Cream for lubricating sponge cakes. Recipes for simple biscuit creams – write them down! We decorate, complement, and decorate biscuit desserts with simple creams

But don't know which cream is suitable for it? There are more than 1000 recipes for various versions of this brush for cakes in the world.

A delicious biscuit cream is obtained by adding various additional ingredients (for example, sour cream or condensed milk). Cooking options are presented below.

This recipe is known to many experienced housewives. It is easy to prepare, and sponge cakes coated with it turn out to be of simply incomparable taste. As for the components of such a cream, every housewife has them in their kitchen.

What you will need

  • Yolks from three eggs
  • flour (one tsp)
  • half a regular cut glass of cream (preferably country cream)
  • the same amount of sugar as cream
  • vanillin (to taste)
  • half a standard stick of butter (approximately 145 g)


To prepare this delicious dish, you need to take eggs and separate the yolks from the whites. The latter can be put in the refrigerator for another dish, and the yolks should be thoroughly ground with flour, which has previously been combined with granulated sugar.

You need to achieve such a consistency of the mass that there is not a single grain of sugar or lump of flour in it.

When the mixture becomes homogeneous, the future cream for coating the sponge cakes should be placed on low heat. At the same time, do not forget to stir it all the time.

The mass should resemble thick sour cream in consistency. You can’t turn up the heat, otherwise you might overcook the cream.

The next step is to cut the butter into small cubes. Before doing this, it should stand in a warm place until it becomes soft.

Now you need to carefully pour the oil removed from the stove into the oil. The mixture is well mixed and whipped with a whisk or fork until smooth.

After this, a small amount of vanillin is introduced into the mass and everything is mixed well. The housewife must remember that this ingredient needs to be added to the cream for sponge cakes just a little bit at a time. Otherwise it will be bitter.

This cream recipe is perfect not only for coating sponge cakes, but also for filling custard eclairs or other pastries.


Fans of sponge cakes with a layer of chocolate will appreciate this recipe. This is a classic version of cream that in a matter of minutes can turn simple cakes into a decoration for any holiday table.

In addition, such a delicious cream will be a worthy replacement for chocolate spread. And you don’t need much to prepare it.

What you will need

  • 0.5 kg of chocolate (at least 70% cocoa beans)
  • half a regular glass of strong brew
  • orange zest to taste (if you use lemon zest, the taste will not be as interesting)


  1. The chocolate needs to be melted in a water bath.
  2. Take regular tea leaves without fruit or other additives and brew a strong one. The tea should steep until a dark brown color appears for 20 minutes. After this, the liquid must be filtered through a strainer and poured into the melted chocolate in a thin, neat stream, stirring well. In order not to strain the tea, some housewives brew tea bags. This will reduce the time it takes to prepare the cream.
  3. Beat the resulting mass using a whisk or mixer. Add a small amount of orange zest to taste. This component will give the cream an unforgettable aroma.

The resulting mass should stand in the refrigerator for several hours. This will help it thicken.

From cottage cheese and cream

This recipe is perhaps one of the easiest to prepare, and even the most inexperienced housewife can do it. The sweet and sour delicate taste of such a mass is acquired by adding to it.

What you will need

  • Cottage cheese (the higher the fat content, the better)
  • one regular faceted glass of fresh cream
  • a little sugar (to taste)
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife (optional)


Place the cottage cheese from the package into a separate bowl. Mash thoroughly with a fork. Make sure there are no lumps.

If there is any left, it can be easily removed at the next stage of cooking. Take the cream and carefully pour it into. You should get a thick mass with a uniform consistency.

This type of cream should not spread over the cakes. If such a problem does occur, then to fix it, you can add a little cottage cheese.

This ingredient should also be well mashed. After this, add vanillin (to taste), not exceeding the dosage indicated on the package, and granulated sugar.

The taste of the curd cream will be more delicate if you replace the last component with powdered sugar. If you don’t like too sweet cakes, you don’t have to add it at all.

After this, the mixture must be mixed well again and refrigerated for half an hour.

In addition to coating biscuit dough cakes, you can use this cream for filling shortbread baskets, filling choux pastries, and also as a separate cream.

You can watch the video on how to make curd cream:

Sour cream

In order to create the perfect cake, you will need a little inspiration and delicious sour cream for the sponge cake.

What you will need

  • Two full faceted glasses of sour cream
  • regular faceted glass of sugar
  • standard sachet of cream thickener
  • vanillin (to taste)


Pour sour cream into a separate container and pour sugar into it. Mix thoroughly until the mass is homogeneous (grains of sugar should be well dissolved). After this, you can add vanillin (you can’t add too much to avoid it becoming bitter).

At the next stage, add a special thickener for creams and beat the resulting mixture. You should get a thick mass with a dense consistency. Next, the sour cream needs to be put in the refrigerator for several hours so that it thickens even more.

After the allotted time, you can coat the sponge cakes. In addition, this cream is great for filling shortcrust pastry fruit baskets, choux pastries, or simply as a spread on bread.

As for the thickener, if ordinary village homemade sour cream was used in the preparation, then such an ingredient can not be used; the sponge brush will not spread anyway. But this is only if the consistency of the sour cream is very thick.

Made with cream, with added orange zest

With the help of cream you can prepare a very tasty one, which is good for layering biscuit dough cakes. Such a sweet air mass with a delicate taste will look especially good on the top of the cake.

This cream is prepared within half an hour, and it requires few ingredients. In addition, this mixture can be used to fill baskets with pieces of fruit based on shortcrust pastry. The orange zest included in the composition gives a delightful shade to the taste of the cream.

What you will need

  • One regular cut glass of cream (better than country cream)
  • half a faceted glass of powdered sugar (can be replaced with sugar, but the first option is preferable)
  • standard sachet of gelatin
  • vanillin on the tip of a knife (to taste)
  • ¼ part cut glass of water


  1. Pour the cream into a separate container and beat well with a mixer or whisk into a thick foam.
  2. Add sugar in a thin stream, while continuously whisking the sugar-cream mixture with a mixer.
  3. Add vanilla zest if desired. Under no circumstances should you exceed the dosage of this ingredient to avoid bitterness.
  4. In a separate bowl, soak the gelatin in water. It should swell in about 20 minutes. After this, you need to boil it over a fire and wait until it cools completely. It is necessary that all swollen grains of gelatin dissolve in water.
  5. After this component has cooled, it must be mixed with the creamy base, and then whipped with a whisk or mixer.

When the cream is completely ready, they need to immediately coat the cakes. This action is necessary because the gelatin in this mass will thicken it too much.

With condensed milk

Creams based on condensed milk are not inferior in taste to those made with sour cream.

They cook quite quickly, and the products needed for such a recipe are easy to find in every housewife’s kitchen.

What you will need

  • One standard pack of butter
  • cognac (you can replace it with rum)
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of powdered sugar
  • half a faceted glass of condensed milk
  • yolks from two chicken eggs


Before you start preparing this delicious biscuit cream with condensed milk, you need to first soften the butter. In order for it to take the desired consistency, you should keep it in the microwave for a minute or leave it in a warm place.

After this product has acquired the desired consistency, it is mixed with powdered sugar using a fork or whisk. The next step is to break the eggs and separate the yolks from the whites. The yolks and condensed milk should be beaten well in a separate container.

At the very end of cooking, add half a teaspoon of cognac to the whipped mass. You can do without this ingredient.

In addition to the fact that this type of cream is spread on a cake, it can also be layered with shortbread “Honey cake”. In addition, some housewives stuff custard cakes with it.

Small tricks for making biscuit creams

To prepare any of the creams for coating sponge cakes, you need to follow the following rules, which experienced housewives have long used in their kitchens. Only in this case can the impregnation have the ideal consistency and structure:

  • Before preparing any of the creams listed above, be sure to remove all ingredients from the refrigerator. This applies to eggs, sour cream, etc. They must stand for some time to reach room temperature. Only in this case the cream will turn out perfect.
  • If you need to make decorations for, use special attachments. You can also simply coat the sponge cakes with cream using a spoon or silicone brush and decorate the top with candied fruits or pieces of nuts (almonds, walnuts, roasted peanuts, etc.).
  • In order for the cream to turn out exactly as needed, it is necessary to prepare it in strict accordance with the instructions. To do this, be sure to comply with the entire quantity of ingredients.
  • To obtain more juicy cakes, biscuit dough cakes are soaked in syrup, which is applied shortly before using a special silicone brush. If there is no syrup, you can replace it with sweet syrup, slightly diluted with water.

These simple tips will help you achieve the ideal cream consistency in order to please your family with the most delicious sponge cake.

There are several types of biscuit cream. Typically, cakes made from this dough are soaked in sour cream, butter, protein, curd or custard. Their basic recipes are very simple and consist of only two or three ingredients, and the process of preparing the cream itself comes down to simply beating the ingredients. So, for sour cream you only need sour cream and sugar. If you make a simple buttercream, its main components will be condensed milk and butter. And for the protein cream you will need egg whites and powdered sugar. More complex creams, such as custard, take longer to prepare and contain more ingredients: eggs, milk, sugar, flour, butter. But if you use various flavors, dyes, and all kinds of additives, you can endlessly create a variety of delicious cream recipes, each time surprising your guests and loved ones with new desserts. You can add cocoa powder to the same cream with condensed milk, and you will get a delicious chocolate layer for cakes or sponge cakes.

Often creams become not only a tasty filling for cakes and other confectionery products. Arranged in beautiful bowls and decorated with nuts, dried fruits, fresh berries or chocolate, they become delicious desserts, loved by both children and adults.

A simple custard recipe. In addition to soaking sponge cakes, it can also be used as an independent dessert. This cream is good for filling various cakes, such as eclairs or straws. And if you put the custard in the freezer, it will turn out to be real ice cream. Add a little vanilla - this will improve the taste and aroma of the cream.


  • milk - 2.5 l;
  • sugar - 800 g;
  • yolks - 10 pcs.;
  • potato starch - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour 2 liters of milk into a saucepan with a thick bottom and put on fire.
  2. Place the yolks in a separate bowl, mix with sugar, and beat until fluffy using a mixer. Beat until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Pour ½ liter of cold milk into the sugar-yolk mixture. Beat everything again.
  4. Add flour and starch, mix well.
  5. When the milk in the pan has already reached a boil (but is not boiling), pour in the beaten yolks in a thin stream. At the same time, constantly stir the cream.
  6. Cook over low heat, bring the resulting cream to a boil, stirring constantly. After bubbles appear on the surface of the mass, cook for another 3 minutes and remove the pan from the stove.
  7. Cover the cream with cling film, cool and use to soak the cakes.

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Delicate cottage cheese-orange cream has a simply fabulous taste. Any dessert based on it literally melts in your mouth. Excellent for chocolate sponge cakes, filling baskets and other cakes. The cream can be served as an independent dessert, sprinkled with orange zest, grated chocolate or cocoa powder.


  • cottage cheese - 600 g;
  • orange - 2 pcs.;
  • cream - 200 ml (over 33%);
  • sugar - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • gelatin - 20 g;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or beat with a blender so that no small fractions remain.
  2. Soak gelatin in half a glass of cold water.
  3. Peel the oranges, remove the seeds, cut into pieces. Using a blender, make puree, add sugar (2 tbsp.), Mix well.
  4. Heat the gelatin, but do not boil until completely dissolved, add to the orange puree.
  5. Whip the cream and add to the mashed cottage cheese.
  6. Add the remaining sugar, lemon juice, orange puree and gelatin to the cottage cheese. Mix the cream well and use.

Sour cream combines quick preparation and a delicate, slightly sour taste. Thanks to this amazingly tasty and very simple cream, the cake always turns out incredibly airy and fluffy. The cream is well suited for dry biscuits, such as honey cake. An important nuance: before soaking the cakes, put the cream in the refrigerator for at least 60 minutes.


  • sour cream - 500 ml (25% fat);
  • powdered sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • vanillin.

Cooking method:

  1. Place sour cream, vanillin and powdered sugar in a separate container. Mix well with a spoon until smooth.
  2. Beat with a mixer at medium speed for 10-15 minutes. The mass should at least double.
  3. If desired, add chopped nuts, fruits, berries, coconut flakes or grated chocolate.

This cream has remained popular for decades. The secret of his success is clear. The cream always works, it’s quickly prepared from simple ingredients, and is great for soaking cakes and for creating various decorations for dessert. Moreover, it is also very tasty. If you want to make chocolate cream, add a little cocoa powder.


  • butter - 200 g;
  • condensed milk - 1 can;
  • vanilla sugar - 1 sachet;
  • liqueur - optional.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it warms up to room temperature. If you want to speed up the process, cut the butter into small pieces.
  2. Place the softened butter in a separate bowl. Using a mixer, beat the ingredient until it becomes completely homogeneous and soft.
  3. Add condensed milk and a bag of vanilla sugar. You can use regular condensed milk or take boiled condensed milk. To give the cream an interesting taste and aroma, add a little liqueur.
  4. Beat the cream for another 10-15 minutes. The finished cream should hold its shape well and have a uniform consistency.
  5. We soak the cakes with cream and use a pastry bag to make all kinds of decorations for the dessert.

Now you know how to prepare biscuit cream according to a recipe with a photo. Bon appetit!

Homemade cake is the most delicious dessert in the world. Even a cake prepared according to a simple recipe from the family archive can become a real culinary masterpiece if it is soaked in delicious cream. Pay attention to the useful recommendations of experienced chefs who know how to deliciously prepare sponge cream, and then your cake will always be the highlight of any home celebration or holiday:
  • The more sugar you add to the sour cream, the thicker its consistency will be. If you want to make a thin cream, use store-bought sour cream; thick cream is made from rich homemade sour cream.
  • When whipping sour cream, the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you risk getting butter.
  • Before preparing sour cream, remove excess liquid from sour cream. To do this, transfer it to gauze folded in several layers and hang it so that the whey flows out. This procedure takes several hours. If you want to speed up the process, add a couple of tablespoons of dry cream when whipping sour cream. They will give the cream the necessary thickness.
  • To make creams, it is best to use powdered sugar rather than sugar. It is easy to prepare in a blender or buy at the store.
  • Cottage cheese should only be used fresh. It must be whipped in a blender or rubbed through a sieve until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  • Any cream can be served in bowls, sprinkled with nuts, grated chocolate, and garnished with fresh or canned berries. Children especially love these desserts.

Biscuit is perhaps the simplest and most versatile baked product for creating a dessert. Cakes and pastries are assembled from sponge cake layers, and rolls are rolled from thin layers of sponge dough. And an ordinary, whipped up sponge cake can decorate any tea party.

Cream is the most delicious part of any dessert. It soaks the biscuit dough, filling it with extra sweetness and special taste. A dry sponge cake coated with cream becomes softer and more tender; you can not only fill desserts with cream mixtures, but also decorate them. Often, creams prepared according to a special recipe are used to prepare the surface of cakes before decorating with mastic.

The selection contains the simplest recipes for biscuit creams, using which you can quickly create your own original dessert.

General principles for preparing simple creams for biscuits

There are many complex and simple options for biscuit cream. A properly selected recipe is by no means everything. To make the cream tasty, fluffy and homogeneous, you must comply with the basic requirements. All products for cream must be exclusively fresh and of high quality. Strict adherence to technology and recommended temperature conditions are also mandatory.

Protein creams. Since the creamy mass is not subject to heat treatment, it is recommended to thoroughly wash off the dirt from the eggshell with warm water, and it is best to do this using soda. You should break the shell carefully, trying not to damage the film holding the yolk - even the smallest amount of it, if it gets into the whites, will interfere with high-quality whipping.

Custards. The base of such a creamy mass must be prepared in a non-enamel pan and it is advisable to ensure that the container has a double bottom. It is recommended to use a wooden spoon with a long handle for stirring. Before cooling, the surface of the hot base or ready-made cream should be lightly sprinkled with fresh powdered sugar or covered with film. If this is not done, the surface will become weathered and covered with a dry film (crust).

Oil creams. Prepared with butter. It should be with the highest available percentage of fat content and of high quality. Otherwise, when whipping, it may separate. Before using the butter, be sure to keep it warm for some time to soften it.

Butter creams. Prepared by whipping cream with various additives. The main requirement is the use of high-quality, fatty, 35% cream. When using a product with reduced fat content, the cream will turn out liquid.

Sour cream. The cooking principle is similar to butter cream technology. The requirements for the main product are identical - freshness, quality, high fat content. The higher this indicator, the thicker and more stable the cream.

Curd cream. The fat percentage doesn't really matter. The main requirements are for the quality and graininess of the cottage cheese. It is advisable to take a non-dry, elastic product.

The process of whipping any cream should occur gradually. Initially using the minimum speed of the mixer. The speed should be increased gradually. If curdling occurs during the process of whipping cream based on cream or fermented milk products, place the mass on a sieve lined with gauze. Try to beat again only when all the liquid has disappeared.

You can add any flavoring additives to simple biscuit creams. It can be vanilla, berries, chocolate, cocoa, chopped citrus zest, nuts. For coloring, you can use berry or vegetable juice or factory-made food coloring.

Simple custard for sponge cake with condensed milk


White chocolate bar – 100 g;

A teaspoon of vanilla sugar;

Two spoons of regular milk;

180 gr. butter, preferably 72% butter;

300 gr. whole condensed milk.

Cooking method:

1. Break the chocolate into pieces and place in a bowl. Add a third of the butter and place in a water bath. Stirring, heat until the chocolate is completely melted in the melted butter.

2. Pour regular milk into the buttery mass and continue to heat, still stirring, for 2 minutes. Remove from the bath and set aside for five minutes to cool.

3. In a separate bowl, beat the remaining butter with condensed milk until smooth. Add the cooled butter mass, vanilla - mix thoroughly with a mixer.

Simple biscuit cream: chocolate ganache recipe


Cream with a fat content of at least 22% – 400 ml;

Creamy natural, high-quality butter – 50 g;

450 grams 96% chocolate.

Cooking method:

1. Break the chocolate bar into squares, cut them into smaller pieces with a knife and put them in a bowl.

2. Warm the cream over medium heat. Do not boil; as soon as the first bubbles rise - signs of boiling - remove the cream from the stove and pour into the chocolate. Leave for two minutes.

3. Monitor the temperature of the cream. If they are not hot, chocolate lumps will appear, which are impossible to get rid of. The ganache will have to be strained.

4. Add softened butter to the chocolate melted in the cream and mix everything thoroughly with a mixer.

5. Chocolate ganache is ready. It can be used immediately if needed to coat the surface of the cake. To frost the cakes, place the ganache in the refrigerator for half an hour - it will become denser and softer.

Simple biscuit cream with caramel flavored cream


Unrefined sugar – 200 gr.;

150 gr. frozen homemade cream or butter;

Liquid cream, fat content not lower than 22% – 300 ml;

Vanilla powder.

Cooking method:

1. Distribute the sugar evenly over the bottom of a thick-walled saucepan. Place the container on low heat. Stirring, heat, waiting for the crystals to completely melt, then boil a little more so that the syrup acquires a beautiful brownish tint.

2. At the same time, at minimum heat, warm up the cream.

3. While actively stirring the sugar syrup, pour hot cream into it in a thin stream. Pieces of caramel may form, do not stop heating, they will dissolve on their own.

4. When the creamy mass begins to thicken, remove the saucepan from the stove and pour the contents into a bowl. Cool slightly, then strain and place in the cold for a while. Take it out when the consistency becomes similar to a thick sauce.

5. In a separate bowl, beat the softened butter until shiny. Then, without stopping whisking, add the caramel mass one teaspoon at a time.

6. This cream is good not only for coating sponge cakes, it can also be used to decorate ready-made desserts. The cooled cream holds its shape well and does not flow when left indoors for a long time.

Simple cream for sponge cake made from sour cream and butter


Homemade, unthickened sour cream – 200 gr. (you can take the factory one, 30%);

Half a glass of sugar;

200 gram pack of high-fat butter.

Cooking method:

1. Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance. After warming up to room temperature, cut it into thin slices and add to the sour cream.

2. Gradually adding sugar, beat the sour cream until smooth. The result should be a non-spreading, fluffy mass.

3. Before applying to the biscuit, be sure to cool the sour cream in the refrigerator.

Simple cream for biscuit on whites under mastic


Eight proteins;

Half a kilo of sweet butter;

400 gr. sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Beat the whites until fluffy with a small pinch of salt. In the process, gradually add sugar to the proteins.

2. Place the resulting air mass in a water bath. While whipping, warm up slightly (up to 30 degrees). Then remove from the stove and continue whisking for another quarter of an hour.

3. Beat the butter separately and transfer the mixture to the whites. Using a mixer, we achieve homogeneity of the protein cream.

4. The cream is well suited for coating a dessert if you plan to decorate it with mastic. When in contact with such a surface, jewelry does not melt or slide down it.

Simple chocolate cream for sponge cake: recipe with cocoa


Half a liter of milk;

90 grams of starch;

Two spoons of cocoa powder;

Half a glass of sugar;

Butter, 72%, oil – 30 gr.;

1 gram vanilla powder.

Cooking method:

1. Pour 300 ml of milk into a large non-enamel saucepan and place on low heat. After heating, add cocoa, a pinch of fine salt and sugar to the milk. Add chopped butter and mix well. Bring to a boil, then continue to cook on lower heat for about three minutes. Stir the cream base constantly – it may burn.

2. Dissolve starch in the remaining cool milk. Stirring the hot mixture intensively, pour in the starch mixture in a thin stream, bring the thickening cream to a boil and immediately remove from the stove.

3. After letting it cool a little, add vanilla to the chocolate cream. Leave until completely cooled, covering the surface of the creamy mass with film.

Simple cream for sponge cake with mascarpone


Fat, 33%, cream – 300 ml;

250 gr. cheese, Mascarpone variety;

Five tablespoons of sugar (125 grams).

Cooking method:

1. Move the package of cream from the general compartment of the refrigerator to the freezer for a quarter of an hour.

2. After cooling, pour the cream into a clean bowl, add sugar and beat.

3. We carefully monitor the process, trying to avoid switching to maximum speed. If you vigorously whip the cream, it can quickly turn into butter.

4. Having received a fluffy mass, add mascarpone and, using a mixer, slowly mix the cheese with the creamy base.

Simple cream for dark cottage cheese biscuit with cherry flavor


Non-grain 9% cottage cheese – 300 gr.;

Small lemon;

Half a liter of 22% cream;

20 gr. instant (granulated) gelatin;

Powdered sugar – 125 gr. (5 tbsp);

Cherry juice – 70 ml;

300 gr. pitted cherries.

Cooking method:

1. For the cream, you can take fresh, frozen or canned cherries in their own juice. Thaw frozen berries in advance in air at room temperature; remove seeds from fresh cherries.

2. Fill the gelatin with warm water so that it completely covers it, and leave until the desired moment. The granules should swell well.

3. Pour boiling water over the lemon and wipe dry. Using a fine grater, scrape the zest from the citrus, then cut the fruit and squeeze out the juice. We filter out the remaining pulp and remove any seeds that are caught in it.

4. Whip the chilled cream until fluffy.

5. Grind the cottage cheese using a thin metal sieve. Add powdered sugar and mix thoroughly.

6. Separate three tablespoons of the curd mass, mix it with gelatin and, putting it back, mix. Add lemon zest, cherry juice, freshly squeezed citrus juice and blend until smooth. You can use a mixer.

7. Gently fold whipped cream into the resulting cream base. Set one third of the prepared cream aside, and mix the remaining cream mass with the cherries.

8. Coat the biscuit cakes with cream containing berries, and coat the sides and top of the dessert with the one without cherries.

Tricks for preparing simple biscuit creams - useful tips

Whisking the cream is tedious. A mixer or blender will help to significantly speed up and facilitate the process.

You should not use aluminum containers to prepare the cream. The creamy mass may acquire a characteristic metallic taste and darken. The best utensils for whipping the cream mass are glass containers.

Do not keep the oil warm. It should just soften a little, not melt. If the fat begins to shine and float, return it to the refrigerator to harden a little.

If you forgot to take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance, grate it on a coarse grater. The fat will quickly soften, and in just five minutes it will be possible to prepare cream from it.

They are the basis of many amazing desserts. But far from the most important. The taste of the finished cake is directly determined by the cream and various fillings used.

We offer recipes for making cream for sponge cakes and, as a result, options for desserts that taste completely different.

Delicious cream for ready-made sponge cakes


  • whipping cream with a high percentage of fat content – ​​650 g;
  • oranges;
  • any jam or jam.


To prepare such a cream, we need cream that whips well and turns into a fluffy foam. We will beat them without adding granulated sugar.

We cut the marshmallows into mugs, each time moistening the knife blade with cold water. Peel the oranges and also chop them into rings.

We coat each cake initially with any jam or jam, lay out a layer of marshmallow circles, coat the top with whipped cream, now a layer of orange circles and again cream. Cover with the second cake layer and repeat all steps in the same way a second time. Then cover with the third cake layer and decorate the top of the cake to your liking.

Recipe for custard for soaking sponge cakes


  • milk – 520 ml;
  • granulated sugar – 210 g;
  • wheat flour – 65 g;
  • chicken eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • vanilla sugar – 15 g.


Beat eggs with granulated sugar until fluffy. Then add wheat flour and mix with a whisk until the flour lumps are completely dissolved. Then pour in the milk, add vanilla sugar, mix and place the bowl with the mixture on the fire. Heat the contents, stirring continuously, until thickened, but do not let the cream boil.

When ready, cool the cream completely and use it as intended, spreading it over the sponge cake layers to make the cake.

How to prepare cream for sponge cakes from butter and boiled condensed milk?


  • butter – 190 g;
  • boiled condensed milk – 380 g;
  • vanilla sugar – 15 g;
  • cognac or Madeira – 90 ml.


Take the butter out of the refrigerator in advance and let it soften thoroughly at room temperature. Then mix it with vanilla sugar, boiled condensed milk, add cognac or Madeira and beat everything well using a mixer or blender. The cream for the sponge cakes is ready. It can be supplemented when assembling the cake with pieces of fresh fruit, dried fruit or nuts.

Sour cream for sponge cakes with condensed milk


  • sour cream with a fat content of more than 25% – 520 g;
  • condensed milk – 420 g;
  • butter – 120 g.


In a suitable container, mix condensed milk with butter, set over medium heat, heat, stirring, until boiling and boil for about seven minutes. Then let the mixture cool completely, add sour cream whipped until fluffy and stir until a homogeneous cream is obtained. If desired, you can add vanilla or vanilla sugar to it, and also add pieces of fruit or berries when forming the cake.

Everyone's memories are different. Because the composition of the dough, if it changes, is insignificant, but there can be many variations of the filling. And it is she who will give the “sweet note of celebration” a special zest and originality. An experienced housewife always has recipes for cream for sponge cake “on her toes” - to surprise friends and family with something new. This is the most commonly used butter, and low-calorie curd, and “whipped cream” that melts in your mouth, and delicate custard or protein fillings - the sponge cake is good because it goes with almost anything. Each type of cream can be further diversified. By adding a little rum or cognac to the oil, we get a noble bitterness.

The five most commonly used ingredients in recipes are:

Vanilla will brightly decorate cottage cheese or custard. Sweetened condensed milk is good to use with sour cream or cream. A spoonful of cocoa can change the taste of your dish beyond recognition. That’s probably why everyone loves making these desserts so much. Uncomplicated in their execution, due to the variety of ingredients they turn out to be completely different from each other. You can add fresh fruit to your treat. The sourness of kiwi or cherry will highlight its taste. Banana, peach, pineapple will complement and reveal the elegance of the delicacy. Walnuts, almonds, coconut flakes will be an amazing highlight. And grated or hot chocolate can be a secret ingredient for any chef who wants to surprise others with a real masterpiece. When preparing a sponge cake, trust your imagination and grateful guests will probably offer up empty plates for more.
