How coffee beans are collected. How is coffee harvested? There are two main methods of harvesting

What could be more beautiful than a charming and regal rose on the site? Many gardeners are afraid to grow this flower because of its capricious nature. But you only have to learn how to grow roses once and avoid the most common mistakes when growing them, and this “queen of flowers” ​​will delight you with its luxurious appearance and fragrance. Gardeners in the Urals also have every opportunity to acquire their own rose garden, despite the difficult climatic conditions of their region. But thanks to the efforts of breeders, varieties have appeared that successfully adapt to such a climate and feel quite comfortable. Of course, if you live in the Urals and want to start growing a rose for the first time, then it’s worth learning all the secrets of planting it, caring for this flower, etc. This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

Rose is the queen of flowers. Story

The rose is truly a royal flower, admired and even worshiped in many countries since ancient times. Many legends and traditions about the rose can be found in the literature of almost all peoples of the world:

  • in Ancient India, in order to ask something from the king, it was enough to bring him a rose;
  • In ancient Iran they believed that the rose was a gift from Allah. There is a legend that one day all the representatives of the flora came to Allah and asked to appoint a new ruler for them instead of the Lotus. And Allah sent the White Rose;
  • In Persia there was a beautiful legend about the Nightingale and the Rose. The Nightingale was so fascinated by this flower that he pressed it to his chest and died from the thorn-daggers of the Rose. The flower immediately turned the color of blood - red;
  • in Ancient China, Confucius himself admired the rose, whose library was full of books about this amazing flower, and the gardens were filled with the fragrance of a variety of roses;
  • in ancient Egypt, food was prepared from roses, and the well-known queen Cleopatra used roses for cosmetic purposes;
  • In ancient Greece, the origin of the rose was associated with Aphrodite. People believed that the flower arose from the foam that covered the body of the goddess;
  • In ancient Rome, roses were present in palaces in incredible quantities. The floors were sprinkled with rose petals, pillows were made from them, ships sailed on water strewn with rose petals, and the city had a persistent aroma of this flower.

Classification of roses

The rose is a flower that has an incredible number of groups and varieties. The very first varieties were obtained by crossing wild roses, then cultivated roses began to be crossed with each other. Currently, the classification of roses is so broad that different information can be found in different sources. Each specific scheme for classifying roses generalizes them according to one characteristic, because It is simply impossible to take into account all the signs in one scheme. Modern gardeners and landscape designers prefer the following classification system for roses, according to which they are divided into 8 groups. Each group combines varieties that are similar in agricultural technology, winter hardiness, height, flowering pattern, methods of use in landscape design, etc.

Park roses

The group of park roses is not always identified as a separate group in other classification systems. In Russia, this group includes wild species of roses, as well as their cultivated species, which are able to easily tolerate periods of dormancy in a natural way. It is among park roses that you can find the most winter-hardy varieties. Among the most popular varieties are: Ritausma, Robusta, Pink Robusta, Grotendorst, Rugelda.

Shrub roses

Shrub roses, or scrubs, are sometimes also called semi-climbing roses. This group combines varieties with long flowering, lushness and fairly rapid growth. This group includes “antique” roses and “modern” English roses. A distinctive feature of roses from this group is considered to be their incredible aroma. Popular varieties: Abraham Darby, Charles Austin, Graham Thomas, etc.

climbing roses

Just by the name of this group you can imagine the appearance of the roses that are combined in this group. Climbing roses have long flexible stems that can reach 5 meters in length. Of course, such roses require support, and are most often used for vertical gardening. New hybrid varieties of this group can delight the eye with incredible flowering more than once a season. Varieties of this group are divided into small-flowered and large-flowered. Large-flowered varieties have greater aroma. The most popular varieties: Rosarium Uterzen, Schwanensee, Dorothy Perkins, New Doon, Excelsa.

Hybrid tea roses

The history of modern roses begins with the cultivation of tea roses. These flowers are very heat-loving. Very fragrant flowers can grow either singly or in inflorescences. One of the main disadvantages of hybrid tea roses is their high susceptibility to various diseases and pests. Breeders have developed a large number of hybrid varieties that can delight with their flowering almost all summer. Among the most famous varieties are: Limbo, Mainzer, Gloria Dei, Angelique, Black Baccarat, etc.

Miniature roses

Miniature roses, as you might guess from the name alone, are quite small in size. They grow up to 40-50 cm. In appearance, miniature roses are very similar to hybrid tea roses. They are quite unpretentious, resistant to adverse natural factors, and bloom for a long time. An important advantage is the ability of miniature roses to withstand winter well under the snow, even without complex shelter. Among the most popular varieties are: Baby Masquerade, Mandarin, Yellow Dolly, etc.

Floribunda roses

If you want to grow an outstanding rose garden, then Floribunda roses can be an excellent option for creating it. Roses of this group were obtained by hybridizing tea roses, compared to which they are more resistant to unfavorable conditions and less susceptible to diseases and pests. Compact and beautiful bushes are decorated with inflorescences of small but lush flowers. Varieties: Apricola, Galaxy, Augusta Louise, Gebrüder Grimm, etc.

Canadian roses

One of the most uncommon types of roses in Russia. This group united roses that were bred in Canada through lengthy crossings. Distinctive features are long flowering, resistance to adverse natural factors, exceptional winter hardiness (can tolerate down to minus 40 degrees), and not susceptibility to diseases and pests. The group is currently being actively replenished with more and more new varieties. Among the already well-known are: Moden Blush, Alexander Mackenzie, David Thompson and others.

Ground cover roses

Ground cover roses are a fairly new group of these plants. Gardeners will certainly be attracted by the ability of these roses to bloom abundantly and their resistance to adverse weather factors. They bloom in lush bushes and form long shoots that create the illusion of a beautiful carpet of luxurious flowers. Despite the fact that ground cover rose bushes are quite dense and spreading, they do not require annual pruning. Varieties: Gold Carpet, Ondela, Fairy, etc.

Useful properties and uses of roses

Remember that you can grow roses on your site not only for aesthetic purposes, but also for practical ones. It has long been known about the healing effects of roses on the human body, if you learn to use it correctly. Since ancient times, the following effects of this flower on the body have been noted:

  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • wound healing effect;
  • calming effect;
  • restorative effect.

Traditional healers learned to prepare infusions, ointments, decoctions, rose oils, rose water, etc. from roses, mainly from its petals. A rose on your site can become an assistant in the treatment of diseases such as bronchial asthma, rhinitis, allergic rhinitis, stomach ulcers, various inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, respiratory diseases, conjunctivitis, radiation damage to the skin, necrosis and many other ailments. Rose is widely used not only in folk medicine, but also in cosmetology and cooking. The rejuvenating effect of various masks, tonics, and creams based on roses has long been known to women since ancient times.

Roses for the Urals and Siberia. Catalog of varieties

The climate of the Urals and Siberia is quite complex and harsh. Not all plants are able to withstand severe winter frosts, gusty winds, prolonged spring thaws, etc. Choosing the right variety when growing roses in the Urals or Siberia is of paramount and fundamental importance. The best option would be if you buy roses for the Urals in a Siberian nursery, where they have already gone through all the stages of hardening to the climate and are ready for planting. Such specialized nurseries occupy a leading position among all possible options for purchasing seedlings. Gardeners in the Urals consider it a rare success to find Canadian roses, which are considered one of the most winter-hardy. Seedlings of such roses can very rarely be found on sale, and therefore the chance of running into a fake is very high. Therefore, again, give preference only to trusted nurseries and stores. Ordinary varieties of roses and varieties for the Urals are not always the same thing. Among the most popular varieties of roses that are suitable for growing in the climatic conditions of Siberia and the Urals are traditionally:

  • "Rosarium Uetersen". A very spectacular variety of climbing roses that can be grown as a standard. Powerful stems reach 3 meters. They are not afraid of northern frost, wind, or long winter. Gardeners fell in love with this variety for its immunity to fungal diseases, the ability to bloom several times per season, excellent winter hardiness and, of course, the spectacular appearance of dark pink flowers. The colder the climate, the smaller the diameter of the roses. On average they reach 6-8 cm, but can grow up to 12 cm;

  • "New Dawn". If you are going to grow roses in the Urals, then be sure to pay attention to this variety. Roses "New Dawn" received an affectionate epithet from gardeners - "very roses." They are very fragrant, very prickly, very winter-hardy, very unpretentious, etc. This is an ideal option for growing in harsh climatic conditions. There are varieties of this variety that bloom continuously throughout the season, and there are roses that bloom in only one wave. Therefore, when purchasing, check the nature and duration of flowering;

  • "Golden Celebration" Roses of the “Golden Celebration” variety can be an excellent decoration for your garden in the Urals. They bloom with quite large and showy bright yellow flowers and exude a pleasant caramel aroma. The bushes reach 1.5 m in height;

  • "William Shakerspeare 2000". A hybrid variety that is notable for the presence of lush red, red-purple flowers and high resistance to fungal diseases. When purchasing, pay attention to the presence of the number 2000, because... it is this figure that indicates resistance to disease;
  • "Westerland". One of the most popular varieties of roses in the Urals. It became popular due to its continuous and unusually long flowering time. Large flowers up to 10 cm in diameter give the bushes spectacular appearance. Roses have a soft peach, salmon hue. The variety was bred in Germany.

Growing roses in the Urals

Step 1. Choose the time to plant roses in the Urals

Growing roses, planting in the Urals and caring for this flower have some peculiarities. In the climatic conditions of Siberia and the Urals, there are 2 possible options for planting roses: spring and summer:

  • spring planting begins when the soil temperature reaches 8-10 degrees. Usually this is the end of April, but it is still better to focus on the temperature. Gardeners in the Urals, trying not to miss planting time in the spring, look at the time of flowering of dandelions;
  • autumn planting begins when the air temperature reaches 4 degrees Celsius. It is important not to start planting too early, because... the roses will begin to actively grow, their root system will begin to work at full strength, and the rose will go into winter weakened. If you missed the autumn planting time, it is better to save the seedlings until spring.

Step 2. Choosing a place to plant roses in the Urals

Rose varieties that are suitable for growing in Siberia and the Urals, although quite unpretentious, still have some preferences in the place for planting. If you try to find exactly the optimal place for roses to grow, then this flower will thank you with bright blooms. Follow these recommendations when choosing a landing site:

  • The area for planting roses should be quite elevated. In such places, the degree of soil freezing is much lower than in low-lying areas. And this will greatly reduce the possibility of freezing and rotting of roots, and will protect the root system from possible fungal diseases as a result of waterlogging of the soil;
  • Considering the fact that there are not so many sunny days in the Urals and Siberia, it is worth choosing the southern side of the site. But don’t choose an area that’s too exposed to the sun either. So, the flowers will begin to grow actively, but the flowers will quickly dry out or lose their richness of color. Think about “neighbors” for the rose - plants, shrubs that will slightly shade the rose during the sun;
  • Roses do not like areas with strong drafts. Try to think about this too.

Step 3. Preparing the soil for planting roses in the Urals

As for preparing a place for planting roses, there are practically no differences here with other climatic zones. In the Urals, roses still love slightly acidic humus soils. Gardeners often use one trick to ensure that the roses subsequently overwinter well - they place manure at the bottom of the hole, which will warm the roots. The nutrient mixture for filling the hole is prepared as follows:

  • 1 part sand;
  • 1 part clay;
  • 0.5 parts wood ash;
  • 3 parts humus;
  • 2 parts peat.

It is better to add additional special fertilizer for roses, or buy a ready-made mixture for planting roses in the store.

Step 4. Planting roses in the Urals

  1. We dig a planting hole with a depth of approximately 50 cm.
  2. We place horse manure at the bottom of the hole.
  3. Fill the hole with the prepared nutrient soil mixture.
  4. Seedlings must be prepared for planting: dipped in a solution of a growth stimulator and shortened roots longer than 20 cm.
  5. Be sure to monitor the location of the roots during planting. They should be in the direction from top to bottom. To do this, the nutrient mixture is poured into a mound, a seedling is placed on top of it, and its roots are straightened along the mound.
  6. In the conditions of Siberia and the Urals, deep planting of 7-8 cm is practiced. If you doubt the winter hardiness of the variety, you can plant the rose directly in a plastic container and dig it up in the fall without damaging the root system.
  7. Then the young seedling needs to be watered and covered with earth to a height of 15 cm.

Rose in the Urals: care

Growing roses in the Urals will not be successful without proper and timely care. Some varieties require a little more attention, while others require a little less. We can highlight the most general scheme for caring for roses in the Urals at different times of the year:

  • feeding Roses always readily respond to feeding. During the growing season, they need to be fed about 3 times: the first feeding in early June (mullein infusion), the second feeding in July (nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium fertilizer), the third feeding in early August (superphosphate and potassium);
  • with the onset of autumn, you need to reduce watering as much as possible, remove the apical growth buds, thus preparing the plant for winter;
  • any gardener in the Urals will tell you how to cover roses in the Urals and which method of covering is the best. You need to start sheltering at least 2 weeks before persistent sub-zero temperatures are established. All green shoots, flowers, and leaves must be removed from the bush;
  • in the spring, when the snow has not yet melted, the roses need to be “checked out”: raise the cover, loosen the bushes so that there is no harmful condensation from temperature changes. It will be possible to finally remove the shelter in early May;
  • the remaining steps for caring for roses remain the same as for other flowers: watering, weeding, loosening.

How to preserve rose seedlings in the Urals

There are times when you have purchased rose seedlings, but they cannot be planted right now, but need to be stored for several days or even until the next season. Here you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • If you bought rose seedlings with wax-coated stems and packed roots, then they can be stored in the basement in this form. To prevent the roots from losing moisture, just open the package a little and add a little water;
  • If you received seedlings in the spring, then you can also save them for several days until planting. It is enough to simply dig it into any container at an angle of 45 degrees;
  • Perhaps the most painstaking task will be preserving the seedlings after planting. In the conditions of Siberia and the Urals, this is a primary task. The bushes must be trimmed, hilled, sprinkled with copper sulfate and a special shelter made. Climbing roses are removed from the supports and laid on the ground, they are strengthened with hooks.

Options for covering roses for the winter in the Urals

Work on covering roses for the winter in the Urals should begin as persistent subzero temperatures set in, approximately in mid-October. Remember that it is better to cover your roses a little later than to do it earlier. If you cover the bushes too early, then the buds will wake up under the cover and the shoots will begin to grow, and this is completely wrong. An important condition is that covering work must be carried out in dry times. If the weather is humid or raining, then wait until the soil and the bushes themselves dry out. Gardeners in the Urals use a variety of shelter options for their “prickly beauties”:

  • “air” shelter using a frame made of metal rods and polyethylene (or other moisture-proof material), sprinkled with earth;
  • shelter made of wooden shields for climbing roses in the Urals. This shelter is also presented in the form of a “house” made of two wooden panels. The bushes are bent to the ground, secured with wire, covered with spruce branches, a “house” is erected and covered with polyethylene. This type of shelter is practical because... you can open the “door” slightly if the winter has been warm;
  • shelter made of bags for standard roses. A bag without a bottom is placed over the crown, filled with leaves and spruce branches, tied, and the trunk is covered with burlap.

As you can see, the process of growing roses in the Urals, although labor-intensive, is possible. Gardeners, even in areas with severe winter frosts, can grow the “queen of flowers” ​​in their garden. The effort and desire to decorate your area with spectacular rose bushes will certainly help you achieve results. Good luck!

Roses can be grown just as successfully in harsh climates as in less cold regions. In this case, resistance to cold is of great importance for gardeners, so the basis for breeding frost-resistant varieties of roses for Siberia are Canadian and some hybrid varieties of ostina. In regional nurseries, these flowers are hardened, and are most recommended for cultivation by local summer residents and gardeners.

It is noteworthy that the catalog of varieties of roses and Siberia offers almost identical flowers. In rare cases, cold-resistant species, for some reason, do not take root in the flowerbeds of these areas.

The best varieties of roses for Siberia:

  • Ashram. One of the most popular varieties. He is loved for his unique appearance. It belongs to the group of hybrid teas. Large, 11-centimeter flowers grow on powerful stems, the height of which does not exceed 1.2 m. They have a special, rich orange or copper-brown color. The aroma emanating from the flowers is reminiscent of assorted fruits and vanilla.
  • Chippendale. These are scrub roses that occupy a special place in the hearts of Novosibirsk flower growers. Their large, double, fragrant flowers have a complex structure. Primary colors: orange, peach or dark orange. Bouquets of Siberian bush roses of the Chippendale variety look beautiful. They are often planted in, combined with other flowers.
  • Rosarium Uetersen. Belongs to the category of climbing roses (winter-hardy varieties) for Siberia. Many summer residents prefer these colors. The continuity of their flowering will delight the gardener throughout the season. It can overwinter without shelter for the winter, although in some harsh regions it is recommended to provide shelter. It recovers very quickly in the spring. The average diameter of dark pink flowers is 4-6 cm. The shoots are very powerful and can reach up to 3 m in length. In this case, the bush requires gartering with special structures.
  • Double Delight. The characteristic name indicates that the flower is unusual. That’s how it is – it combines two colors. The base of the bud is bright cream, and the edges of the petals are red. The aroma of this variety of hybrid tea roses for Siberia is very reminiscent of the taste of raspberries or strawberries. It is very easy to use shoots to create the desired bush shape. The stems and root system are strong and straight.
  • Golden Celebration. This is the best variety of park roses for Siberia. It tolerates cold well and is suitable for cultivation. This hybrid from the nursery of David Austin (a famous English breeder) blooms twice a year with bright yellow buds. Golden Celebration belongs to the category of the most fragrant roses for Siberia. Its lemon-caramel smell spreads over several tens of meters.

What varieties of roses are suitable for Siberia, besides those listed above? The most popular flowers are also:

What varieties of roses are best suited for Siberia?

In the vastness of Siberia, many summer residents and flower growers are breeding and hardening many popular varieties. The peculiarity of this work is that over time the flowers completely adapt to the climate of the region in which the mini nursery is located. It is these gardeners who can give a clear answer to the question of what varieties of roses are best to plant in Siberia?

One of the most famous is the home rose garden of Lyubov Bezrodnova. During her breeding journey, this woman adapted many varieties of the Queen of Flowers to the Siberian climate. Most of her time she was engaged in breeding and hardening park roses, but the assortment includes many floribundas, hybrid teas. Mrs. Bezrodnova successfully manages to work on imported plant species, completely adapting them to the Siberian cold.

In her opinion, it is necessary to carefully select roses for Siberia. The best varieties end up in the flower beds of most private households. Thanks to Lyubov Bezrodnova’s method, many summer residents can choose suitable plant species without much difficulty.

Winter-hardy varieties of climbing roses for Siberia.

The garden rose is rightfully considered one of the most whimsical ornamental crops. Its requirements for warmth and light are great, so flower growers in cold regions of Russia often fear whether the rose will be able to survive harsh conditions. However, this plant blooms successfully even in Siberia. You just need to avoid three mistakes when growing it: selecting the wrong variety, improper care and poor preparation for wintering. This material tells about which roses are suitable for Siberia.

Climatic conditions of Siberia and roses

Siberia is a vast territory, within which there is a wide variety of weather conditions. So, if in the south the climate is comparable to the southern regions of the Volga region, then in the center and north we can talk about conditions close to the Arctic Circle. There are also great differences between the western and eastern regions.

In general, the Siberian climate is sharply continental in nature. This means that throughout the year there are large temperature fluctuations in this area - from extremely low in winter to significantly high in summer. Transitions from winter to summer occur quickly; there is no extended off-season, as in central Russia. Winters are long, with frosts down to -40-60 0 C.

Thus, Siberia is a high-risk zone for garden roses. In order for them to grow and bloom in the proposed conditions, varieties must meet the following requirements:

  • have high frost resistance of wood and buds;
  • have good resistance to fungal diseases;
  • have the ability to quickly ripen wood;
  • have the ability to restore the vegetative mass well;
  • have the ability to bloom early.

Tip #1. In summer in Siberia there can be a large amount of precipitation, so it is better to give preference to varieties whose flowers “hold the rain” well.

Soil conditions of Siberia and roses

Siberian soils are as varied as the weather. But one of their common key features is deep freezing in winter. Depth may vary. For example, in the south of Siberia it ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 meters, and in the north of the Tyumen region it is completely permafrost.

In such conditions, the frost resistance of the rootstock is of great importance. The experience of flower growers shows that Siberian roses tolerate frosts better on the rootstock of loose rose hips (Rosa laxa var. laxa). This species grows naturally in Siberia, and its root system is well adapted to severe frosts.

Self-rooted roses are not suitable for growing in open ground in Siberia - they are more susceptible to freezing. Therefore, you need to either buy grafted seedlings or learn how to graft yourself.

Tip #2. If there are serious doubts about the frost resistance of the rootstock, it is better to plant it in a container. In the summer, a container rose can be placed in a flower garden, and put in the basement for the winter.

Review of ground cover roses for growing in Siberia

The ground cover variety is perhaps more suitable than others for growing in Siberia. These roses have excellent resistance to adverse environmental factors, and do not lose their high decorative value.

Among ground cover roses for Siberia, we can recommend low-creeping varieties:

Variety Characteristic Frost resistance Disease resistance
The height of the bush is 10 cm, width is 1 m. The flowers are snow-white, numerous, double, without aroma. Blooms in June, blooms until frost. Up to -40 0 C High
The height of the bush is 50-60 cm, width is 1.25 m. The flowers are pale pink, double, moderately resistant to rain. Up to -40 0 C Moderate. In rainy summers it is affected by powdery mildew.
The height of the bush is 30 cm, width is 70 cm. The flowers are small, abundant, deep pink, resistant to rain and fading. Up to -40 0 C High
The height of the bush is 25-60 cm, width is up to 120 cm. The flowers are very small, densely double, and abundant. The color of the corolla is dark red, almost black. Up to -30 0 C High

The height of the bush when grown in the cold regions of Siberia can be decisive: the lower the bush, the better it withstands unfavorable conditions. In southern regions with hot summers, it is easier to cover such bushes for the winter.

Review of hybrid tea varieties for cultivation in Siberia

Hybrid tea roses are the least suitable for growing in Siberia. However, a number of varieties have been successfully tested by Siberian rose growers. The following showed sufficient stability:

Variety Characteristic Frost resistance Disease resistance
The height of the bush is 120 cm, the flower is large (up to 15 cm), densely double, moderately resistant to rain, the color is iridescent - from yellow to pink, the aroma is weak. Moderate. In rainy summers it can be affected by powdery mildew and black spot.

Twice in a Blue Moon

The height of the bush is 90 cm, in Siberia – 70 cm. The flower is lilac in color, very fragrant, moderately resistant to rain, up to 13 cm in diameter.

Up to – 30 0 C

Moderate. In rainy summers it can be affected by powdery mildew.
The height of the bush is 1 m. The flower is dark cherry, almost black in color, with a faint aroma. Grows well in the southern regions of Siberia. Moderate. At high humidity, it is slightly affected by powdery mildew and black spot.
The height of the bush is 60-70 cm. The flower is copper-orange, densely double, up to 15 cm in diameter. Good resistance to rain, weak aroma.

When growing hybrid tea roses in Siberia, proper agricultural technology plays an important role. Plants need pruning and good air-dry cover. To accelerate the ripening of shoots, it is necessary to carry out potassium fertilizing in a timely manner.

Review of floribunda roses for growing in Siberia

The floribunda group is a hybrid of hybrid tea and polyanthus roses. These are very spectacular bush plants with lush flowering. Each raceme can develop up to 10-15 flowers.

The great advantage of floribundas is their genetic winter hardiness. The right rootstock consolidates and enhances this quality. Based on this, roses of the floribunda group can be recommended for testing in Siberian conditions. The following varieties are promising:

  • Arthur Bell– low bushes up to 80 cm in height, with abundant semi-double flowers of yellow-pink color. Under active sun, flowers can fade to a creamy shade.
  • Jack Frost– bushes up to 70 cm in height, covered with densely double snow-white flowers, resistant to rain. The aroma is strong. Suitable for forcing in winter.
  • Salzburg– bushes up to 120 cm in height, with resistance to frosts down to -35 0 C. Flowers in large inflorescences, coral in color, with excellent resistance to rain. The only drawback of the variety is its susceptibility to powdery mildew.
  • Evelyn Fison– an old exhibition variety of the floribunda group with a bush height of up to 80 cm. The flowers are red, double, with a light aroma, very resistant to rain. The bush can withstand frosts down to -30 0 C, and is not susceptible to powdery mildew and black spot.

Based on the practice of rose growers in Siberia, we can recommend floribunda of English selection Eyes For You. Despite the average winter hardiness (up to -25 0 C with good shelter), this variety showed an increase in this indicator if planted in a group.

Bush park roses for growing in Siberia

Park roses are plants with a powerful habit, capable of reaching a height of 1.5 m, with dense foliage. A big plus is that they bloom quite quickly. Of these roses, the following varieties are suitable for Siberian conditions:

  • Rosemary Harkness- a variety of English selection from the famous Harkness nursery. The bush is quite compact, up to 80 cm high, but spreading, with beautiful shiny foliage. The color of the flower is salmon, delicate, and the aroma is strong. The advantage of the variety is its high winter hardiness. Disadvantage: in Siberian conditions it does not have time to bloom again.
  • Marjorie Fair- another variety selected by the Harkness nursery. Outwardly, it is very similar to the famous Ballerina rose, from which it comes. The bush is powerful, up to 1.8 m in height, spreading, abundantly covered with simple crimson flowers with a white center. With shelter, it survives frosts well and is not susceptible to most diseases, but in damp weather at the end of the season it can suffer from powdery mildew.

Shrub roses, like others, require moisture-recharging watering for successful wintering. It is performed a couple of weeks before the onset of frost.

Review of climbing roses for growing in Siberia

Climbing roses are one of the most spectacular varieties of roses. They are capable of performing many landscape tasks, but are quite picky about climatic conditions.

For growing in Siberia, it makes sense to pay attention to the group of Cordes roses, which according to the European classification belong to the ramblers. The common features of these roses are:

  • high winter hardiness;
  • powerful habit with lashes up to 3 meters long;
  • high resistance to pests and diseases;
  • abundant flowering, buds open even in unfavorable conditions.

Cordes roses were bred by German breeders and tested in different climatic zones. Varieties such as Dortmund, Ilse Krohn Superior, Sympathie are able to grow successfully in Siberian conditions with wintering under cover.

Review of miniature roses for growing in Siberia

Of miniature roses, flower growers from Siberia can recommend the new Drift line, created in the French nursery “Meyan” by crossing classic miniature and ground cover roses. As a result, plants were obtained that have both a compact habit and exceptional frost resistance:

Variety Characteristic Frost resistance Disease resistance
The height of the bush is 20-30 cm, the shape of the habit is spherical. Blooms abundantly, continuously, with red flowers 5 cm in diameter.
The height of the bush is 30-40 cm, width is 50 cm. The flowers are semi-double, coral in color, and hold up the rain perfectly. The flowering pattern is continuous.
The height of the bush is 30-45 cm, the habit is rounded, up to 60 cm wide. The flowers are semi-double, white, continuous flowering. Moderate. In wet weather it is affected by powdery mildew and black spot.
The height of the bush is 30 cm, width is 45-60 cm. The flowers are semi-double, cream-colored, yellow buds. Blooms profusely until frost.

Miniature drift roses can be left in flowerpots for the winter, but moved to the basement. Another option for wintering is to lay the flowerpot on its side in an earthen trench, cover it with mulch and insulate it with non-woven material and spruce branches.

Current questions about growing roses in Siberia

Question No. 1. What roses are suitable for growing in a Siberian greenhouse?

Hybrid tea varieties hold up well when cut - Gloria Dei, Black Magic. The flowers of the latter variety remain fresh in a vase for up to 14 days.

Question No. 3. Does the time at which a rose seedling begins to bloom depend on the climate zone?

In this matter, what is fundamentally important is not the climate itself, but the condition of the seedling and the success of its wintering. If the rose has taken root well and overwintered, the plant will begin to bloom in due time.
