 teaspoon;
  • fine salt - a pinch.


In a small bowl, mix soda with kefir, add mayonnaise, add salt, sugar and add whisked eggs. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth. Next, add flour in small portions and knead the dough. It should turn out soft, plastic and in thickness resemble thick rustic sour cream. Then we coat the baking sheet with oil, lay out the dough, level it and fill it with any filling to your taste.

Simple pizza dough with kefir


  • kefir 3.2% – 1 tbsp.;
  • flour – 350 g;
  • baking soda - a pinch;
  • fine salt - to taste;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • butter – 50 g.


Beat the eggs with a mixer with a pinch of salt until fluffy foam forms. Throw a pinch of soda into the kefir, previously quenched with table vinegar. Melt the butter, cool slightly and add to kefir. After that, combine it with the eggs and gradually add the sifted flour. Gently mix everything until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. As a result, you should have a dough similar to that for pancakes - dense enough, but not so thick that you need to roll it out with a rolling pin.



Heat the water until lukewarm, put fresh yeast in it and put the mixture in a warm place for 10 minutes. Next, pour in the vegetable oil, stir with a spoon and pour everything into the sifted flour. Knead a simple pizza dough, wrap it in film and leave it warm for about 30 minutes. During this time, it will rise well and approximately double in volume. Next, roll it out on the kitchen table and move on to preparing the filling.

Delicious pizza dough can be easily prepared at home. I realized this not so long ago. For the first time in Italy, in beautiful Venice, we tasted delicious pizza, the taste of which I still remember. And for some reason it seemed to me that making pizza was the domain of professionals, and in general it was better to go to a pizzeria.

But after I tasted delicious and tender homemade pizza while visiting, I decided to get serious about choosing recipes for pizza at home. It turned out that preparing pizza dough is easy and simple, and the filling can be anything you have in the refrigerator. Therefore, I can safely say that pizza is a nourishing, tasty and inexpensive dish that can feed the whole family, provided that you prepare the pizza dough yourself.

I offer several of the most common pizza dough recipes. You can make yeast pizza dough, it will take a little longer. Or you can do without yeast, then you can taste the pizza faster. Some people like their pizza crust to be fluffy, while some prefer their pizza dough to be very thin. I hope that from the proposed options you will choose the one that suits you.

Delicious pizza dough - how to make pizza at home step by step

Classic pizza dough recipe - yeast dough

Yeast pizza dough can be prepared with both live yeast and dry yeast, 10 g. dry yeast is 30 grams. fresh yeast, i.e. the ratio is approximately 1:3.

You can read how to prepare yeast dough and all the detailed tips for getting a fluffy dough. Yeast dough for pizza is fresher than dough for pies; much less baking is used.

The ingredients are very simple and inexpensive. It is beneficial to prepare such a dish for a large number of guests.


  • water - 500 ml.
  • flour - 1 kg.
  • live yeast - 13 gr. (dry 4-5 g.)
  • salt - 30 gr.
  • olive oil - 120 ml.
  1. We take water at room temperature; there is no need to heat it in this recipe. Dissolve the yeast in water, stir well and add salt.

2. Pour olive oil into the water with yeast, there is enough oil according to the recipe and it will give elasticity and softness to the dough.

3. Now pour all the flour into a separate large bowl and pour the liquid solution into it, stirring first with a spoon.

4. Now, so that all the ingredients in the dough become friends, place it on a board sprinkled with flour and knead well with your hands. Don’t be lazy and knead for at least 15-20 minutes.

5. Now divide all the dough into portions. To do this, cut the dough into pieces with a knife.

6. From the resulting pieces we form balls, which we place in any dish greased with olive oil. Be sure to leave space between the dough balls. Cover the dough with a dry towel and place in a warm place for 3 hours to proof.

7. Roll out the finished dough, place it on a baking sheet, add fillings and bake at 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

Pizza dough is thin and soft, just like in a pizzeria

As in the first recipe, we will cook pizza using yeast dough. The composition of the products and the sequence of preparing the dough are slightly different. Please note that the water must be warm for this recipe.


  • water - 1 glass
  • flour - 2.5 cups
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp.
  • salt - 1 tsp.
  • olive or vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. l.
  1. Prepare the dough - dilute dry yeast in warm water and add a little flour (about 1-2 tbsp.). Leave the dough to rise for 7-10 minutes in a warm place. Watch when the dough “comes to life” - it begins to ferment and rise. The time depends on the quality of the yeast.

2. Add vegetable oil for elasticity, salt. Add flour little by little and stir the dough, first with a spoon, and when it becomes difficult to use a spoon, knead thoroughly with your hands until the dough stops sticking to your hands.

3. Cover the well-kneaded dough with a dry, clean towel and place in a warm place for 1 -1.5 hours. The rising time of the dough depends largely on the quality of the yeast and on compliance with all the rules when working with yeast dough.

4. If the dough has risen, you can start rolling out the pizza pancake. But from this amount of products you will get 3 small pizzas. If you are not expecting guests, then it is very convenient to divide the dough into several parts, in this case into 3. We roll out one, and put the remaining 2 parts in the refrigerator. You need to roll it out quite thinly; the yeast dough will increase slightly in thickness during cooking.

5. Place the dough on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. Place any filling you wish on top and bake in a well-heated oven. The oven can be preheated to maximum, then the pizza will be ready in 5 minutes. But if you don’t risk heating the oven so much, the cooking time will increase.

Pizza dough without yeast - a quick recipe in 5 minutes

Not everyone likes or knows how to tinker with yeast dough; it is actually capricious and requires certain skills. But a good alternative is pizza dough without yeast. The dough is prepared in literally 5 minutes, and the taste of the pizza is in no way inferior to pizza made with yeast dough.

We will need:

  • flour - 2 cups
  • salt - 1 tsp.
  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • milk - 1/2 cup
  • vegetable oil
  1. First sift the flour and pour it into a bowl. Add salt to flour.

2. In a separate bowl, mix 2 eggs and beat a little with a fork.

3. Heat the milk (just a little) and pour it into the egg mixture, stir well again with a fork.

4. Add vegetable oil to the resulting liquid and mix well again.

5. Make a well in the flour and pour the liquid egg mixture into the flour. Stir with a spoon for about 10 minutes. The dough turns out to be lumps.

6. Stir the dough with your hands until smooth (about 10 minutes) until it becomes elastic and homogeneous.

7. Roll out the dough into a thin sheet and place it in a baking dish. You can use whatever filling you want.

Pizza dough with kefir is quick and easy

We often use kefir in baking. Thanks to lactic acid bacteria, kefir dough is soft and airy. And since this dough recipe is without yeast, kefir will give softness to our dough. In addition, using this recipe you will prepare delicious kefir pizza dough quickly and easily.

We will need:

  • flour - 400 gr.
  • kefir - 200 ml.
  • butter - 100 gr.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • salt - 1/4 tsp.
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • soda - 1/2 tsp.

Pizza in a pan in 10 minutes

A very convenient recipe for those who are in a hurry to prepare delicious pizza, and who do not have the opportunity to cook pizza in the oven. There is a way out - you can cook pizza quickly and tasty in a frying pan.


  • eggs - 2 pcs.
  • sour cream - 4 tbsp. l.
  • mayonnaise - 4 tbsp. l.
  • flour - 9 tbsp. l.
  1. Beat the eggs into a bowl and mix with sour cream and mayonnaise.

2. Add flour and stir well. Let the dough rest for a bit while we prepare the filling.

Pizza dough in a frying pan should look like thick sour cream

3. Place the dough in a frying pan and spread it evenly over the entire area of ​​the frying pan with a spoon.

4. Now put any filling on the dough. There must be cheese on top.

Make sure to cover the pan with the pizza tightly.

5. Fry the pizza over low heat so that the dough is well baked and the cheese melts.

When the pizza is ready in the pan, the dough will rise slightly at the edges

Minimum amount of food and time spent - and a delicious treat on the table.

Delicious pizza in a slow cooker - video

For those who prefer to use a slow cooker for cooking, I suggest watching the video recipe.

We looked at the most popular recipes for making pizza dough, and to choose the most suitable one for yourself, you need to try different recipes. If you share your impressions or comments on my blog, I will be glad.

Pizza dough recipes. Dough made with yeast, kefir, sour cream.

Pizza is one of the most delicious foreign dishes that we have come to love. After all, this baking contains many ingredients that seem to be incompatible with each other at all. The taste of pizza directly depends on the dough and the filling.

There are several dough options for pizzerias. Many people like a very thin crust and a lot of filling. At home, it is rarely possible to prepare such a flour mass, since our women do not have enough experience. The main mistake is very thick or, on the contrary, thin and “wooden” dough. As a result, the dish is tasty, but the crust is inedible or there is a lot of dough.

Recipe for yeast dough like in a pizzeria:

  • Take a glass of heated milk and dilute 30 g of wet (pressed) yeast in it
  • Add a spoonful of sugar and a little salt to the mixture and let it sit for 25 minutes.
  • Pour 50 ml of olive oil into the liquid, it is advisable to use a cold-pressed product
  • After this, pour the dough into the twice-sifted flour and make a soft and elastic dough
  • Wrap the ball in cling film and place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  • Place the lump on the table, sprinkled with vegetable oil, and pour a little on top too
  • Stretch the lump, making a cake out of it, do not use a rolling pin
  • Transfer the cake to the pan and form the sides
  • You can add filling

Some pizzerias have several types of dough; fluffy American pizza is very popular. The cake in it is very airy, the crust is crispy, the layer of dough is thick.

Basis for fluffy American pizza:

  • For one pizza, 30-32 cm in diameter, you need 250 ml of warm water, 6 g of dry active yeast, 300 g of flour and 10 g of salt. Sugar is enough 20 g
  • Mix yeast with flour, add salt and sugar. Pour the water and olive oil mixture into the flour mixture
  • The lump should be soft and stick to your hands, put it in a bag and leave it near the stove or central heating radiator. Let stand 40 minutes
  • Roll out the layer, this dough makes a fairly thick cake, put it in the mold and make sides
  • Add the filling and bake in the oven at 220°C for 15 minutes. Do not overdry the dough, it may become tough.
  • Classic American pizza toppings include chicken, bacon, mushrooms and tomatoes.

Pizza with kefir turns out to be not quite familiar and classic. The dough is not dry, but wet, the filling is, as it were, sealed in it. This kind of pizza is not for everybody.

Kefir batter recipe:

  • Mix 1 egg, a glass of kefir using a whisk. There should be a homogeneous mass
  • Add a spoonful of soda and wait 20 minutes
  • Add salt and sifted flour, the dough should be like sour cream with a high percentage of fat content
  • Pour it into the mold and level it with a spoon, add the ingredients and bake for 20 minutes at 200 °C

Kefir dough can be fried in a frying pan; this is an express breakfast option.

Recipe for pizza base with kefir and yeast:

  • The dough turns out aromatic, but not very airy. Ideal base for thin pizza
  • You need to pour 50 ml of warm water into a bag of dry yeast and add 20 g of sugar. Leave the container with yeast for 20 minutes, now you need to pour it into a bowl with a glass of kefir and salt.
  • Gradually add flour until you get a mass like pancakes
  • Cover the bowl with a towel and leave for 1 hour
  • After the time has passed, add a little more flour and knead into a soft dough. Pour 50 ml of olive oil on top of the lump and sprinkle with herbs
  • Roll out the layer and you can lay out the filling

This dough can be yeast or unleavened. It all depends on what kind of pizza you prefer.

Milk base without yeast:

  • Mix half a glass of cold milk with 2 eggs and 230 ml of olive oil
  • No need to beat with a mixer or blender, use a whisk or fork
  • Add the milk mixture to the flour and salt and knead into a soft dough. Wrap it in a wet cloth and leave it to “rest” for 30 minutes.
  • Roll out the thin crust and prick it with a fork, this is necessary so that the dough allows air to pass through during baking.
  • Place the filling and bake in the oven for 15 minutes

This option is ideal for women who want to save time. In addition, you need to try to spoil such dough.

Sour cream base:

  • Using a fork, mix a glass of sour cream with 2 eggs and a spoonful of salt, add 15 g of sugar
  • Add the mixture to the sifted flour and knead into a soft dough. It shouldn't be fluid, but it shouldn't be steep either.
  • If you add a lot of flour, you risk getting a hard and dry crust.
  • There is no soda in the recipe; you don’t need to add it, since sour cream and eggs loosen the dough well
  • Leave the dough ball to rest for 20 minutes.
  • Roll out a very thin layer and lay out the filling. Bake for 20 minutes

The dough turns out very tasty and crumbles when cutting with a knife. It's easy to prepare.

Pizza crust recipe:

  • Add salt to very cold water. 10 g salt per glass of water
  • Pour the liquid into the flour and knead into a very stiff and stiff dough. Wrap it in film and put it in the refrigerator for an hour
  • Place the fourth part of the margarine pack in a warm place. It needs to become soft
  • We take the dough out of the refrigerator and put margarine in the center, put it in an envelope and roll it out, fold it again three times and roll it out again
  • Fold three more times and, without rolling out, place in a cool place for 30 minutes.
  • Now you can roll out the layer and bake the pizza

Consider a recipe for quick yeast dough. It rises quickly and doesn't take long

Recipe for a quick pizza base with yeast:

  • Dissolve sugar and a spoonful of dry yeast in a glass of water.
  • Pour vegetable oil into the liquid and salt it
  • Pour the dough into flour and prepare the dough as for pancakes
  • Leave for a quarter of an hour and add a little more flour
  • Using your palms, stretch the layer and transfer it to the mold, leave for 15 minutes

Recipe for curd pizza base:

  • You need 120 g of cottage cheese. Use medium fat, but low fat is fine too.
  • Mix cottage cheese with 1 egg and a pinch of salt, pour in 50 ml of vegetable oil and knead the dough, it should be soft
  • You can immediately bake pizza from it, it is airy and does not require proofing

  • There is nothing new in the recipe; you need to prepare the flour mixture correctly. You need to mix 20 g of pressed yeast with a glass of heated water and a pinch of sugar and leave for 30 minutes
  • After this, add a little salt and 50 ml of vegetable oil. Pour the liquid into the bowl with the flour and mix with your hands until a sticky mass is obtained. Cover with a cloth and place in the refrigerator to rest for 2 hours.
  • After this, remove the lump from the refrigerator and pour vegetable oil on the table, roll out a layer 1 cm thick. Place the cake in the mold and add the filling, bake for 20 minutes

Many housewives don’t even bother making pizza, as they often end up with just a hot sandwich that bears little resemblance to an Italian dish. This is due to the fact that we are used to making stiff dough that dries in the oven.

Authentic pizza base recipe:

  • Dissolve 25 g of yeast in a glass of heated water, and add a spoonful of sugar and flour. Leave the cloudy mass for 1 hour
  • Pour the liquid into the flour, salt it and add butter. Knead a soft dough and leave it for 2 hours, covered with a napkin
  • Do not use a rolling pin, but stretch the dough with your hands, it should be thin in the middle and thicker at the sides
  • Add the filling. You need to bake differently than usual, you need to put a grid under the baking sheet with pizza, and put two bricks or stones on it
  • But if they are not there, add sand. Heat the oven to maximum temperature
  • bake for just 10 minutes

It should not contain milk, eggs or butter. But to get a tasty crust, these ingredients are optional. You can make a thin and soft crust with just 3-4 ingredients.

Lenten pizza base recipe:

  • Whisk 100 ml of cold water intensively with salt, vegetable oil and spices. Italian herbs are ideal
  • Pour the liquid into the flour and knead into a very stiff dough. Cover it with film and refrigerate for 2 hours. During this time, the lump will become elastic and pliable.
  • Roll out a thin layer and lay out the filling. For Lenten pizza it must be vegetable
  • Bake the pizza in a very hot oven for 7-10 minutes

There are many dough recipes, choose the one that suits you best.

VIDEO: Pizza base

The base may involve the use of various ingredients. Some housewives make dough for Italian dishes using plain water, while some use milk and even kefir. Today we will present several options from which you can choose the one you like. Experiment, you will definitely get tasty and tender pizza (dough). The recipe with photo will help you.

Tasty and beautiful

If you are tired of going to fast food restaurants and pizzerias, then this is a good reason to learn how to cook a tasty and satisfying Italian dish yourself. The main thing is to replace the base correctly. After all, it depends on it whether the homemade pizza will be thin and soft.

The dough, like in a pizzeria, is easy to prepare. Moreover, it does not include expensive and outlandish products.

So, for the basis we need:

  • high-grade sifted flour - about 180 g;
  • medium-sized salt - about ¼ small spoon;
  • sugar - a small spoon;
  • dry yeast - ½ spoon;
  • warm water (boiled) - about 150 ml;
  • olive oil - about 2 large spoons.

Kneading the base

Yeast pizza dough is kneaded quickly and turns out incredibly soft and tender. To prepare it, you need to pour sugar and yeast (dry) into warm water, mix and leave for ¼ hour. After this time, you need to add salt, olive oil and sifted high-grade flour. Knead soft yeast dough, cover it with a thick cloth and leave in a warm place for 60 minutes. After the specified time, the pizza base should rise well.

Products for filling

Now you know how to properly knead yeast dough for pizza. The recipe for the dish involves the use of various ingredients for the filling. We decided to use a standard set of products, namely:

  • ripe tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • boiled or semi-smoked sausage - 120 g;
  • mayonnaise - 90 g;
  • any hard cheese - approximately 130 g.

Pizza shaping and baking

After the pizza dough (yeast) has risen well, it should be rolled out very thin into a round sheet and placed on a baking sheet greased with fresh cooking oil. Next, you need to carefully place circles of ripe tomatoes, strips of boiled or semi-smoked sausage on top of the base, apply a mayonnaise mesh and sprinkle the semi-finished product with grated cheese.

Making dough for an Italian dish with kefir

Kefir pizza dough, the recipe for which we will consider below, turns out to be less soft than prepared with yeast, but this method of kneading is faster: you do not need to wait for the yeast to swell and the base to rise. In this regard, you can prepare pizza from such dough immediately after combining all the ingredients.

So, the components:

  • high-grade sifted flour - 2 cups;
  • sugar - a small spoon;
  • table soda - ½ spoon;
  • warm kefir - 200 ml;
  • margarine - about 100 g.

Preparing the dough

Quick pizza dough is prepared in just a quarter of an hour. To mix it, you need to warm up the fermented milk drink a little, add table soda to it and put it out. Next, you need to put sugar, salt and a well-beaten egg in the same bowl. After thoroughly mixing the ingredients, add margarine (melted) and sifted high-grade wheat flour. After kneading all the ingredients for a long time, you should get a fairly soft and elastic dough. You should not keep it warm or, conversely, in the cold.

Formation of the dish

You can form an Italian dish from a kefir base immediately after preparing it. To do this, roll out the dough into a large layer about 0.8 cm thick and then place it on a baking sheet. Next, you need to place any ingredients one by one on the surface of the base. For example, tomatoes, sausage, herbs, mushrooms, sour cream, mayonnaise, cheese and others.

Baking process

How long does it take to bake kefir pizza dough? The recipe recommends cooking it in the oven for 30 minutes. If during this time the edges of the base and the lower part have become rosy, then the pizza can be safely removed and served.

If you think that the pizza made from kefir dough is too hard, then next time do not add a chicken egg to the dough. Instead of this ingredient, you can pour 2-3 large tablespoons of any vegetable oil into the base.

Making pizza from puff pastry

So, we found out what the most delicious pizza dough is. This is yeast (first recipe). No wonder it is used in restaurants and fast food cafes. However, it should be noted that Italian pizza made from a high-quality puff pastry base is no worse. Moreover, such dough can always be purchased in the store, although it is not difficult to make at home.

So, we will need:

  • premium sifted flour - 3 cups + 50 g;
  • standard country chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • salt is not very coarse - about ½ small spoon;
  • forty-proof vodka - a large spoon;
  • cold water - 3/4 cup;
  • table vinegar - 3 dessert spoons;
  • butter - about 200 g.

Preparing the base

To prepare puff pastry for pizza, you need to beat an egg with a fork, pour vodka into it and add enough drinking water so that the total volume of the mass is 250 ml. After this, add vinegar to the same container, add salt and stir until the last product is completely dissolved. Next, you need to gradually add wheat flour into the liquid and knead well into a dense dough that will lag well from your palms. At the end, the finished base should be wrapped in cling film and left aside for 30-55 minutes.

Preparation of puff pastry

While the dough is at room temperature, begin processing the cooking oil. To do this, grate the cooled butter, add a little flour to it and lightly beat with a blender.

Having prepared the butter, you need to remove the dough from the film and roll it out into a square about 6-8 mm thick. Next, apply whipped butter to the surface of the base. Having folded the dough in half, roll it out again, but this time to a long and thin rectangle. After this, the oily mixture must be applied to the surface again. After folding the dough, roll it out thinly again and repeat the greasing procedure.

It is advisable to perform these actions about 10-15 times. If you don’t want to get a too fluffy base, then 6-8 rolls are enough.

The process of pizza formation and its heat treatment

After the puff pastry is prepared, it needs to be rolled out again and placed on a baking sheet. You don’t need to grease the baking sheet with oil, the dough is already quite greasy. After placing the filling on top, the semi-finished pizza should be immediately sent to the oven. Bake the dish at a temperature of 190 ° C, preferably 30-33 minutes. In this case, the dough should rise noticeably and separate.

It should be noted that pizza made from a puff base turns out to be quite greasy. In this regard, it is necessary to add a minimum of mayonnaise and cheese to its filling.

Real Italian pizza, on thin dough, with hot, stretchy cheese... mmm!!! What housewife hasn’t dreamed of delighting her loved one or guests with such pizza?! This The easiest pizza recipe!

Pizza dough - a very simple recipe

Excellent pizza dough - a simple recipe. It always turns out exactly as it should, even for those who took on making pizza for the first time.

1/2 cup warm water

2 teaspoons dry yeast

2 cups flour

2 tablespoons olive oil

A couple of pinches of salt

1 teaspoon sugar

Tomato sauce (puree)

Mozzarella cheese

bell pepper

The filling can be anything you like

The simplest pizza recipe - cooking method:

Dissolve the yeast in a small amount of water and stir until completely dissolved. Mix all ingredients and knead the dough with your hands to the desired consistency. If necessary, add a little flour. The dough should not stick to your hands, it should be soft and pliable. Cover with a towel and let it brew in a warm place or in a plastic bag for about 30-50 minutes. The dough should almost double in size. Knead the dough with your hands again for 10 minutes. As a rule, the finished dough is enough for 2-3 pizzas. Sprinkle some flour on your work surface and roll out the dough. Grease the baking sheet with a little oil and the dough with tomato sauce. Place the filling, sprinkle with grated mozzarella and place in a preheated oven at 200-220 degrees for 12-17 minutes.

Bon appetit!
