Fruit and vegetable powders. A method for obtaining powder from plant raw materials and a device for its implementation. “Jelly Shores” that we did not see or “an apple of discord”

The proposed inventions relate to the food industry, namely to technologies for producing powder from plant raw materials, which is used in the confectionery, food concentrate and other branches of the food industry.

Powders from fruits, vegetables, berries, herbs, spices, mushrooms, fish, meat and other agricultural products with a high concentration of biologically active substances were previously expensive and served as the basis of nutrition exclusively for astronauts. The unique technology we have developed provides a significant reduction in the cost of powders with their high quality, and opens up the widespread use of such powders for the preparation of various high-quality, inexpensive food products and nutritional supplements available to all segments of the population.

The main traditional consumers of powders are dairies, confectionery factories, the baking industry, the production of sausages, concentrated instant breakfasts, baby food, food additives, etc.

Scientists gerontologists confirm: it is vegetables and fruits that contain substances - antioxidants, which are not synthesized in the body and must be supplied with food. These are vitamins A, E, C, P, K, of which there are many in nettles, black grape varieties, beets, red cabbage, the aerial part of extragonum, dill, cilantro, parsley, mint, rosemary, and sage. Apples, cherries, dark cherries, black tea, rose hips, nuts, chokeberries, and black currants are rich in antioxidants. All of them help prevent premature aging and increase life expectancy. You need to eat at least 600 grams of beets, cabbage, garlic, onions, potatoes, and herbs daily; at least 300 grams of fruits or berries with pulp, and about 400 grams of various fermented milk drinks. But every day, all year round, only a few can eat such a quantity of fresh fruits and vegetables... Another thing is that these same vegetables, fruits, berries, but only dehydrated and turned into fine powders, in which all the beneficial properties of the original raw materials, vitamins, biologically active substances, flavoring, aromatic and other components. Powders are reduced in mass by 6...8 times, stored under normal conditions for 1.5 years or more. Thus, the daily norm of 600 grams of vegetables turns into 100 grams of powders, and 300 grams of fruits and berries into 50 grams of powders. Thanks to this, 150 grams of highly beneficial powdered products for people, transformed into beautiful, tasty forms, will be eaten with pleasure by both children and adults two to three times a day.

The basis of new technologies is the new installations we have developed, designed for the production of dry powders from agricultural raw materials activation method, while useful substances are preserved in the powders - vitamins, biologically active substances, flavoring, aromatic and other components. During the processing process, products do not oxidize; technological processes are environmentally friendly and do not pollute the environment. Maintenance of the units is simple, control is accessible to almost anyone after training by our specialists. When using a patented method and installation, it is possible to obtain a powder from plant raw materials that has a given dispersion and is not subject to clumping during long-term storage. The resulting powder retains the vitamin composition and organoleptic properties (taste, smell) of the original plant material. In contrast to currently used similar technologies for producing powder from plant raw materials, this invention makes it possible to obtain a higher quality product with a high content of vitamins and, at the same time, does not require large costs and investments. The plant for processing raw materials is simple and inexpensive to operate, compact and cost-effective. The invention can be used both in small businesses and large industrial enterprises.

The method of obtaining powder from plant raw materials is carried out as follows.

Pre-prepared vegetable raw materials, which are plant mass crushed in the form of pieces, shavings or pulp, are fed into the grinding unit through a hopper, where it is moved in the direction of the nozzle by means of a screw auger. In this case, the pre-prepared plant material is ground by a screw until a homogeneous mixture is formed, which then enters the cylindrical body of the drying chamber. The resulting homogeneous mixture of plant materials is introduced through a nozzle into the working area of ​​the drying chamber, located above the chopper in the lower part of the cylindrical body, where it is subjected to preliminary crushing. Through the pipes adjacent to the cylindrical body, coolant enters the working area of ​​the drying chamber, which is heated by heat generators. The coolant entering the drying chamber moves in an upward direction in the working area of ​​the cylindrical body in the form of a swirling flow, picking up particles of a homogeneous mixture, previously crushed using a grinder. Once the particles of the plant material reach the specified humidity and dispersion, they are carried by a coolant flow moving through the working area of ​​the drying chamber at a speed equal to 1.0-1.5 the speed of particle soaring, carried to the upper part of the cylindrical body from where they enter dust collectors through inlet pipes, connected by their outlet pipes with an exhaust compressor. Then the resulting powder is removed from the dust collectors for packaging.

The installation and method have undergone industrial tests, confirming their high efficiency, as can be seen from the examples given.

Example 1. 20 kg of crushed apples were taken as pre-prepared plant raw materials, which were loaded into the grinding unit through a hopper. As a result of their processing in the grinding unit, a ground homogeneous mixture with a humidity of 83% was obtained, which was introduced into the drying chamber at a coolant temperature of 125 ° C, where it was subjected to preliminary crushing on a grinder. The resulting particles of plant raw materials with a size of 40 microns were processed in a coolant flow moving in an upward direction at a speed of 8 m/s, which was 1.5 times the speed of particles floating in the drying chamber. In this case, the total drying time for 20 kg of feedstock was 1.5 hours, and the yield of the resulting powder with a moisture content of 6% was 3.480 kg.

Example 2. 10 kg of garlic with an initial moisture content of 78% was taken as pre-prepared plant raw material. As a result of its processing in the grinding unit, a ground homogeneous mixture was obtained, which was introduced into the drying chamber at a coolant temperature of 100°C, where it was subjected to preliminary crushing on a grinder. The resulting particles of plant raw materials with a size of 35-40 microns were processed in a coolant flow moving in an upward direction at a speed of 7.5 m/s, which was 1.1 times the speed of particle soaring in the drying chamber. In this case, the process of processing the initial plant raw material lasted 0.8 hours, and the yield of the resulting powder with a moisture content of 8% was 1.875 kg.

Example 3. The starting plant material was 36 kg of pumpkin with an initial moisture content of 93%, which was loaded into the grinding unit through a hopper. At the same time, 24 kg of pumpkin powder with a moisture content of 6% was loaded into an additional hopper. As a result of their joint processing in the grinding unit, a ground homogeneous mixture with a moisture content of 62% was obtained, which was introduced into the drying chamber at a coolant temperature of 80°C, where it was subjected to preliminary crushing on a grinder. The resulting particles of plant raw materials with a size of 30 microns were processed in a coolant flow moving in an upward direction at a speed of 6.5 m/s, which was 1.0 times the speed of particle soaring in the drying chamber. In this case, the process of processing the initial plant raw materials lasted 6.8 hours, and the yield of the resulting powder with a moisture content of 7% was 28.540 kg.

The installation is easy to use and is serviced by one operator (see illustrations):

Rice. 1 - Raw material grinder (grinds raw materials into pulp). At the request of the customer, the chopper can be located above the installation hopper or located separately from it.

Rice. 2 - Dispenser. Loading pulp into the bunker, automatic dosed supply of raw materials to the installation activator.

Rice. 3 - Unloading the finished powder.

Rice. 4 - General view of the installation.

Comparison table of methods for preserving agricultural products

Original product

Canning Methods

Loss of nutrients,%

Vitamin C" Carbohydrates Squirrels
Freezing 0,3…0,5 1,3…1,5 25…30
Convection drying 60…70 1,5…2,5 -
Freeze drying 14…16 0,5…1,0 0,1…0,3
9…11 0,3…0,7 0,07…0,2
Fruits and berries Freezing 20…25 1,5…2,0 0,5…1,5
Convection drying 80…90 2,0…2,5 -
Freeze drying 10…20 1,3…1,5 0,8…1,2
Activation drying (proposed technology) 7…14 0,9…1,0 0,5…0,8

Technical and economic indicators of the installation

Index Unit Indicator value
1. Productivity of water extracted from raw materials l/h 40
2. Dry powder capacity kg/h 30-50
3. Productivity for processed agricultural raw materials kg/h 75-130
4. Powder dispersion µm 15-100
5. Powder moisture % 6-10
6. Heating temperature of the dried product WITH 25-38
7.Power kW 50
8.Dimensions (length x width x height) m 1.8x1.5x2.6
9. Mass kg 510
10. Warranty period from the date of installation months 18
11. Service personnel people 1
12. Manufacturing and delivery time for one unit months 3

The installation is certified by the State Standard of Ukraine (TUU 23913766-002-99). The technical conditions of Ukraine apply to 72 types of powder produced.

When delivering equipment, the company’s specialists install the installation, put the installation into operation, train operating personnel, transfer technical specifications for powders, and provide advisory assistance in the rational organization of product production.

The proposed installation and technology are protected by patents of Ukraine and Russia.

Thirty installations are already successfully operating at Ukrainian enterprises.

The owner of the patent invites interested legal entities and individuals to enter into a license agreement for the use of the patented group of inventions and to purchase the declared installations.

The developer can also provide:

  1. Regulatory technical documentation for the manufacture of equipment for the production of powders.
  2. Technical specifications TU U 29.5-23913766-004:2003 “Activation drying and grinding installations.
  3. Technological instructions for the production of powders.
  4. Technical specifications TU U 15.1-23913766-001:2004 "Cooked meat powders"
  5. Technical specifications TU U 15.3-23913766-002:2005 "Fine vegetable, fruit and berry powders
  6. Technical specifications TU U 15.8-23913766-003:2005 "Fine powders from grain crops for baby and dietary nutrition"

Eco-friendly fruit flour will replace the usual - frozen fruits

FoPo - this is how Lund University of Sweden, or more precisely, a team of student inventors from this university, registered a trademark for their invention.

FoPo is a dry fruit powder. Students from Sweden figured out what to do with spoiled, starting to spoil, and simply substandard fruits and berries.

Now they will take them from greengrocers’ tents, from farmers, from supermarkets and turn them into food powder, which is stored on the store shelf for up to two years.

Based on this nutritious powder - FoPo - the end consumer will cook compotes, jelly, fruit soups, smoothies and add FoPo powder to baked goods - muffins and pies.

FoPo is essentially fruit flour. The boom in fashion for bird cherry flour has also touched our region, but people are not fed up with bird cherry flour alone...

What to do with the “fruit harvest”?

This question has stood and stands for centuries. Fruit trees and berry and fruit crops are the most “frivolous” type of activity for a gardener and a peasant who wants to make money. On the other hand, a fruit tree does not require much expense or care - it grows and grows.

According to statistics, more than 40% of the fruit harvest is lost. But this is in a modern, stupid economy and in modern “supermarket” retail.

If we turn to traditional methods of management, the picture will be more vivid.

The plum turns into... plum!

Yeah, apple goes into cider. However, who...

Every “our” person knows what to make from carrion and rotten fruit.

In addition to the fact that fruits that people don’t need are eaten by their pets (for example, pigs), the fruits, of course, are distilled... into alcohol! For moonshine - that's simpler.

But we won’t tell students from the Swedish university Lund University of Sweden about this, will we? Let them figure out for themselves what else can be made from rotten carrion.

In addition, the Swedes may be offended. These residents of northern Europe rarely see fresh fruit due to climatic conditions, and in supermarkets they cost exorbitant amounts of money. Would you like to pay 50 euros for a couple of medium-sized grapefruits?

Therefore, food nutrient powder, fruit flour from second-grade fruits and expired fruits are an excellent alternative to distilling “fruit” into moonshine.

And besides, this is a beautiful solution - it solves the food problem.

After all, in addition to drinking, you also need a “snack” and sometimes it is more important, since the problem of hunger on the planet has not yet been solved, it was and remains a “global problem of humanity.”

“Jelly Shores” that we did not see or “an apple of discord”

During the reign of Khrushchev, there was one unpleasant event that accelerated the fall of this secretary general, who earned rare hatred for himself - precisely thanks to poor management in the agricultural sector.

During the time of Khrushchev, there were short (but remembered by the people) raids on private farms, with the goal of first imposing a huge tax on every fruit tree on the site, and then raids with axes.

Some peasants, without waiting for the “Lopakhin axes,” began to cut down apple trees in their orchards themselves, so as not to have problems with the financial inspector, since there was never much cash in the agricultural sector (that is, in the wallets of the peasants).

The economy in the countryside has always had the form of barter, natural exchange, but the money supply was in short supply.

This Khrushchev’s “blow on the fruit trees on six hundred square meters” had two goals: (1) not to give the peasants the supply of money in their wallets, and (2) the fight against illegal distillation (and “unearned” income).

If the technology that students from Lund University of Sweden have now come up with - food fruit flour FoPo - was known to the Soviet Union and put it on the broad rails of a planned economy - with the goal of feeding the country with jelly made from fruit flour, then orchards in the villages would not have suffered from barbaric policies, and Soviet stores would be filled with fruit flour.

But better late than never. Ideas are constantly appearing in the world about what to do with a harvest of fruits and berries that is spoiling right before our eyes. Traditional crop losses of up to 40% do not suit anyone.

Let's remember the old solutions to this problem:

    Mason mug - glass Mason Jar.

A thick glass jar with a very distinctive, recognizable wide neck and a thick screw-on ground glass lid, with metal parts. (Ikea sells these now).

The Mason mug was patented in 1858 by tinsmith John L. Mason. The standard volume of such a jar is 400 or 500 ml - that is, this is far from a radical solution to the problem of a rotting fruit crop.

The invention was nevertheless revolutionary. Before the advent of freezing, fruits and vegetables were available to people only “in season”; the harvest quickly deteriorated.

An alternative is drying, drying, marinade, jam with sugar.

The Mason mug revolutionized home canning. Now vegetables and fruits could be eaten fresh all year round.

Of course, for the southern (agricultural) states of the USA, the Mason mug turned out to be an irreplaceable gift and quickly became a recognizable typical household item.

With the advent of the era of refrigerators (or rather, freezers), the mass market of the agricultural industry somehow forgot about drying fruits in the sun and other typically peasant, traditional methods of processing and preserving quickly perishable crops.

But freezers consume electricity! This is the most irrational way to store fruit harvest, if you think about it!

And the modern economy, based on reducing energy consumption and also on the priority reduction of environmental damage caused to nature by human agricultural activity, understands and takes this into account!

Frozen fruit will soon disappear from supermarket shelves!

This is the main conclusion that the inventors of fruit flour - FoPo, students from the Swedish university Lund University of Sweden - want to convey to the world.

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07.09.2015 12:37:08

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