Simple interesting sandwiches for children. Sandwiches from different countries (30 photos). Fruit canapés on skewers

It is often difficult to persuade a child to sit down at the table and eat normally. The solution can be an unusual and fun sandwich that any child will definitely like. Of course, you will need patience and imagination, but isn't it worth it? Surprise your child with an unusual sandwich!

Sandwich - BUNNY - the base is made from a piece of bread with butter and cheese, if desired, add a piece of lettuce. On the base we place a bunny figurine made from a sausage or baby sausage. We also use carrots (raw or boiled depending on the child’s preferences), dill, olives for the eyes and a piece of olive for the nose and pupil.

The MONKEY ON A BRANCH sandwich is made from the same ingredients as the first sandwich. Instead of a branch we use straws.

An unusual sandwich - LION CUB - the base and ingredients are standard, but the mane is made from Marble cheese, the arms, legs and belly are made from any other type of cheese.

The MOUSE sandwich is a standard base of bread, salad and cheese, and the mice themselves are made from half a boiled egg, the ears and tail are made from sausage, the eyes are made from peppercorns or olives, and the mouth is optionally made from bell pepper, tomato or carrot.

LADYBUGS is another interesting sandwich and it is very quick and easy to make. The base is bread with cheese and a leaf of lettuce, put halves of a small tomato or cherry tomato on top and cut them to make wings. We make the head, legs and spots from olives.

Another version of LADYBUG is made from two types of sausage and black olives.

The LOCK AND KEY sandwich can be played in an interesting way - after eating the entire sandwich, you will open the door and you can go outside to play, or, after eating the entire sandwich, you will become the smartest and most knowledgeable. The castle is made from boiled carrots or processed cheese. And the key is made of cheese and a slice of cucumber.

A fun sandwich ON THE LAWN is sure to delight your child. We take bread, lettuce and cheese as a base, and then use our imagination. We make fly agaric from half an egg and a tomato, and dots from mayonnaise. We put 5-6 olives in a row and get a caterpillar, attach eyes from a piece of olives. The beetle can be made from olives and olives, and the legs and mustache can be made from onions or dill stalks.

The BUTTERFLY sandwich is made of bread, ham and cheese; we place cucumber and radish slices on the wings.

Both children and adults will like this CHERRY. Place two radishes on bread with cheese and lettuce, add legs and leaves.

If your baby is not “childishly” hungry, prepare him an impressive-sized hamburger in the shape of a funny monster. To make this, you will need cream cheese or slices of regular cheese, ham and lettuce - all of these ingredients must be placed between two halves of a hamburger bun. The composition will be complemented by a casually hanging tongue in the form of a thin slice of pickled cucumber, cut lengthwise, and eyes made of olives with pieces of carrots. The eyes should be secured in the bun with toothpicks.

When preparing sandwiches for children, the main thing you need is to just use your imagination!

Rudolph the Reindeer

Ice cream

Cozy houses

Cute bugs


Auntie Owl

When preparing sandwiches for children, be it sandwiches for a children's party, birthday or New Year, not only the taste of the sandwich is important (in particular, the sausage beloved by all children), but also the design and decoration of the sandwich. Little children really like sandwiches with animals, Luntik or smeshariki made from cheese and sausage, older children like sandwiches in the shape of their favorite cartoon characters (at the moment for boys these are all kinds of spider-men, monsters from the cartoon Ben 10 and Bakugan, and for girls fairies Winx).

Ingredients for children's sandwiches:

For children's sandwiches, instead of regular bread, it is better to use a hamburger or sesame bun. You can use fresh bread to make sandwiches for your child, or you can pre-toast it in a toaster or in a frying pan with a small amount of butter. We will make children's sandwiches with sausage, cheese and butter, lettuce leaves solely to complete the color scheme, if the child does not like salad, you can make sandwiches without it.

Sandwiches for children "monkeys" with butter, cheese and sausage

Children's sandwich in the shape of a monkey. Everything is simple: bread, butter, cheese, 2 sausage ovals - head and torso, sausage strips - limbs and tail. More ears. Eyes made of peas, mouth made of carrots.

Sandwiches for children "lion cubs" with butter, cheese and sausage

Children's sandwich lion cub. A toasted piece of white bread and a decoration in the shape of a lion made from circles of boiled sausage and 2 types of cheese of different colors for the mane, tummy and paws. The nose is the butt of an olive, the eyes are like peas.

Sandwiches for children "Smeshariki" with butter, cheese and sausage

Children's sandwich Smeshariki with cheese and 2 types of sausage, everything that is red and yellow - sweet peppers, eyes made of fried eggs and olives.

Sandwiches for children "hare-rabbit" with butter, cheese and sausage

A hare-rabbit sandwich, in addition to a children's party, will be an original addition to the New Year's table in the year of the rabbit.

Sandwich "Luntik" with butter, cheese and sausage

It turned out to be quite difficult to cut out Luntik from the sausage; I had to print a stencil. I am posting it to those whose children Luntik is the same idol as my son. Print a stencil according to the size of the sandwich and transfer it to food foil (unlike paper, it can be washed before using the stencil).

We cut out Luntik using a stencil from boiled sausage, spots on the forehead and stomach from smoked sausage or cheese, eyes - egg white and circles of olives, mouth - red pepper. Shell made from egg white.

Sandwiches for children "mouse" with butter, cheese and sausage

Children's mouse sandwich with cheese and 2 types of sausage. The nose is an olive, the arms and legs are crispy straws with olives at the end and the soles of cheese, the eyes are peas.

Sandwiches for children "heart" with butter, cheese and sausage

A heart sandwich is cut out of cheese and sausage using baking molds.

Sandwiches for children "ladybirds" with butter, cheese and sausage

Ladybug sandwich with butter, cheese and sausage. It is convenient to cut even circles of sausage and holes for them using a bottle cap. The head and paws are made of olive.

You can make more colorful ladybugs from tomatoes: .

Having become popular overnight, angry birds are loved by both children and adults. Well, you can design sandwiches in the shape of birds, and hamburgers in the shape of pigs. For birds we use sliced ​​loaves, sausages and different types of cheeses, for pigs - hamburger buns, cutlets, cheese, sausages for the nose and ears (the ears are attached with toothpicks).

Sausage can be successfully replaced with different types of cheese of different shades or boiled meat or tongue, just cut it with a sharp knife. Such sandwiches will perfectly decorate a children's holiday table or delight a child at breakfast.

Canapés are mini-sandwiches that are often placed on a skewer.

In Europe they are consumed every day for a quick snack. Canapés are prepared at home or ordered in cafes, where they are very popular and are presented in various variations.

For us, this is a more festive dish, without which it is difficult to imagine a buffet.

Most often, holiday treats for children are thought out by mothers or holiday organizers. Ingredients for children's canapés are preferably neutral that do not cause allergic reactions.

Little gourmets will appreciate the delicious light snacks. Beautiful design and presentation are important.

Canapes on skewers

This is a tiny treat that weighs 60-80 grams. Ingredients of different shapes, placed on a small stick, can be conveniently put whole into the mouth.

The skewer not only serves to make the dish look aesthetically pleasing, but also allows you to make the eating process more convenient. By holding a skewer, you can easily eat the food. Your hands will remain clean.

Below are various canapé options that will help, among other things, give the children's table an elegant look.

Fruit canapés on skewers

For them The following fruits are great: apple, pear, kiwi, banana, peach or nectarine, grapes(seedless). The choice should be made on those fruits to which children do not have food allergies.

To prevent the fruit from darkening too quickly, they should be cut before serving. You can keep the beautiful look longer by sprinkling the finished canapés with lemon juice.

Procedure before threading the pieces onto a skewer:

  • Rinse the fruit under cool running water.
  • Let them dry a little in a bowl or on a paper towel.
  • Remove peels and seeds.
  • Cut into circles, cubes, or even funny shapes using molds (dog, duck, mouse, Christmas tree and much more).

Below are the most interesting recipes for children's fruit canapés on skewers.

Pineapple boat

A half ring of canned pineapple is strung on multi-colored plastic toothpicks - this is the future sail. Banana rings and ripe nectarine will serve as a deck.

You can carefully cut them out using a regular 20 cc syringe with the end cut off from the spout.

Sweet Rainbow

Cut tangerine, pineapple and kiwi into slices or cubes. Thread them together with raspberries, blueberries and grapes onto a long skewer according to the colors of the rainbow. Place the canapés next to each other to make the rainbow more visible.

It's beautiful bright and healthy treat looks impressive on the holiday table.

Merry strawberry

Cut the peeled banana into slices 2 cm thick and sprinkle them with lemon or orange juice to prevent them from darkening. On a skewer, thread a fresh mint leaf, a medium-sized strawberry and a banana, which will be at the base of the canapé.

Draw smiling faces on the strawberries using cream. The children will be delighted!

tailed peacock

The lower part of our peacock's tail will be a pillow of tangerine slices and banana slices. On top there will be grapes, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries strung on skewers.

The bird's body can become a pear. Make the paws and beak from tangerine peel, and the eyes from blackberry pieces.

Meat canapés on skewers

Meat canapes can be based on sausage, ham, boiled pork, baked or boiled pieces of chicken, duck, beef. In addition, you can use greens, lettuce, various vegetables, and olives.

Such original sandwiches on skewers will be the best treat for children at a birthday party.

The interesting thing is that on a beautifully decorated sofa, a child will eat even a product that he doesn’t really like - onions, carrots, sweet peppers, etc.

Canapes with boiled pork

Fry pieces of wheat or rye bread in butter until golden brown. Thread sweet peppers, pickled cucumber slices, diced boiled pork, hard cheese, and croutons onto skewers.

Garnish with dill and parsley.

Flight of fancy

Marinate the duck meat in orange juice for a day and then fry it in vegetable oil. Cut into thin slices. Cut the persimmon into slices.

Thread onto a skewer along with blueberries and a mint leaf. It turns out beautiful, juicy and appetizing.


Thread pieces of white loaf with mayonnaise spread, lettuce leaves, slices of ham, kiwi and halves of physalis berries (or any other) onto skewers. It would be ideal if the mayonnaise is homemade.

Quite voluminous for a canapé, but it turns out very tasty. Juicy Children will love the green and yellow colors of the canapes..

Fragrant ham rolls

You need to cut the ham into very thin slices so that it rolls up well. For the filling you can use hard cheese (or cottage cheese), homemade mayonnaise, and a little garlic.

Spread the ham with the filling and roll it up. Pierce each roll with a skewer containing a pitted olive. Simple and satisfying!

Other canapés on skewers

If you need simple and tasty canapés, there are many products you can use.

You can combine meat, seafood, mushrooms, vegetables, cheese, olives, herbs, etc. in every possible way. You don’t necessarily need a lot of ingredients to get excellent taste.

The main thing is to combine them correctly.

Exotic fish

Cut lightly salted salmon into thin strips and wrap around a black olive. Place this roll on a skewer along with a mango slice.

It turns out to be an unusually tasty snack that is quick to prepare.

Senor Tomato

Cut small cherry tomatoes in half. Place a cube of processed cheese or feta cheese inside.

Prick this stuffed tomato onto a toothpick along with a basil leaf.

Instead of feta cheese, you can use another white, lightly salted cheese.

Edible fly agarics

Beautiful mushrooms on skewers will definitely attract the attention of children. The cap is made from half a cherry tomato, and the leg is made from a boiled quail egg with the top slightly cut off. You can garnish with parsley.

Dots of sour cream or mayonnaise are applied with a toothpick.

Pancake Tower

Spread a thin pancake, cut into portions with a sharp knife, with curd cheese. Top with another piece of pancake. Place a slice of lightly salted trout.

Alternate such layers to the desired height of the tower.

Canapes without skewers

A canape without a skewer is a small sandwich. It is based on toasted croutons or oven-dried bread.- golden on the outside and soft on the inside. The shape of a piece of bread can be different to make it more interesting for children: round, square, curly.

Anapa can be either a festive dish at a children's birthday party or an alternative to morning porridge.

A sandwich can also be made tasty and healthy for a child.

Can be used:

  • wholemeal bread;
  • cereal bread;
  • oil;
  • curd and cheese mass;
  • cooked meat;
  • vegetables, fruits, greens.
  • bun;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • canned fish;
  • overly salty or spicy foods.

You should approach the design creatively, but in such a way that the sandwich is easy to pick up and eat. The filling should not drip or fall out. The curd mass will help glue the vegetables and bread together.

Kids love helping prepare simple canapés with just a few ingredients. You can entrust them with such an exciting activity, and then enjoy the result together.

Sweet holiday sandwiches

Interestingly decorated mini-sandwiches at a children's party are much more beautiful and appetizing than store-bought sweets. They are easy to prepare and turn into real culinary masterpieces.

Fruit and nut happiness

Spread a slice of loaf with sweet jam. Place banana and pear cut into slices or slices on top.

Decorate with a flower cut from a peach. Sprinkle with chopped hazelnuts or other nuts.

Strawberry heart

Cut the white loaf at right angles into one and a half centimeter slices. Use a special cookie cutter to make hearts out of these slices. Carefully apply boiled thick condensed milk along the edge using a pastry syringe. Place strawberry jelly inside.

To harden, place in a cool place for 20 minutes.

Magic bread

Spread pieces of white bread with a thin or medium layer of sweet curd mass.

Sprinkle colorful decorative food powder on top.

Makes a worthy holiday sandwich!

Mini meat sandwiches

The kids really like it sandwiches with different “edible” animals: Sausage Luntik, cheese Smeshariki, funny monkey or dog. Meat sandwiches To complete the color scheme, they should be supplemented with vegetables and herbs.

Sausage cartoon characters

All children love cartoons. The sandwich can be designed in the shape of your favorite character.

For example, Nyusha from “Smeshariki” can be made like this: put a leaf of lettuce and a slice of cheese on toast, and recreate the look using boiled and smoked sausage with tomatoes.

Mini pizza on a loaf

Cut the slightly stale loaf into slices and dip in a mixture of ketchup and water. Place on a baking sheet. Place the filling on top: sweet peppers, tomatoes, boiled meat, grated cheese and herbs.

Bake in the oven until done (or in the microwave).

Appetizing roses

Brush slices of crispy French baguette with butter.

Roll the ham rosettes and place them on the prepared bread slices.

Garnish with a slice of boiled egg, asparagus stalks, cucumber and herbs.

Other sandwiches

Preparing children's canapés is limited only by your imagination and the products you have on hand. All you have to do is put in a little effort and any banal sandwich will become a real work of art!

summer butterfly

The wings will be two eggs, each cut in half. Garnish them with slices of cucumber and radish. Make the body from a strip of red bell pepper, and the antennae from the feathers of green onions.

This butterfly looks great on a lettuce leaf placed on toast.


Spread a piece of bread with homemade mayonnaise or cream cheese. Make a feather bed from a piece of lightly salted salmon. Draw a ladybug on top using half a cherry tomato and a quarter of a black olive.

Draw the eyes with mayonnaise, and make black dots on the back from tiny pieces of olive. Decorate an impromptu clearing plate with a delicacy with a parsley leaf.

Sunny Hawaii

Simple, effective and juicy! Place a circle of ham and a ring of canned pineapple on the bread circles.

Place an olive or cherry tomato inside.

Decorate with any greenery.

Decoration of children's canapés

You shouldn’t wait for a special holiday to try out your yet unrealized talents in decorating children’s dishes. Any breakfast can be made more enjoyable by decorating the sandwich and the plate underneath.

In addition, the plate itself can be bright, colorful, and decorated with cartoon characters. And mothers who know the carving technique can cut out beautiful figures from fruits and vegetables.

Effectively serving and decorating children's sandwiches is a feasible task if you put in the effort.

And finally, basic tips that may be useful in preparing children's canapés:

  • Products must be thoroughly washed and cleaned of skins, seeds, etc.
  • It is best to cut food just before serving so that it does not lose its appearance.
  • All ingredients should be chopped into small pieces so that it is convenient for children to eat them without the help of a knife and fork.
  • To help the filling and decoration stick better to the sandwich, use a spread (preferably homemade).
  • Pre-mashed butter is easier to spread.
  • You can do without sausage by replacing it with chicken breast, turkey fillet, and beef.
  • Hard cheese can be replaced with mozzarella or health cheese.
  • Canapés should be beautifully decorated and presentable on a platter.
  • To help your child develop aesthetic taste, ask him to help in cooking.

Today I had a fun morning, and on this wave I made fun sandwiches for the whole family. They are simple and unlikely to be suitable, but they will fit very well for breakfast or a snack. These sandwiches will cheer up the mood and appetite of little household members.

It will be great if you make sandwiches with your child. Then your child will be able to show his imagination and unleash his creative potential. A home-cooked dish will definitely whet your appetite!

Beautifully decorated sandwiches can be an excellent decoration for a holiday table. For example, or so funny.

Here are options for simple sandwiches that you can whip up with your children.

Options for simple sandwiches for children:

1. Bread, butter, orange, prunes.
Take a piece of bread and spread it with butter. Peel the orange, cut off a circle, put it on butter. Making a smile and eyes from prunes. It turned out to be such a cheerful sun.

2. Bread, butter, kiwi, prunes, dried apricots.

Now let's make a frog. We clean the kiwi and divide it in half. We cut off one circle for the body, the convex side for the muzzle, and make the legs from small pieces of kiwi. Place our frog on buttered bread. All that remains is to make the muzzle. We make the eyes from small pieces of prunes, and the mouth from dried apricots.

3. Bread, butter, cheese, quail egg, carrots, dill.

Any little one will definitely love this bunny! To prepare it, you need to boil a quail egg and carrots. Spread butter on the bread, put a piece of cheese, make a hare's body from an egg, and paws, ears and a muzzle from a carrot. Making a mustache from dill.

4. Bread, butter, cheese, quail egg, carrots, prunes.

This funny face is very easy to make. Spread butter on a piece of bread, put cheese, make eyes from a boiled egg, and make a pupil from a prune. We make the mouth, nose and hair from boiled carrots.

5. Cheese, carrots, raisins, egg yolk, dill.

Here is another version of the hare. We spread butter on the bread, put cheese, make the body from carrots, make a muzzle from egg yolk and dill, and make eyes from raisins.

6. Bread, butter, grated protein, carrots, corn.

Let's make a mobile phone. We spread butter on the bread, three squirrels, put them on the butter, we make buttons from corn, and from boiled carrots we make a screen and three buttons under it.

Use your imagination and, together with your children, come up with more options for making sandwiches for children!

On a note:

  • Perfect for a child for breakfast. You can make them with anything, the main thing is not to add mayonnaise, sausage, salty and spicy foods and other far from healthy foods.
  • Sandwiches should also be beautifully designed so that the child has a desire to eat even not very favorite foods.
  • Ideally, you should take healthy bread, for example, wheat, rye, bran or raisins.
  • It is better to take quail eggs, since, unlike chicken eggs, they do not cause allergies or other side effects.

Today we will go on a delicious virtual trip to different countries and see what kind of sandwiches they make there. Be careful, there are a lot of goodies!

Chacarero (Chile)

Traditional Chilean sandwich of thinly sliced ​​steak or pork on a round bun with tomatoes, green beans and chili peppers.

Cemita (Mexico)

This type of sandwich appeared in Puebla. It consists of avocado, meat, white cheese, onion and salsa roja. All this is placed on a brioche bun.

Chip butty (UK)

Just French fries on bread, usually topped with ketchup or brown gravy. This sandwich in Foggy Albion is also called chip roll, chip muffin, chip bun. In general, interesting names for such a simple snack.

Barros Luco (Chile)

Just beef and melted cheese on a bun. The sandwich is named after former President Ramon Barros Luco, who regularly ordered them at the National Chilean Congress restaurant.

Chivito (Uruguay)

Chivito is translated from Spanish as “little goat”, “little goat”, but this sandwich is made from slices of beef with mozzarella cheese, tomatoes, mayonnaise, olives or black olives and often bacon, eggs and ham. In general, a little bit of everything.

Choripan (South America)

This type of sandwich originated in Argentina. The chorizo ​​sausage sandwich is loved throughout South America. It is usually served on a crispy bun with chimichurri or pebre sauce.

Donkey burger (China)

Translated from English, donkey is a donkey. Yes, this sandwich is made from donkey meat with the addition of lettuce or peppers. Served on a crispy bun called huochao. In Hebei Province there is a saying: “In heaven there is dragon meat, on earth there is donkey meat.”

Doubles (Trinidad and Tobago)

A popular sandwich made from fried bread with curried chickpeas. You can also add mango, cucumber, coconut and tamarind. Quite a popular snack before bed.

Dirlagens natmad (Denmark)

This set of letters translates as “veterinarian’s night snack.” The sandwich is one-sided and is made from jellied, salted beef and pate. Damn Scandinavian.

Dener kebab (Türkiye)

Meat on pita bread with the addition of almost anything, but usually tomatoes, onions, lettuce, pickles and chili. A great snack for those who have had a lot to drink but forgot to eat.

Fischbrötchen (Germany)

Crispy buns filled with fish (usually pickled herring) and raw onions. Often the fish is wrapped around another filling.

Gatsby (South Africa)

This sandwich always includes fried potatoes. And one more rule - Gatsby is simply huge. So huge that it can be divided into four portions, which is what they usually do.

Katsu-sando (Japan)

A “minimal” sandwich with tonkatsu (Japanese pork cutlet) and chopped cabbage.

Leberkessemmel (Germany)

Literally translated as “liver cheese,” although there is no liver or cheese inside. This is a sandwich with beef, pork, bacon and onions on a braided bun. Served with mustard and always hot.

Medianoche (Cuba)

Means "midnight". This is a popular late-night snack in Cuba. Consists of fried pork, ham, mustard, cheese and pickles on a sweet bun.

Mettbrötchen (Germany)

Literally, raw minced pork and onions on a bun.

Pan-bagnat (France)

Classic French sandwich: tuna, vegetables, boiled egg and, most importantly, olive oil. Never dressed with mayonnaise. Served on a French bun.

Pleskavica (Serbia)

This is a sandwich made from different types of meat. Sometimes manufacturers “improvise” - add fat from beef kidneys, grind pork neck, or add soda or mineral water to dilute it. Can be served on a round bun or pita bread with pepper sauce and Serbian cream.

Pork Burger (Macau)

Just pork with a bun. Simple but delicious.

Banh mi (Vietnam)

In general, the Vietnamese refer to all types of bread as banh mi, but more often these words refer to a sandwich with meat (often pork or liver pate), slices of pickles, cilantro and pickled carrots. Cheap but tasty sandwich.

Roti John (Malaysia)

Pan-fried one-sided sandwich omelette on half a baguette. The main ingredients are eggs and onions, but meat or fish (sardines, chicken, beef, lamb) are also added to the sandwich.

Zhou Jia Mo (China)

Literally translated as “meat burger”. A popular street snack made from meat (usually pork, but sometimes lamb or beef, depending on the region), peppers and spices on flat bread.
