Crafts from the test online in kindergarten. Original ideas for crafts and figurines from salt dough with a photo. Salt dough coloring

Working at home with children and developing them is a pleasure if the activity is exciting and has a lot of advantages. Salt dough crafts are just what you need, because this is a pleasant pastime for mom and a useful exercise for small children's hands. In addition, salt dough modeling is very affordable: ingredients can be found in every home.

How to make salt dough

There are many recipes for such a test, and to make a plastic mass with your own hands, choose the right one, but first check out some clarifications:

  • flour - without additives (not "pancake");
  • salt - fine, "Extra" (not stone, not iodized);
  • if the dough is colored, it must be divided into parts in the process;
  • dyes - juice of beets, spinach, raspberries, blueberries, dry food colors, gouache.

Recipe for a simple and colored dough

Simple Dough Ingredients:

  • 200 gr. flour;
  • 200 gr. salt;
  • 125 ml ice water.


  1. Mix flour and salt in a large bowl.
  2. We introduce water in small portions, kneading the dough until smooth.
  3. We put it in a bag, put it in the refrigerator for half an hour to “rest”.

Color Dough Ingredients:

  • flour - 300 gr.;
  • salt - 300 gr.;
  • cold water - 200 ml;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
  • dyes.

If the dye is liquid:

  • mix flour with salt;
  • add vegetable oil;
  • we introduce water in portions, knead the plastic dough;
  • divide the mass into several parts and mix the dye into each part, knead until a uniform color is obtained;
  • put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

If the dye is dry:

  • divide all the ingredients into equal parts;
  • each dye must be dissolved in about 1-2 tablespoons of water from the total volume;
  • mix flour, salt, oil, add water and dye, knead thoroughly;
  • do this with each color;
  • We put it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Little tricks

Experienced housewives know that the more plastic the dough, the more elegant the crafts are. To do this, vegetable oil is added to the mass. It can be replaced with hand cream in the same amount.

For thin details, you can make a special dough if you add a little starch or wallpaper paste: 1-2 tbsp. mix dry spoons with water and add to the flour and salt mixture.

The dough will keep in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks.

Testoplasty - where to start

Salt dough modeling is an interesting process that will bring pleasure to everyone. The dough is so soft and pliable that you don't want to let go of it. Therefore, for some needlewomen, dough crafts - testoplasty - are not just periodic activities with children, but a real hobby.

The youngest children can be introduced to the test as the first modeling material. The dough wins over plasticine because it is harmless to kids. If the young researcher tasted the mass, do not worry, the dough does not contain impurities and harmful additives. A child can do whatever he wants with the dough: knead in his hands, pinch off pieces, roll koloboks, sausages, cut with a knife. Such manipulations are useful for fine motor skills.

For children aged 2-3 years, simple crafts are enough. First, these are flat dough figures that are cut out using cookie cutters, round lids, or a plasticine knife.

Children over 4 years old are ready for crafts more difficult than just carving with a shape. It can be Christmas decorations, three-dimensional animal figurines, vegetables, fruits, small toys as a gift for friends. With the help of salt dough, you can make a wonderful counting material for teaching mathematics in the game.

Salt dough toys for children

You can start with simple flat products. Let it be cookies for dolls or other toys, it will last a long time and fit perfectly into a toy tea party. Such cookies can be immediately made from colored dough, you can make it from white, and then color it. Glue small parts to the main product and connect the parts of the craft to each other with a wet brush: the parts to be joined are wetted with a brush and glued together.

"Gingerbread Cookie"

How to make salty cookies step by step:

  • roll out a small piece of dough with a rolling pin with a thin layer (5-7 mm) on the table;
  • using cookie cutters or plasticine, cut out figures;
  • decorate the figurines with seeds, beads, small buttons;
  • on top of the cookies, you can put small decorations from the dough - circles, hearts, flowers.

Application "Caterpillar"

By the same principle, you can make an appliqué craft from colored dough on thick cardboard. We need a sheet of cardboard, dough of different colors (yellow, pink, blue, green), a plasticine knife.

Execution steps:

  • we take pieces of yellow color (head), pink and blue, roll out to a thickness of 7-10 mm;
  • cut out circles from the dough;
  • grease the cardboard with PVA glue, glue the circles (body and head of the caterpillar);
  • cut out the eyes and decorations for the caterpillar with a knife (beads, flowers, bows - optional);
  • using a toothpick, draw a smile, make a pattern on the caterpillar (dots, notches, waves);
  • glue the eyes and decorations on the body of the caterpillar using a wet brush;
  • cut out leaves, grass from green dough, glue it at the bottom of the cardboard;
  • we supplement the picture with elements to your taste: the sun, flowers in the grass, legs for the caterpillar;
  • dry the craft in air or a battery.

Christmas decorations

On New Year's Eve, you can make Christmas decorations from salt dough with your own hands. This is an occasion to start a pleasant tradition - every year to make a new toy with a child. Even a simple toy in the form of an asterisk or a heart, or maybe some kind of animal (symbol of the year), decorated with beads, bows, ribbon is already a masterpiece. You can make a snowman, a Christmas tree, or Santa Claus's mitten.

Christmas decoration is made according to the same principle as cookies. We need to roll out the dough and cut out the figures of the desired shape. If you don't have a stencil, just cut out a piece of cardboard, lay it on the dough, and then circle it with a knife. Don't forget to make a hole for the ribbon. Decorate the toy now or after drying, paint it, varnish it, and it will serve you for many years.

After the child has learned to decorate flat figures, you can begin to master the three-dimensional figures. To make crafts easy, a ball of crumpled paper or foil is placed inside the product, which is “covered” with dough. This technique reduces the drying time.

Before moving on to sculpting three-dimensional figures, teach your child to roll sausages, roll them into snails, make balls of different sizes, form cubes from them, and flatten them into cakes. These basic skills are necessary for self-sculpting even the simplest animal figurines.

Making a hedgehog

A hedgehog made of white salt dough may be the first three-dimensional figure made by the hands of a child. We sculpt a hedgehog step by step:

  1. We roll a ball from foil, and then form a dough hedgehog body around the ball - a pear-like figure. If you do not put foil inside the body, drying will take a long time, and the hedgehog will be heavy.
  2. We make eyes, nose: you can take black dough for the nose and peppercorns for the eyes, you can do everything from white dough, and after drying, paint with paint.
  3. Now we take nail scissors (we need the help of an adult) and make needles for a hedgehog. We start with the head, then cut the dough all over the body to make sharp triangles. Just cut the dough and you will understand how to do it. If you perform the rows in a checkerboard pattern, it will be more beautiful.
  4. When our hedgehog is dressed in needles, it can be sent to dry and then painted.

We sculpt a lamb

You can try to make a figurine of a lamb or a sheep with a child of 5-6 years old. For crafts, you will need the simplest white dough. Then follow the step by step instructions:

  1. We sculpt 4 balls - these are the legs of a lamb, we place them next to each other in the shape of a square.
  2. We make a cake from a piece of dough, roll a tight ball out of foil, place it in this cake. We “fit” the ball of foil with a mass, we get the body of our lamb, and then we put it on its legs.
  3. From a piece of dough we roll a ball - this is the head, glue it in the right place.
  4. From two small koloboks we make eyes, place them on the head.
  5. We roll two sausages, twist them into snails - these are lamb horns, attach them to the head and torso with a wet brush.
  6. We make ears: we fasten the dough cake from one end, we get something like a petal, we do the same with the second, glue them to the head.
  7. At the end, you need to make curls. To do this, roll many, many small balls (0.5 cm in diameter), place them on the body (back, sides), flatten with your finger. We do this until the whole craft is covered with “curls”.
  8. The preparation is ready. It remains to dry, paint and varnish.

We sculpt counting material for children

Dough figurines can be used for beauty, as a gift, or you can make counting material for math classes with children in a playful way. To do this, you will have to work hard and stick a lot of objects of the same shape, at least within ten, but how fun it will be later! You can sculpt vegetables, fruits, confectionery, toy sausages, loaves, mushrooms - everything that your imagination has enough for. Here are just a few examples.

Beads "Mushrooms"

In order to stick mushrooms, we take the usual salty dough, roll the sausage, cut it into small cylinders - these are the legs of the mushroom. Now we roll a small ball and press the dough from one edge, giving it the shape of a hat (you can use a pencil).

We make 10-15 such pairs of "leg-hat". Then we make a hole in the legs of such a size that a lace crawls into it, you can use a wooden skewer for kebabs or an awl. We connect hats with legs with water, dry in the oven, paint.

Such mushrooms can be strung on a string, or you can stick skewers into a piece of foam plastic or a cork board, and string them onto the resulting rod.

Vegetables and fruits

Making vegetables or fruits from dough for games and activities is no more difficult than fungi. Choose crops according to your taste and performance possibilities: cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, corn or even cabbage. You can use colored dough, or you can make it from white and paint after drying.

Playing with the baby with such toys is a pleasure. You can feed the animals, share vegetables between them, and at the same time learn to count, put them in baskets - one more, the other less, you can come up with a lot of games. The most important thing is that the child will not even think that you are trying to teach him, because the game is fun.

From the dough, you can make a developing lacing toy - this is a plate with holes into which the child sticks the end of a lace or rope. The toy is useful for the development of fine motor skills.

It is easy to make such a craft. We roll out a layer of about 8 mm thick from white dough, take an oval-shaped object (for example, slightly flattened adhesive tape, but other options are possible) a little smaller than a palm in size. Then, using a stick or pencil, we make a recess in the shape of an arc, denoting the head of a ladybug, we draw a straight line dividing its wings. Using the lid from the felt-tip pen, we make dots-holes - the excess dough falls into the cap, and we get a hole. 3-5 holes on each wing is enough. We dry the future lacing, then paint it. The toy is ready.

How to dry dough crafts

Each finished craft must be dried. How long it takes depends on the drying method. There are several drying options, choose the convenient one based on the size of the product or the availability of time.

Choosing a drying method:

  1. Air dry on a flat surface. It will take a long time to wait for the result, it takes a day for 1 mm of the thickness of the craft. Indentations may appear at the points of contact of the dough with the surface, and sometimes it is impossible to turn the craft over. This option is suitable for small flat products.
  2. Drying on the radiator. This method is possible only during the heating season. Drying on a battery takes less time than in air. The process takes from 1 to 2 days, depending on the thickness of the product.
  3. Roasting in the oven is a relatively quick method, suitable for large products. You need to dry the craft on a baking sheet.

With sudden temperature changes in the oven, the product may crack, so you need to start drying with the door open, gradually increasing the temperature:

  • at 50 degrees - 1 hour with the door open;
  • then at 75 degrees - 1 hour, the door is closed until the end of drying;
  • further at 100-120 degrees - 1 hour;
  • we finish drying at 150 degrees - 30 minutes;
  • open the door and leave the product to cool.

Combined drying is also possible. First, the craft is dried in the open air or a battery, and then in the oven. Suitable for large items.

The time and temperature of baking crafts in the oven depends on the color of the baking sheet and the thickness of the product. The article indicates the temperature for a light baking sheet, on a black one, make an adjustment - 20 degrees lower. Drying time is indicated for products up to 2 cm thick, if the craft is thicker, the time increases by about 1.5 times.

After drying, you need to lightly tap on the product: if the sound is sonorous, the craft has dried up. A dull sound indicates that the inside of the dough is wet, it needs to be dried, otherwise the craft will begin to collapse.

Painting finished products

When the salt dough craft is completely dry, you can start coloring it. Paints can be acrylic, watercolor or gouache.

Acrylic paints hold well, do not smudge, do not leave marks after drying. Watercolor and gouache paints need to be fixed after drying with varnish. You can also varnish any product at will - it is durable, beautiful, looks more elegant.

There are many recipes for creating dough, but the basis is always the same. For its preparation, all the ingredients can be found in any kitchen. Anything you need:

  • Flour (one glass)
  • Salt (one glass)
  • Water (1/2 cup)

To prepare, take a deep bowl and mix all the dry ingredients. Add water and mix all ingredients thoroughly. The dough must be kneaded until it stops sticking to the hands, it should not crumble. If you do everything right, you will get an elastic, dense density of the dough.

For all kinds of crafts, it can be of different density and consistency.

  • Thick dough is suitable for creating voluminous crafts, it keeps its shape perfectly;
  • Universal dough is suitable for beginners; crafts, figurines and small paintings are perfectly made from;
  • Soft, more pliable dough is intended for making flowers.

Drying salt dough crafts

To ensure that the product does not crumble and hardens well, it must be dried.

Consider the methods of drying the finished product.

After finishing work with the product, just leave it to dry naturally. The main condition for this method, do not allow direct sunlight. Otherwise, your craft will be covered with cracks. Lay the finished craft on a straight, smooth surface and allow it to dry. This method takes 3 to 5 days, depending on the size of the product.

Another drying method will not take so much time. The finished craft can be dried in the oven. With such drying, the whole procedure will take no more than 5-6 hours. But here you need to show patience and care. The drying temperature should be no more than 100 degrees. It is necessary to dry the product at intervals, which will be 1-2 hours.

Painting products

You can also color the workpiece in different colors during the cooking process: add food coloring and mix thoroughly.

After staining, let it dry and finish varnishing. This will protect the paint from fading, and the product from excessive moisture.

Salt dough figurines - master classes


To make a dough star, you will need the following supplies:

  • Dough;
  • An asterisk mold or a stack for cutting shapes;
  • Thin wand.


  1. Make a ball out of the dough, and roll out a cake from it.
  2. Cut out an asterisk with a shape (if there is no shape, use a special stick for cutting plasticine).
  3. With a toothpick, make dots on the star, draw eyes and a mouth.
  4. For decoration, you can paint it in different colors.
  5. Make a small hole at the top through which you can thread the tape. And you have a wonderful Christmas decoration!


The child can do this craft himself, you will only help him. To make a caterpillar, prepare:

  • Dough (pre-color it green);
  • Penknife;
  • Glue (preferably PVA);


  1. So, for a fun caterpillar, make 6-7 identical balls.
  2. On the head of the caterpillar, draw or stick on the eyes and nose.
  3. Glue the balls to each other. Dry the craft, then varnish it. Your caterpillar is ready!


To make a hedgehog from puff pastry you will need:

  • dough;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Dye;


  1. Sculpt an oval-shaped hedgehog and make an elongated nose.
  2. Glue two small balls and make eyes for the hedgehog.
  3. With scissors on the back, make cuts imitating needles.
  4. Dry the future hedgehog after complete drying, paint it with paint. After complete drying, varnish.

funny fish

To make a fish you need:

  • Dough;
  • Wand;
  • Cap from a felt-tip pen;
  • Ruler.


  1. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 3.5 mm. Use the glass to make a circle. With your fingers, pinch the circle on one side, this will be the tail of the future fish.
  2. On the opposite side with a stick, form a mouth.
  3. With the edge of the ruler, squeeze out the prints on the tail and select the fins.
  4. From the small parts of the dough, make the eyes of your fish.
  5. Make fish scales with a cap from a felt-tip pen.
  6. Decorate the tail with thin strips of dough, this will add extra volume.
  7. After drying, paint your fish, and feel free to make a wish!


To make beautiful flowers, take:

  • dough preparation;
  • Pencil;
  • Paints;
  • stack for cutting;


  1. Shape the dough into balls, make five balls for the petals and two for the leaves.
  2. Roll out the balls into round cakes, and begin to form a flower.
  3. Gently apply your cakes to the pencil and form the petals. After the bud has turned out, carefully remove it from the pencil and put it on the board, remove the excess with a stack.
  4. From the remaining cakes, cut out the petals and glue on the sides of the bud.
  5. Dry your rose, color and dry completely.
  6. Varnish.

Your rose will delight you for a long time and will not fade!

Show your imagination! Use a variety of materials to decorate crafts. Glue a magnet to a small craft and your child's creativity will always be in a prominent place. Small crafts make wonderful pendants or Christmas tree decorations.

Crafts from this material will be great gifts for the holidays.

Try to show your imagination with your child and start making products of incredible beauty.

We offer you to plunge into the world of art without leaving your apartment! And to make it easier for you to master a new activity, we have prepared useful tips and master classes.

The origins of this type of creativity are rooted deep in the history of our culture. The same Gingerbread Man is an excellent artistic example of a product made from salt dough.

Everyone can work with the test. Surely you have a handful of flour at home! In addition, the dough is much more plastic than gypsum and more durable than plasticine.

How to prepare dough for modeling

If you finally decided to master the process of making crafts, then it would be useful to learn how to make salt dough. We offer several options for recipes, from which you can choose any you like.

  • 1 st. fine salt;
  • 1 st. flour;
  • 5 st. l. sunflower oil;
  • water;
  • colored gouache or natural juice.

Thoroughly mix the dry ingredients in a deep container, pour in the oil and a little water. In order for the dough to acquire a certain color, gently stir in juice (for example, carrot or beetroot).

  • 1.5 st. flour;
  • 1 st. salt;
  • 125 ml of water.

Mix everything and knead the dough, as for dumplings. To sculpt thin relief figures, add one more thing to choose from: 1 tbsp. l. PVA glue, 1 tbsp. l. starch or a mixture of wallpaper glue and water.

  • 2 tbsp. wheat flour;
  • 1 st. salt;
  • 125 ml of water;
  • 1 st. l. hand cream (vegetable oil).

Combine all ingredients and mix well until smooth. You can use a blender or mixer to speed up the process. The dough is very soft and pliable.

  • 1 st. flour;
  • 1 st. finely ground salts;
  • 125 ml of water.

This is a salt dough recipe for sculpting large items. First of all, combine the salt with flour, and then pour in a little water, kneading until an elastic mass is obtained.

  • 1.5 st. flour;
  • 1 st. salt;
  • 4 tbsp. l. glycerin (sold in a pharmacy);
  • 2 tbsp. l. wallpaper glue + 125-150 ml of water.

This dough is well suited for making delicate work. For kneading, we recommend using a mixer - it makes the task much easier.

Essential tools for creativity

In addition to learning how to make salt dough for modeling, it is also important to prepare the necessary tools and a set of accessories:

  • a small rolling pin or a bottle of water (nowhere without it!);
  • board for modeling;
  • knife;
  • ballpoint pen (for creating holes and patterns);
  • tassel;
  • container with water;
  • curly molds for cutting cookies;
  • buttons, beads, rings, lace, etc. for making prints;
  • paints.

All this will be useful to you for creative work with the test.

Basic drying methods

When the product is ready, it must be properly dried. There are several methods. Consider the most popular of them.

Method 1 - In the oven (preheated)

Drying in an ajar oven at a temperature of 55-80 ° C (the craft is placed in a preheated oven). Place the product on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper or in a heat-resistant bowl. The duration of the process can be about an hour or longer, depending on the size of the figurine.

Method 2 - Natural Conditions

This refers to drying in the open air (but not in direct sunlight). This method takes longer than the first, but is more efficient. The product is best placed on a wooden or plastic surface. Air drying takes about 3-4 days. But we do not recommend drying on a battery - this can lead to the fact that the craft will crack and crumble.

Method 3 - In the oven (cold)

According to this method, salt dough crafts must be placed in a cold oven and only then turned on, eventually heating up to 150 ° C. In the same place, the products should cool down while the oven cools down.

Figures made from unpainted dough are attractive in themselves. However, after drying, they can be decorated with gouache, watercolor or acrylic paints. They are good because they dry quickly, do not smudge and do not leave marks on the hands.

Coloring methods:

  1. Mix watercolor paints with a brush with water and apply to the product so that they do not spread.
  2. Mix gouache with PVA glue, evenly cover the craft with this mixture.
  3. You can give the dough a certain color even during kneading. Divide it into parts - there should be as many as how many shades you need to paint. Roll balls out of them, make a well in the middle of each and drop a couple of drops of food coloring diluted in water there. After that, knead the dough so that it is colored evenly.

Salt dough modeling also allows you to use various elements for decoration. It can be cereals, pasta, buttons, shells, beads, all kinds of threads and ribbons. The scope for imagination is unlimited!

What is varnishing for?

Finished products are varnished so that the paint does not fade and is not washed off, and the appearance of the work does not deteriorate over time. Varnishing is used if necessary and solely at the request of the author.

You can add shine to the product with varnish:

  • liquid - they need to cover the product in several layers, the result is ruddy and natural;
  • thick - it better protects the craft from moisture, you can use both varnish that gives a mirror shine, and matte.

It is preferable to use an aerosol varnish. A single application is enough to make the colors play brighter and the work become protected from damage.

Although, practice shows that proper drying allows you not even to resort to varnishing - the product will retain its original appearance for many years anyway.

Possible problems and solutions

Here is a list of problems that may arise when drying or decorating a toy from salt dough:

  1. The dough is covered with bubbles or cracks after drying. This can be caused by the wrong choice of flour or by not following the drying rules. The most simple and inexpensive flour for modeling is suitable - low-grade rye or wheat. And the product should be dried without too much haste in a slightly preheated oven with the door ajar. In general, it is better if the craft dries naturally.
  2. The product cracked after painting. This can happen if you started painting an insufficiently dried craft. Dry it in the fresh air, smooth out the roughness with sandpaper and repaint.
  3. The product cracked due to the large thickness. In this case, excess dough must be removed from the back or bottom. And in order for a large product to dry evenly in the oven, it must be periodically turned over.
  4. An element broke off. You can try to glue it with PVA glue, but it's better to just smooth out the bumps and decorate with some kind of decoration.
  5. The piece has faded after painting. An additional coating of varnish can restore the color to its former saturation and make the craft brighter.

Salt dough crafts

According to some assumptions, the first stucco dough began to be used by culinary specialists to decorate pastries. Today, anything can be sculpted from such a wonderful material: paintings, souvenir figurines, and toys.

So, when you already know how to make salt dough, let's start creating, in fact, crafts from it.

2015 is the year of the wooden sheep, so the most relevant souvenir is the salt dough sheep. We offer you MK for the manufacture of such a figure.

Do you want something interesting?

You will need:

  • fine table salt;
  • Wheat flour;
  • cold water;
  • foil;
  • tassel;
  • white;
  • gouache;
  • black marker.

Step-by-step sequence of actions:

  1. Combine flour and fine salt in equal proportions, add a little water.
  2. Knead the elastic dough and send it to chill in the refrigerator for two hours.
  3. After this time, you can start sculpting. We make 4 balls from salt dough. These will be the paws of the sheep. Place them as shown in the picture.
  4. Roll up a piece of foil and place it on the dough. Then you need to roll a ball out of the cake - this is the body of a lamb, it must be laid on top of the paws.
  5. Now, from pieces of dough, blind the head, horns, curls, ears and eyes.
  6. To get something like curly sheep's wool, roll up a lot of small balls and evenly place them on the back of our animal.
  7. The preparation is ready. It remains to place it in the oven, preheated to the minimum temperature. The sheep should dry thoroughly without cracking. At a temperature of 50 ° C, it will take about 3 hours to dry and up to half an hour to cool.
  8. Then cover the entire surface of the figurine with white. Wait until they are completely dry.
  9. Color the sheep with gouache. And with the help of a permanent marker, you can draw eyelashes, a mouth, circle the horns and other details as desired.
  10. Finish off by varnishing the sheep. Varnish will add shine and smoothness to it, giving the craft a finished look.

Testoplasty allows you to create not only small voluminous souvenirs, but also whole paintings from salt dough. Of course, their creation will require some skills, patience and perseverance. However, the result is able to exceed all expectations, becoming a wonderful gift for loved ones or decorating the interior of your home.

We act in stages:

  1. Creating a picture, like any other dough crafts, begins with the preparation, in fact, of the dough. There are many different variations of recipes, but the most popular is this: 1 tbsp. finely ground salt, 2 tbsp. flour, 200 ml of water. Knead the elastic salt dough for crafts, pack it in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  2. Take out the finished material and you can start creating by pinching off a piece of dough from the bag (it quickly becomes covered with a crust in the air).
  3. To connect the parts together, do not use glue, but water.
  4. It is most convenient to create a picture on foil. It is necessary to dry the result: in the oven or in the air.
  5. When the craft dries, paint it with gouache and cover with two layers of varnish.
  6. Finally, attach the picture to the canvas or any other framed fabric.

All kinds of cats, birds, snowmen, bears, dachshunds, flowers and much more look very beautiful. You can create pictures based on the plot of a fairy tale - this will be especially interesting for children. You can see some examples of work for inspiration in the pictures.

Symbolic figurines-flour-salt

Salt dough is a great alternative to clay. And crafts from it can become a unique decoration for your home or an original gift idea. It has long been believed that flour salt in the house is a symbol of prosperity and family well-being.

Regardless of what kind of figures you plan to make, the dough for them can be prepared according to one of the recipes above.

  1. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin until it is 0.5 cm thick.
  2. On this sheet, make prints of any cookie cutters. These are future figurines made from salt dough.
  3. Turn on the oven and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  4. Using a wooden spatula, or just use your hands, transfer the figures to a baking sheet.
  5. With a cocktail tube or a toothpick, make a hole in each of the figures so that you can then thread a thread through it and hang the figures, say, on a Christmas tree (well, or hang them around the house).
  6. Bake in the oven at the lowest temperature for several hours.
  7. Lay them out on a flat surface and let cool.
  8. Color the toys however you like.

Here are a few more examples of flour salts that are easy to make and look amazing!

  1. Each recipe for salt dough for crafts involves the use of exclusively wheat or rye flour (but definitely not pancake) and finely ground salt (not iodized, since the dough will not be homogeneous, but with large inclusions).
  2. Mixing water must be very cold. Add it in portions, diligently kneading the dough. Depending on the flour you choose, you may need different amounts of water.
  3. The dough should not stick to your hands or crumble. If it does not stick well, add a little water, and if it sticks, add a little flour.
  4. Salt dough keeps well in the refrigerator in a plastic bag or in a container with a tight-fitting lid. Use it piece by piece as needed, because the finished dough in the air quickly becomes covered with a dry crust, which spoils the appearance of the products. Expiration date of the test is 1 week.
  5. Crafts from small elements look more elegant. To make the parts stick well to each other, moisten the joints with water using a brush.
  6. To color the dough itself, add a little food coloring diluted in water (for Easter eggs). From the dough of different colors, you can create new shades: for this, just knead the multi-colored pieces with your fingers.

Testoplasty is not just children's fun, but also a corrective activity that allows you to develop fine motor skills of the hands, perseverance and imagination of kids, cultivating aesthetic taste. And for adults, this is a great way of self-expression and recuperation. We wish you inspiration, and let creativity be only a joy!

Bioceramics - this is the name of the type of creativity, when crafts are created from salt dough by modeling, like from plasticine. You can sculpt anything: animal figures, plants, leaves of different tree species, letters of the alphabet and even whole pictures.

It is much better to work with salt dough than with plasticine or a special mass for modeling. It is prepared by hand, does not contain allergenic additives, i.е. completely safe for children and adults. Crafts made from salt dough can be stored for years.

salt dough recipe

Recipe ingredients for making salt dough for crafts: a full glass of flour and extra salt, ½ cup of tap water.

Pour flour and salt into a bowl convenient for kneading, pour water and mix with your hands. As soon as the dough stops sticking to your hands, becomes an elastic mass, it is ready. The dough should be pliable enough to be easy to shape.

Dough drying technology

The finished dough can be dried in different ways. For example, leave the craft to dry on its own, making sure that it is not in the sun and is on a flat surface. Dough cracks from exposure to sunlight.

You can dry it in the oven, which will take 3-6 hours, depending on the size of the craft, but with breaks after 1-2 hours. If you need to dry quickly, adjust the temperature from 75 to 100 degrees. The best drying method is the first one.

Painting technology

You can use one of the two proposed types of coloring dough for crafts. One way is to paint the dried product with acrylic paints with an ordinary brush, gouache is also suitable. You need to turn to another type already when working on preparing the dough - use food coloring. Add them, diluted in water, to a mass of flour and salt.

It is not enough to paint the dried craft, it must be treated with colorless nail or furniture varnish, covering it with 2-3 layers, provided that each layer must be allowed to dry.

Original ideas for figurines from salt dough: master classes

It is not difficult to start working with salt dough by mastering step-by-step crafts.


Prepare salt dough, already dyed in the desired color, stack for modeling, colorless varnish, toothpick.

Roll the dough into a circle, roll it flat, outline with a stack and cut out a star, wet your hand and align the edges, prick dots, eyes, mouth with a toothpick, decorate with balls of a different color. It remains to wait for the asterisk to dry in order to coat it with varnish and dry it again.


Following the instructions, prepare the dough, coloring it, a knife, PVA glue, nail polish.

Roll the dough with a sausage, divide it into 6 identical pieces with a knife, make balls out of them, one of which is the head, the other five, stuck to each other, are the torso, sculpt the nose and eyes separately, glue them. Dry and varnish as usual. It remains to attach the suspension.


Prepare the dough of the desired color, glue and varnish.

Form one half of the apple out of the dough, aligning the back wall. Glue to it a separately glued middle. Make seeds, leaves and cuttings, glue. Dry in any way, varnish.


The set is the same as for the apple.

Roll the dough into an oblong ball - the body, 4 plump sausages will become the legs. Sculpt the trunk, eyes, tail. Treat the ears carefully: stick two more smaller ones and a different color to 2 flat cakes. Consistently collect the elephant: legs, then glue everything else to the body. After drying, varnish at least 2 layers.


Prepare not only the dough, but also foil, a candy bowl, gouache with a brush, colorless varnish, a board for work, a knife.

Fill a candy vase with foil. Make roses by preparing 5 pieces of dough for each and 1 for a leaf. Blind leaves and draw stripes with a knife. Roll 5 pieces into balls, make a tube from one, petals from the rest. Glue finished roses on foil. Leave the product to dry and then walk with a brush with varnish.


To work, you will need to prepare the dough, small scissors, glue, paints or gouache of your choice, varnish.

Roll out the body from the dough in the form of an oval with an elongated end. From two small circles make eyes, sculpt a nose. Using cuts, prepare needles from a dough cake, gluing them in a checkerboard pattern. The hedgehog is ready. You can start painting and varnishing procedures.


The set is the same as before.

For the body of an owl, you need to give the ball an oval shape. The eyes will require more effort: roll out a round cake from a ball of dough, glue it to the body with glue, pull a strip from another piece of dough, roll it into a tube - you get a pupil in the eye. Draw small strips from the pupils to the edges of the eye with a nail file. Surround the eyes with drawn rays. Slowly, carefully cut the dough on the body with scissors to make feathers. Cut the dough in rows. Plant the resulting owl on a plank. For readiness, it remains to make and glue the paws. Make a hairstyle in the likeness of feathers, i.e. form them with scissors and glue. The main work is done. Next comes the usual process of drying, painting, varnishing.

Salt dough crafts for beginners mastered. You can move on to the manufacture of small works with a slightly more complex technology.


Prepare salt dough, a knife, a rolling pin, a baking sheet, a paper sheet, acrylic paints with a brush, a ribbon for hanging a finished fish, a shoe horn, manicure polish, a piece of sandpaper, a simple pencil for crafts.

  • Draw a fish on a piece of paper in advance or download and print.
  • On a baking sheet sprinkled with flour, roll out the dough into a layer.
  • According to the prepared template, attached on top of the dough, cut out the fish.
  • Form a strip from the remaining dough and attach it so as to separate the face from the body.
  • Make lips in the shape of a heart.
  • The pupils will turn out if you press on their places with the blunt end of the pencil.
  • Make two holes on the fins with something round.
  • Pressing with the wide end of a shoehorn, shape the fish scales.
  • Make eyelashes with the end of the knife and draw stripes on the fins.
  • Now you can leave the craft to dry.
  • Treat the dried fish with sandpaper to smooth out irregularities.
  • Cover the craft with paint and dry.
  • Apply layers of varnish to the fish and leave to dry completely.
  • Hang the finished product on a ribbon.


Collect the same set of necessary items as for the fish, plus a base with a frame.

The first steps are similar to the previous craft: prepare a template, cut out a cat on it, dry it. Smooth out all the roughness with sandpaper. With a simple pencil, apply a drawing to the prepared cat's body, according to which you can paint it in the desired colors. After drying the cat, cover it with varnish and leave to dry completely. Now insert your product into the base with the frame and fix it with glue.

Production of three-dimensional figurines

Salt dough modeling has become a whole kind of decorative art, thanks to interesting crafts. Salt dough in its consistency allows you to make three-dimensional figures. For example, flowers, the modeling of which is very fond of the fair sex.

It is easy to fashion daisies: after rolling out the dough, make a lot of petals at once. Flatten the ball, get the middle. Natural materials are suitable for stems and leaves. It is advisable to place the resulting daisies in a basket woven from dough strips. You can immediately paint the dough or the finished product using familiar technologies. Having mastered simple figures, you can proceed to the implementation of large ones: autumn crafts, Easter sets, paintings.

Thermoplastics will give everyone the joy of creativity, will help to reveal unknown inclinations in oneself. In addition, crafts can become a home decoration, a souvenir, a surprise, a gift made from the heart and with love. You can please loved ones by fashioning something that they love more from salt dough.

Photo ideas of original dough crafts

Modeling figures from salt dough or dough plastic is a very exciting activity that does not require special skills and special financial investments. Salt, water and flour are the main components for this type of needlework. The dough turns out soft and pliable, allowing you to make wonderful crafts even for beginners.

First, you can sculpt the simplest figures, then try to make more complicated products: small souvenirs, dolls, and even three-dimensional paintings. Having gained a little experience and applying creative imagination, you can make real works of art! In addition, by doing various crafts with your children, you will not only teach them to creative work and develop fine motor skills, but also enjoy precious minutes of communication.

Our master class and some interesting ideas will help you complete simple crafts, and the necessary tips will make this creative process as fruitful and exciting as possible.

There are a lot of recipes for modeling from salt dough. Depending on the scale of crafts, salt, flour and water are mixed in various proportions, and additional ingredients are added to the dough, among other things: glycerin, glue, vegetable oil, starch and even hand cream. For beginners, it is recommended to make the dough according to the classic recipe. To do this, flour and salt are mixed in equal proportions with the gradual addition of cold water. For example, 200 g of salt and 200 g of flour will require 125 g of water.

Tip for beginners!

  1. Flour should be ordinary rye or wheat without the addition of baking powder and other components.
  2. Salt is best taken fine-grained and in no case iodized. For better dissolution of salt, some needlewomen add a little water to it before mixing it with flour.
  3. In order for the dough to be homogeneous, it is recommended to use a mixer.
  4. To please the children already in the process of modeling and give the product color, you can add food coloring to the dough.
  5. For better adhesion of the individual parts of the craft to each other, moisten them with a brush.
  6. It is best to dry the product in an oven preheated to 50-60 degrees. Depending on the size of the craft, this procedure can take about 1 hour or more.

Master class on making flour salts

In addition to flour, water and salt for the master class, you will need the following devices:

  • modeling board;
  • a small rock;
  • small knife;
  • a toothpick or ballpoint pen for small holes and patterns;
  • water tank;
  • brush and paints;
  • coating varnish.

Depending on what figures you will make, you may need cookie cutters, beads, buttons, leaves of various shapes to create prints.

  1. From the finished salt dough, roll out a layer half a centimeter thick.
  2. Use cookie cutters to cut out the desired number of shapes. With a toothpick or a rod from a pen, make holes in the figures in order to thread loops of ribbons into them. Decorate crafts using beads, buttons, or tree leaves as prints.
  3. Preheat the oven, cover the bottom of the baking sheet with tracing paper or special baking paper.
  4. Put the figures on a baking sheet and bake in the oven until the dough hardens.
  5. Place the flour salters on a flat surface and paint with paints of your choice.
  6. To give finished products shine, cover them with varnish.

Flour salts can be made with a small knife, cutting out all kinds of elements. For example, you can make a hanging house for children on the New Year tree or a funny cat with rope paws. A salty pancake can make a cute owl if you wrap three of its edges and cut out eyes with a spout.

The materials and fixtures needed to create such a funny lamb will need the same ones as in the previous master class.

  1. Knead the dough according to the classic recipe and put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  2. Shape the dough into 4 small balls for future lamb legs.
  3. To make the body, roll a sheet of foil into a ball and cover it with a salt dough pancake. Place the resulting ball on the legs.
  4. Make a lamb's head, horns, ears and eyes out of the dough. Use small balls of dough to form the fur of the toy.
  5. Dry the salt dough lamb in the oven for 2.5-3 hours, and then let it cool for 30-40 minutes.
  6. Color and varnish the toy.

Modeling of three-dimensional panels and paintings from salt dough

As a rule, salt dough is used for paintings according to the following recipe: one glass of salt and flour, 1 tbsp. water. For beginners, it is best to use a small amount of salty figures in the picture, decorating the rest of the space with decorative materials. Salted details are best done on foil so that their reverse surface is perfectly flat and easily glued to the picture field.

Possible problems for beginners when making crafts from salt dough

  1. After painting, the products cracked.
  2. Clean the craft with sandpaper, dry it in the fresh air and paint again.
  3. Crafts cracked due to the large thickness.
  4. Remove excess dough from the back. If the figure is large, when drying it must be periodically turned over.
  5. If a part has broken off from the toy, glue it with PVA glue or decorate it with a suitable decoration.
