Recipe for making grated pie with jam. Grated pie with jam: recipe (photo). Grated shortbread pie with jam - video recipe

In the morning I baked a grated pie, at lunch I wanted to drink tea - and I couldn’t find what to put on the plate. Sadness! However, I console myself with the fact that since the grated “happiness” so quickly disappears into the depths of the stomachs of my household, it means that it actually deserves an excellent rating.

I bake grated pie according to my grandmother's recipe. My mother cooked it the same way. My sister and godmother do the same, and I hope my daughters will bake in due time. I am sure that most housewives with experience know this recipe - they know it and cook it quite often. Nevertheless, I want to remind those who know how and do it once again (what if you haven’t baked it for a long time?), and for those who are just setting off on a grand voyage across the vast ocean of cooking, I’ll tell you what I myself know.


  • 200 g butter;
  • 3 cups flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1/3 tsp. soda;
  • 1/2 tsp. salt;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • thick jam or marmalade.


    Take the butter out of the refrigerator. We are not preparing chopped dough, but regular shortbread dough, so we don’t need frozen butter, we leave it in the kitchen for a while. When it is quite easy to cut with a knife, divide it into 6-10 parts (exclusively for convenience) and place it in the bowl of a food processor.

    We measure out the sugar. If you do not have a sweet tooth and prefer discreetly sweet desserts, feel free to reduce the indicated amount.

    Break eggs into a bowl, add salt and soda. Please do not neglect salt - it is simply necessary for the ideal and balanced taste of shortcrust pastry: without it, it turns out insipid, flat, uninteresting.

    Mix the contents until smooth. No creamy structures or airy-smooth masses are required, you just need to combine the butter with the eggs.

    And we start adding flour. I never measure the amount, I always pour it “by eye”. You should have a smooth dough that comes together completely and does not stick to the sides of the processor. If you squeeze it into a fist, your fingers will also remain clean (greasy, but not in the dough).

    This is two glasses of flour. Not enough, the dough is liquid. Of course, if you bake it, the product most likely will not spread, but this is far from what we need, and not what is required for a grated pie.

    Two and a half glasses. Better, much better, but still not the same. The dough is soft, but does not hold its shape; it is almost impossible to form the product we need from it.

    Three glasses. Almost perfect, but pay attention to the sides of the bowl - they are a little oily. In principle, you can stop at this stage, however, purely intuitively, I added two more tablespoons of flour.

    And now I think that what was needed was achieved. The shortbread dough is ready. Elastic and soft, gentle and pleasant.

    We divide it into two parts – a little larger and a little smaller. We create with the larger one, while we send the smaller one straight to the freezer.

    We roll out the one we are working on into a rectangle. The dimensions of the rectangle should be equal (plus or minus) to the dimensions of the pan in which you will bake the cake.

    Carefully transfer the dough layer into the mold. If something breaks somewhere, don’t worry - it’s absolutely not important and not fundamental. By and large, you can skip the rolling step altogether and immediately stretch the dough in the mold with your fingers. It takes a little longer, but you don’t have to wash the rolling pin. Choose your option.

    So, we transfer it, if necessary, we straighten the edges, and press the torn places.

    We are looking for jam, preserves or jam (we make grated pie with jam, remember?). In my opinion, it tastes best with currant jam - it has a pleasant sourness, which “looks” simply amazing when combined with shortcrust pastry. This time I had apricot jam with rosemary - bright in taste, with a pleasant pine aftertaste, barely sour, but very aromatic. If the jam you find is runny, I recommend mixing it with a tablespoon of starch or flour. Or - boil it down to a “thick drop” that does not spread.

    I deliberately did not write the amount of jam - focus on your shape, the thickness of the jam, its fluidity. Usually 4-5 tablespoons are required, no more - the jam will flow. Of course, you can pour out half a jar from your heart (after all, we’re trying for ourselves, why be greedy?), but in everything, moderation is required: excess jam will leak out, fry, and burn.

    Spread the jam evenly over the surface of the dough.

    We take the second “ball” out of the freezer and begin to grate it on a coarse grater. This process is not the easiest, inconvenient and unpleasant. If you place a grater on a board, the dough will fall into one place and inevitably stick together, so you need to keep it suspended. You can use the services of a meat grinder, but the “worms” that come out of it must be immediately caught and assigned to a permanent place of residence.

    The dough you rub should be spread evenly over the pie.

    Place the pie in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake until nicely golden brown, about 25 minutes.

    Remove the finished grated pie from the oven and leave it alone for 3-5 minutes, after which you must cut it with a sharp knife. After cooling, you can only break it into pieces, so don’t forget about this point.

    When the pie has cooled completely, transfer it to a dish and invite everyone to drink tea. However, I’m sure that the latter is superfluous: by this moment, the household members will already be sitting at the table and starting to nervously bang their spoons.

Options are possible!

If you think that grated pie might get boring, I hasten to disappoint you: there are so many ways to vary the standard grated pie recipe that you could make it every other day for a year and not be disappointed!

Fillings in grated pie recipes

The easiest way is to experiment with the filling. In addition to preserves, marmalade, marmalade and confiture, you can use:
- cottage cheese, curd masses and various pastes based on it;
- poppy;
- nuts;
- various dried fruits (raisins, prunes, dates, dried apricots);
- fresh berries (cherries, sweet cherries, currants, blueberries, cranberries, lingonberries);
- condensed milk;
- chocolate;
- coconut flakes;
- meringue;
- twisted lemon mixed with sugar;
- fresh apple, cut into small pieces or grated on a coarse grater.

Experiments with dough

You can also experiment with the dough. It’s great to add chopped nuts to the part that “goes” on top of the pie (grated crumbs). Works great with a little oat flakes - they add incredible crunch. In addition to the fact that the pie is sprinkled with grated dough, you can prepare the streusel separately - it will be extremely tasty, elegant and even festive.

Lenten grated pie

During Lent, the hardest thing for me is to give up the usual sweets. I really love all kinds of cakes and mousses, jellies and candies, cookies and pies, and when I have to limit myself to such simple joys, I immediately begin to feel like a deeply unhappy person. For such periods of abstinence, I specially select recipes that can be implemented during fasting.
It is quite possible to adapt a grated pie for such needs. Of course, the difference between real butter and vegetable margarine is colossal, however, believe me, when you desperately want something sweet, this pie seems like a luxury and simply a masterpiece of culinary art.

Ingredients for Lenten Grated Pie Recipe

200 g vegetable margarine;
3 cups flour;
1/2 tsp. soda;
1/3 tsp. salt;
1 cup of sugar;
3-4 tbsp. l. ice water;
jam or marmalade.

How to cook grated pie in Lent

Sift flour, salt and soda into a deep bowl, add sugar. If you are not a fan of richly sweet dough, and the jam you have on hand also contains too much sugar, I recommend reducing the amount.

Grind margarine (preferably frozen) on a grater, mix with flour and, adding a few tablespoons of very cold water, collect the dough into a ball. Divide it into two parts (larger and smaller), wrap it in film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour.

After the specified time has passed, take out most of the dough, roll it into a rectangle and transfer it to the form in which we will bake the pie. If necessary, we fasten the torn areas with our fingers and smooth out the unevenness.

Spread a few tablespoons of jam evenly over the first part of the dough.

We take out the second part of the dough and grate it, scattering small crumbs over the entire surface of the pie at once.

Bake at 180 degrees until nicely golden – about 25 minutes.

Take the pie out of the oven, wait 5-7 minutes, then cut it - always while it’s hot. Serve after cooling completely.

Pies like this are like childhood memories. My mother always made these pies for my brother and me. In the summer, my mother always preserved some kind of thick jam for homemade pies and during the cold season, on weekends she baked a grated pie with jam. Once in our family, such pies were most often prepared with currant jam or strawberry jam. The aroma of pie wafted from the kitchen, and my brother and I raced to get a piece of my mother’s baked goods. Grab this pie and go for a walk on the street. Eh, childhood...

Let’s not deny ourselves the pleasure of trying a pie from childhood, especially since preparing it won’t be too difficult.

Grated pie step by step photo recipe

The recipe for making shortcrust pastry suggests using butter, although in Soviet times grated pie was prepared with margarine. Now experts recommend excluding this product from the diet, they know better...

Let's talk separately about the composition of the pie base. There are recipes for shortcrust pastry that use baking soda. I use baking powder intentionally. I can feel baking soda (even slaked) in the cake, but baking powder does not. There are recipes where there is no baking soda or baking powder at all, but, in my opinion, this cake turns out too crispy when browned well in the oven. This does not happen with baking powder.

The amount of sugar can of course be adjusted. Due to the fact that the pie contains sweet jam, you can reduce the amount of sugar in the dough. Each housewife will decide this for herself separately.

Regarding jam, I can say that absolutely any jam will do, and even the so-called vitamin (fresh fruit twisted with sugar). The main thing is that the jam is not too liquid. I made this pie with strawberry jam (it’s thick with whole berries).

In addition to jam, you can use other fillings; grated pie with cottage cheese or apples will turn out very tasty. Add a couple of eggs, butter and sugar to the curd filling.

Number of servings -10
Cooking time - 2 hours
Cuisine – European

how to make grated pie with jam


  • butter - 200 g,
  • egg - 1 pc.,
  • sugar - 1 glass,
  • jam - 1 glass,
  • salt - 1 teaspoon,
  • baking powder - 1 teaspoon,
  • Cold drinking water - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • flour - 300 g.

Cooking process:

To prepare shortcrust pastry, sift the flour into a deep bowl. Add granulated sugar and baking powder, salt. Mix dry ingredients until smooth.

Grate the cold butter on a coarse grater. Add the yolk of one egg and start kneading the dough with your hands. You need to act quickly so that the oil does not have time to heat up from the heat of your hands. Mix dry ingredients with oil and egg. The dough will be sandy and loose. Add a few tablespoons of cold water for viscosity.

The dough should come together into a ball. At first, you may think that the dough lacks moisture. The dough will literally be sandy and crumble slightly.

Gather the dough into a ball. Place in a bag and refrigerate for 1 hour. During this time, the butter will harden again and the dough will become more elastic.

After a while, divide the dough into two parts (70% and 30%). Roll out most of the dough into a layer and place it in the mold. If the baking pan is not silicone, then it is better to cover it with baking parchment. This will make it easier for the cake to come out of the pan.

Prick the dough with a fork so that the sand base does not swell during baking. Spread the jam evenly.

Use a coarse grater to grate the rest of the dough. Distribute the dough crumbs evenly on the jam layer. There is no need to compact the dough. I used the extra dough to make a decoration. You can make your own kind of cake decorations. Everything is your choice.

Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Bake the pie in the oven for 15-20 minutes until golden brown. The degree of baking of baked goods can be adjusted to suit your preferences. Allow the cake to cool completely in the pan. Remove from the mold and serve.

This is such a golden brown and beautiful grated pie. I recommend trying to make this homemade pie at home. I think the result will please and surprise you. Such beauty is obtained from such simple products.

I wish you good results. Try it.

Photo recipe for grated pie from Varvara Sergeevna especially for the site good recipes.

Today I propose to prepare “grated” shortbread pie with jam. It is called “grated” because part of the dough for the top layer of the pie is grated - simple and delicious. The shortcrust pastry for this pie is as simple as possible and does not require a large amount of ingredients. And for the filling you can use any jam, the main thing is that it is not too liquid. The result is a delicious and aromatic pie, probably familiar to many from childhood.

  • 200 gr. margarine or butter
  • 1 tbsp. sugar - if the jam for the filling is very sweet, you can put less sugar in the dough
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • on the tip of a knife
  • 2.5-3 tbsp. flour
  • 300 gr. or
  • 1 tbsp. l. starch - optional
  • 1/4-1/3 tbsp. tea
  • sunflower oil


  1. Melt margarine or butter and cool.
  2. Beat eggs with sugar with a fork or whisk.
  3. Pour melted margarine or butter into the eggs, add vanillin, mix.
  4. Add sifted flour (mixed with baking powder) to the resulting mixture little by little, kneading the dough. The dough should be elastic so that it can be gathered into a ball, but not too stiff, so you should not overdo it with flour.
  5. Cut off a third of the dough and put it in the freezer for 30 minutes - 1 hour. Place the remaining dough in a shallow baking dish greased with sunflower oil. Distribute it in shape, pressing lightly with your hands or using a rolling pin. You can pre-roll the dough on the table, but do not add a lot of flour when rolling so that the finished product does not turn out tough.
  6. If you want to make the pie filling thicker, add starch to the jam and stir. Spread the filling onto the dough in an even layer. Fold the edges of the pie inward.
  7. We take the remaining third of the dough out of the freezer and rub it on a coarse grater directly above the pie, trying to ensure that its surface is covered evenly.
  8. Place the shortbread pie with jam in a hot oven and bake at 180º for 25-30 minutes. Take the finished pie out of the oven and lightly pour tea over its surface using a tablespoon, paying special attention to the edges. This will make the cake softer and more tender. Let the pie cool a little.
  9. Then cut the pie into portions and place on a plate. Serve "grated"

Many people are familiar with grated pie filled with jam. But the filling can be varied and replaced with apples, jam or cottage cheese.

Grated pie with lemon and apples

A simple recipe for grated pie filled with apples and lemon, which gives the baked goods a pleasant sourness. It will take 2 hours to cook. The calorie content of the pie is 2600 kcal. Makes 8 servings.


  • pack of butter;
  • four ;
  • 350 g flour;
  • lemon;
  • stack sour cream;
  • tsp loosened;
  • sugar - 1 cup.


  1. Sift the flour with baking powder and add melted butter with sour cream, half a glass of sugar.
  2. Peel the apples and lemon and grate them. Add a glass of sugar to the fruit and stir.
  3. Divide the dough into two unequal parts. Roll out a large piece and place on a baking sheet. Place the second part in the refrigerator.
  4. Place the filling on the dough and spread the rest of the dough evenly on top.
  5. Bake the pie for 40 minutes.

You can add some spices, such as cinnamon, to the filling for grated apple pie.

It takes about 50 minutes to prepare the grated jam pie. A total of 8 servings with a calorie content of 3500 kcal.

Required ingredients:

  • pack of butter;
  • two eggs;
  • a glass of sugar;
  • four stacks flour;
  • tsp loosened;
  • jam.

Preparation step by step:

  1. Soften the butter and beat with sugar using a mixer.
  2. Add eggs and continue beating.
  3. Add flour and baking powder in parts and knead the dough.
  4. Separate 1/3 of the entire dough and put it in the freezer.
  5. Use your hands to spread the rest of the dough over the bottom of the baking sheet and pour the jam on top.
  6. Remove the rest of the dough from the cold and grate it onto the pie using a grater.
  7. Bake the pie for 25 minutes.

Serve hot pastries with tea.

Grated pie with cottage cheese

Delicious shortcrust pastry pie with delicate curd filling. How to cook grated pie with cottage cheese is described in detail in the recipe.

Start preparing the grated pie in a great mood. All desserts are prepared only this way, otherwise the result will very upset you. If you’re not in a good mood, put off the task until tomorrow, or recharge yourself with positivity.

In many cases, you will have to work with a test that does not tolerate negative moods and negative emotions.

If you are cheerful and full of good spirits, prepare a grated pie, the recipe for which involves the use of shortcrust pastry.

The pie has many advantages. The thing is that it is not difficult to prepare, and the pie will be tasty, soft, aromatic and juicy.

The basic set of necessary ingredients for a pie: sugar, flour, butter or margarine. Chickens are used as additives. eggs, baking powder, all sorts of fillings, some even season the dough with mayonnaise.

Grated pie from childhood with jam

You need to prepare a pie from grated shortcrust pastry with the following set of products: 200 g. sugar and jam; 2 pcs. chickens eggs; 20 gr. butter or margarine; 1 tsp soda and vanillin a small pinch.

We will prepare the grated pie with margarine like this:

  1. I melt the butter. For these purposes, it is not necessary to resort to a water bath if you have a microwave at home. In 20 sec. At maximum power the oil will melt.
  2. You need to take a bowl and beat the chickens there. eggs, add sugar, vanilla and salt. Mix well.
  3. You need to sift the flour, so the dough will be fluffier. Add baking powder. You can replace it with soda. I knead the dough, but not for long. The dough needs to be crumbly and soft. I divide the dough into 2 parts, one 60 percent of the mass, the second 40 percent. I put the second part in the freezer for 1 hour.
  4. I grease the mold. butter and spread the first part of the dough. You need to make sure that the mold is level, otherwise you will end up with a lopsided pie.
  5. I distribute the jam over the pie and the filling so that it does not flow.
  6. I grate the frozen dough on top of the pie; the crumbs should completely cover the jam. I distribute the dough whole. I send the cake to bake for 20 minutes in the oven. As soon as the dough turns brown, it’s time to take out the pie and serve it on the table.

Look in the photo in person at how beautiful and appetizing the grated pie with margarine jam turned out to be; its recipe, as you will note, will not be difficult even for novice cooks. Don't miss the opportunity to pamper your family with delicious pastries.

Grated tender pie with fruit soufflé

A photo of baked goods with fruit filling will allow you to appreciate the beauty of this dish, but be sure to prepare the pie in your kitchen, because this is an excellent option to feed all your loved ones tasty and healthy, no matter what time of year it is outside. The step-by-step recipe is simple, the taste is amazing, without any exaggeration.

Ingredients for the pie: 500 gr. flour; 200 gr. margarine (butter) and sugar; 75 gr. cocoa; 1 pack jelly powder; 4 things. chickens eggs; jam.

To prepare a pie, grated according to its structure, you need to do this:

  1. I separate the whites. Beat the yolks with 2 tbsp. sugar separately. I melt the oil and add it to them, you need to achieve a homogeneous mass. I add baking powder and slaked soda. I sow the flour and add it to the mixture. I mix the dough. It is better to do this by hand so that the dough is soft.
  2. I divide the dough into 3 parts. I mix one with cocoa and make chocolate chips, and put the other 2 in the cold.
  3. I beat the egg whites, get foam, add sugar and add jelly powder.
  4. I grease the pan and remove 1 piece of dough from the refrigerator. I put the jam and sprinkle the chocolate pieces of dough, pour the jelly and egg whites on top.
  5. I cover the third piece of dough with crumbs, which I also rub on a grater. The crumbs cover the pie completely. I send it to bake for 30 minutes. The pie turns out delicious. You need to wait until it cools down, and only then treat your guests and family.

The classic way to prepare grated pie

I have in my arsenal a recipe for making grated pie, which I inherited from my grandmother. Mom also prepared baked goods using this method, and did not hide the recipe from her family and friends.

I think this is what most housewives do. Many women with extensive baking experience likely also know this recipe.

But the most important thing is that preparing it is as simple as possible, and therefore even if this is your first time encountering grated pie, know that the result should not disappoint you if you follow my instructions.

Components: 2 pcs. chickens eggs; 200 gr. sl. oils; 3 tbsp. flour; 1 tbsp. Sahara; jam; ½ tsp. salt; 1/3 tsp. soda

You need to prepare the grated dessert like this:

  1. I take out the frozen butter, give it time to warm up so that I can cut the mass with a knife. Then I divide it into 6-10 parts, put it in the bowl of a food processor and process it in it.
  2. You can reduce the sugar in the serving if you don’t like too sweet baked goods.
  3. Add sugar, the required amount of eggs, salt and soda to the food processor bowl. Salt is important, and therefore if you decide to neglect it, the taste of the shortcrust pastry with its ideal balance will be disrupted. The dough will turn out uninteresting, flat and bland.
  4. I stir the mixture so that the butter and eggs come together, not the cream or the airiness.
  5. I add flour. You need to get a smooth mass of dough, and therefore you can “play” with the quantity personally. You don't want the dough to form a lump; don't let it stick to the sides of the processor. When you squeeze it into a fist, your fingers should not be covered in dough, but they will become greasy. I sprinkle about 2 tbsp. flour, if the dough is liquid, add another one.
  6. I divide the shortbread dough into 2 parts. I put the smaller one in the freezer. I roll out the larger one to fit the mold. I'll transfer it to the form. If there is a tear somewhere, then there is no need to worry. I even out the edges and pinch the torn areas. I cover the top with jam. I like the currant filling, which has a sour taste; the taste with shortbread dough is amazing. I have a pie with apricot jam and rosemary, the taste is bright, there is a pine aftertaste, and the aroma of the grated dessert is incredible. If you have jam in a liquid form, then you need to mix it with 1 tbsp. starch or flour. You can also boil it a little so that the mixture does not spread.
  7. Having distributed the required amount of jam over the dough, I take out the second part and rub it on top. The process is difficult, but there is no way to do without it. By the way, you can twist it through a meat grinder and decorate the pie with “worms”, but they need to be laid out immediately so that there is no one lump.
  8. I send it to bake at 180 degrees. for 25 min. When the dough is golden brown, it’s time to take it out. I leave the pie for another 5 minutes and cut it into pieces. If the baked goods cool down completely, there is a high chance of breaking them into pieces, and therefore you should not allow this to happen.

I advise everyone to transfer the finished pie to the dish of your choice. Be sure to invite everyone to the table. The pie will turn out very tasty, the children will ask for more.

Treat your loved ones, because it’s a great pleasure to see that your efforts were not in vain! The step-by-step recipe turned out to be simple, and the baked goods were very tasty. Another point I would like to clarify is the amount of jam for the pie.

Here I will leave this point at your discretion, because the whole point is that you will need as much filling as you want. Sometimes 4 tbsp is enough for me, but true sweet tooths may say that this is too little.

The issue is resolved simply, rely on your taste and you will be satisfied. Experiment with the filling, take different jams, try them and create your own amazing pie with jam from the grated dough base! Bon appetit!

After reading this information, you will definitely make baking pies even easier and tastier! Video to help you.

Vanina's secrets of baking pies with sweet fillings

Most likely, there is no such person from the times of the USSR who would not try a grated pie like the one I suggest you bake. This pastry can easily be considered one of the most popular of those times.

I remember that fillings made from apple, raspberry, pear, apricot, and cherry jam were very popular.

Soviet times have come to an end, and therefore it is not surprising that modern chefs have decided to diversify the well-known methods of preparing grated pie with sweet filling.

Today, orange, lingonberry jam and even kiwi jam have become very popular as fillings for sweet pastries.

We must admit that it will not be possible to spoil the grated dessert with jam. The pie will still be delicious, no matter what filling you like. The main thing is to ensure that the jam is thick, otherwise the filling will simply leak out.

To whip up a pie from grated delicious dough, you can use various additives. Here I can include: orange or lemon zest, cinnamon.

The first addition will give the baking aroma of freshness, and cinnamon will give the pie an oriental aroma.

Again, this point is entirely at your discretion, because everyone has different tastes, some people can’t stand cinnamon and its smell, and therefore a quick grated pie with jam will seem less tasty to them.

  • The dough should be prepared from butter or margarine, but of exceptionally high quality. Using high-quality products for the dough, the layer will be soft, aromatic and elastic, which in turn will give the baked goods the proper quality.
  • I recommend greasing the pie pan with olive oil. It is useful and effective in this case.
  • Deciding to melt margarine or sl. oil using a microwave oven, you should cover the mass with a plate, otherwise there is a high chance that it will shoot, and fats will cause the device to fail.

To summarize, I would like to say that my above recommendations will definitely help you prepare a delicious grated, wonderful and surprisingly aromatic pie for your family.

Even if you have unexpected guests, grated pie with jam will be an excellent option for feeding them, serving the dish for tea.

Making a pie is not difficult, it won’t be a lot of hassle, and the result will definitely surprise your family and guests. The pie with jam is very tasty, and if you have the desire and opportunity, you can beautifully decorate it with different berries on top.

By the way, don’t exclude the possibility that baking a grated pie with jam will allow you to treat your children to a natural and delicious dessert, and for adults to return to childhood.

Enjoy making the pie, have fun, and I will continue to delight you with interesting dishes on my blog!

I hope that the attached videos on how to make a pie from grated dough will help you complete the task even faster and more efficiently. Check out my website often so you don’t miss out on other healthy baking recipes!

My video recipe
