PP candies made from cottage cheese and cocoa. PP recipes from cottage cheese in the oven and in a frying pan, fitness candies and desserts. The lowest calorie curd sweets

Date sweets are my favorite. They can be the most tender if the nut is placed only inside, and completely opposite if the nuts are ground with dates. As you may have guessed, you will need peeled and roasted peanuts, pitted dates, walnuts for filling and cocoa for sprinkling.

For the Snickers PP we will need roasted and peeled peanuts, powdered milk (skim milk is possible), honey and chocolate.

The third type of candy is coconuts. Let's prepare coconut flakes, milk powder, honey, coconut oil (I remembered during the cooking process, so it's not in the photo) and chocolate for decoration.

Since my dates are already peeled, the peanuts are also fried and peeled, let's start by pouring water over the coconut flakes for 5 minutes. This is done so that it swells and is softer.

While the coconut shavings are soaking, prepare the Snickers PP. Pour the milk powder into a frying pan and fry until golden brown. Don't be alarmed when it starts to clump, that's how it should be.

Grind the nuts and roasted milk powder in a blender; control the consistency yourself; some people like smaller nuts, others larger ones. In my candies, I put 2/3 of the nuts into the blender earlier, the rest later. It turns out more tender, but you can also see that there are peanuts in there.

If it seems too tight, you can add a little water. Do not overdo it, as powdered milk gradually releases its fats, and very quickly the mass becomes thinner.

Roll the nut mixture into balls. They are ready, but what would Snickers be without chocolate?

Let's move on to the second type. Grind nuts and dates in a blender.

We also control the degree of grinding according to our taste preferences. Dates are very sweet so no other sweeteners are needed. Roll the balls, not forgetting to put a walnut inside.

Pour cocoa into a bowl, put a ball and roll it. The cocoa will stick to the candy and they are ready. Alternatively, if you don’t add nuts to the dates, you can roll the sweets in the nuts.

The coconut flakes have swelled, and now you need to drain the water and squeeze well. Mix with dry milk, melt honey and combine all ingredients. Don't forget the oil. If you don’t have coconut oil, then it’s better not to add it at all; others won’t work. When everything is mixed, put it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Then we roll the balls.

Women who take constant care of their figure should deny themselves many delicacies. First of all, we are talking about sweets. Such a delicacy as chocolates is not included in any dietary diet, but this does not make the desire to enjoy their taste any less, alas. What to do? There is a way out: eat dietary sweets, which will not only benefit the body and not add extra centimeters to the waist, but will also make beautiful ladies lose weight!

Today we will tell you what makes the most delicious diet sweets and give you the best recipes at home.

What to make it from?

To make delicious and harmless diet candies at home, you will need certain food products. Of course, the specific list of ingredients for this dessert directly depends on the recipe you are using. However, we can identify a number of components that are most often used as components of homemade dietary sweets. These are a variety of dried fruits, nuts, seeds and cereals, some legumes (for example, peanuts, chickpeas), dark and dark chocolate, cocoa powder, fresh berries and fruits. Diet sweets are made from cottage cheese, protein, milk, vanillin, sweeteners, vegetable oils, coconut flakes and citrus zest are added.

From all this diversity, you can create real masterpieces that have a long shelf life and can please not only people who are losing weight, but also their household members.

Why do homemade diet sweets help bring body weight back to normal and even stabilize it? It's actually simple: diet candies contain a lot of nutrients that help you achieve your goal. The fiber present in dried fruits cleanses the body of waste, toxins and excess fat, and improves intestinal function. Proteins, which are rich in milk and cottage cheese, prevent the breakdown of muscle tissue during weight loss and improve metabolism. Vitamins, antioxidants and mineral compounds of fruits, berries, and dried fruits speed up metabolism and stimulate the fat burning process. Dark chocolate dulls the appetite. Carbohydrates from dried apricots, figs, and prunes satiate you quickly and for a long time. In general, diet sweets have more than enough advantages!

So, we offer you recipes for the most delicious diet sweets that you can make with your own hands at home.

Homemade truffle recipe

Ingredients of dietary sweets: 5 tbsp. low-fat cocoa, 7 tbsp. milk, 50 g whey protein (preferably chocolate flavored), 4 tbsp. ground almonds, 2-3 tbsp. coconut oil

How to prepare dietary truffles at home. All ingredients must be combined in a deep bowl, leaving out only the cocoa powder. Mix them - you will get a thick sticky mass. Now you need to form small balls out of it. To do this, dip your fingers in dry cocoa every time you create another candy. Roll the finished balls in this powder. Keep the treat in the refrigerator until completely frozen.

Cottage cheese candies

Ingredients of curd sweets: 100 g low-fat cottage cheese, 5 tbsp. oatmeal, 1 banana, 3 tbsp. coconut flakes, powdered sweetener to taste.

How to prepare curd diet sweets. Pass the banana and oatmeal through a blender. Leave the mixture alone for 20 minutes to allow the cereal ingredient to swell. Then combine the mixture with the remaining ingredients until a homogeneous consistency is obtained - except for the coconut flakes. Roll candies of any shape from the curd mixture and roll each one in shavings. The delicacy should be stored in the refrigerator, but this period is a maximum of 5 days.

Dietary candies made from chickpeas and chocolate

To prepare chocolate diet candies you will need: 3 tbsp. nut butter, 50 g peanuts, 250 g boiled chickpeas, a little less dark chocolate, a little vanilla and stevia (to taste).

How to make chocolates. Place the main ingredients in a blender bowl: paste, legumes, stevia and vanilla. Turn on the appliance and turn this mixture into a smooth puree. Divide the chocolate into two equal parts, one of which must be melted in a water bath and the finished glaze must be added to the resulting candy mixture. Place the other half of the treat in the refrigerator. Make balls of any size from the sweet mass. Take the chocolate out of the refrigerator and grate it on a fine grater - the candies should be rolled in this powder. Place the dessert in a cool place.

Berry recipe

Ingredients of dietary berry candies: 1.5 liters of water, 0.5 kg of any berries - frozen or fresh (it is better to use assorted), 60 g of gelatin and any sweetener to taste.

How to cook at home. Place the berries in a saucepan and cover with water. Place the container on the stove and bring the mixture to a boil. After this, simmer it over low heat for 20 minutes. After this period, remove the berry broth from the stove, strain, dissolve the sweetener and gelatin in it. Stir the liquid to avoid lumps! Now pour the broth onto a baking sheet so that it forms a layer 2 cm thick.

Another option is to pour the mixture into molds. Place the berry-gelatin solution in the refrigerator to harden. When this happens, remove the finished candies from the molds or cut the jelly into miniature triangles.

Dried fruit candies

Ingredients for homemade dietary sweets made from dried fruits: you will need any nuts of your choice in the amount of 100 g, as well as 100 g of dried apricots, prunes, dates and raisins. An additional ingredient for sprinkling is sesame seeds (50 g).

Recipe. Wash and dry all the listed dried fruits. Then combine them and grind them using a blender, adding nuts to the mixture. From the resulting mass, form small round candies with your hands, roll each of them in pre-roasted sesame seeds. Place the dish with the treat in the refrigerator for 15 minutes.

Milk jelly

Dietary composition: 50 g of dark chocolate, 20 g of gelatin, 0.5 l of low-fat milk, any sweetener and vanillin to taste.

How to make dairy diet sweets at home. Pour the milk into the pan and let it boil. When this happens, dissolve gelatin in this liquid, then add sweetener and vanillin. Pour the milk mixture onto a baking sheet - it should form a layer approximately 1.5-2 cm thick. To allow the jelly layer to harden, put the product in the refrigerator for an hour. Then cut the finished jelly into candies of any shape and dip each in glaze - chocolate melted in a water bath. Keep the treat in a cool place for another half hour.

Homemade protein recipe

For homemade dietary protein candies you will need: 1 peeled banana, moderately ripe; 125 g whey protein or skim milk powder; 20 g brown sugar.

Recipe. Mix chopped fruit with protein in a blender. Roll out round sweets from a homogeneous mass with your fingers. Roll them in brown sugar. It is preferable to store sweets in the refrigerator.

Raffaello at home

Required ingredients: dates - 2 cups, rice flour - 250 mg, whole (according to the number of candies) and ground almonds for sprinkling.

How to prepare diet candies Raffaello. Dried fruits need to be soaked. To do this, fill them with water and leave for 4 hours. Then drain the liquid and pass the dried fruits through a meat grinder. Add rice flour to the mixture. Mix and form balls from the nutritional mixture. Place a whole almond inside each candy. Roll the delicacy in ground almonds and place on a wide flat dish, which must be refrigerated for 3 hours.

Make your own diet sweets using natural and healthy ingredients. Rejoice yourself and treat your loved ones. Any food made with your own hands is filled with home warmth and love. Bon appetit, health and slimness!

Healthy candies have been a hit in recent years. Vegan, raw food, protein, fruit and vegetable - you can’t make them from anything. Through experience, I also found several good recipes for myself. It contains only natural products, so you can not only enjoy these sweets yourself, but also generously treat your children.

Admit it, you also like to treat yourself to a couple of sweets with a cup of tea. True, it is not always possible to stop at a couple. And then the skin suffers, and the teeth, and the figure, and the conscience often... Down with the side effects - let the recipes for PP sweets always be at hand, so that at any time you can please yourself and your loved ones with the right tasty treat.

When preparing healthy ones, you can safely replace prunes, dried apricots and raisins with dates, figs, dried peaches or even kumquats (who can resist its piquant sourness?).


Prunes – 40 gr.,
dried apricots – 40 gr.,
raisins – 40 gr.,
walnuts – 30 gr.,
lemon juice – 1 tsp.


- Grind walnuts into fine crumbs
- Grind dried fruits in a blender bowl, adding lemon juice

- add some of the chopped nuts and mix everything

- form candies and roll in walnuts

Output 11 pcs.

Cottage cheese candies "Raffaello"

Cottage cheese of any fat content is suitable for PP-Raffaello - with “zero” the candy will turn out slightly crumbly and less caloric. If you like a more delicate consistency, take thicker curds.


Cottage cheese in a briquette – 180 gr.,
coconut flakes – 30 gr.,
coconut paste or urbech – 1 tsp,
honey – 1 tbsp,
almonds - a handful.


- Grind cottage cheese, almonds, coconut paste, honey in a blender bowl

- add 2 tbsp to the resulting mixture. coconut flakes and mix everything

- form candies and roll in shavings

Output 20 pcs.

Banana candies "Truffles"

You can add a little finely grated chocolate to truffle sweets - this will make the taste more rich.


Banana – 1 pc.,
cashews – 50-70 gr.,
walnuts – 20 gr.,
cocoa powder or carob – 2 tbsp.


- chop banana, cashews and walnuts

- mix everything thoroughly and place the mixture in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes

- form the candies and roll in carob or cocoa powder (the mass is sticky, so before molding the candies, your hands must be moistened with water)

Output 12 pcs.

“The recipes contain terribly high-calorie nuts; can such candies be called dietary?” - they sometimes ask me. And this is a completely wrong approach to . Calories are energy, and energy is life. Their number needs to be controlled, and not reduced to zero, even during weight loss.

Nuts are packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber, amino acids, and essential fatty acids—so why not make healthy candy out of them? After all, they are a hundred times better than the factory ones, which contain trans fats, artificial flavors, and other synthetic additives.

Those who care about their figure will enjoy healthy sweets with another advantage - they cannot be eaten too much. They do not contain flavor enhancers, like store-bought sweets, and there is no euphoric desire to eat half a kilo at once. These candies are very filling, and even if you are hungry, eating more than 3-4 pieces at a time will be problematic.

Video recipe for making chocolate candies with dates

All the best for your figure! Do you enjoy losing weight?

1. prune candies, only 3 ingredients!

Diet sweets are a wonderful nutritious snack!


  • * prunes - 250 g.
  • * almonds - 200 g.
  • * coconut flakes - 50 g.


Pour boiling water over the prunes and mash them in a blender. Dry and chop the nuts. Combine the mixture with coconut flakes.
Roll into balls and refrigerate.

Bon appetit!

2. useful fitness candies.


  • - 200 g oatmeal;.
  • - 50 g of nuts (we have walnuts);
  • - 100 g dried apricots (or dates);
  • - 20 g honey;
  • - 20 g vegetable oil.


1. chop nuts and dried apricots.
2. mix. Add flakes, honey and butter to them. Mix thoroughly.
3. Form balls and place in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees until the candies turn golden. On average, 15-20 minutes, but it all depends on the oven and the size of the candies.

3. PP chocolate candies with a hint of coffee.


  • * 60 ml brewed natural coffee.
  • * 60 g soft low-fat cottage cheese.
  • * 90 g skimmed milk powder.
  • * 14 g cocoa 0%.
  • * 2.5 g gelatin.
  • * stevia to taste.


Soak gelatin in cold coffee according to instructions.
Heat the coffee until the gelatin dissolves (do not boil).
Mix cottage cheese with coffee and gelatin.
Combine both mixtures and beat in a glass with a blender until smooth.
Place 1 tsp in silicone molds.
Cover with cling film and place in the freezer until completely frozen. The mass begins to harden even when unfolding.
Store in the freezer in a tightly sealed container.

4. extremely healthy truffles.

Treat yourself with sweets, and with health benefits too. Dream? But no! Now is it very simple?


  • * 250 g pitted dates.
  • * 125 g walnuts.
  • * 2 tbsp. l. water (if required).
  • * 4 tbsp. l. unsweetened cocoa powder.
  • * 1 orange.
  • * 1 lemon.
  • * a pinch of sea salt.


1. Soak dates and walnuts for 30-60 minutes, then drain. Grind them in a blender. If desired, add a little water - the cream should not turn out loose.
2. Grate the lemon and orange zest into separate bowls. 2 tbsp. l. orange zest, 3 tbsp. l. Add cocoa powder and salt to the nuts, beat with a blender again. Place the truffle dough in the refrigerator for 1 hour. During this time, dry the lemon zest in the oven and grind it with a pestle and mortar to a powder (optional).
3. Roll the dough into balls, roll them in the remaining cocoa powder, sprinkle lemon zest on top. Store sweets in the refrigerator.

Bon appetit!

5. homemade fitness candies with strawberries

Strawberry season is just around the corner! - Save it on your wall so as not to lose it?


  • Strawberries - 200 g.
  • Honey - 1 tbsp. l. (30 g) or sweetener to taste.
  • Cottage cheese - 250 g.
  • Oatmeal - 1 cup (plus a little more for sprinkling).
  • Coconut shavings for sprinkling (a couple of tablespoons).


1. beat the egg and, continuing to beat, add honey and cottage cheese.
2. then grind the oatmeal in a blender or coffee grinder, leaving 2-3 tbsp. l. for breading, and add the rest to the curd mass. Knead a light dough.
3. pinch off small pieces from the dough and make flat cakes from them.
4. put a whole strawberry inside.
5. Roll into balls (to prevent the dough from sticking, wet your hands first.

6. Throw them into boiling water and after they float, cook for 3 minutes. Fish out with a slotted spoon. Roll in a mixture of ground flakes and coconut flakes.

7. When serving, decorate with strawberries.

Even such healthy sweets are not recommended to be consumed later than six o'clock in the evening. Their calorie content should not exceed 10% of the daily value. The lowest-calorie sweets are fruits and berries. Their energy value per 100 g of product is very low. For example, an apple contains only 77 calories, but it contains so many useful minerals and trace elements. Another fruit is banana. Although it is not the lowest in calories, it is also allowed for consumption. Banana satisfies hunger, saturates with potassium and fiber, which cleanses the intestines. You can eat any other fruits - pears, kiwis, oranges, grapefruits, pineapples, apricots, pomegranates, peaches. Berries can be a good alternative to sweets, although almost all of them taste slightly sour. Strawberries, raspberries, wild strawberries, cherries, currants, and gooseberries are suitable.

“Raffaello” candies made from cottage cheese are a wonderful dietary dessert that is very quick and easy to make at home, eat for pleasure, without harming your figure. Such dietary desserts can be consumed while following a diet for weight loss and even some therapeutic diets.

Curd candies Low-fat and low-fat cottage cheese make excellent and varied sweet dishes and desserts; there are many casseroles alone. Cottage cheese goes very well with fruits and berries, and

cottage cheese casserole with fruit (any kind to your taste) is the best confirmation of this. In the case of weight loss, the main thing is to know when to stop, so that weight loss is successful, you should make do with small portions, no matter how tasty your dessert turns out. What do we use to make Raffaello candies? In order to prepare such a dietary dessert from cottage cheese, you need to stock up on the following minimum set of products:

There are a lot of recipes for desserts based on cottage cheese. In addition, such a treat is convenient to use when children refuse to eat cottage cheese. Without a doubt, they will definitely like the original “dessert” serving. The light curd dessert “Raffaello” candies will be a wonderful decoration for the holiday table, and you can often pamper yourself with it without a special holiday occasion, because you don’t have to worry about having an ideally slim figure.

What sweets are fashionable to eat with proper nutrition? What are PP sweets and how to prepare them?

Many people believe that sweets are not part of a healthy diet. But this is not at all true; there is a whole list of low-calorie sweets that people on a diet can eat. We offer you the most delicious and healthy pp sweets recipes that can be easily and quickly prepared at home.

PP sweets, what is it? There are many recipes for making sweets at home, and this will undoubtedly be useful and not harmful to your figure. Some sweets can be bought ready-made in the store - marmalade, dried fruit, ice cream, etc. The main thing when purchasing is to pay attention to the composition and calorie content of such products.

Sweets made from dates and coconut flakes will be an excellent treat if you are fasting, following a diet or proper nutrition. They consist only of plant ingredients, and we will also do without adding sugar, which will make the candies healthy for children. It must be said that the main ingredient - dates, will not be felt at all in the candies, so even those who do not usually add them to their food will like it. menu.

Print the recipe for Date and Coconut Candies. Recipe with step-by-step photos Date and coconut candies can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks, so you can make them for future use. But, as a rule, they don’t stay there for more than a couple of days, no matter how much you cook them...


Dietary cocoa candies. Homemade truffle recipe

Ingredients of dietary sweets:

  • 5 tbsp. low fat cocoa,
  • 7 tbsp milk,
  • 50 g whey protein (preferably chocolate flavored),
  • 4 tbsp. ground almonds,
  • 2-3 tbsp. coconut oil

How to prepare dietary truffles at home.

All ingredients must be combined in a deep bowl, leaving out only the cocoa powder. Mix them - you will get a thick sticky mass. Now you need to form small balls out of it. To do this, dip your fingers in dry cocoa every time you create another candy. Roll the finished balls in this powder. Keep the treat in the refrigerator until completely frozen.

To make delicious homemade sweets from dried fruits, we recommend that you carefully select the ingredients for preparing the delicacy. It is advisable to buy dried fruits in bulk at the market, from sellers whom you trust and are confident in the quality of the product.

It is worth paying attention to their appearance; you should not choose too bright colors, as there is a high probability that they have been treated with chemicals.

You can get healthy sweets without sugar if you use the following to prepare them:

Dates. This wonderful natural product is a good remedy for the prevention of heart, stomach, kidney diseases, as well as oncology. Dates should be eaten by women who are preparing for the birth of a child, to facilitate childbirth, and by nursing mothers to increase lactation. This healthy fruit will give men energy and strength.

Raisin. It is valued for the fact that it contains a lot of iron; it is very dangerous to use raisins for anemia, heart disease, and anemia. It should also be included in the diet if there are problems with the respiratory system.

Dried apricots. It is very useful for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Pregnant women should also eat dried apricots to avoid a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood and anemia.

Prunes. Dried plums are recommended for stomach problems, constipation, and help in losing weight and improving the health of the whole body. In addition, prunes have good antimicrobial properties and will help cope with infectious diseases.

Video Diet candy | Quick and easy recipe

1. Bounty
For bars
baked milk-120g
coconut flakes-45g
sweetener to taste
egg white-120g (this is about 3-4 eggs)
For the glaze:
40 gr. dark chocolate + milk (4-5 tbsp.)

30 gr. beat coconut shavings with a blender. Add the remaining ingredients for the bars, mix and let sit for 10 minutes.
We transfer the mass into a mold (the height of the mass should be about 1.5 cm) and put it in the microwave for 3 minutes at power 850. It is important here not to overdry - all micros are prepared differently. The base should set but remain slightly damp.
Let it cool and put it in the refrigerator to cool. Cut the base into portioned bars.
Melt the chocolate in the same way...

Curd sweets "Surprise" 🍬😋

A great dessert or sweet snack in the morning!!!

Calorie content of 1 piece - 82 kcal!
Calorie content per 100 g - 183 kcal (Used/F/U - 8.26/ 6.75/ 23.90)

📑 INGREDIENTS (for 15 pcs):
✔ cottage cheese (I use Valio soft cottage cheese 0.3%) 250 gr
✔ one large banana 160 gr
✔ oat flakes 80 gr
✔ honey 15 g
✔ coconut/sesame/poppy seeds/ground nuts 40 gr
✔ dried apricots 15 pcs
✔ cashew nuts (or almonds) 15 pcs.


4) At this time, make the filling: soak the dried apricots if they are hard; soaked soft dried apricots...

Healthy candies "Coconut bird's milk" 😋🍬

Calorie content per 100 g - 91 kcal (used - 7.6/5.2/4.0)
Calorie content of 1 piece (10 g) - only 9 kcal!!!

A very cool recipe for healthy soufflé candies! The airy vanilla-coconut soufflé looks like both marshmallow and ice cream, but most of all it resembles bird's milk! The sweets are simply divine, they are very easy and quick to prepare 😘😉

✔ cream 10% fat - 100 g

✔ instant gelatin - 20 g
✔ coconut flakes - 20 g

✔ vanilla seeds/vanillin - to taste

🔷 Pour cream over the gelatin, leave to swell (with my gelatin it took 10 minutes), heat the gelatin with...

Healthy candies for the New Year??

Used - 3.6/ 8.7/ 27.9


1) Grate the apple on a fine grater or chop it in a food processor, no need to squeeze out the juice, it will be needed to give the mass the desired consistency

Healthy candies 🍬 in the post

Calorie content per 100 g - about 190 kcal
Used - 3.6/ 8.7/ 27.9

- apple (2 pcs) - 250 g (grate)
- any nuts and seeds (not fried, but dried!) - 70 g
- prunes, dates 1:1 (you can add raisins, figs or dried cherries) - 140 g
- cocoa powder / carob - 30 g
- fiber (I used apple and ginger, but any will do) - 50 g
- for flavor you can add a drop of rum or cognac
- for sprinkling you can use coconut flakes, cocoa powder, poppy seeds, chopped nuts, confectionery sprinkles - about 30 g

1) Grate the apple on a fine grater or chop it in a food processor; there is no need to squeeze out the juice, it will be needed to give the mass the desired consistency...

Prune and date truffles

One candy contains 51 kcal!
100 g - 227 kcal (used - 3.4/ 4.1/ 48.8)

Healthy treat. Very tasty homemade sweets are not inferior to store-bought sweets, but at the same time they are healthy and made with your own hands, which means with love ❤

📃 INGREDIENTS (for 10 candies):
- prunes 70 gr
- dates 60 gr
- juice of one lime/orange 50 g
- cocoa powder or carob 20 g
- nuts, coconut flakes and flax bran (for coating) 20 g
- cognac, rum or coffee liqueur, but you can do without it 1 tsp.

☑ Grind prunes and dates in a blender or finely chop them by hand. It is important to seize the moment and not bring it to a liquid state. It would be better if there were pieces left, but it would be thick.

Airy soufflé candies with chocolate and blueberries 🍬🍫🍓

Calorie content per 100 g - 91 kcal, used - 11.6/2.9/4.3 🍬

✔ soft creamy cottage cheese (low-fat), you can use yogurt - 400 g
✔ ricotta (you can use cottage cheese with a homogeneous consistency of 5% fat) - 250 g
✔ gelatin - 50 g
✔ milk 1-1.5% - 200 g
✔ cocoa powder or carob (you can use chocolate protein) - 40 g
✔ berries (blueberries or currants) - 200 gr
✔ sweetener (Fitparad) - to taste (I use 5-6 sachets)
✔ vanilla extract/vanillin/vanilla seeds - to taste

🔷 In a blender, beat ricotta with soft cottage cheese until smooth. Divide the resulting cream into 2 parts.
🔷 Add cocoa powder, sahzam to the first half of the cream...

PP Candy - tastier than from the store!

per 100 grams - 193.97 kcal
Used - 10.62/7.22/24.34

Oat flakes - 80 g
Low-fat cottage cheese - 250 g
Honey - 1 tsp
Banana - 160 g
Coconut flakes/sesame seeds - 40 g

For filling:
Cashew nuts (or almonds) - 15 pcs.
Dried apricots - 15 pcs.

Mix cottage cheese and banana in a blender or by hand until a homogeneous mass is formed. Add oatmeal and knead the dough.
Place the dough in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Next we make the filling. Stuff pre-soaked dried apricots with nuts.

It's time to take the dough out of the refrigerator and divide it into 15 parts. We form a ball of dough, put dried apricots with nuts inside in the center. Now roll the ball in coconut flakes. Line a baking tray with baking paper and place the candies on it. Place in the oven for 12-15 minutes at 180 degrees. The candies need to be cooled before serving.

Bon appetit!🍴

Recipe for healthy PP candies

🔸per 100 grams - 255.6 kcal🔸Used - 18.71/13.34/15.54🔸

cottage cheese in a briquette - 180 g
coconut urbech - 1 tbsp.
peanut butter (I used chocolate) - 1 tbsp.
cocoa - 1 tbsp.
powdered milk - 1 tbsp.
coconut flour - 1 tbsp.
Thanks to the Dietary Recipes group for the recipe.

Mix all ingredients and form candies with wet hands. Roll them in chocolate chips and put them in the refrigerator for 15+ minutes.
We store the finished sweets in the refrigerator.

Bon appetit!

Low-calorie curd soufflé sweets 😋🍬🍮


🔷 gelatin - 35 gr
🔷 milk 1-1.5% - 300 gr
🔷 cocoa powder - 30 g

🔷 bananas - 200 gr
🔷 dates - 60 gr
🔷 sweetener...

Marble soufflé candies 😋🍬🍮

The most delicate marble soufflé made from cottage cheese and ricotta is a wonderful combination of two tastes and shades: chocolate and caramel 😍 You'll just lick your fingers 😋 And the low calorie content of the dessert, with a high protein content, is the most important advantage of this dessert!

Calorie content per 100 g - 101 kcal (Used/F/U - 9.4/3.4/8.3)

🔷 soft creamy cottage cheese (low-fat), you can use yogurt - 350 g
🔷 ricotta (you can use cottage cheese with a homogeneous consistency of 5% fat) - 350 g
🔷 gelatin - 35 gr
🔷 milk 1-1.5% - 300 gr
🔷 cocoa powder - 30 g
🔷 chocolate protein isolate (cocoa can be used) - 30 g
🔷 natural yogurt - 200 gr
🔷 bananas - 200 gr
🔷 dates - 60 gr

5 recipes for diet sweets: perfect pleasure!

1.PP truffles


Pitted prunes 100 g.
Pitted dates 100 g.
Cocoa ~40-50 g + ~10 g for sprinkling.


Pour boiling water over the dates and prunes. After ~30 minutes, drain the water. Dried fruits should be dried a little if possible. Then we grind them in a blender.
Add cocoa. First, 40 g. If there was a lot of moisture and the mass was a bit runny, add more cocoa.
With wet hands, form the candies. I have 20 g each. Roll in cocoa.

Kbju for 1 candy 20 g: ~ 55/1.4/0.8/11

2. Curd sweets: not a single extra calorie!


Cottage cheese 1-5%-200 g
Dried apricots - 50 g
Sugar deputy - taste
Almonds - 7-10 pcs.
Coconut flakes - 30...

🌸 50 g cashews or almonds

🌸 1.5 - 2 bananas - 160 gr
🌸 100 g dried pineapple


Homemade banana-pineapple sweets. A healthy alternative to store-bought candy! 🍌🍍

Calorie content per 100 g - 264 kcal, USED - 4.9/8.9/41.5.
In one candy - 69 kcal, used for one candy - 1.3/2.3/10.8

📑 INGREDIENTS (for 15 candies, approximately 25 g):
🌸 30 g coconut flakes or chopped nuts for rolling
🌸 50 g cashews or almonds
🌸 50 g pitted dates
🌸 3 g vanillin or vanilla extract
🌸 1.5 - 2 bananas - 160 gr
🌸 1/4 teaspoon sea salt
🌸 100 g dried pineapple

☑ Grind dried pineapple, dates and nuts in a blender, add salt. Crush or mash the banana with a fork.
☑ Pour the resulting mixture into the prepared bowl and add banana puree and vanillin.
☑ Mix all ingredients well and, dividing the mass...

Chocolates 🌷


Cocoa butter - 50 gr.
Grated cocoa - 80 gr.
Kerob - 20 gr.
Liquid honey - 2 tbsp. l.
Nuts, raisins, dried fruits to your taste


Melt cocoa butter and cocoa mass at a temperature of 40 degrees. It takes about an hour. To make the process go faster, you can first grate or simply chop cocoa butter and cocoa mass with a knife. If you do not overheat the mixture, you will get real living chocolate, with all its benefits, which is suitable for raw foodists. If the presence of enzymes is not so important, you can melt it faster in a water bath.
While the butter is melting, prepare the filling. I chopped nuts, raisins and cherries, but you can add them whole...

????Raffaello for PP????

Total per 100 grams - 54 kcal???? Proteins - 6????Fats -2????Carbohydrates - 2????

- cottage cheese without. 250g
- honey 2 tbsp.
- almonds 15pcs
- coconut flakes

You should get 15 awesome candies!

1. Combine cottage cheese with honey
2. Roll the ball
3. Put a nut inside

Bon appetit!

?Raffaello for PP?

Total per 100 grams - 54 kcal? Proteins - 6? Fats - 2? Carbohydrates - 2?

Healthy nutrition candies are like Raffaello, only tastier!

- cottage cheese without. 250g
- honey 2 tbsp.
- almonds 15pcs
- coconut flakes

You should get 15 awesome candies!

1. Combine cottage cheese with honey
2. Roll the ball
3. Put a nut inside
4. Roll in coconut flakes
5. Place in the refrigerator for at least an hour.

Bon appetit!

Send your PP recipes with high-quality photos and calculations of nutritional ingredients and calories to the proposed news. The most interesting and useful things will be published here!


Calorie content of 1 piece - 82 kcal!
Calorie content per 100 g - 183 kcal.

INGREDIENTS (for 15 pcs):
- cottage cheese (I use soft cottage cheese with low fat content) 240-250 g
- one large banana 160 g
- oat flakes 80 gr
- honey 15 g
- coconut flakes/sesame seeds/poppy seeds/ground nuts 40 g
- dried apricots 15 pcs
- cashew nuts (or almonds) 15 pcs.

(to reduce calorie content, you can use berries or pieces of non-watery fruit as a filling)

1) Grind the cottage cheese and banana with a blender/manually into a homogeneous puree.
2) Add oatmeal, knead the dough
3) Place the dough in the refrigerator for about an hour
4) At this time, make the filling: soak the dried apricots if they are hard; soaked soft...

PP marshmallow chocolate 😋🍬

Calorie content per 100 g - 88 kcal (used - 8.6/4.1/3.8)

A very cool recipe for healthy soufflé candies! This airy chocolate-coffee soufflé is similar to both marshmallow and bird's milk, which you loved in childhood! The sweets are simply divine, they are very easy and quick to prepare 😘😉

✔ cream 10% fat - 180 gr
✔ low-fat kefir or 1% - 250 g
✔ instant gelatin - 30 g
✔ cocoa powder - 10 g
✔ sweetener (I use FitParad sakhzam) - to taste (about 5 g)
✔ instant coffee - 1/3 tsp.

🔷 Pour gelatin with cream, leave to swell (with my gelatin it took 10 minutes), heat gelatin with cream, do not boil, but simply stir until liquid, until...
