Jewish stuffed fish. Jewish stuffed carp. The process of forming an unusual dish

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

To prepare boneless fish, I offer you a wonderful step-by-step recipe with a photo, “Jewish Stuffed Fish.” I myself have cooked it many times, so I know how it’s done and I can tell you, since many people hesitate to cook such a dish due to lack of knowledge. I will clearly tell you how to stuff a fish and at the same time remove all the bones from it. Look at the photos, where you can see a lot of interesting things. It is very convenient to eat fish if all the bones have been removed in advance, and many of your guests will be grateful to you for this. Moreover, fish prepared in this way tastes very tender, soft and tasty. I think you'll like this one too.

Required Products:

- 1 carcass of fresh fish weighing 700-800 grams;
- 1 medium carrot;
- 1 large onion;
- 1 chicken egg;
- 50 grams of salted crackers;
- A little salt to taste;
- 1 coffee spoon of baking soda;
- 70 grams of vegetable oil;
- 50 grams of water.

Recipe with photos step by step:

The first thing I do is prepare the onions for the filling as it needs to cool before I add them to the minced fish. I cut the onion into medium pieces, since then I will still grind the onion in a meat grinder. I send it straight to a hot frying pan, add oil and water.

Simmer the onion over medium heat until it has a caramel color. Add soda to the onion, stir and simmer for another 10 minutes and turn off the heat.

Now that the onion has cooled, I get to work on the fish. I had a bearing. I wash the fish and peel it carefully so as not to damage the skin. I cut the fish near the head, but not all the way. Through this incision I take out the gills. I also remove the eyes.

I begin to pull back the skin of the fish and carefully hold the head. If necessary, I trim slightly with a knife, but the skin should tighten like a stocking. The meat and bones should remain on one side, and the skin and head on the other.

I remove the meat from the backbone and throw away the bones.

I grind fish meat and fried onions in a meat grinder, break a chicken egg into minced meat, and immediately crumble the crackers.

I stuff the fish with stuffing.

I make a vegetable pillow out of carrots and onions, place the fish on it, and lightly sprinkle with mayonnaise if desired.

I bake the fish for 40 minutes until it turns golden.

I serve it both hot and cold. It will be delicious, I promise you!

I can easily cut this stuffed fish into portioned pieces, so that everyone gets something.

Dancing from the stove to the computer!!

Real stuffed fish or, as they say in Odessa, fish-fish is prepared from three types of fish! Well, first of all, carp. It is his skin that is stuffed with all sorts of delicacies, which include his own meat. Secondly, of course, pike perch. But what about it? After all, it is what gives the dish its special taste and aroma. But the most important thing is the pike! I dare to assure you that without pike you will never get a real stuffed fish. True, they say that in some underdeveloped countries, such as Germany, it is pike that is stuffed. But what will you take from them? Germans...

Some uneducated people try to put other fish in the fish, for example, silver carp. I feel sorry for them!
But there are also those who generally put sea fish into minced meat! Shame on them! And please spit in their eyes when you meet them!

Stuffed fish, like many dishes of Jews in the Pale of Settlement, is a dish of poverty, when one piece of meat or a limited amount of fish needs to feed an entire family. Jews in the shtetls tried to make dinner out of “spread out fives,” as Sholom Aleichem put it. Gefilte fish, besides this is a beautiful, festive dish

Like any iconic dish from any cuisine around the world, this dish has many variations. Here regional characteristics come into force, the types of fish that are available in a given area, and every housewife has her own option and considers it the most correct.
I present to you an option that my grandmother taught me from the “For Yourself” series.
In this version, the fish is not laid out entirely on a dish, but is made into “cutlets”. Usually for this recipe I used carp mixed with pike perch, somehow you can’t always buy good pike in our area, but it is still mostly used for whole stuffing.
They brought me crucian carp for 1.800.

The fish was alive, did not smell of mud, and was cleaned and cut up by me. The head was cut off, the ridge and tail were cut out, and the carcass was milled.

The fish was small, 1800 gr., just enough for 1-2 days. It was decided to make a dish only from it.
Required: Fish - 1 piece, carrots - 1 piece, onion - 5 pieces, eggs - 1 piece, white bun, milk.

Using a sharp knife, separate the skin from the meat, trying to leave it whole.The head should not have eyes, gills, and the bone, which gives bitterness, should be removed. Fish meatcut into pieces of 5 cm. Removed the skin from the pieces of fish.

For minced meat:
Clean the fish meat from the bones and grind it in a meat grinder with a fine grid (I grinded it twice). Finely chop two onions and sauté in oil until golden brown. Add 0.4 kg of carrots, grated on a fine grater, to the onion and simmer everything together for 10-15 minutes. Cool and add to minced meat.
While the onion is stewing, peel the loaf of bread from the crust and soak in milk. Squeeze out the loaf and add to the minced meat. Beat the eggs in there too. Season everything with salt and pepper, add a little grated nutmeg, and mix.

Chop the remaining roots, onions, beets, carrots as you like, but coarsely. Place beets, onions, carrots, salt and pepper on the bottom of a thick-walled saucepan or cauldron. I first place the beets on the bottom; when they are fried from below, they become sweeter and denser.

Mix the minced meat thoroughly with your hands.Now we make cutlets from the minced meat according to the size of the chopped skin.

Wrap the skin around the cutlets and place them on top of the vegetables.

Pour in 100 gr. water and put in the oven at 180 degrees for an hour and a half.At the end, open slightly for a couple of minutes to brown, but do not overcook.That's all. Yes, let the cooked fish cool a little. It’s easier to spread it when it’s cooled, and it’ll taste better. Vegetables, bottom of the cauldron - for garnish.

Israeli cuisine offers a large number of delicious recipes, and Jewish fish fish is another clear example of the fact that even the simplest and most familiar products can be used to prepare a simply delicious delicacy. The uniqueness of this option lies in the fact that there are a great many interpretations of it. In the East, fish is often stuffed in pieces or whole. However, it turns out to be especially tender, juicy, exquisite and simply unique when it is used to create unique cutlets, which are then stewed in fish broth with vegetables. This is simply fantastic! Even those who prefer meat will appreciate this dish.

Cooking time – 3.5 hours.

Number of servings – 6.


To make fish according to a Jewish recipe, you will need to prepare the most familiar set of ingredients. See for yourself! There is not a single overseas, outlandish product in this set that you could not purchase in your nearest store:

  • carp – 1 carcass;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • loaf – 1 pc.;
  • beets – 1 pc.;
  • onion - 3 heads;
  • gelatin – 7 g;
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar – ½ tsp;
  • raw egg yolk – 1 pc.;
  • refined vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - to taste.

How to cook fish according to a Jewish recipe

If you can only dream about a trip to Israel, don’t worry. Thanks to the proposed step-by-step recipe with photos, you will be able to cook simply delicious Jewish-style fish fish as if you had lived in the East for many years. In fact, you don't need to be a super chef to do this. After all, this recipe for preparing fish according to a recipe from Israel does not contain any phenomenal difficulties.

  1. The fish must be cleaned of scales. The abdomen will need to be opened with a knife. All the insides are removed from it. Be sure to thoroughly clean off the black film from the inside so that the finished dish is guaranteed to be free of bitterness.

On a note! You shouldn't throw away the scales. We will still need it. By the way, the head and skin, which we will remove later, should also be left.

  1. Next, you will need to make a longitudinal incision along the back all the way to the spine. When touching the ribs with a knife, remove the meat. This procedure is carried out on each side of the carcass.

  1. Then you will need to carefully pry off the skin with a knife. Carefully insert your finger into the hole. This will allow us to remove the skin without unnecessary difficulties.

  1. The peeled carrots will need to be finely grated. The husks are carefully removed from the bulbs. They need to be finely chopped. Take a large and deep frying pan. Odorless vegetable oil is poured into it. When it is well heated, you will need to put the mixture of onions and carrots into the frying pan. Vegetables need to be fried a little, after which they should be cooled at room temperature.

  1. The fish pulp must be placed in a blender bowl and crushed into a paste. You can do this using a food processor. If you are more familiar, use an ordinary meat grinder, but then you will need to grind the carp meat at least 2-3 times. This should be done (regardless of the chosen method) together with the bread crumb, which will need to be pre-soaked in water.

  1. Add carrots and onions to the minced fish. Break an egg into the mixture (only the yolk). Everything should be salted and sprinkled with ground pepper, guided by your own taste preferences. Everything needs to be interrupted or scrolled again.

  1. Onions, beets and carrots should be washed and cut into large rings. The sliced ​​vegetables are laid out in a dense layer on the bottom of the container in which you plan to stew the fish according to the Jewish recipe.

  1. The workpiece must be filled with water, and the bay leaf is sent there. You will need to make small cutlets from the minced fish and place them directly in boiling water. More boiling water is added on top so that the meatballs are completely submerged in water.

  1. In gauze, folded in half, you need to put the head, scales, bones, and skin. Everything is tied tightly and sent into a container with fish. The mass should be salted. Fish fish in Jewish style should be stewed for 2 to 2.5 hours.

On a note! If after the specified amount of time the broth poured onto the plate does not turn into jelly, then gelatin should be added to the composition, following all the recommendations on the package. The gauze with waste must be removed.

Our amazing fish is ready! Just try it!

Video recipes

If you don’t know how to cook fish fish in Jewish style, then these video recipes will help you:

Gefilte fish, do you want?

Shabbat Shalom, Chaverim!
Oddly enough, I am not a big fan of Ashkenazi cuisine. Sweet tsimmes are not for me. But I respect well-cooked stuffed chicken neck, forshmak, “Jewish penicillin” (chicken broth) with matzo, and gefilte fish, including as excellent snacks with vodka.

Stuffed fish, like many dishes of Jews in the Pale of Settlement, is a dish of poverty, when one piece of meat or a limited amount of fish needs to feed an entire family. Jews in the shtetls tried to make dinner out of “spread out fives,” as Sholom Aleichem put it. Gefilte fish, in addition, is a beautiful, festive dish, which, subject to koshrut, unlike meat, goes well with dairy. Such fish is used by religious Jews as a dish for the Shabbat meal. For on Saturday you cannot work, and even removing junk from food is considered work, i.e. in this context, if a whole fish were fried, then the bones would have to be removed from it when eating. This is a violation, you can only extract food from non-food, for example, gnaw a large bone with small pieces of meat.

Like any iconic dish from any cuisine around the world, this dish has many variations. Here regional characteristics come into force, the types of fish that are available in a given area, and every housewife has her own option and considers it the most correct.
I present to you an option that my grandmother taught my wife from the “as for herself” series...
In this version, the fish is not laid out entirely on a dish, but is made into “cutlets”.

I went to Privoz in the fish row. Usually my wife’s grandmother used carp mixed with silver carp for this recipe; somehow you can’t always buy good pike in our area, but it is still mostly used for whole stuffing.
Comrades advised carp and, just in case, I asked about its availability and received an affirmative answer.

The fish was alive, did not smell of mud, and at my request was cleaned and cut up. The head was cut off, the ridge and tail were cut out, and the carcass was milled. The fish was small, 1800 gr., just enough for 1-2 days, so that you don’t get bored eating the same thing for a week. It was decided to make a dish only from it.
I came home and posted the sources.
Fish, one carrot, 5 bulbs, one more was needed further, 2 eggs, white bun nicknamed “Odessa bagel”, milk.

We cut the fish into 8 mm pieces.

Cut the onion into cubes and begin to simmer in a cauldron for vegetable oil. First over medium heat, then over medium heat, covered.

Using a sharp knife, separate the skin from the meat, trying to leave it whole.
In the photo below: in the left pile there is skin, in the middle there is pulp, on the right there is a head, a tail with a ridge, bones and fins.
There should be no eyes, no gills in the head, and the bone, which gives bitterness, is also removed. Google it and you will find it.

Pass the pulp through a meat grinder.

Stir the onion all the time. Open the lid, increase the heat and achieve a golden color, despite the fact that the onion is rather not fried, but stewed.

Let the onion cool.
Soak the bun in a small amount of milk.
We pass the fish through the meat grinder again (to make the minced meat more tender and to get rid of any remaining bones), adding half of the fried onion without oil, a raw onion, and a bun. Add 2 eggs, salt and pepper.

Mix the minced meat thoroughly with your hands.

Lay out the skins with the remaining fish, inside side up.

From the minced meat, with hands dipped in cold water, we make cutlets of appropriate size and mold them with the skin.

Fry our cutlets until crusty. First from the side without skin, and only then on the stronger “skin” side.

Place our preparations on a plate to cool.

In a large saucepan, place the head and ridge on the bottom of the bone, on top of the carrots, cut into nickels, the remains of the fried onion, along with the fat.

Next... Next is a trick that you just need to accept a priori if you want to follow this recipe.
Probably, if I had done it intuitively, I would have first poured water and cooked the bones with vegetables, and only then added the cutlets, but according to this recipe, our fried semi-finished products are placed on top of the raw ingredients and poured with purified cold water so that it slightly covers everything. Everything is salted and peppered.
Some people put beet rings and onion peels underneath.

Bring to a boil, cover with a lid, reduce the heat, and leave to simmer slowly.
After an hour, open and add sweet laurel And pepper same. Season with salt and pepper.

Leave for another hour.
It would seem that the fish is ready in 20 minutes, and we simmer it for 2 hours, but it has its own logic (Jewish) and its own taste (same).

All cuisines in the world have some kind of signature dish. What is the culinary calling card of the country. For Jews it is stuffed carp. And this dish is not only tasty, festive, beautiful, but also ritual. “Gefilte fish”, stuffed fish, is usually served at dinner. Why don’t we treat ourselves to this dish. It doesn't require many ingredients. The cooking process may seem laborious at first. But over time, when certain skills are developed, you will cope with it faster and faster. And it doesn’t have to be in Hebrew; it must be presented in its entirety. Cut into lengthwise pieces, it is also very tasty. This dish doesn’t have as many variations as Ukrainian borscht, but there are still some. In this article we will look at the Zhytomyr recipe.

Step one. Preparing the fish

“Gefilte fish,” Jewish-style stuffed carp, is not a dish of Sephardim, but of their more northern relatives. It especially took root in the so-called “Pale of Settlement” of the Russian Empire. Zhitomir is just such a city in which non-Jews constituted a national minority. There, the dish requires two fish - carp and pike. The sweetish meat of the latter will serve as a filling. Every self-respecting Zhytomyr housewife removes the skin from carp with a “stocking”. To do this, you must first clean the fish from scales, and then from the insides, making a neat cut on the belly. Then we wrap the carp in a plastic bag and beat it on both sides with a wooden mallet. Put it in the refrigerator overnight. This technique will allow us to easily remove the skin from the fish.

Step two. Removing skin with stockings

We are facing the most difficult stage of preparation. After all, whole Jewish-style stuffed carp should be served at the holiday table. This fish has tough skin, but we must also be careful. On the inside of the abdomen, not far from the cut through which we gutted the carp the day before, we make two new ones. Naturally, we leave the skin intact. We pick up the pulp with our fingers and begin to push it towards the back. Having reached the ridge, we cut off the spine from the head and tail with scissors. We turn the skin inside out like a stocking. The resulting meat is separated from the bones. The same can be done with pike. To make the task easier, you can boil this fish and remove the skin from it as necessary. We don’t throw away the bones—everything will do in a Jewish household.

Step three. Filling

Carp stuffed in Jewish style will be tastier if we fill it not with fish mousse, but with meat. Therefore, we pass carp and pike fillets through a meat grinder. And the meticulous housewives of Zhytomyr cut him finely with a knife. Next, we put into the filling everything that we throw into the minced meat for the cutlets: a finely chopped onion fried in oil, a bun soaked in milk, three eggs. Only spices need to be used for fish. This minced meat needs to be beaten well. We take it with our hand and forcefully throw it back into the bowl. This way the fish will be more tender, and the structure of the minced meat will not tear the skin of the carp. If it is still too tight, add milk. We stuff the carp without fanaticism. After all, when cooked, the filling will swell and inevitably tear the skin. You can make fish cutlets from the remaining minced meat another time. Let's sew up the fish's belly.

Step four. Cooking carp

We cut into thin slices a kilogram of onions, four or five carrots, one parsley, a quarter of a large celery root. In Zhitomir, the national dish “Gefilte fish” is called “carp stuffed in Jewish style with beets.” This root vegetable gives the jelly an amazing ruby ​​color. We clean and cut four medium-sized beets into small slices, and one into three in a separate bowl. We take a large saucepan and line its bottom with washed onion peels (a Jewish housewife, as we remember, does not simply throw away anything). We place the bones and fins in a bag made of several layers of gauze, tie it with a long thread, the end of which will hang from the pan (for convenience, it can be tied to the handle). Cover the husks with half of the vegetables. Place carrots, onions, roots, and beets one by one. We place the carp on this. Cover with the remaining half of the vegetables. Pour water to the upper limit. We put it on fire. When it boils, skim off the foam, add peppercorns, bay leaves, and salt. Reduce heat to low and cook for two hours.

The final stage in preparing the dish “Jewish Stuffed Carp”

The recipe from Zhitomir suggests that the jelly should be ruby ​​in color. To do this, add a little vinegar to the grated beets and dilute with a small amount (half a ladle is enough) of broth. Then we will carefully strain the liquid through cheesecloth. And squeeze the beet pulp to the last drop. This liquid is called “kvass” in Ukrainian cuisine and is widely used in the preparation of borscht. Here we observe an interesting phenomenon, how in the “Pale of Settlement” two national culinary traditions enriched each other. Pour the Ukrainian kvass into the broth in which the Jewish stuffed carp is cooked. Let it boil for just a minute and turn off the heat. If you cook longer, you won’t get a beautiful color.

Serving carp to the table

Let the broth cool. We pull out the gauze bag with the bones by the thread. Place some of the vegetables on a platter. Place the carp on top. Carefully remove the threads. Let's lean the head and tail against the carcass. Pour the strained broth over the fish. And put it in the refrigerator. And after a few hours we serve it. Carp stuffed in Jewish style, the photo of which looks very original, will be a signature dish and will amaze the guests. For convenience, you can cut the fish into portions. But this should be done in front of the amazed guests.
