Homemade hot chili sauce. Chili sauce: homemade recipes. Thai chili sauce: a universal recipe

Today, different varieties of pepper are grown in many warm countries. Most varieties, united under the common name “chili,” have a pronounced spicy taste. This name is applied not only to the vegetable itself, but also to sauces prepared on its basis. You can buy this seasoning at almost any grocery store. But it's not that difficult to make chili sauce at home. A huge variety of recipes allows everyone to choose a dish to their taste. Let's look at several popular and easy-to-follow cooking methods.

What is chili sauce?

Typically, chili sauce is based on a mixture of vegetables. Often the composition includes fresh tomatoes, but there are many recipes based on other vegetables: rotunda, bell pepper and even plum puree. If you decide to make chili sauce at home, base it on your family's eating habits. Choose a type of pepper whose spiciness suits your taste. If you don't like excessive heat, or if such products are contraindicated for your health, you may like sweet chili sauce, which also contains some heat, but to a lesser extent.

Chili pepper and its varieties

When you go to the market or store for the main ingredient, expect to find it in one of the most common forms. Along with fresh peppers, you may also find dried, powdered, or sliced ​​peppers. You can see pickled or frozen chili peppers on supermarket shelves. In some countries, such as Spain, dried and smoked peppers are popular.

All these varieties are perfect for our purposes. Of course, if it happens in summer or autumn, the choice is quite wide. But if you decide to make chili sauce at home during the cold season, you are unlikely to be able to get fresh fruits. Don't despair - buy dry powder. It is also suitable for imparting the necessary spiciness and for imbuing the finished dish with a characteristic aroma.

Basic recipe

If you have never made such a sauce before, start getting acquainted with it with a classic recipe. For it we will need:

  • hot pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • bell pepper (red) - 2 pcs.;
  • tomato paste - 4 tbsp. spoons;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • salt.

You can also use a rotunda for this recipe. Culinary experts say that heat treatment for pepper is not necessary, and it dulls the taste. Therefore, the sauce does not need to be boiled. Simply chop the vegetables in any convenient way: using a blender or meat grinder. Do not touch the chili pepper or the knife used to cut it. Cut it with gloves.

Add tomato paste, seasonings and salt. If the sauce seems too thick, thin it with vegetable broth or water. If the mixture turns out runny, add a little cornstarch.

Additional Ingredients

You can diversify the taste of the sauce, make it fuller and richer. Fresh herbs go well with it: dill, basil, watercress. Instead of salt, you can use soy sauce. Some people add chopped pickled onions to their homemade chili sauce. In this case, you will need to cut it smaller in advance, pour boiling water over it, add a couple of drops of vinegar, a pinch of sugar and a little salt. When the water has cooled, carefully squeeze the onion and add it to the sauce. Thanks to boiling water, it will lose unnecessary bitterness, but high temperatures will not harm its aromas and spiciness.

For those who like it spicy

If you want to “increase the degree”, that is, make the sauce even hotter, feel free to experiment. You should not increase the amount of pepper by 2-3 times at once, the result may turn out to be too expressive. If the recipe calls for 2 pods, but the prepared sauce didn’t seem strong enough for you, next time use 3 pods.

In general, chili - which should cause a burning sensation. You can enhance the effect with garlic and dry seasonings. For the basic recipe, you can use both young garlic and regular heads. Do you like it spicy? Double the amount of garlic. You can also add chili powder to the finished sauce until the concentration reaches the desired level.

Harmony of flavors: sweet and sour sauce

If the classic chili sauce refers us to the culinary traditions of Latin America, then its sweet and sour interpretation is a classic of the Far East. It is widely used in Chinese dishes. If you want to make sweet and sour chili sauce, you can move away from the traditional vegetable base of Mexican cuisine. In Asia, the sauce is prepared differently.

We will need:

  • water - 100 ml;
  • garlic;
  • corn starch - 1 tbsp;
  • sugar - 50 g;
  • chili - 3 pcs.
  • - 3 tbsp.

Making this chili sauce at home is quite simple. Bring the water with sugar, salt and wine to boil, and at this time chop the vegetables into a paste. Dissolve the starch in a small amount of water and pour into the boiling mixture in a thin stream. Add the vegetables and let the mixture come to a boil. All that remains is to add salt to taste.

Sweet chili

There is an even sharper version of this dish. It combines very little spiciness with pronounced sweetness. It is achieved with a small amount of honey, brown or cane sugar. Sweet chili sauce can be prepared according to any favorite recipe, only you need to take half as much pepper, and at the end of cooking you need to add 1 tsp to the sauce. honey or sugar.

Procurement for future use

Housewives who have mastered this recipe say that it makes sense to prepare more of this wonderful delicacy. If you decide to make chili sauce at home for the winter, use the following recipe. Prepare the following products:

  • tomatoes - 4 kg;
  • onions - 6 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • chili pepper - 0.35 kg;
  • salt - 6 tsp;
  • sugar - 12 tsp;
  • wine vinegar - 40 ml;
  • garlic - 8 cloves;
  • greenery.

Grind pepper, garlic, parsley in a blender. We pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder. Heat the oil in a cauldron and fry the pepper mass for about two minutes. Add the tomato mince and simmer for half an hour over low heat. Grind the mixture through a sieve to make the sauce smooth. Add sugar and salt and boil again. At the very end, add vinegar. We pack it in sterile jars, seal it and put it in the pantry.

Chili sauce on the table

By preparing chili sauce at home for the winter, you can use it to prepare a wide variety of dishes. It goes well with pasta and side dishes of stewed vegetables. In the East, it is added to traditional soups and meat gravies. You can prepare marinades for meat and fish with the addition of this sauce before baking, or simply serve in a saucepan.

Spicy lovers will be able to pamper themselves with dishes complemented with delicious hot chili sauce; they can make it themselves at home.

How to make hot chili sauce for the winter at home?


  • chili pepper pods – 360 g;
  • fresh tomatoes – 3.5 kg;
  • onion – 180 g;
  • bell peppers – 220 g;
  • unfragranced oil (olive or sunflower) – 40 ml;
  • large garlic heads – 2 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar – 100 g;
  • (red) – 35 ml;
  • coarse salt or fish sauce - 45 g or to taste.


Along with the ingredients required from the list, you need to make sure you have rubber gloves, which we recommend protecting your hands with before handling chili peppers. The pods must be rinsed, cut in half lengthwise, seeds removed and the stalk removed. We do the same with bell peppers. At the same time, we clean the onions and garlic cloves, and also wash the tomatoes and cut them into several parts. Now you need to grind the chili pepper and sweet Bulgarian pepper, onion, garlic and parsley sprigs first in a blender container or by grinding it through a meat grinder, then put the mass in sunflower or olive oil heated in a frying pan and fry with continuous stirring for two minutes. At this time, chop the prepared tomatoes and put the tomato mass in a frying pan to fry with pepper.

Let the sauce base boil and keep at a moderate boil for forty minutes. Grind the resulting mass through a strainer, add salt, granulated sugar and boil for another half hour. Now pour in the wine vinegar, let the mixture boil for a couple more minutes and immediately pack it into containers. We seal them with boiled lids and turn them over for self-sterilization under the blanket.

Hot Sweet Chili Sauce – Recipe


  • medium-sized chili pepper pods - 8 pcs.;
  • Mirin rice wine – 100 ml;
  • water – 380 ml;
  • garlic cloves – 4-6 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar – 200 g;
  • corn starch – 95 g;
  • coarse salt – 20 g.


This sauce recipe is from Thai cuisine. Its taste is controversial, but original and can transform any dish of meat, fish or seafood.

Making this sauce is absolutely easy. Initially, putting gloves on your hands, we clean the chili peppers from stalks and seeds, also peel the garlic cloves and grind the components in a blender container.

Now heat the water to a boil and dissolve the sugar crystals, salt and Mirin wine in it. Add the pureed pepper with garlic and after boiling again, cook the ingredients for three minutes. Next, dilute the starch in a small amount of water and pour it in a thin stream into the base of the sauce, stirring it continuously. Heat the sweet chili sauce for a couple more minutes until thickened, cool and serve.

18.09.2019 274 views

You've definitely come to the right place if you love Asian cuisine. Chili sauce is fiery, red, international in the literal sense of the word. It can be hot, sweet, salty and sweet and sour. He is very different. This is the choice of those who like it to be spicy and aromatic.

What is it, description

This is a boiled or raw mixture of crushed chili, seasoned with salt, sugar and doused with weak (up to 6%) vinegar. Unlike regular hot sauce, chili sauce (recipe) can include many other products besides pepper. Depending on the country and region, this may include fermented soy and rice pastes, ground tomatoes, ready-made tomato or banana ketchup, soy sauce, shrimp and fish pastes, vegetable oils, garlic, ginger, savory, citrus zest and other spices.

This seasoning gets its name from the type of pepper of the same name, which is part of the composition and gives it that same taste and aroma. Chili pepper sauce is included in the traditional cuisines of East, Southeast and South Asia, as well as the Middle East and Latin America. It is very different, even within one country there can be 3-5 “traditional” recipes, radically different in the set of ingredients and the method of their preparation.

What dishes does it go with?

In short - to anyone. There are many dishes with which you can eat chili and in the preparation of which it can participate. This sauce is used to flavor fried and baked meats, grilled meats, sausages, seafood, and fish. But a Russian person can easily afford (and will not regret it, believe me!) to eat a beef cutlet with chili.

Hot chili sauce is added during cooking:

  • Spicy Asian seafood and fish soups.
  • Spicy thick Mexican stew with meat. A striking example is Mexican chili con carne.
  • Vegetable side dishes.
  • Stewed meat and poultry.

The appropriate type of sauce is selected based on its composition.

About taste and consistency

As we have already said, this seasoning is present in the cuisines of different countries and everywhere they have their own “traditional” recipes. We will not even try to list them - it is simply impossible within the framework of one article. Instead, we will give general descriptions for the five main varieties of chili sauce in existence:

  • Thick salty based on fermented soybean paste, simple and spicy, which, in addition to chili, may include garlic, ginger, fish, seafood, etc. (Chinese Dou ban, Guilin and XO sauce).

  • Paste is a chili sauce made from ground chili peppers. Thick, sweet and spicy. For example: Laotian Jeow (Jaew) Bong and Indonesian Sambal with garlic, galangal (a relative of ginger), shrimp paste or fish sauce; Korean Gochujang made with fermented rice flour and soybean paste, with the addition of savory and some other seasonings. Also, one cannot ignore the Maghreb Harissa - a paste of baked peppers with a lot of spicy spices.

  • Chili oil. Vegetable oil or a mixture of oils infused with chili peppers, with the addition of garlic and other spices (Japanese La Yu chili, Chinese Làjiaoyóu, etc.). Varying degrees of pungency, with a bright aroma and practically no pronounced salty or sweet taste. Typical for different countries.

  • Sweet, sour, spicy chili dipping sauces, medium thick to fairly thin (Filipino agre dulce). In addition to chili, the composition includes banana or tomato ketchup, sugar and salt.

  • Salty sweet chili sauce for dipping. Varieties are prepared using soy sauce, garlic, brown sugar, sometimes shrimp paste or other seafood (Filipino siomai and manong, Thai spicy nam phrik).

Please note: pure chili paste is not a sauce on its own, but a possible ingredient for creating one. Therefore, we did not include it in the list and do not mention it further in the article.

Chili Sauce Recipes

Making chili sauce at home using any of the recipes below is not at all difficult. We offer several recipes, different in taste and consistency. The entire necessary set of products is usually available in regular chain supermarkets, so there shouldn’t be any problems here either.

Important! When buying ingredients for the sauce, don't forget to grab gloves - you'll need them to work with peppers. You need to remember that you won’t be able to completely wash your hands of capsaicin (pepper heat) right away, but it’s easy to get a known result if you forget to rub your eyes.

Thai Sweet chili

Sweet chili Thai chili sauce is great for chicken, meat, seafood and fish - both for dipping and for use during cooking. For example, it makes very tasty stewed pork - just add the seasoning 10 minutes before. until the main dish is ready.


  • Chili peppers - 3 medium sized pods.
  • Cayenne pepper, dried pieces - optional, from 1 tsp.
  • Garlic - 3 large cloves.
  • Sugar - ½ cup.
  • Salt - ½ tsp.
  • Starch - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vinegar 9% - ¼ tbsp. or 6% - ⅓ tbsp.
  • Water - ¾ tbsp.

How to make chili sauce:

  • Pour sugar and salt into a blender bowl and add vinegar.
  • Peel the garlic.
  • Cut out the stems of the chili peppers. If you like it spicier, you don’t need to peel it further. And for a milder taste, remove the seeds and all membranes from the pods.
  • Place garlic and pepper in a mixer bowl.
  • Grind everything at medium speed.*
  • Pour the contents of the bowl into a small saucepan and add all the water there. If we are going to add cayenne pepper, we do it now.
  • Wait until it boils, turn down the heat so that the mixture slowly gurgles. Cook like this for about 4 minutes.
  • After 4 minutes, add the pepper diluted in 2 tbsp. l. water starch and quickly stir everything.
  • Continue stirring the sauce until it boils, and then immediately turn off the heat.

*You can choose the degree of grinding to your taste, but we advise you to stop when the pieces of pepper become the size of a peppercorn or a little smaller.

As the sauce cools, it will begin to change consistency - after about 10-15 minutes it will approach a thick syrup. This is what you need. The finished product is perfectly stored in the refrigerator. If you pour it into a jar scalded with boiling water and close the lid, it will sit quietly for several weeks.

Nam Phrik Kapi with shrimp paste

This is a rich, salty, spicy chili sauce with a bright aroma of pepper, garlic and seafood, the recipe of which does not involve cooking. Suitable for meat, vegetable side dishes and as a dressing for spicy soups. It should be borne in mind that this seasoning is quite salty and the dishes in which it is to be used should be slightly undersalted.


  • Chili peppers - 3 pcs. medium or 5 pcs. small.
  • Garlic - 4 large cloves.
  • Fish sauce - 4 tbsp. l.*
  • Shrimp paste - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Lime juice - 3 tbsp. l.**

*It is acceptable to replace it with soy sauce, but this will make the taste of the sauce a little simpler.

**It is acceptable to replace it with lemon.

How to make chili sauce:

  • Chop the pepper and garlic with a knife, place in a mortar and grind until smooth (as much as possible).
  • Add the remaining ingredients to the garlic-pepper mixture.
  • Mix everything thoroughly.

The sauce is ready. It does not require heat treatment and is immediately suitable for use. However, we recommend letting it sit for 30 minutes. - 1 hour.

Chili from European chefs

This is a very hot, sweet and sour, aromatic chili sauce. Homogeneous, with a smooth texture. The yield from the specified amount of products is about 320-370 mg. seasonings

Sweet and sour chili sauce recipe includes the following ingredients.

Did you know that chili sauce is considered the most delicious in the world? It is impossible to imagine traditional dishes of Asian, European and even African cuisine without hot seasoning. And this is no coincidence! After all, with the help of sauce you can give dishes a memorable and piquant taste.

Red chili peppers, an essential seasoning component, originated in Latin America. The ancient Aztecs considered the vegetable sacred and even presented it as a gift to their deities. Subsequently, the Spaniards and Portuguese discovered its unusual taste to Europeans. Today, chili is most common in Thailand, and in India it is considered the most powerful aphrodisiac and is always used in local dishes.

In addition to red pepper, garlic, vinegar, salt, sugar, sometimes starch with ginger, and lemon juice are traditionally added to the sauce.

There are hot, sweet and sweet and sour chili. Sweets contain more sugar, starch and allspice. The sauce goes well with fish and meat, as well as vegetable side dishes. Served both hot and cold. In Italy it is added to pasta and pizza.

Health benefits of chili sauce

The seasoning owes its unique fiery taste to capsaicin. With regular use of the sauce, the risk of heart disease is reduced, the functioning of the immune system improves, and efficiency increases. Chili sauce contains a high concentration of beneficial elements and vitamins, and only 120 calories.

You can buy this delicious seasoning ready-made, but it’s better to make it yourself. Homemade chili sauce is not only tasty, but also healthy, as it does not contain dyes or preservatives. Plus, it stores well in the refrigerator.

There are a wide variety of recipes for making chili sauce. Don’t be afraid to conduct culinary experiments and add new components to the main ingredients. Over time, you will develop your own recipe that your friends and family will definitely love.

“Thermonuclear” chili sauce: a recipe for making a traditional seasoning

Both an experienced chef and a novice amateur cook can prepare chili sauce. Once you have mastered the classic recipe, you can vary the cooking process to suit your taste preferences.


  • red chili pepper (350 g);
  • garlic (1.5-2 heads);
  • salt (1.5 tsp);
  • sugar, vinegar (3 tbsp each);
  • allspice (5 pcs.).

Step-by-step cooking instructions

  1. Wash the pepper, peel the garlic.
  2. Remove seeds from a third of the chili pepper. Grind in a blender along with garlic.
  3. Finely chop the chili pod, mix with the remaining ingredients, add vinegar, salt, and sugar to the resulting mixture.
  4. Cook over medium heat for ten minutes.
  5. Serve hot with meat or roll into jars and store in the refrigerator.

Lifehack for housewives!

If you want to thicken the consistency of the sauce, add half a spoonful of starch during cooking. But with vegetable oil (2 tsp) your sauce will definitely not burn. In order to diversify the taste of traditional chili sauce, you can:

- combine peppers of different varieties;

- replace garlic with fried fresh onions;

- add tomato puree, lime or pineapple juice.

A special type of sauce - green chili - is obtained by mixing herbs: basil, cloves, mint, parsley, mustard. All components must be crushed, added olive oil, lemon juice, and mixed with traditional sauce. This option perfectly complements the taste of seafood dishes and goes well with fish.

Hot chili sauce: subtleties of preparation

In order to prepare this type of sauce, you need to take two tomatoes, bell peppers, garlic cloves, hot pepper (4 pods), brown sugar and oregano, you will also need tomato paste (2 tbsp.) and meat broth (300 ml.).

To prepare hot sauce with chili peppers, you need:

  1. Wash the tomatoes, bell peppers, dry, place on a baking sheet with unpeeled garlic cloves.
  2. Bake vegetables in the oven for 20 minutes at 200°C.
  3. To make the sauce taste truly hot, keep the chili in hot water, then remove the seeds and peel.
  4. Remove the skins from the roasted peppers and garlic.
  5. Using a blender, grind the peeled peppers and garlic until smooth.
  6. Mix tomatoes, tomato paste with broth and oregano, and add sugar.
  7. Add a mixture of peppers and garlic, stir and add salt.
  8. Cook the sauce over low heat for 15-20 minutes.

Serve with your favorite dishes chilled or hot - a thrill is guaranteed!

Sweet chili sauce: a recipe for true gourmets

Sweet chili sauce has a mild, mildly spicy taste. To add some piquancy, add a couple of cloves of garlic. Sweet chili sauce goes perfectly with main courses. It is also loved by kebab connoisseurs who use the seasoning to prepare marinade.

For the sauce you will need: 10 chili peppers, 200 ml Chinese vinegar or mirin, 2 cups granulated sugar, a pinch of salt and a glass of water.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Remove veins and seeds from the pepper and chop finely.
  2. Place in a container with thick walls, add mirin, sugar, salt, add water and cook after boiling for fifteen minutes. To add thickness, you can add diluted cornstarch.
  3. Pour hot sauce into glass containers.

Video of making hot-sweet sauce:

Thanks to its surprisingly mild taste, the seasoning is combined with various oriental dishes - rolls, sushi, curry. Sweet chili sauce is ideal as a dressing for chicken.

Thai chili sauce: a universal recipe

Prik nam pla, or Thai sauce, is a dark liquid with a distinctive fishy aroma with bits of chili pepper. Traditionally served with steamed rice, it is considered the main condiment in Thai cuisine. It has a salty-sharp, slightly sour taste.


  • fish sauce – 200 g;
  • small chili pepper - 10 pods;
  • large chili pepper – 4 pods;
  • garlic – 2 heads;
  • lime – 2-3 pcs.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Put gloves on your hands. Wash the pepper, cut into circles, put in a glass bottle, pour in fish sauce.
  2. Peel the garlic, cut into circles. Squeeze the lime juice. Add all this to the sauce.
  3. Seal the container tightly with a stopper and leave for 14 days.

Serve with rice dishes.

Lifehack for housewives!

If during storage you notice that the sauce has become thinner and less spicy, don't panic. This is not a sign of spoilage, but the result of a lack of starch, which determines the thickness of chili sauces.

If you don't have fish sauce, replace it with table salt (0.5 tsp).

Sweet and sour chili sauce recipe

Sweet and sour chili is another favorite type of dressing among Thais. Large peppers are selected for it (to reduce the pungency) and corn starch is always added. Served with Tam Yam soup, popular in Asia.

Mango and chilli sauce

Mango chili sauce is the crown jewel of Asian cuisine. The seasoning is especially good with grilled dishes. The spicy and at the same time delicate sauce perfectly reveals their taste. To prepare, you will need a ripe mango, a red pepper pod, 50 ml of coconut milk, a teaspoon of granulated sugar and salt.

Cooking technology:

  1. Peel the mango, place in a frying pan, pour in coconut milk (can be replaced with cream with the addition of coconut flakes). Simmer until the fruits soften.
  2. Stir the mango, add sugar, add sliced ​​pepper, simmer for five minutes.
  3. Serve with steak, shrimp and other grilled foods.

Note to housewives!

  1. To make the sauce less spicy, you need to choose larger peppers and chop them as finely as possible. Tomatoes, apples, lemon juice, and ginger will add a piquant taste to the seasoning.
  2. Never drink chili sauce with alcoholic beverages or water. Bakery products will help reduce bitterness.
  3. Dry peppers can also be used to make chili. Before slicing, they are steamed with boiling water.
  4. If you want to achieve a more pungent taste of the seasoning, do not remove the seeds.
  5. The spiciness of the sauce decreases during long-term storage.

It is advisable to serve fresh sauce in a miniature gravy boat; it goes well with barbecue, poultry, and fish. You can add seasoning to the salad before finishing cooking the soup. In a word, try different options and surprise your loved ones with delicious delicacies!

And finally, how to make chili sauce video recipe from Jamie Oliver:

In this recipe I will tell you and show you how to make chili sauce for the winter. I warn you right away - the sauce is for lovers of spicy seasonings! The finished chili sauce is very hot, with a slightly hot aftertaste, rich and very tasty. And economical. There is no comparison with the product that is sold to us under the same name in stores.

First, let me remind you of the precautions that need to be taken when preparing chili sauce for the winter at home. My peppers were very hot; when I ground them in a blender, it was impossible to breathe. I advise you to cover the blender glass with plastic or chop everything not with an immersion blender, but in a closed chopper with a rotating blade. Of course, you need to peel such peppers carefully, using thin culinary gloves, or immediately wash your hands, kitchen board and knife under cold water. Do not rub your eyes with your hands or touch your face at all, otherwise the burning sensation will not go away for a very long time.

Chili sauce recipe for the winter - ingredients:

  • Meaty tomatoes – 1 kg;
  • chili pepper (fresh pods) – 100 g;
  • onion – 100 g;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • refined vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l;
  • vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp. l;
  • salt – 1.5-2 tsp;
  • sugar – 3 tsp.

How to make chili sauce for the winter - step-by-step recipe with photos

To prepare chili sauce for the winter, I select ripe, fleshy tomatoes. They may be a little squashed, but they are always ripe. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes for five minutes. Drain the water and fill the pan with cold water. Wait until the tomatoes have cooled and remove the skins.

Cut the tomatoes into pieces, removing the stem. Coarsely chop the onion, peel the garlic. I chopped the chili pepper and ground it together with the seeds, without peeling it. If you want a sauce that is not very spicy, shake the seeds out of the pods and cut the pods in half.

Place the tomatoes in a blender and puree until smooth.

Pour into a saucepan and boil. Cover with a lid and cook for about an hour until the tomato mass is softened.

Place pieces of pepper, onion and garlic into a blender bowl. Grind everything as finely as possible into a paste or puree. If the mass is thick, pour in a few tablespoons of boiled tomato puree from the pan. Add the chopped vegetables to the tomato mixture and continue cooking for another 10 minutes.

Pour in vegetable oil. Add salt and sugar. Bring to a boil, stirring the oil until it is absorbed into the sauce. The tomato mass should not have oily stains. Pour in vinegar. I took the risk of trying the chili sauce for salt/sugar, it was just enough for my taste.

Take small jars. Rinse the jars and lids with hot water and soda, sterilize the jars, and boil the lids. Pour the sauce into jars and screw on the lids. Turn it over, wrap it in a blanket and leave it like that to cool.

The next day, the chili sauce for the winter is completely ready. It’s better to try it after two weeks, so that all the components become friends, the sauce gains flavor and infuses. I keep all the preparations in the pantry at room temperature, without access to sunlight. You can take it to a cool place, but make sure that the jars are not exposed to direct sunlight. The shelf life of chili sauce for the winter is one or two years, but I use it up quickly, and by spring there is nothing left.
