How to hold a glass of wine. Wine restaurant Code de Vino. Restaurant etiquette: how to hold a glass correctly. How to hold a glass of cognac correctly

We are often invited to celebrations and parties, which are not complete without food and alcohol. However, alcohol etiquette is not familiar to everyone. Many people do not have the skills or even information about how to properly use wine glasses or what kind of glassware to use for certain alcoholic beverages. So, let's learn about how to hold it correctly and other subtleties of the culture of drinking alcohol.

Open the wine and fill the glasses

The ideal way to uncork a wine bottle is. The rules of etiquette imply its mandatory presence in restaurants, cafes, and bars. This device is deservedly called a waiters' friend. It consists of a cutting part to remove the foil blocking the stopper; a corkscrew for twisting it; lever to remove the plug. A high-quality corkscrew makes it possible to quickly and easily uncork any bottle. This must be done carefully, trying to avoid shaking the product or agitating it.

Then you need to wipe the neck of the bottle with a napkin and smell its contents. If the aroma meets your expectations and there are no signs of spoilage, you can bottle the drink. To do this, wrap the bottle in a napkin. It should be held in the lower third, tightly clasped with the fingers of one hand. The label on the container must be visible to guests. Remember that with the help of such a treat, hospitality is demonstrated to those present. Therefore, before pouring wine, you should get their approval.

Pour the drink into wine glasses (large transparent containers on a high stem), in small doses, filling them a quarter or a third. It is this portion that allows the drinker to fully enjoy the aroma of the wine, which is concentrated in. Partially filling it improves the taste of alcohol and allows you to get maximum pleasure from it.

You need to pour the wine into a wine glass that is on the table. Holding a glass or other container suspended while filling it is bad manners, as is touching it with a bottle. After finishing pouring the alcoholic drink, you need to wipe the neck of the container. By and large, the rules of alcohol etiquette require that before guests arrive, a bottle of wine must already be opened.

About the wine serving temperature

To fully appreciate the taste and smell of an alcoholic drink, you need to serve it on the table after first cooling it to a certain temperature. The bouquet of red wine will open when consumed chilled to 12-14 degrees, and white wine - at 7-9 degrees.

These are mandatory norms in the culture of drinking this drink. They are always followed by sommeliers and waiters in reputable establishments.

About the standards for filling glasses

So, filling the container only a third is not a sign of stinginess or lack of respect for the guest, but a chance to fully experience the originality of the wine. The taste is revealed to its maximum only when there is enough air in the glass.

You should know that refilling the drink is only allowed when the glass is empty. If the drink remains untouched, it is worth offering a different type of drink and serving clean dishes. Then the aftertaste of the previous drink will interfere with the aroma of the new one.

How to hold a glass of red wine

After filling, hold the glass of wine by its stem. How exactly? You can take it with three or all five fingers. The way you hold the glass depends on its volume. Of course, it’s more convenient and reliable to hold the big one with all the fingers of your right hand. If the glasses are not too voluminous, then placing your thumb on one side of the stem, and your middle and index fingers on the other, you can handle it easily and hold the dishes in weight. At the same time, maintain the temperature of the drink and do not leave fingerprints on the glass.

We hold glasses with other drinks correctly

When serving Martini or white wine, as well as wine, fingers should be placed at the bottom of the dish and held by the stem of the wine glass.

After all, the above drinks are usually served to guests very cold. And holding the bowl with your fingers warms them and does not allow the bouquet to open entirely. Since it is customary to fill the glassware to the brim with champagne, it will be more convenient to hold it also, but hold it from below with your thumb.

Drinking cognac correctly

It is customary to serve special dishes for this drink. It is characterized by the presence of a wide and round bottom, a short leg, and low height. It must be held in the palm of your hand according to etiquette, that is, by passing the stem between the index and middle or ring and middle fingers.

Cognac is a type of alcohol whose aroma is optimally revealed when lightly heated by hand. You can rotate the container with the drink in it to maximize the taste of the drink and the notes of its aroma.

How not to hold glasses

You can communicate and conduct a dialogue at the table by holding the dishes near you, without gesturing with your hands. It is better to place the container on the table immediately after tasting. It is known how to hold a wine glass correctly, but the following is considered a violation of alcohol etiquette:

  1. Holding the bottom of the bowl.
  2. The location of the fingers on it.
  3. Drinking drinks while holding utensils with both hands.
  4. Placement of the hand on the base of the wine glasses.

The latter, by the way, is what wine cellar managers allow themselves to do. This is their prerogative, an exception to the rules on how to hold a glass of alcohol.


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  • Compliance with social etiquette is a ticket to high society and evidence of good upbringing, but knowing how to hold a glass correctly will allow you not only to show off your manners, but also to enjoy the taste of the drink while maintaining the desired temperature.

    “Tulips”, wine glasses and other glasses “with a stem” were invented for a reason - it is this shape that helps the drink open up and be saturated with oxygen. In no case should the taster clasp the cup with his palm, no matter how convenient it may seem - not only will untidy fingerprints remain on the thin glass, but the wine will also heat up, which will certainly affect its taste.

    Glasses for red, white wine and champagne are held exclusively by the stem, with at least three fingers (the fuller the vessel, the more difficult it is to hold it, so etiquette does not prohibit the use of all five fingers).

    Wine glass - held only by the stem

    Same with champagne

    There is no need to pretentiously grab the stand - only experienced sommeliers and owners of their own wine cellars do this. Imitating a pro in this case will not increase your social status, but will only demonstrate a desire to stand out. This also applies to the little finger capriciously protruding to the side.

    But a cognac glass can be comfortably “nested” in the palm of your hand - the warmth of your hand will only benefit this drink. For greater effect, you can shake the snifter a little so that the amber liquid washes the walls - this will make the cognac even more aromatic and tastier.

    A glass of cognac can be heated with the warmth of your palm.

    The vodka glass is firmly grasped with three fingers and the contents are immediately knocked back without savoring.

    Three fingers are enough to grasp a vodka glass

    Beer glasses are also simply taken with the whole palm, but to prevent cold lager, stout or ale from heating up, they do not hold it in their hands, but take a sip and immediately place the vessel on the table. In Bavaria and some beer bars, special liter beer mugs are in use; they are held by a massive handle, supporting a heavy load from below.

    The beer glass can be cupped in the palm of your hand or held by the handle (if available)

    How to hold a glass the European way

    Abroad, some things are treated more simply: by and large, no one there cares exactly how you drink your wine. However, if you are suddenly invited to a reception by the Prince of Monaco, take note of the following methods for the correct “grip”:

    • The foot is sandwiched between the thumb and index finger, the remaining fingers lie freely on the footrest.
    • The leg is clamped “in a pinch”, as if you were holding a fountain pen.
    • The thumb and index fingers hold the leg, the rest below support the base.

    There is another reason why connoisseurs of elite alcohol prefer not to grab the cup itself - this way they can enjoy the play of the color of the drink and admire its viscousness.

    The noble taste of wine must be consistent, so wine etiquette has its own unshakable rules and traditions. And today we will learn how to properly hold a glass at a wine ceremony. We will also discuss how it is customary to fill glasses with different drinks, because each type of alcohol has its own characteristics and nuances.

    Knowledge and ability to hold a glass correctly, first of all, shows respect for the event itself, its organizers and the guests present. They also talk about a person’s good upbringing, which is important for personal and business meetings.

    In order for the taste of wine to acquire its full “sound,” it is important to know and be able to pour the drink into the shape of the wine glass that is intended specifically for it. differ in volume, sometimes in shape. For the red drink, large, round bowls with a foot are used. White wine is usually poured into smaller wine glasses, the bowls of which have a more elongated shape.

    Fill the glass up the wall to 1/3 of the volume with white sparkling wines. After all, in such a volume the drink better retains its structure and quality. And here temperature is also important - white wines are usually drunk chilled.

    Red wines also require special filling - the drink is poured into the glass in the center and also to 1/3 of the volume of the bowl. This allows the wine to “breathe” and effectively reveal all its bouquets of aroma and taste.

    How to hold a glass of wine correctly? It is held exclusively by the leg and is done with three fingers - thumb, index and middle, approximately in the middle. Although etiquette does not prohibit using all five fingers in this case. Everything will depend on the size of the vessel, the design of the stem and the amount of wine poured.

    The heavier the glass and the thinner its stem, the more fingers you will need to hold it. Moreover, all fingers should be directed towards the leg. First of all, this concerns the little finger, which for some people often “looks” to the side. During a conversation, when you are not drinking wine, it is appropriate to hold the wine glass by the stem, holding the base with the index finger of your other hand. And the second option is to place the wine glass on your open palm, holding the stem with your other hand.

    It is unacceptable to take a glass of white or red wine by the bowl. Wine connoisseurs, and the sommelier himself, will be disappointed... After all, warm palms will heat up the bowl, and therefore the wine too, which will distort the taste and aroma of the drink. The second reason is that it is extremely unesthetic; the glass surface will no longer be as transparent and clean. Fingerprints will not allow you to fully enjoy the tints of color and viscousness of the drink.

    How to properly hold a glass of champagne?

    Champagne is usually served cool in elongated glasses, so that the magnificent performance of the drink is clearly demonstrated through the high walls.

    3/4 of a glass is filled with champagne; it is also customary to hold it by the stem with three fingers – thumb, index and middle. If necessary, use all fingers of the hand. After all, sometimes it weighs quite a bit with its contents, and “additional” forces are required to hold it comfortably in your hand. It is not recommended, as in the case of wine, to take the glass of the wine glass with your fingers.

    The situation with women's lipstick should also be under special control. If the edge of the wine glass has a lipstick mark, then it is more correct to take the next sip by placing your lips on the same place in order to minimize the number of lipstick marks on its walls.

    How to hold a glass of cognac?

    It always has a round, large bowl and a low stem. The drink is poured just enough so that the bottom of the bowl is covered by one to three centimeters.

    The very shape of the cognac vessel already implies taking it in the palm of your hand, as if inviting yourself to “lie down in a nest.” This location of the snifter allows the drink to be easily heated from the heat of the palm, thereby enhancing its taste and aroma. It is appropriate to periodically gently shake the drink in the vessel, which will only make its cognac notes “sound” stronger and brighter.

    Beer mugs, shot glasses, glasses

    It is customary to take it with the whole palm, but not to hold it in your hand for long. As a rule, a sip of the drink is taken and the glass is placed in place. The reason is practicality - the drink retains its coolness longer. As for massive mugs with handles, they are also difficult to hold in your hands due to their heavy weight. He takes a sip and the mug returns to its place.

    All glasses and glasses for strong alcohol are taken with three fingers - thumb, index and middle, drink the contents in one gulp and put the empty glass back in place.

    Knowing the simple rules of how to properly hold a glass of wine will eliminate the discomfort of appearing ignorant at any sophisticated event. It will allow you to fully relax and truly enjoy a drink and an interesting evening with your interlocutors.

    For many years, wine was considered the privilege of aristocrats, so most people did not think about how to properly hold a glass of wine. In fact, it is a whole art, which has many of its own nuances. Taking into account all the recommendations on how to hold a glass is a sign of good upbringing.

    Of course, not everyone can afford expensive collection wines even now. But every person should know wine etiquette. It's hard to imagine a holiday table without this wonderful drink. Therefore, if you do not want to seem like an ill-mannered person to your guests, then you need to remember the simple rules of wine etiquette.

    Rules for serving glasses

    Setting a festive table is a responsible task. After all, it is important not only to have a beautiful design, but also to properly serve food and drinks. There are basic rules for serving glasses that will help you make a favorable impression on your guests.

    • The basic rule: the stronger the drink, the smaller the glass you should use. Therefore, it is best to have several sets, because the alcoholic accompaniment of a meal is not limited to one drink.
    • Glasses and shot glasses should be placed in a straight line or in a semicircle in front of the plate on the right side. The very first glass is the smallest for the strongest alcohol. Next, a larger glass - for high-strength grape wines. A glass for mineral water is placed to the left. Next is a glass for table wine (white and red - the glasses for them should be separate!). And finally, a champagne flute.
    • If you don’t have such a large set, then transparent glasses with medium-sized stems are perfect for wine.
    • If you are serving a branded drink, then it should be placed on the table with the original design of the manufacturer.
    • It’s best to open the bottles in advance so that the drink can “breathe” and reveal its entire blend.
    • Young and simple wines are usually served in jugs or decanters. They need to be filled three-quarters full to make pouring the drink more convenient.
    • open at the table, immediately pouring into glasses.
    • Since the choice of alcoholic drinks at a holiday can be large, it is therefore important to follow the order in which they are served. Low-alcohol table drinks are served before strong ones. Vintage - after ordinary. Red wines come after white ones.
    • Don't talk while holding a glass of drink. You need to put it on the table and only then answer your interlocutor.
    • Wine should only be poured into an empty glass. If the guest leaves the table at this moment, you need to wait for his return. The man makes sure that his companion has the drink she wants in her glass.
    • Wine is usually poured to the guest's right. The bottle should be held with your whole hand, approximately at the level of the label.

    Wine serving temperature

    The listed rules applied to the table. But when it comes to wine, there are additional nuances that need to be taken into account in order to fully appreciate the taste of the drink:

    • there is no need to cool the drink too much or serve the wine with ice;
    • but you don’t need to serve it too warm either;
    • young wines should be cooled to lower temperatures than older ones;
    • dry white and rose wines should always be served cool;
    • red wines should be served at moderate room temperature;
    • It is recommended to place champagne in cold water or a bucket of ice.

    It is also necessary to take into account that vodka, bitter-tasting liqueurs, and strong wines are served as an aperitif with appetizers - Madeira, sherry, Marsala, etc. The drink must be poured so that the guest can see what brand of wine he will drink. After all, if the wine is of high quality, and even more so, collectible, the owner will not be ashamed to show it to guests. These were simple general rules of alcohol etiquette.

    What foods does wine go with?

    Wine etiquette involves not only the correct serving of this wonderful drink, but also in combination with which dishes it can most fully reveal its bouquet. After all, the taste of even the most expensive collection wine can be ruined if it is served with the wrong dish. And, conversely, an inexpensive drink will seem refined if the snacks are chosen correctly.

    • It is customary to serve dry red wines with meat dishes and offal.
    • Cabernet and Bordeaux are served with dietary meat and poultry.
    • What wine goes with duck? There are some nuances here. The darker the meat, the darker the color of the drink. A great combination is duck and rose wine.
    • Kakhetian and Saperavi are suitable for dishes of Caucasian and Central Asian cuisines.
    • Dry table wines go well with hot ones.
    • With seafood - the same drinks are semi-sweet.
    • Dry, semi-sweet fortified wines and drinks of Georgian origin go well with vegetable dishes.
    • Dessert and liqueur drinks and champagne are served along with it.

    It is not recommended to combine dishes prepared with meat with white wine, and fish with red wine. But now people are gradually starting to experiment with various combinations, trying to fully reveal the blend of the drink. More and more people are relying on their taste preferences when pairing homemade wine with other dishes. Therefore, the recommendations listed are a basis from which you can build on when creating a holiday menu.

    How to properly hold a glass of wine and other drinks

    Many people are concerned about the question of how to properly hold a glass of alcoholic drink. It must be taken into account that each of them has its own subtleties, which form the rules of alcohol etiquette.

    How to hold a wine glass correctly?

    They are distinguished by a variety of shapes and sizes, which are selected in accordance with the drink. Therefore, there are rules for everyone, but there are also common ones for everyone.

    • You cannot hold a glass of wine by the cup! This can ruin the taste of the drink because the contents will heat up quickly. This is not aesthetically pleasing - hand marks will remain on the bowl.
    • Also, you should not hold the leg with your thumb and forefinger - this is a gesture of disgust, thereby showing the owner your disrespect.
    • It is indecent to take a wine glass by the stand. This is only permitted for sommeliers and liquor store owners.
    • When you hold a glass, you don't need to put your little finger aside. It seems ridiculous and funny.
    • Vessels for white and rosé wines should be held with two or three fingers. And it is better to hold red wine glasses with four or even five fingers - they are larger in size and this way you will be sure that you will not spill the contents.

    How much is etiquette to pour into a glass of wine?

    If it is large, then fill it no more than a quarter. For small wine glasses, the optimal volume is one third.

    Champagne It is customary to pour it completely into vessels. At the same time, you can hold the glass closer to the base.

    Martini glass It is customary to drink it chilled, so you also need to take it by the stem. If you drink martini neat, then you need to do it in small sips. If it was served to you in the form of a cocktail, then through a straw.

    How to hold it correctly glass of liqueur? It all depends on what kind of liqueur you are going to taste. For some, the glasses need to be specially cooled, while others, on the contrary, need to be heated. It is most often served in whiskey and martini glasses. Therefore, for those types that are usually drunk cold, you need to hold the glass by the stem. Others, like a cognac glass, hold the cup with your fingers - this way the drink will better reveal its taste.

    Features of drinking beer

    It is customary to take beer glasses with the whole palm, however, to prevent it from heating up, usually after taking a sip, the glass is placed on the table. In Bavaria, where the culture of drinking this drink is widespread, it is poured into large mugs, so they have a handle that helps to hold the vessel.

    The rules of alcohol etiquette are not that complicated and are easy to learn. They are not only a sign of good upbringing, but also allow you to experience all the taste qualities of the drink.
