Recipe for pasta with minced meat and cheese. Macaroni with minced meat and cheese

Having opened the Internet once again in search of some interesting fact about the history of the origin of dishes, I came across a rather interesting article. In it, the author refuted the prevailing opinion that naval pasta is a dish of sailors that came to our kitchens from Italy. He argued, citing various evidence, that this was a simplified version of macaroni, an original Russian dish made from pasta and minced meat, only when preparing it, these components were laid in layers and baked in the oven.

In general, after reading the article, I had an additional topic for reflection whether to believe it or not. But I admit honestly, it doesn’t matter to me who invented this dish and under what conditions, the main thing is that the recipe for naval pasta has firmly taken its place among other popular dishes. Although, if they hadn’t thought of it 100 years ago, I’m sure our zealous housewives would definitely have come up with it themselves.

Well, this article gave me the idea that I need to cook naval-style pasta, which I haven’t made for 8 years, since graduating from university. And at that time it was almost my favorite food. I thought that such food was the most student dish. It’s understandable: nourishing, fast, tasty and made from a minimal set of ingredients.

I now understand that even naval pasta can be prepared and served in such a way that the most exquisite dishes will pale in comparison. Maybe I went a little overboard about “fading”, so to speak, for the sake of a catchphrase, but in general, the point is this: simple food does not mean bad food. It depends only on us whether it will stand on the table in a pan as a total mass, or will be laid out in portions on plates.

I suggest you join me in refreshing your memory of the navy pasta recipe. If your hand is full, you will easily remember it, but if you have never prepared such a dish before, you are welcome to my kitchen. I will be glad if at least someone finds my experience and advice useful.

Navy pasta recipe


  • minced pork – 250-300 g,
  • onion – 1 large head,
  • garlic – 1 clove,
  • tomato sauce - 2 tablespoons,
  • pasta – approximately 300 g,
  • hard cheese – 50-70 g,
  • greens - a small bunch (I had green onions and parsley),
  • sunflower oil for frying,
  • salt or other spices - to taste.

Cooking process:

After pouring water into a saucepan and placing it on the stove, peel the garlic clove. Pour a little sunflower oil into the frying pan and also send it to the fire. Cut the garlic into thin slices and place in a bowl. We need its scent. Therefore, deep-fry over medium heat until the pieces darken.

During this time, quickly peel the onion and finely chop it. When the garlic has imbued the oil with its smell, take it out of the frying pan and throw the onion into it.

Over medium heat, stirring constantly, fry until transparent. Onions have the amazing property of burning in a matter of seconds, so we don’t go anywhere, but keep an eye on them. Add the tomato sauce to the slightly golden onions.

Stir and continue to simmer for another 2-3 minutes. It's the minced meat's turn. Place it in a frying pan and knead it thoroughly (don’t forget to add a pinch or two of salt).

The minced meat will always form into lumps during the frying process, so we constantly separate them with a spatula.

Pour the pasta into slightly salted boiling water. Cook over low heat for 8-12 minutes, depending on their variety and the time indicated on the package. While the pasta is cooking, under the frying pan with minced meat, reduce the heat to minimum, cover with a lid and simmer for just these 8-12 minutes. Then we throw the finished pasta into a colander and, without waiting for all the liquid to drain from it, put it in a frying pan. This broth will give the minced meat additional juiciness.

Stir, add salt to taste and bring the dish to full readiness. 5-7 minutes under the lid over low heat will be enough. Sprinkle finely grated cheese and chopped herbs on top, turn off the heat, and let the cheese melt simply under the influence of high temperature inside the frying pan.

Serve the pasta navy style hot.

Bon appetit!

1. Peel the onions and carrots, rinse them under running water, then cut the onions into half rings, and simply grate the carrots or cut them into thin cubes (as you prefer). Pour a sufficient amount of oil into a large frying pan or saucepan with high walls and place on fire. First put the onion in hot oil, fry it until transparent, then add the carrots. Fry the vegetables until soft, lightly add salt and sprinkle with ground black pepper. Remove the prepared vegetables from the heat and place them on a separate plate.
2. It is better to prepare the minced meat yourself so that we can be sure of its freshness and the quality of the meat. However, if you completely trust the store/market where you usually buy meat products, then you can safely use store-bought minced meat. So, we prepare the minced meat: we thoroughly wash the piece of pork, dry it with a paper towel and trim off excess fat, membranes, etc. Next, cut the pork into small pieces and grind them in a meat grinder. If you don't have a meat grinder, then use a blender or food processor.
3. Again pour vegetable oil into the frying pan where the vegetables were prepared and fry the prepared minced meat in it. The meat must be peppered and salted to taste, and also periodically stirred with a wooden spatula, breaking large pieces of minced meat into smaller ones. Simmer the meat until cooked under a closed lid and over moderate heat until all the juice from the pan has evaporated.
4. Now add the fried onions and carrots to the minced meat, mix thoroughly and simmer under the lid for literally another 2-3 minutes (so that they have time to exchange their aromas). By the way, if you wish, you can fry a few finely grated cloves of garlic along with onions and carrots (but this is not for everyone!). Set the prepared minced meat aside for now.
5. But now the main thing is to boil the pasta correctly! To do this, put water in a saucepan, bring it to a boil, add some salt, put pasta in the saucepan and boil it according to the time indicated on the package, but slightly undercook it so that it turns out “al dente” (that is, hardish, damp). ). To prevent the pasta from sticking together during cooking, you can add a tablespoon of vegetable oil. Place the finished pasta in a colander, then return it to the pan and add oil to it (again, so that it does not stick together).
6. Lightly grease a convenient baking dish (preferably with high sides) with butter (you can also use butter). And if you want to serve the casserole whole, on one large dish, then it is better to use a springform pan (in this case, it is better to cover it with baking paper so that the eggs do not leak out through the small cracks of the pan while cooking in the oven). So, put half of the boiled pasta on the bottom of the container and distribute it evenly over the pan.
7. In a separate bowl, beat the chicken eggs with a pinch of salt (with a whisk or fork), then add the tomato paste and mix everything thoroughly to make a homogeneous dressing. Water 2-3 tbsp. Spoon the pasta dressing into the pan. Then we put all the minced meat on the pasta, carefully level it and again pour a small amount of dressing over everything.
8. Place the rest of the pasta on the minced meat and pour over the rest of the dressing. Grate hard cheese on a fine grater. Sprinkle our casserole with cheese and place the baking sheet in a pan already preheated to 190 degrees. oven. In fact, all our products are already ready, so 15 minutes of cooking in the oven is enough for them to exchange flavors and aromas, and for the cheese to turn out to have a golden crust.
9. Remove the finished dish from the oven and let cool for a couple of minutes. At this time, thoroughly wash the dill, dry it on a paper towel and chop it very finely with a knife. Place the casserole in neat portioned pieces on separate plates and sprinkle with herbs on top.

One of the delicious hot dishes that you can eat with taste, and about which the recipe is - pasta with minced meat and cheese in the oven. It's not difficult to prepare, but it will take time.


Servings: – + 4

  • Pasta 500 g
  • Chopped meat 700 g
  • Vegetable oil 100 g
  • Vegetable oil 2 pcs
  • Garlic 3 cloves
  • Tomato paste 100 g
  • Soy sauce 30 ml
  • Water 200 ml
  • Hard cheese 200 g
  • Ground black pepper
  • Nutmeg

60 min. Seal

    First, put the water on the fire and wait until it boils, then add salt and put the pasta in there to cook, but only until half-cooked, that is, they should remain a little hard inside, let’s say in the Italian manner.

    Place the boiled pasta in a colander, and then, as soon as all the water has drained, put it back into the saucepan and pour in two tablespoons of vegetable oil. We take the pan by the handles and shake it thoroughly, first clockwise and then counterclockwise, so that the oil is completely distributed inside.

    Now we need onions and garlic, which we peel. Then we pass the garlic through a garlic press, and cut the onion into thin rings or half rings - it all depends on how you like it best.

    Next, in a large bowl, mix the minced meat with garlic, salt and other spices, and then mix thoroughly with your hands and beat. Now take a frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil and fry the minced meat in it, then add a small amount of water to the minced meat and simmer for 10 minutes under the lid.

    Meanwhile, while the minced meat is frying, make the gravy. To do this, take a bowl and mix soy sauce, tomato paste, sugar, water and spices in it. Then beat until the sugar dissolves.

    Next, take a baking dish, grease it well and put 1/2 of the pasta there, then fill it with minced meat, the minced meat will cover a layer of onion, on which the minced meat will again lie, and the pasta on top. Fill with tomato paste mixture. Our sauce should only peek out a little from under the top layer of pasta.

    We place the form with pasta on a baking sheet, and put the baking sheet in the oven, which we preheat to 180 C, and we will bake this thing for about 10 minutes.

    Now we begin to grate the cheese; it is best to do this not on a fine grater.

    After 10 minutes of cooking, remove the pasta from the oven. Sprinkle with grated cheese, then put it back in the oven, and to toast the cheese, I advise you to increase the temperature a little. The minced meat, macaroni and cheese are almost ready in the oven, to complete the recipe, we will bake the macaroni for about 10 more minutes.

    As soon as the pasta with minced cheese is ready in the oven, take out the pan and cover with a damp towel for 5 minutes, after which cut the dish and serve. It goes best with white garlic sauce and fresh vegetables.

Macaroni with minced meat and cheese can be prepared in different ways, for example, in the oven. In this case, it is recommended to boil the pasta until half cooked, and it is better to use homemade minced meat.

Macaroni with minced meat and cheese - a tasty and satisfying dish


Vegetable oil 1 tbsp. Bulb onions 1 piece(s) Carrot 1 piece(s) Garlic 1 clove Tomato juice 1 stack Hard cheese 150 grams Ground meat 150 grams Pasta 450 grams

  • Number of servings: 4
  • Cooking time: 20 minutes

Recipe for pasta with minced meat and cheese

It is advisable to use hard cheese.


  1. cut the peeled onion into cubes and fry in oil until golden brown;
  2. add meat to it and season with any spices, focusing on your taste;
  3. cut the carrots into small cubes and also add to the minced meat. Continue frying;
  4. As soon as the vegetable becomes soft, pour tomato juice into the meat and salt it to taste. Simmer the minced meat under a closed lid for 10 minutes;
  5. While the meat is cooking, boil the pasta.

Now you can form the dish for serving. Place pasta on a plate, top with a few spoons of minced meat and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Lazy lasagna

You can make an excellent imitation of lasagna: macaroni with cheese and minced meat in the oven.


  • feather pasta – 500 g;
  • minced meat – 750 gr;
  • bell pepper – 1 piece;
  • tomato sauce – 2 tbsp;
  • onion – 1 piece;
  • "Cabernet" - 55 ml;
  • parsley – 1 bunch;
  • hard cheese – 160 g;
  • milk – 400 ml;
  • flour - 2 tbsp;
  • olive oil – 2 tbsp;
  • butter – 50 gr.


  1. cut the onion and bell pepper into small cubes;
  2. pour olive oil into the pan and first fry the onion - 3 minutes - then add pepper to it;
  3. fry the mixture for another 2 minutes and add minced meat to it. Continue cooking for 10 minutes with constant stirring. There should be no large pieces of vegetables left in the sauce;
  4. add wine to the pan and continue stewing the minced meat. As soon as the liquid has evaporated, add tomato paste and chopped parsley. Add salt and pepper;
  5. Boil the pasta, rinse it and add a spoonful of olive oil. Stir;
  6. prepare bechamel sauce. To do this, melt the butter in a saucepan and add flour to it. Stir and pour in milk in a thin stream, with continuous stirring. Continuing to stir the sauce, bring it to a boil and wait until it thickens. Then immediately remove from heat;
  7. Grease the pan with oil and place half of the pasta in it. Then add half of the finished sauce. Flatten;
  8. spread the next layer of minced meat and cover it with the remaining pasta. Pour in remaining sauce;
  9. the top layer is grated cheese. Cook in an oven preheated to +180 degrees for 25 minutes.

Serve the dish hot, in portions.

When preparing any variation of the dish, you should not skimp on cheese. The more it is, the tastier the pasta turns out.

Macaroni with ground meat and cheese is a quick and easy lunch! The taste of the pasta will directly depend on the minced meat used. Try different options: with chicken, pork, beef or mixed minced meat. The cheese, in interaction with hot pasta and minced meat, begins to melt and stretch - it’s so delicious, you’ll lick your fingers!

Prepare the following ingredients: pasta, butter, water, salt, vegetable oil, minced pork, garlic, meat seasoning (I have turmeric, black pepper, mustard seeds, coriander, cumin), hard cheese.

Fry the minced pork in vegetable oil until cooked, adding chopped garlic, salt and meat seasoning. You can use any seasoning or just salt and ground black pepper.

While the minced meat is frying, boil the pasta in salted water until tender, rinse and add a small piece of butter to the pasta (not for taste, but only to prevent the pasta from sticking together).

Then add the fried minced meat to the pasta.

And also add grated hard cheese (fine grater) to the pan. The more cheese, the tastier!

Mix pasta, minced meat and cheese. The cheese from the hot pasta and minced meat will instantly begin to melt - it’s soooo delicious!
