Lettuce mix salad. Salad mix - recipes. Feta cheese dressing

A light vegetable salad can easily be prepared from a mix of different types of lettuce, cherry tomatoes and a few other available ingredients. The salad turns out tasty, beautiful and essentially lean. Even if you're on a diet, this salad certainly won't ruin your figure - try it!

To prepare a mixed salad with cherry tomatoes we will need:

  • Salad mix - 100−150 g (about half the package)
  • Cherry tomatoes - 10−12 pcs. (you can use different colored tomatoes to add even more color)
  • Hard cheese - 30 g (Parmesan, Cheddar, Goya)
  • Olive oil - 4 tbsp. spoons
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon
  • Salt, pepper - to taste
  • Balsamic sauce - a little for decoration and flavor

How to prepare salad mix with cherry tomatoes

  1. Salad mix is ​​always best served in portions. It is better to take light plates so that the salad components look contrasting on them. Carefully place the salad mix on each plate in a low mound.
  2. Now spread the cherry tomatoes on the surface of the plate. You can cut it in half or even into quarters. It all depends on what decoration you choose for your salad.
  3. Next, sprinkle the salad with lemon juice and olive oil. Season with salt (it is better to use finely ground sea salt) and pepper.
  4. Grate the cheese on top of the salad on a fine grater. You can cut the cheese into thin petals and spread over the entire surface of the salad.
  5. The final chord of our salad will be a few drops of balsamic. But if you don’t have it, it doesn’t matter, you can do without it - lemon juice already gives the necessary sourness.

Our salad of mixed lettuce and cherry tomatoes is ready!

Salad mix - recipes

How to use Salad Mix - recipes

When leaf salad mix appeared on the shelves, the question arose, what is it eaten with? How to use this beautiful mix of colorful little lettuce leaves?

Essentially, a mixed salad is a mixture of greens (leaves or sprigs of different types of small leaf lettuce, collected together); it could also be called assorted leaf lettuce.

What are salad mixes made of?

Salad mixes are made not so much by taste, but by the beauty that is created by the combination of color and texture of the leaves. At the same time, all elements of the mix should be approximately the same and small in size (not requiring cutting, according to the principle - scoop up a handful of such a mix and immediately throw it into the salad). Therefore, only small-leaf salads are used.

The green part of the mix can be:

  • sprigs of small Field lettuce;
  • spicy carved leaves of Japanese Mitsuna lettuce on whitish petioles;
  • graceful sprigs of watercress;
  • Terry leaves of friese lettuce.

And Italian endive salads like Rad are diluted with red color And kkyo Rosso (from Italian Radicchio = chicory, read as rathIkyo, and P O sso=red). Radicchio is sometimes mistakenly called radicchio, this is not true, as well as the literal reading of pizza as pizza, not pizza)).

How to use salad mix

Preparing salad with salad mix

You can use this salad as a handful of greens in another salad (any salad where you usually put it). And as an independent vegetable dish that needs dressing.

The taste of a vegetable and herb salad always depends greatly on what you season it with. Each housewife has her own favorite recipes and dressings. And to prepare mixed salad dishes, I used the advice of the wonderful chef and educator Ilya Lazerson. And based on the results, I offer you the following recipe.

Salad composition and recipe

  • Salad Mix – about 100 g;
  • Cherry tomatoes – 10 pieces (or several other small ones);
  • Cucumber – 3-4 pieces;
  • Bell pepper – 1 piece;
  • Greens (basil, dill, mint) - 2-3 sprigs.

What to do

  • Rinse the lettuce leaves thoroughly several times with cold water. Dry with a paper towel.
  • Cut the cucumbers in half lengthwise and then diagonally.
  • Chop or tear the herbs.
  • Combine lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and herbs and mix. Top with dressing.

The salad should be dressed immediately before serving. Because the longer it sits, the more the vegetables will release juice (the salad will flow).

Delicious side dish of potatoes and vegetable salad with Mix mixture

On the left – salad with feta, on the right – with roasted pepper dressing

Salad dressing options

1. Feta cheese dressing

  • French mustard - 1/3 teaspoon;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Sugar – 1 tablespoon;
  • Feta cheese (or feta cheese) – 125 g.

Salad sauce with feta

Mix all ingredients (except salt) in a blender. Try it. Add salt (if necessary). The result will be a fairly thick and homogeneous mass.

Alternatively: you can combine everything (except salt and cheese) and beat with a fork. Season the salad with this mixture. Mix. And then sprinkle it on top with feta cheese or cheese, grated on a coarse grater (like Bulgarian cheese). No need to stir. As you scoop and place on plates, the cheese flakes will disintegrate on their own, smearing the salad.

Everything you need to dress your salad

All that remains is to add a piece of meat!

Delicious vegetable salad with lettuce mix with Feta cheese dressing

2. Dressing with sweet pepper (baked)

  • Vegetable oil – 6 tablespoons;
  • Apple cider vinegar 6% – 2 tablespoons;
  • Sweet red pepper – 1 piece;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Sugar – 1 tablespoon.

Ingredients for making roasted pepper dressing

For this dressing, the peppers must be baked on a wire rack in the oven.

The English word "mix" means "mixture". But how does this apply to salads? After all, the very type of this dish means sometimes with the addition of meat, fish, seafood, cheese or mushrooms! Thus, every salad is a mix. But it turns out that there are also snacks that consist of a mixture of leaves, herbs and even flowers (edible, of course). Relatively recently, salad mix packaged in transparent packs appeared on our shelves. “What is it and what do you eat it with?” - the buyers were perplexed. We can say that such bags are not very popular even now. But in vain. After all, lettuce leaves were collected for a reason, in a chaotic order. The vitamin composition, harmony of taste and color palette are carefully selected here so that you can fully enjoy the healthy snack. Our article will tell you what this salad mix is ​​and how to “bring it to mind.” Below you will find a selection of simple recipes that you can use to make great snacks.

How to make assorted greens

If you google it to find out what kinds of salads there are, you will be amazed at the variety of types. Terry frisee, crispy iceberg, with a nutty flavor of Romano, tiny cress, corn, sophisticated Japanese mitsuna, Italian radicchio rosso, chard... And then there are all sorts of fragrant things like arugula, marjoram, basil, chicory. But a salad mix... What is this - a simple set of the “everything in a row and with whatever” type? Not at all. All are carefully selected according to color, taste, size and even the texture of the leaves. Such assortments became popular in the West in an era when people began to lack time to prepare various dishes, including salads. In addition, the mixture of greens has become part of the main trend of the “healthy food” craze, which does not add extra pounds to the figure. Such mixes do not need to be cut. I scooped up a handful and tossed it into the salad. But if you want to cook a truly delicious dish, you need to know some culinary secrets.

Basic principles

So, we already know that this is a salad mix. Now let's look at how to use it in cooking. This assortment consists of fresh leaves and herbs. To “reanimate” slightly wilted greens, you need to rinse them in ice water. This will restore the freshness and crunchiness of the leaves. Next, you need to dry the salad mix as thoroughly as possible. Leaves already have the unpleasant property of releasing juice, so we don’t need extra moisture at all. Place the greens in a sieve and shake them vigorously to remove any splashes from the assortment. Or we blot the leaves with a kitchen towel. If we need to chop lettuce, we do not cut it, since contact with the iron tip of the knife oxidizes the product. We just tear the leaves with our hands. The salad mix needs dressing. But add the sauce just before serving. In the summer, you can make a purely vegetable vitamin salad from the assortment. In other cases, a balance of fresh greens and filling foods should be maintained. It can be meat, cheese, eggs, cottage cheese, mushrooms, beans, potatoes.

with arugula and lettuce

There are quite a lot of mixed salad recipes, as well as types of assorted greens. We choose one that contains lettuce and the spicy herb arugula. As a rule, this assortment also includes corn and chard. We wash two handfuls of mixed salad leaves (they are very light, it will weigh about 150 grams) and put them in a dish. Cut half a bell pepper into strips. Peel two cucumbers. Let's cut it. Take two regular tomatoes or five cherry tomatoes. Cut large fruit into slices. Cherries can be divided into halves. Place vegetables on salad mix. Sprinkle half of the onion, chopped into half rings, on top. Sprinkle the dish with dill. The main thing in this mixed salad is the dressing. For it, in a jar with a screw cap, mix two tablespoons of lemon juice and half the amount of balsamic vinegar. Season with ground black pepper. Close the jar and shake it vigorously until all the ingredients come together. Just before serving, pour the dressing over the dish.

The simplest salad mix

As we have already noted, an assortment of different edible herbs is very practical to use. I took a handful of leaves from the pack, rinsed them under ice water, shook them to get rid of any drops, and put them on a plate. All that remains is to come up with a filling. This salad mix does not necessarily need the company of vegetables or meat. Especially if you watch your figure and carefully count the calories you consume. So you can simply sprinkle soy sauce or balsamic vinegar with lemon juice on the leaves. Here is a recipe for a more nutritious dressing for mixed salad. In a blender bowl, mix 125 grams of feta cheese (or feta cheese), six tablespoons of olive oil, two apple bites, one sugar, half French mustard beans. Add salt to taste. Spread this rather thick dressing on the leaves just before serving.

Warm salad with veal

Such sets of assorted greens are components of gourmet restaurant snacks. Moreover, they can be independent hot dishes - if you add more saturating components. Here is one of the many recipes for such snacks. We tear two hundred grams of assorted salad and another bunch of arugula into the bottom of the dish with our hands. Place red onion chopped into rings on them. Cut eight cherry tomatoes in half and place on top. Mix a tablespoon of olive oil and a teaspoon each of mustard and honey, squeeze the juice from half a lemon, add salt and pepper. Pour this dressing over vegetables and leaves. In order to have a warm salad, we will start working on the veal shortly before serving. Shred two hundred grams of tenderloin into small pieces. Fry in olive oil until done. Place along with the fat on top of the salad. Garnish with green and purple basil leaves.

Appetizer for barbecue or other meat

If the main hot dish is very fatty, you can limit yourself to a simple salad from a mix of lettuce leaves. A sour sauce (soy, vinaigrette, vinegar, lemon, balsamic) goes well with this appetizer. But if you want to increase the nutritional value of the dish, read the following recipes. In the first of them, eggs and hard cheese are the saturating components. Wash 400 grams of assorted salad, tear it with your hands if necessary, and put it in a dish. Let's set six eggs to boil, and at this time we'll start dressing.

Mix two tablespoons of orange juice with 2 cloves of finely chopped garlic. Let's add salt and pepper. Let's begin by pouring half a glass of olive oil in a very thin stream with one hand, and whisking the mixture with the other. You should get an emulsion. Pour this dressing over the salad mix and stir. Peel the eggs and chop coarsely. Place on top of the salad. Grate one hundred grams of hard cheese on top.

Gourmet snack

For special occasions or a romantic dinner, prepare a luxurious salad mix with Dorblu cheese.

For this appetizer, it is better to take an assortment called “Tuscany”. The set includes Italian salads - Romano, Rdicio Rossa, Corn and Frisse. This puff pastry should be served in portioned bowls. At the bottom of each plate we place: a few lettuce leaves, cherry tomatoes cut into quarters, cheese sliced ​​into thin slices. Sprinkle pine nuts toasted until golden brown on top. Drizzle with olive oil or dressing. The latter is very easy to prepare. You need to mix in a jar with a lid a spoonful of liquid honey, twice as much olive oil, two teaspoons of pesto sauce (with basil) and a few drops of wine vinegar. Gently distribute the dressing over the entire surface of the salad, but do not mix.

Appetizer with baked peppers and fried eggplant

Mixed salad recipes often include heat-treated vegetables. It's the same here. First you need to take a large bell pepper, grease it with vegetable oil and put it in the oven for 10 minutes, preheated to 200 degrees (or grill it). Without peeling the eggplant, cut into pieces, add salt and leave for 20 minutes to allow the bitter juice to drain. Meanwhile, cut two chili peppers into strips, and chop three cloves of garlic and 50 grams of fresh cilantro and walnuts. Strain out the eggplant and fry in a dry frying pan. Remove the skin from the baked pepper, remove the leaf calyx with seeds, and chop the pulp. In a mixer bowl, mix the juice of one lemon, a teaspoon of sugar, a pinch of salt and black pepper. While whisking, gradually add 50 milliliters of olive oil. Pour the finished emulsion sauce into a salad bowl. Place fried eggplant in it. Mix well. Place peppers, nuts, cilantro and garlic on top. At the end we will add 200 grams of a mix called “Tuscany”. Decorate the dish with the seeds of half a pomegranate.

Mixed seafood salad

A modern person has the opportunity to buy not only assorted salads, but also a mixture of seafood. This mix usually contains shrimp, squid, octopus, mussels, and scallops. Its practicality lies in the fact that all the products in it are already peeled and chopped. And they take the same amount of time to prepare - three minutes. Octopus and squid cannot be subjected to heat treatment (boiling or frying) for longer, otherwise they will become rubber-like in consistency. Properly cooked seafood goes very well with greens.

An example is this recipe (500 grams) should be boiled and cooled in advance. Place 100 g of mixed salad in a dish. On this greenery we place three cherry tomatoes cut in half, a dozen pitted olives, and grate 100 g of hard cheese with fine shavings. Lay out the cooked seafood. Drizzle the salad with a dressing of soy sauce, vegetable oil and garlic.

Calories: 97
Cooking time: 10
Proteins/100g: 1
Carbohydrates/100g: 3

Now you can buy high-quality and tasty greens, and in particular a mixture of “herbs” for salad (for example, arugula, radicchio) not only at the market, but also in the store, where it is available all year round. The advantage of such a mix of lettuce leaves is both taste, assortment, and beautiful appearance. Most often you can find a mixture of arugula, radicchio, as well as corn and frisee. It is with these vegetables that we propose to prepare an appetizing salad mix. There is no strict recipe for salad mix; any greens and vegetables to taste are added to it. In our salad mix recipe we added cucumbers and cherry tomatoes, sprinkled with lemon juice and soy sauce, it tasted great.

- mixture of different salads – 200 gr.;
- cherry tomatoes – 5-6 pcs.;
- cucumber – 1 pc.;
- lemon juice – 1 teaspoon;
- soy sauce – 1 tbsp. spoon.

How to cook at home

Colorful vegetables are ready to be part of the salad mix. First, open the tap and thoroughly wash the lettuce leaves, tomatoes and cucumbers under running water.

Now, armed with a kitchen knife, carefully cut the cucumbers into half circles.

The second step is to prepare the cherry tomatoes - cut them into slices.

Then we take out a convenient bowl and put the chopped vegetables into it. Add salad mix to tomatoes and cucumbers. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Do it with your hands!
The salad mix recipe is completed with dressing. First, pour soy sauce over the salad.

And then add lemon juice. Mix again. Salad mix with cucumber and cherry tomatoes is ready! Take a couple of salads and make yourself a low-calorie lunch.

This dish is best served on a flat, wide plate. You can decorate with lemon slices along the edge of the plate (optional). Thanks to the content of soy sauce, the salad mix has an original, exotic taste. At the same time, lemon juice adds sourness, thereby emphasizing the taste of the entire dish.

Due to its lightness and low calorie content, this salad recipe is suitable for a diet, but should always be supplemented with a side dish or meat dish, for example,

Ingredients (12)
2 handfuls salad mix
a handful of small peeled shrimp
1 small persimmon
1 cucumber
permesan to taste
Show all (12)

Ingredients (15)
Salad mix (lettuce
lolla rossa
Show all (15)

Ingredients (10)
a handful of lettuce (I used corn and chard)
1 stick of celery
a handful of shrimp in brine
4 strips lightly salted salmon
4 mozzarella slices
Show all (10)

Ingredients (10)
Chicken breasts - 800 g
Dried large paprika - 2 g
White wine - 200 ml
Butter - 150 g
Dzhugas cheese - 80 g
Show all (10)

Ingredients (10)
White semi-sweet wine 150 ml
Parmesan cheese 80 g
Olive oil 15 g
Lemon juice 1 teaspoon
Salt to taste
Show all (10)

Ingredients (9)
fresh salmon - 100 g
red caviar - 1 tbsp. l.
salad mix (arugula
chard and corn) - 1 handful
dill - 1 sprig
Show all (9)
Ingredients (12)
6 slices prosciutto
handful of salad mix
50g mozzarella
for the sauce
2 tbsp. spoons of Kikkoman soy sauce