Classic technology for preparing unleavened puff pastry. Puff pastry - technological secrets. Puff yeast dough

Cooking process unleavened puff pastry includes the following operations:

  • - preparing thick unleavened dough;
  • - soaking it for swelling of gluten proteins;
  • - preparing butter or margarine;
  • - rolling and lamination;
  • - molding of products.

Flour for making puff pastry is taken with a high gluten content. Cold water, citric acid solution, melange, salt, flour are poured into the bowl of the dough mixing machine and the dough is kneaded for 15-20 minutes until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The kneaded dough is placed on a table sprinkled with flour and left for 20-30 minutes for the gluten to swell. In parallel with kneading the dough, margarine is prepared. To do this, cut it into small pieces, put it in a dough mixing machine, add flour (10% of the margarine mass) and mix. Then the mass is laid out on the table, shaped into rectangular layers 20 mm thick and cooled in the refrigerator to a temperature of 12-14 ° C. The dough is rolled out into rectangular layers with a thickness of 20-25 mm in the center, and slightly thinner along the edges - 17-20 mm. Prepared margarine is placed in the middle of these layers (the dough layer is approximately twice as large as the margarine layer), the ends of the dough are joined at the side and pinched. The prepared dough with margarine is rolled out on dough sheeters that have one pair of rollers, the distance between which can be changed within 1-50 mm. First, a large gap (about 20 mm) is set between the rollers and the dough is passed through. The resulting layer is folded into four layers and passed through rollers with a smaller gap. Next, repeat the operation, fold the dough into four and cool for 30-40 minutes in the refrigerator. After cooling, the operation of rolling out the dough, folding it in four and cooling is repeated twice. Then the dough is rolled twice between rollers with a gap of 10 and 6 mm.

Layers of dough with margarine can be rolled out by hand on a table sprinkled with flour. The prepared dough is shaped into a ball, a cross-shaped cut is made on it and rolled out to a thickness of 20-25 mm in the middle part and 17-20 mm at the edges, resulting in a cross-shaped layer with four oval ends. The flour is swept away from the layer and prepared margarine is placed in the middle of it, which is covered with the free ends of the dough. The edges of the dough are pinched to create an envelope with a layer of margarine inside. Dust with flour and, starting from the middle, roll out the dough into a rectangular layer 10 mm thick. The resulting layer is folded into four layers: two opposite ends are connected, but not in the middle, but closer to one edge, and then folded in half again and placed in a refrigerator at a temperature 2~4 °C for 30-40 minutes. Rolling out the dough, folding it into four layers and cooling is repeated three more times. The finished dough consists of 256 layers.

To prevent the dough from tearing when rolled out repeatedly, it must be elastic, so it is better to use flour with strong gluten. Citric acid added to the dough promotes the swelling of gluten proteins. Processing margarine with flour prevents the layers from sticking together during baking, since the flour binds moisture. Periodically cooling the dough while preparing it prevents the butter from melting and leaking out.

Pies, kulebyaki, vol-au-vents, tongues, cakes, pastries are made from puff pastry; apples are also baked in it.

  • - For cooking pies The puff pastry is rolled out into a layer 6-7 mm thick and the pies are shaped into a circle, semicircle, or triangle. For round pies, cut out circles from the rolled out dough using a smooth or corrugated notch - two for each pie. Place half of the cut out circles on a baking sheet moistened with water and grease with melange. Place minced meat in the middle of the circle, place a second circle on it and press the dough around the minced meat with a smaller recess. For pies in the shape of a semicircle, oval-shaped cakes are cut out of the rolled out dough with a notch and greased with melange. Place the minced meat in the middle and connect the opposite ends of the flatbread. For triangle-shaped pies, cut out square pieces from the rolled out dough. The surface is greased with melange and minced meat is added. A piece of dough is folded diagonally and the edges are pressed. The formed pies are brushed with egg or melange and immediately baked at a temperature of 240-250 °C for 20-25 minutes.
  • - Kurnik prepared weighing at least 500 g, usually served whole. The puff pastry is rolled out into a layer 5-6 mm thick and two cakes are cut out of it: one with a smaller diameter (main), and the other with a larger diameter (lid). Place a smaller flatbread on a baking sheet moistened with water, cover it with a pancake, and place minced chicken, mushrooms, rice, and eggs on it. The minced meat is laid in layers, each layered with pancakes. The edge of the bottom cake is brushed with egg, then the top layer of minced meat is covered with a pancake and a larger cake, the edges of which are pressed tightly against the bottom cake. Kurnik is greased with egg, or melange, or a mixture of eggs and milk, decorated with figures cut out of dough and baked for 35-45 minutes at a temperature of 220-230 °C. Minced meat for chicken is prepared in the following way: the flesh of the boiled chicken is cut into small pieces and seasoned with oil; boil fluffy rice, season it with oil and add 1/4 of the norm of boiled and chopped eggs; fresh porcini mushrooms or champignons are cut into slices, fried and mixed with poached and sliced ​​chicken scallops; boiled eggs are finely chopped and seasoned with oil and chopped dill or parsley.

In accordance with quality requirements kurnik, or Russian layer cake, should be dome-shaped, light brown in color, the dough dry, easily flaky: the section clearly shows the individual layers of minced meat layered with pancakes; the surface is decorated with dough figures.

For cooking Volovans The dough is rolled out in a layer 5 mm thick and two cakes are cut out for each vol-au-vent (diameter 5-6 cm) using a corrugated notch. Place half of the cakes on a baking sheet moistened with water and brush with egg. From the rest of the cakes, cut out the middle with a recess of smaller diameter. The resulting rings are placed on the first half of the cakes, pressed, greased with egg and baked at a temperature of 250-260 ° C for 25-30 minutes.

Vol-au-vents are used to serve cold and hot snacks. For vol-au-vents in the form of croutons (flurons), flat cakes are cut out of rolled dough with an oval corrugated notch, which are placed on a baking sheet moistened with water, brushed with egg or melange and baked. Croutons (flurons) are used to serve second courses. In accordance with quality requirements The dough of products in the form of containers (cups or tartlets) or croutons must have good rise, dry, and not hardened.

  • - For cooking apples in a puff paste The dough is rolled out into a layer 5 mm thick, cut into square pieces of such a size that an apple can be wrapped in each of them. Prepared apples (without the seed nest and skin) are placed on the dough, the hole formed is filled with sugar, wrapped in an envelope in the dough, brushed with egg and baked in the oven; When serving, sprinkle with powdered sugar.
  • - Puff tubes are made from rolled dough 5 mm thick, which consists of strips 2 cm wide. The strips are wound in the form of a spiral onto a conical metal tube, brushed with egg and baked at a temperature of 240-260 ° C. The baked tubes are cooled and filled with cream.

Puff pastry It happens yeast(sour) and insipid. Unleavened dough is used more often. It contains no sugar at all. Its main components are flour, butter, eggs, water and salt. Products from puff pastry crispy, soft and tender inside.

To obtain a good layered dough structure, it is necessary to strictly comply with the requirements for the products from which it is made, as well as for the technology of its preparation. Only the highest quality wheat flour and butter should be used for the dough.

Citric acid gives elasticity and firmness to the dough; if there is no citric acid, water can be replaced with sour kefir. An acidic environment increases the viscosity of flour proteins. The layered structure of the dough allows it to be rolled out multiple times.

Basic dough recipe:

  • 500 g premium flour
  • 360 g butter
  • 1 raw egg
  • 1 glass of kefir
  • 1/3 teaspoon salt

Making puff pastry

Process making puff pastry includes three stages: kneading the dough, preparing the oil and processing the dough with oil.

A homogeneous elastic dough is kneaded from flour, eggs, kefir and salt. The dough is cooled. Add a small amount of flour to the butter and knead it slightly, but do not grind it. The oil should be plastic and pliable.

The dough is rolled out into a square and butter is placed in the center. The dough is wrapped in the form of an envelope, the edges are carefully pinched (no flour should get into the seam), then the dough is rolled out in the form of a rectangle, in the middle they are connected in the opposite direction, in the middle the ends are connected, the seam is carefully pinched, the dough is folded again (so that the seam ended up on a bend) and taken out into the cold.

After 30 minutes, it is rolled out again, folded in four, placed in the cold for 20-30 minutes, and then shaped. Thus, the dough will have 256 layers. It must be remembered that every time, before rolling out the dough after cooling, it should be turned 90*, then the physical effort will be evenly distributed in all directions.

Making puff pastry— the process is very labor-intensive and time-consuming, but the products baked from such dough are distinguished by high quality and pleasant taste.

There's another way making puff pastry- less labor-intensive, but products made from such dough are inferior in quality to products baked from puff pastry, manufactured using the technology described above. This is the preparation of the so-called chopped puff pastry.

Chopped puff pastry prepare according to two recipes:


  • 2 cups of flour
  • 200 g butter or butter margarine
  • ½-2/3 cup water
  • ¼ tsp. salt
  • 1 tsp Sahara



Flour - 658, including sawn - 67, butter - 438, eggs - 33, salt - 5, citric acid - 0.8, water - 237. Yield - 1000 g

The finished puff pastry product consists of thin, easily separated layers of baked dough. The outer layers are hard and the inner layers are soft.

A special feature of preparing puff pastry is rolling it out into very thin layers, between which there are layers of butter. To make the dough of good quality, you need to take flour with a high gluten content (up to 40%).

To improve the quality of gluten, food acid is added to the dough, since in an acidic environment the viscosity of flour proteins increases and the dough becomes more elastic and elastic.

The dough should be prepared in a room with a temperature no higher than 20°C. If the temperature is higher, the oil located between the layers will melt, get into the dough and deteriorate the quality of the gluten.

Preparation of the dough consists of the following operations: kneading the dough, preparing the oil, layering.

Kneading the dough. Water is poured into the bowl of the dough mixing machine, eggs, salt, acid and flour are added, 7% of the flour is left for dusting, 10% for preparing the oil. Knead the dough for 15-20 minutes so that the gluten swells better. The finished dough has a humidity of 40% and a temperature of no higher than 20°C.

Oil preparation. At the same time as kneading the dough, prepare the butter. It is cut into pieces, placed in the bowl of a dough mixing machine, flour is added and mixed until smooth. Flour is added to the butter to bind the moisture of the butter. If this is not done, then during rolling out the dough the layers will stick together and interfere with uniform layering. The prepared butter is formed into rectangular flat pieces of a certain mass and placed in the refrigerator for 35-40 minutes to cool to a temperature of 12-14°C. A lower temperature is not recommended, as when rolling, the butter will crumble and tear the layers of dough.

Layering. The finished dough is rolled out into a rectangular layer 20 mm thick, or a piece of dough is rolled into a ball, which is then cut crosswise with a knife into four parts and rolled out 20-25 mm thick.

Place chilled butter in the middle of the layer and wrap the dough in an envelope. Dust with flour and, starting from the middle, roll out the dough into a rectangular layer 10 mm thick.

The resulting layer is folded into four layers: two opposite ends are connected, but not in the middle, but closer to one edge, and then one layer is placed on top of the other. Roll out again to a thickness of 10 mm and roll into four layers. You need to roll out in all directions smoothly and slowly. When rolling quickly and sharply, the layers of dough are torn and the products come out with poor rise. Place the dough in the refrigerator for 35-40 minutes to cool the dough and butter to 12-14°C. When cooled, the mechanical properties are restored.

ki the broken structure of the dough, the elasticity of the gluten, as a result, when the dough is further rolled out, the layers do not tear.

After cooling the dough, roll it out two more times and fold it into four layers. The wrapped dough is placed in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to cool and restore the gluten, and then rolled out into a layer of the required thickness. In total, roll out and fold the dough into four layers 4 times. The dough prepared in this way is of the best quality and consists of 256 layers.

If you prepare the dough with fewer layers, then the oil leaks out during baking and the products become tough. With a large number of layers, they become thin, tear easily when rolled out, and the products come out with poor rise.

For some products, butter in the dough is replaced with margarine.

When rolling out dough on a machine, the sequence of operations is the same as when rolling out manually.

Cutting and baking. Puff pastry is baked in a whole layer and individually. To bake individually, the dough is rolled out into a layer of the required thickness and the products are cut out using metal recesses with sharp edges. If the edges are dull, then the dough is pressed and layering worsens; you should not crush the edges of the prepared products with your fingers.

It is not recommended to touch the sides when lubricating the surface of the product, as this will worsen the rise of the dough - the layers will stick together. The formed products are placed on dry sheets and baked at 250°C for 20-25 minutes.

To bake in a whole layer, the dough is rolled out to a thickness of 5-6 mm, slightly larger than the size of a pastry sheet, since it shrinks during baking. To make the dough shrink less, the pastry sheets are moistened with water. The dough layer is transferred to a pastry sheet, moving from the edges to the middle, pierced in several places so that there are no blisters on the surface, and left for 15-20 minutes, and then baked at 240°C for 25-30 minutes. Readiness is determined by the light brown color by lifting the corner of the layer with a knife. If the entire layer rises, then the dough is ready, but if the corner bends, it is not.

During baking, the butter between the layers melts and flows into the nearby layers of dough. Water vapor from the dough enters the resulting space between the layers. Under the pressure of these vapors, the distance between the layers increases in volume by 2-3 times.

The dough should be baked without shaking, as “hardening” may occur, i.e. adhesion of layers. Baking at low temperatures also leads to “hardening” of the dough, poor layering, and oil leakage.

Quality requirements: puff semi-finished product, light brown in color, with pronounced layers of dough, dry. Humidity - 7.5%.

Pies baked with various minced meats

Puff pastry (semi-finished product) - 440, minced meat - 260, eggs for greasing - 12. Yield - 10 pcs. 60 g each

The puff pastry is rolled out into a layer 6-7 mm thick and the pies are shaped into a circle, semicircle or triangle. Dough weight - 44 g, minced meat - 26 g.

Round-shaped pies are formed from two circles cut from the layer with a smooth or corrugated notch. Half of the cut circles are placed on a sheet and their surface is greased with egg. Place minced meat in the middle of the circles, cover with the remaining circles and press the dough around the minced meat with a smaller recess or with your hands. For pies in the shape of a semicircle, oval-shaped flat cakes are cut out of the rolled out dough using a smooth or corrugated notch, greased with egg, and minced meat is placed in the middle. The opposite edges of the cake are connected and clamped. For triangle-shaped pies, cut out square pieces from the rolled out dough. The surface is greased with egg and minced meat is placed in the middle. A piece of dough is folded in half obliquely, covering the minced meat so that the opposite corners coincide. The edges of the dough are pressed.

The formed pies are placed in rows on a sheet moistened with water at a distance of 2-3 cm from one another, brushed with egg and baked immediately. Minced meat for pies is made from meat, vegetables, fish, fruit and curd. Baking temperature - 240-250°C.

Quality requirements: products of various shapes, light yellow color, crumbly dough, without “hardening”, filling without drips.

Puff pastry kulebyaka with various minced meats

Puff pastry (semi-finished product) - 630, minced meat - 530, eggs for greasing - 10. Yield - 1000 g

Two thirds are separated from the finished puff pastry and a layer is rolled out to a thickness of 4 mm for the base of the kulebyak. Having placed the base on a pastry sheet moistened with water, pierce it in several places to avoid swelling. Bake the layer at a temperature of 230-240°C until almost done. The cooled layer is cut lengthwise into 4-5 strips the size of the kulebyaki and the filling is placed lengthwise on each flatbread; The edges of the baked strips are brushed with egg.

The remaining dough is rolled out and cut into strips of appropriate size. The base with minced meat is covered with raw puff pastry, slightly pressed against the bottom baked part, and brushed with egg on top. Bake the kulebyaka at 210-230°C for 35-40 minutes.

After cooling, the product is cut into portions of 100 or 150 g. Baking the base of the kulebyaki separately prevents “hardening”.

You can bake the kulebyak immediately; to do this, place a strip of dough on a sheet moistened with cold water, and put minced meat in the middle along its entire length. The minced meat is covered with another strip of dough, which should be slightly wider than the first so that it can cover the minced meat and the edges of the lower layer of dough, previously brushed with egg. The top layer of dough is pressed tightly against the minced meat and the edges of the bottom layer, giving the kulebyak an even shape along its entire length, after which the excess dough is cut off from the edges.

The kulebyaka is greased with egg and decorated with thin strips or various figures (crescents, stars, etc.) cut from the same dough. After this, it is again greased with egg, the surface is pierced in several places to allow steam to escape and baked at a temperature of 220-230°C.

Kulebyaka can be prepared with two or three types of minced meat, placing them in layers one above the other. For example, boiled rice mixed with vizig or eggs is placed in the top and bottom layers, and boiled fish, cut into thin slices, is placed in the middle between them, or a layer of hard-boiled eggs, cut into circles, is placed on top of boiled crumbly rice, and minced meat is placed on top.

To ensure that the bottom layer of dough on the inside of the finished kulebyak does not turn out wet, less juicy minced meat is first placed on the dough, and meat, fish, mushrooms seasoned with sauce are placed on top of it with more juicy ones. For the same purpose, very thin pancakes baked from unleavened dough can be placed on the dough under the minced meat and on top. Pancakes are also placed between layers of minced meat so that they do not mix with each other during molding and when cutting the finished kulebyaki into portions.

If the kulebyaka is cooked with juicy minced meat, the bottom layer of dough is baked until almost done, and then, so that the lower part of the kulebyaka does not burn, reduce the heat from below.

Kulebyaku can be shaped into a rectangular or square pie. These kulebyaki are served hot whole and cut into pieces while eating.

Quality requirements: the surface of the kulebyaki should be shiny, light brown in color, the product should be decorated with puff pastry figures, the filling should be juicy, the dough in the places of contact with the filling should be well baked, “hardening” is not allowed.


Unleavened puff pastry (semi-finished product) - 500, baked pancakes - 100, minced meat (chicken) - 450, chicken scallops - 30, rice - 60, eggs - 65, fresh porcini mushrooms - 150, butter - 50, parsley or dill - 10, salt - 6, pepper - 0.2; minced meat yield - 520, melange for lubrication -10. Yield - /000 g

Kurnik is prepared weighing at least 500 g and served either whole for 4-5 people, or in portions of 100-150 g.

Puff pastry is rolled out into a layer 5-6 cm thick and two flat cakes are cut out of it. Place a smaller flatbread on a baking sheet moistened with water, cover it with a pancake, and place minced chicken, mushrooms, rice, and eggs on it. The minced meats are laid in layers, each layered with pancakes. The edge of the bottom flatbread is brushed with egg, then the mound of minced meat (arranged with pancakes) is covered with a second flatbread, the edges of which are pressed tightly against the lower flatbread. Kurnik is greased with egg, decorated with figures cut out of thinly rolled dough, greased with egg again and baked at a temperature of 220-230°C.

Minced meat for chicken is prepared as follows: the cooked chicken flesh is cut into slices and seasoned with oil; crumbly rice porridge is seasoned with oil and 1/4 of the norm of hard-boiled chopped eggs is added to it; fresh porcini mushrooms, sliced ​​and fried in oil, mixed with chicken scallops, poached and sliced, eggs finely chopped and seasoned with oil and herbs.

Quality requirements: the pie is dome-shaped, the surface is decorated with figures made of puff pastry, the cut shows individual layers of minced meat arranged into pancakes, the color is light brown, the dough is dry, fragile, easy to separate, the minced meat is viscous and juicy.

Tongues puff

Puff pastry (semi-finished product) - 590, granulated sugar for sprinkling when cutting - 65. Yield - 500 g (10 pcs. 50 g each)

The finished dough is rolled out into a layer 5-6 mm thick, the flour is swept away and oval-shaped pieces are cut out with a corrugated recess measuring 7x11 cm. The table is sprinkled with granulated sugar and the cut pieces are rolled out lengthwise with a thin rolling pin, giving them the shape of a tongue. The finished products are placed on a pastry sheet moistened with water. A line is drawn along the products with a serrated cutter to protect the surface from swelling. The tongues are baked at 220-250°C until the sugar on the surface begins to melt slightly, which gives the products a shine. You can use a special device for rolling out tongues or roll them out on the first pair of rollers of the machine.

Quality requirements : products of elongated oval shape, the surface is covered with granulated sugar crystals, the cross section has a layered structure, the color is light yellow, the dough is dry, brittle, easy to separate.

Layer pie with jam

Puff pastry (semi-finished product) - 780, jam - 400. Yield -1000 g

The finished puff pastry is rolled out into two layers 5 mm thick and placed on a baking sheet or sheet moistened with water. One layer is brushed with egg and decorated with figures cut out of dough. Both layers are pierced with a knife in several places and baked at a temperature of 220-230°C. An even layer of jam is applied to one layer and covered with a second layer, brushed with egg. You can make a pie with apple or rhubarb filling. The technology for its preparation is similar to that of kulebyaki. Pies are baked by weight or in pieces of 500 g.

Quality requirements: The cake is rectangular in shape, golden in color, the dough is fragile, easy to separate, without “hardening”.

review questions

List the steps for preparing puff pastry.

What raw materials are used to make unleavened puff pastry?

How to increase the strength of flour?

How many layers do you get when making unleavened puff pastry?

Defects of puff pastry and their causes.

Calculate the bake when preparing unleavened puff pastry.

What products can be made from unleavened puff pastry?

Draw up a technological diagram of unleavened puff pastry.

Draw a table of disadvantages.

Task No. 2: Fill in the first and third columns in the table (listing the types of defects and indicating methods of elimination)

Types of defects in puff pastry



Baking temperature is high; during baking, the sheet was subjected to mechanical stress; insufficient baking time

Low baking temperature

High baking temperature

Task No. 2: Fill in the second and third columns in the table

Types of defects in puff pastry



Puff p/f dry and hard

Puff pastry has a dense crumb with a “hardening”

The surface of the puff paste is pale with a gray tint

The surface of the puff paste is dark


Topic: “Preparation of unleavened puff pastry”

    Mandatory answer for rating "3"

Task No. 1: Arrange in the correct sequence the processes necessary when kneading unleavened puff pastry.

6. Molding 6

    Additional response to rating "4"

Task No. 2: Fill in the third column in the table

Types of defects in puff pastry



Layered p/f with poor rise, with thick stuck together layers

Flour with low gluten content; lack or absence of acid; insufficient cooling of the dough; excessive amount of rolling; low baking temperature

Layered p/f with uneven rises, has swelling

Blunt notches; the edges are brushed with eggs; the layer was not pierced enough before baking

Puff paste is deformed (compressed)

Excess acid or salt; the sheets were not wetted with water

Puff p/f dry and hard

Not rolled out enough; low baking temperature; reduced amount of fat; the oil had a low temperature when cooled

Puff pastries and croissants.

The technology for preparing yeast puff pastries is quite complex and to obtain a good result requires good experience of the baker, a well-equipped workshop, and appropriate conditions in the workshop.

Necessary equipment:2-speed dough mixer, ice maker, refrigeration unit (preferably a freezer or shocker), sheeter, proofer and oven, of course.

Conditions:in the workshop for the production of puff pastry, strict adherence to optimal conditions is necessary to prevent overheating of the dough and its fermentation - the temperature in the workshop should be 16-20 0 C. To do this, enterprises create separate closed zones or entire rooms with air conditioning. In the absence of the opportunity to create these conditions, it is impossible to seriously engage in puff pastry - this will turn into torture for the workshop employee in the fight against dough fermentation with subsequent loss of quality.

Wheat flour - 100%
Water (with ice 50/50) - 45-47%
Pressed yeast - 5%
Salt - 1.6-1.8%
Granulated sugar - 10%
Margarine in dough - 5%
Powdered milk - 5%
Egg - 5%
Margarine for layering - 45%

To make puff pastry, only the best quality premium flour with a high gluten content is used. It is not uncommon for puff pastry flour to be kept in cold rooms before kneading, so as not to provoke overheating of the dough from it.

Water is served with ice in a 50/50 ratio; in summer you can increase the share of ice, but if it’s cool in the workshop, you can reduce it accordingly. When using dry yeast, we reduce the dosage three times. When making premium croissants, you can replace water with milk and margarine with butter.

For lamination, special margarine is used for lamination with a higher melting point (40-44 0 C) and the molding method - in layers of 2 kg. In summer, more refractory margarines are used (42-44 0 C), in winter they switch to softer ones (40 0 WITH). Fat content is usually 82%, but it can also be 70%. Oil for lamination is also imported, which differs only in shape - 1 kg layer.

For the production of puff pastry at large enterprises, special improvers are almost always used, which contain gluten and emulsifiers for a good volume of products and the development of porosity of the puff pastry.

Kneading. All raw materials are dosed together and kneading is carried out according to the scheme - 3 minutes at a low speed and 6-8 minutes at a fast speed until a weakly extensible gluten is formed - this is an important point: the full development of gluten on the puff paste is not allowed during kneading, because With further resting and rolling, the properties of the dough will decrease.

In addition to the direct dough making method, it is possible to make puff pastries using dough or leaven. For the sponge method, liquid poolish dough is recommended (flour/water 1 to 1), adding 30-40% flour to the dough. This puff pastry has a more pronounced aroma, is softer and is better stored.

Dough temperature after kneading: 18-20 0 C.
Rest of the dough: after kneading, the dough must be placed in the refrigerator to rest for 10-20 minutes (the warmer the dough, the longer the resting time). In this case, the dough must be distributed in a thin layer, and not in a piece, to avoid heating the dough, otherwise the outer layers will cool in the refrigerator, while the yeast in the inner layers will go into an active state.

The whole point of maintaining cold conditions when making puff pastry is to prevent the yeast from becoming active. If the dough begins to ferment, it will become difficult to work with, and the layering of the finished products will be disrupted. Therefore, fermentation of the dough is excluded until the proofing stage, where the products must grow.

Preparing margarine.Margarine for layering must be thawed - i.e. warm up to room temperature. If it is too hard, when rolling it will tear the dough and be poorly distributed in it. Ideally, the consistency of the dough and margarine should be the same.

Before adding to the dough, margarine is rolled to reduce thickness and increase plasticity. Unprepared margarine cannot be added to the dough.

Adding margarine:After resting, the dough is rolled out to add margarine, then the margarine is placed in the center of the layer in the dough and the dough is pinched tightly.

Rolling out. Next, the dough begins to be gradually rolled out on a sheeting machine to a thickness of 5-6 mm.

After this, the dough is folded.

For croissants, the optimal layering scheme is two fours, i.e. two folds of 4 layers (book), a total of 16 layers (4*4); for other puff products, both two fours and three threes are used (27 layers). More layers result in finer porosity.

Foliation "Four (book)". When folding, the seam should not be in the center, but should be shifted to the side (Figure 2)

Foliation "Troika"

After folding, the workpiece is rotated 90 degrees and rolled out again to 5-6 mm, folding like a book is repeated. After this second folding, the dough is placed in the refrigerator to rest for 15-30 minutes.

Final rollout.After resting, the dough is ready to be rolled out for cutting. The dough is rolled out in width to the required size, and then turned 90 degrees. 0 and carefully roll out to 3-4 mm, depending on the need and the capabilities of the rolling machine. The dough is then transferred either to a cutting table or to a puff pastry line.
When cutting manually, the surface of the dough must be sprayed with moisture from a spray bottle. The dough is cut into the necessary pieces and shaped as we need.

The question often arises at what stage to add the filling to a croissant. From the point of view of quality - only after baking: during baking, an empty cavity almost always forms, the filling partially boils away, or leaks out, or thickens, which is not good. In addition, the filling shrinks the product a little, sometimes forming a hardening on the bottom. But from the point of view of convenience, dosing before baking is more correct.

Proofingcarried out in boring chambers at a temperature of 30-35 0 C with humidity 75%. Higher temperatures are not permissible, because It is possible that the margarine in the dough will melt and lose its layering. For the same reasons, croissants in butter do not melt in the proofing chambers - the melting point of butter is 30 0 With and in the proofing, the butter will simply melt. Therefore, the conditions of the workshop are sufficient, and the duration of proofing will increase. Proofing time is 60-90 minutes.

The base dough is a stiff dough made from wheat flour, which is then layered. Although puff pastry without yeast does not have a sweet taste, it is used for confectionery products, such as cake layers, zubki with further filling with cream, for curd pies and yurts, sherudels and small-piece baked goods, such as “pig ears”.

Unleavened dough rises during baking only through a physical process - water vapor and melted fat create layers in the final product.

In Western Europe, there are 3 types of puff pastry.

German: fat is wrapped in dough

French: the dough is “wrapped” in fat

Dutch: pieces of fat are laid out on the dough

All options are then toured.

The French version is almost never used anymore. With this method, it is necessary to add about 10% flour to the butter and process it cold. Works like German puff pastry, but the resting phases may be shorter.

The Dutch version is the fastest. 1 piece of fat is laid out on the kneaded and rolled out dough, the dough is folded and rested in the cold for 20 minutes. The dough is then proofed without any resting phases.

The dough for puff pastry without yeast is kneaded on a spiral dough mixer and all components of the dough should be as cold as possible. First add 5% flour to the fat for layering, form a rectangular block and cool. The oil for touring should have a temperature of 15°C; it is recommended to work 10% flour into the oil.

After turing, the dough is rolled out to a thickness of approximately 2 mm and then shaped according to the desired product. It is important that cutting or carving is done with a sharp knife - do not squeeze the layers as you cut. The molded dough pieces must undergo a final proofing in the cold for about 30 minutes, so that the dough rests and the layers do not “pull together” during baking.

Rice. 9.

To achieve the quality of a typical puff pastry product, it must be baked properly: a baking temperature of 200 to 220°C and a baking time of 20 to 30 minutes. In most cases it is baked with steam humidification.

Puff pastry without yeast is not subject to rapid aging like yeast and yeast puff pastry, so it can be produced rationally in large quantities and stored in the cold or freezer, remembering to cover the dough with film to protect the surface of the dough from drying out. Puff pastry without yeast rises due to the internal pressure of water steam held back by a waterproof layer of fat - the physical principle of loosening.

In puff pastries made from yeast dough, in addition to the physical leavening by steam, the biological leavening of the dough due to the work of yeast is added.

Kneading puff pastry

For the production of puff pastry, intensive kneading of the dough is necessary, which contributes to the maximum development of the gluten framework: obtaining cold dough to slow down the onset of fermentation; preparing the dough with a very strong consistency to limit the phenomenon of spreading during defrosting; exclusion of yeast fermentation until freezing.

When kneading yeast-free puff pastry, cold water, a solution of lactic or citric acid is poured into the bowl of the dough mixing machine, egg powder or melange, whey or milk powder, salt are added, then cooled flour and flour improver, after all, vegetable oil or liquid margarine is added and the dough is kneaded. for 10-20 minutes (depending on the dough mixer) until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

The well-kneaded dough is left in the bowl for 20-30 minutes for the proteins to swell (preliminary resting). For yeast-free dough, its temperature at any time during the kneading and resting process should not exceed 18 degrees.

When kneading yeast puff pastry, especially chilled water (in the form of ice chips), an acid solution, an egg solution and fat, sugar and salt are poured into the bowl, then chilled flour and an improver. At the very end, yeast is loaded, previously diluted in some cold water. It is very important that the yeast is evenly distributed throughout the dough and that the kneading is very good.

After kneading, the dough is not left in the bowl for proofing, but placed on the table in the refrigerator. The main concern when preparing a yeast puff is to prevent the yeast cells from waking up prematurely and starting to work. At the same time, it is necessary to rest the dough to form the gluten frame, so all processes must take place at a temperature no higher than 12 degrees.

Various recipes indicate dough temperatures of 20 degrees or more. When using butter using outdated technologies, you really have to keep the dough warm, otherwise the butter or regular margarine will not be soft and will crumble in the dough, the layers will stick together. In the warm dough, the yeast begins to work and there can be no talk of any subsequent freezing of the semi-finished product.

The use of specialized margarines for puff pastry eliminates these disadvantages. The ego stage is the main one. It immediately follows the formation of dough pieces. The final freezing temperature should be 30-35 degrees C. Lower temperatures can lead to irreversible negative consequences.

  • - processing temperature in a quick-freezing chamber at -(50-65)° C for 20 minutes (up to a temperature of 0° C in the thickness of the dough;
  • - air exchange rate of at least 4 m/sec, which results in a freezing rate equal to approximately li p.C per minute.

Principles of storage and transportation

The storage duration can range from several days to several months. It directly depends on the quality of raw materials (flour, yeast, improvers) and on compliance with the standards of the production cycle (kneading, molding, freezing).

Store frozen dough at temperatures from -12 to -20° C.

This operation is the most vulnerable in correct and effective technology. The chain of cold storage of dough pieces should not be interrupted under any circumstances. Particular attention should be paid to the fragility of frozen semi-finished products, and the resulting risk of breakage.

Placement of delivered products at the baking site must be done in freezers (laris) with a temperature of at least -10 C. Re-freezing of defrosted semi-finished products is not acceptable. If accidental defrosting occurred during transportation, then this batch can be stored in the refrigerator at 0 degrees for only a couple of days.

Defrosting, proofing and baking products:

  • 1. Immediate defrosting in a proofer. This is a fairly common method in Russia, however, even at moderate temperatures (about 28 ° C), too rapid heating reactivates the yeast on the surface of the dough piece, while in the core the lifting force remains small, where the temperature remains low. As a result, finished products may have uneven crumb density, which is a defect.
  • 2. Defrosting at room temperature followed by fermentation in a proofer. This method is a disadvantage of the first method and is added to the weathering of the surface of the dough pieces due to prolonged exposure to air.
  • 3. Defrosting in a cabinet programmed to perform defrosting first (at a temperature of 0° C - minimizing the inevitable effect of condensation), while the process of thawing and swelling of proteins and starches occurs. Then the proofing stage occurs (with a gradual increase in temperature to 30-32° C), while it is necessary to ensure maximum humidity in the proofing cabinet. This method is the most accurate and is widely used abroad.

There is a delayed baking method. After cutting, the finished products are not immediately frozen, but are sent for proofing beforehand. In the latter case, the preparation time for baking is significantly reduced: such products are defrosted for 15-20 minutes at room temperature and baked immediately without additional proofing.

Typically, rotary or rack conventional ovens are used. The surface of the baking trays must be in perfect condition to prevent the phenomenon of product sticking. It is best to line it with SILIDORA silicone paper.

Due to the excess of fermentable sugars, the baking temperature should be slightly lower than usual in order to limit the surface of the products from browning too quickly. As a result, the baking time will be slightly longer than usual.

Typically, the baking temperature is set at 180-200°C, and the baking time is 15-18 minutes (the surface of the products should be evenly painted to a golden color).
