Making dumpling dough at home. Super dough for homemade dumplings, always clean hands and table. With butter and egg in a bread maker

Dumplings are a real lifesaver. Prepared for future use, they will save you time preparing lunch or dinner that will appeal to everyone without exception. Currently, there are many different recipes not only for the filling, but also for the dough. How can a novice housewife not get lost in this variety, and which dough to choose for homemade dumplings? A step-by-step recipe with photos will help you navigate this issue and please your family with a delicious traditional dish.

Homemade dumplings cannot be called originally Russian. They appeared in our cooking quite a long time ago, around the 19th century, and at first they did not cause much delight. But during this time, the recipes for both dough and fillings were constantly changing, each housewife adding her own secrets, passing them on from generation to generation. Gradually, this dish became so popular that it became traditional on our table and rightfully won the status of the most cozy family dish. Many people associate it with the New Year. When, on the eve of the holidays, the whole family gathers at a large table and first sculpts them together, and then also devours them together by both cheeks. Without a doubt, everyone loves dumplings, both children and adults.

Of course, 90% of the success of this dish depends on the tasty and juicy filling. But the role of the test should not be underestimated. As mentioned above, there are a huge number of different ways to prepare it, for example: classic, with and without eggs; custard; with milk, kefir, etc.

For those who are new to cooking and do not have an experienced adviser nearby, our step-by-step recipes with photos. It will help you not get confused and prepare the perfect dough for homemade dumplings. In this article we will talk in detail about several recipes, but first I would like to note a few points that are considered mandatory, regardless of the recipe:

  1. In order for the dumpling dough to be plastic and not darken or fall apart during cooking, you need high-grade white wheat flour. If you managed to find flour from durum wheat, this is a great success. It contains more gluten, so a little less of it will be needed, which means the dough will be more tender;
  2. Don't be lazy and ignore the advice to sift the flour before kneading the dough. This saturates it with oxygen, which will allow the dough to breathe, it will be more airy and manageable; The water should be warm, boiled, this will speed up the process of releasing gluten from the flour and speed up the ripening process of the dough;
  3. Some experienced housewives recommend not using salt at all in the dough, because they are boiled in salted water. But if you still decide that it is needed, then it is better to add it to the water. This will distribute the salt more evenly throughout the dough;
  4. If you choose a recipe without eggs, vegetable oil will help replace their function;
  5. When cooked, loose dough loses its shape; to prevent this from happening, it must be dense enough. To achieve greater density, knead it slowly, adding flour little by little, and after kneading, beat it on the table, expelling the remaining air from the voids;
  6. When the dough is ready, it must be allowed to rest. To do this, place it in a plastic bag or film for 30-40 minutes.

So, let's get straight to the recipes...

Dough for homemade dumplings without eggs: step-by-step recipe with photos

The benefits of this recipe are obvious. Firstly, it is economical, and all the ingredients are always on hand. Secondly, it is perfect for Lenten dumplings, using the appropriate filling (for example, fish or vegetables). The dough turns out soft and easily extensible. And, contrary to fears, it does not lose its shape and does not boil in water!

The only products we need are:

  • water – 300 ml;
  • wheat flour – 450 gr;
  • salt – 1/2 tsp.
  1. Pour 300 ml of warm boiled water into a deep plate, add salt (optional) and stir until it is completely dissolved;
    Then, sift the flour and begin to gradually combine it with water. When the dough becomes thick enough, you can move it to a floured board and continue kneading by hand.

  2. The result should be a dense but plastic dough that does not stick to your hands. If the dough is still sticky, try adding a couple tablespoons of oil and knead thoroughly again.

  3. Cover the dough with a damp cloth or place in a bag and leave for 20-30 minutes. After which you can start sculpting.

Classic dumpling dough

The most common recipe, it is equally suitable for dumplings, dumplings, and even egg noodles. Also, the dough can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours.


  • flour – 0.5 kg;
  • water -250 ml;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • salt – 1⁄2 tsp.
  • Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp.
  1. Sift the flour into a large container in a heap. We make a depression in the center, similar to the crater of a volcano;
  2. Pour salted water into this hole and beat in the egg;
  3. Now we slowly begin to mix with our hands, gradually taking the flour along the edges of the “crater”.
  4. As it thickens, add oil and knead into a tight, elastic dough.
  5. Lightly beat it on the table and, covering it with film, leave it to rest. After half an hour, you can start preparing dumplings.

Kefir dough

This dough for homemade dumplings can be prepared using any fermented milk base. Kefir can be easily replaced with yogurt or sour cream. The dough is strong, does not get soft and has a more pronounced taste. But in order for the result to please you, pay attention to some nuances: Firstly, all ingredients must be at room temperature; Secondly, soda and salt are necessarily added to the liquid, but not to the flour; For a liquid with a thicker consistency (for example, sour cream), the amount of flour may differ significantly from the specified amount.

Grocery list:

  • kefir – 500 ml;
  • flour – 3.5 tbsp;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • salt and soda - 1⁄2 tsp each;
  • Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp.
  1. Mix kefir with salt, soda, egg and oil.
  2. Sift the flour and begin adding it to the liquid mass in small parts, kneading first with a spoon and then with your hands.
  3. If necessary, add flour to the desired consistency; the dough should not stick to your hands, but should be soft and manageable.
  4. Let stand for 15-30 minutes. and you can cook.


If you use this version of the dough, but without eggs, you should use about half a cup less flour.

If you use sour cream or thick natural yogurt instead of kefir, the amount of flour also decreases.

Choux pastry for dumplings

If you have already mastered all the previous recipe options, we suggest you try the highest aerobatics of culinary art - choux pastry for dumplings. Prepared from the same ingredients, but in a special way, it will give you a new taste for such a familiar dish.

So, we will need:

  • water – 1.5 tbsp.;
  • wheat flour – 3 tbsp;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • salt – 1⁄2 tsp;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.
  1. Place salt and butter into boiling water and add half the flour in a thin stream, stirring vigorously;
  2. Remove from heat, transfer to a larger bowl, let the dough cool slightly (so that you can knead by hand);
  3. When the dough has cooled a little, beat in the egg and mix thoroughly;
  4. Add the remaining flour and knead into a stiff dough.
  5. Let it brew at room temperature for 20 minutes.

Choux pastry, like the classic one, can be prepared without eggs. You can replace water with milk. In these cases, only the amount of flour will change, but the algorithm of actions will remain the same.

As you can see, there are a great many options for preparing dough for homemade dumplings. The article presents only a few basic recipes, with step-by-step descriptions and photos. Perhaps among them there is your signature recipe for this incredibly tasty dish.

Most housewives know how to make dumplings. What’s easier: knead the dough, grind the meat through a meat grinder, stick it, boil water, and a wonderful hearty dish is ready. However, it takes a lot of time to prepare it. How can you prevent your dumplings from looking like they were bought in a supermarket? You don’t want long periods of standing at the kitchen table and stove to go to waste, do you? If you follow our advice, you will make dumplings that your guests will remember all their lives and ask how you cook them, and your household will know that your dumplings are the most authentic and delicious in the world.

The best dish is made from homemade dough

Most often, we buy dumplings in stores ready-made. But how can they compare with store-bought ones?! Homemade minced meat and dough are always unique. For the filling, you can take meat from different animals, choose spices to your own taste, and not just pepper and salt. The dough can be made so thin and elastic that your figure will not suffer at all from such a delicacy. Moreover, tasty tender can be used for many other dishes. And it is not very difficult to prepare it. Why do many cooks turn out the dough gray, inelastic and difficult to mold?

Required Products

How to make delicious dough is very simple.


6 glasses of premium wheat flour;

1.5 glasses of water;

1 teaspoon salt.

Very rarely in cookbooks or on cooking websites can you find the correct sequence of how to make delicious elastic dough for dumplings. The point is not that chefs or technologists are trying to hide the main secret. They simply focus on the correct ratio of ingredients, assuming that the technology for handling them is a priori obvious to everyone.

Flour selection

To make delicious dumpling dough, you first need to buy good flour. The best wallpaper is made from durum wheat of the highest quality. This flour contains a lot of gluten. Products made from it do not turn sour when cooked. The dough does not darken. By the way, you can determine what kind of flour you got by the color of the resulting dough. If it remains as white as the flour, then you are lucky - you have excellent flour. The consumption of such a product is small. The dough can be rolled out into a very thin, almost transparent layer, and it will not tear, but only stretch. You don’t have to worry about gaining extra pounds from this type of flour.

Oxygen saturation

The most delicious dough for dumplings is obtained if the flour is saturated with oxygen. How to achieve this? You need to sift the flour through a hair or fine metal sieve twice. This is also not written anywhere, but this is one of the main secrets of a good test. Take the time to do this procedure, and you will get a very tasty dough for dumplings. Flour consumption is always a rather arbitrary question. It all depends on the quality of the product and its gluten content. Accordingly, the amount of salt and water is always different.

To salt or not to salt?

You should not get attached to the exact numbers dictated by the recipe for delicious dumpling dough found in the cookbook. Better take our advice. It is as follows. Salt not the flour or the finished dough, but the water with which you will dilute the flour. Pour one and a half glasses of boiled liquid into the container and add salt to taste. It should be a little salty. Some chefs don’t add anything at all to their delicious dumpling dough. To make the dish successful, they salt the water in which they cook the finished dumplings. It makes sense. If you throw dough products into salted boiling water, they will not stick together or fall apart during the cooking process. But these precautions are more suitable if the flour is soft wheat.

Dough elasticity

The most delicious dough for dumplings is obtained if you beat it, that is, lift it and throw it on the table several times. If you use this technique, the dough will even acquire good elasticity, although it will be an unsightly gray color. A recipe for delicious dumpling dough should not contain eggs. Sometimes it is advised to add egg white to it, but this is not necessary, just as you should not add butter, which is sometimes advised to be poured into a bowl of flour. The classic recipe consists only of water, flour, and sometimes salt. Flour always contains gluten. There may be different amounts of it, but it is always present. In order for it to exhibit its properties, water is added to the product. The dough gains its greatest elasticity only after it has been kneaded in a cool place for 20-30 minutes.

Custard version

Having learned and mastered the secrets revealed here, you should definitely try making delicious choux pastry for dumplings. It's a little more difficult to do. However, it certainly deserves to be cooked. The photographs in the article will help. They show you step by step how to prepare delicious dumpling dough.

Pour one and a half glasses into a glass ladle and add one teaspoon of salt. Stir well, bring the water in the microwave or on the stove to boiling water.

Pour three full glasses of good sifted flour into a deep bowl. Pour salted boiling water into it in a thin stream, stirring constantly. You need to try to do this so that lumps do not form. We should have a fairly liquid, homogeneous dough. If lumps are still present, break them up using a blender.

Add more flour to the bowl with the dough. Do this in parts, stirring constantly. Add flour and stir until you can do it with a spoon. When the dough becomes thick enough and the spoon becomes difficult to turn, sprinkle a fairly thick layer of flour on the table. Place the dough on it. At this stage it is still very sticky, so don't skimp. The dough will take as much flour as needed.

Knead the dough as usual. Make sure that it does not stick to the table and add flour in time. Do this until you feel that it is no longer sticky. Delicious dumpling dough should be neither too hard nor too soft. At this stage, you need to hit it on the table 15-20 times.

Wrap the finished dough in plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator for half an hour. During this time it will settle and gain the necessary elasticity. After 30 minutes you can take it out and start making dumplings.

We formulate, cook and serve homemade dumplings

Sprinkle a thin layer of flour on the table. First, for convenience, roll out the dough into a sausage and cut into several pieces. Take one piece and use a rolling pin to roll it out into a very thin layer. Using a glass or other shape, cut out circles, place the minced meat in the center and seal the edges.

Dumplings can be cooked immediately or frozen and used as needed. Since the dough is salty, there is no need to add salt to the water. Place a bay leaf and a pinch of dried marjoram or basil in it. When the water boils, throw the dumplings into it. Stir so they don't stick to the bottom. After the products boil and float to the surface, cook for 5-10 minutes depending on the size of the dumplings. They will be ready when the dough wrinkles a little, that is, sticks to the minced meat: they become not puffed up and round, but a little wavy.

Remove the dumplings with a slotted spoon and place on plates. Place butter and sour cream on the table. Don't forget about the gravy boat with onions, cut into thin half rings and filled with natural fruit vinegar.

If for some reason you cannot make dumplings on the day you prepared the dough, then after it has settled, place it in the freezer. Nothing will happen to him. When you need the product, simply defrost it at room temperature and you are ready to use.

What else can you make from dumpling dough?

Our dough is suitable not only for dumplings, although it is called dumplings, or unleavened without yeast. It is perfect for pasties, strudels, dumplings and many other dishes. You can even make cannelloni from it. Made from good wheat, it is suitable for beshbarmak and noodles in chicken broth. As for sweet dishes, such as dumplings with cherries, blueberries or other berries, with our dough you don’t have to worry about them falling apart and leaking. It is used even during fasting, because it contains neither eggs nor dairy products.

The flatbreads made from this dough are very tasty. If you sprinkle them with sesame seeds, flax seeds or others, you will get an excellent delicacy that will also work as an independent dish. These flatbreads are washed down with milk. This is delicious.

They make wonderful rolls and stuffed envelopes. In this case, roll out the dough into a thin layer, put a filling of meat, vegetables or soft cheese on it, wrap it like a burrito and fry in a frying pan with or without vegetable oil in the oven, placing it on a baking sheet covered with paper.

With our detailed instructions you will make very tasty dumpling dough. The recipe for both regular and custard assumes the same amount of ingredients and differs only in that in the first case the flour is diluted with cold boiled water, and in the second with hot water.

How to make homemade dumplings

If you want to easily prepare truly delicious homemade dumplings, then you should start making dough for them. All the necessary advice is collected here!

45 min

220 kcal

4.6/5 (5)

Homemade dumplings- This is a traditional tasty and satisfying dish that can become the main dish on your holiday table or be the main dish at a quiet family dinner. Delight your loved ones with real homemade dumplings!

Today, technological progress has advanced so far that the dough for dumplings can be prepared even in a bread machine; a significant advantage of this is that you do not have to knead the dough yourself. However, in this article we will learn how to properly make dumpling dough at home and learn how to knead the most delicious dough in the world in the traditional way.

Dumpling dough - classic recipe

We will need:

  • 1 kg. flour
  • 0.5 l. water
  • 2 chicken eggs
  • 1 tsp. vegetable oil
  • 2 tsp. salt

Sift the flour and salt into a mixing bowl and make a well. Add the egg and butter, then pour in warm water and mix with a spoon. Place the mixture on a floured work surface and knead with your hands. The dough should be elastic, very dense and cut well without leaving marks on the knife. Cover with a cloth and set aside for 30 minutes to let it sit.

Cooking time: 40-50 minutes.

To prevent the dough from sticking to your hands, you can grease your palms with vegetable oil.

Video recipe for dumplings and dumplings dough

The video will help you visualize that preparing dough for dumplings is very easy. Pay attention to the order in which you add the ingredients. Bon appetit!

Our grandmothers did not need recipes to make dumplings with their own hands - this skill was simply passed on from generation to generation, teaching their children. Today, not every housewife undertakes to make dumplings at home, because modern women are very busy. But, you must admit, sometimes it’s still worth setting aside a couple of hours to surprise and delight your family.

Why homemade dumplings are better than store-bought ones

There are several reasons why it is better to prepare the most delicious dumplings at home than to buy ready-made ones in the store:

  • homemade dumplings are tastier (for example, they have more filling);
  • you know exactly what they consist of;
  • they are cheaper;
  • always fresh (at least if they are in the freezer, you know how long they have been there);
  • You can get the whole family together to make dumplings, and family work always brings you closer together.

Of course, the question involuntarily arises: aren’t homemade dumplings harmful, since their calorie content is quite high? Let's put it this way - if you eat them in the first half of the day and no more than 200 grams, then they will not harm your figure. How many calories are in dumplings depends on the ingredients: the number of eggs, type of flour, type and fat content of meat (for example, lamb is fattier than beef). Dumplings with minced chicken will be lower in calories than with pork.

Dough for dumplings

There are quite a few recipes for making dough for delicious dumplings, but we will look at the traditional one. In order for the dish to turn out tasty, you need to take into account a number of nuances.

  • The first and main rule is to knead the dough in a warm room so that all the ingredients interact well. Therefore, before preparing dumplings at home, close all the windows.
  • Knead the dough only with warm water or heated milk, otherwise it will be more difficult for the ingredients to combine.
  • After kneading, place the finished dough in a warm place for about 30 minutes so that the gluten “disperses” properly and the dough becomes elastic and sticky enough.
    The dough for dumplings can also be kneaded in a bread machine - this way you don’t have to waste energy (after all, this is a rather difficult task), and it will sit for the required time in the warmth, because the required temperature regime is created in the oven. Just pour all the liquid ingredients into the mold first, then the dry ones (or vice versa, if the instructions for your model require it) and set the “Dough” mode.
  • Check the dough by pressing with your finger: if a dimple remains, then it is ready; if it springs back, it means it is not yet elastic enough (it is more difficult to work with unripe dough - when rolling it constantly tends to shrink).

It is believed that the steeper the dough, the tastier it is in dumplings. But don't overdo it - if it turns out too steep, it will be very difficult to sculpt with. Watch the video.

How to properly knead dumplings. The best and simplest recipe

In order for the dough to turn out “correct” as in the photo, it is necessary to maintain the proportions and knead it properly. Dumplings are made quickly if you follow all the details of the recipe.

You will need:

  • flour - 3 cups (depending on the variety - more may be required);
  • water - ½ cup;
  • milk - ½ cup;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • vegetable oil - 1 teaspoon;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking step by step

  1. Pour warm water and milk into a bowl, break an egg into it and add salt. Stir until the salt dissolves.
  2. Sift the flour onto the table or into a large bowl, make a depression in the slide and pour the previously prepared solution into it.
  3. First mix everything with a spoon, then knead a little with your hands. Add vegetable oil (it will give elasticity) and continue kneading. If you are kneading in a bread machine, pour the oil directly onto the mixer (the flag that spins and kneads the dough).
  4. Leave for 30–40 minutes in a warm place and start making minced meat.

Cooking minced meat

The recipe for making classic dumplings at home allows the use of any meat, but minced pork and beef are considered traditional.

You will need:

  • pork (fillet) - 500 g;
  • beef (fillet) - 500 g;
  • onions - 2 large heads;
  • water (cold) - 1 glass;
  • salt and spices - to taste.


  1. Rinse the meat under running water. You don’t need to drain it thoroughly - the water will still be useful in the minced meat.
  2. Remove the films and veins (although many dumpling lovers do not mind the veins in the filling). If the meat doesn't seem fat enough to you, you can add a little lard.
  3. Chop the meat by hand or grind it in a meat grinder (through the middle mesh). To make the minced meat more soft, you can skip it twice.
  4. Grind the onion through a meat grinder (or cut into small cubes). Some housewives add a little finely chopped cabbage to the minced meat to add juiciness, but this is at your discretion.
  5. Mix everything, add spices and salt. If desired, you can finely chop a couple of cloves of garlic. Leave in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, covered with cling film (tightly so as not to dry out).
  6. Remove the minced meat from the refrigerator and pour in cold water, mix thoroughly and knead for a few more minutes - this will give it airiness and softness. The dumplings will be juicy inside. Instead of water, you can add milk - it will add a special taste.

Cooking dumplings

There are several ways to deliciously cook homemade dumplings so that they are juicy.

  • Traditional. Roll the dough into a sausage and cut it into equal pieces. Dip them in flour and roll them out with a rolling pin. Place a portion of meat on each “pancake” and cover it in any way: with a pigtail, crescent, circle, etc.
  • Using a glass. Roll out a large piece of dough and use a round glass to make circles of dough. Also spread out the filling and make dumplings in any way. Form the remaining dough into one lump again and roll out again. The disadvantage of this method is that each time it becomes more difficult to mix the scraps.
  • With dumplings. To quickly prepare dumplings for a large family, a special round-shaped device with hexagonal cells may be indispensable. Roll out a large piece of dough (not too thin, because you will have to stretch it a little later) and place it on the dumpling maker. Place the minced meat into the cells, pressing each portion a little (if you do not press, there may be too little filling). Place another sheet of dough on top and roll out with a rolling pin until the edges of the cells appear. Then knock the dumplings out of the mold by lightly tapping them with a rolling pin or just using your fingers.

Once you've made a couple hundred dumplings, it's time to put the pan on the stove. There should be approximately two-thirds of the total volume of water so that there is space for the dumplings and they do not stick together. Throw the products into the water one or two at a time (you don’t need to throw everything in at once, otherwise they will immediately stick together and become wrinkled) and stir gently with a slotted spoon. Until they boil, they need to be stirred periodically, but not too often. After boiling, cook the dumplings with meat for 5–7 minutes (if they are small, 3 minutes is enough), then quickly remove with a slotted spoon. As you can see, cooking does not take much time.

You can serve homemade dumplings with broth, sour cream, butter, sprinkle them with green onions, season with garlic sauce, etc.

There are many options for making dumplings at home. Here we have considered only the main one - with two types of meat, and you just have to use your imagination and, of course, take into account the wishes of your household.

Delicious homemade dumplings. Amazing dough recipe


(128 dumplings)

  • delicious dumpling dough:
  • 500 gr. wheat flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1 tbsp. sunflower oil
  • 1 tsp salt
  • filling for homemade dumplings:
  • 500-600 gr. minced meat
  • 1 large onion
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • vegetable oil
  • Dumpling dough recipe

  • Classic dough for dumplings and dumplings is usually kneaded without eggs and milk, but if you want to make real homemade dumplings, I recommend this recipe.
  • So, pour flour onto the table in a heap. Add salt immediately. Make a small depression in the center of the flour mound. Add a tablespoon of sunflower oil. It is thanks to the presence of oil that the dough becomes soft and pliable.
  • In a large bowl, beat two eggs and add warm milk.
  • The dough for dumplings can be kneaded on a cutting board, but if you are preparing dumplings for the first time, then in order not to stain the whole kitchen, it is better to knead the dough in a large bowl. When the dough forms a lump and begins to move away from the walls of the bowl, put it on the table and continue kneading it on the table.
  • Knead the dough very well. The dough for dumplings should be both elastic and pliable, not stick to the table or your hands.
  • When you think that the dumpling dough is ready, moisten your hands with sunflower oil and knead thoroughly again.
  • If you feel that the dough is too stiff (sometimes this happens if you put a lot of flour and not enough liquid), then add a little more butter. This will only improve the dumpling dough.
  • Cover the dough with a clean towel and leave for half an hour. Meanwhile, we prepare the filling for the dumplings.

    Filling for homemade dumplings

  • Usually for dumplings I use either minced pork or a mixture of 50% pork and 50% beef. I won’t be discovering America if I say that the quality of the minced meat determines how tasty the dumplings will be. And if you add good dough to good minced meat, then the dumplings are simply doomed to be eaten in the blink of an eye))).
  • So, finely chop the onion and then fry it over low heat until it becomes soft and transparent.
  • Add fried onion, salt and black pepper to the minced meat. Mix everything well and taste it.
  • In principle, the filling is ready, but there is one secret that makes the filling absolutely extraordinary. To do this, boil two or three bay leaves in a small amount of water. Add the cooled broth, about a hundred grams, to the dumpling filling. Try it, you will notice how tender and tasty the minced meat turns out.

    Cooking dumplings

  • That's all, the filling and dough for the dumplings are ready. All that remains is to make a hundred or two dumplings. To do this, take our dough, form it into a thick sausage, which we divide into four parts.
  • Next, you can proceed in two ways. First, take one piece of dumpling dough, roll it out thinly, then use a glass with sharp edges to cut out circles. We put the filling in each circle and make the dumpling itself. With this method, all our “blanks” are equally round, so it’s easier to make dumplings of the same size.
  • The second method of making dumplings is faster and requires a little practice. We take one part of the dough for dumplings, make a thin sausage out of it, which we cut into small pieces.
  • Lightly dip each piece in flour and roll out to form a circle.
  • Add a teaspoon of filling and then make a dumpling. We do this until all the dough and filling for the dumplings are gone.
  • With any method of sculpting dumplings, do not forget that a real dumpling should be round and shaped like an ear.
  • Take a large, wide saucepan and pour enough water into it. If there is not enough water, the dumplings may stick together. If there is too much, then the taste and aroma of the dumplings will “go” into the water, which is also not desirable.
  • Put the pan on the fire. Salt and add a few bay leaves.
  • As soon as the water boils, throw in the dumplings. When the water boils again, note the time. Cook for exactly five minutes and remove. If necessary, cook the next portion of dumplings.
  • Homemade dumplings are served hot. You can have it with or without broth, with sour cream or mayonnaise. Also, don't forget to put salt and freshly ground black pepper on the table.
  • As a result, we should get a fairly soft and at the same time elastic dough.
  • Pour the milk-egg mixture into the well in the flour. Mix the dough.
  • Source