Do I need to peel ginger before using it? How to properly get rid of thin skin? How to peel ginger Do you need to peel the ginger root before grating?

Ginger is increasingly used in the preparation of exotic and traditional dishes, added to tea, and serves as the basis for preparing refreshing drinks. At the same time, many housewives today do not know how to peel ginger, thereby unknowingly depriving themselves of an impressive portion of useful components and essential oils.

These substances are found in the precious pulp, close to the peel, so choosing the right tool is very important. Some people still cannot decide whether it is necessary to get rid of the root skin at all, if it is so thin and capricious. As practice shows, the correct answer to these questions is the key to obtaining the desired taste and aroma of the dish.

Do I need to peel ginger to make tea, jam, and other culinary delights?

Before peeling ginger, you need to decide for what purpose the product will be used. In this case, the following rules are used:

  1. Ginger for tea, refreshing drinks, candying and pickling does not need to be peeled. Otherwise, the product will lose the delicate taste that the cook is counting on.
  2. If there is no goal of using the entire root in the next few hours, then we do not peel off the skin. It is better to cut off the required amount of product and clean it.
  3. Root vegetables, the pulp of which will go directly into food, must be peeled. Without appropriate chemical exposure or long-term heat treatment, the skin will be ordinary dirt, devoid of all useful components.

Tip: It is strictly prohibited to purchase already peeled ginger root in a store, even if the product is vacuum-packed and looks very attractive. Such products contain practically no useful components and are absolutely useless for enhancing the aroma of tea.

Effective and gentle methods for cleaning ginger root

Cleaning ginger begins with preparing the root vegetable. It must be thoroughly rinsed in cool water (warm liquid will negatively affect the condition of the product) and dried. Next, take a sharp knife and carefully cut off all the bulges and branches from the tortuous formation. Small ones can be thrown away, large ones can also be used for cleaning, but it is better to use them to enhance the taste of jam, tea or lemonade.

Ginger root can be peeled using one of the following methods:

  • Using a spoon. The simplest and most gentle processing option, which is effective only on very ripe products. During cleaning, only the skin itself is removed and the nutritious pulp is not affected. We hold the root in one hand and the spoon in the other, with the thumb placed on the convex side of the instrument. We begin to scrape off the peel with confident movements, acting strictly in one direction. The depth of impact should be minimal.

  • Using a knife or straight razor. In this case, you need to act in the same way as in the method with a spoon, but the movements need to be performed as superficially as possible. The tool should be as sharp as possible. You should not try to peel ginger root like a potato, this way you can remove all the beneficial components.
  • Using a vegetable peeler. We use the tool in the traditional way, but be sure to control the thickness of the cut skin, it should not exceed 1-2 mm. Only high-quality new vegetable peelers or special slicers are suitable for this method.
  • Using steel wool. Take a washcloth designed for cleaning pots. It must be new, unused, and made of very thin wire. Place the ginger in a bowl of cool water and after a minute begin to rub the surface of the product. First we try to act in one direction. Only if this approach does not give the desired result, we begin to rub more intensely and change direction. The main thing is to maintain the same pressing force, otherwise you can cut the root in several places, depriving it of a significant part of the aromatic oils.

  • Using a thick brush. We take a toothbrush of maximum hardness, place the ginger root under running cool water and begin to rub the skin with active movements and light pressure. The approach may take a lot of time, but the end result will be the most optimal. With such an effect, only excess layers are removed, the pulp remains unaffected, so ginger retains the maximum amount of essential oils and beneficial components.

These recommendations are conditional. To determine the correct approach, you can try both options for using ginger - with and without peel. Both approaches to using the product are absolutely safe for health and do not cause any side effects.

Any product can lose its value if handled incorrectly. It is difficult to spoil ginger; its stable composition changes little during heat treatment or freezing, but everything has its own nuances. How to use ginger root correctly and what brewing methods are there?

Preparing Ginger Root

To understand how to brew ginger, one starts from the type of raw material, that is, using fresh, dried or ground. The root in its natural form has the highest value, since it fully retains all its constituent components, and these are vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, PP, micro- and macroelements, organic acids, pectins, dietary fiber, essential oils, flavonoids, etc. Ground ginger significantly reduces the amount of essential oils and vitamin C, but increases the content of concentrated organic salts ─ calcium, potassium, manganese, iron and others.

It is important to get the maximum benefit from each type of raw material, which is why there are different brewing options:

  • in a thermos;
  • in a cup;
  • in a teapot;
  • with pre-welding.

They take into account both the scope and objectives of ginger, for example, use for weight loss, strengthening the immune system, fighting colds, normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and others.

Fresh and ground ginger are suitable for brewing; their properties are almost the same.

Before brewing, ginger is peeled, but not always. Why do they do this? Firstly, to prevent the hard skin from getting into the food, which also has a bitter taste. Secondly, during transportation and storage, products could be treated with chemicals to maintain integrity and prevent spoilage. By removing the skin from ginger, you can remove some of the chemicals from the root vegetable.

It is better to peel the root vegetable with a vegetable peeler, which cuts off as thin a layer of skin as possible. This is important, since the main amount of essential oils is concentrated in the upper layers of the pulp. By the way, the younger the ginger, the thinner and more tender its skin and vice versa.

Should very young ginger be peeled? The young root has almost no skin, in this it is similar to early potatoes, so it is not necessary to peel it, especially if it is grown at home on a windowsill or in a greenhouse in the country. Such a product will definitely not cause harm to health, since it will not contain chemicals. The young root has several advantages over the old one.

  1. The pulp is more tender, lighter and contains few hard fibers.
  2. The skin is thin and easy to scrape off with a knife.
  3. The aroma is light, lemony, the taste is pleasant with a minimal sensation of bitterness.
  4. Ideal for pickling, making preserves, jam, and brewing.

How many times can you brew fresh ginger root? Like green tea, it can be re-infused. Sometimes the root vegetable is re-brewed in order to obtain a less pronounced smell and aroma, especially when it comes to old and hot root vegetables. Many lovers of ginger drinks who drink 2 cups in a row do not bother preparing the raw materials for the second cup; Just pour the contents of the glass again with a new portion of hot water and let it brew. Of course, the benefits of such a drink are already less.

Why is ginger brewed?

Why is ginger brewed and why does it have the maximum health benefits in this form? The root vegetable is a medicinal raw material, as evidenced by the name of the species whose rhizomes are sold in the store - pharmaceutical ginger. Therefore, first of all, the brewed product belongs to medicinal and preventive drinks.

A cup of aromatic and warming ginger tea is a good preventive and therapeutic remedy for ARVI

Teas and drinks are prepared for weight loss, increasing the body's resistance to infections, stress, and temperature changes. They are used to enrich the diet with vitamins, micro- and macroelements, and fight diseases such as:

  • indigestion;
  • slow metabolism;
  • headache;
  • intestinal infections;
  • internal inflammatory processes;
  • cold and cough;
  • elevated cholesterol levels, etc.

It is necessary to brew ginger in order to obtain a useful extract from it, because it is difficult to eat several slices of the root vegetable fresh due to its specific taste. In addition to health benefits, ginger also brings pleasure; many people like its taste.

Beneficial properties of ginger drinks

  • Hot tea with ginger perfectly warms the body, which allows you to cope with the first signs of a cold and prevent inflammatory processes.
  • For digestive disorders, unhealthy microflora of the stomach and intestines, ginger drinks destroy the pathogenic environment, cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of waste and toxins, neutralize the effects of poisons, and improve the production of digestive enzymes.
  • They help with severe PMS in women, eliminate spasms of smooth muscles, relieve pain in the mammary glands, and fight general malaise.
  • Strengthen the immune system, increase the body's response to infections, and improve overall tone.

All ginger drinks have a unique invigorating effect, a stimulating effect on the digestive and immune system, replenish the deficiency of many vitamins, micro- and macroelements, and also activate brain activity.

Rules and methods for brewing fresh ginger

The best, but longer option is considered to be brewing fresh root in a thermos. This way, all the useful components are extracted from it, which are absorbed faster and better when warm. One main rule applies here: the water must be hot, maximum temperature 70 degrees. In this way, you can brew ginger with lemon, honey and some other ingredients, which contain many vitamins, the amount of which is reduced when brewed with boiling water.

Use a glass thermos, put crushed ginger root in it and fill it with hot water in the amount of 1 liter per 1 tablespoon of raw materials. You can also add a few slices of lemon, lime, or orange. It is correct to brew ginger without sugar. You need to keep the ingredients in a thermos for 30 minutes. This is enough for the ginger to give up all its valuable components, and the drink itself does not acquire an overly bitter and pungent taste. Do not over-expose – this is another important point when brewing the root. To keep the drink warm for a long time, it is filtered and returned back to the thermos without brewing. It is advisable to drink the resulting tea throughout the day and prepare a new portion the next day.

Most Europeans prefer to brew ginger in a teapot.

When brewed in a teapot, the result is not so much a valuable ginger extract, but a pleasant tea with less pronounced medicinal properties. Typically, ginger is brewed this way along with black or green tea. The root is crushed or cut into thin slices and poured with boiling water along with the tea leaves. If green tea is being prepared, the water temperature is lowered to 70 degrees, and only then is it poured into the teapot. Just wait 5-10 minutes and you can drink the tea drink. This drink is good with lemon and honey.

The simplest method of brewing is considered to be in a cup, when 1-2 slices of ginger are poured with boiling water along with tea leaves or as an independent ingredient for a drink. It can be consumed immediately as soon as the temperature of the liquid becomes acceptable for humans.

In some cases, it is recommended to cook ginger over low heat for about 5 minutes. This recipe is used to prepare a drink for pregnancy toxicosis. It concentrates substances that prevent attacks of nausea and vomiting, normalize the functioning of the digestive system and eliminate dizziness. Ginger for weight loss is prepared in the same way. Here, too, you need a concentrated drink, one that will speed up the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

Brew ground and dried ginger

One teaspoon of ground and dried ginger replaces 3 tablespoons of chopped fresh root vegetable. This should be taken into account when brewing any spicy drink. Take one teaspoon of spice per 500 ml of water maximum. It is always brewed with boiling water or boiled for about 10 minutes. Tea with ground spices always turns out cloudy, very spicy and hot in taste. It is good for colds, intestinal poisoning, and for weight loss.

To make the taste less pronounced, mint, lemon balm, lemon or orange are added to tea. In the summer you can make it, in which, in addition to water and ground spices, there is lemon juice, sparkling water and cane sugar. For 300 ml of boiling water, 1 tsp is required. spices, juice of 2 lemons, a glass of soda, sugar to taste. Ginger must be brewed with boiling water, infused, filtered and the rest of the ingredients added.

Ground root vegetables as tea leaves are valued for indigestion, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Rules of use

If a person does not suffer from a stomach ulcer, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic gastritis, or hypertension, you can drink ginger drinks as desired, but not more than 2 liters per day. For weight loss, it is recommended to drink the brewed root vegetable on an empty stomach in the morning and before each meal during the day.

For colds, warm tea is recommended, which is drunk in small portions, but often throughout the day. One and a half to two liters of liquid can be divided into 6-8 half-cup doses, regardless of meals. To strengthen the immune system and prevent colds, drink tea 2 times a day, morning and evening, no later than 2 hours before bedtime. In other cases, they drink teas, drinks, and lemonades according to any scheme, but within reasonable limits.

Brewing ginger is quick and easy. This process does not require special technologies and devices, and this is its beauty. Without effort and wasting time, you can get a rich concentrate of nutrients that will preserve health, youth and beauty.

A plant from the tropics, ginger is actively grown in China and India. People use it in cooking, medicine, and take it as a general tonic.

How to choose quality ginger

In order to get the maximum benefit from eating ginger, purchase only fresh product and be careful about the principles of its proper storage. There are 2 types of this product most often found on store shelves:

  • Indian: light, with smooth and thin skin. The pulp of this ginger is very juicy, pale yellow, and has a pronounced aroma.
  • African: dark, its skin is very dense and rough to the touch. The pulp has a more saturated shade of yellow color and tastes bitter.

To purchase a fresh product, it is important to be guided by the following principles when choosing it:

  • The root should not have a smell, especially unpleasant, indicating that it is already spoiling.
  • The entire surface of the ginger should be free of damage, mold, and other signs of deterioration. It should be even, smooth and even look juicy.
  • The skin should not have scales, its shade should be light or deep yellow.
  • The presence of sprouts on the surface indicates a long storage period; in this case, there is no need to talk about freshness. The product is unlikely to contain the required amount of essential oils and nutrients. Nevertheless, you can not throw it away, but plant it in a pot on the windowsill and grow it yourself.

As for ground ginger, which is obtained by drying and grinding, there are some subtleties here:

  • the packaging in which it is packaged must be intact and show no signs of damage;
  • it is important to look at the expiration dates and packaging of this product in time, so as not to purchase a product that is obviously expired;
  • It is best to choose a product that is packaged not in a bag (paper or plastic), but in a jar (glass or metal). In this case, by twisting it a little, make sure that the ginger is actually free-flowing and not compacted from age.

Pickled or dried spices should be chosen based on the following principles:

  • It is preferable to package the product in a plastic vacuum bag or glass jar, so the appearance of the ginger can be seen. In addition, these 2 types of packaging perfectly preserve not only the smell, but also the taste of the spice.
  • It is important that there is not too much marinade in the package (if we are talking about a pickled product). 30% is considered ideal. Unscrupulous suppliers may well put very few slices, but pour the marinade from the heart.
  • Be sure to pick up the jar and look at the light: the liquid in it should be transparent and have no signs of suspension or sediment (this will be evidence of its low quality).
  • It doesn’t hurt to consider the appearance of the ginger: all the pieces should be beautifully shaped, even, without dark spots. The natural color of the root can be light or deep yellow, but with the help of food coloring, the manufacturer can easily give it some other shades.

How to store different types of ginger

When you bring home a freshly purchased root, cut it open to assess its quality. Signs of a fresh product:

  • after the cut, a spicy aroma should appear;
  • drops of juice appear on the pulp;
  • when the root is broken, a characteristic crunch should be heard;
  • the shade of the pulp will say a lot about the youth of the plant (the lighter, the younger).

Fresh ginger

To preserve quality ginger unchanged, do the following:

  1. It is permissible to keep fresh root in the refrigerator, where it will keep well for at least 2 weeks. Provided that it was purchased at the appropriate level of freshness and quality. It would be a good idea to put it in a bag or fabric bag (for example, made of linen).
  2. Pre-wrap the cut root with a slightly moistened cloth and only then put it in the refrigerator. This method will help preserve all the vitamins and beneficial qualities of the spice for at least 7 days.
  3. You should not remove the ginger peel when storing it, because it is under it that all the vitamins are located.
  4. It is convenient to store ginger in the refrigerator, but for long-term storage, use the freezer. To do this, first cut the product into small slices. It is important to take into account the fact that when frozen, some of the nutrients may be lost.
  5. You can save fresh root this way:
  • clean a fresh specimen or soak a little dried one;
  • pour boiling water or cooking sherry over the root;
  • put in a jar that is hermetically sealed;
  • store in the refrigerator for 2 months.

As for dried ginger, its shelf life is much longer than fresh ginger; it can be kept at home for up to six months. This product can be prepared independently by simply drying the root in the sun. After this, put it in a paper bag or wrap it in cling film, the main thing is to choose a place where there will be no excess moisture, which can spoil the product in a short time. Before using dry ginger for cooking, soak some of it in water.

Pickled ginger

An open jar of such a product can only be stored in the refrigerator, and it is advisable to consume its contents within 1 month.


Ginger powder can be stored for about a year (check the packaging of each product for more details). It is important to create suitable conditions for it:

  • packaging tightness;
  • dryness of the surrounding area;
  • lack of direct sunlight;
  • the ambient temperature is not higher than 35 degrees.

Where to store ginger: in the refrigerator or freezer

Storing ginger at home is not at all difficult, the main thing is that there is a refrigerator with a freezer in the kitchen. For both types of storage, it is important to comply with a number of conditions.

  1. In a refrigerator:
  • It is mandatory to pack the product in cling film or a special bag with a zipper to prevent access to air;
  • before storing, remove all traces of spoilage from the root;
  • It is important not to put wet product in the refrigerator; dry it with a paper towel;
  • there is no need to remove the skin; it will keep the ginger from drying out;
  • the best place in the chamber will be the compartment for vegetables;
  • If these conditions are met, the product can be stored for 2–3 weeks or even longer.
  1. In the freezer:
  • if you need to store the root for more than 3 months, it is better to use the freezer;
  • this storage option is suitable if the root has been in the refrigerator for a long time (then you won’t feel sorry for the useful substances that will disappear when the temperature drops);
  • It is best to grate the root, the main thing is to clean it first;
  • Pack the grated product into containers that have been previously lined with food parchment;
  • there is no need to clean it, in addition, you can cut the product into washers;
  • Ginger should not be pickled before freezing; this is done after it has been defrosted;
  • Properly frozen root can be stored for about 6 months.

Methods for storing ginger

The aromatic root is stored not only fresh and frozen; people have come up with as many different options as possible for preserving its beneficial properties and taste.

In alcohol tincture

A very interesting exotic sauce is prepared this way:

  • peel the ginger root;
  • cut it into thin slices (no need to grate the root);
  • pour in any alcohol of your choice (vodka, white wine, moonshine, liqueur);
  • leave to infuse in a place where there is no access to sunlight for 2 weeks;
  • after this, store the infusion in the refrigerator for 2 months;
  • this liquid can be used to add to dishes and as a remedy;
  • Ordinary vodka complements the taste of ginger best;
  • If alcoholic drinks are not suitable, use lemon juice or rice vinegar for this product.

Ginger slices

To extend the shelf life of this valuable product, dry it as follows:

  • wash the ginger root thoroughly and dry it from water;
  • there is no need to clean it with a washcloth, just scrape off the skin;
  • now cut the product into slices of small thickness (a larger size may cause mold, which may cause the ginger to disappear);
  • proper preparation of ginger involves drying it in the oven, on a baking sheet previously covered with parchment;
  • dry the plates for at least an hour at a temperature of 50 degrees, then turn them over to the other side and leave them in the oven again for an hour;
  • after the slices begin to bend, finish drying;
  • store ginger slices in glass at room temperature for no more than 2 years;
  • This type of storage preserves all the beneficial properties of the spice better than others.

How to Preserve Ginger with Honey and Lemon

To preserve the general strengthening and healing properties of ginger, this method is excellent:

  • mix grated ginger with a spoon of honey;
  • honey will preserve ginger well and will not let it go to waste; it is preferable to sugar due to the presence of beneficial qualities;
  • the composition is stored in a glass container in the refrigerator for at least 2 months;
  • it is added to tea along with lemon or consumed 1 tsp. per day (you can also brew ginger tea directly from the root).

In the soil

A very unusual way to preserve the beneficial properties of a product in the soil. Store ginger root like this:

  • prepare a flower pot;
  • the soil in it should be dry;
  • place the root in the ground;
  • put the pot in a cool, dark place, ideally in the basement.

Making candied fruits

This storage method allows you to make the spice attractive to children:

  • Stir 50 grams in a glass of heated water. Sahara;
  • cut ginger into circles and place in syrup;
  • after it boils, cook it over low heat for half an hour;
  • now cool the syrup and remove the circles;
  • sprinkle the ginger with powdered sugar and place on a baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 50–60 degrees for 1 hour;
  • After cooking, cool the circles and store them in a glass jar.

How to grate ginger correctly

Peeling fresh ginger is not too difficult, but grating it is not so easy. The fibers of this product sometimes clog the grater, which makes the process very long. In this case, use this advice:

  • Pre-harvest the root and freeze it in the freezer;
  • after this, chopping will be much easier and you will prepare ginger for future use without much effort;
  • in this case, the output is a powder with a fairly crumbly consistency, and the fibers do not stretch and clog the grater.

Do I need to peel ginger before brewing?

Brewing the root in tea does not necessarily imply the need to peel the ginger. If you do this procedure, you should not expect the drink to develop a subtle aroma and unforgettable taste. In addition, a completely peeled product can spoil quite quickly.

The main thing is to thoroughly wash the product from external contaminants beforehand.

Do I need to peel ginger before chopping?

The need to peel ginger depends on several factors:

  • the peel always contains particles of dirt that are difficult to wash off in the usual way, even using soap;
  • if you plan to grind the entire root, for example, in order to pickle it later, peel the skin so that the product is more tender;
  • to create marinades or candied fruits, you do not need to peel the ginger, this way you can preserve the delicate aroma;
  • important point: do not clean the product in advance so that the beneficial substances and smell do not disappear from it.

How to tell if ginger has gone bad

You can determine that ginger has gone bad by the following signs:

  • fresh root: becomes soft, cracks, dents, stains or mold appear on it;
  • dry powder: cakes, ceases to be crumbly and volatile;
  • pickled: the brine becomes cloudy, sediment appears at the bottom;
  • candied fruits or flakes: become sticky or wet.

You should not eat such foods; not only will they not bring health benefits, they can cause additional harm. Such products should be disposed of immediately. And those purchased again should be kept at home in strict accordance with the advice and storage conditions.

Not really

Ginger is increasingly used in the preparation of exotic and traditional dishes, added to tea, and serves as the basis for preparing refreshing drinks.

At the same time, many housewives today do not know how to peel ginger, thereby unknowingly depriving themselves of an impressive portion of useful components and essential oils.

These substances are found in the precious pulp, close to the peel, so choosing the right tool is very important.

Some people still cannot decide whether it is necessary to get rid of the root skin at all, if it is so thin and capricious. As practice shows, the correct answer to these questions is the key to obtaining the desired taste and aroma of the dish. Do I need to peel ginger to make tea, jam, and other culinary delights?

Before peeling ginger, you need to decide for what purpose the product will be used.

In this case, the following rules apply: Ginger for tea, refreshing drinks, candying and pickling does not need to be peeled.

Otherwise, the product will lose the delicate taste that the cook is counting on. If there is no goal of using the entire root in the next few hours, then we do not peel off the skin. It is better to cut off the required amount of product and clean it. Root vegetables, the pulp of which will go directly into food, must be peeled.

Without appropriate chemical exposure or long-term heat treatment, the skin will be ordinary dirt, devoid of all useful components.


It is strictly prohibited to purchase already peeled ginger root in a store, even if the product is vacuum-packed and looks very attractive. Such products contain practically no useful components and are absolutely useless for enhancing the aroma of tea.

Effective and gentle methods for cleaning ginger root

Cleaning ginger begins with preparing the root vegetable. It must be thoroughly rinsed in cool water (warm liquid will negatively affect the condition of the product) and dried.

Next, take a sharp knife and carefully cut off all the bulges and branches from the tortuous formation. Small ones can be thrown away, large ones can also be used for cleaning, but it is better to use them to enhance the taste of jam, tea or lemonade.

Ginger root can be peeled using one of the following methods:

Using a spoon.

The simplest and most gentle processing option, which is effective only on very ripe products.

During cleaning, only the skin itself is removed and the nutritious pulp is not affected.

We hold the root in one hand and the spoon in the other, with the thumb placed on the convex side of the instrument.

We begin to scrape off the peel with confident movements, acting strictly in one direction. The depth of impact should be minimal. Using a knife or straight razor. In this case, you need to act in the same way as in the method with a spoon, but the movements need to be performed as superficially as possible.

The tool should be as sharp as possible.

You should not try to peel ginger root like a potato, this way you can remove all the beneficial components.

Using a vegetable peeler.

We use the tool in the traditional way, but be sure to control the thickness of the cut skin, it should not exceed 1-2 mm.

Only high-quality new vegetable peelers or special slicers are suitable for this method. Using steel wool. Take a washcloth designed for cleaning pots. It must be new, unused, and made of very thin wire.

Place the ginger in a bowl of cool water and after a minute begin to rub the surface of the product.

First we try to act in one direction. Only if this approach does not give the desired result, we begin to rub more intensely and change direction. The main thing is to maintain the same pressing force, otherwise you can cut the root in several places, depriving it of a significant part of the aromatic oils. Using a thick brush.

We take a toothbrush of maximum hardness, place the ginger root under running cool water and begin to rub the skin with active movements and light pressure.

The approach may take a lot of time, but the end result will be the most optimal.

With such an effect, only excess layers are removed, the pulp remains unaffected, so ginger retains the maximum amount of essential oils and beneficial components. These recommendations are conditional. To determine the correct approach, you can try both options for using ginger - with and without peel. Both approaches to using the product are absolutely safe for health and do not cause any side effects.

Ginger is often used in cooking and is also added to tea and soft drinks. But at the same time, not everyone knows for sure how to properly peel ginger. Improper processing deprives the product of nutrients. Microelements are found in the pulp, which is closely adjacent to the thin peel. To get the maximum vitamins, you should know the processing rules.

The peel contains a large amount of vitamins and microelements. The peel contains essential oils that give food a delicious aroma. And it depends on what you are going to cook from ginger whether you need to remove the peel in this case or whether it is enough to just wash the product thoroughly under running water.

Before cleaning, you should decide for what purpose this product will be used. The processing method depends on the recipe. You should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Before brewing tea, you should not peel the peel, otherwise the ginger will lose its delicate taste, which many people like.
  • If the housewife only needs part of the root, she should cut off what is needed and clean it. When peeled ginger sits unused for a long time, it loses its beneficial properties. For the same reason, you cannot buy root vegetables already peeled. It quickly deteriorates, resulting in the inedible product having to be thrown away.
  • Before consuming the root vegetable in hot dishes, it is necessary to remove the peel. When it is subjected to heat treatment, it loses all useful substances and becomes an empty shell.
  • For vitamin mixtures without chemical treatments, removing the peel will be unnecessary. The same goes for salads: before chopping, rinse the roots thoroughly under cold water.
  • For pickling and candying, the peel must be removed. During the cooking process, it will lose most of its properties and turn into a dummy.

How to properly clean at home

Removing the skin from ginger root is difficult as it is very thin. If you cut off the excess, then most of the beneficial microelements will be lost. There are several ways to peel the root vegetable, depending on how you plan to prepare it and the condition of the peel.

Knife and spoon

This is the best method for cleaning root vegetables. You can only remove the ginger peel with a spoon if it is very young, as the peel will be easier to peel away from the pulp.

The root is taken in one hand and the spoon in the other. You need to peel off the skin with leisurely movements. You should not process one place several times, otherwise the useful pulp will disappear. The depth of movement should be as small as possible to remove only the skin.

You need to use a knife in the same way as a spoon. The blade should be as sharp as possible. You cannot peel root vegetables the same way as potatoes. In this way, the housewife will remove all vitamins and microelements from ginger. Even a straight razor will do. It is best to use a knife if the root is old, the peel is hard, and it is impossible to remove it with a spoon. However, when the housewife uses a blade, the loss of nutrients and elements increases.

Vegetable peeling

This versatile tool is good for removing peels. The most important thing is to control the thickness of the cut (no more than 1-2 mm). For this method, only a high-quality new tool or a professional kitchen slicer is suitable. Peeling ginger with this technique is much faster and easier.


Important! This tool can only be used if the root crop is young, since its peel is still soft and easier to clean.

Using slow movements, gradually remove the skin. If necessary, you can apply a little pressure on the brush, and the process will go faster, but do not be zealous. Cleaning ginger is carried out strictly under cold running water.

Iron wool or sponge

Do not use a product that has previously been used to wash dishes or kitchen appliances. The sponge should be new, made of thin wire.

The root vegetable should be placed in a bowl with cold water. After a minute you can start cleaning. First, it is cleaned with smooth movements in one direction. When actions do not bring the desired result, you should use a little force and change the direction of movements.

It is important to carefully monitor the pressure applied so as not to damage the pulp. Otherwise, you can grate the ginger to fine shavings. Most of the aromatic oils and esters evaporate from the damaged pulp, and the root crop loses its taste.

The work requires a lot of effort and time, but this method can significantly reduce the loss of microelements than using other means.

Positive qualities of ginger

Ginger is an excellent aid for weight loss. It increases blood circulation, thereby speeding up metabolic processes and improving digestion. If you use ginger infusions, then you will not need to give up a large number of foods. The root vegetable stimulates the digestive system, improves appetite, fights indigestion, belching and peptic ulcers.

The root vegetable copes well with colds and flu. It relieves nasal congestion, has an expectorant effect and has anti-inflammatory properties. Ginger helps with cough, and also lowers fever and destroys infection. This root vegetable can also be used for preventive purposes.

Ginger root lowers blood pressure. It thins the blood well, making the circulatory system function better. The root vegetable also saturates the brain with oxygen.
