Yandex analyzed the most popular culinary queries of Russians

The most important product from which users most often want to cook something is chicken, followed by potatoes in second place, and meat in third place. The most popular salads are Caesar with chicken, salad with crab sticks and Mimosa.

"About 30% of all culinary queries to Yandex contain the name of one of the twenty most popular products, ranging from chicken to liver. That is, in almost a third of cases, Russians use products from the same small set. Products from the top 100 - from that from chicken to broccoli - participate in 55% of requests,” analysts said.

According to Yandex, every month almost 30 million Russian users make queries on culinary topics. “Cakes are in second place among the most popular dishes, and soups are in third place. Also in the top 20 dishes are pies and pies, cookies, muffins, charlotte and pancakes,” the company noted.

The top 20 favorite foods of Russians, in addition to chicken, potatoes and other meats, included mushrooms, tomatoes, zucchini, milk, cheese, eggs and kefir.

Dish time

The culinary preferences of Russians also depend on the time of year, researchers note. In February, users search for pancake recipes the most.

“They are looking for a variety of recipe options - thin pancakes, thick pancakes, fluffy, openwork, with holes, light, dietary, and so on,” the study says.

In March, interest in Lenten dishes increases. The month of April that stands out the most is the search for Easter recipes. Users are looking for recipes for Easter cakes and Easter cakes, as well as ways to color eggs.

In the summer, Russians ask how to make homemade preparations: lightly salted cucumbers, jam and mushroom pickles. And in November, preparations for the New Year begin: Russians are interested in recipes for holiday dishes.

Geography of taste

Analysts also found that in coastal areas, fish and seafood dishes are most often prepared. In Novosibirsk they are looking for recipes from roe deer and goat meat, in Omsk - from horse meat, in Astrakhan - from lamb.

In Moscow and St. Petersburg, bulgur, couscous and quinoa are more popular than the Russian average.

“The characteristic dishes are noticeably influenced by various national cuisines. In Buryatia they look for buuz, in Chuvashia khashlama, Ossetian pies are popular in many southern republics. In the Primorsky Territory, Sakhalin and Khabarovsk they look for Korean-style pyanse, in the Krasnodar Territory - churchkhela, and in Moscow and the Moscow region are in trouble,” analysts say.

In the Arctic region, the most popular requests are fish dishes - pike, perch, crucian carp, sterlet, muksun. Among the berries, users are looking for lingonberries and cloudberries. Arkhangelsk has its own traditional dishes - they bake kozuli (patterned gingerbread cookies) and kalitki (small pies). But there is little interest in procurement in the Arctic region, the company said.

Yandex representatives also note that in almost all regions of Russia, mayonnaise is sought after more than ketchup. Among the soups, cabbage soup is popular in the European part of Russia, and lagman in all other regions.

Every month, almost 30 million Russian Yandex users make queries on culinary topics. In just a month, Yandex responds to more than 91 million queries about cooking - mainly how to prepare this or that dish or what to do with this or that product.

The most common product request is chicken. Every week, Yandex responds to more than 765 thousand requests for recipes with the words “chicken” or “chicken”. According to Wordstat.Yandex statistics as of June 27, 2017, the preliminary forecast for the number of impressions per month with the word “chicken” is 3,135,263. The most searched for recipes are chicken salad and chicken in the oven.

Potatoes are in second place among products, but people are interested in them 1.6 times less often than chicken. The preliminary forecast for the number of impressions per month for the word “potato” is 1,684,743. The most frequently searched recipes are for oven-baked potatoes, potatoes with meat, and potatoes with chicken.

About 30% of all culinary requests to Yandex contain the name of one of the twenty most popular products - from chicken to liver. That is, in almost a third of cases, Russians use products from the same small set. Products from the top 100 - from chicken to broccoli - are involved in 55% of requests.

  1. Chicken
  2. Potato
  3. Cabbage
  4. Cottage cheese
  5. Mushrooms
  6. Tomatoes
  7. Apple
  8. Pork
  9. Milk
  10. Zucchini
  11. cucumbers
  12. Beef
  13. Kefir
  14. Liver

Below are the words and phrases that are most often found in queries for the TOP 10 products.

Among the dishes, various salads raise the most questions, regardless of the season of the year. In the top 1000 culinary queries, several dozen salads are mentioned, the most popular of which are Caesar with chicken, salad with crab sticks and Mimosa. In second place are cakes, and in third place are soups. In addition to cakes, the top 20 dishes include pies and pies, cookies, muffins, charlotte, pancakes - requests for various pastries occupy about a third of the top.

In general, culinary preferences change noticeably from month to month. In February, the number of queries with the words “pancake” and “pancake” increases sharply. April is very different from all other months - due to Easter recipes. Users are looking for Easter cake recipes and Easter cake icing, asking how to paint eggs and how to cook Easter. In May, along with the warmth, interest in homemade ice cream and okroshka arises.

In June and July they ask how to make lightly salted cucumbers, jam from a variety of things, from rose petals to pine cones, compotes, jellies and other preparations. By September there are many requests about different mushrooms. In summer and September, tops consist entirely of vegetables and fruits. And in November, preparations for the New Year begin - there are more requests for salads and various holiday dishes.

The most popular product from which people most often want to cook something is chicken. Each week, there are more than 765,000 searches for recipes using the words “chicken” or “chicken,” with the most frequently searched recipes being chicken salad and oven-baked chicken. In second place are potatoes - baked in the oven, with meat or chicken.

The favorites among the salads were Caesar with the same chicken, crab and Mimosa. In addition to soups and cakes, the top 20 also included pies, cookies, muffins, charlotte and pancakes.

Interestingly, the culinary preferences of Russians also depend on the time of year, the researchers note. Thus, in February, users search for pancake recipes most of all.

“They are looking for a variety of recipe options - thin pancakes, thick pancakes, fluffy, openwork, with holes, light, dietary, and so on,” the study says.

In March, interest in Lenten dishes increases. The month of April that stands out the most is the search for Easter recipes. Users are looking for recipes for Easter cakes and Easter cakes, as well as ways to color eggs.

In the summer, Russians ask how to make homemade preparations: lightly salted cucumbers, jam and mushroom pickles. And in November, preparations for the New Year begin and most people begin to become interested in recipes for holiday dishes.

Most often, Internet users look for recipes for dinner, and least often for lunch. Moreover, if they are interested in a specific recipe for dinner or breakfast, then for lunch the most popular request is: “What to cook,” apparently because people often dine out. And if you take into account the statistics on searching for recipes, it becomes clear that about 30% of Russians use products from the same familiar set.

The search also revealed differences in preferences based on geography. For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg, healthy eating is becoming increasingly popular, so residents of these cities most often look for recipes with bulgur, couscous and quinoa. Residents of the coastal regions show interest in fish and seafood dishes; in Novosibirsk they most often look for dishes made from roe deer and goat meat, in Omsk - horse meat dishes, in Astrakhan - lamb dishes.
