Does cream of mushroom soup have calories? Mushroom cream soup. How to cook delicious cream of mushroom soup

  • champignons – 500 g
  • cream 20% - 300 ml
  • butter - 2 tbsp. l
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l
  • sprig of thyme
  • clove of garlic
  • salt, freshly ground white pepper

Recipe for cream of mushroom soup with champignons

  • Disassemble the champignons, cut the stems from the caps, and cut the caps into slices.
  • Chop the legs, but not very finely, pour into the pan and.
  • Pour in 1 liter of cold water, add a sprig of fresh thyme.
  • A clove of garlic, cook covered for 30 minutes after the water boils.
  • Fry the mushroom caps in a frying pan with olive oil, covered, for 5 minutes.
  • Pour the mushroom juice from the frying pan into the pan and fry for another 10 minutes.
  • When cooked, transfer them to the pan, discarding the thyme and garlic.
  • Take 1 cup of broth from the pan; we will need it later.
  • Fry the flour in butter for 3-4 minutes, stirring frequently.
  • Carefully pour in the reserved broth, stirring with a whisk to avoid lumps.
  • Cook until thickened, 7 to 10 minutes.
  • Pour the contents of the pan into a blender and beat, adding bechamel, until creamy.
  • Pour back into the pan, heat until boiling, add cream, stir, bring almost to a boil. Add salt and pepper as desired.
  • To serve, heat plates, pour cream soup and add a slice of fresh champignon.

Mushroom dishes have a special aroma and incomparable taste. The ingredient brought from the forest is good for the stomach, circulatory and nervous systems. It saturates the body with vitamins, proteins, microelements, amino acids. Mushroom soup has excellent taste characteristics; its calorie content allows it to be included in various diets. However, the latter indicator largely depends on what ingredients the dish consists of and how it was prepared.

Honey mushrooms, honey mushrooms, boletuses, boletus mushrooms, and other mushrooms contain a lot of water. How many calories will be in the soup, broth or julienne depends on the method of processing the mushrooms. A fresh product, just brought from the forest, contains 100 g. 25 kcal, fried - approximately 180 kcal, dried - 210 kcal.

How many calories are contained in a particular soup, borscht or broth also depends on the type of mushroom.

If we take it per 100 grams. product, you will get the following indicators (kcal):

  • Boletus - 32.
  • White mushrooms – 25.
  • Boletus mushrooms – 31.
  • Oily – 9.
  • Chanterelles – 20.
  • Russula and champignons – 15.
  • Again - 22.
  • Volnushek – 22.

The calorie content of soup, julienne or broth also depends on other ingredients:

  • If mushrooms are fried in sunflower oil, their calorie content will increase to 230-255 kcal.
  • If you cook the first dish in mushroom broth with the addition of carrots, potatoes, and herbs, its calorie content will be lower than that of its counterpart with chicken or other meat.
  • A soup made with cream will have much more calories than a first course made with milk.
  • Cereals, rice, buckwheat, pearl barley will add extra calories to a dietary dish.
  • If you need to reduce the calories of a dish, you should prepare it with pickled mushrooms. In this case, the indicator is per 100 grams. is only 24-25 kcal.

Marinated mushrooms are a great option for those on a low-calorie diet. You can prepare soup from champignons, chanterelles, puree soup or cream, to which pickled honey mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, and tremors are added.

What is the calorie content of first courses?

Number of kcal per 100 g. The first course, which includes mushrooms, can be seen in the following table:

Features of preparing mushroom soups

To prepare a fragrant and tasty soup, you can use fresh, dried, or pickled mushrooms. Honey mushrooms, boletus, boletus or boletus are suitable for this. Excellent dishes are obtained with the addition of chanterelles, porcini mushrooms or champignons. To get the most out of a delicious dish, you should know the following nuances:

The addition of fresh parsley, dill and other herbs can diversify the flavor palette of the soup.
Mushrooms for soup are cut into strips or slices; chopping or grating them is unacceptable.

To fully reveal the flavor characteristics of mushrooms, you can lightly fry them in vegetable oil before boiling.
Garlic croutons and sour cream, served separately, will be an excellent addition to the finished dish.

How to cook julienne?

French is simple to prepare; it can be served both on an everyday and holiday table. It is quite high in calories thanks to the use of sour cream sauce, which is worth considering for those who follow a low-calorie diet. Any mushrooms are suitable for julienne: dried, pickled, canned and frozen. You can use honey mushrooms, boletuses, boletuses, or cook with the addition of chanterelles, boletus mushrooms or champignons.

To get a delicious, aromatic julienne, you should know the following nuances:

  • Before cooking, it is enough to rinse frozen mushrooms with running water, put canned ones in a colander, and soak dried ones in boiling water and squeeze them after swelling.
  • If julienne is prepared from fresh mushrooms, they must be washed and peeled.
  • If the dish is prepared with chicken broth, you should choose fillet, parts of legs or thighs of the bird. The meat should be cleaned against the skin and cut into thin strips.
  • Properly prepared julienne must be seasoned with sauce. The best options are sour cream and bechamel. The first is made from mayonnaise or sour cream thickened with egg. To prepare the second, first fry the flour until golden brown, then add milk or butter.

It is worth remembering that if you prepare a dish with chicken, sauce with butter, sour cream or mayonnaise, this will add calories to it.

Subtleties of preparing puree soups with mushrooms

Grated vegetable soup or puree soup is an excellent option for family lunches and holiday feasts. It is loved by chefs of Italian, French and Greek cuisine. Low-calorie puree soup can be prepared with mushroom broth. Honey mushrooms, boletuses, and boletus mushrooms are suitable for these purposes; a delicious dish is made from chanterelles, boletus mushrooms and champignons.

To make the puree soup tasty, you should know the following subtleties:

  • Garlic bread added before serving gives the dish a special aroma and taste.
  • If the puree soup turns out to be thick, you can dilute it a little by adding more broth.
  • Before serving, the dish is seasoned with leison or butter, but after that it is not recommended to boil it.
  • To make the leison tender, first beat the egg yolks, then add a little milk in a thin stream. The mixture is placed in a water bath, after which butter is added without bringing the mixture to a boil.

To make the puree soup dietary, it is prepared in mushroom broth. Heartier options are prepared with chicken or beef.

How to prepare a delicious cream of mushroom soup?

Cream soup is an exquisite dish that came to the Russian table from Europe. Cooked with mushroom broth, it will be dietary light. If you add fish and prepare cream soup with chicken, it will turn out high-calorie and satisfying.

Features of this amazing dish:

  • To prepare cream soup, you can use boletus, boletus, and honey mushrooms. Dishes to which champignons and chanterelles are added have a special taste.
  • Finnish chefs offer original recipes. To prepare the creamy soup, they use rye bread and slices of salmon.
  • American cuisine is famous for adding shellfish pulp to cream soup.
  • The French prepare cream soup with cream and pumpkin, the Italians with Parmesan and spinach.

It’s easy to prepare delicious cream soup at home. It is enough to have a blender in which the ingredients on hand are crushed to a paste.

First courses with the addition of mushrooms are an excellent option for everyday life. The gifts of the forest have nutritional value and are low in calories, ideal for those who are on a diet.

Mushroom soups have an amazing taste and aroma, and in addition they are very healthy and simply irreplaceable for those who want to lose extra pounds. The calorie content of this soup is very low, but the feeling of fullness comes for a long time.

Benefits of mushroom soup

Mushroom soup contains many useful micro- and macroelements, as well as vitamins. It should be especially noted that mushrooms contain about 18 amino acids, which can improve your memory, increase mental activity and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.

Mushroom soup contains the B vitamins necessary for the body, which are responsible for the normal functioning of the entire nervous system. And it will be useful for the fair sex to know that these vitamins help our skin, hair and nails to be healthy.

It is also worth mentioning that in addition to group B, mushrooms contain vitamin PP, which is involved in the processes of blood formation and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Mushroom soup is also rich in microelements such as iodine, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, manganese, calcium and copper, which normalize metabolic processes and help the body cope with viruses.

Calorie content of mushroom soup

Most often, champignons are used to prepare mushroom soup. They are suitable for dishes in any form: fresh, frozen, canned. The number of calories in the finished product can range from 20 to 200 per 100 grams. How many calories your dish contains will depend on what you choose to add to it. The soup most often made is:

With the addition of cream (about 150 kcal);

With the addition of cheese (about 50 kcal, depending on the type of cheese);

In chicken broth (about 15 kcal, if you use skinless breast for the broth).

Mushroom soup recipe

To prepare, you need to take mushrooms (choose according to your taste), potatoes, onions and carrots. Place a pan of water on the fire and wait until it boils, then add the potatoes and mushrooms, after a little time (when the water starts to boil again), add the onions and carrots fried in oil.

If you want to reduce the calorie content of your soup, you don’t have to fry the onions and carrots, throw them into boiling water, it will be no less tasty. Then add salt and seasonings to taste. Your low calorie soup is ready.

Cream soup

If you want to diversify your menu, you can prepare cream soup with cream, which is perfect for dinner with the family.

For cooking you will need: champignons, onions, flour, cream, butter, chicken broth.

First, fry the onions and mushrooms in a frying pan over low heat. Add salt and spices to them to your taste. Transfer the roast into a blender bowl and add a third of the prepared broth there. Grind everything to a creamy consistency.

After this, melt the butter in a saucepan and add 3 tablespoons of flour (tablespoons) and fry, add the mushroom mixture and the broth that you have left.

Cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes; as soon as the mixture boils, add cream and let it boil again.

The cream soup is ready to eat. Very often it is served with crackers and sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Mushrooms really have a very low calorie content and have a large amount of useful substances. However, this will not be enough to lose weight. In order for there to be changes, you need to completely switch to proper nutrition and play sports, especially now it’s difficult not to find a sport that you like.

Also, do not forget about cosmetics and procedures; only everything together will allow you to achieve the desired, and most importantly, long-lasting results.

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