Khachapuri with regular puff pastry cheese. Khachapuri made from puff pastry - quick cheese envelopes. Khachapuri puff pastry with cheese - general principles of preparation

Khachapuri made from puff pastry is perhaps the easiest way to prepare this dish. Housewives usually use ready-made puff pastry, as this guarantees delicious baked goods. At the same time, you do not need to waste time and effort preparing the base yourself, which is a complex and time-consuming process that requires skills. Classic khachapuri is prepared with cheese, but there are different variations - with cottage cheese, beans, and meat filling.

The recipe for such a dish will help out in a variety of situations, for example, before guests arrive. Khachapuri can be served for tea or main courses instead of bread. It is worth noting that the classic recipe involves preparing baked goods not from puff pastry, but from sponge yeast dough. In any case, it will take at least an hour to make aromatic flour products. Some cook khachapuri in the oven, and some in a frying pan.


Khachapuri is a Georgian dish. In translation, “khacha” means cheese, and “puri” means bread. Traditionally, not a single feast is complete without it. Every Georgian family has its own recipe for making such baked goods, which has rightfully become the pride of Caucasian cuisine. The secrets of making bread with cheese filling are passed down from generation to generation.

Khachapuri occupies an important place in Eastern European cuisine, since the culinary traditions of Georgia cannot leave any gourmet indifferent. For this reason, baking is not uncommon in Ukraine, Russia, and Belarus. Housewives prepare it in their home kitchen. Khachapuri can often be ordered in coffee shops and restaurants.

There are recipes for making flour products with minced meat. But in this case, it is not entirely correct to call the dish khachapuri, since it should in any case consist of bread and cheese. Many people will be interested to know that in Georgia they prepare several other dishes very similar to khachapuri. These include:

  • lobiani, which is made with bean filling;
  • kubdari are flatbreads with minced meat;
  • Balkar-Karachay Khychin is a traditional dish that is prepared with cheese and potato or meat filling.

Georgians are so proud of their national pastry that in 2010 they passed a law designed to protect the trade name “khachapuri”.

Baking Features

According to tradition, national Georgian pastries should have a round shape. You can bake portioned flatbreads, or you can make a large khachapuri, which is then cut into 6 - 8 servings. The exception is Adjara-style khachapuri. This product has an oval shape and resembles a boat. A raw egg is driven into the center of such baked goods and baked along with the dough. It is important to note that it is advisable to add a special type of cheese to the dish - suluguni.

Despite the fact that it is advisable to use sponge yeast dough for the classic recipe, you will get an equally tasty dish if you buy a ready-made puff pastry base. Moreover, it will taste familiar to a person accustomed to Slavic cuisine.

Khachapuri from puff pastry can be prepared in just 1 hour, whereas a regular recipe requires a lot of time. In addition, you can use a variety of fillings. Very tasty baked goods will be made with cottage cheese or young cheese, for example, Adyghe, homemade. You can conduct a culinary experiment and add boiled eggs and herbs, such as dill, to the cheese.

There are different ways to heat treat a dish. The classic recipe involves baking khachapuri in the oven. But you can also cook it in a frying pan. In any case, a dish prepared in accordance with technology will turn out incredibly tasty. It can be an excellent substitute for bread - in this case, khachapuri should be served along with main courses.

If you are expecting guests to arrive, cheese scones can be served with tea and coffee. Such flour products are not only tasty, but also very satisfying. Cheese and cottage cheese are very healthy ingredients that enrich the body with calcium.

A simple puff pastry recipe

To make khachapuri from puff pastry, you need to choose the right base in the store. We recommend purchasing semi-finished products from well-known manufacturers. It is very important to pay attention to the composition, which should be natural.

So, to make such a dish, you will need a small amount of ingredients:

  • 500 grams of puff pastry;
  • 300 grams of Adyghe cheese;
  • 70 grams of butter;
  • flour.

Puff pastry must be thawed at room temperature. After this, it should be divided into two equal parts, from which two circles 3 - 4 millimeters thick should be rolled out. Separately, you need to grate the cheese on a coarse grater. After this, the cheese is laid out and evenly distributed over the surface of the dough. We recommend adding butter to the cheese - this will make the filling juicy.

The recipe does not include adding a raw egg to the filling. You can add salt to the filling if you like salty cheese. We do not recommend adding sugar, since such an ingredient does not combine with Adyghe cheese.

After this, the top layer is placed on the bottom layer of dough with filling. With careful movements, you need to pinch the edges, firmly fastening them together. Next, you need to place a sheet of parchment paper on a baking sheet and grease it with a small amount of butter or vegetable oil. Before you place your khachapuri on a baking sheet, it is advisable to lightly sprinkle it with flour.

The dish should be baked for 20 - 35 minutes in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. After you remove the flour product from the oven, you can sprinkle it with a small amount of cheese. This will give the dish an even greater aroma and emphasize its extraordinary taste.

It is best to serve baked goods warm. But such flour products retain their taste even several hours after cooking. For this reason, khachapuri can be prepared several hours before guests arrive.

If desired, you can make portioned khachapuri. To do this, you need to roll out not two circles of dough, but small squares. After you place the filling on the dough, form triangles that are easy to bake in the oven. As you can see, this method of preparing khachapuri with puff pastry cheese is universal and very simple.

Homemade khachapuri with cottage cheese

The recipe for the following dish will be useful if you have cottage cheese in the refrigerator. So, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • 1 kilogram of puff pastry;
  • 1 egg;
  • 400 grams of cottage cheese;
  • dill;
  • salt;
  • 100 grams of butter.

The dough must be rolled out to a thickness of 5 millimeters. The layer should be sprinkled with a little flour and left for 5 minutes in a warm place so that the dough “rests.” In the meantime, you can start filling. To do this, pass the cottage cheese through a sieve or crush it with a fork. Such actions will give the filling a uniform consistency. After this, a raw egg, salt, and dill are added to the filling with cottage cheese.

The mixture should be mixed well. You can add any other spices to your taste. If the filling with cottage cheese is too liquid, you need to add a tablespoon of flour to it.

After this, the dough is cut into equal squares measuring 20 x 20 centimeters. Then the filling and a small piece of butter are placed in the center of each square. It is very important to properly secure the edges of the products. This is done as follows: opposite corners are fastened together, after which the remaining parts of the dough envelope are connected with careful movements. Before baking khachapuri, you need to brush their surface with egg yolk to give it a beautiful color.

The baking sheet is greased with butter. It is also advisable to cover it with parchment paper, which will prevent burning. Khachapuri should be baked in the oven until cooked. This process usually takes about 30 minutes. The dish is best served with tea. During the cooking process, the house will be filled with the pleasant aroma of fresh baked goods.

There are dozens of recipes for making khachapuri. This Georgian dish leaves no one indifferent who has tried it at least once in his life. The fastest and easiest recipe involves using ready-made puff pastry, which can be purchased today in almost any store. We recommend that you please your guests at home and loved ones with such delicious pastries that are ideal for a sweet table or can replace bread if served with main courses.

There are so many different types of khachapuri in Georgia. What areas are there! You could say that every village has its own recipe. And one tastes better than the other.

There are many more khachapuri recipes than you might imagine. But there are still famous ones, those who have crossed the borders of the country and are firmly associated with the “Georgian khachapuri” brand.

You can enjoy them in restaurants serving Georgian cuisine, or in cafes that serve khachapuri and Lagidze water. Among the most famous are puff khachapuri, “boats” (Adjarian khachapuri) and Imeretian cheese flatbreads. As it turns out, all these extraordinary delicacies can be prepared at home. Here, for example, puff khachapuri - recipe, step-by-step photos, secrets and tips.

* More details about the cheese mixture.


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    Place the dough on the board and leave it there for about 30 minutes to warm up to room temperature after refrigeration. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees.

    Mix the cheeses together and grind them until mushy.

    Break the egg into the bowl and whisk a little so that the yolk and white are mixed.

    Add most of the egg with the cheese mixture, leave less to grease the dough on top.

    Using a pastry cutter (ribbed or pizza cutter), cut the dough into 12-15 cm squares.

    Place some cheese mixture in the center of each square. Its quantity depends only on your taste, but usually enough cheese fits in 1 tablespoon.

    You can shape khachapuri in different ways: you can bend the dough into triangles, or into “envelopes”. To make triangles, just bend the dough diagonally and connect the edges (“glue”) with a knife. Or fasten them in the process of “cutting with a knife.” The main thing is that the cheese mass is not affected and manipulations are carried out only with the dough. Finally, when you brush the dough with egg, it will “press” the edges even more so they won’t open up.

    “Envelopes” is a slightly more complex form. If you decide on it, fold all four ends of the dough towards the center and pin them together at the beginning, leaving them partially loose towards the center. If you leave free, unfastened spaces, the cheese mass will flow out a little through them and will look like in the final pictures. It’s beautiful, just try to let the khachapuri open the cheese just a little bit (otherwise it will all spill out).

    Now brush the scones with egg, but do not brush the loose parts where the cheese comes out.

    Reduce the temperature in the oven to 160 degrees and place the khachapuri on a baking sheet lined with baking paper.

    In 10-15 minutes the khachapuri will be ready - you will understand this by the fact that their upper part will turn golden.

I’ll tell you how to make khachapuri - a traditional Georgian dish “penovani khachapuri” (პენოვანი ხაჩაპური). For this purpose, puff pastry is used. You can make traditional puff pastry from unleavened dough. It will be faster, but I advise you to make it from a yeast puff pastry. This dough turns out more tender and tastier. So, see the recipe for “puff pastry for khachapuri” and be sure to prepare this delicious pie.

Products you will need to make khachapuri dough:

1) Warm water, about 40 °C, 300 milliliters

2) Wheat flour, premium - 1 kilogram

3) Cream margarine - 250 - 400 grams

4) Salt - 10 grams

5) Dry yeast - 30 grams

6) Sugar, sand - 10 grams

Let's start preparing the dough for khachapuri.

The dough is prepared in a non-steamed way. Dissolve salt, sugar and yeast in warm boiled water. Add flour gradually so that no lumps form and knead. You should add up to 750-800 grams of flour. Knead the dough very thoroughly, it should turn out homogeneous and quite dense. Such density, as if you were about to make dumplings. Roll into a ball, place in a bowl or on a board, sprinkle a little flour on top and cover with a clean napkin. Leave in a warm place until the dough rises and increases in volume by 1.5-2 times.

Knead the risen dough well again, making it dense again and set it aside, let it rise again and increase in volume.

We take margarine. It should not be cold, but at the same time, not very liquid. Such a consistency that it spreads effortlessly and does not spread. As you can see, the recipe indicates a very wide range of numbers for the margarine used. It depends on your taste. The more fat is used, the more tender the dough will be, but also, accordingly, it will be more satisfying and high-calorie. The fat content of the cheese also plays an important role. If you add cow's butter to the cheese, it is better to make the dough lighter, with less fatty cheese.

Meanwhile, the khachapuri dough has risen a second time. Now the dough will take much less time to rise than the first time.

Take the risen dough and knead it a little. Roll out with a rolling pin into a layer approximately one centimeter thick. Approximately, by eye, we divide the layer into 4 equal parts. We begin to grease the middle of the second and third quarters with margarine. To do this, you need to use about a quarter of the prepared margarine. Having spread a thin layer with a knife, cover the remaining first and fourth parts on the greased surface. Now we smear the back side of the first quarter and put everything together. You now have a rectangle of four layers of dough. For all the coating we used half of the prepared margarine.

Roll out the resulting piece of dough across the width and repeat the operations described above. But now we fold it widthwise. So we've used up all the margarine and we have a rectangle again. Fold it and put it in the freezer of the refrigerator for an hour. After an hour, we take it out and roll it out again, fold it as we did before, but no longer coat it with margarine. Place it in the freezer again for an hour. They pulled it out again and rolled it out. Folded. The khachapuri dough is ready.

Now we need to get individual squares. Roll out the resulting khachapuri dough into a layer 1 centimeter thick. Cut into squares measuring 8 x 8 cm2. Each piece is a portion preparation. We place all the preparations in the cold. We take out one at a time and roll it out to a thickness of 3 to 5 mm. Place the prepared filling in the middle of the rolled out flatbread. grated young cheese. Place the filling in a half-centimeter layer, placing it in a square so that the corners of the filling lie in the middle of the sides of the dough. We close the ends, giving the shape of a square. Bake for 10-15 minutes in a very hot oven. Bon appetit.

Today I have a very cool recipe for you. We will prepare super quick khachapuri from . This is simply a delicious dish. I am ready to eat such khachapuri at least every day. What's so special? They are tender, tasty, the cheese is not dry, and they are a pleasure to make - once, and you’re done! I believe that all dishes of Georgian cuisine (which includes khachapuri) can be considered as a separate form of art. Let's cook quickly!


  • feta cheese - 250 grams;
  • hard cheese - 250 grams;
  • puff pastry;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • salt - ½ teaspoon.

Quick khachapuri made from puff pastry. Step-by-step preparation

  1. Turn on the oven to preheat.
  2. I don't like to spend a lot of time making dough, so I buy puff pastry from the store, but if you want, you can make it yourself.
  3. First, let's prepare the filling. It is important to choose the right cheese. It must be white or light cream in color. If the cheese is yellow or has cracks and a dry crust on top or crumbles, it is stale. Be careful. You can take cow or goat cheese, it doesn’t matter. Take any hard cheese you like.
  4. So, grate both types of cheese on a coarse grater. And put it on a plate.
  5. Take one egg (necessarily fresh) and beat it with a whisk or fork.
  6. Add salt to the egg and mix again.
  7. Now we pour half of the beaten egg into the cheese and mix everything well. Try the filling. It should be salty. Khachapuri is usually eaten with sweet tea and wine, so the filling should be slightly salted. You need to mix well so that the cheese and cheese in equal quantities get into our khachapuri.
  8. Take puff pastry. I buy packages containing 3 sheets of dough. We will need two layers. You need to roll it out so that the thickness is approximately 2-3 mm.
  9. Place the first layer on the table and spread all the filling on it. Distribute evenly, approximately 1 cm thick.
  10. We take the second rolled out layer and cover it with the first one.
  11. Press the edges together well to prevent the cheese from leaking.
  12. Transfer the khachapuri to a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil.
  13. Now make cuts as for portioned pieces, do not cut all the way, but only the top layer. If you have round layers, cut into pieces like pizza, if rectangular, cut into squares. This should be done to make the finished dish easier to cut and to prevent the dough from bubbling during baking.
  14. Brush the product with the second half of the beaten egg. It is convenient to use a silicone brush for this. We do this so that the khachapuri turns brown and is not only tasty, but also beautiful.
  15. Our oven should already be hot. We send the product into it at a temperature of 180 degrees for 7-10 minutes until it turns brown.
  16. Cut the finished product along the intended strips and serve.

This is how easy it is to make quick khachapuri from puff pastry. Of course, this is not the original recipe, but a modified, simplified one. Original khachapuri usually contains cottage cheese and a mixture of suluguni cheese. But for the first time you can do a simplified version, and then, if you want,
