How to speed up the ripening of persimmons. How to store persimmon fruits. Tangerines: size and weight matter

In order for the event, which symbolizes the bride's farewell to a cheerful free life, to go off with a bang, it is necessary to take into account many important points: the theme of the party, costumes, food, drinks, an invitation letter or a call to your best friends - all these are its irreplaceable parts. However, the scenario helps to distinguish a bachelorette party from ordinary friendly gatherings - cool competitions will make the holiday fun and memorable.

Fashion show

This fun competition will help girls show original thinking and a creative approach. The goal of the competition is to create two women's teams and use improvised materials to construct costumes that match the theme of the show. But the theme can be very different, it all depends on the imagination of the judges - for example, “clothing of the sixties in the style of the future”, “pirates of the Caribbean”. The winner will be the team that is more convincing.

Relay of emotions

This cool bachelorette party game is designed to relieve stress. The girls take turns pronouncing a phrase - the first says it in a quiet, quiet voice, the second a little louder, the third even louder, and so on until they can make the loudest sound possible. If you are holding a competition at home, even if it is daytime, the neighbors will probably not approve of your screams at one in the morning.

Catching a taxi driver

A competition for girls called “catching a taxi driver” is not only fun, but also useful. Only bridesmaids participate here. Its essence is to call men from the telephone list who have a car. The girlfriends' task is to convince the car owner to take everyone present home, but not a word can be said about the bachelorette party. The first one to achieve the result wins the competition. The competition takes place at night, so this is a great opportunity for girls to get home for free.

Rice race

The props you will need during this cool competition are two balloons filled with rice. Guests gather in two teams, each team becomes a line. To win this bachelorette party challenge, contestants will have to pass props from one end of the line to the other. The task is complicated by the fact that this must be done using forks, not hands.

Fasten the thong on the handsome guy

For the next cool competition to be a success, you will need several pairs of thongs (or rather, as many as there are guests at the bachelorette party, including the hero of the occasion), and a “handsome guy” - this will be a poster with a picture of a handsome actor or stripper dressed in underwear. The photo must be of high resolution, and in addition, a full-length image is desirable. The girls have a difficult task - blindfolded, to determine where the intimate part of the “handsome guy’s” body is, where they need to attach the thong with buttons.

Subtle sexuality

A cool competition for a bachelorette party for those girls who are not afraid to express themselves. It is suitable for a group of close friends, where no one will be shy. You will need an elastic band tied with a ring - its diameter should be about 30 centimeters. This device is attached to the waist of each participant. The prize will be given to the one who will pull off this tricky object as gracefully and sexually as possible while listening to slow, beautiful music.

Sensitive handles

“Sensitive Hands” is one of the cool competitions for a bachelorette party. To conduct it, you will need to blindfold the participants and place in front of them bowls, plates, jars that are full of various liquid, bulk substances. These can be: spices - salt, sugar, pepper; edible liquids – butter, sour cream, soda; other substances – shower gel, dishwashing detergent. The one who guesses everything correctly by touch wins.

Sensitive tongue

The cool “sensitive tongue” competition is similar to the previous game, only now the bridesmaids and bridesmaids will have to try everything. Various products are suitable - chocolate, cream, coconut, honey, crushed nuts, spices. It is best if the products have a pleasant taste - after all, this is a festive bachelorette party competition.

Get yourself a man

The competition is held using pre-prepared props. It requires photos of men according to the number of guests at the bachelorette party - they can be cut out from a magazine, printed (the main thing is that the pictures are of the same format). The next competitive step: cut the photographs so that the body parts are separated - head, arms, legs, torso. Girls will need to assemble their ideal man using these clippings.

Another interesting option for this competition is to sculpt a figurine of your male ideal using plasticine or polymer clay. Such cool figurines will remain as a keepsake for the participants of the bachelorette party.

Hot chair

An interesting “hot chair” competition for a bachelorette party is held when girlfriends want to get acquainted with frank facts about the biography of their future spouse. The bride sits on a chair, her bridesmaids stand around, and then each guest asks her two questions. The answer must be completely frank, but if the hero of the occasion does not want to tell the truth, she has the right to remain silent three times. Questions should not be repeated. A unique survey will bring the best friends even closer together in this cool competition.

Butt counts candies

A cool active competition that is held during a bachelorette party and will help you remember your childhood - “Pop is counting candies.” Props: candy (not chocolate in any case!), two chairs with a hard seat. Two girls take part, chairs are placed back to back. The host puts candy on the seats, and the guests of the bachelorette party sit on top. When the funny song starts playing, the girls (contestants) must count the treats, trusting the sensations of their butts.

Egg fight

Another cool competition that delights girls is the “battle of eggs.” For one such battle and the spirit of the participants you will need:

  • four eggs,
  • two tight (waterproof) bags,
  • thick double-sided tape.

The eggs are evenly distributed among the bags, they themselves are tightly tied with tape and attached to the girls’ waists. To emerge victorious from this cool competition, you need to break your opponent's eggs without using your hands.

What will the wedding dress be like?

A cool and funny competition for those invited to a bachelorette party. Cards with images of all kinds of outfits are placed in the bag (the wedding dress should also be there) - funny animal costumes, the uniform of a janitor, a garbage man, a policeman, a stripper's outfit, erotic photos of girls with only a loincloth or neck scarf, and the like. In this case, the funnier the better. It will be more fun.

Whichever card the bride draws at the bachelorette party is the one she should get married to. There can be many variations of this game - “what the betrothed will wear in a year”, “a gift from her husband instead of a fur coat”.

Ridiculous answers

And this competition will definitely cause a cheerful reaction from others, and besides, it is very simple to perform during a bachelorette party.

  • You will need available materials: paper, pen or pencil, two baskets (bags and hats are also suitable).
  • The presenter writes two types of notes: one will say “what to do if...” and the situation, the other will contain her funny solution.
  • Participants choose them at random. For example, the first one is “what to do if a pile of boxes starts to emit a bad smell?”, and the second one is “steal a road sign.”

A good mood after a cool competition is guaranteed.

Funny notes

The bridesmaids write an equal number of qualities of the bride and groom, put notes inside balloons, and inflate them. The hero of the occasion needs to burst three balloons, answering the question of why she married her lover. If the quality is masculine, it will flatter the bride, and if the quality is feminine, it will amuse those present at the bachelorette party.

You can come up with fun, cool competitions for a bachelorette party yourself, or use classic options - a cool game of “forfeits”, the best wish for the bride. For an interesting hen and stag party option, watch this video:

To make the bachelorette party fun and interesting, think in advance about a competition program that is appropriate for the age and number of guests. Be sure to keep an eye out for the prizes being distributed to the bachelorette party winners. Let the person with the most wins get a bottle of good champagne.

Every self-respecting wedding is simply unthinkable without a bright, memorable bachelorette party. And so that it does not turn into ordinary and rather boring gatherings, you need to carefully think through the scenario of this action. We offer you several interesting bachelorette party options that have stood the test of time and remain in the memory of brides and girlfriends for a long time.

Games for a bachelorette party at home

The day before the wedding is very responsible and psychologically difficult for every bride. Girls want to get married, but saying goodbye to a carefree life is not easy. And here it is very important to get the support of your friends. Their task is to organize a bachelorette party so that the bride feels as comfortable, fun and carefree as possible that evening.

If you decide to hold your bachelorette party at home, then your girlfriends should decorate the apartment with helium balloons, arrangements of decorative flowers, and wedding towels. Particular attention should be paid to food and drinks. Let these be light snacks, but they must be tasty and beautifully decorated. And, of course, don’t forget about the main thing - interesting games.

Games for a bachelorette party in a cafe

A cafe or restaurant would be a very convenient place for a bachelorette party. It will take much less time to prepare there, and the stylists of the establishment can provide assistance in decorating the hall. Choose games that do not require a lot of space or special preparation. The restaurant atmosphere contributes well to the festive mood. To be different from other visitors, girlfriends can come to the bachelorette party in identical dresses, as in the photo below.

The funny game “Make a wish come true” will surely appeal to the bridesmaids and bridesmaids. Spicy desires must first be written on beautiful postcards. Here are some interesting examples:

  • ask a stranger for a phone number;
  • kiss a stranger in this cafe;
  • sit down at the next table and ask for a glass of champagne.

The girl who completes any of these tasks is obliged to complete it. For this she receives a prize.

Another fun hen party game that is easy to organize is called “My Stock”. Its essence is very simple: girls put items from their purses on the table, and the bride counts bonus points. The value of each item must be conditionally assessed using a ten-point system.

For example:

Powder, mascara, lipstick - 10 points

Mirror - 7

Candy, chewing gum - 4

Lighter - 2

Plaster - 9.

The friend who scores the most points becomes the winner.

In a cafe or restaurant, it’s nice to combine active games and dancing at a bachelorette party with fun intellectual competitions. For example, come up with piquant stories, and then invite each other to find witty solutions to these situations.

Here are a couple of good options:

  • Your mother-in-law suddenly came to visit, and an unfamiliar man was washing himself in your bathroom. What to do?
  • While waiting for guests, you were so carried away by the series that you over-salted the salad and overcooked the meat. How to justify yourself?

Selection of games for the bachelorette party theme

Don't forget about the main event for which the bachelorette party gathered - the wedding. Therefore, in all games and competitions it is very desirable that the theme of marriage be a common thread. Use words and phrases frequently: bride, groom, guests, newlyweds, wedding dress, main event, etc.

If you decide to hold a bachelorette party in a specific style, for example, Hawaiian, then the game “Limbo” will fit well into its scenario, where you need to deftly move to fiery rhythms through a tight rope. For a bachelorette party in the style of a witches' Sabbath, fortune-telling games would be appropriate.

Be sure to take into account the temperament, interests and outlook of the girls invited to the party. If most of them are “gray mice,” you should not arrange erotic dances, piquant games at a bachelorette party, or ask frank questions. After all, the main goal of the pre-wedding party is a nice homely atmosphere where everyone is pleasant and comfortable.

Fortune telling at a bachelorette party

A very popular attribute of a bachelorette party is fortune telling, which is loved by the entire female gender, regardless of age. Before such an action, create a mysterious and even mystical atmosphere, turn off the lights, light candles.

Fortune telling with nuts. The girlfriends are divided into two teams, identify themselves with blue and pink ribbons, and then stand with their backs to each other. The bride throws nuts over her head for her bridesmaids to catch. The blue ribbon team catches future sons, and the pink ribbon team catches daughters. How many nuts are caught, how many children will be born to the future wife.

Kinder surprise fortune telling. Stock up on “kinders” for the bachelorette party in advance, which each girl will open during fortune telling. The contents of the toy must be explained from the point of view of the future family. For example, a figurine of a child means a new addition to the house, a car means a honeymoon.

Prophecy. Write positive predictions for the coming period on pieces of paper. Place each prophecy in a balloon. The bride and friends “pop” the balloons they like and learn about their prospects.

Game "Fanta" at a bachelorette party

Our great-great-grandmothers and great-great-grandfathers were also fond of this game. She is very mischievous, fiery and does not require special preparation. The bride collects small personal items of her bridesmaids (lipstick, hairpin, handkerchief) and puts them in a bag. Then, one by one, he takes out objects and declares his desires. The owner of the phanta must fulfill “any” wish of the bride.

Examples of wishes made at a bachelorette party:

  • come up with a fairy tale about the bride and groom;
  • eat an apple (pear) without using your hands;
  • perform a belly dance;
  • sing the bride's favorite song;
  • eat some cakes.

To create more intrigue, it is better to voice your desire before taking out the forfeit. See the video for an example:

Game "Crocodile" at a bachelorette party

There are also special sets for “Crocodile” on sale, see the photo below.

Question and answer game for a bachelorette party

This game has been familiar to us since childhood. Take turns writing questions and answers on a piece of paper. One girl writes a question, the other answers it and writes her own question, and so on. The answers are written “blindly”, that is, the girl answers the previous question without reading it. Thus, the piece of paper folds like an accordion and goes in a circle. The bride reads out the final text of the “folk art” amid general laughter.

We play “Alarm Clock” at a bachelorette party

For this game you need envelopes, a pen, pieces of paper, and, of course, the alarm clock itself. Tasks are written on pieces of paper, then put into envelopes on which the time is indicated. When the alarm clock rings, you need to open the envelope with the specified time and complete the task. Such signals during the party add a pleasant element of unexpected surprises to the bachelorette party atmosphere.

"Kangaroo" is one of the best games for a bachelorette party

This game is played by the presenter, who goes out the door with one girl, where she asks her to show the kangaroo with facial expressions and gestures. While the girl is getting ready, the presenter returns to the other participants of the bachelorette party and asks them not to guess correctly and not to say the word “kangaroo”.

A participant who does not know about the “conspiracy” will try her best to imitate a kangaroo and be completely bewildered by the guessers. How can one not recognize such a characteristic animal? The game "Kangaroo" greatly amuses the audience and lifts the mood.

“Get to know me better” at a bachelorette party

The bride invites her friends to fill out anonymous questionnaires with the same questions like:

  • What was the name of the boy with whom you sat at the desk?
  • How old were you when you first kissed?
  • What is your favourite dish?

When all the forms are completed, they are read aloud one by one. It's interesting to guess who filled out a particular form. To prevent the task from being too easy, try to come up with non-standard and unexpected questions. This bachelorette party game brings a lot of fun.

"Playing Blind"

A very fun bachelorette party game that will require a package. It will contain several popular women's items. The package is passed around in a circle by the participants of the bachelorette party, preferably accompanied by music. The girl in whose hands the package ended up after the music stopped and the participant who handed over the package become the main characters of the game.

Blindfolded, they must use the items from the bag on each other. When taking out the lipstick, try to paint your opponent’s lips, and if it turns out to be tights, then put them on the other participant. Everything is fun and funny.

“How long is your carrot?”

To play at a bachelorette party, you will need a regular long carrot. The first participant squeezes it between her knees and passes it on. Every time the carrot cannot be held and falls to the floor, a couple of centimeters are cut off from it. The girl who last managed to hold the carrot wins. Great fun for a bachelorette party.

"Associations" at a bachelorette party

The name of the game speaks for itself. Some girls write words on a piece of paper that correspond to the theme of marriage, while others select associations for them. For example, a bride can be associated with youth, female happiness, and the beginning of a new life. In this simple game, girls have the opportunity to get to know each other better.

"Guess who?"

In turn, each bachelorette party participant is given a piece of paper on their back with the name of a famous character written on it. The task of each girl is to guess her hero. For this purpose, leading questions are asked that can only be answered with “yes” or “no.”

The girl who first guesses the character written on her piece of paper wins this competition at the bachelorette party.

"Portrait of a future bride"

This game gives the bridesmaids the opportunity to show their creativity. One girl begins to draw a portrait of the bride, then passes a piece of paper to another friend, who completes the portrait. And this continues until the last participant of the bachelorette party finishes the portrait of the bride.

With the help of interesting and simple games, your bachelorette party will be fun and relaxed, and will not make any friend bored. The party will be remembered as a wonderful prelude to the wedding banquet.

If you know other exciting games and competitions for a bachelorette party, you can describe them in the comments. Readers of the site will be happy to get acquainted with them and offer them to their friends.

In the chaos before the wedding, you can’t forget about the bachelorette party. It is usually organized for the bride by her best friend, who is also a witness. But sometimes the hero of the occasion herself takes a direct part in preparing for the evening. It is important not only to organize the venue for the celebration, but also to think through competitions for the bachelorette party before the wedding. After all, the main thing is that the event is fun and interesting.


A game of forfeits could be an interesting idea. It is necessary to prepare tasks in advance, which all the girls will then perform in turn. Forfeits can be played on the street. They can be funny and bold, the more interesting it will be to perform them. It is not necessary to choose vulgar tasks in order for everyone to have fun, although this is also not prohibited.

Facts from life

Quiet competitions can be held at the table. For example, make a list of questions about the bride. Whoever gives the most correct answers will win. Any girl will be pleased with such attention from her friends. Of course, such a competition will not last the whole evening, but for a change it will do.

Wedding crocodile

At home you can play “crocodile”, just use wedding-themed words. For example: ring, bouquet, glasses, guest. Prepare cards in advance or you can do without props: speak the hidden word in each other’s ears.


If the wedding takes place in the summer, then it would be quite appropriate to hold a bachelorette party on the beach. Here you can organize interesting competitions for bridesmaids. Girls must put a garter on their leg and remove it without using their hands. Whoever completes the task faster and funnier wins a prize. Please note that you are guaranteed the attention of strangers and cheerful laughter!


A bachelorette party in nature would not be complete without original outdoor competitions. All participants are given one balloon. You need to keep it in the air for as long as possible. You cannot touch it with your hands, and all other techniques are allowed. You can blow on it, push it with your feet or other parts of the body.


This competition can be organized in a cafe or club. Girls need to walk along an impromptu podium with a leaf on their head so that it does not fall. The second step will be to carry the magazine. The winner is the one who carries the big book on home economics. And this is not at all easy! She will be called a real housewife and beauty queen.

The most flexible

If the bachelorette party takes place outdoors, then you can hold several original competitions for the bridesmaids right there. Arrange entertainment in the style of Latin American parties. Stretch the ribbon and, while listening to catchy music, try to walk under it, bending your back back. Change the level of the tape, lowering it lower. The most flexible one will eventually receive a prize.


This game can be organized anywhere: in the bathhouse, at home and even outdoors. You just need to buy Twister and follow the instructions. The last one remaining on the field is declared the winner. Such fun games can defuse the tension before the wedding and create a favorable atmosphere.


Many hen parties are celebrated in a bar. Here you can arrange fights for the best performance of a song using karaoke. Or hold alcohol competitions. They may consist in the fact that girls will have to guess more and more new drinks, examining their taste. To make it more difficult, they are blindfolded. Games like this are always a success.


Having gathered in a friendly group at home or in the country, you can hold table competitions. Remember as many wedding-themed songs as possible. For convenience, the girls are divided into two teams and take turns remembering the compositions.


Wedding competitions for a bachelorette party can be very original. For example, you can celebrate a holiday in a limousine. Order drinks and snacks, organize cool competitions. Those present are required to write riddles about the bride or wedding paraphernalia. Without preparation it will not be easy at all, but that makes the evening’s program even more interesting.

And decided to celebrate it at home? Then try to organize everything so that the guests don’t get bored. These competitions for bachelorette parties will help you have a great time on your holiday. They will amuse your friends and create an extraordinary atmosphere at home gatherings.

1. The story of the bride.

Inventory: paper and pens.

Each girl is given the task of writing one sentence on paper, which talks about some event in the bride’s life. Let it be something interesting or funny. For example: “As a child, Tanya loved to stick her tongue out at me,” “Once Tanya received a prize for the best dance at a disco.” The bride must read each sentence out loud and guess who could have written it. The result will be a cheerful biography of the bride, which can be sold at a wedding auction, having previously been beautifully designed.

2. Pantomime.

Inventory: a bag or opaque bag, cards on which wedding attributes are drawn (or written). For example: ring, flowers, dress, veil, cake, glasses, etc.

Friends are divided into 2 groups. A participant from each team comes out in turn and explains through pantomime what is shown in the picture. The team that guesses the most words wins.

If you want, you can add a little humor to the competitions, for example, you can add cards with the following signatures: handcuffs, guests fighting, drunk witness, etc.

3. Question and answer.

Inventory: 2 bags, one of which will contain specially prepared questions, and the other - answers.

Participants in pairs must take out pieces of paper and read what is written on them. Since the answers to the same question can be different, this game can be played for a very long time, it all depends on which one you have.

Here are some sample questions and answers for this competition:


1. Admit it, have you secretly fallen in love with my fiancé?

2.Do you want to catch the bride's bouquet?

3.Have you already bought yourself a wedding dress just in case?

4.Will you dance a striptease at my wedding?

5.Do you like to pick up the little things that are usually showered on newlyweds?


1. Yeah, when I get drunk I’m not even capable of that!

2.If you allow me, then of course!

3. No, but when I become a bride myself, I will definitely!

4. Of course! This is the meaning of my life!

5.Yes, but only so that no one sees. It's a secret!

You will find even more questions and answers in the article.

4. Collage.

Inventory: album sheets, glue sticks, cut out pictures from magazines on various topics, photographs of the bride and groom (preferably full-length).

Girlfriends are divided into teams of 2-3 people (you can make this competition individual). In a limited amount of time (for example, 10 minutes) they must make a collage from the proposed pictures. You can offer several topics to choose from. For example:

1.We are visiting;

2.We are on vacation;

3. We are in a restaurant;

4. We are on a desert island;

5.We are in space.

Choose a winner, and the resulting collages can be used to decorate the walls of a cafe at a wedding.

We hope you enjoy these bachelorette party contests. You can come up with a few more competitions or use our ideas from the section, but remember that there should not be too many of them, because your girlfriends may simply get tired of them. It is better to alternate games and competitions with dancing, toasts and songs. We wish you a fun bachelorette party!

Preparing interesting and funny competitions for a bachelorette party is much more difficult than cutting salads and setting the table beautifully. The bridesmaid, on whose shoulders this task falls, must know the bride and guests well, buy or make the details, and have some artistry for the live presentation of the next game. In order for the bachelorette party scenario, competitions and entertainment to be a single whole, it is advisable to stick to the theme of the party. In general, it’s not an easy task to make people laugh. And our advice will definitely help you!

So, the hero of the occasion got ready to get married. But is she ready to be a wife? Many games and competitions for a bachelorette party are presented in the form of an exam for the bride. At the end of the party, the bride receives a colorful diploma or cup with a humorous inscription confirming her “professional suitability.”

1. Details: cards with questions and answer options, a basket or a hat.

The presenter puts the cards in the basket, mixes them, invites the girlfriends to take turns taking out the cards and reading out the questions and answers. For example:

Wife greets husband from work

A) Pies
B) Origami
B) Kicks
D) somersaults

For her mother-in-law's birthday, her daughter-in-law gives her

A) Mushrooms
B) Lotions
B) Flowers
D) Troubles

My husband should always have clean

A) Whiskey
B) Nipples
B) Socks
D) Trousers

Only one or all answers can be correct, or all can be incorrect (then the bride is invited to voice her option).

Future husband's salary

A) Hides in his pocket
B) Sees only in dreams
B) Drowns in a glass
D) Gives to the country

Correct answer: gives it to me, gives it to his wife.

It’s easy to prepare such questions and answers for a bachelorette party competition in any quantity. First, remember the well-known statement about married life, and then find the answers on the site for selecting rhymes. For example, a good wife never nags at her husband. “Grumbling” is the correct answer. We go to the rhyming website and choose humorous answer options: A good wife will never knock on her husband, “Won’t knock off a loan,” “Won’t drop a biscuit.”

2. Details: cards with the names of dishes, a bowl, fruits and vegetables, berries, meat. Food is drawn on paper and cut out. Instead of beef, draw a cow, and instead of mayonnaise, draw a package labeled “Mayonnaise.” It is important that the bride has at her disposal all the “products” used to prepare the dishes indicated on the cards.

The girlfriends take out cards one by one and read the name of the dish. The bride must “assemble” it from cardboard products by placing all the ingredients in a bowl. After all, the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach!

3. Details: photographs of the future husband and photographs of other men, printed on paper of the same quality (you can “steal” from VK, Odnoklassniki, etc.). Cut the photos into pieces in advance (not very small, otherwise you will get bored).

This is one of the most popular and fun competitions: the bride must “assemble” her future husband from a heap of pieces. There may be several photographs of the groom to make it more difficult to find pieces that match each other. The photograph can be glued together and framed with a humorous inscription “I made it from what was”, “With me you will never fall apart”, etc.

To my laughing girlfriends

Most games and competitions for girls at a bachelorette party entertain all the guests, not just the bride. After all, this is a common holiday, everyone rejoices and has fun!

1. Requisites: colored markers, album sheet.

The presenter invites her friends to predict the future of the young family. Of course, the predictions must be positive (they will buy a house, become parents, live together for 100 years, etc.). The girls are given felt-tip pens and the sheet is passed around in a circle. The girlfriend writes a prediction, wraps the written part of the sheet back (so that what is written is not visible) and passes the sheet to the next girl. The resulting “chronicle of the future” can be left as a souvenir or presented to the groom during the ransom (we came up with it, and you carry it out).

2. For a bachelorette party outdoors, in a public place, etc. Props: action cards, memorable prize. Each girl takes a card from the bag and completes the task. If she refuses, she is out of the game. The last friend remaining wins. This is a very fun competition for a bachelorette party, but since the girls can be quite persistent, there should be a lot of cards.


  • ask three men for a phone number;
  • kiss any stranger on the cheek;
  • scratch a stranger's knee;
  • sell a tampon to a stranger (even for a penny);
  • take a photo with five men;
  • persuade a stranger to kiss your hand;
  • ask a stranger for a condom;
  • persuade a stranger to eat your ice cream or lollipop;
  • get autographs from five strangers.

The following bachelorette party contests for girlfriends are suitable for any company and for a party in any place. We will determine who is the most thrifty and most erudite girl. Don't forget about diplomas or funny certificates for the winners!

Read also: What to give for a bachelorette party before the wedding and how not to make a mistake with the choice?

3. “The most thrifty” - list of things and points. Something like this:

Lipstick 10
Napkins or handkerchief 20
Pad or tampon 20
Phone 10
Wallet 10
Analgin or any painkiller 30
Plaster 30
Handle 10
Notepad 20
Hairpin, elastic band 10
Comb 10
Deodorant 20
Mirror 10
Chewing gum (mints, tick-tock) 10

It’s not hard to guess that this is a list of items that fill a woman’s handbag. The friends take turns taking out what is there from the bag, the presenter writes down the friend’s name and the points scored.

4. “The most erudite” - a list of statements, with the correct answers in brackets. This could be part of a bachelorette party script or a competition (who can give the most correct answers). It's essentially a game of "True or False?"

In Hungary, the groom must give the bride's parents a pork ham (no)

In Germany, part of the bride's dowry is a rooster intoxicated with hops, tied by its paw to a broom (yes, this scares away evil spirits)

Bermudian wedding cakes are decorated with a living tree (yes, at the end of the wedding, the newlyweds plant this tree in the yard as a symbol of prosperity and fertility)

Bangladeshi bride spends three days in the jungle before her wedding (no)

In Greece, before the first wedding night, children should run and jump on the bed of the newlyweds (yes, so that the wife is fertile)

In Denmark, the groom gives wooden shoes to all guests on his wedding day (no)

In Norway, the newlyweds, before the wedding feast, go to the barn and milk the cow (yes, for abundance and longevity of the family)

A bride from Finland spends the week before the wedding at the groom's house, performing household duties at the direction of her future mother-in-law (yes, this is how the girl is tested)

You can come up with as many incorrect statements as you like; the correct ones can be found on the Internet, or taken from articles on the topic “Wedding traditions of the peoples of the world.”

Read also: Bachelorette party at home: looking for fresh ideas

5. Erotic games and competitions for a bachelorette party are a success by the second part of the party, when all the guests have managed to relax and become bolder with the help of a couple of cocktails. Of course, it is worth taking into account the character of the bride and the general mood so as not to embarrass any of the guests. Props: a thick scarf, bright lipstick, an attractive man with a full-length naked torso. The man, of course, is made of cardboard. Although... Boys also have fun in their own way, right?

The presenter draws three targets on a mannequin (or stripper?). For example, on the lips, on the chest and around the navel. The girl is blindfolded, spun around and asked to kiss the mannequin three times, without trying to feel the outline of the figure with her hands. The girl whose kisses are as close to the target as possible wins.

6. Requisites: towel, chair, small items. Glass marbles, pencils, brackets, etc. We put it on a chair, cover it with a towel and ask the girls to guess how many objects are hidden under the towel without using their hands, “feeling” the chair only with their butt. The prize could be a cup or diploma with the title “Princess and the Pea.”

7. Requisites: two bowls, a handful of beans, Chinese chopsticks. The presenter invites the girls to transfer the beans from one bowl to another, using only chopsticks. To avoid getting bored, limit the time to, for example, 30 seconds. Whoever transfers the most beans in the allotted time wins.

8. The most popular, of course, are fun competitions for a bachelorette party that do not require active action. Relevant in a small room, at a table in a cafe, or for a group of friends who prefer not to make too much noise.

Details: signs with the names of animals that girls are called. For example, a fox, a squirrel, a panther, a kitty, a bunny, etc. The signs are hung behind the girlfriends' backs so that no one can see what is written on them. Girls only know their nicknames. Friends ask leading questions, trying to guess what their “name” is. For example: “Are you fluffy?”, “Do you jump high?”, “Are you a predator?” and so on.

9. Details: prize wrapped in sheets of paper in several layers. There is a riddle written on each leaf. The girls pass the package around, reading riddles to themselves. If she guessed right, she takes off the wrapper; if she didn’t guess, she reads it out loud. The first person to guess the voiced riddle gets the right to remove the wrapper and try to solve the next riddle on their own. The prize goes to the girl who solved the last riddle, i.e. peeling off the last layer of wrapper.
