How to boil corn in sweet water. Features and secrets of cooking old corn. Corn steamer

Good day everyone!

Today we will cook corn in a pan with you. Moreover, we will learn to do it not anyhow, but correctly, so that it pleases you with a juicy, fresh taste and amazing aroma.

By the way, did you know that this cereal is the only one of its “brothers” that contains gold! It is not for nothing that its grains are so similar in shape and color to gold bars.

As for the nutritional value of corn, in 100 g it contains 125 kcal, 4 g of protein, 2 g of fat, 22 g of carbohydrates. This product, when boiled, perfectly satisfies hunger for a long time, and also saturates you with a large amount of vitamins and microelements.

To make corn juicy, aromatic and healthy, you need to choose and cook it correctly. Thus, it will be especially tasty not forage (bright yellow), but for food (lighter or white) cereal crop, and recently picked from the garden. If you buy corn in a store, then know: wilted leaves indicate that it has been lying on the counter for several days, so it is better not to take it.

This recipe was shared by reader Yulia from Khabarovsk. She wrote to me that her boiled corn always turns out very juicy and soft due to the fact that she chooses only fresh and young ears for cooking. Well, let's try!


  • Corn – 4 pcs.
  • Water (boiling water) – 1 liter
  • Butter

To begin, remove the greens from the corn and cut off the “tails.”

Place the cut leaves in the pan.

Place corn on top.

Pour boiling water over it and let it cook for 20-30 minutes (no more!).

Sprinkle with fine salt.

Take a piece of butter and rub it on the freshly prepared cereal. Bon appetit!

How long should corn on the cob cook?

First of all, I want to note that the time to cook cobs in a pan depends on whether they are young or old. Light yellow corn indicates that you have a young and fresh cereal crop in your hands. Therefore, 15 minutes after boiling is enough for it to boil thoroughly.

If you see corn on the cob that is dark, it means it is no longer fresh. Therefore, it may take much longer to cook it - from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours, depending on the size and quantity of the cereal. So, 3 pieces of young maize will be cooked in about 20 minutes.

So, in order for the corn on the cob to boil well, you need to completely immerse it in water and cover the pan with a lid. During the cooking process, it is very easy to check its readiness by using a toothpick and piercing the grain.

After you remove the cereal from the pan, you can rub it with salt, a piece of butter and your favorite spices. An incomparable and satisfying dish is ready. Bon appetit and healthy snack!

How long does it take to cook corn in a pan without the cob?

Corn kernels off the cob take different amounts of time to cook depending on what they will be used for. If for bait, then they should be boiled for 30 minutes to one hour with preliminary soaking in water (for swelling) for 2-3 days.

By the way, it should be noted that the grains of this cereal crop are an excellent bait for catching carp, crucian carp, rudd, roach, ram, bream, carp, grass carp and even chub. The video (see below) shows detailed instructions for making excellent “food” for fishing.

If you need Bonduelle corn for preservation, then you don’t have to pre-cook it at all. It will be enough to pour hot brine and roll up the jars.

However, I have friends who prepare this cereal for the winter every year, after boiling it in a saucepan for 15 to 30 minutes. At the same time, they claim that corn becomes especially tasty if you add 1 tablespoon of sugar to it during cooking, as well as ½ tablespoon of salt per liter of water.

Recipe for boiling corn to make it tasty and sweet

The main secret of preparing a sweet and tasty boiled cereal is in the so-called corn silks (“strings”). How? Now you'll find out!

To prepare, take:

  • Corn in any quantity
  • Boiling water – 1-1.5 l
  • Salt to taste and desire

Cooking method in stages:

Separate the corn from the greens.

Place the corn leaves in a pan, having first freed them from the stigmas (“strings”).

Carefully place the corn on top of the leaves.

Cover the top with a mop of “hair”. Attention: this is the trick that will help give the boiled cereal sweetness and juiciness!

Cover with the remaining leaves like a blanket.

Fill the pan with boiling water.

Press with a fork and put on fire.

Cook with the lid not completely closed in the pan for 15 minutes after boiling.

We remove the leaves from the corn and remove it from the boiling water. Rub with salt to taste.

How to cook corn on the cob in a pan with salt and milk - detailed recipe with video

Impregnation with milk gives the cereal an additional portion of vitamins, as well as extraordinary softness and a unique creamy taste. Try it and you will definitely want more!

We will need:

  • Young corn – 5 pcs.
  • Salt - to taste
  • Milk – 300 or 500 ml.
  • Butter - to taste

Cooking method in stages:

Carefully place the corn in the pan.

Sprinkle it with salt.

Fill with milk.

We put it on the fire and wait for it to boil.

Cover with a lid and cook for 5 minutes over low heat.

We take out our corn.

Rub it with butter. Bon appetit!

The following video shows three more ways to cook corn with milk. Only here, to give the boiled cereal special flavor and aromatic properties, various spices and herbs are added. After all, every housewife has her own cooking secrets!

Cooking Bonduelle corn on the cob (very tasty!)

Bonduelle is considered the sweetest among other varieties of corn. That is why caring mothers love to cook it so much for their babies. Try this recipe too! I'm sure you'll like it.

Prepare the following ingredients:

  • Bonduelle corn

Cooking method in stages:

Thoroughly clean the corn from leaves and tails.

Place it in a saucepan.

Fill with cold water.

Top the corn with the washed leaves.

Put it on fire. After boiling, cook for 10-15 minutes.

Remove the corn from the pan and season it with fine salt to taste.

Step-by-step recipe for cooking fresh young corn in a saucepan

There is nothing tastier than freshly cooked cereal! However, it can also be spoiled if you cook it for a long time and incorrectly. Therefore, to prevent this from happening to you, I am sharing with you a proven recipe.


  • Young corn
  • Boiling water

Cooking method in stages:

Clean the corn and cut off the ends on both sides.

Place the washed leaves in the pan first, and the corn itself on top of them.

Pour boiling water over it.

Place on the fire, cover the pan with a lid and wait until it boils.

After boiling, cook the young corn for 20 minutes.

After cooking, sprinkle it with salt. Bon appetit!

Video on how to properly and quickly cook corn in a pan with salt and sugar

You know, while I was preparing this article for you, I found a video on YouTube about how to cook cereal 10 times faster. To be honest, I was attracted by the loud name, and I watched the minute-long video.

The idea was that the corn cobs were half peeled from the leaves and placed in the microwave for 5 minutes. After this, they were pulled out and completely freed from the remaining leaves, and then rubbed with salt and oil.

In my opinion, this method of cooking corn is unacceptable because it is not environmentally friendly. Therefore, if you agree with me and want to learn how to cook it quickly and safely for your health, watch the following video.

What are the benefits of boiled corn for humans?

If you are a fan of this cereal, you should know that even when boiled, corn retains more than 80% of its nutrients. No other cereal can surprise you with such indicators. At the same time, when boiled, it is able to normalize the water-salt balance, as well as the functioning of the body at the cellular level.

Corn perfectly stimulates the activity of the brain and heart. That is why it is especially useful for children and the elderly. In addition, boiled cereal helps to saturate the body, calm down and get rid of insomnia. And if you suffer from chronic fatigue and frequent ailments, start eating 60-70 g of boiled corn grains every day for a month - you will definitely like the result.

Those who had a wonderful time at a festive feast the day before should be especially good at eating cereal. The fact is that corn perfectly removes alcohol from the body and also relieves the heaviness of the stomach.

Cereals are also useful for infertility – both male and female. And while carrying a baby, it strengthens the skeletal system, hair and nails, and also helps the formation of collagen in the skin.

Do you like boiled corn? Maybe you have your own recipe for boiling it in a saucepan? If so, I really look forward to your comments. See you in the next blog articles!

Boiled corn is one of the most favorite summer dishes, suitable for both adults and children. How to cook corn correctly in order to preserve all the beneficial properties - read further in the material.

We invite you to learn a few basic rules and tips on how to cook corn better and more correctly in order to preserve maximum beneficial properties and taste.

How to cook corn correctly: instructions

Preparing corn for cooking is that it must first be washed under clean running water and all dirty leaves removed. It is not necessary to completely clear the leaves from the cob. The main thing is to remove spoiled leaves before cooking.

How to cook corn: the first step is cleaning

Before cooking, it is advisable to soak the corn for an hour in cold water, and cook the ears of corn of approximately the same size. This is necessary so that the corn is cooked evenly. If the cobs are too large, cut them in half.

How to boil old corn

Even overripe and “old” corn will be soft and juicy after boiling if it is cooked correctly. To do this, you must first clean the cobs from fibers and leaves, then cut them in half and then pour them with a mixture of regular drinking cold water and milk in a 1:1 ratio.

The corn should sit in this milk mixture for a total of 4 hours, after which it can be boiled in the classic way.

How many minutes to cook corn

The amount of cooking time for corn depends directly on its degree of maturity. For example, young corn will be ready after 20-30 minutes of cooking, while mature corn should be cooked for 30-40 minutes. The cooking time for well-ripened cobs is 2-3 hours.

How to cook corn: the main rule is not to overcook it

The most important thing is not to overcook the corn so that the grains do not begin to harden. By the way, young corn is tasty even without salt, it is tender and soft, and boiling only takes thirty minutes.

It is ideal to boil corn on the cob in a cast iron pan with fairly thick walls, with the lid of the pan closed. Corn also cooks well in a clay pan. You can cook corn in a double boiler, and even in the microwave. Some people manage to bake it in the oven.

Corn is a unique product that came to us from sunny Mexico. The excellent taste and bright aroma have made corn a favorite delicacy of many people. In addition, there are many recipes for preparing this product, and they are all simple. Cooking the cobs is not difficult, the main thing is to know the intricacies of cooking, how many minutes to cook the corn.

The choice of cobs is a key point in cooking. A quality product can be identified by its dense green leaves. If they are not there, then it is better to look again, since it is difficult to determine the freshness of the cob in this case. In addition, it is the foliage that protects against mechanical damage and pollution.

Also, the absence of leaves may indicate that the corn was sprayed with pesticides, as a result of which the leaves lost their marketable appearance and were cut off before sale.

The grains should fit tightly together and have a light yellow color. The fibers should be slightly damp. The presence of black spots on the grains indicates insect damage and is not recommended for use.

The best choice is young corn. Such cobs are popularly referred to as “milk heads”, since their grains are filled with a viscous liquid that resembles milk in consistency. When pressed, the grain of young corn is pressed, but returns to its original shape.

A more mature head of cabbage can be identified by the color of the grains; their shade is more saturated. It is impossible to say unequivocally which corn is better, since it depends on taste preferences.

Before cooking, it is necessary to remove the leaves from the cobs and separate the tendrils, then rinse thoroughly. This is important because, firstly, it is disinfection, and secondly, particles of dirt and dust can spoil the taste of the dish.

The cooking pan must have a thick bottom. There are practically no restrictions - it can be either an enamel or a large aluminum container. It is also advisable to soak the heads of cabbage in cold water for about an hour before cooking.

Place the cobs on top of the leaves, and then cover them with another layer of leaves, thus filling the pan. Then fill the contents of the container with water and close the lid. When cooking is complete, the leaves should be discarded.

This is one of the cooking methods. It is often recommended to first bring the water to a boil and only then place the cobs and leaves in it.

An important aspect is that you should not add salt when cooking, as it will make the grains too hard. In addition, when cooked without salt, the taste of the cobs is sweeter.

Now let's talk in detail about how and how many minutes to cook corn on the cob in a saucepan. So, 10–15 minutes is enough to cook young corn. It is worth considering the fact that it is very easy to digest young cobs, so it is worth accurately measuring the time and monitoring the cooking process.

Cooking time varies depending on the degree of ripeness. So, old cobs need to be boiled for 30–40 minutes. If you want to maintain the density of the grains, then 30 minutes of cooking is enough.

If you want the corn to be loose, you should increase the cooking time to 45 minutes. You can add a little sugar during cooking.

If the corn is overripe, then the cooking process increases to 2–3 hours. In order to facilitate the cooking process, you should mix water and milk in equal proportions and pour this mixture over the cobs, having first cleaned them and broken them into pieces.

Leave to soak for 4 hours. After such manipulations, you can prepare the cobs in the standard way.

How to cook corn in a slow cooker, steamer, pressure cooker

Having found out everything above about cooking delicious cobs in a saucepan on the stove, you need to find out how and how many minutes you need to cook corn in a slow cooker, pressure cooker and double boiler.

Before cooking, the cobs should be thoroughly washed under running water and all excess should be removed. To cook fresh corn, 30 minutes is enough, but if the cobs are old, you can increase the cooking time to 50 minutes. Place the cobs into the slow cooker and add water. It is recommended to place its leaves on top of the heads of cabbage; this will give the product a brighter taste.

Turn on the “Cooking” or “Soup” mode. Some models of multicookers have a “Bean” mode - it’s ideal. Cooking time will be 30–50 minutes. The resulting corn will be aromatic and tasty. When cooking in a double boiler, the peeled cobs must be placed on a wire rack and water must be poured into the container. Leave for 30-50 minutes. When using a pressure cooker, cooking time is reduced to 15–20 minutes. The brewing process is identical for all three devices.

How to submit correctly

Corn should be served hot, so it is much softer and tastier. It is necessary to remove it from the broth immediately before eating. The flavor of the corn will be revealed more fully if you brush it with butter before serving. Sprinkle with salt to taste.

Useful properties of corn

Corn is not only a tasty and nutritious product, but also healthy. A unique feature of this type of legume is that during the growth process the head of cabbage does not accumulate harmful substances coming from fertilizing and fertilizers.

Corn has the ability to retain useful elements even during the cooking process. Due to the presence of choline, otherwise known as vitamin B4, it can lower cholesterol levels and improve metabolism. Also, this type of legume is rich in vitamin A, E, H and various microelements, such as phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc and even gold.

The beneficial properties of corn cobs were appreciated not only by cooks, but also by pharmacists. Doctors have noticed that systematic consumption of boiled corn helps cleanse and heal the body. Grains are rich in antioxidants, which not only strengthen the immune system, but also prevent cancer.

Boiled corn is a universal summer dish that will please everyone, young and old. Moreover, by consuming corn, you can stock up on vitamins and microelements for the year ahead.

A few more secrets of cooking delicious corn are in the next video.

All people love boiled corn, regardless of gender and age. Despite the obvious simplicity of preparation, boiling cobs requires certain knowledge and skill. Corn contains a lot of useful vitamins; thanks to its high energy value, saturation remains for a long time. In terms of popularity, corn on the cob is equal to watermelon and ice cream. To enjoy all the delights, you need to take a responsible approach to the cooking process.

Useful properties of corn

  1. Nutritionists recommend eating at least 1 ear of boiled corn per day. In this way, you will provide your body with a daily dose of healthy vitamins and amino acids.
  2. Corn is rich in vitamins of all groups, including PP, E, C, B. Cobs include ascorbic acid, magnesium, tryptophan, amino acids, iron, potassium, lysine, calcium.
  3. Due to such an impressive list, the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiac muscle, and vascular system is normalized. Poisons and toxins are removed from the body.
  4. Doctors strongly prescribe 50 grams of boiled corn to their diabetic patients. per day. This amount normalizes blood glucose levels, preventing an increase in sugar.
  5. In addition to all of the above, boiled corn on the cob fights metabolic disorders, allergies, pathologies of the digestive system, and excess body weight.
  6. Corn cobs speed up brain activity, develop memory, and prevent heart attacks and strokes. The product also tidies up the psycho-emotional background and forms muscle and bone tissue.

Corn varieties and their differences

  1. The final result depends on the degree of maturity and type of cob. Today there are 2 main types of corn. The first is ordinary, fodder (for raising animals). The second is sweet, edible, ideal for cooking.
  2. You can eat both varieties, but the taste will vary. The fodder type is tougher and fresher, while the edible cobs are juicy, milky, and sweet.
  3. Feed-type corn takes longer to cook (about 4 hours) due to the hard, starchy grains. Young sweet cobs are cooked for 20-50 minutes and literally melt in your mouth.

Choosing corn for cooking

  1. The ideal option for heat treatment are fruits picked relatively recently (1-5 hours ago). Young cobs are better cooked and contain a maximum of useful substances.
  2. Choose corn with leaves (unhusked). The shell prevents chapping of the grains and indicates the freshness of the fruit. To identify quality corn, look for specimens with light green leaves.
  3. Feel the fibers enveloping the corn. The antennae should be damp. If you notice yellowing on the leaves, the corn was harvested a long time ago. It is better to avoid such products, since the juiciness will be minimal.
  4. The quality and suitability of corn can be assessed directly at the point of sale. Press your fingernail onto one of the kernels located at the base of the cob. If you notice the juice, the corn is “milky,” meaning it’s ideal for cooking.
  5. Old age is easily determined. Late corn has hard and dry seeds. The older the fruit, the less granulated sugar is contained in the cobs (over time, the sweetener turns into starch).

How to Boil Corn on the Cob: The Classics

  1. Container for cooking. Give preference to a pan with a very wide bottom and high sides. This move will allow you to dip the cobs in one piece without breaking them into pieces. Make sure the pan has a thick bottom. The best option is a cauldron with a tight-fitting lid. A pressure cooker will help speed up the process. To preserve the beneficial properties of corn, cook the cobs at 190-230 degrees at low power.
  2. Preparing cobs for cooking. To begin heat treatment, prepare the corn. Some remove fibers and leaves. Others leave the “natural shell” in place, cutting off only dirty and damaged specimens. The leaves will retain the juiciness and sweetness of the corn, but after cooking they are more difficult to remove. Therefore, completely remove the leaves and fibers, then place them in the pan, alternating with the peeled cobs.
  3. Place the cobs in the pan. Place corn leaves in the bottom and place corn on top. Then make another leaf layer, cover it with cobs. Continue until the container is 2/3 full. The leaves should also be placed on the sides to seal the fruit. The sorting is ready, the cobs can be poured. Under no circumstances should fruits be salted. The bulk composition will wash out the liquid from the grains, and the finished dish will be dry.
  4. Filling a bowl with corn with water. The cobs can be poured with boiling water or cold water, proceed according to personal preference. Add liquid so that it completely covers the product. Heat treatment lasts 45 minutes on average, but depending on the variety, the procedure can last from 30 minutes to 4 hours. Throughout the process, you need to monitor readiness, add hot water as it evaporates. Do not increase the power; cooking takes place at medium intensity.
  5. Definition of readiness. Throughout the heat treatment, evaluate the corn for doneness. Pinch off one grain at a time and taste. The grains should become soft. When the product is easy to chew, you can remove the composition from the heat. It is at this moment that you serve the cobs, rubbing them with salt and spices (the latter are added as desired). It is easiest to consume the dish when it is cut into pieces. In this case, each section is pricked with a culinary sword to avoid burns. You can rub butter or vegetable oil over the surface of the cobs.
  6. Storing the finished dish. If you are not going to use the corn now, leave it in a pan of hot water that has not evaporated after cooking. If you remove the product earlier, it will become weathered, the grains will wrinkle and lose their appetizing appearance. The product can be kept in water for at least 3 hours, maintaining a temperature of 60 degrees. If we talk about aging in the refrigerator, the shelf life is 2 days.

How to cook corn in milk

  1. Wash the cobs, remove the fibers, cut off the leaves. Rinse the corn, chop each cob into 2-3 equal sections.
  2. Pour enough full-fat milk into the pan to completely cover the contents. Bring to a boil, send the cobs inside.
  3. Cook the treat for at least 40 minutes, constantly assessing readiness with a fork. The grains must disintegrate.
  4. When you reach the desired texture, add a slice of butter to the milk. Turn off the heat and keep the cobs in the liquid for another 30 minutes.
  5. After this time, melt the butter and mix it with salt. Rub the mixture onto each piece of corn. Place the cobs on skewers and consume.

  1. The good thing about a multicooker is that, thanks to its use, all the useful elements are completely preserved in corn cobs. This means that using such a product will bring maximum benefits.
  2. Before sending the product for cooking, remove all leaves and remove hairs. Do not salt the cobs; place them in the bowl of the device, adhering to several layers.
  3. You can fill the contents with clean water or milk, it all depends on personal preference. However, you need to add a couple of slices of butter to the liquid to enhance the flavor.
  4. When all preparations have been completed, close the lid. Set the “Steam” or “Cooking” function for 35-40 minutes.
  5. After turning off the timer, do not rush to open the multicooker. Let the corn sit for another half hour. After this period, remove the cobs and rub them with salt and butter.

How to cook corn in a pressure cooker

  1. A pressure cooker is a thick-bottomed, wide pan with a lid that is secured with clamps. The container has a hole for steam to escape, which speeds up the process.
  2. To prepare corn, give preference to young ears with the most juicy kernels and green leaves. If the latter are partially dry, discard this product.
  3. Boil the water needed to fill the dishes 2/3 in advance. Fill the pan with linted corn on the cob, reserving the leaves.
  4. Add water, close the lid. Bring the liquid to a boil, then cook for another third of an hour. Next, remove the finished product, rub with salt and butter.

How to cook corn in a double boiler

  1. Cooking cobs in a double boiler is somewhat reminiscent of a slow cooker; the beneficial properties are fully preserved. Clean the cobs in advance, get rid of fibers and leaves.
  2. Place the ingredients in the mesh compartment of the steamer, pour 600-800 ml into a common bowl. water depending on the amount of corn. Set the timer for a quarter of an hour, after this period start tasting.

How to cook corn in the oven

  1. Prepare all the necessary products in advance. You will need salt, butter, corn, olive oil. Do not remove leaves or hairs.
  2. Grease a baking sheet with olive oil and place the corn cobs on it. Pour in water until it reaches the middle of the fruit. Cover the contents with foil, leaving a small hole.
  3. Preheat the oven to 210 degrees, after 10 minutes place the baking sheet with the cobs inside. Cook the corn for 25 minutes, then reduce the oven power to 180 degrees. Cook for another 1 hour.

  1. In order for the grains to retain all the beneficial properties in their structure, pour boiling water or milk over the cobs.
  2. Never add salt to water during heat treatment. Otherwise, the bulk mixture will draw out liquid and sugar, and the corn will turn out hard.
  3. If you do not like to rub the cobs with salt during consumption, add the bulk component 3-5 minutes before the end of cooking.
  4. To give the grains a delicate taste, add granulated sugar and butter to water or milk.
  5. If you boiled corn and did not use it immediately, do not repeat the heat treatment again. Otherwise the grains will become hard.

Traditionally, corn is boiled in a saucepan, but you can use a slow cooker, pressure cooker, or oven. Pour warm milk or water over the cobs, do not add salt. Rub the cobs with butter or vegetable oil immediately before use.

Video: how to cook delicious corn

Corn on the cob is a favorite treat for children and adults. You can boil, fry or store in jars for the winter!

The easiest thing is to cook! How to properly cook corn so that it is soft and juicy? The entire process of preparing this simple snack takes from 30 to 45 minutes, depending on whether the corn is young or not. Young ears are characterized by a white or pale yellow color, while old ones are bright yellow. Let's get started.

  • Corn: 2-3 cobs;
  • Salt: 2 teaspoons.

We clean the corn cobs from leaves and fibers and rinse them with a stream of warm water. In my case, they were quite long, so I cut each corn in half.

Pour water into a saucepan, put the cobs in and cook over medium heat for 30-45 minutes, depending on whether the corn is old or young.

You can serve the corn either with salt or grate it yourself to taste. This is such a simple dish.

Recipe 2: cook corn on the cob (step-by-step photos)

  • 4 ears of corn
  • salt to taste
  • butter,
  • grated cheese,
  • spices, herbs - optional

First, you need to remove the leaves and tufts of hair from the corn cobs. It is advisable to use young (milk) corn for cooking, and it is preferable to cook it on the day of purchase.

Place half of the washed leaves, separated from the fruit, on the bottom of the pan, and place the corn on top. If the corn does not fit in the pan, you need to cut the cob in half. Cover the vegetables with the remaining leaves and pour clean cold water so that it is 2-3 cm above the leaves. The leaves give the finished dish a pleasant aroma.

Cook the corn after boiling (with water at a low boil) for about 10-15 minutes until the grains are soft. If you are cooking old corn, you can increase the cooking time to 1.5 hours (depending on the hardness of the fruit). It is very important not to salt the corn before and during cooking, because... the grains may become hard.

After cooking is complete, remove the boiled corn from the pan and let it cool slightly. Rub each cob with salt and butter to taste and serve hot. Bon appetit!

Recipe 3: How to Boil Corn on the Cob in a Saucepan

Many people love freshly boiled corn. How delicious it is to get boiled corn and eat the whole cob straight hot, then you can go for a second and a third, because it’s impossible to stop here. The recipe for deliciously cooked corn is very simple - for cooking you need to choose only young cobs, since old corn takes much longer to cook and does not taste as appetizing.

When choosing corn, pay attention to the grains. If crushing the grain is quite simple, and the color of the grains themselves is closer to white than yellow, then such corn can be safely cooked. Another sign of young corn is light hairs; the darker the hairs, the older the corn. Young corn cooks quickly, has a delicate taste and extraordinary softness.

  • corn - young cobs;
  • water - enough to completely cover the corn.

Place the corn cobs and leaves in a large saucepan. If you don't have a large saucepan at home, you can break each cob in half.

Pour in cold water and cook over high heat. Do not salt the water! Bring the corn to a boil, reduce heat, cover loosely with a lid and cook until tender. During cooking, corn usually changes color to bright yellow.

Only very young cobs (unripe corn) can remain creamy in color, but at the same time be edible (in such cobs the grains are not large and the cobs themselves are also small in size).

Young corn is cooked for 20-30 minutes. The older the corn, the longer it needs to be cooked (cooking time can reach 3 hours). During cooking, you can taste the grains to see if they are ready. Pull out the cob, cut off a few kernels and taste it.

Recipe 4, step by step: how to cook corn on the cob

Before you cook corn, you need to choose it correctly. Fresh cobs can be recognized by their dense, green leaves. Without them, it’s better not to buy corn at all. The grains under the leaves should be arranged in dense rows and have a light yellow tint. Black, damaged areas on the grains indicate pest damage to the corn. It is not advisable to use such cobs for food.

  • corn on the cob – 6 - 8 pcs.;
  • water – 4 l.

Remove all the leaves from the corn cob, so to speak, strip it. Separate the long hairs - stigmas. They can be washed, dried and used for medicinal purposes.

The cooking container must have a thick bottom. This can be an enameled, cast iron or aluminum pan of large diameter. Place some of the washed leaves on the bottom. Fill the entire bottom with leaves. The more leaves you use when cooking, the juicier and more aromatic the heads of cabbage will be. After cooking, discard the leaves.

Place corn tightly on top. If the cobs do not fit entirely into the pan, then they must be cut or broken into pieces. Cover it with another layer of leaves.

So, alternating corn and leaves, fill the pan.

No salt is added during cooking. This way the heads of cabbage will taste sweeter, and salt also makes the grains denser and harder to bite. Pour cold water over the corn in a saucepan. Water should cover the contents by 2 cm.

To prevent it from floating, you can place an inverted plate on top (my mother did this). And I just close it with a lid. Let's cook.

How long to cook corn depends on its variety and degree of maturity. Cooking time is always counted after the start of boiling. It is enough to boil young corn for 15 minutes. Yes, exactly 15 minutes, this has been verified. After it’s cooked, I let it sit in the pan for about 30 minutes.

Fodder, hard cobs require the longest heat treatment. The more saturated the color of the grains, the longer they need to be cooked. Typically from 40 minutes to two hours. You can check the readiness of the corn by breaking off a few kernels and tasting them.

Serve boiled corn hot. You can pour it with oil, brine, sprinkle with cheese or pepper. And we mince it simply by rubbing it with salt.

Recipe 5: quick cooking of corn (with photo)

  • sweet young corn – 5 pcs.
  • salt – 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • water – 4-5 l
  • dill, vegetable oil - for serving

The corn should be cleared of the green “cocoon” and “hair”. It's not that hard to do. You can then trim the hard tail and soft spout with a knife so that the cobs fit into the pan.

Pour clean water over the corn cobs, put on medium heat, cook for 30 minutes, counting the time from the beginning of the boil. If the corn is sweet and young, then this time is enough to cook it, but if it is fodder, then it will have to be cooked for about an hour, and possibly longer, and it tastes far from the same as the sweet variety.

10 minutes before the corn is ready, it is advisable to add salt to the pan, otherwise you will then need to salt each cob when serving.

Sprinkle slightly cooled boiled corn with chopped dill, lightly salt and pepper, and sprinkle with a small amount of sunflower oil. Boiled corn is ready!

Recipe 6: pickled corn on the cob for the winter

Delicious preparation for the winter. This corn can be served as a side dish for meat and vegetables. You can lightly fry the corn in a grill pan or on the grill. And a delicious side dish on your plate.

  • Corn on the cob 5 pieces (I have 2 liter jars)

Marinade for 1 liter:

  • Salt 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar 3 tablespoons
  • Allspice peas 3 pieces
  • Black peppercorns 3 pieces
  • Carnation 3 buds.
  • Water 1 liter
  • Vinegar 9% 2 tablespoons

I cut the corn into discs and boiled it. Place the boiled corn in a sieve and allow excess water to drain.

Prepare the marinade, add vinegar, salt, sugar, and spices to the water. Place on the fire and bring to a boil.

Place boiled corn in sterilized jars and fill with hot marinade. Screw the lids on the jars. Wrap the jars in a blanket and leave until the jars cool completely.

It’s nice to open this kind of corn in winter and remember the warm summer.

Recipe 7: Canned Corn on the Cob

  • 1 kg unripe young corn

For the marinade:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 tbsp. salt
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara

In each 0.5 liter jar:

  • 2 tbsp. vinegar
  • Bay leaf
  • peppercorns - to taste
  • 1-2 pcs cloves

Clean the corn and rinse thoroughly.

Place in a saucepan, add water and boil for 3-5 minutes.

In each jar we put cloves, peppercorns and bay leaves.

Place the corn tightly in jars and add vinegar.

Preparing the marinade for canned corn on the cob. Pour water into the pan, add salt and sugar, bring to a boil.

Pour marinade over corn.

Sterilize for 30 minutes. Roll up the lid.

Recipe 8: Roasted Corn with Brisket Slices

Usually housewives simply boil the ears of corn in salted water, and then salt them and serve them. But today we suggest preparing fried corn with slices of brisket or with slices of lard. This unusual combination of sweet and tender corn and fatty brisket will give you an unforgettable and incredible taste, and the bright aroma and rich color will not leave anyone indifferent.

  • corn 4 pcs
  • salted water 2 l
  • butter 4 tbsp.
  • thin lard or brisket 100 g
  • vegetable oil 1 tbsp.
  • salt 1 tsp

Remove the top green leaf-like wrappers and “corn hair” from the corn cobs, trimming the top and bottom parts of the cobs if necessary. Place the cleaned corn in preheated water. Be sure to salt the water to your taste and cook under a closed lid for 10-15 minutes.

In a frying pan, fry thin, tender slices of lard or brisket until golden brown.

Remove the cooked lard (brisket) from the frying pan. Add butter to the resulting fat in the pan and melt it. Place the corn cobs cut in half and salt them on all sides. Fry the corn cobs for 4 minutes on each side.

The very first, young corn does not need to be cooked. Just fry it in a frying pan with melted butter for about 15 minutes. Serve the dish with fried lard.

Bonus: Oil for greasing corn cobs

  • butter - 50 g;
  • ,,,,

    All recipes are carefully selected by the culinary club of the website website
