Characteristics of cabernet sauvignon grapes and wines made from it. Cabernet Sauvignon – the wines that everyone knows about Wine made from Cabernet Sauvignon grapes

Cabernet Sauvignon is one of the most common grape varieties in the world from which red wines are produced.

14.09.2016 22:33:00

The largest producing countries of Cabernet Sauvignon: France (124 thousand acres), Chile (100 thousand acres), USA (95 thousand acres), Australia (65 thousand acres), Italy (no exact figure), South Africa (41 thousand . acres), Argentina (16 thousand acres).
In total, Cabernet Sauvignon grows on 650 thousand acres of land in the world.
Specifics of Cabernet Sauvignon
Fragrances. The main ones are fruity: ripe cherries, black currants and blackberries. Additional notes include black pepper, tobacco, licorice, vanilla and violet.
Excerpt. Usually - in French oak barrels for 9 - 18 months, sometimes in American or Hungarian oak barrels.
Tannin. Medium (+).
Acidity. Medium (+).
Fortress. 13.5 – 15.5%.
General information. Cabernet Sauvignon typically contains Bordeaux wines, Italian Super Tuscan wines and wines from the Priorat region of Spain.

Cabernet Sauvignon has other names - Bouchet, Bouche, Petit-Bouchet, Petit-Cabernet, Petit-Vidure, Vidure, Sauvignon Rouge.
Taste of Cabernet Sauvignon
Since Cabernet Sauvignon is grown in a wide range of climates and terroirs, in each case it has a specific taste and aroma.
“Classic” Cabernet Sauvignon is a full-bodied red wine with rich fruity and spicy notes ranging from bell pepper to black pepper.
Cabernet Sauvignon from Bordeaux and other areas of the Old World
These wines are characterized by herbaceous-floral aromas of graphite, violets and tobacco rather than fruity aromas. There are hints of ripe cherry, licorice and underbrush notes. Imagine filling a new leather bag with ripe cherries, slipping and rolling down a hill, clutching your load to your chest. Introduced? This is the standard aroma of Cabernet Sauvignon.
Despite Cabernet Sauvignon's tendency to be full-bodied, these wines, born in Bordeaux, are royally refined, their taste is light, but at the same time they have pronounced tannin and acidity that linger on the tongue for a long time.
Among the recent years, the best Cabernet Sauvignon was produced in 2005, 2008 and 2009.
Cabernet Sauvignon from California and the New World
These wines are fruitier than their Old World counterparts. They display bright aromas of cherry, licorice and black pepper, framed by vanilla. They have less tannins and acidity, but greater strength.
Gastronomic pairings for Cabernet Sauvignon
Cabernet Sauvignon pairs best with rich, umami-flavored foods. Try this wine with a hamburger, mushroom pizza with tomato sauce, or classic beef steak.
In order not to “overwhelm” the fruity notes of Cabernet Sauvignon, you should not drink it with chocolate. But braised ribs and beef stroganoff with mushroom sauce will make a great pair for it. The strong umami flavor balances the spiciness of the Cabernet Sauvignon and brings out its berry notes.
8 Surprising Facts About Cabernet Sauvignon
1. Cabernet Sauvignon is the “son” of Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon Blanc!
Scientists believe that the "child" was born in the 1600s. This became known in 1996, when researchers at the University of California (USA, Davis) deciphered its DNA.
2. Cabernet Sauvignon from the USA can only contain 75% of this grape variety.
US law allows winemakers to produce wine labeled as Cabernet Sauvignon with up to 25% other grapes. This is done in order to achieve a better aroma or increase the value of the wine.
3. Why is Cabernet Sauvignon wine so expensive?
Because of the cost of grapes. For example, in 2008, Piña winegrowers from Napa Valley (USA) declared the price of their Cabernet Sauvignon grapes to be $6,000 per ton, while the neighboring vineyards where Merlot is grown, the cost was $1,300 per ton. From 1 ton of grapes you can produce 700 - 750 bottles of wine.
4. Cabernet Sauvignon Day
Since 2010, every last Thursday of August the world has celebrated a holiday - Cabernet Sauvignon Day. On this day, mass tastings of this wine are held in all major cities of wine-producing countries - from San Francisco to Sydney.
5. Why does Cabernet Sauvignon smell like green bell peppers?
The aroma of bell peppers is given to Cabernet Sauvignon by the organic compound pyrazine, which is contained in microscopic quantities - 10 - 20 parts per trillion.
6. Cabernet Sauvignon is very prolific.
For example, Chateau Latour, producer of the world's most expensive Cabernet Sauvignon, produces 3.5 tons of this grape per acre. The vines of the world's most expensive Pinot Noir, grown in the Domain de la Romanee Conti, produce just over 1 ton of berries per acre of land.
7. Cabernet Sauvignon grows well in deserts
In the eastern part of the American state of Washington, where no more than 6-8 inches of precipitation falls annually, Cabernet Sauvignon is produced, which has repeatedly received the highest, 100-point wine ratings.
In the Chinese part of the Gobi Desert, several wineries producing Cabernet Sauvignon exist and flourish.
8. Ladybugs are the enemies of the aroma of Cabernet Sauvignon
Researchers studying Cabernet Sauvignon in Canada have found that Asian ladybugs influence the aroma of wines made from berries from vineyards that have been "invaded" by the insects.
This happens when ladybugs, due to an oversight by winemakers, get into future wines during their fermentation process.
Asian ladybugs were introduced to Canada as an environmentally friendly weapon against aphids.

Cabernet Sauvignon wine is made from the grape variety of the same name. This variety was first developed in France by crossing two other varieties. In their homeland, such grapes are called Bordeaux, since most of them grow in the region with this name.


These days, in addition to France, Cabernet Sauvignon is grown en masse in Argentina, Bulgaria and Australia. Like any other grape variety, this species has its own characteristics. Wine made from this variety also has certain characteristics.

Cabernet Sauvignon is one of the most unpretentious grape varieties.

Cabernet Sauvignon grape variety

It needs a lot of sun, but does not need large volumes of water for irrigation. The vine develops well on soil not cultivated by humans, which indicates its unpretentiousness. But it is best if the soil for grapes is aged for several years. Only then will it have time to be saturated with all the elements necessary for the normal development of the vine and fruits. When planting a young vine or growing grapes from seeds or sprouts, it is necessary to loosen the soil from time to time to ensure sufficient ventilation of the root system.

When the berries ripen, the fruits are characterized by their exceptional juiciness and richness of taste. The color of the berries is dark blue, but the juice inside is almost transparent. At the same time, the top of the skin is covered with a thick waxy coating. It is this that allows the berries to retain all the juice. The grapes taste somewhat like nightshade.

After buds break on the vine, it usually takes 145 days until the harvest period. This period of time is optimal for the berries to fully ripen. A special feature of this variety is that it is quite resistant to pests. But the load on the shoots should not be high, since there will not be enough nutrients for the berries to ripen, and they will begin to crumble.


Generally, there are two types of wines for which the grapes are aged slightly differently. So, for dessert wines the ripening period is about 145 days, as was mentioned above. But for table wine it is a little longer, about 165 days.

Red table wine

Dry red wine is produced according to certain recipes, some of which are even kept secret. This applies to particularly expensive varieties of wines made from Cabernet Sauvignon grapes. But it should also be noted that all wines made from a given grape variety have their own specific characteristics, which are common to all of them.


The main feature of wine is its specific taste. Wine from the Cabernet Sauvignon variety is determined by the degree of richness of the taste of the dried fruits that make up the drink. Prunes, dried apricots, cherries and black currants can be added to the wine. In addition, some elite varieties even add ginger, various expensive mushrooms, chocolate, coffee and pepper. Winemakers choose the most optimal flavor combinations of products. During tasting, experienced people will immediately successfully determine what exactly is added to the wine. As a rule, it is this variety that, with the help of the listed products, gives the drink a special, exceptional note, which will serve as a kind of identifying mark of a particular type of wine.

Dried fruit flavored drink

It is especially popular to add such products to dry red wine. There they will form the required acidity spectrum of the drink, which experts determine on a 9-point scale. The higher the score, the higher the acidity. This gradation makes the same wines, even aged at different times, completely unpredictable in taste.

So, we can conclude that any wine made from a given grape variety, both dry red and rose, will be distinguished by the specific taste of the predominant additional product. Other wines do not have this feature so clearly, since it is the Cabernet Sauvignon grape that allows you to fully reveal the secret of the wine.


Other equally important features are the specific smell and color of the wine. Cabernet Sauvignon wine will always have a strong astringent aroma. Most often the dominant aroma is nightshade. But it can also be combined with other accompanying tart odors, again, depending on the additive in the wine.

It should be taken into account that the longer the wine is aged, the brighter and richer its aroma will be. Shortly aged wines have a very subtle and light aroma; usually only one predominant ingredient can be heard. But a wine aged for many years reveals a whole bouquet of aromas with particular astringency and brightness.

Long-term aging of wine

As for the color of the wine, it will largely depend on both the degree of ripening of the berries for its production and the aging period of the drink. As you know, completely ripe Cabernet Sauvignon grapes are dark blue. In this case, the rich wine will have a very bright dark red color. But this applies to wine with an average degree of aging. A highly fortified drink that has been standing for many years will eventually take on the color of ruby.

But as for rose wine, the name already speaks for itself. Rosé wines are not as strong, so their smell is not so strong, and their color is not so rich. But, again, the stronger the wine, the more intense even the pink color will be.

5 Storage features

It is very important to store wine correctly. Experienced winemakers know many secrets, but we should list the basic rules, thanks to which it will be possible to keep wine from grapes of this particular variety tasty for a long time. This is useful to know even for buyers who, after purchasing, want the wine to sit a little longer, becoming stronger.

  1. It is best to store the drink exactly in the area where it was produced. The thing is that during production, wine tends to adapt to the surrounding climate and environment, and during transportation it can lose many of its taste qualities. And even though it will be practically unnoticeable to an inexperienced person, it will be unpleasant for a specialist or a true connoisseur of expensive wines to drink a drink that does not quite correspond to its normal taste.
  2. If you still need to transport wine, then care must be taken to ensure that it is kept in cold and dark conditions during transportation. This is the only way the wine will not go sour. Otherwise, during long-term transportation, the drink may deteriorate significantly.

You should also know the correspondence between the shelf life of wine and its properties. Thus, a wine that has stood for up to 3 years is considered insufficiently developed. It is not recommended to transport it, as this will disrupt the flavor bouquet. Wines aged from 3 to 5 years already more clearly express their taste and beneficial properties. But a drink that is stored for 5 years or more can be considered a real value. But the highest standards are still reached by wines aged 10 years or more, when their entire bouquet is fully revealed.

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Cabernet Sauvignon wine is deservedly considered one of the leaders in the global alcohol market. Despite the large number of manufacturers and brands that fill supermarket shelves, it can be quite difficult to find high-quality alcohol. Classic red wines labeled Cabernet Sauvignon are full-bodied and characterized by pronounced acidity. They have a high tannin content.

Characteristics of the grape variety

The widespread red grape variety Cabernet Sauvignon is cultivated in all countries that are famous for their winemaking. It owes its name to the abbreviation of two varieties - Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon blanc, from which it was bred at the beginning of the 17th century.

The province of Bordeaux in France is not only its homeland, but also the place where the best Cabernet Sauvignon wines are produced. In addition to the French provinces, countries such as Italy, Chile, Argentina, Australia, the USA and many others cultivate this variety.

Alcoholic drinks Cabernet Sauvignon are easily recognized by their subtle, noble and extraordinary bouquet of aromas. European winemakers endowed them with softness, and the New World gave them more severity.

Tasting and inhaling the aroma of the wine, you will feel notes of black currant, herbs, ginger and vanilla. Young alcohol has an original flavor of saffron and nightshade, which softens as it matures. Cabernet Sauvignon is a fairly strong drink with a high tannin content.

The undeniable advantage of this grape variety is that it produces wines with a long aging period. The longer such alcohol is stored in the cellar, the richer its taste and aroma becomes. This occurs due to the softening of tannins. Over time, the black currant characteristic of this variety is replaced by subtle cedar and violet undertones.

Production technology

Each bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon has a unique taste. Organoleptic characteristics may vary depending on the preferences and traditions of the winemaking company.

The wine can be pure or blended, in which Cabernet Sauvignon is combined with other grape varieties. Blended varieties further differ in the time at which the grapes are blended. This operation can be performed before fermentation begins, during or after it. Often wines are blended immediately before bottling.

Sommeliers believe that Cabernet Sauvignon wines require aging for at least 8 years to fully develop their flavor and aroma.

Popular manufacturers and brands

Currently, on store shelves you can find a large number of wines made from Cabernet Sauvignon grapes. We recommend that you try the following.

  • Wine “Col di Sasso”, Toscana IGT, 2015. Strength 13.5%. Manufacturer: Castello Banfi. Italy.
  • Wine Cabernet Sauvignon “Finca La Linda”, 2012. Strength 14.2%. Manufacturer: Luigi Bosca. Argentina.
  • Wine Fanagoria, Hundred Shades of Red Cabernet Sauvignon. ABV 14%. Manufacturer: Fanagoria. Russia
  • Wine Massandra, Export Collection Cabernet. ABV 13%. Manufacturer: Massandra. Russia.
  • Wine J. P. Chenet, Cabernet-Syrah, Pays d'Oc IGP. ABV 12.5%. Manufacturer: J.P. Chenet. France.
  • Wine Robert Mondavi, Woodbridge Cabernet Sauvignon. ABV 13.5%. Producer: Robert Mondavi Winery. USA.
  • Wine Casillero del Diablo Cabernet Sauvignon Reserva. ABV 13.5% Manufacturer: Concha y Toro. Chile.
  • Wine Domaine d’Esperance, Cuvee Rosee, 2014. Strength 11%. Manufacturer: Domaine d'Esperance. France.

Submission rules

Dry Cabernet Sauvignon wine cannot be called a light drink. It will dominate the taste of light snacks. Therefore, it is usually served with fried fatty meat foods, steaks and smoked dishes. This alcohol should not be combined with spicy foods, pasta and rice.

Wines made in cool regions have a herbal aroma and harmonize perfectly with vegetables and herbs. In addition, they go well with dark chocolate.

Before serving, the wine is brought to a temperature of +16 degrees Celsius. The bottle should be uncorked an hour before serving. This time is enough for the wine to be fully saturated with oxygen and open the bouquet. If you don’t have time, the drink can be poured into a decanter or decanter. You can also use an aerator.

Cabernet Sauvignon is usually poured into wine glasses, filling them one third full.

Historical reference

Cabernet Sauvignon is a relatively young variety. In the 17th century, its ancestors were accidentally crossed. The grape quickly spread throughout the southwestern provinces of France. After this, its expansion began on a truly global scale. Until the beginning of the 21st century, the variety in question was the most cultivated in the world. However, in recent years the palm has passed to Merlot.

It is generally accepted that the reasons for such popularity should be sought in the unpretentiousness of the variety. Its berries are distinguished by their thick skin, resistance to minor frosts, late ripening, and resistance to pests and diseases. In particular, they are not afraid of phylloxera, which has affected many European wineries.

Currently, the controversy over the origin of Cabernet Sauvignon has subsided. Winemakers agreed that the variety belongs to Bordeaux. However, from a historical perspective, many myths and legends were created about him. For example, the origin of the word Sauvignon was linked to the French sauvage, or wild in translation. Thus, a reference was made to the autochthonous French wine Vitis Vinifera.

The legend according to which Cabernet Sauvignon was a descendant of Biturik enjoyed no less recognition. This is a legendary variety described by the Roman author Pliny the Elder. There was a version that the birthplace of grapes is hot Spain. Its apologists saw clear similarities with Rioja. The list of such myths could take quite a long time.

It is now difficult to pinpoint the exact year when the name Cabernet Sauvignon was introduced into common use. But the genetic examination, which made it possible to resolve all controversial issues, dates back to 1996.

Discover new flavor facets with drinks that have already been appreciated by the widest possible audience of consumers from all over the world. An excellent example of such products is Cabernet Sauvignon wine, which was named after an artificially bred grape variety.

This is a unique collection of alcoholic products that can give every taster an unforgettable experience of an exquisite sweet and sour taste and memorable aroma. These drinks are designed to give pleasure, which is why, when choosing a French or cabernet sauvignon, you are guaranteed not to go wrong, because standard tasting embodiments await you.

Cabernet Sauvignon is a separate class of red wine, which is produced from the grape variety of the same name. From the mid-17th century until the end of the 20th century, drinks made from this grape were considered one of the most popular in their segment.

In the 1990s, a new variety of Merlot was born, which was able to partially take away the laurels of the most revered cabernet sauvignon. Today, cabernet sauvignon is used to produce drinks of varying degrees of age and status, ranging from ordinary table wines to collectible noble assemblages.


In terms of color, cabernet sauvignon has a predominantly red color, which can be distinguished by various colorful shades, from soft pink to rich ruby.


The aromatics show balance and roundness with a recognizable fruity element.


The signature feature of all cabernet sauvignon is a slight sourness, which during the tasting process is replaced by a berry-fruit sweet flavor.

How to buy an original product

Do you want to taste the exquisite tastes that certain representatives of cabernet sauvignon wines offer their consumers today? Try to be extremely careful, since the modern alcohol market is oversaturated with a large number of fakes. Nowadays, it is not enough to buy in a store and be calm about its quality, because counterfeiters literally counterfeit every popular brand. In order not to make a mistake and choose a truly tasty and aromatic product for tonight, pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Bottle version. Before you go to the checkout with the drink you like, be sure to visit the vastness of the global network and familiarize yourself with what the branded packaging of a particular company should look like. Compare the main features with the product you have in your hands.

  • Bottle quality. Modern manufacturers take a responsible approach to the packaging design procedure, which is why consumers will never encounter manufacturing defects on branded products. Noticed chipped glass, glue drips, damaged lids, or misaligned labels? Return the bottle to the shelf.
  • Purity. Be sure to check the consistency. A branded product made from natural ingredients will never disappoint you with sediment or cloudiness in its appearance. Only presentable bright and rich color.

Did you know? Cabernet sauvignon is one of the most famous and popular drinks in the world. It is made on all continents of our planet. These wines have gained particular popularity in Europe and the USA.

How to serve

When choosing representatives of any other countries, try to give preference to the fundamental classical canons during the tasting process. Pour natural red wine into appropriate glasses with clear glass and a tall stem. These glasses will allow you to study the exquisite color of the assemblage and learn all the subtleties of its aroma.

Temperature also plays an important role. Cabernet sauvignon is best served slightly chilled. The optimal temperature for the drink is considered to be 16-18 degrees. By not complying with this requirement, you risk distorting the overall impressions of your acquaintance with this or that alcohol. Overheated wine upsets with a sharp, intoxicating aroma, while overcooled wine hides many interesting colors in the taste.

What products does it combine with?

When purchasing good inexpensive wine in a store, be sure to take care of high-quality gastronomic accompaniment that could highlight the main taste and aromatic characteristics of the drinks. Cabernet sauvignon goes perfectly with meat dishes, cheese slices, fruits, seafood and desserts.

In particular, an individual pair is selected strictly taking into account the main tasting characteristics of the drink.

Did you know? The best wines today are considered to be from France, but archaeologists found the oldest wine cellar in Egypt.

Other uses

If this evening you are not aiming for a romantic feeling, and you are in search of an extravagant and mesmerizing gastronomic experience, pay attention to cocktails based on cabernet sauvignon that can show itself from a completely different and more interesting side. These mixes include Opera, Soulful Kiss, Mary Garden, Fiery, Louisiana, Lafayette and Amontillado. Each of them involves the use of its own special ingredients that can significantly expand the capabilities of the wine base.

What types of this drink are there?

When you set your sights on purchasing cabernet sauvignon in a store, be prepared to encounter a variety of alcoholic products with attractive aroma and taste characteristics. These drinks are present in the product line of almost every well-known manufacturer, and accordingly, you will have plenty to choose from. Popular representatives of cabernet sauvignon on the market include:

  • JP Chenet Cabernet-Syrah Pays d'Oc IGP. Cabernet Sauvignon red semi-dry wine with a ruby ​​tint in color. The taste is a balance between sour fruity notes. The aroma contains notes of black currant, cherry and spices.

  • Spier Signature Cabernet Sauvignon wine. Cabernet Sauvignon is a dry red wine with an attractive dark plum hue. The bouquet of aromas of the drink is based on undertones of caramel, tobacco and cinnamon, while sweet fruity textures are heard in the taste.

  • Murviedro Gran Castillo Cabernet Sauvignon Valencia DOP. Cabernet Sauvignon red semi-sweet wine with a rich ruby ​​hue. It has a fruity, balanced taste and a multi-layered aroma, in which you can hear notes of red berries, spices and jam.

  • Purcari Rose. Shows light pink color and aroma with subtle notes of exotic fruits. In gastronomic indicators, traces of black currant, peach and apricot can be heard.

Did you know? The first corkscrew for opening wine bottles appeared in 1795. Until this point, there was no need for it, since drinks were supplied in barrels.

Historical reference

The world first heard about the Cabernet Sauvignon grape variety in the 17th century. It was invented by local Bordeaux winemakers by crossing such popular varieties as Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon Blanc. Around the same period, the first representatives of the cabernet sauvignon line appeared in France. The consumer liked them so much that in just a few years they managed to gain world leadership in the field of winemaking.

Today, Cabernet Sauvignon grapes and alcoholic products based on them are produced in all corners of the planet, including in the USA.

Cabernet Sauvignon wine is the ideal accompaniment for any tasting evening, be it a romantic dinner or a long conversation with an old friend. A characteristic feature of these alcoholic products is the fact that they are enjoyed over a long period of time. That is, by giving preference to high-quality branded products, you can count on lasting pleasure from every sip you take. Visit a specialized alcohol market in your city today to purchase a bottle of red cabernet sauvignon, designed to captivate you from the first minutes of tasting.

  • International variety, produced in all wine-producing countries
  • Tart taste, high tannin
  • Aroma - red berries, black currants, dried fruits
  • Suitable for steaks, game and other meat dishes
  • Inexpensive and collectible wines from Bordeaux and other regions are presented

Cabernet Sauvignon can easily be called the most famous, popular and beloved type of red wine in the world. It is drunk in Europe, Asia, the USA and South America, served for lunch and dinner, for family meals and on special occasions.

Production Features

Cabernet Sauvignon wine is produced from the grape variety of the same name, which is unpretentious. These grapes are not afraid of dry soils, temperature changes, light frosts at night, scorching sun and lack of rain. In addition, it is not susceptible to gray mold disease. And its unique composition and taste are unparalleled! It is also important that these grapes can be harvested using technology - this allows you to reduce costs and make wine more affordable.

The historical homeland of the Cabernet Sauvignon grape is considered to be the province of Bordeaux in France, famous for its winemaking traditions. However, today it is actively cultivated in a number of provinces of Italy, California (USA), as well as Latin American countries and Australia.

Shades of taste

Cabernet sauvignon grapes are used to produce wines of different ages and status: elite, vintage, dry and semi-dry, extremely affordable in price and extremely noble. In addition, this wine is often used in blends of other wines - it gives a characteristic flavor, pleasant color, astringency, and also enriches the wine with tannins.

Gastronomic combinations

Cabernet Sauvignon wine goes well with game, steaks, cheeses, deli meats, and pastas. You can serve them a meal in Italian or French style - from a light snack to a fairly hearty dinner. The main thing is to let the wine “rest” a little after opening the bottle, do not pour it into glasses right away. And then you will fully experience the sparkling and intoxicating taste of this wonderful drink!

Cabernet Sauvignon - price in WineStyle

In our store you can buy Cabernet Sauvignon wines of various ages, strengths and prices. A standard bottle of 0.75 liters costs from 213 rubles.
