Delicious New Year's cookies. New Year's cookies: how to prepare? How to bake Christmas cookies as a gift

New Year and Christmas are approaching soon, so you need to prepare and create a menu in advance. In this article you will learn several recipes for delicious cookies made from different doughs, shapes, decorations and glazes to decorate them.
Recipe contents:

New Year is a favorite holiday for many, and cookies are a favorite food these days. On New Year's Eve, you should definitely bake and paint New Year's magic cookies in the form of snowflakes, stars, Christmas trees and angels. In addition, you can involve your child in this creativity.

Making these handmade cookies is not at all difficult; any dough can be used. The main thing here is to skillfully and beautifully decorate the cookies: apply the painting with a smooth, shiny and glossy glaze, which will be a real work of art. Coloring cookies is very interesting and exciting. In addition, glaze is not only elegant and beautiful, but also very useful. Thanks to it, products remain fresh longer. And preparing such a decoration is very easy, simple and not expensive. The simplest glaze requires only sugar and water. Although there are many decoration recipes.

In order for baked goods to always be spectacular, beautiful and fragrant, you need to follow certain rules for preparing glaze.
  • The glaze should not be too thick and not too thin. Its normal consistency is similar to sour cream. Then it will apply well to the cookies, set quickly and will not spread. But if it comes out too liquid, then add a little powdered sugar; if it is too thick, add hot water.
  • When preparing glaze, water is often replaced with lemon juice, or a few drops are added for flavor. It will give a great taste and smell. For very sweet baked goods, it is better to use more lemon juice, this will create a contrasting taste.
  • The glaze will have a rich taste, soft and dense consistency using whites and yolks. White glaze is used to draw patterns, and yolks give a yellowish tint. To be safe, it is advisable to dry this glaze in the oven. The products are placed in a heated oven to 100°C. This process will not only bake the frosting, but also protect against salmonella, because. it dies at 70°C.
  • Food coloring is often added to the glaze. Cookies with them turn out bright, festive and cheerful in appearance. They use store-bought food coloring from a bag, but it is better to add natural coloring products. For example, raspberry jam (red), turmeric and a piece of butter (orange), chopped mint (green). Chocolate or cocoa powder will give the brown color. But for this it is better to use regular chocolate bars rather than porous chocolate.
  • Liquid glaze is applied with a brush in several layers. For drawing, use a confectionery syringe or a regular disposable medical one.

  • Regular: Mix 200 g of powdered sugar with 4 tbsp. l. hot water and place on low heat. Cook until smooth, 5-7 minutes. Drizzle hot glaze over cookies.
  • From egg yolks: Beat 5 yolks with 3-4 tbsp. orange juice until foamy. Gradually add 1.5 tbsp. powdered sugar and stir until smooth. Cover the products with glaze and dry in the oven at 100°C.
  • With rum: 1 tbsp. sift the powdered sugar. Add 1 tbsp. water and 3 tbsp. Roma Rub thoroughly and cover the dessert.
  • Chocolate: Break 100 g of chocolate, add 3 tbsp. hot water and heat until the chocolate dissolves. Put 1 tbsp. softened butter and 100 g of powdered sugar. Stir and decorate baked goods.

A simple recipe for New Year's cookies means a lot of happiness, good mood, a little magic and belief in miracles. Then everything will work out! An important point in preparing cookies is strict adherence to the recipe. Different doughs require a specific approach. Therefore, you should not change the cooking technology and the amount of ingredients.

When making cookie dough, the butter process is important. If you mix it with sugar by melting it on the stove, the product will be oily. Hard and tough cookies will be obtained from chilled butter. The cookies will be tender if you defrost the butter in advance. To speed up this process, the butter can be cut into small slices.

It is advisable to knead the dough away from the stove. Often the dough should be pre-chilled in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. To prevent the dough from heating up, divide it into parts while you work with one of them. When you remove the dough from the refrigerator, knead it a little with your hands and then start rolling it out.

Making homemade cookies with your own hands is very simple. By involving all family members in the cooking process, you can arrange a small, exciting holiday.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 368 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 10 pcs.
  • Cooking time - 30 minutes


  • Softened butter - 100 g
  • Powdered sugar - 100 g for dough, 110 g for glaze
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Flour - 275 g
  • Vanilla extract - 1 tsp.
  • Protein - 1 pc. in glaze
  • Food coloring

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Beat butter with sugar. Add egg, vanilla extract and flour. Knead the dough.
  2. Roll out the dough to 1 cm thick and, using cutters, cut out the cookies. Carefully place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  3. Bake the cookies in a preheated oven at 190°C for 8-10 minutes until golden brown.
  4. Cool the products on the baking sheet for 5 minutes, then leave on a wire rack until completely cooled.
  5. For the glaze, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form.
  6. Add some of the powdered sugar and continue beating until smooth. Add the remaining powder and mix. Add coloring and stir.
  7. Decorate the finished baked goods with glaze and serve immediately for tea.

New Year's ginger cookies in the shape of fairy-tale characters will add a festive mood and perfectly decorate the New Year's table. And to apply creative painting, involve the children and create real mysterious magic.


  • Flour - 200 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Soda - 1.5 tsp.
  • Ground ginger - 2 tsp.
  • Ground cinnamon - 1 tsp.
  • Liquid honey - 3 tsp.
  • Room temperature butter - 100 g
  • Sugar - 100 g
Step-by-step preparation:
  1. Mix baking soda and flour in one container.
  2. In another bowl, cream the butter and sugar. Add egg and honey. Mix thoroughly and place the mixture in a bowl with flour.
  3. Knead the dough until it turns brown. The dough should stop sticking to your hands.
  4. Place the kneaded dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  5. Roll out the chilled dough to a thickness of 7 mm and quickly cut out the figures.
  6. Place them on a greased baking sheet and place in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for 5-7 minutes. When the cookies turn brown, they are ready. The baked goods will be soft at first, but will then cool and become crispy.

In my family there is one small but very important person who this winter will look forward to miracles, the fulfillment of wishes, a decorated Christmas tree and Santa Claus with gifts. Therefore, I decided that I would definitely bake New Year’s cookies for the most important winter holiday, and I would start preparing recipes with photos now, so that later I wouldn’t have to look for interesting ideas in a hurry. Of course, there will be plenty of sweets for the New Year. But candy is candy, and the little one will devour interesting and tasty cookies on both cheeks, just have time to add a new portion of fragrant pastries to the basket. This day will be loudly crunchy, smelling of cinnamon and ginger, spreading cheerful children's laughter throughout the house!

Shortbread cookies "New Year's deer"

Many may argue that deer are not a symbol of the “our” New Year. Well, let! I am not against traditions adopted from “foreign” inhabitants, if they are cheerful and harmless. What's bad if there are more excuses for a good mood? After all, these cute and, of course, tasty New Year's cookies with funny faces of deer are a wonderful reason for the joy of little and big sweet tooths! Let's cook?

Take from the products (about 10-12 pieces):

For the base:

For decoration:

How to prepare "New Year's Reindeer" cookies (recipe with photo):

Cut the chilled butter into small cubes. Or grate on a coarse grater (frozen). Place in a bowl for kneading dough.

Add sifted flour.

Quickly rub the contents of the bowl with your hands until breadcrumbs form. This is the whole secret of friability. The oil envelops the flour, which prevents the release of gluten from it, so the baked goods are airy and crumbly. It is important that the butter fat does not begin to melt from the warmth of your hands. So try to grind quickly. Or leave it to the food processor.

Then add fine white and vanilla sugar and egg yolk. If desired, you can beat them before adding them to make the dough more homogeneous. Instead of yolk, you can use clean water (about a tablespoon). But since the recipe contains protein, we will find a use for the second part of the chicken egg.

Knead the dough quickly. It will be elastic and not sticky to your hands. There is no need to knead with your hands for a long time. When the mass becomes homogeneous, wrap it in food grade polyethylene and put it in a cool place to “rest” for 30-60 minutes. Not enough liquid to mold the crumbs into something dough-like? Pour in a spoonful of water. But don't overdo it. so as not to serve cookies with an exclusively hard-stone texture for the New Year. Place the “rested” base between two sheets of baking paper. Roll out into a layer about 1-1.5 cm thick. Take a glass or round mold and cut out the blanks.

Transfer to a baking sheet. Place in a preheated oven. Bake for 10-12 minutes at 180 degrees.

While the cookies are cooling, prepare the custard protein cream. This will require you to perform several actions at the same time, so it is important to calculate your time. Pour the sugar into a saucepan or thick-bottomed pan, add water and set to cook.

Start beating the whites. You can add a small pinch of salt. When the mass beats to a dense white foam, the syrup should be ready. To check its readiness, take a drop and place it on a chilled saucer. Doesn't it spread? Add to the protein mixture without stopping the mixer. Beat the cream for a few more minutes. Once it cools, it should hold its shape well.

Pipe a small ball of cream onto the cooled blanks, outlining the nose. Let me tell you right away that there will be an excess of cream, so the remaining can be used for other treats. I “recycled” it during the preparation of “Snow-Covered Christmas Trees,” which I’ll talk about later.

“Glue” the red chocolate jelly beans in the middle. The nose of the "New Year's deer" is ready.

Melt the chocolate. You can read how to do this correctly here. And draw dotted eyes and small horns. When the chocolate elements have hardened, you can treat the little ones with a sweet tooth. But adults will probably remember the New Year's party, where these funny and tasty cookies were served, so I think the photo recipe will be useful to you.

Recipe for New Year's cookies "Fir cones"

I still can’t decide whether these are New Year’s cookies or cakes... But I know one thing for sure: sweet “Bumps” made from shortcrust pastry are not only tasty and beautiful, but also easy in terms of the cost of culinary resources. Therefore, from preparing them you will receive exclusively bonuses: happy children's faces, no need to fool your head with a complex dessert and an originally decorated New Year's table.

For baking you will need (6-8 “Cones”):

Recipe for making New Year's cookies with step-by-step photos:

I’ll write it right away before I forget. Instead of homemade shortcrust pastry, you can use ready-made cookies. But it is important that it is neutral in taste. Biscuits are perfect. Just break it into small pieces (not crumbs). And proceed to the next stage of preparing the delicacy. And to prepare the dough, the butter (or margarine) must be cold, not soft. Chop it into small pieces. Pour into a deep, spacious bowl.

Sift the above amount of flour there. Add a small pinch of fine salt. No sugar required. You can put vanilla on the tip of a knife.

Grind both components until they turn into fine crumbs. First, you can start grinding with a fork, and then switch to manual “mode”. Because the warmth of your hands will melt the butter and the cookies will become less crumbly.

Happened? Great! Then think about the binding ingredient. In this recipe I used sour cream, as the photo eloquently demonstrates, and the cookies turned out crumbly, so it’s not a shame to serve them for the New Year. But it can be replaced with cold, clean water, liquid honey, egg yolk or milk. The quantity is the same (1 tbsp).

Mix everything. Achieve a uniform consistency and wrap the dough in cling film. Place in the freezer for 15-20 minutes. This is necessary to make the sand base easier to grate.

Grate on a coarse grater. Spread in a thin layer on a greased baking sheet. Place in a preheated oven to bake.

After 10-12 minutes of baking at 180-200 degrees, you will have this “Fir Cones” base.

Cool the resulting golden brown crumbs. Transfer it to a deep bowl. Add condensed milk or jam. I decided to “sweeten” the New Year by adding plum-chocolate jam to the cookies. It turned out fabulously delicious. But it won’t be any worse with condensed milk. You can also use chocolate ganache or soft caramel. You can add crushed candied fruits or dried fruits, nuts and other goodies to the sand crumbs.

Stir. You will get a viscous mass.

To shape the cookies you will need a glass or narrow coffee cup. You can get by with sleight of hand, but it will take longer. Cover the inner surface of the selected dish with cling film to make it easier to remove the finished treat. Place the sweet mixture inside and form oblong cookies in the shape of cones.

Store dessert in a cool place until serving. And before giving it to those with a sweet tooth, sprinkle with powder. The result will be a sweet imitation of snow.

Fragrant cookies with ginger and cinnamon

Cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, honey... Just imagine how fragrant it is! And if it is also “packed” in a crumbly “shell”... Delicious! Cookies can be made in the shape of people, stars, Christmas trees, snowflakes, snowmen or regular circles. To make it even tastier, decorate with icing, powder or chocolate!


How to bake gingerbread New Year's cookies:

Sift the flour mixed with baking powder into a deep bowl. Add sugar.

Add all the spices. It is not necessary to add cardamom. You can add a little more cinnamon; it won’t spoil the taste of the delicacy.

Add cold butter chopped into small cubes to the bulk products. It should be a little soft.

Grind with your hands until you obtain a crumbly consistency. At the initial stage, you can help yourself with a fork. Or even entrust this procedure to a food processor or blender with a butterfly attachment. Add chicken yolk. We don't need protein. You can use it to make icing for decorating gingerbread men. I "suddenly" ran out of powder, so I didn't decorate my Christmas cookies. But this did not affect the taste. Also add honey to other foods. Has “Bee Gold” thickened due to long-term storage? Melt it in a water bath.

Knead the dough. Doesn't fit well? Add a little cold clean water. Form a ball and wrap it in film. Place in the refrigerator for about an hour.

Roll out the sand base into a thin (no more than 1-1.5 cm) layer. Using a special mold, cut out the blank figures. Transfer to a baking sheet. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 7-10 minutes. The delicacy is prepared quickly, be careful not to burn it.

Cool the baked goods. Decorate as desired and serve with milk, tea, coffee or mulled wine (option for adults). Ginger cookies can be prepared not only for New Year and Christmas, but also when you just want to cheer yourself up, so this recipe will definitely come in handy.

Happy and memorable holidays with the aroma of New Year's baking!

Today, New Year's cookies are becoming increasingly popular. It can be a wonderful gift, a delicious treat, or a decoration for the holiday table and New Year tree. Now in stores there is a large selection of ready-made New Year's cookies. But there is no greater joy than decorating a Christmas tree with homemade cookies and decorations :)

The video shows how to decorate finished New Year's cookies with icing. Below is a recipe for icing and several recipes for New Year's cookies. But now ready-made glaze is also sold in stores.

Multi-colored cookie icing

Decorate the cookies with protein glaze, which, if desired, can be painted in almost all the colors of the rainbow, including the most unusual ones. We will not resort to any chemical dyes, but will use only natural food products.

How to prepare white glaze: 200 g of powdered sugar should be combined with the juice of one medium-sized lemon and the white of a raw egg. Beat the mixture with a mixer until the volume increases 2-3 times.

Multi-colored glaze options can be obtained if lemon juice is replaced with the juices of various vegetables.
So, by adding beet juice to its composition, you can get shades from soft pink to lilac (from 1 to 5-6 teaspoons of beet juice).
Orange color will come from carrot juice, yellow from sage tincture or decoction, green from spinach or broccoli juice, and blue from red cabbage juice.
To obtain a brown glaze, add 1-2 tablespoons of cocoa powder to its composition. The red tint will come from the juice of fresh red currants or strawberries.

Before applying the glaze to the cookies, lightly moisten the surface with water. After applying another layer of colored coating, place the baking sheet with cookies in a hot oven for a few minutes to allow the glaze to dry faster.

New Year's cookie recipes.

Recipe No. 1.


egg - 3 pcs.
margarine - 200 g
wheat flour - 500g
sugar - 150g
baking powder - 2 teaspoons
salt - a pinch
orange zest - from 1 orange
ground ginger (optional) - 1-2 teaspoons
cinnamon (optional) - 1 teaspoon
ground cloves (optional) - 1/2 teaspoon
powdered sugar - for glaze (optional)
food coloring - for glaze (optional)

Beat the eggs. Grind margarine with sugar. Add eggs to margarine and mix. Make orange zest and add to the dough. Separately mix flour, salt, baking powder. Add ginger, cloves and cinnamon if desired. The presence of these spices immediately evokes associations with Christmas and New Year, so it is recommended to put ginger, cinnamon and cloves in New Year's cookies - the taste will be special and interesting. Add these ingredients and knead the dough well.
Roll out the dough and cut out cookies using cutters (Christmas trees, bells, stars). Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil or place parchment paper. Place the cookies on a baking sheet and use a wooden stick to make holes (if you plan to hang the cookies on the Christmas tree). Bake cookies in a preheated oven for 20-25 minutes.

Prepare sugar glaze: add water to the powdered sugar (per 100 g of powdered sugar you will need 2-3 tablespoons of water). The drawing mass should be neither liquid nor thick. Transfer the mixture into as many bowls as there are food colorings, add coloring and mix.

Using a brush, apply edible glaze to the cookies; you can dip the cookies into the glaze. You can use a pastry bag or a plastic bag (with holes in it) to decorate Christmas trees with balls, draw eyes, New Year's ornaments, or make smiling stars.

Thread threads or thin ribbons through the holes and hang the cookies on the Christmas tree. Children will especially enjoy participating in the preparation of such New Year's cookies, decorating the Christmas tree with it, and then eating New Year's cookies. We ate some of the cookies even before hanging them on the Christmas tree

Recipe No. 2. New Year's cookies without eggs (with banana).


banana - 1 pc.
vegetable oil - 150ml
wheat flour - 300g
sugar - 100g
baking powder - 2 teaspoons
salt - a pinch

Make a puree from the banana. Add vegetable oil to the banana and mix. Add sugar, flour, baking powder and salt. Knead the dough well and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.
Roll out the dough and use cookie cutters to cut out Christmas cookies (Christmas trees, snowmen, stars, bells).
Grease a baking sheet with oil or place parchment paper. Place the cookies on a baking sheet, poke holes in the top with a wooden stick and bake in the oven for 15-25 minutes.
New Year's cookies without eggs are also suitable for allergy sufferers; they can be coated with sugar icing. These cookies can be hung on the Christmas tree by threading bright ribbons through the holes. And may the New Year bring you health and happiness!

Recipe No. 3. Cookies with multi-colored icing made from natural ingredients

3 cups flour,
2 eggs,
200 g sugar,
100 g honey,
200 g butter or margarine,
spices to taste - ginger, vanilla or cinnamon.

Beat sugar with eggs into a homogeneous white mass and add honey slightly heated in a water bath. Pre-freeze the butter or margarine in the freezer, and then grate it on a coarse grater and also combine it with the egg-sugar mixture. Then add sifted flour and spices in small portions and knead the dough until it becomes smooth and elastic. Then it must be wrapped in plastic wrap and placed in the refrigerator for a couple of hours - then when cutting it will be plastic.
After the cookies are formed, you will need to put them in the oven, preheated to 180-200 degrees and bake until they turn light brown. Naturally, after this they need to be allowed to cool, and only then painted and decorated.

Recipe No. 4. Sturdy butter cookies.

These cookies are not hard at all, but rather strong - they do not crumble in your hands and hold their shape well when baking. These cookies are ideal for all kinds of decorations, such as Christmas trees.


1.5 cups flour,
4 eggs,
1/5 tbsp milk,
150g butter,
1 cup of sugar,

Grind the eggs with sugar and vanilla. Pour in cold milk, stir well and put on low heat. With constant stirring, cook a mass of thick sour cream. Leave to cool.

Grind flour with butter until small fat crumbs. Pour in the cooled egg mixture and knead into a soft, plastic dough. If the dough is too sticky, add flour. Place in the refrigerator for 15~20 minutes. Roll out the dough into a layer of 1~1.5 cm and cut out shapes with molds.
If the cookies will be used as Christmas tree decorations, then immediately make holes in the figures into which the ribbon will be inserted. Place the cookies on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.
Preheat the oven to t=200°C and bake until browned. Remove the hot cookies from the baking sheet and cool.

Recipe No. 5. Honey cookies "Russy".

The cookies are tasty and crumbly. But a little harsh. Ideal for decorating a Christmas tree (you just need to make a hole for the string before baking).


1+1/3 cups flour,
1 raw yolk,
1 tbsp sour cream,
50g butter,
50g honey,
1~3 tbsp sugar,
1/4 teaspoon salt,
1/4 teaspoon baking soda

Grind the butter with sugar, salt and honey until fluffy. Add the yolk and beat. Add sour cream and flour mixed with soda. Quickly knead into a homogeneous dough.
Roll out the dough into a layer 3~5mm thick. Use cookie cutters or a thin-walled glass to cut out cookies.

Place on a baking sheet and bake at t=200~220°C until browned. Cool the finished cookies and decorate with melted chocolate or icing sugar. Leave the cookies on the baking sheet until the chocolate hardens completely.

You can melt the chocolate directly in a parchment bag. Roll up a bag of parchment, put 1~2 pieces of chocolate in it and put it in the oven for 3 minutes, preheated to t=100°C, or for 2 minutes in the microwave at maximum power.

Happy New Year!

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How to make shortbread cookies “Yolochki”:

  1. Mix flour, salt and baking powder in a small bowl.
  2. Using a mixer, beat the butter, cream cheese (sour cream), egg yolk and vanilla sugar (vanilla essence) into a fluffy mass. Gradually add the flour mixture and beat on low speed until a smooth shortbread dough is obtained.
  3. Add green dye to the shortbread dough. If you want to get cookies of different colors, then divide the entire dough into parts and add your own dye to each part.
  4. Fill a pastry syringe with shortbread dough and place the cookies on a baking sheet covered with baking paper or a silicone mat. Sprinkle the cookies with colored sugar and confectionery sprinkles. If you do not have a pastry syringe, then roll out the dough, pre-chilled in the refrigerator (1-2 hours), on a floured surface into a layer 3 mm thick. Using pastry cutters or a knife, cut out Christmas tree shapes.
  5. Bake “Christmas Tree” cookies in an oven preheated to 180°C for 12-15 minutes.
  6. Refrigerate cookies until crisp before serving. Bon appetit!

Advice. You can replace the white frosting with melted white chocolate. And melted milk and dark chocolate can replace brown and black icing.

These sugar-coated New Year's cookies are a variation of the famous Thimble cookie. Snowmen can be made in two types - with a body or only in the form of a snowman's head.

Ingredients for shortcrust pastry:

115 g softened butter, 260 g flour, 50 g regular and 50 g brown sugar (or 100 g regular sugar), 1 egg, 1 tbsp. l. milk, 1 packet of vanilla sugar (or 1 tsp vanilla essence), 1 tsp. baking powder, 0.5 tsp. salt.

Ingredients for icing sugar:

160 g powdered sugar, 2 tbsp. milk, 0.5 tsp. vanilla or almond essence (optional), black and orange gel food coloring for decoration.

How to make shortbread cookies “Snowmen”:

  1. Beat the butter with a mixer for 30 seconds. Add sugar, baking powder and salt. Beat until fluffy. Beat in the egg and vanilla sugar (vanilla essence). Gradually add flour and mix all ingredients until smooth.
  2. Roll the dough into balls about 2cm in diameter. Place the dough balls on a greased or lined baking tray. For snowmen with a body, place 2 balls next to each other. For snowman heads, place 1 ball at a distance of 2 cm from each other. Use your thumb or a round spoon to make an indentation in the center of each ball.
  3. Bake cookies in an oven preheated to 190°C for 7-10 minutes until golden brown. Place the cookies on a wire rack and let them cool.
  4. Make the sugar icing: Grind the sifted powdered sugar with milk to the consistency of thick sour cream. Beat until the mixture becomes white and smooth. If necessary, add vanilla or almond essence to the frosting. Leave the bulk of the prepared sugar icing white. Divide a small portion into two portions. Add 1-2 drops of black food coloring to one portion and orange to the other.

  5. Fill each cavity of the shortbread with white sugar icing and leave to dry for a few hours.
  6. Use colored icing for decoration. Using a piping bag fitted with the smallest tip, use black icing to create buttons, eyes and a mouth for each snowman. Use orange icing to make a carrot nose. Instead of orange frosting for the snowman's nose, you can use candied fruits or mini candies in orange or red. Such a nose must be placed on not completely dry white sugar icing so that it sets.
  7. The icing on the “Snowmen” shortbread cookies should dry completely within a few hours (can be left overnight). Now the cookies are ready! Bon appetit!

Advice. Homemade Christmas cookies can be a great gift. Take a beautiful box or jar, line it with wax paper and place cookies in the container. Decorate the box or jar with a bow or wrap it in holiday packaging. A delicious handmade gift is ready!

I bring to your attention beautiful and delicious children's New Year's cookies in the shape of deer. It is made from shortcrust pastry and decorated with chocolate and candies. Children will really enjoy participating in the cooking process.

Recipe for New Year's cookies Reindeer

  • butter – 90 g,
  • powdered sugar – 100 g,
  • wheat flour – 175 g,
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.,
  • vanillin - a pinch,
  • salt - a pinch,
  • milk chocolate – 50 g,
  • red candies - according to the number of cookies.

Pour flour into a deep bowl, beat in an egg, add powdered sugar, chopped butter, vanillin and salt. If you don’t have powdered sugar, but only sugar, you can make powder using a coffee grinder or blender. I advise you to add powder rather than sugar, as it will dissolve faster in the dough.

Now we begin to knead the dough with our hands. First you need to grind the butter with flour and then knead everything. You can also do this with a mixer or dough attachment, which is much faster and easier.

Then wrap the shortbread cookie dough in cling film and place in the refrigerator for half an hour.

After time, roll out the sand base into a thin layer and use a glass to squeeze out circles. To prevent the glass from sticking to the dough, you need to lightly sprinkle it with flour.

From this amount of products you get about 20 such circles. Transfer them to a baking sheet with parchment paper.

Heat the oven to 180 degrees. When it warms up, place the baking sheet with the preparations in it. Bake New Year's cookies for about 10 minutes. The cookies will look slightly golden. When they are ready, remove from the oven and let cool.

The chocolate needs to be melted in a water bath and placed in a pastry bag with a small hole. We roughly look at where the deer’s nose should be and put a dot of chocolate there, and glue a red candy on top of it.

Well, the final touch is these cute little horns. We also draw them with chocolate.

Deer cookies are ready.

Bon appetit!

We thank Tatyana Suprunenko for the photo of the New Year's cookie recipe.

Not a single New Year is complete without a Christmas tree. Now they are everywhere, and, moreover, these Christmas trees are not necessarily made of pine needles, the materials at hand can be balloons, paper, fabric, medical gloves, etc., i.e. any material that you have enough imagination for. Our Christmas tree today will be edible, we will bake New Year's cookies!

Molds for New Year's baking can be in the form of stars, fir trees, cones, mushrooms, crescents, snowflakes, deer...

If there are no special forms, then simply draw a template on thick paper and cut out the dough according to it.
We also suggest you make a beautiful three-dimensional Christmas tree from shortbread sugar or ginger-honey dough. To prepare it, you need to cut out circles of different diameters, and then assemble and decorate with protein glaze or boiled condensed milk.

Another option is a beautiful bell, which is also assembled from circles and strung on a beautiful ribbon. Such a sweet decoration can already be hung on a real spruce beauty!

step by step photo recipe

Choose any dough option and start cooking!


Shortcrust pastry recipe:

  • Butter or margarine (good quality) – 150 grams,
  • Chicken eggs - 2 pieces,
  • Granulated sugar – 200 grams (+ 2 tablespoons for sprinkling the dough),
  • Wheat flour (premium grade) – 4 cups,
  • Vanilla sugar – 2 teaspoons,
  • Baking powder – 1.5 teaspoons.

Recipe for honey-ginger gingerbread dough:

  • Flour – 280 g,
  • Honey - 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Granulated sugar – 2 tbsp. l.,
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.,
  • Butter 60-70 g,
  • Soda – 1 tsp.
  • Dry ground ginger – 2 tsp,
  • Cinnamon powder – 2 tsp.

To prepare the sugar glaze:

  • Pasteurized milk – 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • Powdered sugar – 150 grams,
  • Sugar syrup – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Cooking process:

In the step-by-step photo recipe, shortbread dough is kneaded and prepared.

We need softened butter or margarine. If you forgot to take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance, then chop it into cubes and literally put it in the microwave for a few seconds. You should not completely melt it, let it be soft, but not liquid.

Add granulated sugar to softened butter (margarine) and mix everything. Beat in the eggs, which also need to be removed from the refrigerator in advance. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

Sift wheat flour (3 cups) into a separate bowl. Add baking powder and vanilla sugar. Stir. Add the dry mixture to the liquid base and begin kneading the dough. We have the fourth glass of flour as a spare, because... Everyone's flour is different, so some may not need it. If necessary, add more flour to the dough until it stops sticking to your hands.

Sprinkle the table with flour and roll out the dough into a thin layer, no more than 0.7 cm thick. Sprinkle the dough layer with granulated sugar (2 tablespoons). Then lightly roll the dough again with the rolling pin, pressing the sugar crystals into the dough. Now let's go look for round cookie cutters. We will need shapes of different diameters so that the tree looks like a real one, i.e. began with a large plate and ended with a cookie of a smaller diameter. Approximately 8 - 10 forms will be required. With the help of which you cut out circles from the dough.

Cover a baking sheet with paper and carefully transfer the cut-out pieces onto it. Place the baking sheet with cookies in the oven, bake at 180 degrees until the cookies begin to brown.

Meanwhile, prepare the icing to decorate and seal the cookies. To do this, mix powdered sugar and milk in a small container and mix thoroughly until smooth. The mixture should end up being slightly fluid.

In order to prepare sugar syrup, you need to take equal parts granulated sugar and water. Boil it over low heat for 5 – 7 minutes. Then add the hot syrup to the icing sugar and mix again.

Remove the finished cookies from the baking sheet and cool slightly to room temperature.

Now transfer the icing sugar into a pastry syringe or bag, using the thinnest nozzle. Decorate New Year's cookies to your liking, as your imagination tells you. You can decorate each circle with a wavy line along the entire edge. Leave the glaze to harden.

Before you start assembling our New Year's beauty, apply a little sugar icing to the center of each cookie, it will help hold all the details of the structure together. Assemble the pieces, starting with the largest product, i.e. We assemble the tree like a pyramid.

Width="400" height="427"> How to make gingerbread dough with honey

Place honey, sugar and spices (cinnamon, ginger) in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add baking soda after removing from heat. Add a piece of butter there. Immediately lightly beat the raw egg in a bowl with a fork, add to the honey mixture and stir quickly. Add flour and knead the dough.

Dust the dough with flour and cool slightly. Then roll out into a layer and cut into shapes. Bake in the oven or slow cooker until done.

Happy New Year! Even if it’s old)
