A simple apple marshmallow recipe. Homemade Kolomenskaya (Belevskaya) pastila. Apple pastille with sugar in the oven

This delicate delicacy, familiar from childhood, has won the hearts of sweet tooths all over the world. The ancestors of marshmallows and marshmallows, which were more reminiscent of meringue in their composition, appeared in ancient times in Southeast Asia. Their main ingredients were beaten egg whites and granulated sugar. Next, the resulting viscous mass was dried in the sun or baked in an oven. Some cooks decorated the sweetness with pieces of fruit, others added nuts to it.

Recipes for oriental sweets migrated to Europe along with traders. Each country has improved them in its own way. In Russia, the process of creating a new dessert also interested confectioners, because Russian people have always loved to eat tasty food. Ambrose Prokhorov is considered to be the creator of the recipe for apple marshmallow, which is now present on every counter. Let's consider how it is prepared.

There was a legend in the Prokhorov family that their great-grandfather got rich in Peter’s time by selling bast and bought land along the Oka. On his property he planted a huge apple orchard, which bore fruit beautifully.

One day, the family of a descendant of the first owner of the garden received a rich harvest of apples and baked some of them. It was also impossible to finish the delicious cooked fruits, and Ambrose Prokhorov suggested trying to beat them with egg whites and dry them. The apples were so sweet that practically no sugar was added to the mass.

The marshmallow dried in a Russian oven was named Belevskaya, named after the lands near the Oka. Two years later, the delicacy won the first medal at the St. Petersburg horticulture exhibition. Newspapers sang the praises of the healthy sweetness, and the Prokhorovs were proud of both the head of the family and the garden that had become famous.

There were no more extra apples left, since they were all used to prepare Belevsky marshmallow. Ambrose opened stores in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities of Russia.

Nowadays, pastila according to his recipe is also made in Kolomna, where the “Museum of Pastila” has been opened in an old wooden estate. The delicacy is quite dense and needs to be cut with a knife, but it is just as tasty and natural as it was at the end of the 19th century.

Most popular recipes

Preparing apple pastille at home is quite simple. It requires few products, but the appearance and taste of the dessert directly depend on their quality.

Contemporary and competitor of Prokhorov, merchant A.I. Abrikosov forced his workers to use only the ripest fruits without the slightest blemish. For the sake of the high quality of sweets, he planted his own orchards, and workers picked pears, apples and berries from them.

There are several recipes for marshmallows originally from Russia, the East and Southern Europe. You can try several options to find the one that best suits the tastes of your family and friends.

This type of marshmallow is prepared with a minimum amount of sugar. The main ingredient in it is apples. It will require:

  • 2 kg of sweet and sour apples;
  • 100 g granulated sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 10 g powdered sugar.

The cooking procedure is as follows.

  1. Wash the apples, dry them and cut off any blemished skins. Remove the twig and the skin underneath. Place the apples on a baking sheet and place it in the oven. Bake the apples until they are completely softened.
  2. After cooling the apples, grind them through a sieve to separate the grains and skins from the puree. Beat the finished puree for 10 minutes. with half a share of granulated sugar.
  3. Beat the egg white with the remaining half of the sugar until a thick mass forms.
  4. Combine the puree and protein-sugar mixture and beat for a few more minutes until smooth. When ready, separate a small part (a few tablespoons) of the mixture and put it in the refrigerator.
  5. Preheat the oven to 60-70 degrees. Place cakes up to 1.5 cm thick one at a time on a baking sheet covered with baking paper. Dry them in the slightly open oven for 5 hours. Once the toothpick remains dry when pierced, remove them and cool.
  6. Coat the cakes with the previously separated whipped mixture and place one on top of the other. Ideally, the marshmallow should be 3-4 layers. After this, return it to the oven and bake at the same temperature for about an hour. Sprinkle the cooled top and bottom cakes with powdered sugar and cut the marshmallow into portions.


The recipe can be made healthier if you do not add granulated sugar to it. In this case, you will also need juicy and dense, but very sweet apples. For an additional hint of marshmallow flavor, add a pinch of vanillin or cinnamon to the whipped mass.

Those who like to be original use food coloring to add different shades to their cakes.

Kolomenskaya with sugar

Kolomenskaya pastila is looser and sweeter than Belevskaya. It will require many times more sugar and fewer apples. Due to this, the cake will be airy. Product composition:

  • 800 g of juicy sour apples;
  • 170 g granulated sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 10 g powdered sugar.
  1. Wash the apples, dry them and cut out any spoiled pieces. Bake them in the oven at 180 degrees until soft. After freeing them from the core and skin using a fork and knife or rubbing them through a sieve, beat the pulp into a puree. Its weight should be 500 g.
  2. While the puree has not completely cooled, pour all the sugar into it, stirring. It will quickly dissolve in warm puree, after which the mass must be cooled to room temperature.
  3. Pour the protein into it and 10 minutes. beat the mixture with a mixer until a thick white substance is obtained. Immediately separate a few tablespoons of the mixture and put it in the refrigerator.
  4. Pour the remaining mixture onto a baking tray covered with baking paper and dry for 5-6 hours in a slightly open oven at 60-70 degrees. As soon as the cake turns golden and stops sticking to your hands, remove it from the oven and place it on the table to cool.
  5. After cooling completely, use a sharp knife to carefully cut the cake into 3 parts (it is very loose). Coat each with the mixture from the refrigerator, including both sides of the top crust and sides. Place the resulting semi-finished product back in the oven and dry for another hour at 60 degrees.
  6. Sprinkle all sides of the finished cooled marshmallow with powdered sugar and cut into narrow, high strips.

This variety of marshmallow consists of rolls made of hard thin cakes. They do not contain egg white, but even with it, honey would still prevent the cakes from becoming airy.

Product composition:

  • 1 kg apples;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of honey;
  • 100 ml water;
  • a pinch of cinnamon.

The cooking procedure is as follows.

  1. Peel and seed the apples and cut into thin slices. Place them in a pan, add 100 ml of water and bake in the oven at 160 degrees until soft.
  2. Beat the finished apples into a puree and place it on the stove over low heat to simmer until golden brown. When ready, beat it again with a mixer.
  3. While whipping, pour honey into it and add cinnamon. Spread the mixture in a thin layer on a baking sheet covered with baking paper.
  4. Dry the cakes with the oven slightly open for 2-3 hours. The warm cake will be soft, then it will harden, so cut it into squares and roll it into rolls without allowing it to cool completely.


The same procedure can be done without an oven. In the sun, the marshmallow will also dry in 4-5 days, but you need to protect it from flies and wasps by covering it with gauze. At night, treats should be brought into the house.

With walnuts

In the East, nuts are added to many sweets. In this way the cook makes their taste more refined. Pastila was no exception.

It will require:

  • 2 kg apples;
  • 150 g granulated sugar;
  • 1 cup walnuts;
  • 100 ml water.

The cooking procedure is as follows.

  1. Peel the apples, cut into small slices, add water and bake in the oven until soft. Then beat them into a puree and simmer on the stove until dark.
  2. Finely chop the walnut kernels. Pour them and granulated sugar into the puree and cook, stirring, for another 10 minutes.
  3. Place the finished mixture on a baking sheet covered with baking paper and dry in a slightly open oven over low heat for 6-8 hours. The thickness of the future cake should not exceed 1.5 cm, otherwise it will take longer to dry.
  4. Cut the finished marshmallow into strips and, if desired, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

With agar-agar

Pastille made with agar-agar is similar to marshmallows. It turns out more elastic than one based on whipped egg whites.

It will require:

  • 1 kg apples;
  • 400 g granulated sugar;
  • 1 egg;
  • 4 g agar-agar;
  • 60 ml water.

The cooking procedure is as follows.

  1. Make apple puree and beat it with a mixer. Add 250 g of sugar during the process. Pour the egg white into the cooled homogeneous mass and beat for 10 minutes.
  2. Dissolve agar in water. Add 150 g of sugar and 1 min. boil on fire. Once it has cooled a little, pour it into the whipped mixture and continue beating with the mixer for a couple more minutes. In this case, it is important to observe one condition: do not let the syrup cool completely, but also do not brew the protein with it.
  3. Pour the finished mixture into the mold and leave to harden at room temperature for several hours.

With banana

Banana is very sweet, so no sugar is added to it. Its structure is quite airy, and there is no need for protein either. It is enough to beat 2-3 bananas well with a mixer, add applesauce and place the mixture on a baking sheet covered with foil or baking paper.

The banana paste dries for about 8 hours and becomes dark brown.

Apple marshmallow prepared at home should be wrapped in paper and placed in a bag. This well-baked product can be stored in the refrigerator for several months, but it is unlikely that it will remain intact until this time. The delicacy is too tasty for family members to forget about it.

The baking paper will not come off easily from the finished marshmallow crust unless it is moistened with water for a few minutes. Only after this you won’t have to peel it off, and the surface of the cake will remain smooth.

To prepare dessert, apples should be carefully selected. If their flesh is cottony, the dessert will not work. Only dense, juicy pulp will give the cake mixture the necessary viscosity and the finished pastille a rich taste.


Apple marshmallow prepared at home will make a special impression on children. And adults will also love that a dessert usually bought in a store is made at home. Knowing several recipes, you can choose the appropriate one and adjust the amount of sugar. Some people try to avoid it, while others have nothing against the airy, sugary sweet marshmallow cakes.

The photo shows how delicious they are. The natural delicacy does not require additional decorations, but when the marshmallow is served at the festive table, it is permissible to come up with a sprinkle of small multi-colored dots or sugar flowers.

You can add food coloring to part of the mixture left for greasing the cakes and, without cutting the marshmallow, turn it into a bright scarlet cake. For each event it is worth choosing a special decor for sprinkling. There will be plenty of time for this, since the marshmallow dries in the oven for a very long time, but its delicate taste will exceed all expectations.

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Pastila is a delicacy from childhood.

Previously, a homemade product was valued for its availability.

Now the main trump card of marshmallows is naturalness.

There is nothing harmful, chemical or dangerous in it.

Let's prepare a healthy dessert ourselves?

Apple marshmallow - general principles of preparation

Any fruit is suitable for marshmallows: small, large, overripe, broken. Wormy spots and damage can always be cut off. The apples are steamed, baked or stewed until soft, then chopped. Sometimes it is more convenient to chop the fruit first and then boil it. Then the puree is spread into a thin layer and dried. Use the oven or place the treat in the sun.

In addition to thin marshmallows, there is a lush dessert made with agar-agar. Sometimes it is replaced with gelatin. The recipe also includes egg white, which gives it a special structure and airiness. This pastille does not need to be dried; it is left for several hours to harden.

Classic apple pastille without sugar

The recipe for the simplest marshmallow, which has been prepared for many years. No sugar is even added to it, which makes the treat even healthier and more natural. For the preparation you will only need apples in any quantity.


1. Cut the washed apples into pieces with skins. We immediately discard the cores with seed pods.

2. Place the fruit in a cauldron or pan with thick walls. If the apples are not very juicy, then you can pour in a couple of glasses of water; it will boil away later anyway.

3. Turn on the heat, cover and simmer until the skins are soft. Depending on the variety of apples, this will take from 1.5 to 4 hours.

4. Cool the apple mass and grind it into puree. We do this with a blender. You can twist it through a meat grinder.

5. Take a sheet of parchment, place it on a baking sheet and spread the puree. If you are in doubt whether the paper will come off, you can lubricate it with a drop of oil. The maximum layer thickness is 7 millimeters, but it is better to make it thinner.

6. Put the marshmallow in the oven. We keep the temperature to a minimum; it should not rise above 100 degrees.

7. Or take it out into the sun and dry until ready.

8. Then turn the sheet over with the parchment facing up and sprinkle with water. The paper will come off easily. Roll the pastille into tubes.

Apple marshmallow at home with protein

A version of very delicate apple marshmallow at home, which turns out fluffy and soft. You will need any applesauce, it is better to prepare it yourself. Moreover, this is done very simply. The fruits are steamed and crushed in any way.


0.5 kg puree;

1 raw protein;

0.17 kg sugar;

A little powder.


1. Place the puree in a bowl, add granulated sugar and stir. If you prepared the apples yourself, then it is better to pour sand into the warm mass, then cool.

2. In a clean bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff foam.

3. Combine the egg white with the apple mixture and beat together for a few more minutes.

4. Transfer the tasty mixture onto a baking sheet, which must be covered with parchment.

5. Using a spatula, level the layer, which should be about three centimeters.

6. Place in an oven preheated to 70 degrees and bake for about five hours.

7. Cool the pastila and cut it into small pieces with a knife. To prevent the blade from sticking, you can wet it in cold water.

8. Roll the treat in powder and it’s ready!

Thin apple paste with sugar

A recipe for sweet thin apple marshmallow at home, which is prepared using a slightly different technology.


1 kg apples;

0.1 kg sugar;

50 ml water.


1. Take apples and cut them into pieces. The weight of the pure product without tails and seed pods with cores is indicated.

2. Twist through a meat grinder along with the skins.

3. Place on the stove, pour in water and add granulated sugar. Let the mixture boil.

4. Turn the heat below medium and cook the mixture for about half an hour. Do not go far and stir regularly, the puree may burn.

5. Cool the mass.

6. Cover the baking sheet with oiled parchment, spread a thin layer of apples about 4 millimeters. It is convenient to do this with a flat spatula.

7. Dry in any way until ready.

Apple marshmallow at home with agar-agar

Recipe for lush and soft apple pastille, reminiscent of marshmallow. It is often sold in stores, and few people know that the delicacy is very easy to prepare yourself. You will need agar-agar, which you can buy in the baking aisle.


4 apples;

0.4 kg sugar;

60 ml water;

4 grams agar;

Vanilla, powder.


1. Combine agar-agar with the recipe water and leave to dissolve.

2. Remove the cores of the apples, cut the fruit in half, and bake in the oven until soft. But you can also use a microwave oven. The apples will be ready in just five minutes.

3. Remove the pulp from the apples and discard the skins.

4. Add 250 grams of sugar to the apples and add a pinch of vanilla for flavor. Beat the mixture with a blender until smooth.

5. Add the remaining sand to the agar-agar, put it on the fire and cook the syrup. Boil for a minute.

6. Add the egg whites to the cooled puree and beat at maximum mixer speed until the mass is light and fluffy.

7. Add hot syrup, stir with a mixer for another minute.

8. Take any shape and cover the inside with cling film.

9. Pour in the apple mixture and leave to harden at room temperature for three hours.

10. The finished marshmallow is cut and rolled in powder.

Spicy apple and plum pastille with cinnamon

To prepare this apple marshmallow at home, you will also need plums. We take equal quantities of fruit. But if there is more or less of something, then it’s not scary.


1 kg apples;

1 kg plums;

0.15 kg sugar;

1 tsp cinnamon;

Oil, parchment.


1. Cut the apples into large pieces and throw them into the pan. We discard the cores.

2. Divide the plums in half and remove the pits. Let's go to the apples.

3. Pour in a glass of water and steam until soft under the lid. Stir occasionally.

4. Cool, rub through a large sieve.

5. Add sugar and cinnamon, stir the puree.

6. Spread it on oiled paper in a layer of about five millimeters.

7. Leave to dry in the sun or put in the oven.

8. Remove the finished pastille from the paper, roll it into tubes, and cut it into pieces.

Homemade apple marshmallow with gelatin

Another option for soft and white apple marshmallows at home. This recipe is for those who were unable to find agar-agar. This pastille tastes very similar to chewing marshmallow marshmallows.


0.4 kg sugar;

0.5 kg apples;

60 ml water;

20 grams of gelatin;

1 raw protein;


1. Cut the apples into 4 parts, remove the middle, place on a microwave-safe dish and bake at maximum power for no more than 6 minutes.

2. Cool, remove the soft pulp.

3. Combine gelatin with water and let it swell for half an hour.

4. Add 250 grams of prescription sugar to the applesauce.

5. Place the rest of the sugar in the gelatin and heat it in a water bath until all the grains are dissolved. Under no circumstances let the syrup boil.

6. Beat the whites and combine with applesauce.

7. Immerse the mixer and beat together for about five minutes.

8. Add gelatin in a thin stream, stir with applesauce at low speed. You can throw in a little vanilla.

9. Pour the marshmallow into a mold lined with film and leave to harden in the refrigerator. This will take about five hours.

10. Take out the finished treat, remove the film, cut into pieces and roll in powder. Gelatin marshmallows should be stored in the refrigerator.

Delicate salad with apple pastille and bananas

For the salad you will need an air pastille on agar-agar or gelatin. Low-fat sour cream is used as a dressing.


100 grams of marshmallow;

2 bananas;

2 tablespoons of nuts;

100 ml sour cream;

Powder to taste, vanilla.


1. Peel the bananas and cut them into cubes.

2. Peel the kiwi, cut it a little smaller and add it to the bananas.

3. Cut the apple marshmallow into cubes. To prevent the treat from sticking, wet the knife. You can dip each cube in powder. Transfer to fruit.

5. Roast the nuts and chop them. You can use poppy.

6. Sprinkle the salad with nuts and you can serve. The same salad can be assembled in layers, it will look more interesting.

Homemade apple pastille roll

Recipe for an oriental marshmallow roll, for the filling you will need boiled condensed milk. You can buy a jar in a store or cook it yourself. Condensed milk should be thick.


150 grams of walnuts;

1 sheet of marshmallow;

1 can of condensed milk.


1. Sort out the nuts, put them in a frying pan and fry. Cool, chop into small pieces.

2. Lay out a sheet of marshmallow on the table. The larger it is, the thinner the roll will be.

3. Open the condensed milk and knead until smooth.

4. Lubricate the marshmallow with condensed milk, leaving 2 centimeters on the opposite edge untouched.

5. Sprinkle the condensed layer on top with nuts.

6. Take the nearest edge and roll it into a tight roll.

7. Place in the refrigerator for two hours.

8. Take out the roll and cut it into transverse pieces with a sharp knife. Any size.

9. Place on a dish and serve with tea.

Sweet rolls with cottage cheese and apple pastille

An amazing recipe for sweet rolls made from thin marshmallows. Curd filling with gelatin. If the cottage cheese is weak in consistency, then use less milk.


Marshmallow leaf;

300 grams of cottage cheese;

Sugar to taste;

70 ml milk;

1.5 tsp. gelatin.


1. Pour milk over gelatin and leave to swell according to the time indicated on the package.

2. Heat the milk with gelatin until liquid.

3. Beat cottage cheese with sugar to your taste, add melted gelatin. Stir the cream.

4. Spread a sheet of marshmallow and grease with curd cream.

5. Cut the banana into long strips and place them in a row at the nearest edge.

6. Roll up the roll.

7. Place in the refrigerator for 3 hours until hardened.

8. Cut the sweet rolls into 2-centimeter pieces and place them beautifully on a plate. Serve with condensed milk, jam, whipped cream.

If thin marshmallows are prepared for long-term storage, then the sheets must be thoroughly dried. Otherwise, mold may appear in them.

If the marshmallow is dried in the oven. Then the door must be opened slightly. Otherwise, the moisture will not come out, and the process will take a long time.

The marshmallow turns out more tender if you rub the fruit through a sieve and discard the skins. But it hardens faster if you prepare the delicacy with the peel.

If the marshmallow is dried naturally, then you can spread the prepared mass onto sheets of cellophane. The layers are easily removed from them.

Modern children hardly know the taste of homemade apple marshmallow.

But this is a natural, vitamin-rich and nutritious analogue of chewing marmalade, which children love so much.

Homemade apple pastille in the oven is a light dinner or dessert that is perfect for diet and baby food.

Homemade apple pastille in the oven - basic principles of preparation

Classic apple marshmallow is made only from apples. However, there are recipes with the addition of sugar, other fruits or berries, nuts, egg whites, etc.

The cooking process is quite long, but not complicated.

Pastila can be prepared from any fruit. For this purpose, unripe and overripe fruits of sour varieties with a high pectin content are suitable.

The apples are washed and rotten areas are removed. The fruits are baked in the oven or boiled until soft. Then they are cooled until warm and ground through a sieve. Place the applesauce into a thick-walled saucepan and simmer over low heat until the mass becomes thick and has a pleasant golden hue.

The resulting mass is cooled. Be sure to drain the released juice, otherwise the marshmallow will settle. Beat the apple mass with a mixer until it increases in size and lightens in color. Then it is spread in an even layer on a baking sheet covered with parchment and placed in an oven preheated to 100 C for six hours. In this case, the door must be kept ajar. The finished product should be elastic and dry.

If you are preparing a multi-layer marshmallow, each subsequent layer is laid only after the previous one has dried.

The finished marshmallow is rolled up and cut into small pieces.

Recipe 1. Homemade apple pastille in the oven with sugar


    apples – two kilograms;

    sugar - glass.

Cooking method

1. Rinse the apples under the tap. Cut out the spoiled areas and place the fruit in a deep baking tray. Pour half a glass of purified water into the bottom. Bake the apples for forty minutes at 170 C.

2. Then cool the fruit and grind through a sieve until pureed.

3. Transfer the resulting mass into a saucepan and simmer until it becomes thick. Cook, stirring occasionally, over low heat. Cool the puree and drain the remaining juice.

4. Transfer the mixture to a mixer bowl and beat. The puree should lighten and increase in volume. Add sugar and continue whisking until the sugar crystals dissolve.

5. Place the applesauce on a baking sheet, covering it with parchment. Level the surface with a spatula and place in the oven for six hours. Dry at 50 degrees. At the end of cooking, turn the pastille over and dry it on the reverse side. Cut the finished marshmallow into squares and serve as a dessert.

Recipe 2. Homemade apple pastille in the oven with honey and nuts


    apples – one and a half kilograms;

    vegetable oil – 30 ml;

    purified water – 60 ml;

    honey – 30 g;

    shelled walnuts – 1/2 cup.

Cooking method

1. Wash the apples, cut them in half and remove the core.

2. Place the fruit in a thick-walled saucepan. Pour in water and place the dishes on low heat. Cook from the moment of boiling for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Cool the boiled apples, rub through a sieve or chop using a submersible blender.

3. Place applesauce in a saucepan. Add chopped walnuts and honey to it. Mix well. Place the pan back on the heat and cook, stirring, for 20 minutes.

4. Cover a baking sheet with parchment, grease it with oil and heat to 110 C. Place applesauce in it and smooth with a spatula. The thickness of the layer should not exceed 5 millimeters.

5. Place the baking sheet with the apple mixture in the oven and leave for seven hours, with the door slightly open. Cut the finished marshmallow into squares, wrap in parchment and store in a cardboard box.

Recipe 3. Homemade apple pastille in the oven with sesame seeds


    Art. l. vegetable oil;

    kilogram of apples;

    5 g sesame;

    a glass of purified water;

    sugar – 125 g.

Cooking method

1. Wash the apples thoroughly under the tap. We cut each into four parts and cut out the seed boxes.

2. Place the fruit in a cauldron. Pour in water and add sugar. Stir and simmer the apples from the moment they boil for ten minutes. Remove the cauldron from the heat and cool the contents slightly. Blend the apples with an immersion blender until pureed. Grind the resulting mass through a sieve to remove any remaining peel. Cool the apple mixture completely.

3. Cover the baking sheet with parchment and grease it with vegetable oil. Spread the applesauce in a thin layer and place the baking sheet in the oven for six hours. Dry at 150 C, leaving the door ajar. Sprinkle the finished marshmallow with sesame seeds and wrap it in a roll. Cut into small pieces.

Recipe 4. Homemade apple pastille in the Belevskaya oven


    250 g white sugar;

    two kilograms of apples;

    two egg whites.

Cooking method

1. Wash, peel and cut the apples into slices, removing the seed boxes.

2. Place apple slices on a baking sheet. Pour some water into the bottom and bake for a quarter of an hour at 180 C.

3. Place the baked apples in a saucepan and puree everything with an immersion blender. Add half a glass of sugar and beat with a mixer. The puree should turn white and increase in volume.

4. In a separate bowl, beat the whites, gradually adding sugar, until stiff foam. Combine the applesauce with the whipped egg whites, placing three spoonfuls in a separate plate.

5. Place the resulting apple-white mixture on a baking sheet lined with parchment and place in the oven for seven hours. Cook the marshmallow at 100 C, with the door slightly open. The finished marshmallow should be elastic, dense and have a pleasant golden brown hue.

6. Separate the marshmallow from the parchment and cut into four pieces. Stack on top of each other, brushing each layer with beaten egg whites. Place in the oven for another two hours. Then roll the marshmallow bar in powdered sugar and wrap it in parchment.

Recipe 5. Homemade apple and pear pastille in the oven


    120 g granulated sugar;

    half a kilogram of pears;

    half a glass of purified water;

    half a kilogram of apples.

Cooking method

1. Wash the pears and apples, cut out the seeds and cut the fruit into slices. Place the prepared fruits in a saucepan, pour in water and add sugar. Place on the fire and simmer over low heat until the mixture begins to thicken.

2. Remove the pan from the heat, cool the fruit mass and rub it through a sieve, or grind it to a puree using an immersion blender.

3. Place the fruit puree on a baking sheet lined with parchment. We put it in the oven for six hours. Prepare the marshmallow at 100 C. Cool the finished product slightly and roll it up. Cut into small pieces.

Recipe 6. Homemade apple marshmallow in the oven with cinnamon, orange zest and currants


    5 g orange zest;

    one and a half kilograms of apples;

    200 g black currants;

    5 g cinnamon;

Cooking method

1. Wash the apples, cut them in half and remove the seeds. You can peel or leave the peel. It all depends on your taste. Cut the apples into pieces.

2. Place the fruit in a saucepan, pour in a little water and place on low heat. Boil apples until soft. You can cook apples in a slow cooker.

3. Grind the boiled apples until pureed. If you boiled apples with skins, grind the mixture through a sieve. Peeled apples can be chopped using an immersion blender.

4. Add cinnamon, orange zest and honey to the applesauce. Stir.

5. Rinse the currants, place them in a saucepan, add a little water and simmer until soft. Cool the berries slightly and rub through a sieve. Discard the grains and skins. Add berry puree to apple mixture and stir.

6. Place the resulting mass on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Level it out. The result should be a layer no more than five millimeters thick. Place the baking sheet on the middle rack of the oven for three hours. Cook the pastille at 100 C with the oven door slightly open. Then carefully separate the marshmallow from the parchment, turn it over and dry for another two hours.

7. Cut the finished marshmallow into pieces, roll in powdered sugar and wrap in parchment. Store in a cardboard box.

    It is advisable to bake the apples whole, and only then remove the core, since apples quickly darken when cut.

    If you are preparing marshmallows from apple varieties with low pectin content, add agar-agar, gelatin or other gelling additive to the puree.

    The finished pastille should easily come away from the parchment. If the treat does not come off, it means it is not ready yet.

    Do not overcook the marshmallow in the oven, otherwise it will turn out dry and hard.

If you're hungry and don't have much time, marshmallows are the answer. Pastilles de Leche means "milk tablets" or "milk tablets" in Spanish. This food delicacy is not usually available in other countries.

If you like milk, then you will like marshmallows, since that is the main ingredient. Pastila is a candy made from milk. They can be served with the main course or as an appetizer. Pastilles are easy and quick to prepare, some even use them as a product for sale.

A simple recipe for homemade marshmallows


  • 1 can of condensed milk (or one liter of cow's or goat's milk).
  • 1 tablespoon margarine
  • Flavor (optional): chocolate, etc.
  • ½ – 1 cup milk powder such as Nido and Anchor.

You can add if necessary:

  • ½ cup white granulated sugar or confectioners' sugar, for coating
  • 1 cup evaporated milk
  • Melted butter
  • 1 teaspoon lemon peel
  • A few drops of vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch

If you want to make a larger batch, double the recipe.


  • Measuring cups and spoons
  • Cellophane paper is cut into squares
  • Mixing bowl
  • Wooden stick
  • Dishes
  • Spoon
  • Sugar container
  • Large cutting board
  • Plate
  • Wax paper
  • Pot
  • Large saucepan

Cooking time: 5 minutes.

Cooking instructions:

  1. Mix the condensed milk and sift the milk powder in a bowl until it has the consistency of cookie dough. Add milk powder if the dough is too thin and more milk if it is too thick.

It is advisable to use a rubber or wooden spatula to mix the ingredients and add a small amount of liquid. You can also add flavoring at this stage. The flavor can be chocolate, melon or coffee. For a noticeable flavor, add lemon zest to this mixture.

  1. Add margarine to the mixture. Margarine serves as an additional flavoring for marshmallows.
  1. Set the mixture aside for 10-15 minutes before shaping. The more time you wait, the less it will stick to your hands.
  1. Roll the mixture into small logs or balls using clean hands. The size must be equal. Imagine that you are sculpting clay. You can also form other shapes such as hearts and squares. Make sure the surface is smooth.
  1. Place the balls (hearts, squares, etc.) on a plate and sprinkle them with sugar.
  1. Cut out pieces of paper or use cling paper, colored paper wrapping, or cellophane to package the lozenges. If you don't want to wrap each marshmallow, you can insert a toothpick and stack them on a plate.

1. How to make marshmallow

  1. Mix sugar and fresh milk in a saucepan.
  1. Boil and stir until it becomes pasty in texture.
  1. Add milk powder and butter.
  1. Mix the ingredients evenly.
  1. Remove the pan from the heat source and transfer the mixture to a bowl.
  1. Let it cool until it is no longer hot but still warm.
  1. Drop 20 lozenges into small cylinders.
  2. Wrap each marshmallow in a square of paper, rolling it like a cylinder and then twisting each end.

Preparation. Using the stove

  1. Boil the milk until it reduces by ¼ (only 3/4 remains).
  1. Add condensed milk to boiled milk and stir.
  2. Stir 1/3 cup milk powder into mixture in saucepan. You can use any powdered milk, but the taste will vary.
  1. Add a few drops of vanilla to add flavor and taste the marshmallow. Adding too much vanilla will overpower the flavor of the dessert.
  2. Wait a few minutes. As the milk evaporates, the texture of the mixture will change. This may take up to 10 minutes.
  1. While the mixture is still heating, continue stirring. This is not only to ensure that the ingredients are well mixed, but also to ensure that the mixture does not burn.
  1. You can tell if the mixture is ready by the sweet smell. Do not overdo it. You should not have a black tint as this indicates that you have burnt the marshmallow.
  1. Place ice, salt and water in a bowl. This serves as an ice bath.
  1. Grease a glass bowl with oil to prevent the mixture from sticking.
  1. Transfer heated ingredients to an oiled glass bowl and add ice bath. The mixture will harden.
  1. Instead, you can chill the mixture for 10 minutes to allow the candy to fall out easily.
  1. Once you have taken out the lozenges, prepare your wrappers, such as cellophane or Japanese paper. The design and size of the wrapper depends on your choice.
  2. Roll the mixture into long cylinders (like licorice), then cut.

2. Goat milk marshmallows

The ingredients in making goat's milk marshmallows are the same as if you make them from cocoa or cow's milk, except you must use less sugar.

You will need:

  • goat milk (1 liter)
  • corn starch (1 teaspoon)
  • white sugar (1/2 cup)

You can add ingredients according to your preferences.

The preparation is the same as when making milk lozenges with cow's milk or carabao milk.

Goat's milk is a good alternative for pastel ingredients. Basically, all you have to do is replace cow's milk with goat's milk. The ingredients will remain the same, however, be aware that when you use liquid goat's milk, the shelf life of your lozenges may be shorter than if you use powdered cow's milk. Goat milk is usually sold in liquid form, and it is very rare to find a powder version in supermarkets.

3. Frequently asked questions:

—Can I use cornstarch to thicken the lozenge mixture?

Yes you can, but make sure you balance the milk and sugar mixture correctly. Otherwise, your lozenges will not taste good and they will be hard to chew and paste-like. Cornstarch is often used to thicken recipes - sauces, gravies, etc., so it is a good option for lozenges. The only drawback is that it is not very neat.

What is the weight of one lozenge in this recipe?

- It depends on how big your marshmallow is. However, for this particular example, 8 pieces of the correct shaped lozenge will be about 120 grams (15 grams each).

— Do lozenges need to be refrigerated before molding and coating?

Yes. They are easier to shape after they have been cooled for 30 minutes. If you used the no-stove method, you can form them straight away. It is advisable to lubricate your hands with coconut oil, as this makes the sculpting process easier.

— How long is the shelf life of marshmallows?

The marshmallow will keep for 2 weeks if refrigerated or 1 week if stored in a dark, dry place such as a cupboard. Unless you individually package the lozenges, you will need to store them in an airtight container.

- Why are the lozenges dark in color when a metal ladle is used? When we made the marshmallow, we used a metal ladle and the marshmallow changed color.

Making marshmallows is an excellent way to preserve a large harvest of apples, plums, and other fruits. But apple marshmallow, I must admit, turns out to be the most delicious, special, with a memorable taste. Pastila contains a minimum of sugar, which is good for maintaining your figure. And most importantly, for its preparation you can use a variety of fruits (which should be incredibly pleasant for gardeners) - spoiled, overripe, unripe, fallen to the ground. We will make a classic thin marshmallow, the taste of which has been known to us since childhood, when such marshmallows were sold by neat grandmothers-dacha owners, rolled into rolls and wrapped in clean paper.

To prepare such apple marshmallow, it is best to take apple varieties with sourness, for example, the Antonovka variety or others. Because such apples contain a large amount of pectin, and the marshmallow made from them will be more healthy and well-gelled. So, step-by-step preparation of thin classic marshmallow (if desired, you can make it “plumpier”).

Step 1. We wash the selected apples for making marshmallow, place them on a baking sheet (you can put them in a slow cooker, in a saucepan), add a little water to the container with the apples so that they do not burn and bake or simmer them over low heat until soft.

Step 2. Cool the fruits, wipe them together with the peel on a sieve, you can grind the apples in a blender.

Step 3. The puree obtained after processing with a sieve or blender must be boiled in a saucepan, stirring, for half an hour.

Step 4. Cool the applesauce and strain out the juice, otherwise the marshmallow will take a long time to dry and will settle too much.

Step 5. Now beat the applesauce, you can add sugar to it to taste. Only a little sugar is needed (some housewives do not add it at all), otherwise the mass will be viscous, and this will affect its final taste. Beat the puree until the mass becomes lighter and increases in volume.

Step 6. Cover a baking sheet or simple cardboard boxes with clean kitchen parchment (for baking products). We spread the apple mixture on it to the thickness of the marshmallow. Here it is to the taste of the housewives. I want pieces 2-3 cm thick - that means this is the thickness you need to place the mass on a baking sheet. If we are planning a marshmallow, which we will then roll into rolls, then we spread the mass five mm thick.

Step 7. Dry the marshmallow at home, in the apartment. If possible, expose it to the sun during the day. You need to dry the marshmallow naturally for just a couple of days. If in the oven (ajar and at 100 degrees), then six to seven hours of drying the marshmallow will be enough. After drying the marshmallow, turn the parchment sheet with it upside down.

Check the resulting pastille. It should be dry and firm to the touch. If the marshmallow is damp, dry it some more.
