What to do if it's burnt. How to properly care for enamel pans. How to remove yellow deposits from a burnt enamel pan

→ Do you often have to wash enamel dishes, wash off the darkened inner surface after boiling vegetables, broths and other products? I’ll share my secret of how to do this without your participation.

Anyone who uses enamel cookware knows how quickly it darkens inside and it takes a little effort and time to wash it. To illustrate the advice, I took a clean enamel pan.

We boiled the vegetables for a salad, made a rich bone broth, the inside of the enamel was sure to stain and the pan became unsightly and sloppy.


Wash the pan with the same detergent you use at home, without worrying about the dark surface. By the way, this advice can also be applied to old saucepans that you have retired.

Pour very hot water, throw in half a tablet of bleach (I use tablets) or pour -1 tbsp. l. "Whiteness" product for 1 liter. water.

Leave the pan for 15-20 minutes and go about your business. Pour water with bleach into the bathtub, after closing the drain. This solution will also do its good work in the bath. All you have to do is rinse the pan with cold water and leave it on the table to dry and ventilate.

Chlorine quickly evaporates, and your pan shines white, like new. How to save a burnt pan

Cleaning pots - classified materials

I bring to your attention a good way to clean baking sheets or frying pans from carbon deposits.


1/2 cup soda
- 1 teaspoon dishwashing liquid
- 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide

Mix until it looks like whipped cream (add more peroxide if necessary), apply to a dirty surface and leave for 10 minutes.

After that, take a hard sponge, rub it well and wash everything off!
Everything is simple, clean, and safe.

In the arsenal of any housewife, as a rule, there are different pans: enamel, glass, ceramic, stainless steel.

Then remember that cleaning each pan requires its own tactics. What is good for one is completely unsuitable for another.

Soda is the best abrasive material. You take a burnt pan, pour baking soda onto a sponge and scrub as hard as you can. After some time, your efforts will certainly be crowned with success. But you will spend a lot of effort.
A more effective method: take a large container, fill it with boiling water and add a large amount of soda ash (at least 700 g per bucket of water). To enhance the effect, pour a tube of silicate glue into it. A burnt pan will have to be boiled for at least an hour. But then she will be as good as new. It is enough to rub it with a sponge after boiling - and the most neglected dishes will shine with pristine colors.
If you don’t have baking soda at your disposal, regular table salt will help out. Place the damaged pan in a container with a strong saline solution and boil for an hour and a half. After this, rub with a sponge under running water.
You can effectively get rid of the remains of burnt food by boiling potato peelings in a saucepan. Pour water into a saucepan, bring to a boil, throw potato peelings into it and simmer covered for 30-40 minutes. Leave until completely cool. Then throw away the cleaning and rinse the pan thoroughly.
An excellent cleaner for pots is... Coca-Cola. Are you surprised? Fill the burnt pan with Coca-Cola and leave for a day. During this time, the cola will eat away the burnt remains. You can then boil it in a saucepan. (Almost all carbonated drinks have a similar effect).
If porridge or milk is burnt in an aluminum pan, tooth powder will help you. Place a thick layer of powder on the damp bottom of the pan and leave for 8-12 hours. Just don’t try to rub the surface under any circumstances! Try it with your finger: if the burnt food comes off freely, you can wash it off with water and restore the shine with a soft sponge and detergent.
You can rid an aluminum pan of carbon deposits by boiling apple peelings in it.

How to Clean a Stainless Steel Pan

What not to do:

Use steel wool and abrasive sponges;
use abrasive powders;
use steel wool and sharp objects to remove burnt food particles;
use products containing ammonia and chlorine;
wash stainless steel pots in the dishwasher.

Use only special cleaning products and soft sponges. Fill the pan with hot soapy water and boil it for 10 minutes. After this, the burnt bottom can be easily cleaned even with a soft sponge. The soap solution can be replaced with a soda solution.
How to clean an enamel pan

A hot enamel pan should not be filled with cold water: the enamel may crack due to a sudden temperature change.

Just pour a solution of soda or soap into a pan and boil. Leave it in the pan for a while and then remove the burnt residue with a soft sponge.
How to clean an aluminum pan

Use household products containing acid or alkali;
use abrasive pastes and powders.

The simplest thing you can do is fill the pan with soapy water for a couple of hours and then rinse. If the aluminum pan is very burnt, moisten a sponge with a weak solution of vinegar and wipe the damaged surfaces. Tempted to grab a steel wool to speed up the process? Do not do this under any circumstances if you do not want to leave deep, ugly scratches on the polished surface.

You can rid the pan of burnt milk streaks using activated carbon tablets. (I think you can find them in your medicine cabinet.) Crush several tablets into powder, dilute with water until you get a paste. Apply it to the burnt surface and leave for 15 minutes. Then rinse the pan with water.

You can boil a soda solution in a saucepan.
How to clean a ceramic pan

Ceramics does not tolerate the touch of sharp and hard objects. Therefore, do not rub the surface of the pan with a hard sponge or scrape it with a knife. Fill a ceramic pan with hot soapy water and leave in it for half an hour. Then rinse thoroughly under running water using a soft sponge or synthetic brush.

How can you clean a burnt pan?

But it happens to everyone, when you get distracted by something or someone, you go out into the kitchen and the pan is already burnt or scorched, we all go through this from time to time :)))))))))) Where would we be without this :) ))))))))

Let's look at how and what you can use to clean a burnt pan.

1. Pour 1 glass of water into the pan (more is possible if the pan is large).
2. Add 1 glass of vinegar.
3. Place the pan on the fire and wait until the liquid boils.
4. Remove the pan from the stove and pour 2 tbsp into it. baking soda.
5. Let the solution sit for about 30 minutes, pour out the liquid, put on gloves and remove carbon deposits from the dishes with a steel wool.
6. If there is still carbon deposits left, pour baking soda into the pan, add a little water and continue scrubbing the bottom.

As a result of use, dark deposits may appear on the bottom of the pan, which significantly spoils the appearance of the pan and is difficult to wash. Soot can appear both inside and outside an enamel pan. Most often, internal soot appears due to burning of food. How to clean the burnt bottom of a pan at home?

What to do if an enamel pan is burnt?

The most effective cleaning of carbon deposits occurs when the plaque is still fresh. To do this, it is important to immediately place the dish in hot water and fill it.

The following cleaning steps:

  • add dishwashing detergent to the water;
  • the filled pan must be left for several hours;
  • Try washing with the hard side of a dishwashing sponge.

Most often, fresh carbon deposits are easily washed off, however, there are times when it is necessary to use aggressive detergents or traditional methods to remove carbon deposits.

It is important to remember that enamel is a fragile coating, so you should not use too harsh abrasive detergents.

Methods for cleaning a pan from carbon deposits

It is extremely important to get rid of old carbon deposits in a timely manner, since soot and the old oil from which it consists, when heated, release carcinogenic substances that slowly poison a person. Common methods for cleaning enamel-coated pans can be either chemical or folk.

Stories from our readers!
“My sister gave me this cleaning product when she found out that I was going to clean the barbecue and wrought-iron gazebo at the dacha. I was delighted! I did not expect such an effect. I ordered the same for myself.

At home I cleaned the oven, microwave, refrigerator, ceramic tiles. The product even allows you to get rid of wine stains on carpets and upholstered furniture. I advise."

Folk remedies

To remove a layer of soot from an enamel pan, the following folk remedies are used:

  • Coarse table salt - you need to pour 250 grams of salt on the bottom, add water and put it on a hot stove to boil. After 20 minutes of boiling, you need to pour out the water and clean the carbon deposits with a dishwashing sponge and detergent.
  • Sand – used to clean dishes both inside and outside. To clean, sand is poured onto a sponge or rag and rubbed over the walls of the pan with soot. This type of cleaning is suitable for heavy soiling.
  • Citric acid - several sachets of the product must be poured into a container and boiled for several minutes. The product is excellent for removing not only soot and dark deposits, but also scale.
  • Baking soda can be used both as an abrasive for mechanical cleaning and as an active substance. To do this, you need to pour a few tablespoons of powder into an enamel pan, pour boiling water over it and leave overnight. In the morning, the plaque will be cleared off much easier. If you did not use an enamel pan, but, for example, a stainless steel one, you will find out how here.
  • Cleaning pans from burnt milk is effective using bleach or another chlorine-containing bleach. Despite the unpleasant smell, it can not only remove old carbon deposits, but also restore the snow-white color of the coating.
  • Lemon juice acts similar to citric acid. It is necessary to thoroughly rub the walls of the container with a slice of juicy lemon and leave for a while, then rinse with dishwashing detergent
  • Coffee grounds are used as a soft abrasive of natural origin, which is almost always on hand. Cleaning burnt porridge from a pan using ground coffee is an effective remedy. To use, apply a small amount of coffee to a dishwashing sponge and rub the dirty areas well.
  • Acetic acid or a 9% solution is poured into the container to the full height of the contamination and left for 30 minutes. The liquid is then drained and the pan is cleaned in the traditional way.
  • Laundry soap must be grated on a fine grater, pour a handful of the resulting crumbs into a bowl, pour boiling water over it and leave overnight. It will be much easier to clean the container in the morning.
  • Activated carbon is used if jam is burnt in an enamel pan. The pack of tablets must be crushed and poured into a saucepan, then boiled for 15 minutes. The product is a good absorbent that actively cleanses not only the stomach, but also the walls of the dishes.
  • Mustard powder can be used as an effective cleanser. Applied to the rough side of a washing sponge, it can quickly deal with dirt of any complexity.
  • Onions cut into slices are immersed in water and boiled in a container for 30 minutes. This method can clean not only carbon deposits, but also dark deposits that form during use.
  • Soda ash is poured at the rate of 50 g per 2 liters of water and heated to a boil, then you need to leave the liquid until it cools and drain. After which the carbon deposits are cleaned with a sponge and.

Folk remedies can be combined to achieve a better effect.


Chemicals are used in cases where there is no time to wait. They are strong and some of them cannot be used without protective gloves. The most common means are:

  1. – powder agent of aggressive action. It is able to quickly clean even the most stubborn dirt both inside and outside.
  2. Chister- one of the most budget-friendly options, but in order to clean a thick layer of carbon deposits you need to put in more physical effort than when cleaning with Schumanite.
  3. Amway produces not only decorative and skincare cosmetics, but also detergents, which are famous for their effectiveness and mild effect. Carbon cleaners are suitable even for new pans.

It is necessary to interact with aggressive cleaning agents in a well-ventilated area. Bulk products should be poured as carefully as possible, avoiding dust and inhalation.

How to clean a badly burnt pan?

A pan with a thick layer of old carbon requires more thorough cleaning and most folk remedies are not able to clean it. To do this, you need to combine them or use professional cleaning products.

The most used ones are:

  • vinegar 9% + salt + water, the resulting mixture must be brought to a boil in a contaminated container and allowed to cool. Then clean using the rough side of a dishwashing sponge;
  • washing powder + sunflower oil mix until creamy and bring to a boil. Then wash;
  • ammonia + borax applied to a dirty surface and left for several hours;
  • carbonated drinks, in particular Coca-Cola, can clean off old carbon deposits. To do this, pour the liquid into a container and simmer over low heat for 20 minutes.

To clean old dishes that have already lost their attractive appearance, you can use metal brushes and sponges, which clean quite roughly, but effectively.

In order not to damage the coating, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • new enamel cookware should not be cleaned using too hard metal brushes and sponges; this method is applicable for old pans;
  • products containing aggressive acid should be used according to the instructions; prolonged contact of the acid with the enamel can significantly damage it;
  • when bleaching and cleaning with bleach or bleach, it is necessary to dilute it with water, since in its pure form it acts like an acid;
  • cleaning the pan from carbon deposits inside and outside should only be done with gloves to avoid damaging the skin of the hands;
  • the enamel can crack due to temperature changes, so you need to first fill the product and only then heat the container;
  • Do not use cleaning products for sinks and toilets, since the acid they contain is harmful to the body if the dishes are poorly washed.

You need to be careful when using potent substances that, in high concentrations, can damage the coating. If these rules are followed, the pan will serve for many years.

If you have a samovar in your home and use it from time to time, then it also needs cleaning. , you can find out here.

Tips and precautions for cleaning pans from carbon deposits

To maintain the cleanliness of an enamel-coated pan, you sometimes have to use strong products that require the following precautions:

  • when in contact with acids, it is necessary to use rubber gloves to avoid liquid getting on the skin, as it can cause redness, soreness and even burns;
  • Bulk cleaning products must be poured carefully so that a cloud of dust does not appear;
  • It is advisable to use a mask or respirator to avoid inhaling harmful substances;
  • You need to rinse the cleaned dishes especially thoroughly to remove the product so that it does not get into your food.

By following these tips, you can avoid a number of common problems that can arise when coming into contact with chemicals.

Features of caring for enamel cookware

Cookware coated with enamel requires special care, which will extend its service life for many years:

  1. There is no need to cook milk soups in enamel-coated containers, since milk tends to burn quickly, and it is quite difficult to clean the carbon deposits.
  2. After purchase, before first use, you need to harden the coating in this way - pour water to the top and bring to a boil, then let it cool naturally.
  3. The coating may deteriorate, if a large pan with a wide bottom is placed on a small burner of an electric stove, then the bottom heats up unevenly. As a result, cracks in the enamel may appear.
  4. It is strictly forbidden to fry in a container whose bottom is only partially covered with oil or fat.
  5. Darkened dishes can be bleached using vinegar or a slice of lemon. You just need to wipe the container.
  6. Dark deposits after cooking vegetables can be easily cleaned with whey.
  7. Cleaning a pan from burnt food must be careful not to cause scratches on the coating, which over time can turn into cracks. In such dishes, food burns much more often.
  8. Enamel does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature and can crack.
  9. Disposal must be made if the integrity of the enamel is damaged - it can release harmful substances when heated.
  10. Do not allow the dishes to fall from a great height; in this case, chips will certainly appear on the coating.
  11. Appearance of rust indicates chips and scratches on the coating; it can be washed, but it is not advisable to cook in such dishes, since during heating, rust can be released into the food.

Enameled pans have an attractive appearance, for which they are loved by many housewives. If you follow simple rules for care and cleaning, you can significantly extend their life and preserve their external beauty.


Burnt food in an enamel pan. Almost every housewife faces a similar problem. And then the question arises: how to remove carbon deposits from dishes without damaging their surface? There are several ways, and right now we will tell you them. The topic of the article is “The enamel pan burned. How to clean it? We present to your attention effective ways to eliminate this problem using available means at hand.

How to clean a burnt pan using activated carbon?

Grind ten tablets of this drug into powder and pour it into the bottom of an enamel bowl. Leave it like this for a quarter of an hour. After this time, pour enough clean water into the container so that it completely covers the contamination. Place the pan on the fire and boil the liquid for about half an hour. Next, wash the dish under running warm water with a sponge. All carbon deposits will be removed without much difficulty.

The enamel pan was burnt. How to clean it with acid?

Vinegar or lemon are the housewife’s faithful assistants in the fight against carbon deposits on dishes. Pour vinegar and water into the bottom of the container in a 1:1 ratio and place it on the stove. Boil the solution over low heat for about one hour. Keep in mind that a very unpleasant odor will spread throughout the kitchen during this procedure. Therefore, open the window for ventilation, and cover the pan itself with a wet towel. Moisten it with water as it dries. Instead of vinegar, you can use citric acid: 1 sachet is diluted with 200 grams of water and boiled for the same amount of time as the solution with vinegar. After completing the procedure, the container is washed with water and a sponge.

Soda and salt. How to quickly clean a burnt pan with these products?

This method can remove even the most difficult contaminants, such as outdated and very thick carbon deposits. Pour hot water into the bottom of the bowl and pour two large spoons and baking soda into it. Leave the container with this solution for a day. After this time, place the pan on the stove and simmer for half an hour over low heat. All stains will come off easily after this procedure. Wash the container in clean warm water.

The milk was burnt in an enamel vessel. What to do?

You were preparing milk porridge, and the enamel pan burned. How to clean this contamination? Don't panic, just drink some coffee. But rub the grounds from this drink over the bottom of the vessel and leave for about thirty minutes. The carbon deposits will become limp and can be easily washed off under running water.

Another way to clean burnt dishes is to freeze them.

Place the contaminated enamel container in the freezer for an hour. Then wash it in cool water. All contaminants are cleaned very quickly. It is important to know that after you take the pan out of the freezer, it should not be used. The enamel will crack due to a sudden change in temperature.

Have you had the following trouble in your kitchen: an enamel pan has burned? You already know how to clean this type of pollution. Take our recommendations into account and let your dishes always be clean.

Burnt food can upset any housewife. And the dirty dishes in which it was cooked will cause even greater disappointment. It’s not so easy to wash a pan from the stuck-on remnants of a failed dinner.

Okay, we fry food in them and the carbon deposits that appear in a frying pan are far from an innovation. But if the food in the pan burns, then this is the owner’s carelessness. But don’t rush to get rid of the pan if you haven’t kept track of the cooking.

There are many ways to help clean any, even the dirtiest pan from burnt food.

Before you begin cleaning work, you need to understand what material was used to make the pan. Different methods apply to each cookware.

If trouble happens to enamel dishes, It is important to consider three factors.

  1. The sooner you start cleaning the pan, the better the effect will be. If the dishes sit for some time, then yellow spots will inevitably form on them.
  2. Do not pour cold water into such a container that is too hot. A sharp change in temperature can cause cracks and chips. Let the dish cool slightly, then fill it with water at room temperature.
  3. Metal brushes are not suitable as improvised means for cleaning enamel pans. They may cause scratches.

Using table salt

Table salt can easily cope with a burnt pan. It has the property of corroding stuck food residues.

Its use involves several methods.

  • Cover the bottom of the pan completely with salt, leave the dishes to soak for 3-4 hours, then wash well.
  • Make a solution of 6 tablespoons of salt and one liter of water. Pour it into a dirty pan and boil over low heat for half an hour. All burnt pieces will fall away from the bottom and walls of the dish.

What if rice sticks to the bottom and walls of the dish? This is a very peculiar product that sticks to almost any dish where it is cooked due to its sticky consistency during the cooking process. The above methods using salt will also help solve the problem of how to clean an enamel pan of rice.

Using vinegar

You can also clean enamel pans from carbon deposits using vinegar. Just keep in mind that this is a rather aggressive product, so its effect should be short-term. Vinegar should be poured onto the burnt area and left for an hour. Then rinse the dishes well with water. If you don’t have vinegar, replace it with regular lemon or fresh citrus juice.

Using soda

How else can you clean an enamel pan from carbon deposits? As always, baking soda will come to the rescue. She has helped out more than one housewife and, most likely, is available in every kitchen. It is enough to prepare a very thick soda solution, immerse the pan in it and leave it overnight.

In the morning you will see the effect - not a trace of dirt will remain. If the dishes were too burnt, you should repeat the cleaning using this method.

Using soap

Soap or dishwashing detergent will also help to clean a badly burnt pan. You just need to pour water into a pan, add some soap or add it for dishes and boil over low heat for about 30 minutes. The carbon deposits from this procedure will become soft and it will not be difficult to wash it off with the back of the hard side of the sponge.

So that the enamel pan lasts a long time, with it it is important to handle correctly:

  • do not use it for preparing liquid dishes - compotes, jelly, soups;
  • do not cook porridge in it or make roast;
  • do not leave on a hot stove;
  • Do not place on a lit burner if the pan is empty.

Stainless steel cookware is, as a rule, always of high quality. Food cooked in it never tastes bad. It is also easy to clean, because stainless steel is highly resistant to external influences.

The dishes are protected by an oxide film, which is periodically renewed, preserving the quality of the metal. But if food is burned in such a pan, then the renewal process is slowed down, and emergency assistance is required for the dishes.

Before deciding what means you will use to save a burnt stainless steel pan, determine how severe the contamination is on its surface.

3 main ways

Depending on the amount of carbon deposits formed on the stainless steel pan, you can choose one of the following cleaning methods.

  • Limonka(citric acid) will remove not only carbon deposits, but also lime deposits on the bottom and walls. Boil water, poured to the level of carbon deposits. Pour a few tablespoons of citric acid into boiling water, depending on the complexity of the contamination. Boil water with lemon for 20-30 minutes, then wash the dishes as usual.
  • Special means. Using detergents to keep the kitchen clean, we can also easily remove carbon deposits from pots. This could be Amway or Schumanit, as well as other cheaper analogues. It all depends on your financial capabilities. So, you need to thoroughly warm the pan and spray or spread the product onto the entire dirty surface, wait for 30 minutes. Then wash off all the dirt with a soft sponge. Important! All of these chemical cleaning products are harmful to humans, so you should wear gloves when handling them. It is better to boil the dishes after this treatment.
  • Laundry soap and PVA glue. This method has been around for decades, it has been time-tested and is very effective in cleaning carbon deposits on a stainless steel pan caused by porridge, or if dairy food was cooked in the product.

To use this method, you need to dissolve a third of a large piece of laundry soap in 5 liters of water. First turn it into shavings using a vegetable grater.

Pour one tablespoon of PVA glue into the resulting solution. Place the pan in this mixture and boil for 30-40 minutes. Then simply rinse with warm water and dishwashing detergent.

Multi-component product

Housewives often make preparations for the winter in stainless saucepans. The question of how to clean a pan from burnt jam becomes relevant. Because it is what most often sticks to the walls and bottom of the cookware during cooking. In this case, there is one most effective way. For it you will need:

  • soda – 50 grams;
  • citric acid – 5 grams;
  • “Whiteness” - 100 ml;
  • a glass of warm water.

Mix the first three ingredients thoroughly. After this, add a glass of water to the resulting fraction. Mix everything well again. Pour the solution into a saucepan and place on low heat to boil for 15-20 minutes.

At the end of the specified time, rinse the pan under running cool water. There is no need for sponges and rags here, because the carbon deposits will evaporate and the coating will acquire a color like that of new dishes.

  • Raw potatoes will help preserve their original appearance and make stainless steel pans shiny. It needs to be cleaned and a piece passed along all the walls of the dish.
  • Table vinegar will remove water marks on the walls of the dishes. It must be applied to a soft sponge and walked over the entire outer surface.
  • If the stains are very stubborn, ammonia and cheap tooth powder will help get rid of them. You need to dilute these two ingredients in a 1:1 ratio. Dip a napkin into the resulting slurry and wipe all the walls with it. Then wash the pan with warm water.

Methods suitable for all types of pans

In addition to methods that are individually suitable for each material from which the pan is made, there are universal safe methods by which You can clean dishes made of any metal.

  • Activated carbon– an ideal way to clean a pan from burnt milk. You need to crush three pieces of black liquid into powder. Pour this mixture onto the soot in the pan and leave for 30-40 minutes. After the specified time has passed, fill the pan with cold water and wait for half an hour. Then just wash the dishes. There will be no trace of burning left. The same method will help to effectively clean an enamel pan from burnt jam.
  • Milk serum will save any dishes from carbon deposits, since it contains many alkaline substances that can break down fat and dirt. You just need to fill the stain with serum two to three centimeters above it and leave for 12 hours. After this, all the carbon deposits will be easily washed off with water, you don’t even have to boil it.

Many methods have been invented to answer the question of how to wash a burnt pan, but you should not neglect the timely care of your dishes.

If you thoroughly wash off the dirt every time after cooking, then you won’t have to spend a lot of time and effort on endless cleaning procedures.

Burnt-on food is very difficult to remove from the bottom of a pan with a simple detergent, as is the scale that forms on all kitchen utensils that come into contact with water to heat it.

Cleaning methods depend on the material the pan is made of. This factor should be taken into account first, and only then select an effective washing method.

Traditional methods

Soap solution

You will need 1 bar of 72% laundry soap, grate it and add water in such an amount to obtain a thick soapy mixture.

You can add detergent, soda or mustard powder. They will enhance the effect of economic.

The resulting product is applied to all surfaces of kitchen utensils and left in it overnight. The carbon deposits will dissipate in 8–10 hours and can be easily removed in the morning with a soft brush.

Sodium bicarbonate

Salt and soda are the best kitchen helpers for cleaning dishes from scale, soot and grease.

Cleaning enamel cookware will not take much time. Pour equal amounts of soda and salt into the burnt dishes and gently rub the walls until they become cleaner.

Use only a soft sponge. Finally, wash the kitchen utensils with warm water and a soft cloth.

If the contamination is severe, prepare a soda-salt solution. Place the container on the fire and boil for several minutes. In this way you can get rid of blackness inside.


You can whiten the walls of enamel dishes with sand. You just need to buy white.

How to clean a burnt enamel pan:

  1. It is more convenient to carry out the procedure outdoors. Take sand and sprinkle it on wet utensils.
  2. You can rub it lightly with a sponge. Sand is changed as it becomes dirty.
  3. After completing the manipulation, the kitchen utensils are washed well with detergent.

Since sand is not the cleanest material, it is recommended to use it in extreme cases. It will rid the pan of scale and onion skins that have left a dark coating on the walls.

Mustard powder

Many housewives have switched from a detergent that is unsafe for the body to using mustard powder when it is necessary to clean soot from pots. It is completely safe and copes with both burnt food and soot from the outside.

How to clean an enamel pan:

  1. Prepare a container with water and 1 sachet of mustard powder.
  2. Take a sponge, add the required amount of product, and rub the dishes with it.
  3. Add powder as needed; if 1 sachet is not enough, open a second one.
  4. When you achieve the desired result, rinse the kitchen utensils with water.

If the soot cannot be removed this way, then prepare mustard paste.

You will need to mix mustard powder, laundry soap and soda to get a thick consistency. Rub the pan with this mixture, leave it for several hours, and then simply wash off the residue with water.

Together with mustard paste, all dirt and burnt food will be easily removed.

Carbonated drinks

If you don’t know how to quickly clean a burnt enamel pan, because it is necessary for preparing the second dish, then carbonated drinks will save you.

Coca-Cola or Sprite is poured into the bowl. If the contamination is minor, let the drink sit for an hour. Then wash off the residue with warm water.

If burnt pieces of food do not want to leave the bottom, Coca-Cola is boiled for 40 minutes over low heat.

When cleaning this way, always stay close to the stove. Coca-Cola may escape.

After completing the manipulation, pour out the drink and rinse the pan with clean water. There's no need to even scrub with a sponge. The whole raid will go away on its own.

Carbonated drinks can be replaced with brine. This is another good acidic product. If you boil it for 20 minutes, all the burnt food will come off the bottom and walls.


Some fruits and citruses contain acids that destroy contaminants. They are not often used to remove scale or burnt-on food, since sometimes this procedure must be repeated more than once to obtain a satisfactory result.

You can clean enamel dishes with the following fruits:

  1. Apples. The sour green fruit contains natural acids, which also affect plaque and can clean the burnt bottom. Take an apple peel or slice and rub it on the enameled surface. The peel can be placed all over the bottom. After some time, you need to remove them with water.
  2. You can also wash off plaque with lemon. Citrus is cut in half and the cut is rubbed on problem areas. If the bottom is very burnt, place lemon slices on it or pour juice over it. After 2-3 hours, rinse and you can prepare a new dish. The smell will also disappear.

Apples and lemon can be replaced with citric acid. This cleaning agent can be used, but it cannot be used to rub enamel cookware. A bag of citric acid is poured into the product, filled with water to the brim and boiled for 20 minutes.

These products are also used at home to whiten enamel dishes.

Coffee grounds

Very dirty enamel dishes are washed with coffee grounds to remove plaque and burnt food. This method is great for removing burnt milk.

How to clean enamel cookware:

  1. The walls are first moistened, then smeared with coffee grounds. An hour later she is washed.
  2. Instead of coffee grounds, you can use activated carbon. Several pills will need to be crushed and sprinkled on the burnt areas of the food. After 20 minutes, wash the pan under running water.

Such methods will not only remove the remains of burnt food, they will remove the smell of burnt milk.

Another unique bleach is table vinegar. If the bottom often burns, this product can be used every time you wash your kitchen utensils.

How to clean a burnt pan:

  1. Damaged areas are treated with vinegar solution. Wait a few minutes and rinse with clean water.
  2. For severe contamination, boil vinegar for 1 hour. You can add 50% of 1 bar of laundry soap.

Vinegar must be handled with caution.

Some housewives claim: “I’ve been cleaning with vinegar for a long time, and the pan is like new.” In fact, this is a temporary result. If you use vinegar constantly, you can damage the enamel.

Household chemicals

To remove burnt food, you can use industrial products that can be found on the shelves of a hardware store.

What to clean with? The best ones are Bleach, Bleach or Persalt.

Bleach or bleach

If an enamel pan is burnt and cannot be cleaned with folk remedies, use bleach or bleach. This product will not only tidy the bottom of the dishes, but will also make them snow-white inside and out.

How to whiten the inside of an enamel pan:

  1. Fill the container with water and bring to a boil.
  2. Boil for 5–10 minutes.
  3. Add Whiteness to the product at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water or 0.5 tablets of bleach.
  4. Leave for 30–120 minutes, depending on the amount of dirt.

After the allotted time for manipulation, when the result is satisfactory, the chlorine solution is poured out and the kitchen utensils are thoroughly rinsed.

This method can be used to remove dark deposits from an enamel pan, but it is considered unsafe. Toxic substances such as bleach and bleach can clog pores, making the utensils unsafe for cooking in.


If you need to clean dishes from yellowness, Persol oxygen bleach will come to the rescue. It is chlorine-free, so it can be safely used for enamel pans.

The product is capable of removing yellow deposits from the surfaces of any dishes in one procedure.

How to wash an enamel pan:

  1. Oxygen bleach is poured into the container according to the instructions.
  2. Pour boiling water over.
  3. Place on fire and boil for several minutes.

After this procedure, the yellowness will disappear, and the black deposits can be easily removed with a regular soft sponge.

Persalt can be used together with soda ash and ordinary silicate glue. To do this, you need to take a container that will fit the pan and lower it there. Next, pour hot water, add 150 grams of glue, 1 pack of soda, Persalt and put on the stove. The solution is brought to a boil and left to simmer in this composition on gas for about 2 hours.

After such manipulation, carbon deposits are easily removed. The procedure is inexpensive, the only drawback is that the stove is occupied for half a day and you need to open all the windows and doors for good ventilation.

Enamel must be handled with care. If you properly care for kitchen utensils, any pan will last a long time, it will not become damaged or chipped, and it will not turn yellow.

  1. Pots should be used for their intended purpose. You cannot cook porridge or roast in enamel dishes. Such dishes will cause it to spoil faster. This type of cookware is intended for preparing liquid dishes, such as soups or compotes.
  2. Enameled pans must be placed on a cold cooking surface and then the heat or gas supply must be turned on. If you place cold dishes on a hot stove, they will quickly become unusable.
  3. Do not use abrasives or metal brushes. They leave scratches on the enamel, which shortens the service life of the product. Also, do not use knives or other sharp objects to remove burnt food.
  4. A saucepan that is coated with enamel cannot be placed on the stove empty, but a frying pan can. First, pour water, then turn on the stove.

By following simple rules, the question of how to clean an enamel pan will very rarely bother you.

Proper care of dishes made of this material will help keep them in good condition for many years.
