How to drink tequila correctly: recommendations for use. How to drink tequila correctly: detailed instructions and the best recipes. How to drink tequila with salt at home? It is being prepared from

Tequila is the most popular Mexican alcoholic drink. Traditionally, it is drunk in its pure form, and is also used to prepare various cocktails.

At the same time, the Mexicans themselves somehow do not pay much attention to the process of drinking this alcohol, but Europeans and Americans have created several unique ways of drinking tequila.

Each of them is unique and original, and most importantly, it allows you to discover new taste qualities of tequila.

By and large, there are countless options for consuming this drink, because each person can independently come up with a new way to consume this drink, depending on their personal preferences.

However, modern bartenders identify seven main ways to drink tequila. We’ll tell you more about what you can drink this strong agave drink with.

In one gulp

This usage is considered traditional in this case they drink tequila with salt and lemon.

People also call it “Lick! Knock it over! Bite!

To do this you will need:

  • tequila;
  • a slice of lemon;
  • a pinch of salt.

The drinking process itself occurs in several stages:

  1. Place a little salt on the back of the hand between the thumb and index finger.
  2. The drinker then licks off this salt.
  3. Then he drinks a shot of tequila in one gulp.
  4. After which you need to again take a slice of lemon with your thumb and forefinger and eat it whole.

You can easily swap lemon for lime in this recipe and vice versa.

Reference! An improved version of this method of drinking tequila has recently appeared in modern bars. In this case, salt is sprinkled on any part of the other person's body, such as the chest, neck or shoulders. And a slice of lemon is placed between his lips.

Of course, this way of drinking tequila is best suited for couples in love.

With orange and cinnamon

This option for consuming this Mexican alcoholic drink is especially popular among young people and women, but the peak of its popularity was noted precisely in Germany.

The thing is that the unique combination of products allows you to end up with not only a bright and refreshing aroma, but also an unusual and unique long-lasting aftertaste.


  • tequila;
  • a slice of sweet orange;
  • a pinch of ground cinnamon.

But they drink this tequila in the same way as in the previous version, that is, first they lick the cinnamon from the palm, then they drink the tequila and eat a thin slice of lemon.

In this case, it is very important not to overdo it with the amount of ground spice. Otherwise, the delicate aftertaste will be hopelessly spoiled. Therefore, very little cinnamon itself is required, literally one pinch.

With beer

The second name for this method of use is mexican ruff. And this cocktail got its name for a reason, because it gets you drunk very quickly and is very easy to drink.

To prepare such a ruff you will need:

  • light beer – 0.3 l;
  • tequila – 50 ml.

All components are poured into one mug and drunk in one gulp. It is best to use golden tequila in this recipe. It gives the finished drink a unique taste and aroma.

Reference! In the United States, the finished beer drink is called "fog" precisely because of its rapid intoxicating effect.


The most famous option for drinking tequila is mixed with other drinks. It was born in the mid-1940s and was named after its creator, Margarita Seymes.

This delicious and invigorating drink is prepared from:

  • cubed ice;
  • tequila – 150 ml;
  • lemon juice – 50 ml;
  • orange liqueur (Cointreau) – 50 ml.

All ingredients are mixed well and poured into a special cocktail glass, which has the same name as the drink itself.

Reference! It is in America that this type of tequila consumption is most popular. More than 750 million servings of this cocktail are drunk here every year.

Tequila Boom

This option for consuming this alcoholic drink is extremely popular among young people of both sexes. It is most often ordered in nightclubs and bars, especially during the hot season.

It is prepared extremely simply - mix equal parts alcohol and any carbonated sweet drink.

The ingredients are mixed in a special way - the glass is covered with the back of the hand and the bottom is hit on the table, and then immediately drunk in one gulp.

This cocktail should be prepared at one time and in a small volume. The serving should not exceed 100 ml.

Reference! It is best to use Sprite or Schweppes to prepare such a mixed drink. The finished cocktail not only has a strong refreshing and invigorating effect, it also quickly causes quite strong intoxication.

The video shows the process of preparing the Tequila Boom cocktail:

Sangrita (Sangrita) and Banderita

These are two traditional Mexican cocktails and they came out of their country just recently. At the same time, Banderita is prepared on the basis of Sangrita.

To prepare Sangrita you will need:

  • tequila – 500 ml;
  • orange juice - from 3 medium fruits;
  • lemon juice - from pieces;
  • tomato pulp without peel from three fruits.


  1. All ingredients are mixed in a blender, then 7 g of sugar, salt and red chili powder are added to them. Mix everything well again and serve.
  2. This cocktail should be poured into small glasses and drunk in one gulp.

Banderita, in its essence, is not a separate cocktail, but another option for using the same Sangrita.

To do this, pour into three small piles:

  • Sangritu.
  • Tequila.
  • One whole chicken egg.

And in the same sequence, the contents of the glasses are drunk in one gulp. The result is an interesting aftertaste and quick intoxication.

Reference! In Mexico itself, these cocktails are considered almost a national treasure, because their color is, as it were, a symbol of the country itself.

“Spicy” with chili pepper

This drink is ideal for lovers of something spicy and invigorating.

It is prepared from:

  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • sugar – 3 tsp;
  • tequila – 0.2 l;
  • lemon juice – 100 ml;
  • hot jalapeno pepper – 0.5 pcs.;
  • crushed ice to taste.

Reference! You can replace the jalapeno pepper with regular chili pepper in the same proportions.


  1. Hot peppers are cut into thin slices and poured with tequila. Place in a cool place for 1 hour.
  2. The rims of the glasses are moistened with lemon juice and dipped into a mixture of salt and sugar, taken one teaspoon at a time.
  3. Then the infused alcohol is placed in a shaker, all other ingredients are added and mixed well.
  4. The glasses are filled with crushed ice and the finished drink is poured into them to the top.
  5. After preparation, the finished cocktail is immediately served to the table.

It is these cooking options that are most popular in many countries around the world, and our country is no exception.

Mexican traditions

But having familiarized yourself with how this alcoholic drink is drunk in different countries of the world, it is necessary to study in detail how the Mexicans themselves drink it.

Unfortunately, many people mistakenly believe that it was the people of Mexico who came up with the idea of ​​drinking this alcohol with salt and lemon. But in reality this is not the case.

Of course, Mexicans know that many prefer to drink their national alcohol this way. However, they themselves do it differently.

  1. In its purest form. This is how most people in Mexico prefer to drink tequila. Pour into small glasses and drink in one gulp. Because it is generally accepted that only when this alcohol is consumed in this way does it fully reveal its taste and aroma.
  2. Drinking tequila. To wash it down, they prepare a special cocktail – Sangrita. And if the European interpretation immediately adds tequila to it, the Mexicans prefer to do things differently. They prepare a non-alcoholic Sangrita from tomato juice, pepper, sugar and salt and pour it into a tall glass. Separately, the tequila itself is poured into a small glass. Next, they drink alcohol in one gulp, and then slowly drink a cocktail prepared in advance.

Reference! In Mexican stores you can also find an alcoholic version of Sangrita on the shelves. It is sold in transparent glass bottles and is red in color and is very popular, especially among young people.

The residents of this country themselves sincerely believe that the true taste and aroma of any alcohol can only be appreciated if it is consumed in its pure form. And they certainly know a lot about tequila, so sometimes it’s worth listening to their words.

Combination with salt

If you carefully study the various ways to consume this Mexican alcoholic drink, you will notice that almost Each recipe uses the most common table salt.

Where exactly the tradition of drinking tequila with such a spice came from is now unknown for certain.

Historians themselves offer two versions of the emergence of such a tradition for your information:

  • At the beginning of the 19th century, a terrible plague raged in the territory of modern Mexico, and no medicine could save the patients. Then one of the doctors began to give them a little tequila with lemon juice and salt several times a day, and lo and behold, the patients began to quickly recover.
  • The second version says that not all inhabitants of the world can normally tolerate the taste and aroma of this alcohol made from agave. And it is the addition of salt that helps to slightly neutralize the specific taste and smell of this alcohol.

Still, most tequila fans are inclined towards the second version. After all, it looks much more believable.

Video instructions on the topic: how and with what to drink tequila

You can drink tequila in its pure form, in a diluted state, or mixing it with other drinks.

It is this universal alcohol that goes perfectly with almost all other types of drinks and is good on its own, and therefore you need to try it at least once.

Watch this video of a professional bartender showing the 3 best ways to drink tequila:

Among the massive variety of alcoholic beverages, it is extremely difficult to keep track of all the innovations. However, there is an alcoholic drink that came to us after many centuries. This is a classic called tequila. That is why every person is simply obliged to have an idea of ​​​​how to drink tequila, even if he is not an active fan of this alcohol.

The traditions of the agave drink date back to the times of the Old and New Worlds. Along with this, various methods of drinking it appeared and endless debates about how to drink tequila correctly.

We present to your attention several popular methods of drinking alcohol that will be useful to you, and all of them are considered correct. Because each of them will correspond to the particular country in which it is located. The drink is quite strong, so don’t delay drinking it. And if you are trying this alcohol for the first time, try to stretch out the pleasure with several sips and feel all the taste qualities. This way, you can determine for yourself what you really need and finally understand how to drink tequila correctly.


  • temperaturetequila should not be too cold, room temperature is just right.
  • Initially, you need to feel the flavor bouquet, not the aroma, which is why it is not recommended to warm it in your hands.

How to drink tequila correctly

« Interethnic" Or as they call it differently “Lick! Knock it over! Have a bite!” The important thing in this method is to make the right circle, consisting of tequila, a pinch of salt and a slice of lime. The thumb is moved to the side and on the back of the palm; a pinch of salt is carefully poured in the area between the two fingers (thumb and index).

The meaning of this option is that you need to drink tequila in one gulp, then lick the salt, and then bite with a slice of lime, which can be replaced with lemon. The process should happen fairly quickly. In addition, this method has modifications. For example, if you come with a lady, you can sprinkle salt on her bare shoulder or on another part of the body if she doesn't mind. Another variation, combining salt and pepper, will be relevant for thrill-seekers.

« Rapido" Another name for it is “tequila boom”. How to drink tequila - boom? It’s very simple, all you need is tequila and tonic. These two alcohols are mixed in a glass, closed with a hand, thanks to a sharp blow on the table. However, do not overdo it, glasses are fragile and may crack.

« Spicy" Before ingesting a glass of alcohol, you should chew or, best of all, swallow the hot chili pepper. For those who can't stand too much heat, you can take miniature peppers.

« Original" To carry out the intended process, you will need lemon. We cut it into 2 equal halves, take out the core and get the shape of a glass. Next, fill it with tequila and add ice. Guests are served such a masterpiece right at their doorstep.

« Submarine" Its other name is “ruff” (in Russia). It is also “fog” in the American version. There are no difficulties with execution. About 33 grams of tequila is poured into a glass of light beer (330 grams). This combination will make you quickly get drunk, which is why the name “fog” appeared.

« Gold» The favorite cocktail of charming female representatives. One condition - you will need caramel to win the hearts of the ladies.

« New Year" This method has German roots. You will need: sugar, cinnamon powder and oranges. Ground cinnamon and sugar are mixed, then orange slices are dipped in the resulting mixture. And you snack on alcohol with this delicacy to your heart’s content.

In cocktail ingredients Sangrita and Banderita. The cooking technology has recently appeared in European countries, however, in Mexico they are very popular. Sangrita is reminiscent of Bloody Mary. It contains: tomatoes (without skin), juice of 2 lemons, fresh orange juice, finely chopped onion, 5 grams of sugar (about a teaspoon), hot pepper, salt and ice cubes. Banderita differs from Sangrita in that it is drunk differently.

One shot glass is filled with tequila, another with Sangrita, and the third is filled with lime juice. And gradually everything is drunk. This cocktail symbolizes the colors of the Mexican flag, and “banderita” is translated as a flag.

In the famous " Margarita" The recipe is named after Margarita Seymes in the 20th century in 1948. You will need a shaker to combine the ingredients. Mix three equal parts of tequila with a small amount of orange liqueur and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Cool contents with ice. Serve in a glass, the edges of which are decorated with fine salt.

How to drink tequila correctly is actually difficult to say. Many people ask the question: “What do you drink tequila with?” Most often in Europe, it is common to use alcohol as an ingredient in cocktails. The situation with Mexicans is a little different.

How to drink tequila in Mexico

We reveal the secrets of how Mexicans drink tequila. The Mexican “three in one” approach can surprise any European. The habit of drinking in one gulp and almost without a snack has remained since the 19th century. One condition is that the alcohol must be well chilled. The glasses chosen are narrow and tall. And if you need a snack, their national dishes will come in handy. However, lemons have no competition in this matter.

What do Mexicans drink tequila with? The Mexican people simply love to wash it down with various drinks. For example, one of these cocktails is “Sangrita” - a mixture of tomato and citrus juice with hot pepper.

Why is tequila often drunk with salt?

The answer lies in ancient Mexican history, during the time of the most terrible flu in hot Mexico - the country of heroic cowboys and hot tequila. There was no modern medicine then, so doctors took the initiative into their own hands and prescribed tequila and lime salt to sick patients.

Today there is an opinion that salt in this composition plays the role of a neutralizing component. In addition, it allows you to fully enjoy the taste properties of agave.

Tequila is the same symbol of Mexico as vodka is of Russia. However, it was Europeans who invented the drink. Arriving on the new continent, they saw the interesting custom of the Indians drinking low-alcohol agave juice during the holidays. This “drink of the gods” was called pulque. The Spanish conquistadors, lovers of stronger distillates, distilled the local drink, which is why mezcal appeared. Thoroughly refined until it is clear like a teardrop, it turns into tequila. And if mezcal appeared around 1535, then long-term metamorphoses occurred with the last drink. Once purified, it went by different names. Mostly it was “agave wine” or mezcal brandy. Tequila got its current name from the town of Tequila, which is located in the Mexican state of Jalisco, west of Guadalajara. The drink quickly gained popularity in the north, in the USA. In our country, this distillate is just beginning to win hearts. This article will focus on the question of how to drink tequila correctly.

First acquaintance

If you've never tried tequila before, be careful what you choose. The market, especially the Russian one, is flooded with counterfeit goods. From getting acquainted with such “tequila” you may develop a persistent aversion to this drink. If you expect that this is “the same vodka, only from a cactus,” you are sorely mistaken. The taste of tequila is incomparable. Unless, of course, it's a drink. There should be two important points on the label. The first is the composition: 100% And the second is the place of the state of Jalisco. All other regions only have the right to bottle tequila. The drink is served in Mexico in tall and narrow clay glasses with a thick bottom. They are called "caballitos", that is, "horses". We'll talk about what people drink with tequila later. But when you first try it, just take a small sip and hold it in your mouth. Feel the whole taste, and then swallow, feeling how a warm wave passes through the esophagus. By the way, tequila, unlike vodka, is not cooled before serving. It reveals its best qualities at room temperature.

The Mexicans themselves believe that this drink is good on its own and does not need any accompaniment. It is served both as an aperitif and as a digestif, but not with food. Mexicans do not snack on tequila, but drink it down, and even then only on rare occasions. It is best to drink a glass in one gulp. This is what ordinary Mexican people think. Gourmets believe that the drink should be consumed with salt. Better yet, snack on a Caribbean lime. Why is tequila drunk with salt? Scientists have found the answer to this. Salt increases the sensitivity of receptors on the tongue. What about lime? It acts like coffee beans for the nose: it cleanses the tongue for further perception. This trio - tequila + salt + lime - has given rise to many ways to consume the distillate.

Authentic recipes. "Sangrita"

Before looking at what they drink with tequila in Western Europe and the United States, let's explore the local Mexican custom. Mezcal, the common folk ancestor of the club drink, was usually consumed in one gulp from small goblets. At the same time, they did not consume any alcohol, did not drink it down, or snort it. But tequila is a sophisticated drink, and glamorous young men are no match for stern machos. Therefore, three ways to consume this distillate were born in Mexico. We have already described the first one. This is an already classic trio with tequila, salt and lime. This method has a lot of nuances, including erotic fantasies, which we will talk about later. The second way to drink tequila is with Sangrita. Just don’t confuse this orange and tomato juice with the addition of hot peppers with “Sangria” (Spanish wine, where it is customary to put pieces of citrus fruits). It is customary to drink a glass of tequila in one gulp. After which you can slowly sip Sangrita.

Authentic recipes. "Tabasco"

The third method is also not quite familiar to the European stomach. Pour tequila into the caballitos and set aside. Fill a regular glass glass with lemon or lime juice (preferably fresh). Drizzle Tabasco sauce into it. It is important not to overdo it: this seasoning is very hot, because it is made from hot chili peppers, acetic acid and salt. Using a spoon, stir the sauce into the juice. Next we proceed as in the previous recipe. We drain the glass of tequila in one gulp and slowly wash it down with juice. This method allows you to appreciate the rich aroma and taste of the wonderful distillate from blue agave sprouts. Well, now let’s look at what they drink with tequila outside its homeland - Mexico.

Types of Mexican vodka

Having crossed the borders of its native land and becoming a welcome guest at youth parties, first in the USA and then in Europe, tequila has acquired various variations. The most famous are “Silver” (aka “white”), “Gold”, “Olmeca” and “Chocolate”. And for each of these species, their own ways of drinking have been invented. Just as vodka is premium, so is tequila. "Olmeca" and "Gold" are considered more refined. “Chocolate” is a different story, a variation invented for those who do not like the spicy-salty taste. A great way to cheer up an overly constrained girl at a disco - after all, tequila is easy to drink, and at first you don’t feel its insidious alcoholic effects at all. When asked what to drink chocolate tequila with, experts say that it goes great solo. A pleasant, velvety aroma of cocoa replaces the dessert, and only in the aftertaste is light alcohol felt. But chocolate tequila (as well as other types) feel great in cocktails.

What to drink Olmeca tequila with

This is one of the premium drink types. But don’t think that blue-blooded tequila needs to be consumed in any special way. This cognac presupposes the presence of a leather-upholstered cabinet, cigars, bow ties and other etiquette issues. Tequila is a club drink, one might say, a youth drink. That’s why you need to enjoy it with youthful enthusiasm. So what should you drink Olmeca tequila with? All the same methods are suitable for this type as for the “silver”, white distillate. The most common method is called "lick, tip, bite." It consists in the following. Squeeze a lime wedge between your thumb and index finger. Pour salt into the recess. In the other hand we take the caballitos with the drink. Let's start! Attention! March! Dip your tongue into the salt and, before the crystals have time to dissolve, tip the glass over. And then we eat bitter lime.

German way

It is similar to the previous one. Only salt is replaced with cinnamon, and bitter lime with sweet orange. This is how the Germans answered the question of what to drink Tequila Gold with. You can sprinkle cinnamon on the back of your hand - in the groove between your thumb and index finger. This is what the company does. A more prim way to drink Gold tequila is to dip the wet edges of the glass in powdered sugar mixed with cinnamon, then pour the drink. Place a saucer with orange slices nearby. But the Germans went even further and included tequila among the erotic games. Instead of a palm, cinnamon is poured in a path on the beloved’s body, the role of a glass is played by the navel... However, such alcohol consumption presupposes an intimate setting.

"Rapido", Mexican ruff and more

Inventive club youth have come up with a lot of ways to drink tequila with. For example, scrape out the lime pulp and use the skin to make something like cups. They are powdered with salt and poured with tequila. After this, the cups are eaten. The Spanish method is called Rapido (“fast”) or “tequila boom.” Tonic is added to the glass with distillate in a one to one ratio. Cover the glass with your palm and hit it sharply on the table. A “boom” occurs - the tonic begins to hiss and foam. Naturally, you will need a glass with a thick bottom, otherwise the drink will be on your clothes, and your fingers will be bleeding from the broken glass. Another way is especially for those who adhere to the everyday principle: “Vodka without beer is money wasted.” It's called "Mexican Ruff". Tequila is poured with Corona Extra in a ratio of 1:10. But Tequila con gusano (with a worm) indicates the low quality of the distillate.

Cocktails with tequila

Many interesting mixes have been created based on this Mexican distillate. The most famous and popular cocktail is the Margarita. Its production involves all the ingredients that we named when we answered the question of what is the best way to drink tequila. Dip a wide glass in salt so that its edges become frosted. Pour in one part of tequila. Add equal amounts of orange liqueur and lime juice. A few more ice cubes and you're done. Now let’s look at how to drink chocolate tequila in cocktails. This type of distillate goes well with currant liqueur, Chivava, brandy, grenadine and other syrups.

Tequila is the favorite alcoholic drink of hot Mexicans. The drinking ritual requires the presence of tall and narrow glasses, which have a thick bottom and a fancy name “little horse” - “caballito”. Tequila is drunk as an aperitif, namely before eating, and as a digestif - after eating. Let's find out what are the original ways to drink tequila.

“Lick! Knock it over! Bite! There is a rumor that this method was invented by the Americans, which later infected the entire planet. First of all, the drink should be slightly chilled or at room temperature. The indispensable companions of the ceremony are lime, which can be replaced with lemon, and salt, which is poured on the outer side of the palm, in the depression near the thumb. Take a slice of citrus fruit, lick the salt, and empty the glass in one gulp. Afterwards you should eat a slice of lemon. If desired, dip the edge of the glass into the juice, sprinkling sugar on top. Gourmets have learned to hold a glass and a slice of lime in one hand and drink the drink in one motion. Some fans snack on the fruit by dipping it in salt, mixing the latter with pepper, or don’t snack at all. The club version of the first method involves licking the salt from the body of one’s companion, say, from the shoulder. A friend or girlfriend can hold a lemon in her teeth for a more vivid experience. The most outrageous personalities drink from more intimate areas.

Mexican ruff. In a simple way - tequila with beer. Suitable for those who truly believe that tequila without a crown is a waste of pesos. Mix tiquila with beer in a ratio of 1 to 10, the original is 33 g of tequila and 330 g of beer, it is better to take the highest quality. It is recommended to consume this mix as quickly as possible. Intoxication will also set in quickly, which is why this drink is often called “Fog.”

"Margarita". This cocktail is very popular around the world. But most of all in the USA. The recipe was invented by an aristocrat from Texas, whose name was attached to the drink - Margarita Seymes. Take 3 parts of tequila, which you need to mix with 1 part Cointreau and 1 part lemon juice. Add ice if desired. Then mix all the ingredients using a shaker. The cocktail is served in glasses, which are decorated with a salt rim.

"Tequila Boom." This is a favorite way to drink tequila among club youth, as the cocktail helps you quickly cheer up, that is, get drunk. Pour tequila into a glass. Then send there a sweet soda, say, tonic. Covering the glass with your hand, hit the bar counter (table) with the bottom, but carefully so as not to break it. When strong foam appears after impact, you can drink the cocktail. As in the first three options, in one gulp. Sangarita. Sangrita has Mexican roots. The cocktail is a bit reminiscent of the domestic Bloody Mary. Take 6 tomatoes, peel them. Squeeze juice from 2 lemons and 3 oranges (grapefruits), finely chop 1 onion, 1 tsp. granulated sugar, salt and pepper, preferably cayenne. Then you need to add crushed ice and tequila. All that remains is to mix in a blender.

Banderita. Pour Sangarita into a glass. In the second - tequila. In the third, prepare lime juice. We drink in this order. As a result, the drinks are colored like the colors of the Mexican flag. Namely red, white and green. This is where the name “banderita” comes from, which means “flag”.

Tequila with cinnamon. This method is popular in Germany. Sweet cinnamon is used here instead of salt. Lemon is replaced with orange. The technique remains unchanged. After licking the cinnamon, drink the drink and snack on the citrus fruit. You can also dip a slice in sugar and snack on it.

Tequila with Tabasco. Mexicans love to experiment, which is why they decided on such an original way of drinking the drink. Tabasco is a hot sauce that consists of vinegar, hot sauce and salt. You can add it directly to the juice you drink with tequila. Or to a sangarita. The drink is often drunk with Guacamole, which consists of avocado pulp, tomato sauce and chili pepper.

To surprise your guests, buy more lemons. Cut each of them into 2 halves, remove the pulp. These halves can be used instead of glasses. For convenience, it is recommended to cut small pieces from the “bottom” side, so you can place the glasses on the table. And then follow the usual scenario - dip the edge of the glass in salt, put ice in the middle, then you can pour tequila. By the way, such a glass turns out to be an excellent snack!

Tequila belongs to the category of strong (38 - 40%) alcoholic drinks. But don’t believe the common myths that this is the same vodka! Tequila is usually made in Mexico, where blue agave grows. This drink is obtained from its fermented juice. Learn how to drink tequila correctly! In this article we will tell you how you can drink tequila.

Tequila with Tabasco - Mexican style

How do they drink tequila in Mexico? It is customary to drink tequila from small, tall, narrow glasses with a massive bottom. They are called "caballitos". The drink should not be very cold or very warm. Traditionally in Mexico people drink tequila without diluting or snacking. But they can wash it down with a mixture of tomato juice and lime juice. Mexicans add a drop of Tabasco sauce to their juice. This pepper sauce is very spicy, so add this ingredient carefully. Tabasco consists of red hot pepper, vinegar and salt. Real Mexicans know how to drink tequila with Tabasco. How else can you drink tequila?

How to drink tequila with lime and salt

A small amount of salt is poured onto the back of the hand near the thumb. In your other hand you have a drink already prepared. Then you quickly lick the salt, knock back the glass and bite with a quarter of a lime (if there is no lime, take tequila, salt, lemon).

How to drink tequila boom

To prepare, mix 30 ml in a glass. tequila and 30 ml. tonic (you can use another carbonated drink). Then cover the glass with your hand or a napkin and shake it, hitting the bottom on the table. Immediately after this, the drink foams and is quickly drunk.

Tequila with cinnamon, orange and sugar

Mix sugar and cinnamon in a small container. The orange is cut into half rings. A slice of orange should be rolled in sugar and cinnamon, and you will get an original snack for tequila. Tequila with cinnamon is a bold combination, tequila with orange is a brilliant taste!

Tequila Gold - how to drink gold tequila

Tequila Gold gets its golden hue from the addition of caramel. Girls prefer to drink golden tequila because it has a light taste and aroma of caramel.

Golden tequila is properly drunk in its pure form. It is also used to make cocktails. "Margarita" is a popular tequila cocktail that will be offered to you in any bar! But you can cook it yourself.

The traditional Margarita contains tequila, orange liqueur and lime juice. For the classic version, it is important to maintain proportions. Three parts tequila, two parts orange liqueur and one part lime juice. You can replace lime juice with the juice of other fruits or berries. Of course, it’s better to squeeze the juice yourself rather than buy it ready-made.

Once we've mixed the ingredients, it's time to add ice and shake everything in a shaker.

Finally, for tequila lovers and connoisseurs of tradition, the following useful tips may be useful:

  • Don't freeze tequila! Tequila should be drunk moderately warm.
  • Do you want to try tequila for the first time? Don't drink your first drink quickly. Feel its taste with a small sip of the drink.
  • In tequila it is the taste that matters, not the aroma! Do not warm it in your hand for a long time.
