Yandex question: what is hussar meat? Hussar-style meat: ordinary and unusual recipes. Meat under a fur coat

In cooking, there are many dishes that have the same names, but completely different cooking technologies. Take, for example, hussar-style meat. There are dozens of recipes with this name. As an example, we can consider some of them.

Magic rolls

To make hussar-style meat this way, you don’t have to be a professional cook.

The cooking recipe is quite simple and requires a minimum amount of the most accessible products: for 600 grams of beef fillet you will need 2 pieces of bread (white), 100 grams of butter, 3 onions, salt, half a glass of broth, 50 grams of hard cheese and a little ground pepper.

You need to start cooking hussar-style meat with the main product:

  1. Beef should be cut into even pieces. Then it must be beaten well, sprinkled with pepper, salt and fried in oil on both sides.
  2. After this, you can start preparing the special minced meat. It won't be quite ordinary. First you need to finely chop the onion and grate the cheese. Then place the bread crumb in a bowl and soak it in the prepared broth. Add the prepared cheese and onions, the remaining butter and a little pepper. Mix everything thoroughly.
  3. Carefully place a little cooked minced meat on each piece of meat. Roll the food into a roll and secure with strong thread. In principle, you can also use a toothpick.
  4. Place the rolls in a deep frying pan and pour in the broth. You can also use a saucepan. Add here the juice that remains after frying.

After this, all that remains is to put the frying pan on the fire and simmer until the “hussar-style meat” is completely cooked. The dish can be cooked on the stove with the lid closed or in the oven.

Meat under a fur coat

Many people believe that hussar-style meat is a recipe for French cuisine. The question is, of course, controversial. If you agree with this opinion, then you should remember that the French love to cook meat under a fur coat from various products. This is where a new option came from, for which you need: for 1 kilogram of meat (chicken, beef or pork) 200 grams of cheese, salt, 2 onions, spices, 300 grams of mayonnaise and vegetable oil.

The process doesn't look complicated at all:

  1. The first step is to cut the meat into portions. And in the case of beef, you also need to beat it off.
  2. Roughly chop the onion and grate the hard cheese.
  3. Lightly coat the baking sheet with vegetable oil, and then place all the prepared products on it in the following sequence: meat - onions - cheese - mayonnaise - seasonings.
  4. Place everything in the oven and wait 30 minutes.

This time will be quite enough. The meat will be tender and aromatic due to the onions and mayonnaise, and the cheese will only hold the airy coat on the surface.

A good addition

It turns out that hussar-style meat with mushrooms turns out very tasty. At least that's what those who tried this recipe say.

To work, you will need everything: a kilogram of tenderloin, half a glass of broth, 2 onions, 1.5 cups of grated rye bread, 200 grams of fresh mushrooms, salt, 75 grams of sour cream, 100 grams of cheese, ground pepper and a little flour.

The dish is prepared as follows:

  1. First you need to boil the mushrooms.
  2. It is better to marinate the meat a little beforehand. The filling composition can be any.
  3. At this time you can make the filling. To do this, lightly fry the peeled and chopped onion in a frying pan.
  4. Then add the bread, stir and leave the food on the fire for another 5 minutes.
  5. Then add salt, add sour cream, pepper, finely chopped mushrooms, pour broth over everything and leave to simmer for another 10 minutes.
  6. Add the grated cheese, stir and remove the pan from the heat.
  7. Sprinkle the prepared meat with flour and make several fairly deep cuts on it on one side.
  8. Place the prepared minced meat in them and secure the structure with a toothpick or thread.

In this position, the meat must be baked in the oven until cooked.

Original combination

There is another option with which you can make hussar-style meat. The recipe is not quite ordinary, but interesting.

You will need the following initial ingredients: onions, beef, carrots, mayonnaise, cheese, pickled (or pickled) cucumbers, vegetable oil, walnuts, salt, flour and a little ground pepper.

The dish is prepared as follows:

  1. The meat must first be cut into fairly large pieces.
  2. Now we need to prepare additional ingredients. Cheese, nuts and carrots should be grated, and onions and cucumbers should be cut.
  3. Prepare a fairly thick sauce from mayonnaise and cheese.
  4. Place meat on a tray. Place cucumbers, onions, carrots and nuts on each piece one by one.
  5. Pour the sauce over everything and place in the oven for baking.

Readiness can be determined by the appearance of the cheese crust. It will take a little time. In about 25 minutes the dish will be completely ready. After this, you can put it on a plate and serve it at your discretion.

The hussars were personified at the beginning of the 19th century, thanks to their exploits, including the brave hussar - Yakov Petrovich Kulnev, who died on July 20, 1812. His last words were addressed to the Grodno hussars: “Friends, do not yield a single step to your native land, victory awaits you.” By this time, the formation of the hero’s appearance was completed. It has now become a cultural property at the level of a sign well recognized by everyone.

Hussarism is endless revelry and desperate daring, stunning selflessness and constant lack of money, deliberate contempt for the accumulation of wealth, crosses, ranks, but a constant hunger for fame, love, freedom and play.

The hussar is a recognized hero not only on the field of glory, but also on the “theater” of love, he is a symbol of a lover and a hero, he is the very male embodiment of love, he is its hero. Not a single novel, not a single story or vaudeville can do without it. The image takes root in the “lowered”, common folk cultural environment with the same ease as in the “gilded” aura of secular culture, one of the basic phenomena in the living cultural fabric of Russia.

Not a single outstanding destiny, not a single out-of-the-ordinary creativity could henceforth “not catch” the image of a hussar. Hussarism becomes a symbol of courage, daring, mischief and freedom in all its high and low forms.

If we recognize that the identification of a people with one or another social type is the “adoption” of that type into the flesh of its culture, it is necessary to understand: Russian culture is the receptacle of hussarism. Not a single country whose territory the hussars have ever visited, with the exception of the hussars' alma mater of Hungary, has accepted them as part of its own sociocultural mentality.

The name “Hussar” has become something like a brand. There are terms “drink like a hussar”, “open a bottle like a hussar”, “cook meat like a hussar” and even “hussar runny nose”… All these terms are to one degree or another connected with the lifestyle of the hussars….

In cooking, there are many dishes that have the same names, but completely different cooking technologies. Take, for example, hussar-style meat. There are many recipes with this name, but what is probably important is the ease of preparation. The Hussars loved to eat, especially French-style meat, when they found themselves in France. This is probably why the Hussar meat recipe is so similar to the French meat recipe. For example, let's look at some of them:

Hussar-style meat

Classic recipe. Ingredients:
Yolk (2 pcs), Onion (2 pcs), Butter (50 g), Pork or boneless beef (1 kg), Salt, ground black pepper (to taste), Breadcrumbs (100 g), Grated cheese (100 gr).

Cooking method:
Wash and dry the meat. Lightly beat with a hammer, add salt and pepper. Place the meat in a baking tray with high sides, add water and place in a preheated oven. The meat should be cooked over medium heat. From time to time, the pork needs to be basted with juice to keep the meat soft and juicy.
Prepare minced meat: fry finely chopped onion in butter. Grate the cheese on a fine grater and add onion, breadcrumbs, pepper, salt, and egg yolks. Mix the resulting mass thoroughly. When the meat is cooked, let it “rest”, cool and then make cuts 1–2 cm wide across the piece, but not all the way (accordion). Place minced meat into these cuts between the pieces of meat. The meat must be tied with culinary thread in such a way as to hold the cut pieces and filling together. Transfer the piece to the pan and add the remaining meat juice. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer until done. After that, remove the meat, cool and cut off the thread. It is worth cutting across.

Hussar meat with minced herring

If you think that meat and herring are “not friends”, you are mistaken! Try this simple and unusual recipe. It is delicious! And it’s suitable for cooking when you have very little time and guests unexpectedly come to you, or you are tired after a working day, you don’t want to cook, but you want something tasty. One problem for you in this case is cleaning the herring. But now they sell ready-made herring fillets, just not the kind in jars (pieces).

Ingredients: beef (pork) - 1 kg, large salted herring - 1 piece, rye crackers - 100 gr., onion - 1 piece, vegetable oil. and drain, sour cream - 2 tbsp; soy sauce, maple syrup, salt, pepper.

Wash the beef or pork, dry it and cut it into layers about 2 cm thick.

Beat them with a hammer (do not overwork, otherwise the meat fibers will break) and marinate in a marinade of soy sauce, maple syrup, vegetable oil (proportions per 1 kg of meat: 3 tablespoons of soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of syrup, 1 tablespoon of oil). While the meat is marinating, prepare the minced meat.

Remove the meat from the marinade, dry it and fry in well-heated vegetable oil. Add a little salt and pepper. Fry until golden brown, first over high heat on both sides, then covered over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Remove from the pan, cover, and let rest.

Now we prepare the minced meat: You need barrel herring; purchased fillets cut into pieces will not work. Clean the herring and carefully remove the bones. Blend the herring fillets in a blender with the addition of breadcrumbs, preferably rye. Breaded ones won't work.

Fry a medium-sized onion in vegetable oil with added butter. Now in a separate bowl mix the herring mixture, fried onions, and 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream. Mix well with a spoon. Let's pepper it. Try the salt; adding it depends on the saltiness of the herring.

Now we take a layer of meat, coat it with minced herring, and place another layer of meat on top. Pour over the sauce (boil the marinade from the meat) or serve simply with herbs and vegetables.

PS. Maple syrup adds a savory sweetness to the meat. Now this syrup is on sale in all supermarkets. Buy it, you will be very pleased with the taste of the dishes, especially if you decide to cook Asian dishes, for example Chinese. (Author of recipe interpretation by Ravil Kadyrov)

Beef hussar style with herring

Another option for cooking meat with herring.
Place 1 chopped onion, 2 carrots, 1.5 tablespoons of butter in a saucepan, top with beef, salt and pepper and simmer.
Remove, cut in 8-9 places (accordion style) and stuff with minced meat (chop 1/2 of a large herring, add 1 cup of rye crackers, a mixture of ground peppers, 4 green onions, 1 egg, 1/2 spoon of butter - mix).
Tie the beef and minced meat with culinary string, add broth, simmer until done. Remove the meat, put 1/2 cup of rye crackers in the sauce, boil, pour over the beef.

Hussar meat with wine

Beef – 1 kilogram; Lemon – half (juice); Butter – 120 grams; Dry white wine – 150 milliliters; Onions – 2 pieces; Brown bread – 4 slices; Eggs – 2 pieces (yolks); Ground black pepper - to taste; Ground nutmeg - to taste; Salt - to taste.

1. Cut the beef into strips, beat it and coat thoroughly with lemon juice. Peel and finely chop the onion, then fry in a frying pan with butter. Then add black bread, also cut into small cubes, and dry white wine to the frying pan. Mix everything, pepper, salt and sprinkle with ground nutmeg. Simmer for a few minutes. Then remove from heat, cool and finally add the egg yolks.

2. Place the resulting mixture on the chopped beef. Roll everything up, tie it with kitchen string and bake in the oven for about 2 hours at 140 degrees. After 2 hours, increase the oven temperature sharply to create a crust. The hussar-style meat is ready! Let the meat “rest” and then cut.

Hussar-style meatloaf

To make hussar-style meat this way, you don’t have to be a professional cook.
The cooking recipe is quite simple and requires a minimum amount of the most accessible products: for 600 grams of beef fillet you will need 2 pieces of bread (white), 100 grams of butter, 3 onions, salt, half a glass of broth, 50 grams of hard cheese and a little ground pepper.

You need to start cooking hussar-style meat with the main product:
Beef should be cut into even layers. Then it must be beaten well, sprinkled with pepper, salt and fried in oil on both sides.
After this, you can start preparing the special minced meat. It won't be quite ordinary. First you need to finely chop the onion and grate the cheese. Then place the bread crumb in a bowl and soak it in the prepared broth. Add the prepared cheese and onions, the remaining butter and a little pepper. Mix everything thoroughly.
Carefully place a little cooked minced meat on each piece of meat. Roll the food into a roll and secure with thread or skewers.
Place the rolls in a deep frying pan and pour in the broth. Add here the juice that remains after frying.
After this, all that remains is to put the frying pan on the fire and simmer until the “hussar-style meat” is completely cooked. The dish can be prepared either on the stove with the lid closed or in the oven.

Hussar-style meat “under a fur coat”

Many people believe that hussar-style meat is a recipe for French cuisine. The question is, of course, controversial. If you agree with this opinion, then you should remember that the French love to cook meat under a fur coat from various products. This is where a new option came from, for which you need: for 1 kilogram of meat (chicken, beef or pork) 200 grams of cheese, salt, 2 onions, spices, 300 grams of mayonnaise and vegetable oil.

The process does not look complicated at all: As in previous recipes, cut the meat into layers and beat. Finely chop the onion and grate the hard cheese.
Lightly coat the baking sheet with vegetable oil, and then place all the prepared products on it in the following order: meat - onions - cheese - mayonnaise - seasonings. Place in the oven for 30 minutes. This time will be quite enough. The meat will be tender and aromatic due to the onions and mayonnaise, and the cheese will only hold the airy coat on the surface.

Hussar meat with mushrooms

It turns out that hussar-style meat with mushrooms turns out very tasty. At least that's what those who tried this recipe say.
All you need for it is: a kilogram of tenderloin, half a glass of broth, 2 onions, 1.5 cups of grated rye bread, 200 grams of fresh mushrooms, salt, 75 grams of sour cream, 100 grams of cheese, ground pepper and a little flour.

Let the meat marinate. The marinade can be anything. And let the mushrooms cook.
At this time, you can prepare the minced meat filling. To do this, lightly fry the peeled and chopped onions in a frying pan. Then add the bread, stir and leave the food on the fire for another 5 minutes.
Then add sour cream, salt, pepper, finely chopped mushrooms, pour broth over everything and leave to simmer for another 10 minutes. Add grated cheese, stir and remove from heat.
Roll the marinated meat in flour and make several fairly deep cuts on it on one side (accordion).
Place the prepared minced meat and secure with thread.
Now the meat needs to be baked in the oven until cooked.

Hussar meat with pickles and nuts

There is another option with which you can make hussar-style meat. The recipe is not quite ordinary, but interesting.

You will need the following initial ingredients: onions, beef, carrots, mayonnaise, cheese, pickled (or pickled) cucumbers, vegetable oil, walnuts, salt, flour and a little ground pepper.

The dish is prepared as follows:
First of all, the meat must be cut into fairly large layers and beaten.
Now we need to prepare additional ingredients. Chop the nuts. Grate the cheese and carrots on a coarse grater. Onions and cucumbers – cut into rings.
Prepare a fairly thick sauce from mayonnaise and cheese.
Place the meat on a tray, add a little salt and pepper. Place cucumbers, onions, carrots and nuts on each piece one by one.
Pour the sauce over everything and place in the oven to bake.
Readiness can be determined by the appearance of the cheese crust. It will take a little time. In about 25 minutes the dish will be completely ready.

Beautiful, juicy meat, enough for everyone.

It's very easy and quick to prepare.

1.2-1.5 kg pork tenderloin
300 g hard cheese
2 large tomatoes
5-6 cloves of garlic
Mayonnaise, mustard
Salt, seasonings to taste

Cut a piece of meat crosswise, not all the way through, every 1-1.5 cm with an accordion:

Mix mayonnaise with mustard, garlic, salt, spices:

Carefully coat a piece of meat with the resulting mixture. Leave for 30 minutes:

Cut the cheese and tomatoes into thin slices. Stuff the cuts in the meat with slices:

Wrap the piece in several layers of foil and place in the oven at 200 degrees for 40-50 minutes:

Then unfold the foil:

Bake until golden brown:

The best side dish is potatoes in any form:

Bon appetit and good health!


Recipe from the magazine "Gastronomic School". Juicy meat, moderately hot and spicy with a delicious sauce that perfectly complements the taste of the meat.

boneless pork - 2kg

dry red wine - 250ml

honey - 2 tbsp.

ginger root - 30g

pepper mixture - 1 tbsp.

ground cinnamon - on the tip of a knife

coarse sea salt to taste
for the sauce:
Lingonberries - 500g

dry red wine - 100ml

sugar - 1/2 tbsp.

Pour the wine into a bowl. Add honey and stir thoroughly until smooth.
Peel the ginger and grate it finely,

add to bowl with wine and honey. Add cinnamon and a mixture of peppers there. Mix thoroughly again.
Preheat the oven to 220°C. Wash the meat and dry it with paper napkins. Coat with the resulting marinade on all sides. Add salt to taste.

Place the meat on a wire rack and place it on a baking sheet. Place the meat in the oven, cook for 10 minutes. After this, reduce the oven heat to 160°C, cover the pork with foil and bake for 2 hours. For 30 minutes. Before it's ready, remove the foil to allow the meat to brown.
Remove the meat from the oven, cover with foil and let rest for 15 minutes.
Any meat baked in a piece should stand for 15 minutes before slicing, so that the juices are distributed throughout the piece. During this time, the internal temperature of the meat rises by 2-3°C.
Meanwhile, prepare the sauce. Pour the juice released from the meat from the baking sheet into a saucepan; add wine. Place the saucepan over medium heat. Cook until 2/3 of the sauce has evaporated.

Sort out the lingonberries, wash, dry and divide into 2 parts. Grind one part in a blender along with sugar until pureed.
Combine berry puree with sauce. Add the remaining lingonberries and stir.

Decorate and serve!

Bon appetit!

I bring to your attention a delicious and satisfying pork dish. First, the pieces of meat are marinated in the sauce. The meat is then topped with potato and cheese filling. After this, the meat preparations are baked in the oven until cooked. The meat turns out very soft and juicy. This dish can be served on a Sunday dinner table, as well as a holiday feast.

This dish is called “hussar-style meat” or “hussar ballad”. The history of the dish is not known for certain. But apparently, this name arose because the dish is appetizing, satisfying and will appeal to any hussar, i.e. a man, especially a tired one, who wants to have a tasty lunch or dinner.


  • pork (shoulder part) 650 g;
  • onions 2 pcs.;
  • boiled potatoes in skins 4 pcs.;
  • hard cheese 130 g;
  • mayonnaise 100 g;
  • tomato sauce (homemade) 100 ml;
  • salt to taste;
  • spices to taste;
  • garlic optional;
  • vegetable oil 50 ml.

Preparation time: 1.5 hours. Cooking time: 1 hour. Yield: 3 servings.


To prepare this meat dish, take pork. In my case, this is the cooled blade part. Unlike cue ball, it has layers of fat, which will make the finished dish juicy and tender. Instead of a shoulder blade, you can use the neck of pork or loin. Cut the meat into portions, approximately 1.5 cm in size.

Beat the meat on both sides with a kitchen hammer to make the fibers softer. This will make the baked meat even juicier and softer. Place pieces of meat in a deep plate or bowl.

Lubricate the prepared meat with tomato sauce and mayonnaise. Tomato-mayonnaise the mixture will be a marinade for the pork.

Chop two medium onions into small cubes and place in a bowl. Add a pinch of salt and sugar to the onion and mash well with your hand.

Place parchment or foil in a baking dish. Place the meat pieces in one layer.

Place the prepared onions over the meat. Now cover the form with the meat with film and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. During this time, the meat will marinate a little.

By this time, heat the oven to 180 degrees. Prepare the potatoes. Pre-cook it in the skin and then peel it. For this dish, potatoes must be grated on a fine grater.

Apply strips of mayonnaise to the onion layer and then spread all the grated potatoes on top. Sprinkle the potatoes with salt and ground pepper, drizzle with vegetable oil. Then add mayonnaise.

The final layer in this meat pyramid will be cheese. To do this, first grate the cheese on a fine grater and combine it with mayonnaise. You can add garlic or spices to this cheese mixture to taste. Brush the meat pieces in the pan with the cheese mixture. Place the baking sheet with meat in a hot oven on the middle rack for 40 minutes.

The finished baked hussar-style meat in the oven turns out golden brown with an appetizing crust. Cool it a little and you can serve it.

This dish can be served as an independent dish with homemade preparations for the winter, i.e. with cucumbers and tomatoes. Sauerkraut and salads with fresh vegetables are also suitable.

For those who are especially hungry, you can serve any side dish. As a side dish, you can set aside some space in the oven on a baking sheet and bake peeled potatoes there.

Step 1: take the pork.

Take the pork, wash it thoroughly under cold running water, and then place it on paper towels to dry. When the pork is dry, place it on a wooden cutting board and cut it into small portions with a sharp knife. Then put the pieces of pork in a bowl, mix well with mayonnaise, ketchup, and also add a little salt to taste. Mix everything thoroughly and leave to marinate in the refrigerator for several hours (it is best to leave it overnight).

Step 2: prepare the potatoes.

We take the potatoes, wash them thoroughly under running water with a brush, then pour them into a deep pan, pour cold water so that it completely covers all of our potatoes. Place the pan on high heat. Add a little salt and wait until the water boils. When the water boils, cover the pan with a lid and continue to cook our jacket potatoes until tender. 20-30 minutes. Then we check the potatoes for readiness with a wooden toothpick; if the potatoes are ready, cool them either naturally or under cold running water. Peel the cooled potatoes with a knife and grate them on a coarse grater into a separate bowl.

Step 3: prepare the onions and tomatoes.

Take the onion, peel it with a sharp knife, wash it thoroughly under running water and chop it very finely on a cutting board. Place the chopped onion in a separate bowl. Wash the tomatoes under water, pour into a small saucepan, pour over 3-4 minutes boiling water from the kettle, then remove one at a time from the pan and remove the skin from them with a knife. We cut the tomatoes peeled in this way into thin slices on a cutting board. We grate the hard cheese on a coarse grater and pour it into a saucer or plate.

Step 4: Place the dish in a baking dish.

Carefully grease the pre-prepared, washed and dry baking dish with vegetable oil with a special culinary brush and lay out these layers of our dish. So, the first layer is our marinated pork (along with our mayonnaise-ketchup sauce). Then top the pork with chopped onions and place grated potatoes on top. Add a little salt to the top of the potatoes. Sprinkle cheese on top of all this and lastly place the chopped tomato slices as tightly as possible to each other. Lastly, carefully sprinkle everything with a small amount of ground black pepper and some seasoning.

Step 5: bake the pork.

Preheat the oven to temperature 200 degrees. When the oven is well heated, place the baking dish on a baking sheet in the middle of the oven and bake 1 hour. Then we place it on 5 - 7 minutes our form to the very top of our oven and bake the pork like this until a golden brown crust appears. 250 degrees.

Step 6: Serve the Hussar Ballad pork.

Remove the finished dish from the oven and place it on a wooden stand for hot dishes. Cover the top with a waffle kitchen towel and let the dish rest for a while. 10 minutes. Then we cut the dish into individual portions, which we place on a serving dish. Everything is ready - you can serve it on the table. Bon appetit!

I advise you to use pork carbonate to prepare this dish, but the tastiest dish will be made from pork neck.

I recommend using a mixture of Italian herbs as a seasoning. They are very aromatic and will give the dish a unique taste and aroma.

Finding out when the potatoes are ready is very easy. To do this, take a wooden toothpick or stick, which is inserted inside each potato in turn, and then pulled out. If the stick easily enters and exits the potato, and pieces of mashed potato remain on its trunk, then you can set aside the potatoes in their jackets - they are completely ready.

If you put the meat in the refrigerator, then before doing so you should cover it either with a plate, or with plastic wrap, or with an ordinary cellophane bag.
