Honey cake with cherries and sour cream. Honey cake with cherries, nuts, sour cream and Mr. Pickwick chocolate fudge. Cooking a dish step by step with photos

For the arrival of guests, I recently prepared a very tasty, beloved “Honey Cake” cake by many. I added cherries to it and I must say that honey cake with cherries is something completely special. Try and bake a wonderful cake according to my signature recipe, especially since no special products are required, and the baked goods turn out tender and magical in taste, with a pleasant cherry sourness. It goes perfectly with it (I have already told you how to prepare such a cream, and for those who missed it, follow the link and read it). Cherry is not included in the cream and cake layers; it is used as a layer. It must be a canned berry without a seed.

It is best to take cherries in syrup, strain the syrup and place the berries on cakes greased with cream. I would like to note that within the framework of this recipe, I will not focus on the technology for preparing sour cream cream, nor will I tell you for the hundredth time the recipe for kneading dough for honey cake. I will pay more attention to assembling the cherry honey cake.

Watch and read a detailed master class on preparing dough for honey cake (commonly known as Medovik cake).

After preparing the cakes, cool them, then coat them with sour cream, trying to add more cream. Layer each layer with cherries. Decorate the top of the cake with cherries, almond petals and nut crumbs. You can also use decoration options to suit your taste. When cut, the cherry honey cake turns out to be quite appetizing, and I also recommend decorating its top with cherries. What does a piece of this cake look like:

About the author:


Cake "Honey" is a classic and unique taste, familiar to everyone since childhood. It is considered the most popular cake in Russia. It is often prepared for children's parties. “Honey cake” is quite easy to prepare, and no special ingredients are required; everything can be found in the nearest store. I often prepare it for family holidays with sour cream or condensed milk cream. It's inexpensive, accessible to everyone and really tasty. This time I decided to try making “Honey cake” with cherries and cream. It turned out beautiful and very tasty!

I offer you 3 options for cream for “Medovik”: cream cream, sour cream and cream with condensed milk. Choose according to your taste. Each type of cream produces something tasty and original in its own way.


For the test

  • 300-500 gr. flour
  • 200 gr. Sahara
  • 2 eggs
  • 100 gr. butter
  • 2 tbsp. lie honey
  • 1 tsp. soda (without slide)
  • 300-400 gr. cherries in their own juice without seeds

For the cream cream

  • 0.5 or 1 liter of cream with 26% fat content
  • 300 gr. Sahara

For sour cream

  • 500-700 gr. sour cream 20%
  • 300 gr. Sahara

For condensed milk cream

  • 1-2 cans of condensed milk
  • 200 gr. butter


  1. Place butter, sugar and honey in a heatproof bowl.
  2. Place the bowl in a water bath and heat for about 5-6 minutes until the mixture is smooth and the sugar is partially dissolved.
  3. Add baking soda to the mixture and heat, stirring well, for 1 minute.
  4. Remove the bowl from the water bath, add the eggs and mix well with a whisk until smooth.
  5. Then add flour and stir. You should not add more flour than called for in the recipe, even if it seems like there is not enough flour. Warm dough absorbs a lot of flour, and when it cools, it will be tight.
  6. Place the bowl of dough in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  7. Take the dough out of the refrigerator and prepare the table for work: dust it with flour and divide the dough into 8-9 equal parts. Form the dough into balls and place on a floured board.
  8. Roll out the dough and cover with a plate. Mine was 25 cm in diameter. Cut it to the shape of a plate and remove the excess. Then prick the crust with a fork to prevent it from puffing up during baking.
  9. Bake the cake for 3-5 minutes until golden brown in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake all the cakes in this manner and cool them.
  10. Prepare the cream from the cream: pour the cream into the bowl and beat with a mixer for 6-10 minutes at highest speed.
  11. Assembling the cake: spread the cake with cream and put in the cherries (you need to drain the juice from them in advance). Then cover with the next cake layer, etc.
  12. Spread cream on top and sides of cake and garnish with cherries. Place the “Honey cake” with cherries in the refrigerator and let it brew for 6-12 hours.

An option, but this cake... something especially delicious!..

I liked this gorgeous cherry honey cake so much that, as soon as we finished the experimental version, I’m going to bake a honey cake with cherries again :) Delicate chocolate-honey cakes, soaked in sour cream, go wonderfully with juicy cherries and melt in your mouth...

It is sweet and sour cherries that best harmonize with the sweet layers of honey cake, and chocolate with cherries is a classic successful combination for baking! Tested using the examples of chocolate cake with cream, sponge cake with cherries and “Cherry Hill”!

Be sure to try the chocolate honey cake with cherries while the fresh berry season continues. Since cherries are not used in the dough, but for the filling, frozen ones are not suitable for this recipe. But ripe, fresh cherries straight from the branch are what you need!


  • 1 tablespoon honey;
  • 1 glass of sugar (200 g);
  • 65 g butter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 teaspoons of soda without top;
  • 2 tablespoons cocoa powder;
  • 500 g of flour (slightly less than 4 cups, 1 level glass contains 130 g of flour).

Depending on the characteristics of the flour, you may need a little more or less.

For cream:

  • 300-400 g sour cream (20-25%);
  • 4-5 tablespoons of powdered sugar (taking into account the sourness of the cherries);
  • 1-2 cups fresh pitted cherries.

How to bake:

How to make chocolate honey dough for cakes has already been described in detail in the recipe for Spartak cake, as well as chocolate honey cake with blackberries - also, by the way, a very tasty and beautiful cake!

For the cherry chocolate cake, do the same: melt honey, sugar and butter, stirring all the time, over a tiny fire in a non-stick saucepan (or in a water bath). When the mixture has melted, pour in the eggs beaten with soda and, continuing to stir, wait until the mixture begins to foam and rise, like boiling milk. Immediately remove from heat and knead soft dough that does not stick to your hands, gradually adding sifted flour and cocoa. While the dough is hot, knead with a spoon, then with your hands. You may need a little more or less flour. The dough should not be too stiff to roll out easily, but it should not stick either. Divide the chocolate dough into 7 parts, place in a bowl sprinkled with flour, cover with a towel.

Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 200C. On a sheet of high-quality parchment, roll out one portion of the dough into a circle about 2 mm thick. This time I came across siliconized parchment - you don’t even need to grease it. If the parchment is ordinary or the dough sticks to it, grease with vegetable oil or sprinkle with flour.

We move the parchment with the cake onto a baking sheet and put it in the oven.

Honey cakes bake very quickly: about 5 minutes. Therefore, while one is in the oven, roll out the second one. We check for readiness with a bamboo skewer - be careful, if the readiness of white cakes can be easily determined by the degree of goldenness, then this will not work with chocolate cakes - on a dark background it is not visible how browned the cake is. When the dough becomes dry, that’s enough, remove the cake layer, set the second one to bake, and immediately, while it’s soft, cut out a circle from the first one, using the pan lid as a template. This must be done quickly, since the honey cakes cool and harden at lightning speed, and will begin to crumble when slicing if you miss the moment. But in the cake they will soften again thanks to the cream.

So we baked a stack of chocolate honey cakes! Now let’s prepare the cherries: wash and pit them.

We’ll also make a cream by whipping thick sour cream with powdered sugar.

Let's collect the cake! Spread the cake with sour cream.

Place the cherry halves. If you put whole cherries, especially if they are large, the cake will turn out uneven and incredibly tall :)

Cover with the next cake layer, and so on for all 7. We also grease the top cake with cream and decorate with cherries.

Spread the remaining cream on the sides of the cake. Crumble the cake scraps and sprinkle the sides and top of the cake with fine crumbs.

At first the cake turns out very tall, and the cakes seem hard, but let it stand for an hour - and the cakes will soften, soaked in sour cream, and the cake will become just the right height for a piece to fit in your mouth :) And it will become amazingly tender!

Cut the chocolate honey cake with cherries into portions and carefully transfer to plates with a spatula.

Brew tea or coffee and invite your family to try this wonderful cake!

I think that if not everyone, then almost everyone loves honey cake :)

My MCH, for example, is ready to almost sell his soul for a honey cake :) As for the honey cake with cherries, this is a small change to your favorite cake.

Cherries add a slight sourness to the cake and make the cake taste even more delicious!


For the cakes:

  • 5 tbsp. flour
  • 5 chicken eggs
  • 1.5 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1.5 tsp. soda
  • 3 tbsp. honey
  • 70 g butter
  • A pinch of salt

For cream and filling:

  • 1 liter of homemade sour cream
  • 1.5 tbsp. Sahara
  • 0.5 l. jar of cherry jam


  1. Pour sugar into a deep container. Beat in the eggs.
  2. Beat eggs with sugar, add honey.
  3. Add butter, baking soda and a pinch of salt.
  4. Place in a water bath for about 15 minutes. Stir our mixture often.
  5. Remove the mixture from the heat and cool.
  6. Add flour little by little and knead the dough.
  7. Divide the dough into approximately 9 parts. Roll out a thin layer.
  8. Place the dough on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil and place in the oven at 180 C. The cakes are baked very quickly - literally a few minutes. (When the cake becomes a beautiful brown-golden color, this is a sign that it is ready).
  9. Remove from the oven and cut out the crust into a circle shape. This must be done immediately - as the cake cools, it will become harder.
  10. Let's start preparing the cream. Pour sugar into a deep container.
  11. Add homemade sour cream.
  12. Beat thoroughly with a mixer until the cream becomes thick.
  13. Let's start assembling the honey cake. Place the crust on a plate.
  14. Grease the cake with cream.
  15. Place the next cake layer.
  16. Grease the cake with cream again. Place the cherries in a colander and let the juice drain so that the cherries are more or less dry.
  17. Place cherries on top of sour cream.
  18. We continue to collect honey cake with cherries. Place cherries across one cake layer.
  19. Knead the cake scraps thoroughly.
  20. Pass the pieces through a meat grinder.
  21. We get fine honey crumbs.
  22. Sprinkle crumbs over our honey cake with cherries.
  23. Let the cake soak - the ideal option is to leave the honey cake in the refrigerator overnight.
  24. Cut the finished honey cake with cherries into pieces and serve!

Housewives who know how to bake honey cakes do not have to worry about preparing a delicious and original cake for their guests. Moreover, the same honey cakes in combination with different versions of cream result in completely different and unusual confectionery products. Today we will figure out how to prepare honey cake layers and learn how to make a honey cake with cherries using them.


You will need:

1/2 pack of margarine

2 eggs

1 glass sugar

2 tablespoons honey

1 teaspoon baking soda

3-4 cups flour


Stir margarine, eggs and sugar over heat. Then remove, add honey and put on fire again. Bring to a boil. Remove from heat again, add soda. After this, boil over a fire until foam forms. With them. When the mixture has cooled a little, add flour. Knead well, divide the finished dough into 8 parts (I make them round - this makes it easier to roll out later) and put in a plastic bag (the dough dries very quickly, so take out one “bun” at a time for baking). Roll out each “bun” thinly and bake in a frying pan or on a baking sheet in a hot oven. If you need to “adjust” baked cakes, then you need to do this immediately after you take them out of the oven, because they instantly harden and begin to break and crumble.

Ready-made cakes are good because they can be stored for a long time in a dry place. You can bake honey cakes “in reserve.” And they are soaked in cream (especially sour cream) quite quickly. So you can provide yourself with semi-finished products in case of unexpected guests or unexpected holidays.


You will need:

600 grams of sour cream (fat content not less than 25%)

1 glass sugar


Beat the sour cream (if you do this with a mixer, then use the lowest speed, otherwise the sour cream will become very liquid and then you will have to keep it in the refrigerator so that you can spread the cream on the cake, and not pour it over it). Gradually (without stopping whisking) add sugar. The cream is ready!

As for cherries, you can use either fresh or canned in their own juice or frozen. In any case, first put it in a colander and let the liquid drain. After this, cut the berries in half (or into 4 parts if you don’t want the cherry flavor to be too strong). You can add berries either to the cream or simply sprinkle them onto cakes greased with cream.

Decorate the top and sides of the cake with crumbs made from cake scraps or shortbread cookies (for example, you can use cookies with baked milk flavor or vanilla-cream flavor).

The finished cake should soak for at least 12 hours. Therefore, it is best to do it in the evening.

Serve your honey cake with cherries on the table - and praise will not be long in coming.
