Secrets of cooking meat for barbecue. How to choose the ideal meat for barbecue and cook it correctly

The second part of tips for pork shish kebab from the chef of a Moscow restaurant "Argo" by Igor Mamatov.

We have already figured out how to choose meat. It was

The third part will contain tips on how to

How to cut meat for pork kebab

This is where the fun begins; I didn’t even know many of the subtleties.

Along or across

— Kebab meat must be cut across the grain. If you cut it along the fibers, then when you eat, these fibers will be like threads, and you will chew them for a long time. And if you cut it across, there will be a completely different taste, and the meat will be more than 2 times softer.

This is especially important when cutting a piece of neck!

Cutting form

I didn't know this!!!

It is best to cut the pieces not into the cubes we are all used to, but into slices 1-1.5 cm thick across the grain. The meat is better marinated and fried faster and more evenly. If you cut it into the usual cubes, the marinade will penetrate only into the outer layers. And when frying, the outer layer will already dry out, but the meat inside will still be raw. Although many people think that larger pieces will be juicier.

We’ll talk about how to string these pieces onto skewers a little later.

Meat size for pork skewers

The optimal piece size is 60 g.

It is clear that you will not take the scales with you every time. Just cut it once, cock it, and then try to repeat these dimensions for the rest of your life.

Igor Mamatov shows how thick and what size a piece should be

If the piece is smaller, it will fry quickly, but there is a danger that you will dry out the kebab; if the piece is larger, then the outside will already be cooked, but the inside will be raw.

Pork marinades

The secret to the perfect marinade

- If you bought the right meat, then you only need onions. Sliced, mashed and mixed with meat. You don't even need salt. We salt the meat already on the skewer before sending it to the grill.

In fact, all marinades from time immemorial were invented in order to hide or correct the shortcomings of meat: either smell or toughness.

If you want to hide the smell of pork, add spices to the onion. Which? The ones you like, there are no comrades here based on taste and color.

If the barbecue meat is tough and dry

— If the meat is tough, then you can add kiwi to the onion.

As for the mineral, more precisely, soda water, then it is known that soda makes meat softer - so you can use it.

If your meat is a little dry, you can add a few tablespoons of vegetable oil.

Marinating pork in vinegar, wine, kefir

- If the meat sits for a long time in an acidic environment, and this includes vinegar, wine, kefir or any dairy products, then it will become hard.

An acidic environment makes meat tough.

Therefore, if you want to make the meat soft, then sprinkle it immediately before sending it to the grill with wine or diluted vinegar, let it sit for a few minutes so that the liquid dries and send it to fry.

Continuation of how to properly fry our pork kebab so that our work in the third part is not lost:

Marinating shish kebab is an art; the most important dish at a picnic depends on creativity and intuition. We have collected for you best recipes. To choose the recipe you need, think about the tastes of your friends, the taste characteristics cooked meat- and you will decide how to marinate the meat for barbecue.

Some of the most common questions about preparing meat for barbecue

1. How to properly cut meat for pork kebab?

It is advisable to cut into medium or large pieces. The length of the piece is from 5 to 9 cm. The width-thickness is 3-6 cm. If the pieces are too small, the meat will cook faster, but the kebab will be drier.

2. How long should I marinate pork kebab?

Pork barbecue meat can be marinated from several hours to a day. If time is short, then use recipe No. 1, and choose especially soft and tender meat.

3. When to salt meat for barbecue?

Experts' opinions were divided. Some recommend salt already at the marinating stage, while others say that salt should be added only before directly frying the kebab.

Our opinion: if the pieces of meat for barbecue are small, then you can add salt before frying. However, if the shish kebab pieces are classic (large), then you should add salt during marinating. Important: the taste of marinated kebab should be slightly under-salted - with prolonged marinating, the taste of salt will intensify.

Recipe 1. Soft and juicy kebab.

  • Meat - 3 kg (for 6-8 people)
  • Onion - 0.7 kg
  • mayonnaise - 100 g
  • pepper
  • spices (for pork)

Wash the meat. Cut the meat into pieces 6-8 cm long and 5-6 cm thick (than larger pieces, the juicier the kebab).

Cut half the onion into large rings. Grate the remaining onion fine grater or grind with a blender (into pulp).

Salt and pepper the chopped meat and sprinkle with spices. Place in a container for marinating. We season each layer of meat well with onion gruel, and also line it with a layer of onion rings. Lubricate with mayonnaise.

The meat should marinate in the refrigerator. Time to marinate meat for barbecue about a day.

Onion gruel is the main thing the secret of this kebab recipe- the meat comes out very soft and juicy.

Recipe No. 2. Acetic

  • 2 kg pork neck
  • 1 kg onions
  • 1.5 liters of water
  • 3 tbsp. l. vinegar
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • ground black pepper (you can use a mixture of “4 peppers”)

Wash and cut the meat. Cut the onion into thick rings. Place meat (pepper) and onion in layers in a pan alternately. Fill with marinade: water, salt, vinegar, sugar. Place in the refrigerator overnight.

In nature, we place the meat mixed with onions on skewers and fry over medium-hot coals until cooked. Finally, sprinkle with sweet or semi-sweet red wine.

Recipe No. 3. Nutmeg-lemon kebab.

  • Meat - 2 kg
  • Onion - 0.7 kg
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • grated nutmeg
  • salt pepper
  • water - about 0.5 liters (amount to cover the meat)

Cut the meat. Cut the onion into 0.5 cm rings. Cut the lemon into slices, squeeze 1.4 cm into the water and throw in this part of the lemon as well.

Place the meat in a marinating container and top it with onion and lemon. Fill with water so that the water covers the meat.

Recipe No. 4. Shish kebab in white wine.

  • pork—2 kg.
  • bulb onions—5-7 pcs.
  • ground black pepper-1 tsp
  • salt- taste
  • dry white wine—1 glass

Cut the meat from the kidney part of the back or hind leg (you can take young pork or lamb) into equal pieces of medium size, put in a bowl, add salt, add ground black pepper and mix well.

Cut into rings onion and, adding dry white wine, mix again, pressing down the meat. Cover the dish with a lid and place in a cool place for 4 hours. Thread pieces of meat onto skewers and fry over hot coals without flame, turning them all the time. Determine the degree of readiness using a cut (the main thing is not to overdry).

Recipe No. 5. The kebab is spicy.

  • Meat - 3 kg
  • Red wine - 1 tbsp
  • onion - 0.7 kg
  • greens (dill, parsley) - 5-6 sprigs.

To get tender, juicy meat, you need to marinate the meat in (dry, semi-dry) red wine, add onion rings, spices (to your taste), chopped herbs and marinate in the refrigerator overnight. Half an hour before threading the kebab onto a skewer, add 50 grams of vodka to the bowl with meat. Vodka will loosen the meat, and the frying time will be reduced and, as a result, it will be tender, juicy and without burning. But firewood is also important. They should be very dry and slightly hollow inside (for example, acacia, apricot).

If you make kebab (steak) without marinade, only with spices, then the meat must be rubbed with spices, do not add salt (salt is tough meat), and pour a little sunflower oil and refrigerate overnight. Add salt when frying.

Recipe No. 6. Shish kebab with pomegranate juice

  • pork-2.5 kg.
  • dry red wine-1/2 cup
  • pomegranate juice-1/2 cup
  • bulb onions—8 pcs.
  • lemon-1 PC.
  • khmeli-suneli-1 tsp
  • black pepper- taste
  • olive oil-3 tbsp
  • salt- taste

Cut the pork (neck) into large (5 by 5 cm) cubes into a saucepan. Cut the onions into rings and use your hands to mash the meat with onions, black pepper, salt and hop-suneli seasoning. Wine, lemon juice, mix pomegranate juice and pour into the meat, mix gently without squeezing, and then carefully add olive oil. Leave for a day in a cool place. Cook on the grill for 10-15 minutes, periodically turning the skewers around their axis and pouring the marinade.

Delicious meat and good weather!

Barbecue is an integral part of any picnic. But, unfortunately, for many people it often turns out dry and tasteless. The whole point is that even such simple dish There are some nuances in cooking that you need to know. Great importance has a marinating process, since some products can spoil the taste of the dish, and it will be impossible to eat it.

What is the best meat to use for barbecue?

It is important to note that all ingredients, including main product, must be fresh. Fresh meat is not recommended.

The most common option is pork, but it is best to choose young animals, which will allow you to get something that is not dry and low-fat dish. What’s interesting: even cooled fried open fire the pork will be delicious. It is best to opt for the neck and tenderloin.

It is believed that the most delicious dish can be prepared only from lamb, but this option has its own characteristics. Many people are put off by him bad smell and specific taste. To avoid this, you need to choose the hind leg, ribs or loin of a young animal, and also select the right marinade.

Tender young veal is ideal solution for preparing dietary and delicious dish. It is better to give preference to sirloin and tenderloin.

Cheapest and affordable option- chicken. For cooking on coals, you can use all parts, but the breast must be properly marinated so that it does not become dry. The quail version is not so popular, but this particular bird turns out very tasty.

How many kebab do you need per person?

To determine the consumption of meat for barbecue per person, it is worth taking the average value as a basis: 300 g per person raw product, but this is only if there are other dishes at the picnic. If there is nothing besides meat, then the amount increases and amounts to 500 g per person.

It should be taken into account that if there is a lot of alcohol, then usually the number of kebabs eaten also increases.

How to cut meat for shish kebab?

In order for the dish to cook evenly and marinate correctly, you should cut the purchased piece correctly.

The first thing to do is to rinse thoroughly and remove the films, excess fat and so on. You should use a sharp knife and cut across the fibers, because otherwise the fibers will get stuck in your teeth while eating.

One serving includes about 5 pieces. If you purchased a ham or loin of lamb, then on average the pieces should weigh about 40 g. When the pieces are small, the dish will turn out to be dry, and if they are large, it will be raw. If you use pork neck, the pieces should be approximately 3 cm.

How to marinate meat for barbecue?

A properly selected marinade helps make the main product more tender and tasty. The composition may include various seasonings, vegetable oils, herbs and foods that contain acids. If pork, beef or lamb is used, then the composition should be more rich in comparison with poultry and fish.

Useful tips on how to marinate meat for barbecue:

  • It is not recommended to put a lot of salt, as it will take away all the juices and the dish will be dry and tasteless. It is not recommended to make the marinade very sour;
  • Do not use for soaking meat aluminum cookware. It is best to give preference to enamel or glass pan, but for a small company a simple package is also suitable;
  • When figuring out how much to marinate meat for shish kebab, it is important to consider its toughness, as well as the ingredients used. If you don’t have time, then you need to put onion, previously grated. In this case, the process will last no more than 3 hours, since the dish will be bitter. Fish should not be kept in spices for more than 45 minutes, and the bird will be ready for frying after 30 minutes;
  • It is recommended to mash the ingredients with your hands first to release the juice, then the taste will be brighter and richer;
  • You can use a press to soften the meat, for example, place a board and a jar of water on top.

Methods and options for marinades for delicious kebab

The number of marinades is huge and each person can, in principle, select the ingredients for themselves.

We propose to dwell in detail on the most popular options.

Marinade for barbecue is prepared depending on a person’s taste preferences.

Most commonly used ingredients:

  • Many people prefer to add vinegar to their marinade. Culinary experts do not recommend using it because it destroys real taste meat, and it does not make it tender;
  • For tasty and tender kebab It is recommended to use wine. If the meat is kept for a long time in this alcoholic drink, at least 6 hours, then it turns out tender, juicy and very aromatic. It is recommended to take 300 ml of wine per 1 kg;
  • The most commonly used product is onions. Its quantity is taken at the rate of 1:1. It is recommended to lay out a layer of vegetables and a layer of meat, etc. You need to add more salt and pepper. Many people like to add wine. It is best to leave everything under pressure for a day;
  • To prepare a dish in french style You can add Dijon mustard. As a result, the meat will acquire a slight spiciness. In this case, it is recommended to add onion and lemon juice;
  • A huge number of people prefer to use mayonnaise. In this case, it is best to choose the low fat option as it is not as thick. It is recommended to mix everything with your hands so that the kebab is soaked;
  • For lamb, use strong brewed black tea. Soaking duration – 5 hours.
  • You can use beer, both light and dark will do.

Kefir based

A simple composition that is ideal for pork. For 0.5 kg of meat you need to take 1 liter of kefir, onion, pepper and cilantro. You need to place everything in the refrigerator for a day.

Based on tomato juice

This method of marinating meat for barbecue is very popular and it is suitable for all options.

Thanks to him, the dish turns out very juicy and tender.

You need to add onions, spices and tomato juice in such quantity that everything is covered. The process should last approximately 7 hours.

Wine based

If you want to quickly marinate meat for barbecue, then choose this option. For each variety you need to choose your own type of alcohol. For example, it is recommended to cook pork in dry white wine with the addition of onions and spices. It is best to marinate under pressure for 4 hours. For beef, red is best dry wine, which should be combined with onions, spices and garlic. The process should take approximately 3 hours.

Based on lemon juice

For salmon, it is best to use this option, since the marinade should be light so as not to spoil the taste of the product. For a couple of kilograms of fish you need to take vegetable oil, salt, pepper, sugar and some water. Duration of marinating – 2 hours.

Based on mineral water

This marinade is very popular. Perfect option– Essentuki-17.

You should also put onions, spices and herbs there. Duration of marinating – 10 hours.

We tried to present the simplest and most popular options for marinating meat to cook delicious kebab. It is also important to fry it correctly.

Do not consider it immodest, but today I will teach you how to cook the most correct and delicious kebab from pork tenderloin. Ideally classic version is a pork kebab made from the neck part of the carcass. But don’t rush to despair if you couldn’t stock up on pork neck. I can make the “owners” of pork tenderloin happy! According to my recipe, the kebabs turn out no less worthy. Are you planning a barbecue feast? Guests will certainly appreciate all your efforts.

Read carefully and don't miss anything.

To cook the right one pork kebab, in addition to fresh and preferably homemade meat, are needed the right ingredients for the marinade. The ideal option is onions and tomatoes. You will also need a little barbecue seasoning - for flavor, salt, mayonnaise or vinegar.

Slice well-chilled pork tenderloin large pieces. Place in a bowl of suitable size.

Season the tenderloin with aromatic barbecue spices, but do not add salt. We will salt the pork on the grill.

Toss the meat in the seasoning. Cut the pre-peeled onion into large half rings. Top the pork pieces with onions.

cut fresh tomatoes into two or three parts, depending on the size of the vegetables. Keep in mind that we will place the tomato slices on skewers along with the pork. The tomatoes should not be too soft and thin, otherwise during the rotation they will fall into your grill. Add the tomatoes to the bowl with the kebabs and onions.

As an auxiliary ingredient for kebab marinade used frequently Apple vinegar, acetic acid or mayonnaise. If you really want or are convinced, you don’t have to add these ingredients at all.

We're cooking hot summer kebab, so I’ll still marinate our tenderloin in mayonnaise. Sometimes I take acetic acid, diluted with water in the proportion: 1 tsp. acid + 50 ml of water per 2 kg of meat.

Season your future kebab with mayonnaise.

Careful not to mash the tomatoes, stir the pork into the marinade and leave in a cool place for 6 hours.

Place the marinated pieces of tenderloin on skewers, alternating with tomato slices. It's better to start with meat. Use this to finish the skewer. If you leave a tomato on the edge, there is a chance of losing it in the grill. The pieces need to be placed along the fibers and tightly enough to each other.

Place the kebabs on hot coals. Try to cover the entire area of ​​the grill with skewers. This will keep the heat off the coals, and the meat will cook faster than you could ever imagine.

As soon as the bottom of the kebabs is covered with a light crust, salt the kebabs on top first. Carefully turn the skewers over and season the bottoms with salt. Don't be afraid to work with salt. Pork will not take in excess during frying, but if you add salt during marinating, as lazy people do (sometimes I also “sin” this way) or inexperienced barbecue makers, you can over-salt it.

Cook pork tenderloin kebabs for no more than 5-10 minutes, provided good coals. The most popular way to check the heat of coals is to hold your palm close to the skewers. If the palm suffers, then the coals are no good and need to be blown until they turn red. Put out the fire with pinches of salt. There is no need to pour water or beer on the flame, as many people do. This loses the taste of the meat and increases the frying time.

Pork tenderloin skewers are ready!

We got juicy, aromatic, magically soft meat, which means the picnic was a success! Eat for pleasure, but drink in moderation. There is no need to believe in fairy tales that vodka helps quickly digest meat kebabs.
