Restaurants after the program on knives. “The collective farm remains as it was!” Nizhny Novgorod residents appreciated the cafe, which was remodeled by Konstantin Ivlev. Cook on the ship

The “Pro City” journalist talked with Vladimir residents and found out the details of the meeting.

One of the cafe visitors, Grigory Koshkin, said that he got to meet Ivlev through an ad on the Internet. There were 30 visitors in total. The filming took place during working hours and lasted approximately 3 hours, after which the presenter took pictures with everyone. Gregory notes that Konstantin is a very open and friendly person.

The host's friendliness and openness were also noted by other meeting participants. For example, Anastasia Bugrova still has .

Everything went very well! I am glad that I was able to attend this event; Ivlev, although strict, is very friendly.

Igor Romanov admitted that he watched all the episodes of “On Knives.” And therefore, as soon as I found out that Ivlev was coming to Vladimir, I decided to meet him.

We saw him only at the end of the shooting day; before that, as befits a chef, he was in the kitchen. I remember him as a cheerful person who loves to joke.

Igor said that Ivlev never refused autographs to anyone.
And Victoria Yarlykova remembered many interesting details

We were visitors to a cafe. We saw Konstantin Ivlev. A very positive, cheerful man. In the program he seems constantly stern, but in fact he constantly smiled at all visitors and was positive, although something was beating and flying in the kitchen.

Victoria said that they were asked to choose dishes and behave naturally, as usual. But we had to wait a long time for food, and some of the visitors even started swearing.

Despite the fact that we waited an hour for food, there were no rolls ordered and we returned it to the waitress. She apologized to us. But the impression was corrected by a very tasty cheesecake.

As Victoria says, visitors were asked to tell the camera their impressions of the food and service. Not all reviews were good, even though all the food was free.

Filming of the show will last another 3 days, but it will not be possible to come again. If you have not yet taken part in the filming of “On Knives,” hurry up, you have a chance to meet your favorite presenter.

We've waited! Recently, the Friday TV channel released the next episode of the new project “On the Knives”, the participants of which were our good friends - the Beer Etiquette team ( The program shook up social networks, the beer community, and not only in St. Petersburg. Lots of opinions, emotions and conversations. I’ll lift the veil of secrecy a little and share my eyewitness observations.

On the first day of filming in “Beer Etiquette” we ended up with Vadik completely by accident. We were extremely surprised by the presence of video cameras, the appearance of clean-shaven Anton Shumilov and his confused, pale wife Olga. We ordered beer and food, sat comfortably and prepared for the spectacle. So we became random participants in the filming of the show “On the Knives” and spent several intense days in “Etiquette”, supporting friends and watching with interest the work of the host, Konstantin Ivlev.

Believe me, the most modest stuttered expressions of the eminent chef, who completed professional internships at the Vatel school (France), at the Edsbaka Krog restaurant, awarded two stars in the Michelin guide (Sweden), at the Beef Institute (USA), were left on air. in the restaurant “Arzak” by Juan Maria Arzak, awarded three stars in the Michelin guide (Spain). As well as a member of the French Guild of Gastronomers “Chaine des Rotissers”, who has headed the Federation of Professional Chefs and Confectioners of Russia since the end of 2008, and since 2010, the Chef of the culinary school “Ask the chef” together with Yuri Rozhkov. Konstantin noticed us immediately, talked to us, joked, he predicted that Vadik would end up in a hospital bed from local food, thank God, it didn’t work out. We joked back and joked around.

“Beer Etiquette” came into the show unexpectedly. The owner Anton received a call and was told that a new show was being prepared on television, the name and plot were classified information, if they decided to do so, they could fill out a questionnaire and, perhaps, their establishment would be chosen. He thought it was a prank. But no! You never know! A few days later the TV crews arrived and away we went. Since you called yourself a milk mushroom, then sign the Agreement and unquestioningly follow the rules of the game that are dictated to you as the plot develops.

As soon as he learned about the shooting, the chef of “PE” immediately quit, leaving sous-chef Daniil to take the rap for the entire kitchen. The cook simply ran away so as not to be responsible for his kitchen with the trash he himself created. Every week a sanitation service came to the bar, but the cleaning was never carried out, the chef simply signed papers to leave. Plus an old house, with its own history and its own cockroaches. Radishchev wrote “A Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow” here and went into exile from here, it’s a pity he didn’t take the cockroaches with him. However, management must be responsible for their establishment. Anton and Olga are creative people who care about their beer business, but are self-taught in the restaurant business. And this project, which they so bravely got involved in, is a good experience, a magical kick-off, if you like. I believe that everything was not in vain.

The program showed how the poor “Etiketovites” spent the whole night cleaning the kitchen. Nothing like that, before the bridges were raised, everyone was relieving stress after the first crazy day of filming. Vadik and I suggested that Olga and Anton hire a cleaning service, and that’s what they decided on. Of course, we need to do this regularly, we hope it will always be like this from now on! Regular guests came to the light, someone gave the phone number to the cook Rustam, who bravely responded to a desperate call for help - when in life will he be able to work with Kostya Ivlev himself! This is the attitude you should have towards what you love!!!

Dear friends, this is first and foremost a television show. “On Knives” is based on the concept of projects with Gordon Ramsay, and he yells worse at his charges. On camera, Konstantin tears and throws everything, breaks dishes, throws nuts in the face. Not at all like St. Petersburg. When the cameras are turned off, Konstantin is the sweetest person. He communicates adequately and jokes with everyone, even with those whom he morally destroyed a couple of minutes ago. He talked to my Vadik about football, mutual football friends and called him “buddy”. It’s interesting that when Vadik met Alexander Yakovlevich Rosenbaum, the master also immediately began calling him “buddy.” Either karma or a stamp.

The film crew on camera brought out maximum emotions to all participants, and behind the scenes they supported and encouraged. In the evening, they drank beer and ate “disgusting” food with us. If we ignore the stage role of a tough and harsh presenter, Konstantin spoke to the point, made absolutely correct professional comments and gave practical advice on the restaurant business. The voice-over text in the program was often boorish and intended for marginalized people.

On the second day, I arrived a little later than my husband. At the door of “Beer Etiquette” they asked me if I was going to be filming? I was not at a loss and got into the “behind the scenes”. As Konstantin promised, a full landing was expected that day, and all the people for it were instructed in the courtyard behind the restaurant, received valuable instructions and signed contracts. So I was the first to learn the name of the new project “On the Knives”.

Vadik was sitting at the bar, and I followed the crowd into the common room. The broadcast showed a maximum of twenty percent of what the “guests” did. The director basically took the camera away from me so that I wouldn’t say a kind word. Having looked at this whole nightmare, she moved to her husband, who was watching what was happening from the side. We were relieving stress again; a refurbishment of the establishment was ahead! The Shumilov couple was very worried and reproached themselves for getting involved in the adventure. The strongest worry is about what will happen after the rework, how much negative things they can hear from the beer fraternity. We supported and encouraged as best we could. We must adhere to the principle: it is better to do something and regret it than to regret not doing it.

On the eve of the completion of the remake of “Beer Etiquette,” the project editor called me and invited Vadik and me to the last day of filming. She asked if we knew how to contact the restaurant critic Boris (my husband on the set told them about his devastating article about this bar). Vadik reads his column and says that it is very to the point and often opinions about establishments coincide. Boris wrote about “Etiquette” immediately after the opening, when the sign was just hung up. The reviews were not flattering. Anton himself said that all the comments were fair. The previous owners inherited a kitchen with a terrible menu, a tavern interior and an inadequate boorish singer.

Over the years, a lot has changed for the better. The cuisine has changed many times, for me “with a bang” - pork ribs, toast with mincemeat, meatballs, salad with omelet, boiled pork. A good line of Russian craft beer. The owners are creative and imaginative people; the bar hosts original presentations, competitions, friendly conversations based on interests, and meetings of the beer paraphernalia collectors’ club. (The bar is named after this club). We also attended the viewing of the final of a computer game with a crowd of very peculiar fans. There was also simultaneous communication in English between fifty people learning the language. I know that they even wanted to hold the theater in the original format.

We come here often, mainly during prime time, the hall is almost always full. There are regulars, passers-by and guests of the Beer Capital. When we see off guests, friends and relatives from the Moskovsky station, we bring them to this original and interesting place.

I don’t personally know the aforementioned restaurant critic Boris, but I contacted him through a social network and explained the situation. Boris wittily calls himself a blue toad, encrypts his face from the public, but the editors of the program found a way out. Another person acted as a famous critic, but according to my observations and guesses, Boris was still present. Since he wanted to remain incognito, then I will not reveal his secret.

At the door of the beer establishment, acid-colored Peter the Great was waiting for us with a huge burger. “Beer Etiquette” has become “Peter BURGER”! The concept of Muscovites is clear, but the idea is not new. The first impression was not bad, Vadik and I always wanted the black and white “Etiquette” to add bright colors to the interior. I was always confused by the painting on the white walls with pints of oxygen cocktail and cups of ice cream.

I was really pleased with the multi-colored pillows and the simple and original solution - painting the legs of ordinary chairs in different colors. They tried to paint the walls in the style of American commercial pop art. Unfortunately, the artists (one can see the hand of different people) who worked on the walls of “Petersburger” are very far from Andy Warhol. The menu design turned out to be in style; it was not at all difficult to take comic book characters from the Internet, and the hard lamination was a plus. The previous reusable menu on Birch paper, to be honest, is not very aesthetically pleasing.

When the main part had already been filmed, Yura Katunin arrived with kegs of beer. Instead of the already fired bartender Vadim, another Vadim, mine, helped bring in the kegs. Yura especially loudly - for Konstantin Ivlev personally, said about the interior: “Well, sh*t, this is how Muscovites see St. Petersburg???!!!” Indeed, they went too far with the acidic Ekaterina and Peter. And the artistic pop art “farts” on the walls turned out to be out of touch. It’s a pity that the project’s goal is not to enrich the existing concept, but to create a new one. How was it possible to turn an iconic St. Petersburg beer establishment into fast food?! Thank you for leaving all the beer taps, which I said on camera, but it didn’t stay on air.

And I would agree to pop art, but it could have been presented differently! It was possible to combine beer with burgers (pictures from Yandex). Perhaps a pin-up design would be interesting. A striking example of this genre is the design of the collection series of beer “Zhiguli Barnoye” by Nizhny Novgorod artist Valery Barykin. In general, I fully support the return of the good native name “Beer Etiquette”! And if the idea of ​​holding a subbotnik to paint over Moscow’s art comes true, I will be glad to participate.

But the new menu turned out to be much better than the interior. Konstantin does not earn his bread in vain. The burgers are amazing! I had previously tasted the most delicious ones at the Brugge gastropub, but these turned out to be tastier. The burger is served with French fries and a vitamin salad with an unusual sauce, the secret of which Konstantin shared with the chefs; he generally does not accept ready-made sauces available in any store. The chef must prepare them himself.

All salads and appetizers are simply delicious: from Caesar to roast beef. Good creative presentation. The new chef of the kitchen, Rustam, was delighted with the master class from Konstantin, who not only shared his cooking secrets, but also taught how to buy ingredients for “delicious”, as my Vadik said, dishes. For waiters Christina, Alexandra and Olga, Ivlev gave a lecture about each dish, the intricacies of communication with guests, how to recommend not only food, but also drinks.

Konstantin himself is not a beer person, but, as a professional, he told the bartenders, Maria and Vadim, about the intricacies of the bar. The situation with the bartender and the nuts thrown in his face was shocking. Ivlev noted that he philosophizes a lot, but could also help the staff who cannot cope. But we know that Vadim is first and foremost a creative person, a poet and musician. By the way, on the same day his group had a concert. The lead singer of the group received a share of “positivity”. We like to communicate with interesting people, which is the bartender Vadim. Maybe people in this profession should be a little more extroverted than introverted, like him, and at any moment be part of their gang and come to the rescue?

A funny situation was when Ivlev fired Christina. We filmed in the bar area, the film crew and I sat in the hall, trying not to get into the camera. In my opinion, Christina herself offered to confess to Konstantin. Immediately the directors of the program suggested doing this in tears, but there were no tears at all, only laughter. We suggested that Christina rub her eyes with an onion, stick a fork in her leg, run up and crash into the wall herself. She pulled herself together like an actress, without tears, but with very sad eyes, she went to repent. Stanislavsky himself would not have doubted the sincerity of the feelings experienced.

In the finale, a crowd of kids burst into the bar and, chanting “Petersburger!” in concert for the camera, rushed off. I thought that to complete the picture, what was missing was a company of revolutionary-minded sailors who joyfully burst into the bar, ate a hamburger with happy faces, and, accompanied by a bravura march, went off in formation to bear all the hardships and deprivations of service... A group of children from the program was eventually cut out.

After all this, a party was held at St. Petersburg. Friends and regular guests of “Beer Etiquette” came, some of the TV crew from “Friday” remained. They drank beer non-stop; if desired, they could drink strong alcohol non-stop. In this regard, we did not get to the concert with the bartender Vadik, but arranged a dance at the place of deployment.

After Ivlev’s departure, everyone remained in their places, Anton is still the director, Olga is the manager, Vadim is the bartender. Rustam remained as a chef and signed an employment contract that same evening. Then sous-chef Daniil and, most recently, bartender Masha quit, and not at all because of the transfer and not because they didn’t pay their salaries. Masha said that she was always paid on time and in full.

The project “On the Knives” did not pass without a trace, there were some negative aspects, but there are also positive aspects. We identified gaps in the work, gained invaluable experience, and rallied as a team. There are still St. Petersburgers on the menu, they are so delicious! “Due to numerous requests from workers,” beer lovers returned dishes from their menu. Got rid of the ugly cups on the walls. The Beer Etiquette team showed courage, courage, and perseverance in the cruel world of show business!

We wish the Friday TV channel new interesting projects! Now we will watch new episodes of “On the Knives” with interest.

“Beer Etiquette” - well done for participating in the project! I wish this wonderful bar prosperity and development. We have always gone, we go and will continue to go to Beer Etiquette! We love you!!!

Restaurant master Konstantin Ivlev in the 5th season of the project “ On knives", release from April 24, 2019 Friday TV channel will turn an unprofitable restaurant into a fashionable establishment in the city. Running a restaurant business is not easy.

Owners of cafes and restaurants often chase quick money without working on the interior and quality of service.

To meet the high criteria of the most visited and popular establishment, the quality clearly does not match. The reality “On Knives” was created precisely to correct them, even if it is not so simple. But Konstantin Ivlev knows a lot about the restaurant business and, thanks to his patience, will help them improve.

On knives latest issue

Master, current member of the French Guild of Gastronomers and author of a direction in cooking - New Russian cuisine.

Konstantin is a strict chef in the kitchen, but he can help make a business successful in any city in Russia. His cooking experience began in the Soviet army and canteens, then he trained in France, the USA and Spain. He also worked in famous Michelin-starred restaurants, and his participation in Hell’s Kitchen was not in vain.

Konstantin Ivlev will take from a non-money-making establishment to create professional restaurants with a regular clientele..

12.12.2016 The establishment at the Avtozavod received a solid “B” ParenNiNo

“There is no tartar, but there is so much of it that not every dog ​​will eat so much raw meat. Olivier is almost tasteless, but with very decent fresh green peas.” Nizhny Novgorod residents took to the social network to share their impressions of the cafe, which was updated by restaurant business guru Konstantin Ivlev.

Nizhny Novgorod residents ordered what Ivlev came up with. Photo by Svetlana Sherstyukova.

Last week, the Friday TV channel showed a program. The hero of the program is the Vienna Courtyard cafe. After the “reanimation” of Ivlev, the establishment now has not only a new interior and menu, but also a name - “Schnitzel Beer”.

Svetlana Sherstyukova visited Schnitzel Beer and shared her opinion about the establishment in the Edaktsiya group on the social network. “Three years ago we were in this establishment and I must admit that even then the prices there were high compared to other establishments in the Avtozavodsky district, and the quality did not correspond to the prices. Well, they were and were. They ticked the box that we wouldn’t go again, even though we live nearby, but there is a more interesting choice. And suddenly the transmission! And suddenly an update! Interesting! Looking ahead: just as the staff in the program looked like a complete collective farm, that is what it is. But the collective farm is very sincere and kind, you can’t take it away from that,” Svetlana noted.

Nizhegorodka reported that the menu in the cafe is small, but “very rich and expectant.” “We ordered, in our opinion, iconic dishes for this establishment: pork schnitzel, beef tartare (people praised it very much in the program), Olivier with boiled pork (because this litmus is worse than Caesar), fish and chips (just for fun and because we know what it should be). There was a banquet with us in a separate room; someone turned 60 years old. The place is questionable for holding an anniversary, but that’s not for me to decide. That’s why, or maybe not that’s why, they took a long time to bring us everything, and for some reason especially beer. Only when I approached the empty bar they remembered about us. They poured beer in the best traditions of the 90s. With thick foam, scooping it out with a spoon. Is this how it is accepted?! I haven’t seen anything like this for a long time,” noted the Nizhny Novgorod resident.

“Then the dishes were brought: no tartare, but there is so much of it that not every dog ​​will eat so much raw meat. Olivier is almost tasteless, but with very decent fresh green peas. If you level it yourself with spices on the table, then it’s still not bad. And the spices they serve there are not just salt and pepper, but also with oil and soybean. It is not clear why there is soy there, but they told me that some guests like to add it to Caesar. To Caesar! Oh Gods!!! The Fish&Chips tasted good, but the presentation was abysmal!! They just piled food on a plate, please eat) And of course the signature dish is SCHNITZEL! This culinary miracle, in principle, does not shine with creativity, so it is difficult to spoil it. And... that's it... they didn't spoil it. So what we came for, we got it. The check turned out to be 2000 rubles, of which 500 was beer. It's worth a visit just for curiosity's sake. But on the whole, the collective farm remained as it was! Great car factory guys. I’m evil, yes, don’t thank me!”, summed up Svetlana Sherstyukova (spelling and punctuation preserved).

Daria Ermakova also shared her impressions on the social network of the Nizhny Novgorod cafe, which was remodeled by Ivlev. The girl was more favorable in her assessments. Daria said that she waited for the order for 30 minutes. But, despite this, I gave the cafe a “four”. “Despite the fact that the program was released only three days ago and it was Saturday evening, only two tables were occupied - drunken lovers over 50 and two car factory friends; in the next room there was a banquet with the toastmaster. Before ordering, we told the waitress that we wanted what Ivlev had come up with for them, she smiled irritably. We ordered beef carpaccio, warm veal tongue salad, beef and chicken schnitzels, and Mom took beer. We waited all of 30 minutes. Drunk auto factory friends, as it turned out, also came after watching the program. We ordered a lot of dishes, when they brought the next one, they called someone and showed through the phone that they would eat. It was very cold in the hall. With every passing minute, it became more and more sad and offensive that we were spending our evening among the brothers and under the cries of the toastmaster, who shouted “let’s have a drink and a snack,” Dasha said. “And then they brought salads. It was the most delicious and tender carpaccio I have ever eaten! The croutons were still hot, the plates were clean. Mom washed everything down with beer and her mood improved. She said that as a child, she and her friends often made raw chopped beef with pepper. She grew up in the village, where cattle were regularly stabbed and fresh meat could be obtained. My warm salad turned out to be really warm, sweetish sauce, “non-Chinese” lettuce leaves, although there were two tough pieces. The schnitzel with French fries completely appeased us. Tasty, satisfying, everything is cut and chewed, the potatoes are crispy and hot. The bill is 1700 for two. We gave it a solid B,” summed up the Nizhny Novgorod resident (spelling and punctuation preserved).

For almost two years we lived in the dark - what happened to the former lounge cafe “Etazh” in Dobroye after the visit of restaurant business guru Konstantin Ivlev? And why, having received a new name - “Slivki”, the establishment with a luxury concept and menu never took off, closing soon? The ex-general director of the cafe, Arkady Sharov, who was directly involved in the filming of the “On the Knives” program in Vladimir, told us about this and much more.

“Initially, Anna and I bought “Etazh” from the previous owners. I remember she came to me and said: “Let’s try to raise it together.” I agreed, although the establishment was already “killed” on all fronts, even the kitchen was in disrepair. A little later, a friend of mine from the Friday TV channel, who works there as a creative producer, suggested that we star in a culinary reality show. We thought about it and decided - why not? It does not interfere. But, looking ahead, I’ll be honest: later we regretted this decision many times.”

Why? After all, the program is aimed precisely at raising unprofitable cafes and restaurants. Is not it so?

“The idea is really not bad, but the implementation leaves much to be desired. On the screen you see a finished beautiful picture. In reality, everything happens quite differently. A show is a show, what else can I add; it actually has little in common with reality.”

So it was the shooting of a kind of feature film?

"Exactly. Our establishment served as an ordinary film set, with cameras hung in every corner. The director commanded who and how best to react to a given situation. For example: “Make a dissatisfied face,” “Shout!” Waitress Sonata acted strictly according to instructions. In real life, naturally, she did not pester Ivlev. Our conflict with the owner of the premises, Margot, was also blown out of proportion.

All guests were invited by the channel's employees. Everyone was paid money. One such landing day cost the program about 50 thousand, no less, but, apparently, the show’s ratings pay for all these costs. Many scenes were edited. For example, we have never had cockroaches. And the table that was shown in the frame was clearly not ours, but everything was already broadcast. Nothing could be fixed.”

The repair turned out to be fake too?

“Real, but it’s impossible to make candy out of nothing in a couple of days. They allegedly spent 293 thousand rubles on everything, although I don’t believe it. To paint one wall for 90 thousand - are you serious? I think they definitely inflated the prices. Well, at least they paid for it themselves.

In addition, no one monitored the market to understand what Vladimir lacks, what will work and what will not. Well, what kind of “Cream” can there be in Dobroye? This is a residential area, not the city center.”

What can you say about the cuisine chosen by Konstantin?

“He developed a good menu, but at that time pan-Asian cuisine did not seem very appropriate to us, so Anya and I adjusted it almost immediately. Beetroot jelly and soy panna cotta aroused curiosity among guests only in the first couple of days after the program aired. These dishes were not only unpopular, but also were much more expensive than stated in the program.”

Did the minute of fame on the Friday TV channel bring any profit?

“Five days of filming in a closed cafe brought us more losses than profits. The exhaust was minimal. If we talk about specific amounts, we lost about 200 thousand rubles, and received about 50 thousand as compensation. And we still had to pay the rent somehow.”

That is, the opinion about Ivlev remained rather negative?

“No, only about the show itself with elements of setup and pretense. Konstantin himself is a true professional. Separately, I would gladly call him without cameras to help with promotion, but the services of this mastodon are too expensive.”

Is he really such a quarrelsome uncle as he appears on TV?

“Konstantin scandalized more according to the script than in truth. For the sake of words, he could swear, but in essence he is a very kind, bright, open, noisy and artistic person. A real joker. On the last evening of filming, we all had a great time sitting with him at the set table. Kostya communicated with each of us at ease, joked and laughed contagiously.”

What did people ask you most often after they saw the program “On Knives” with your participation?

“Is it all there for real or not?” Moreover, it was mostly complete strangers who wrote about how I behaved incorrectly. Poor Sonata was completely overwhelmed by her followers. Many condemned her, and some openly insulted her. She was so worried about this, she even cried, but we calmed her down, because in life Sonata does not behave so cheekily, it was just an invented image.”

Why and when did you decide to close “Slivki” and open “Chaplin” in the center?

“Things were going badly. Literally two months after we worked during the New Year holidays, we decided to close the cafe. It’s a pity, of course, but what could be done? Working at a disadvantage is also not an option.

BY THE WAY: On January 9, when we were already removing the furniture, a fan of the program “On Knives” came to visit us. He visited all the establishments where the famous chef was, so he was so upset that he did not get to us in time, that we had to take a photo with the poor fellow and feed him dishes from Konstantin’s menu.

Anna and I were invited to the place where “Chaplin” was later opened, but I decided to put an end to this whole gastronomic story. My main automobile business brought me much more income, so Anya was working on the new project alone. True, it also did not bear fruit. The restaurant and bar eventually closed. Perhaps because it did not have any special feature that would distinguish it from the other numerous establishments in the center. And the basement was not a very good place to open something new.”

Are you planning to return to the restaurant business?

“Maybe I’ll come back. I've been wanting to open a coffee shop for a long time. So far, however, I don’t know where: either in Vladimir, or in Nizhny, or in Moscow. The main thing is that I now know first-hand: keeping an establishment at a decent level is a very difficult task, this requires an excellent concept and, of course, competent PR.”
