Cooking time you can not. How to save time in the kitchen. Pre-treatment and freezing

Don’t always find time to cook something tasty and healthy for yourself at home, but don’t have enough money for restaurant food? Well, from this, as from any situation, a way out has been found! Now you won’t have to think long about what to cook, or stand over the stove for hours trying to create a culinary masterpiece.

We are revealing to you a few tricks that will help a lot save time and even money. These tips have long been used by thousands of housewives around the world. Breakfast, lunch or dinner can now be prepared in just a few minutes!

Secrets of instant cooking

  1. Three dishes - one answer!
    Surely you often use chicken in your daily diet. But, whatever one may say, the same dish quickly becomes boring and boring. There is an exit! Save time without having to worry about preparing different dishes. Try making these foil partitions in a baking tray - and several dishes of your choice will be ready at the same time. This is the idea: three dishes - one baking sheet!
  2. One egg for breakfast is good, but a dozen is better!
    Eggs are not only an excellent source of protein, vitamins A and B, and fatty acids, but also the breakfast of millions of people on the planet. The problem is that you can usually boil only 5 eggs at a time.

    To prepare a delicious breakfast in one go, distribute the eggs into baking dishes and place in the oven for 30 minutes. TA-dah! You will receive a large batch of perfect hard-boiled eggs.

  3. Smoothie in a couple of seconds? No problem!
    Don't have enough time in the morning to blend dozens of ingredients for your favorite smoothie? Great idea: mix the ingredients of your favorite drink in advance, and then place everything in muffin tins and put it in the freezer.

    All you have to do before breakfast is put a couple of these fancy frozen “muffins” in a blender. Your favorite drink is ready in seconds!

  4. Full combat readiness!
    Too hungry to play with dinner at the end of the day? Peel, cut vegetables and place them in special containers ahead of time to save valuable time.

    For example, such chopped zucchini “noodles” can be stored for 3-5 days, and chopped carrots, onions and peppers can stay in the refrigerator for at least a whole week if they are first placed in special plastic bags.

  5. Keep track of the time!
    Fried vegetables are a fairly popular dish on everyone’s table, but often waiting 40 minutes to prepare it can be extremely tedious.

    Try frying foods at the same time in a frying pan depending on their cooking time. For example, asparagus, mushrooms and cherry tomatoes cook very quickly, while carrots, cauliflower, onions, potatoes and parsnips take much longer.

  6. Don't chew too much!
    Tired of having snacks instead of a full meal? Often this can be very harmful - before you know it, you’ve gained a couple of extra pounds thanks to such “food.” Well, an excellent solution: place such products in portions in plastic bags or jars.

    This will make it very easy for you to regulate your diet so that next time you don’t “gnaw off” too much!

  7. Health is in jars!
    Oatmeal is a healthy product for any breakfast, adored by many people. But often it is impossible to eat store-bought oatmeal with various additives: it contains a lot of preservatives and chemical dyes.

    An excellent solution - add your favorite additives to pure oatmeal: raspberries, banana, chocolate, raisins, candied fruits - and distribute into different glass jars. Now every day begins with a complete and healthy breakfast for every taste.

  8. No extra calories!
    Has it ever happened: you seem to add a little of this and a little of that to a smoothie, but in the end you get a super-calorie cocktail?

    Saving yourself from unnecessary calories is simple: prepare berries, fruits, and herbs in advance, weighing them and distributing portions into ice trays. This way, every shake you make will be as balanced as possible.

  9. Healthy breakfast - in a couple of minutes!
    Tired of coming up with every morning what to eat that is so nutritious and healthy? Now you don’t have to bother: make “egg muffins” in advance - blanks.

    And then in the morning, just take them out of the refrigerator and warm them up in the microwave, wrapping them in a wrapper first so they don’t dry out. A delicious dish is guaranteed in a matter of seconds!

  10. Don't rush to buy!
    Everyone knows the rule: after grueling workouts, the body simply needs to replenish its protein reserves. Just don’t rush to buy special ones in the store protein bars: They can contain up to 400 kcal and 28 grams of pure sugar!

    Try making your own “energy balls”: tasty, quick and extremely healthy. Great quick solution!

  11. Shish kebab - tasty and convenient!
    Kebab is not only street food or an integral attribute of any picnic. Do homemade kebabs at home is very effective: this way you know exactly how many calories you get in one sitting (easy to calculate by the number of pieces placed on one skewer).

    Advice: if you use wooden sticks for this, do not forget to dip them in water so that they do not catch fire during cooking.

  12. Your salad is always fresh!
    Don't like making salad at home because it turns out somehow dry? Use a regular glass jar to always have fresh food.

    Place salad dressing at the very bottom, then layer hard vegetables such as peppers or beans, and then layer the greens. Don't forget to cover the top with a paper towel to absorb moisture if you plan to store the salad for several days.

What do you think of these tricks? They really help save your time, and in many cases, money. Moreover: you always eat environmentally friendly products, maximally balanced and nutritious. What could be better?

Try to put them into practice today. See for yourself and be sure to share with your friends - they are also tired of agonizing over food!

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Many of us spend more time in the kitchen than we would like, but even if this is not the case, proper organization can significantly reduce the time spent on cooking. In this note, I decided to combine tips that help save time in the kitchen, according to the same principle as in those that are more relevant than ever. Maybe after reading these tips you won't learn how to cook a three-course meal in five minutes - but it's a fact that it will take less time.

Food, dishes, knives and so on - everything should be at your fingertips. If you are going to make a recipe, think about what you might need and check where it is. This advice, however, is relevant in every sense. Imagine - it’s gurgling here, sizzling here, and you’re rushing around the kitchen looking for a spice that has disappeared somewhere. This situation is fraught not only with the loss of time and nerves, but also with the fact that, being distracted by unplanned searches, you can ruin dinner in no time!

Someone is standing at the stove, and someone is lying on the sofa. It's unfair, isn't it? Fix this situation! If they object to you (and they will!), do not believe the words about the low efficiency of slave labor - even a child can cope with peeling potatoes, washing greens, grating cheese and other simple tasks. But with two, three, four of you, you can do it much faster - which is quite logical.

Cooking in a dirty and untidy kitchen is not only unpleasant and not entirely healthy from a hygiene point of view. This also stretches out the cooking time, since you need free space for precise and quick actions, and wondering where everything is will only waste time. Don't shy away from regular cleaning, especially if it can be delegated to someone else (see above).

In order to prepare a full meal, you need a minimum of dishes and utensils, but additional equipment will make your life much easier. Sharply sharpened knives - all these devices, like hundreds of others, will not only help you expand your culinary arsenal, but will also save your time. If you feel that something will significantly help you, and you can afford it, you shouldn’t deny yourself.

If you physically cannot do something faster, you need to figure out a way to fit as many useful actions into one minute as possible. If you really want to do everything, combine what you can do at the same time. Example - cut what you will fry first, and cut everything else while frying. The same applies to cooking soups and other processes that involve the gradual addition of ingredients, not to mention the simultaneous preparation of the main dish and side dish. The main thing here is to correctly calculate your strength: the only thing that was missing was for everything to burn due to the fact that you did not meet the allotted few minutes.

Actually, I’m not talking about making borscht for a week in advance, although this also saves a lot of time and effort. We are talking about semi-finished products - not about those surrogates stuffed with chemicals that are sold in stores, but about everything that can be prepared in advance and then used as needed. Frozen, all kinds of sauces, marinades and preparations - these are just a few of the things that are not necessary (and sometimes impossible) to prepare anew each time. The main thing here is not to overdo it: basically, food that is cooked and eaten immediately is much more tasty and healthy.

Tip seven: Accustom yourself to waste-free production

It would seem that this advice is exclusively in the area of ​​saving money, and has nothing to do with saving time. However, one is closely linked to the other, and for good reason he constantly gives advice on where to use the remaining products, and forces all his cooks to take a test to prepare an excellent dish from what is left after cooking. If you use your brains properly, it is quite possible to arrange the menu in such a way as to get the most out of all the products. When you throw away something that can still be used, you're not only throwing away your money, but also your time—priceless minutes are wasted in cleaning, chopping, and other preparations.

There are various little things that can make your life a lot easier. For example, by throwing flour and chopped meat into a bag and shaking it well several times, you will quickly bread all the pieces, and by cutting into a tomato and scalding it with boiling water, you can easily peel it. The main thing is not to descend, in an effort to quickly escape from the kitchen, to using bouillon cubes and similar obscenities. A kitchen samurai knows the line between what is permitted and what is forbidden.

Have you read all the tips described above, but still haven’t been able to save time on cooking? Well, especially for you, there are countless recipes for delicious and healthy dishes, which you can prepare in 10-15 minutes. Sometimes you really shouldn’t complicate things, but take the simplest path, especially if you got the freshest products.

The question of how to save time and money in the kitchen worries, perhaps, every housewife. We constantly set ourselves challenges - how to save on products that are becoming more expensive every day; how to quickly and deliciously prepare breakfast, lunch or dinner for your household without spending a lot of time; how to finally save money on ever-increasing utility bills.

We have already had a conversation where we considered simple but important issues of saving. Today we’ll take a closer look at how to save time and money in the kitchen by doing home cooking:

You'll be surprised at how quickly your kettle will boil once you descale it.
Deposits can be removed either using special means or using regular food vinegar or citric acid. The acid will react chemically with solid deposits, resulting in the formation of new compounds that are highly soluble in water.

Add vinegar or acid to the water and boil the kettle, then rinse it thoroughly with water. A clean kettle will save your time and money, because it will consume much less electricity or gas to heat it.

Defrost your refrigerator on time

Another smart household appliance tells us how to save money in the kitchen - this is a refrigerator.
Since snow has thermal insulating properties, a large layer of it in the freezer reduces the efficiency of the refrigerator. Cleaning your freezer regularly can help reduce your energy bills.

In addition, make sure that your refrigerator is always tightly closed: even a small violation of the insulation leads to a significant increase in energy consumption

When going to the store, do not buy too much

For a month, keep records of the amount of food purchased and eaten. By analyzing them at the end of the month, you will be able to get an idea of ​​how much food you actually use.
Plan your shopping and try to buy groceries once a week.

This way you will provide yourself with food and avoid the need to go to the supermarket after work, when your hungry stomach can easily provoke unnecessary spending of money.
Of course, this does not apply to perishable foods such as bread and dairy products. You will have to buy them as needed

Freeze meat and fish in portions

Defrosting food is a long and troublesome task. Sometimes, when we are tired after work, we are lazy or we don’t have time to tinker with frozen meat from the freezer, so we often buy ready-made, but far from cheap, semi-finished products.

Here's another valuable tip on how to save time on cooking. It will be much easier to prepare food if the meat or fish is frozen in small pieces - for cooking at once. By the way, you can prepare and freeze your own semi-finished products in advance. Agree, it is much healthier, both for saving the family budget and for health, to eat homemade dumplings, cutlets, cabbage rolls, etc.

Defrost food in the refrigerator, not in the microwave.

In the morning, before going to work, transfer the product from the freezer to the refrigerator. When you get home, it will be defrosted and ready for further cooking.

You will save not only time and energy that would have to be spent on defrosting the product, but also maintain the quality of the product. It’s no secret that foods defrosted in the microwave lose some of their beneficial properties.

Cut foods into small pieces

This way, you will significantly reduce cooking time: small pieces of food cook much faster. This is especially important for meat dishes.

In addition, this cutting will allow you to use less meat in your dishes, and this is another plus both for health and for saving time in home cooking.

Unfortunately, women spend a lot of time preparing food for their family. How save housewife time in the kitchen when preparing food, a pressing question. Each woman has her own style and ways of cooking. But how you can reduce cooking time will always be relevant. Here are several simple ways to reduce this time, and often money.

One of the powerful ways is to reduce the preparatory period for cooking.

    1. On Sunday, watching TV with half an eye, just right for a few days, a week in advance
    chop onions, carrots and other vegetables, and put them in the refrigerator or freezer.
    2. Not much, but you can save time when preparing cheese. To grate the cheese faster, it is better to put it in the freezer for 30 minutes, after which you can grate it very quickly. The method is justified if the cheese will be cooked later than some dish.
    3. An even more original way to quickly peel garlic. If you heat it in the microwave for about 20 seconds, the peel will come off easily and quickly.
    4. If you cook a lot of potatoes today, you can quickly peel them in a very original way: immerse them in boiling water, let them sit for a while, and then put them in cold water, after which the skins of the potatoes will peel off easily, almost instantly. While the potatoes are in the water, you can prepare other dishes, which will save the housewife time.
    5. You can cut tomatoes faster if you cut several of them at once. To do this, you need a long knife and a narrow lid of some kind of container in which the tomatoes fit tightly.
    6. To preserve greens and serve them quickly, preserve them in olive oil. By the way, you can get an almost eternal seasoning from green onions if you put the bulbs in a container of water and place them on the windowsill. You can simply cut off the growing tips of the feather.
    7. If you are cooking something where you don’t need to interfere, then an option to save the housewife time is to set the dish to cook at a very low cooking temperature at night. In the morning the dish is ready.
    8. It also happens that vegetables are not quite ripe. If you place them in a paper bag, they will ripen faster. The ethylene gas released from the fruit will do its job.
    9. You can quickly feed your guests in a hurry if you have hard-boiled eggs.
    10. How else can the housewife save time? Well, of course, be sure to give yourself fasting days by visiting a cafe or restaurant with good cuisine. like here: In this case, you will kill more than one bird with one stone - the event will be remembered, and the hostess will probably have new ideas on the range and methods of preparing dishes. And even more so, there is no need to overshadow her birthday; in your budget you need to plan an expense item for visiting cafes and restaurants, for example, especially during vacation or travel.

However, no one in most families canceled at least a little saving and putting waste and leftovers to good use.

Small tricks for careful use of food leftovers

    1. Didn’t drink all the milk? Well, okay. Let the milk sour, and more of it - yogurt is good for the stomach, especially for the elderly, homemade cottage cheese will benefit. You'll save food and possibly time.
    2. Do not rush to throw away orange peels or coffee grounds if you live in your own home or country house. They say that coffee grounds repel ants, and crushed orange peels drive mosquitoes away. Leftover potato peels, vegetable and fruit peels can be used as compost.
    3. We save an important product - we do not throw away old bread (unless, of course, mold has appeared on it). We fry the bread with spices and use it as croutons in soup or just eat them.
    4. The sponge for washing dishes and the napkin for wiping the table are old, but haven’t you bought a new one yet? Keep them in the microwave for about two minutes, experts advise, and almost all germs (99 percent) will die on them.
    5. Use lemon wisely - if you only need a few drops of lemon juice, do not cut it, but poke a thin hole and squeeze out a small amount.
    6. It also happens that too many potatoes have been peeled. Excess peeled potatoes should be filled with water and a little vinegar added. The potatoes will keep until the next time you cook.

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Do you consider yourself a culinary professional? Or are you just starting your journey into the world of delicious and beautiful food? Either way, the tips you read below will help you spend less time cooking. All tips have been recommended by chefs and culinary professionals. You may know some of them, but by following all these tips you will save yourself a lot of time.


  1. Read the complete recipe. This may seem strange, but it is actually useful advice. Even if you are 100% sure that you know how to cook a new dish, take the time to read the recipe in full. This will help you avoid making mistakes in the future.
  2. Prepare your kitchen utensils. Put all the necessary items in one place, sharpen your knives and prepare the kitchen counter. This will save you time later.
  3. Cook with seasonal ingredients. Try not to add foods that are currently out of season to your meals. This will not only save you money, but also save you some hassle.
  4. Don't bother with the peel. The peels of many fruits and vegetables are quite healthy and taste good. So don't be afraid to add peeled fruits and vegetables to your meals. Just be sure to wash them thoroughly.
  5. Prepare all ingredients in advance. This will save you from wasting time.
  6. Prepare the pan. Put it on the fire in advance and when you need it, you won't have to wait for it to heat up.
  7. Prepare in excess. For example, if you are planning to make cookies, you can prepare an extra batch for later. While the main portion is baking, place excess dough on parchment paper and place in the freezer. Now you will have a preparation for the future, and you can quickly prepare a new portion whenever you wish. Offer options for other dishes that can be prepared in advance!
  8. Save leftovers for future recipes. For example, leftover chicken can be added to chicken soup, and onion rings or vegetables can be a great side dish! Just put them in the refrigerator or freezer and save them until next time. Of course, if he's not there in a week.
  9. Remove while cooking. Since cleaning is the most unpleasant part of cooking, you will find it easier to clean your kitchen in small chunks.
  10. Try not to use extra dishes, and then you will spend less time cleaning.
  11. Prepare for a week. Even if you can't spend a lot of time in the kitchen, just one hour on the weekend spent preparing vegetables, for example, will save you a lot of time for the whole week.


These tips are specific to certain types of products, but will still be useful in your arsenal.

  1. Cook at high temperatures. This will save you time. For example, shrimp can be cooked at 200 degrees and they will be ready in 5 minutes. And if you are baking vegetables, then by raising the temperature from 170 to 200 degrees, you will save 15-20 minutes.
  2. Cook the vegetables before adding water. If you are making a soup with vegetables, cooking the vegetables briefly will enhance their flavor and save 5-10 minutes on cooking time.
  3. Grate the Parmesan when it reaches room temperature. This will make it softer.
  4. Boil legumes in mineral water. It turns out that the elements in mineral water allow them to cook faster.
  5. Beat the egg whites first. If your dish requires beating the yolks and whites separately (for example, a sponge cake), then beat the whites first. If you start with yolks, you will have to wash the blender after them, as their residue will prevent the whites from rising.
  6. Do not peel beets before boiling or roasting. In these conditions, peeling it will be much easier.
  7. Calculate how long it takes for the oil to heat up in a frying pan and use a timer in the future to save time.
  8. Use leftover hot water to kill germs. After making yourself some tea, don’t be too lazy to pour the remaining boiling water from the kettle over your kitchen sponges.
  9. Pour some soy sauce and tomato paste into the meat to give it a pleasant taste and aroma.

Have we forgotten something? Share your kitchen life hacks in the comments. It will be interesting!
