Cabbage pie with fish. Yeast pie with canned fish and cabbage. Ingredients for fish and cabbage pie

It is impossible to imagine a tea party without delicious pies or other pastries. Almost every housewife has a desire to cook something unusual. For those who are expecting guests or just want to pamper their loved ones, you should definitely bake the amazing “Tears of an Angel” curd cake. This is not just a dessert with a beautiful appearance, it is a delicacy whose preparation process can cause real excitement at the sight of what is happening. The sophistication lies in the fact that after some time beautiful caramel droplets form on the surface. This is why the curd cake is called “Tears of an Angel”.

Preparing a culinary masterpiece is quite simple, and the result exceeds all expectations. A sandy base, a delicate cottage cheese filling and a layer of airy soufflé - three layers of a unique pie. Treat yourself and your family by baking the “Tears of an Angel” curd cake; a detailed recipe with photos will help you do this without any difficulty.

Preparation time 30 minutes
Passive time30 minutes


Preparation time 30 minutes
Passive time30 minutes


Cake filling

  1. It is advisable to start preparing the curd filling 10-15 minutes before rolling out the dough.
  2. Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve or beat it using a submersible blender. This will make the consistency of the filling very delicate in taste.
  3. Add sugar, yolks, semolina and sour cream to the cottage cheese, mix everything thoroughly either with a blender or with a regular spoon. If desired, you can add vanillin or vanilla sugar to taste, which will give a pleasant aroma to the whole cake.

First stage of baking

  1. Turn on the oven to 180 degrees and start preparing the mold. To do this, grease it a little with vegetable oil or cover the bottom with parchment paper.
  2. Take the dough out of the refrigerator and roll it out not too thin. We transfer it into the mold and place it so that we have sides 5-6 cm high. Considering that the dough is shortbread, it is very pliable, so if you wish, you can not roll it out first, but level it with your hands directly in the mold.
  3. Place the curd filling on top and place in the oven for 20 to 30 minutes. This stage of baking is considered complete when the filling is slightly browned and, after checking with a wooden stick, there is no raw dough left on it.

Preparing the soufflé and finishing baking

The soufflé layer should be prepared 7 minutes before the end of the first baking stage.

Recipes for making cakes at home with photos

angel tears cake

3 hours

290 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Friends recently returned from France. There was no end to the stories, for several evenings we looked at photographs with them and listened, listened... In one of the photos we saw an unusual dessert - a piece of cake covered with amber droplets. To our question: what is it? heard that they don't know the name of the dessert, but the taste is amazing and it seems to be made from cottage cheese! A few days later, on one of the culinary sites, I saw the curd cake “Tears of an Angel” - it was exactly the dessert that we saw in the photo, and there was also a recipe.

  • Inventory and kitchen appliances: bowl, whisk (mixer), fork, parchment paper, raw beans (1 kg), spatula, fine sieve, baking dish, containers, cake dish.

In our family, everyone loves cottage cheese in any form. The result is not difficult to predict - in the evening we already tried dessert with drops. The “Tears of an Angel” cake pleasantly surprised us with its delicate taste, original appearance and simple preparation process (we offer you a step-by-step recipe for making it below).

French cuisine is distinguished by the fact that most of its recipes are autochthonous, they reflect the traditions of the local population. The main ingredients of many desserts are cottage cheese and homemade soft cheese.

Required Products

The cake has three layers: cake layer, filling and meringue (often in the recipe it is not quite correctly called soufflé).

For the test:

For filling:

For the meringue:

Features of product selection

As you can see, the recipe for the “Tears of an Angel” cake does not contain any special requirements for the choice of products and it is easy to bake it at home. Nevertheless, attention should be paid to the cottage cheese. The taste of the cake depends on this main ingredient. Homemade fatty cottage cheese of good consistency with a pleasant cottage cheese smell and taste is best. Cottage cheese can also be bought in the store (9%), but it is advisable to try it first - so that there is no acid or foreign tastes.

History of the cake

Cheese pie (another name for the “Tears of an Angel” cake with cottage cheese), the recipe for which was invented in the last century by a young chef for his beloved, came to us from France, where cheese-based desserts are very popular. The story tells that before the wedding, the lover brought his creation to the church and covered it with a lid. Having taken the oath of fidelity (the guests present shed tears of joy and tenderness), he presented a gift to the bride. When they removed the lid from the cake, they saw that it was covered with amber droplets - tears.

How to make “Tears of an Angel” cake at home: step-by-step recipe

First of all, you need to bake the “body” of the cake:

Recipe for a curd layer for the “Tears of an Angel” cake

The second stage is preparing the layer:

The filling preparation process takes approximately ten minutes. It is not advisable to prepare it in advance. Considering that the dough takes half an hour to cool, it would be better to wait 20 minutes.

The next stage is baking:

Recipe for souffle cake “Tears of an Angel”

Meringue will decorate the “Tears of an Angel” curd cake - the recipe for making it is simple. It is better to prepare the meringue shortly before the end of baking the first two layers:

It is believed that souffle appeared in the 17th century due to the whim of the French king Louis XVI. The king demanded something light and airy for breakfast that would melt in his mouth. The royal chefs came up with the idea of ​​grinding vegetables, seasoning them with Bechamel sauce and beaten egg whites, after which they sent the dish into the oven to bake.

The baking process ends here, but the dessert preparation process does not. The main task at the last stage is to obtain “tear” droplets. Two options are used:

  • after baking is completed, leave the dessert to gradually cool in the oven with the door open (60-80 minutes);
  • Remove the hot cake and cover it with a glass lid - wait 60-90 minutes.

In both cases, droplets will begin to form.

How to beautifully decorate and serve the “Tears of an Angel” cake

At the penultimate stage of cooking, you should pay attention to the design: you can use a fork to create patterns (then droplets will appear in the depressions), you can even them out - then droplets will appear in the most unexpected places.

The dessert can be served whole or cut into portions (guests will be able to appreciate the beauty of the layers).

For those who decide to try baking “Tears of an Angel” (cake), we would like to give the following advice:

  • It is convenient to rub flour and butter with your hands, but this should be done very quickly (warm hands will speed up the process of melting the butter);
  • to better thicken the whipped whites in the soufflé, it is recommended to add a few drops of lemon juice;
  • Do not brown the filling too much - a dark border will stand out on the cut and the delicate color will disappear;

After baking, do not tightly cover the cake (for example, with film or paper). For the formation of “tears”, access of air is necessary.

Video recipe for making the “Tears of an Angel” cake

How to make the “Tears of an Angel” cake, the recipe for this dessert, you will see the entire cooking process in the video in 19 minutes:

How to make a cake “Tears of an Angel” - Recipe from Everything will be good - Issue 351 - 03/05/14

At the kitchen table, Tatyana Litvinova can do anything - even make a soulless dessert cry. However, if you follow her instructions in detail, the same will happen for you.

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Invitation to discuss the cake and possible improvements

We will be glad if you write about your impressions. What did you like about our recipe and how can you make the dessert even more delicious and unusual? We are waiting for your wishes.

Meringue can be made without an oven. We are used to cooking using the classic method (French style) - beat egg whites with sugar and bake in the oven. The Swiss whip the meringue in a water bath. The most unusual Italian method is to pour boiling sugar syrup into the meringue while beating the whites and place it immediately on ice.

Suggested dessert Pie Tears of an Angel recipe with photo, quite unusual, at the same time it looks unrealistically original, and also has a mega pleasant and delicate taste!

Despite the fact that it is called a pie, in fact it is more of a curd cake, which consists of a crumbly sand base, a delicate curd filling and an airy protein soufflé. And all this miracle is decorated with amber-colored droplets that form as the cake cools. It is for these sugar droplets that the cake got its name Tears of an Angel.

What to prepare for the Tears of an Angel pie recipe with photo:

For the shortbread:

  • 1 stack. wheat flour;
  • 1 tsp. spoon baking powder for dough;
  • 80 g. drain oils;
  • 2 table. spoon sugar;
  • 1 fresh egg.

For the curd filling:

  • 500 g. fresh cottage cheese;
  • 0.5 stack. sugar;
  • 3 raw yolks;
  • 1 table. spoon decoys;
  • 100 g. sour cream;
  • a pinch of vanillin.

For the protein soufflé:

  • 3 chilled egg whites;
  • 3 table. spoon powdered sugar.

How to make a pie Tears of an Angel recipe with photos?

We begin preparing the Tears of an Angel cake by mixing the sand base. To do this, combine baking powder with wheat flour.

Cut butter (chilled) into cubes

combine with flour and grind in a convenient way to a uniform mass. This can be done simply with a knife, food processor or even a blender.

Beat sugar with raw egg.

We combine everything together, knead thoroughly.

Wrap the prepared dough in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

At this time, you can start preparing the curd filling. Combine all the products on the list and mix in a food processor or blender.

Remove the chilled dough from the refrigerator. Cover the bottom of the springform pan with baking paper and trim off the excess paper. Grease the bottom and sides with a piece of butter.

We spread the dough 0.5-1 cm thick, making small sides.

The height of the Angel's Tears cake will depend on the size of your pan; the larger the diameter of the baking pan, the lower the cake will turn out, and vice versa. In this case, the diameter of the springform baking dish is 24 cm.
Pour the curd filling on top of the dough.

Place the pie in the oven at 180 degrees for half an hour.
About 10 minutes before it’s ready, you need to make an airy protein soufflé. Beat the chilled whites into a good foam with a mixer, adding powdered sugar little by little. If you don't beat the whites well, you won't get teardrops.

After half an hour, take out the pie, spoon the whites whipped with powder on top and put them in the oven for another 10-15 minutes until the whites are browned.

Then turn off the oven, open the door and leave the cake to cool. After 1 hour, remove completely and refrigerate to form droplets.

Here is such a wonderful pie Tears of an Angel recipe with photos. Exquisite, tasty and beautiful!

Good luck with your culinary experiments!

When I first came across the recipe for this interesting cake, I thought about it all the time. It sank into my soul so much, either by its name, or by its amazing alchemical transformation, that I did not calm down until I prepared it.

A variety of emotions cause tears in people - sadness and joy, empathy and tenderness, pain and laughter...

But what are the tears of an Angel, why can they cry? I once came across an expression that “angels don’t cry, they shed tears...” This is probably true, why do angels need to cry? But as a kind of manifestation of a miracle - to shed their tears, Angels are quite capable!

So, when preparing this amazing culinary masterpiece, such a miracle happens - on the surface of the delicate soufflé, after a short time after baking, real amber tears appear! Isn't this a miracle!

When I made this cake for the first time, I never believed that this was possible. But when these golden beads began to appear literally before my eyes on the surface of the cake, my delight knew no bounds!

If you have never made a cake like this before, try it. It will be an exciting journey with wonderful transformations!

Cake “Tears of an Angel”

To prepare this masterpiece, we will need to prepare a cake base, a delicate curd filling and an airy, delicate soufflé.

We will need (for the test):

  • flour - 1 cup
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon
  • butter - 80 g
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • salt - a pinch

For filling:

  • cottage cheese - 500 gr
  • sugar - 0.5 cups
  • yolks - 3 pcs
  • semolina - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • sour cream - 100 g (can be replaced with thick fat cream)

For the soufflé:

  • squirrels - 3 pcs.
  • powdered sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons


For the cake we need to prepare the base. We will prepare it from . All the intricacies of preparing such a dough are described in a special article. Here we will use the simplest cooking option, but still the basic rules will need to be taken into account.

1. Sift flour and baking powder through a sieve into a bowl, add fine salt and mix.

2. Remove the butter from the refrigerator, cut it into small pieces or plates, and add to the flour. And then chop it with a knife. This is not a very quick procedure, but it is correct.

But sometimes, lack of extra time forces you to make adjustments to the recipe. And in this case, I carefully grind the flour and sugar into crumbs using my hands.

Here it is important to do everything quickly, it is important that the butter does not have time to melt, so it is advisable to have minimal contact with warm hands.

3. Beat the cold egg thoroughly with a whisk or mixer with sugar and quickly add it to the flour. Mix first with a spoon and then quickly knead the dough. It’s more likely not to knead, but to combine all the components into one ball.

We remember that the less contact with your hands, the more “correct” the dough turns out. That is, it will turn out just sandy, that is, crumbly!

4. The dough is collected into a ball, now it needs to be wrapped in cling film and put in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes so that the butter hardens again.

5. In the meantime, we have time to make the filling. In principle, this is plenty of time, because the filling can be made very quickly. Therefore, we have a choice: make the filling and put it in the refrigerator for the time being, or start making it 10 minutes before we take the dough out of the refrigerator.

I choose the second option. It seems to me that he is more faithful. We will beat the filling, and it is important that it remains fluffy and does not fall off.

6. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or beat thoroughly with an immersion blender. In order for the filling to be tender in consistency, the cottage cheese must be well punched down to the smallest particles.

7. Add sugar and semolina, mix until smooth. Then add sour cream, continuing to beat. Heavy heavy cream will also work. In this case, you can use a mixer.

You can also add vanilla sugar for flavor.

8. You will also need to add three egg yolks. To do this, you will need to separate them from the whites, try to do this carefully so that the yolks do not get into the whites. We will need them later. But for the time being, we’ll cover them with cling film and put them in the refrigerator.

Beat all ingredients into a homogeneous mass. The filling is ready.

9. Prepare the form. I will use a springform pan with a diameter of 24 cm. I will grease it with a small amount of vegetable oil. Although the dough contains oil, it is better to be on the safe side and grease the mold so that you don’t have problems taking it out later.

10. Set the oven to preheat. We will need a temperature of 180 degrees.

11. Take out the finished dough, roll it out a little into a circle with a rolling pin to make it easier to lay it out in the mold. Do not roll it out thinly, otherwise it will tear when you transfer it to the mold. Our dough is shortbread!

However, you don’t even have to roll it out, but simply create the base in the form itself. The dough is soft and pliable. It won't be difficult at all to do this.

12. Place the dough in the mold and, pressing with your fingers, form a base with sides at least 5 - 6 cm in height. Try to ensure that all the dough is approximately the same in thickness. The thickness should be about 0.5 cm.

13. When the base is formed, put the filling into it and level it evenly over the entire surface. The sides should still remain. We will have another layer of soufflé, about 1 cm thick. But we will add it a little later.

14. Place the pan with the base and filling in the oven for 20 - 30 minutes. The filling should be slightly browned, and when pierced with a toothpick, there should be no batter left on it.

But do not brown the top of this layer too much, otherwise a brown border will be visible on the cut. But we don’t want this, the cake should look very tender both outside and inside, the name obliges!

15. 5 - 7 minutes before readiness, prepare the soufflé. To do this, remove the whites from the refrigerator. Place them in a bowl convenient for churning and start beating at low speed. Gradually increase the speed.

16. When the whites turn white, but are still slightly runny, gradually add powdered sugar. You can add sugar to the protein mass, but with powdered sugar the proteins will combine faster and become more fluffy, and therefore tasty. And this will cause more “tears”.

17. Beat the whites with powdered sugar until light, stable peaks form. This is important, if the proteins are poorly knocked down, drops will not appear on the surface.

18. After the soufflé has been brought to the desired consistency, remove the pan with the contents from the oven and spread it in an even layer over the entire surface of the filling. You will get a layer about 1 cm thick.

Sometimes circular grooves are made on the surface of the soufflé with a fork, and then the tears roll into these grooves, and such a cake, of course, looks very beautiful and exciting.

They also make peaks of approximately the same height over the entire surface. To do this, use a fork to slightly lift the soufflé at an equal distance from each other. And in this case, drops appear between these peaks.

But more often than not, the surface is simply leveled, and then amber droplets appear wherever they want. And no one knows how many of them will appear and in what place there will be more or less of them.

19. Place the pan with the contents back in the oven and bake for 5 - 10 minutes until the top is just slightly set. It should become slightly brown, but only a little. The color should remain lighter. On a heavily baked soufflé, droplets may not appear, or very few of them will appear.

20. Turn off the oven, open the door and leave the cake there for 40 minutes to cool slowly, you can keep it there longer. Sometimes they keep it in an open oven all night.

There is another way: take the cake out while it’s hot and cover it with a lid. Leave it like this until it cools completely and then droplets appear. I haven't tried this method, but I've heard about it.

21. After about an hour and a half, the first drops will begin to appear. This is a very exciting moment. You always wait for him with bated breath. Will a miracle happen this time or not?!! You rejoice at the first drops that appear, like a little child. And here it is - a miracle! More and more amber droplets appear. Some are big, others are small - but they are all equally pleasing to the eye!

Before serving, lightly trim the edge of the cake around the entire perimeter that has stuck to the pan. Then separate the cake and transfer it to a dish.

22. But here is the long-awaited moment, everyone gathers at the table and openly rejoices at the sight of an amazing work of culinary art! Then we cut it into pieces and eat it, enjoying the divine taste! Delicate, pleasant curd filling, a thin, almost weightless layer of shortcrust pastry, and the most delicate airy soufflé! And of course, drops of magical amber caramel all over the surface!

Delicious!!! This is true. My granddaughter, spoiled by all kinds of baked goods, thinks this is her favorite dessert! He often asks to cook it. And she never gets tired of enjoying it.

I like it too, light, not very high in calories, tasty and aromatic. And so exciting! It is pleasant not only to eat, but also to cook. After all, you create real magic with your own hands!

So I wish you all to plunge into this magical story, in which case the Angel will drop his amber tears on your wonderful cake.

Bon appetit!

We all love cabbage pies, and cabbage and fish pie even more so. The pie turns out delicious and filling.

As a child, we had a Russian oven in our house, what extraordinary pies my grandmother sang in it, and what delicious meat it turned out, or cabbage soup in a cast iron pot, it’s absolutely a fairy tale. Nowadays you rarely see a Russian stove in a house, but a type of stove like this is now being built in our courtyards or in summer kitchens. I got carried away and went off topic.
The other day I was very lucky, I bought chilled pink salmon, and I also came across two girls with caviar. I salted the caviar, it turned out to be 300 grams of caviar. I used part of the fillet to make a pie with cabbage. My grandmother and mother baked this pie using this recipe.

Recipe for pie with cabbage and red fish


For the test:

  • kefir – 350 g,
  • water – 150 g,
  • butter – 100 g,
  • eggs – 2 pcs.
  • honey – 1 tablespoon,
  • soda – 1 teaspoon,
  • salt – 1 teaspoon,
  • yeast - 1 tablespoon,
  • flour.

For filling:

  • fresh white cabbage - 1 small fork,
  • pink salmon fillet – 400 g,
  • onion – 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil – 5 tablespoons,
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Preparing a pie with cabbage and fish: I usually prepare straight yeast dough for this pie. I heat the water and mix it with kefir, add honey, salt, melted butter, break one egg and the white of the second, leaving the yolk to grease the pie. I add yeast diluted in warm water and an incomplete teaspoon of soda. I mix everything and gradually add sifted flour. I knead the soft dough, cover with a napkin and let it rise.

During this time we prepare the filling. In a frying pan, fry onions and cabbage, cut into small strips, add salt and pepper.
We fillet the pink salmon and cut it into cubes, add a little salt. I add fish to the pie without heat treatment; it tastes better raw.
I only let the test test once. Cut a piece of dough, roll it out to 1 cm thick and place the layer on a greased baking sheet.
Place the majority of the cabbage on the dough, fish cubes on top of it, and the remaining cabbage on top of the fish.

Cover the pie with a layer of dough, roll it out thinner than the bottom one. We pinch the pie, brush it with yolk, let it sit for 10 minutes and put it in the preheated oven for 30-35 minutes.
We take the finished pie out of the oven, let it stand under a napkin and slice it for tea.

Sorry, the photo of the finished pie was blurry, I didn’t have time to take another photo.

Bon appetit!

With the remaining dough you can bake buns with cottage cheese recipe.

If you liked the pie with cabbage and fish, please share it on social networks by clicking on the buttons below.

Sincerely, Irina!
