Madame du Barry cream soup. Delicate taste of France: cream soup "Madame Dubarry". Creamy cauliflower soup

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

This soup blew my mind. This is the quintessence of delicacy and the highest, angelic form of cauliflower. Its incredibly creamy texture contains virtually no calories, although this is hard to believe if you don’t know what it consists of. The white, airy, perfectly smooth background and red drops make it irresistibly elegant, elegant, and sophisticated. Its taste is delicate, and its eggs scream. It’s just not clear how to reconcile all this divine beauty with our corruptible world. This one is very tasty.

How to reconcile? I met him quite recently. I liked it. But I'm a girl. The child really liked it, but he has been accustomed to pureed soups since childhood. But all the other people at the table - there are a lot of risks. Although this soup could decorate the New Year's table. It's full of aesthetics. But I don’t know, of course, who will be at your table. There will be people at my table who will look at this, pat me on the head, blessed, and pick up a pickled mushroom on a fork, out of harm’s way.

They say that Madame DuBarry invented the soup. Madame, a child of 18th-century Paris, loved fine cuisine, experimented a lot with her chef and ran a haute cuisine salon. Evil tongues say that it was through the stomach that she found the way to the king’s heart. Be that as it may, the king chose her and fell at her lovely feet. But this didn't make her happy. She, unfortunately, ended her life on the chopping block. On a cold December day, her blood sprinkled the cold, fresh snow. And in memory of this, the white tenderness of her creation, which has gone down in history, is sprinkled with scarlet drops of salty, flashy caviar.

After this, I can’t write to you here that this cream soup by Madame DuBarry, recipe with photo with cauliflower, is ideal for feeding a baby, well, without caviar. But it fits. Just make one plate for yourself somehow, and you will understand that it is inevitable in your life. Beautiful. And remember poor, rebellious Madame DuBarry, crumpled, swept away by the whirlwind of the French Revolution.


- cauliflower – 1 pc.,
- leek – 1 pc.,
- milk – 500 ml.,
- chicken broth – 500 ml.,
- butter – 100 gr.,
- cream 10% - 100 ml.,
- red caviar – 20 gr. (for serving),
- parsley – 20 gr. (for serving),
- salt, pepper (white) - to taste.

Yield: 4 servings

Recipe with photos step by step:

Look, everything here is white. It is important. The soup should turn out white as snow.
I put water and salt to boil in a small saucepan. There should be enough salt to taste, a little more than you want to taste later in the small inflorescences of cauliflower, which we will blanch in this boiling water.

I disassembled the cabbage into inflorescences. Larger ones will be boiled into cream, and the smallest tender tops will be blanched and will give the texture of the soup.

Small inflorescences, as soon as the water boils, I blanch for literally 2 minutes.

And then I’ll put them in a colander and into ice water so that they stop cooking and retain a little pleasant crunchiness. Look at this one too.

Melt butter in a saucepan over medium heat. This soup is very delicate, so I won't fry anything to a crisp. This is contraindicated. I will languish everything gently.

While the oil is heating, and it should not burn, I take the white part of the leek.

The green part will make the soup greenish.

I cut into half rings and sauté in oil over low heat until soft.

Finely chopped garlic - go there.

White pepper (black is not the right color).

When the onion is ready.

Cauliflower, salt, milk and broth. Be sure to try it.

When the inflorescences are cooked, and not before, I add cream. And I immediately take it off. Cream with a fat content of less than 33% curdles due to temperature.

I break Madame DuBarry's cream soup, recipe with photo with cauliflower, into a uniform cream (solid and liquid should be taken in equal proportions).
I add dried blanched inflorescences.

I try not to think about the vicissitudes of fate.

I came across Cream DuBarry soup (more precisely, Creme DuBarry) in a very interesting source - in a manual for Soviet culinary specialists on how some dishes should be called in a new way, without any of these French lordly quirks. So, this dish was translated from bourgeois Russian to Soviet Russian as “Grated cauliflower soup.” Comrades, this is a classic cauliflower soup!!! Which is already more than two centuries old. Of course, I was interested to try what the favorite of the King of France pampered herself with there! To you too? Then let's make Dubarry soup.

There is nothing complicated with our kitchen appliances; we can do without cooks. No, well, with cooks, of course, it would be cooler... and with a majordomo... and with a couple of lackeys of some sort... bring a tureen in white gloves, open the lid, pour it into a plate with a ladle... but to taste All this, I think, does not affect solely self-esteem!

Cut green onions.

Over low heat (the French source emphasizes at every step that browning should never be allowed!) simmer the green onions in butter until softened.

Add flour, rub thoroughly with a spatula, brew over low heat, avoiding darkening.

We begin to pour in the broth while constantly rubbing with a spatula. First, pour in small portions, then gradually increase the amount of broth. Stir each new portion until completely homogeneous. We keep the fire so as to prevent darkening.

Add the cauliflower and cook the soup for 40 minutes over low heat, covered, until the cabbage is completely softened.

At the next stage, this soup used to be strained through a special metal sieve. But we puree it either with a mixer or a food processor, that's all. In this case, however, the onion will also be chopped. In the old version it was visible.

Next comes a very interesting thing! Two egg yolks are stirred into the crème fraîche. Well, or in very heavy cream, if you don’t have that crème fraîche. Normal Russian sour cream will not work here, it is too sour. Well, technologically its production is also different from the French product.

And this cream of yolks and creme fraiche is mixed into the puree soup, further thickening it. There is no longer any need to heat the soup, just stir in the yolk mixture until completely dissolved - that’s all.

You should eat Dubarry cream soup right away, or let it wait for serving under the lid, but not for long. It forms foam very quickly, so don’t show it comme il faut to guests.

It is believed that this exquisite French soup was invented by Marie-Jeanne DuBarry to preserve the then fashionable pale skin tone. Now, fortunately, the presence or absence of a tan is a personal matter for each woman, and soup is just soup. But what!


  • Frozen cauliflower - 300 g;
  • leek - 1 piece;
  • water - 300 ml;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • celery stalk - ½ piece;
  • carrots - ½ piece;
  • smoked bacon - 70 g;
  • thyme - 1 sprig;
  • bay leaf - 1 pc;
  • milk - 100 ml;
  • cream 10% - 50 ml;
  • butter - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 70 ml;
  • flour - 30 g;
  • baguette - 150 g;
  • parsley - 20 g;
  • black pepper - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.


1. Prepare the broth: chop the onion, carrots and celery, put it in a saucepan, fill it with cold water and put it on the stove. Add a piece of bacon or pork belly to the vegetables - this will add piquancy to the soup.

2. Season the broth with thyme and bay leaf. Bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer.

3. Prepare onion rings for decoration. Cut the onion into thin rings, roll in flour and fry until golden brown. Place on a paper towel and set aside.

4. Cut the leek into rings and fry in a saucepan in butter over low heat. Then add the cauliflower florets to the pan.

5. Immediately pour in a small amount of strained broth and milk, cook for 10-15 minutes. As soon as the cabbage becomes soft, remove from the stove and puree with a blender. Add salt, then return to the stove and add hot cream. Warm up a little and puree again.

6. Serve the soup with croutons: cut the baguette into pieces and fry in a dry frying pan, pouring a small amount of olive oil on top. Decorate the plate with onion chips and finely chopped parsley.

Sometimes the menu of our virtual tavern includes very unusual dishes, such as this one - Dubarry Cream. An original and tasty dish of French cuisine with a sad history. Actually, on my own Dubarry soup(more precisely, puree soup) consists of cauliflower inflorescences boiled in milk and then pureed and sautéed chopped leeks. When serving, small cauliflower inflorescences, parsley leaves and a little red caviar, boiled until al dente (with a slight crunch), are added to the soup.

This is about the soup itself. And the sad story is about its author - Countess DuBarry. Despite her noble title, this lady, whose maiden name was Marie Jeanne Becu, is a commoner. It is known that in her youth she worked in an ancient profession, then she ended up at the court of Count DuBarry, where she was noticed by the loving monarch of France Louis XV, who then married this girl to the brother of Count DuBarry. It goes without saying that after this Countess DuBarry was presented to the court of the monarch, where she very soon turned out to be his favorite. Well, then everything is sad - Louis XV died, the countess ended up behind bars, after a while she was released, but during the revolution she was still executed. A curious and piquant detail is that the executioner who executed the countess had a relationship with her before she became a countess.

We will need:

  • - cauliflower - 1 fork,
  • - leek - 1 stalk,
  • - milk - 0.5 l,
  • - chicken broth - 0.5 l,
  • - butter - 100 g,
  • - cream 10% - 100 g,
  • - red caviar – 1 tbsp (optional),
  • - parsley - a few sprigs,
  • - ground black pepper - to taste,
  • - salt - to taste.
Rinse the cauliflower and separate into florets. Divide large inflorescences into smaller parts, leaving small ones as is. The question arises in my thoughts - what’s wrong with the stalk? In this case, nothing, but in Chinese cuisine you can grate it and add it to the minced meat for dumplings.

Pour water into a container of suitable volume, boil and add salt. Select a handful of small inflorescences and boil them for literally 1 minute in boiling water, then quickly remove, rinse with cold water and place in a container with water and ice. They will be needed a little later. The small florets should retain their crispness.

Rinse the leek trunk, separate the white part from the green part, it is the white part that we will need in the future. First cut the trunk in half lengthwise, then each half again in half lengthwise, then cut crosswise into pieces of about 0.5 cm.

Heat the butter in a frying pan or saucepan over medium heat, place the chopped leeks in the pan and, stirring, fry the onions until softened. At the same time, you need to watch so that the onions do not start to fry. This will affect the color of the soup and its taste.

If the onions were fried in a saucepan, then you can continue cooking the soup in it, but if the process continues in a saucepan, then transfer the sautéed onions into the saucepan, add milk and bring the milk almost to a boil over medium heat. Add the remaining cauliflower to the pan, reduce the heat to low and cook the cabbage and sauteed onion in milk for 5 minutes. The milk should gurgle slightly.
Then add the hot chicken broth to the pan and continue to simmer the soup for another 15 minutes or until the cauliflower is completely tender.

After this, remove the pan from the heat. Add salt and pepper to taste. Add finely chopped parsley (leaves only) and cream. Pour the soup from the pot into a blender with a jug. There are such kitchen devices for making pureed soups, smoothies, etc. You can use other methods if you don’t have such a blender. For example, separate the liquid from the vegetables and puree the vegetables in a regular blender, and then mix the liquid and vegetable puree in a saucepan and bring the soup to a boil. You can use an immersion blender directly in the pan, but still the best results come from a blender with a jug. Here, in fact, the cream soup is ready. Well, all that remains is to beautifully serve this tender and tasty soup on the table.

The soup is poured into a deep plate, a few parsley leaves, a handful of small blanched cauliflower inflorescences (we put it in a container with ice water at the very beginning) and a little red caviar are added. There was no red caviar in the Countess Duberry's original recipe. It was added later, as a reminder of the sad fate of the countess, who was executed by guillotine, and the red eggs symbolize drops of blood on the December snow at the execution site.

The soup is really very tender and tasty. The only negative is that it is stored for a very short time, no more than a day, and then in the refrigerator. In general, it is advisable to prepare the amount of this soup that you can consume at a time.

Sincerely, S. Zverev.


The recipe for this soup is attributed to Countess DuBarry, the favorite of King Louis XV. They say that it was she who made the French court happy with her introduction to cauliflower. Apparently, Madame knew a lot about cooking.

From the Le Cordon Bleu collection

Products for 4 servings:
small head of cauliflower (approximately 400 g)
15 g unsalted butter
small onion
white part of a small leek
15 g flour
750 ml milk
salt, pepper, nutmeg

To submit:
ghee or vegetable oil
4 slices bread, cut into cubes
50 ml heavy cream
fresh herbs (thyme or parsley)

1. Cut the cauliflower into pieces and set aside 100 g. Place the remaining cabbage (300 g) in a wide saucepan and add water (100 ml) so that the cabbage is completely covered. If there is not enough water, add milk. Place on fire and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for about 7 minutes or until cabbage is tender. Beat the cabbage along with the liquid in which it was cooked in a food processor or blender until smooth.

2. In a medium saucepan, melt the butter. Add finely chopped onion and leeks cut into thin rings. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat until the onion is translucent and completely softened. Sprinkle with flour, stirring over heat until lightly creamy. Remove from heat, pour in the remaining milk and mix thoroughly. Return the pan to the heat and, stirring constantly, bring to a boil. Add pureed cabbage to the pan, season with spices to taste. Remove from heat and cover with a lid.

3. Disassemble the remaining buds (100 g) into inflorescences. Bring salted water to a boil in a small saucepan, add cabbage (100 g) and cook for about 2 minutes. Remove and place in cold water, then set aside.

4. Cut the bread slices into cubes and fry in heated ghee or vegetable oil until golden brown. Place on paper towels and lightly salt.

5. Before serving, heat the soup (if too thick, add cream). Whip some heavy cream. Pour the soup into bowls, add cabbage florets, whipped cream, and croutons. Garnish with fresh herbs.

I swapped the order of actions a little, that is, first I boiled the small inflorescences, prepared the croutons (crackers) and only then started working on the soup itself. It was more convenient for me. And one more change I made - first I added only part of the milk to the pan with sautéed onions, beat everything with a blender, then added pureed cauliflower, the remaining milk, and then continued according to the recipe.

The most delicate creamy texture, juicy cabbage inflorescences that have retained their shape, croutons that melt in your mouth - soup harmony. Thank you Madame DuBarry, I made you happy. Try it too!
