Meatball soup is an interesting recipe. Soup with ready-made meatballs. The most delicious soup with fish balls and millet

Everyone loves meatball soup, with the exception of vegetarians. But we are not talking about them now. There is simply one most important ingredient in this soup - meatballs. But they can be different: from only one type of minced meat or from several, with or without additives. And the soup itself can only be vegetable or with the addition of cereals. Can you imagine what a variety of flavors this is? And this soup will become the most favorite for children, and if it’s for them, then the whole family will eat it too, without preparing a separate dish for everyone.

Delicious soup with peas and meatballs

How to make meatball soup

Our Russian meatball soup has ancestors from Italy and Azerbaijan. True, in Azerbaijan it is called “Dovga” and is prepared with kefir.
And in Italy for some reason they call it “wedding” soup, but they don’t serve it at weddings. It's interesting somehow.

So, the highlight of this soup is, of course, the meatballs.

Everyone prepares them differently.

But there are several points that will reveal their taste and make the cooking process faster.

First, add cumin to the meat before grinding. The meat will become much more flavorful.

Secondly, to make the minced meat juicier, add water if you are grinding with a blender. Of course, you don’t need to pour it into a meat grinder. The water will not only saturate the fibers a little, but will also help the motor grind the pieces.

It is better to form meatballs with wet hands.

If your balls are of different sizes, then there is no need to worry, no one said that they must be round and the same.

Be sure to salt the meat.

If you have minced meat from several types of meat, you can add an egg to it to thicken the mass.

And, if you like to use minced chicken, then add a tablespoon of semolina, which will make the dryish meat more juicy.

To prevent the soup from turning into porridge from minced meat, you need to lower the meat mass into boiling water.

The balls will float as they cook.

Well, it’s up to you to decide what the ingredients of the soup will be. I will give you several recipes, choose what you like best.

Meatball soup in a slow cooker

This soup is more considered a children's soup, and when you have kids, you probably have a slow cooker. Personally, she simply saved me. You pack some food and go for a walk with your baby. We come back hungry, and everything is ready, fragrant and hot.

So, in this recipe we do not fry the vegetables, so again this is a children's soup.


  • 4 potatoes
  • Half a kilo of minced meat
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 tomato
  • A little butter
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • Basil, dill
  • Water 2-2.5 l

Add a couple of cloves of garlic, pepper and salt to the minced meat.

We will cook the soup immediately with the herbs. It is important to add it at the very beginning, and not at the end, the taste depends on it.

We cut vegetables and herbs.

In a slow cooker, everything cooks at the same time!

If this soup is cooked over a fire, then the vegetables are added in order.

Add vegetables and sprinkle with basil and other spices.

And here we add butter, which will give the broth a creamy, delicate taste.

You can add tomato and tomato paste.

Fill everything with water and set the mode. I call it “Soup”, there is also a “Cooking” mode.

Any minced meat is suitable. You can mix beef, pork and lamb (if available). Chicken is more dietary, and if your husband is a hunter, then cook it from venison or elk. By the way, I was treated to soup made from this kind of meat, it seemed that it was a little tough, but I didn’t notice much difference with the types that had already been tried.

Soup with meatballs and noodles: step-by-step recipe with photos

To increase the nutritional value, add vermicelli or pasta to this soup. I don’t accept pasta in soups, and I always replace them with noodles, vermicelli, pasta or gossamer. But they are indicated in the recipes.

By the way, this recipe is very close to Italian. And, if you freeze vegetables, then this habit will be very useful for you.


  • Chicken broth 2 l
  • 2 carrots
  • Bulb
  • Tomato
  • 3 potatoes
  • Green beans
  • One bell pepper.
  • Pasta, pasta, durum wheat noodles

For the meatballs:

  • 500 g beef
  • 1 onion
  • 1 egg
  • 2 tbsp semolina
  • Bunch of parsley
  • 3 tablespoons grated cheese
  • Basil, salt and pepper

1. Make meatballs: grind the meat in a meat grinder into minced meat along with onions, then add egg, semolina, spices, chopped parsley and grated cheese to this mixture.
2. Now we form balls, as in the photo. We wet our hands with water so that the meat does not stick and roll into balls or squeeze out even pieces through our fingers.

3. Now we prepare the soup itself. First, fry the vegetables (onions, tomatoes and onions) in heated vegetable oil.

4. Pour potatoes into a saucepan with broth. After boiling, cook the potatoes for 1-2 minutes.

5. Then add pepper and chopped beans. Cook for a couple of minutes and add the frying.

6. We do not add frying in advance, because it contains tomatoes that contain acid. And she, in turn, does not allow the potatoes to cook until tender.

7. After boiling, add vermicelli or pasta.

8. Place the meatballs into the boiling soup.

9. You need to cook for another quarter of an hour.

For flavor, add a little garlic, a mixture of peppers, and chopped herbs into the broth.

Let the soup sit and then sprinkle the bowls with grated cheese.

The soup will become thick, satisfying and very aromatic.

How to cook delicious soup with minced chicken meatballs

Minced chicken is more affordable than mixed chicken. It can be mixed with pork and then you get a more tender mass. But not everyone always has pork on hand.

You can take ready-made minced meat, or you can make it from chicken breast, if it suits you like a children's menu.

For the meatballs:

  • 200 g minced chicken
  • Bunch of greenery
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of semolina
  • Salt pepper

1. Add greens, semolina and egg to the minced meat. We wait until the semolina swells a little. It will make the meatballs more complete and tender. It will also allow dry chicken meat to retain moisture.

2. Cut the onions and carrots into smaller pieces and fry in oil.

3. Add potatoes and fry to the broth (you don’t have to fry the vegetables, add raw ones).

4. Drop the meat balls into the bubbling broth and reduce the power to medium, otherwise the broth will not be transparent and cloudy.

5. Pour vermicelli or “spider web” into the prepared soup.

Watch a detailed video of soup preparation.

Step-by-step recipe for soup with meatballs, rice and potatoes

This recipe is more masculine because the soup is thicker and more nutritious. Yes, and the simplest one. Anyone can cook it, a man, a teenager, or an inexperienced housewife.


  • Carrot
  • Potato
  • Spices
  • Onions for minced and frying

1. Add potatoes to cold water and cook until boiling, then add washed rice.

2. Now we prepare the minced meat: add chopped onions and spices into the total mass and form meat rounds. Try scooping out the mince with a teaspoon to get them to be approximately the same size.

3. The soup is cooked for five minutes and the meat ingredient is lowered into boiling water.

4. Fry it and put it in the soup.

5. At the end of cooking, remember about dried dill and a couple of bay leaves.

Remember that different spices bring out the flavor in the soup.

Potato soup with meatballs (with potatoes and vermicelli)

Potatoes and noodles don’t always go together, but that’s how they cook in our family. In general, soup without potatoes is somehow incomplete for us. It's like there's nothing to chew in it.


  • 300 g minced meat
  • Water 2.5 l
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • 2 potatoes
  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt pepper
  • Pasta or vermicelli half a glass
  • 3 bay leaves

1. Put the water to boil and then chop the vegetables: three carrots, and chop the onions and potatoes.

2. Pour a spoonful of vegetable oil into the frying pan and saute the carrots and onion cubes.

3. You need to add spices and salt to the minced meat. Very aromatic meatballs are made with cumin.

4. The finished balls must be lowered into boiling broth to prevent them from turning into porridge.

5. We are waiting for the meatballs to float, this means that it is the turn of the chopped potatoes. After boiling, add pasta or vermicelli. Importantly, we are not talking about cobwebs here.

6. If you have cobwebs, then add it at the end of cooking, when the soup has not yet cooled down. This warmth is enough for her. If you boil it for even five minutes, it will turn into mush.

7. Then add the frying and cook it all for another 10 minutes on medium heat.

8. Add spices, peas, dried dill.

As a result, the ingredient composition of this soup can be changed at your discretion and to the taste of family members.

Children will be interested in finding multi-colored or shaped pasta in the soup.

You can add a stirred egg to it at the moment of boiling at the end of cooking. We call soups with this additive “soup with clouds.”

The main thing is that the temperature is such that the protein has time to coagulate.

Or, when serving, sprinkle the soup with grated cheese, such as Parmesan, which will also immediately become an unusual dish.

Meatball soup one of the fastest and simplest soups in its recipe. This soup is loved by both adults and children.

Meatball soup always comes to my rescue when I want a hot, satisfying lunch, but don’t have much time to prepare. Meatballs can be made from ready-made minced meat directly during the cooking process of the soup. Or you can prepare it for future use. Place the finished meat balls in the freezer and use as needed.

Soup with minced meatballs

What minced meat should I use?

You can use any meat, fish, turkey or chicken, but the most delicious and rich soups are made from mixed minced meat. Usually, minced chicken is added to minced meat or minced beef is mixed with pork.

The recipe for meat balls is simple. Salt, pepper, onions and eggs are added to the minced meat. Mix everything and make balls the size of a walnut. There is no rice in the meatball recipe (rice is added to the meatballs), sometimes semolina is added, you can add your favorite spices for minced meat or dry herbs (optional). With spicy herbs it turns out especially tasty, tested in practice!

There are many variations of this delicious first course. But they all have one thing in common - ease of preparation. As a rule, they use soup vegetables, cereals, and pasta that are familiar to us. In my opinion, the ideal type of pasta is vermicelli - gossamer. Potatoes, carrots, sweet peppers, cabbage, onions, zucchini, tomatoes are almost always at hand in the house. Of the cereals, rice or buckwheat is most often added, less often pearl barley, peas, lentils, beans, due to the fact that soup with meatballs belongs to the category of quickly prepared dishes. But if you have a reserve of time, then be sure to try rich lentil or pea soup with meatballs. It's incredibly delicious. Did you know that meatballs are so versatile that they can be used to cook cabbage soup, borscht and even kharcho soup.

Today I offer you several options for preparing delicious meatball soup recipes.

How to make meatball and lentil soup

This is my absolute favorite version of meatball soup. The most delicious, velvety soup with the addition of red lentils. In my opinion, there is nothing superfluous in terms of ingredients and spices. It turns out so delicious that it makes your ears pop.

In the recipe I use red lentils from Mistral. I love this particular lentil for its excellent taste and speed of preparation.


  • minced meat 500-600g.
  • red lentils 5 tbsp.
  • celery 2 sticks
  • onions 3 pcs.
  • carrots 1 pc.
  • egg 1 pc.
  • salt to taste
  • black pepper, ground coriander, red sweet paprika to taste
  • large bunch of fresh parsley (finely chopped)

How to make meatballs for soup

Any minced meat is suitable for cooking - beef, pork-beef, chicken, turkey, or chicken with pork or chicken with beef, whatever is available.

Salt the minced meat, add ground black pepper, coriander, finely chopped onion and egg. Mix the meat mass.
Recommendation: if the minced meat is from a store and you are not sure of its good quality, then it is better to add an egg to the minced meat so that the meatballs do not fall apart during cooking.

If you prepare minced meat at home, you don’t need to add an egg, but to prevent the meatballs from falling apart during cooking, the minced meat should be beaten well or cooled well in the refrigerator.

I always add an egg to the minced meat, it’s just faster for me, I don’t have to waste time cooling the minced meat.

We always put the meatballs in boiling water.


  1. Pour water into the pan, take a little more than half of the pan and put it on the fire.
  2. Add 5 tbsp to boiling water. red lentils.
  3. Finely chop the onion (half of the chopped onion goes into the minced meat, the other half goes into the pan with the soup). Three carrots on a coarse grater.
  4. Finely chop the celery stalks.
  5. After the lentils have cooked for 5-7 minutes. You can begin to form the meatballs and place them in the pan.
  6. Let the soup cook over medium heat for another 7-10 minutes. Now add the prepared onions, carrots and celery to the soup and cook for another 5 minutes.
  7. At the end, add a little red sweet wig (to taste) to the soup (I have about 1 tsp), mix the soup, cook for another 2-3 minutes. Turn off the soup and season with plenty of finely chopped fresh parsley. You can leave the soup under a closed lid for about 5 minutes so that it infuses, or you can immediately pour it into plates and serve.

Bon appetit!

For potato soup, you can make meatballs not only from minced pork, you can use beef or chicken, or pork with chicken, pork with beef, beef with chicken, or you can replace minced chicken with turkey.

We will need:

For 2 liters of water, 400g. minced pork, 4 pcs. potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 4 sprinkled black pepper, bay leaf, salt to taste, several sprigs of parsley and dill.


  1. Prepare potatoes, carrots and onions. We clean, wash and chop the vegetables. You can fry the onions and carrots in vegetable oil to obtain a richer aroma, but if you want a healthier option, you can skip this cooking step.
  2. Place a pan of water on the fire.
  3. While the water is boiling, prepare the meatballs.
  4. Add salt to the minced meat, mix the minced meat well and beat it, then form meatballs the size of a walnut. Place the meatballs in boiling water, cook for 3-4 minutes and remove from the pan using a slotted spoon. Now, if you want to have a clear broth, then you should strain it.
  5. Add prepared vegetables to the boiling broth: potatoes, onions and carrots. Cook the soup for 10-12 minutes.
  6. Again, put the meatballs into the soup and cook our soup for another 5 minutes.
  7. At the very end of cooking, add black peas and bay leaves and continue cooking the soup for another 10 minutes.
  8. Finely chop fresh herbs. Serve the soup with chopped fresh herbs.

Bon appetit!

Delicious noodle soup with meatballs

A simple soup with beef meatballs will delight both children and adults. Despite its simple composition, the soup turns out hearty and flavorful. You can also add any spices to the soup according to your personal taste.


For the meatballs : 400gr. minced beef, salt to personal taste.

For the soup:

For 1.8 liters of water, 80g. vermicelli, 1 onion, 1 carrot, ½ sweet bell pepper, butter or vegetable oil, salt, pepper to taste, herbs for serving.

How to cook:

  1. Salt the minced meat, beat it well and put it in the refrigerator to cool.
  2. While the minced meat is cooling, cut the carrots, onions and sweet peppers into cubes, then fry for 3-4 minutes in a frying pan, remove from heat.
  3. Place a pan of water on the fire. While the water is boiling, form the minced meat into balls the size of a walnut and throw them into the boiling water. Cook the meatballs for 15 minutes. then add vegetables from the frying pan to the pan, continue to cook the soup until the vegetables are soft.
  4. Now add vermicelli to the soup, add salt and spices to taste, cook the soup for another 5-7 minutes until the vermicelli is ready.

Sprinkle the finished soup with finely chopped fresh herbs and serve.

Bon appetit!

Vegetable soup with minced chicken meatballs

Light, low-calorie soup with vegetables and minced chicken meatballs.

If you want to lose weight by summer, go on a diet, then this recipe is what you really need.

We will need:

minced chicken 450g.. 1 egg, broccoli cabbage several inflorescences, celery root 200g, carrots 2 pcs., onions 3 pcs. salt, pepper and herbs to taste.


  1. Salt and pepper the minced chicken, add grated onion (1.5 onions), finely chopped fresh herbs and egg, mix the minced meat well and roll into small meatballs.
  2. Place water (about 2 liters) in a saucepan on the fire and bring to a boil.
  3. Finely chop part of the onion, dice the carrots and peeled celery root, and divide the broccoli into florets.
  4. Place onions, carrots and celery in boiling water and bring the soup to a boil. Then we form the meatballs and add them to the soup. 5 minutes before readiness, add broccoli, salt and pepper to the soup, you can add other spices as desired.

Serve the finished soup with chopped fresh herbs.

Bon appetit!

The most delicious soup with fish balls and millet

Salmon meatballs for soup are simply perfect. The soup turns out aromatic, light and at the same time very nutritious.

We will need:

For 2.5 liters of water 300g. salmon steak 1 egg, 5 pcs. potatoes, 0.3 cups millet cereal, 2 pcs. turnip onion, 30 ml vegetable oil, fish seasoning and salt to taste, a bunch of fresh green dill.

How to cook:

  1. Separate the fish fillet. Use the fish bones to prepare fish broth. Strain the finished broth, bring to a boil, add washed millet and chopped potatoes into the broth. Cook the soup for 20 minutes.
  2. Pass the salmon fillet along with onion (1 onion) through a meat grinder, add salt, spices and egg to the minced fish, mix the minced meat well.
  3. The minced meat turns out soft, so we will take it with a teaspoon. 7-10 minutes before the end of cooking the soup, lower the meatballs into the water.
  4. Sauté a finely chopped onion in vegetable oil and add to the soup 5 minutes before it is ready, add salt and pepper to taste. Our soup with fish balls is ready, serve with finely chopped fresh dill.

Bon appetit!

Diet soup recipe with meatballs and oatmeal

Absolutely dietary, but very tasty first course. Minimum preparation time, all cooking takes no more than 30 minutes. Recipe taken from the Dukan Diet.


350gr. minced lean beef, 150g. tomato puree or 1 tbsp. l. tomato paste, 40g. oat bran, 3/4 tsp. sea ​​salt, ground black pepper to taste, 20g each. green onions, dill and parsley, dried onions 5 tsp. or fresh onions.

Cooking process:

  1. Pour 1 liter into a saucepan. water, add a little salt and put on the fire until the water comes to a boil, let's start preparing the meatballs.
  2. Salt and pepper the minced meat and knead thoroughly until it becomes plastic and sticky. Form into small meatballs, no larger than a walnut.
  3. When the water boils, place the meatballs in the pan, reduce the heat to medium, and skim off any foam that forms on the surface.
  4. Add chopped onions and cook the soup over medium heat for 10 minutes.
  5. Add oat bran and tomato paste or tomato puree to the soup.
  6. About 5-7 minutes after adding oat bran, add chopped fresh herbs to the soup. Turn off the soup, close the lid and let it brew.

This diet tomato soup with meatballs will be most delicious if eaten hot, after adding ground black pepper and dried garlic to taste.

Delicious soup with minced beef meatballs (video)

Bon appetit!

Question to the reader:

How often do you cook? meatball soup?

Meatball soup- a simple homemade soup that requires few ingredients and time to prepare. It is quite easy to prepare, so even a novice housewife can make it. And if you prepare the meatballs in advance and freeze them in the freezer, this soup will generally take 5 minutes. By the way, small children really love meatballs.


  • minced meat (beef + pork) 400 g
  • water 1.5 l
  • potato 300 g
  • carrot 150 g
  • onion 150 g
  • salt taste
  • ground black pepper taste
  • dill taste
  • parsley taste
  • green onion taste

If you don’t make minced meat yourself, you can buy it at the store. I think it's called "homemade". But it’s better, of course, to always make minced meat from a real piece of meat.


We prepare all the ingredients. Wash meat and vegetables thoroughly.

If you bought minced meat in a store, then skip this step. And we grind 200g of pork and 200g of beef through a meat grinder. Salt, pepper and mix into a homogeneous mass. I usually spend 2-3 pinches of salt on this amount of minced meat. It would be a good idea to knead the minced meat so that the meatballs hold their shape better and do not fall apart during the cooking process. That's what we do. Many housewives, either due to a lack of experience or because of a desire to experiment, add everything to the minced meat: onions, butter, carrots, Parmesan, chopped herbs, finely chopped bell peppers. But we should not forget that these are not cutlets or hedgehogs, these are meatballs and we will have them only from meat.

Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Pour some vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat it up and add the chopped vegetables. Fry the onion until golden brown.

Cut the peeled potatoes into small cubes.

We begin to form meatballs. Make balls of the same size and shape. And we put them on the board at a short distance from each other. To make it easier to roll the meatballs, you can lightly moisten your hands with water. In the end we get about 25 meatballs.

Pour 1.5 liters of water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add salt and ground black pepper to the water to taste. Place the meatballs in boiling water and bring to a boil again. If foam begins to form, it must be removed using a tablespoon. Immediately add the potatoes to the meatballs in the pan. Cooking together won't be so boring.

After 10 minutes, add the fried vegetables to the pan. Stir, bring the soup to a boil and turn off. Cover tightly with a lid and let steep for 10-20 minutes. While the soup is cooling, chop the herbs: dill, parsley and green onions.

Meatball soup ready, you can pour into plates. To taste, add herbs to each serving, and also, if you wish, a good spoonful of sour cream. I didn’t get any sour cream, because it was eaten by a cunning cat who was lying in ambush and while I was frying onions and carrots, he did his red job. Bon appetit!

The first course with meatballs is an excellent alternative to soups cooked with meat fillet. Appetizing meat balls, like small cutlets, make the dish tasty and appetizing, but the main advantage of soups with meatballs is that they cook very quickly. The minced meat in the broth sets within a few minutes. If you need to quickly prepare a first course, then meatball soup is a good choice. Today we will talk about making meatballs from minced meat, how to properly form them, cook them, and what you need to add to them to make them juicy and flavorful.

Secrets of making delicious meatballs

Meatballs for first courses are usually made from minced pork, beef or mixed (50/50 of both types of minced meat). Boiled meat balls and those made from minced chicken are good in soup - they quickly acquire the necessary softness in the broth and children really like them.

Various ingredients are added to give meatballs a unique or interesting twist. Let’s note the most common ones that have taken root in many kitchens so that you can choose a proven meatball recipe to suit your taste.

  • For softness

It is very simple to prepare “airy”, porous and soft meatballs - add soaked and crushed bread crumbs to the prepared minced meat. It is better to use yesterday’s bread, but in no case fresh baked goods. A couple of pieces of dried bread need to be poured with hot milk or just water. The bread will swell. Drain off excess liquid and grind the bread in a blender or grind it together with onions and minced meat through a meat grinder.

  • For spice

If you are used to flavoring your dishes with fresh herbs and spices, then you will like meatballs with the addition of chopped parsley, dill or even nuts. These meat balls will be the highlight of the dish and turn an ordinary everyday soup into a new, interesting dish. Meat balls with chopped herbs look very, very appetizing after cooking, try it!

  • For "pomp"

In order for the formed meatballs to increase in volume and become more fluffy during cooking, you need to add breadcrumbs to the minced meat. Having absorbed the liquid from the broth, they will swell and the meat balls will become larger in size. You will get a similar effect by adding semolina instead of breadcrumbs.

Important! When adding breadcrumbs or semolina to the minced meat, our recipe recommends waiting 7-10 minutes before making balls so that these ingredients combine well with the minced meat.

  • For rich taste and aroma

The first dish can be given a very bright taste and aroma in one simple way - pre-fry the meat balls before cooking. Browned in butter, they will give the dish a new, pleasant note. You can use any oil for frying, but the recipe recommends using butter - it will not weigh down the taste of the dish and will not make the broth fattier.

When preparing meatballs, pay attention to the following points:

  • Choose minced meat of medium fat content. If it contains a lot of lard and fat, it will transfer its fat content to the broth, and the dish will turn out high in calories and unappetizing.
  • The optimal size of meat balls is the size of a medium walnut. You should not make too large specimens, otherwise there is a chance that they will increase during cooking and will tend to “jump” out of the pan.
  • Meatballs are molded by hand. If you don’t want to bother with minced meat, you can use a teaspoon. You need to scoop up the minced meat with a spoon, make a round ball and put it in boiling water. Just remember, in this case the shape of the meatballs will be impromptu and sloppy.
  • There is no need to add chicken eggs - they will make the resulting portioned balls hard and rubbery. To prevent the minced meat from falling apart, you must first beat it on the kitchen table or cutting board. Whenever you put meatballs in soup, beaten and cooled minced meat will keep its shape well even without eggs.

Forming meatballs for first courses

Many housewives are wondering how to make meatballs from minced meat correctly, so that they do not fall apart when cooked in broth and turn out right on the first try. It’s worth noting right away that the dish is not prepared according to the principle of sculpting cutlets, and cutlet mince is not suitable for meatballs - this is a completely different recipe. These mini soup balls should have a more “airy” consistency, which will allow them to be filled with liquid when cooked, making them soft and delicate in taste. We will tell you how to achieve this result in the following tips.

Wet your hands before sculpting

To ensure that the meatballs are the same size and shape, they need to be sculpted by hand. Often the minced meat is too “sticky”; when forming round cakes, it sticks to your fingers and completely prevents you from making neat balls. This can be avoided by preparing a separate container of water before sculpting. Before you take a piece of minced meat, dip your fingers in water - and you will no longer have problems making meat balls, even if you are using the recipe for the first time.

“Softening” the minced meat

Sometimes the minced meat behaves unpredictably during preparation and at the moment before sculpting it becomes too dense and tough. If you make balls from such hard minced meat, then after cooking it will not become softer, but will retain its consistency, and the finished meatballs will taste unappetizing. Therefore, if you noticed in the culinary process that the meat component is dry and stubborn, then add 3-4 tbsp. spoons of melted butter. Oil will give the minced meat a more velvety and pleasant consistency.

Cool the workpiece

Prepared minced meat balls must be cooled before immersing them in the broth. After shaping, place them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 20-30 minutes. Chilled meatballs hold their shape better and do not stick together during cooking.

How to cook

The recipe for making meatballs is very simple. Even if you don’t know how to handle minced meat, follow the step-by-step instructions and you will certainly succeed. Making “balls” from shredded meat by hand is a lot of fun and you can do this process with your kids. We give you a classic recipe for meat balls for soup so that you can easily remember it and prepare first courses without hassle.

Cooking time: ~ 30 min.

Number of servings: 6.

To prepare home-style meatballs for the first course, we will need the following ingredients (based on a 3.5 liter pan):

  • 400 g fresh minced meat (pork, beef or mixed);
  • 1 small onion;
  • 2 tbsp. l. breadcrumbs;
  • 3 tbsp. l. butter;
  • salt, ground black pepper.

As an addition (optional):

  • fresh herbs (parsley, dill);
  • sour cream.

Let's start cooking

1. Finely chop the onion. Dissolve 1 tbsp in a frying pan. l. butter and lightly fry the onion over medium heat for 2-3 minutes.

2. Minced meat, passed through a meat grinder several times, mixed with fried finely chopped onion, salt, pepper, and the remaining softened butter.

Note! If the minced meat turns out dense, then the recipe allows you to add 1-2 tbsp. l. liquids - milk, cream or plain boiled water.

3. Use your hands to form neatly shaped meatballs from the prepared minced meat - 8-10 g balls each. Place the molded balls on a cutting board and place in the refrigerator to cool for half an hour.

4. Place one meatball at a time into the soup or boiling salted broth and cook for 5-6 minutes at moderate boil.

5. Serve boiled meatballs with soup or broth. To improve the appearance of the dish and add additional taste, we recommend sprinkling each serving with chopped parsley or dill, and also adding 1-2 tsp. sour cream.

Juicy, flavorful meatballs are ready! Bon appetit!

Now you know how to prepare a delicious dish for the whole family from minced meat and broth in just half an hour. This recipe will be a real salvation and “lifesaver” for everyone who values ​​every minute. Working housewives and young mothers, for whom it is important to cook not only tasty, but also quickly, will especially appreciate this quick-to-use soup. Meatballs can be made in advance in double volume and half of them can be frozen for future use. Frozen meat balls do not need to be thawed before cooking; they will quickly reach the desired temperature in the boiling broth.

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To prepare the first course of soup with ready-made meatballs you will need:

Ready-made meatballs – 1 package
Onions – 2 heads
Carrot – 1 piece
Potatoes – 6 pieces

First, wash all the vegetables thoroughly. Then peel the carrots. It is more convenient to use a vegetable peeler. She cuts off the peel in a thin layer.

Three carrots and fry with butter. It is healthier if it is cold or extra virgin olive oil.

and cut it into small cubes.

Add carrots to the frying pan. Fry for another 7 minutes until the onion is beautifully golden.
Place a pan of cold water on the stove. If you use a multicooker, then place the roasted vegetables in the water in the bowl.
Wash the potatoes. If it is young, then the peel can simply be scraped off with a sharp knife.

At this time, it is tender and healthy due to the minerals and vitamins in it. Cutting potatoes into soup with ready-made meatballs into small cubes. Approximately size 1 cm.

Wash off the starch with cold water.

This will take approximately 20 minutes. After that, cut the meatballs in half each. And add everything to soup with ready-made meatballs.
Bring to a boil. Add bay leaf. And let it brew.

From the history…
At the moment, it is not known exactly when and where meatballs appeared. These minced meat balls or meatballs were apparently borrowed from European cuisine by Peter 1. Since it was in Europe that many dishes were made from minced meat.

By the way…
Be careful when choosing ready-made meatballs. The main thing is the shelf life of the product. It is written on the packaging or on the side seam. When you rub your finger over this inscription, it should not be erased. The packaging must appear intact, without visible damage. The appearance of the meatballs is also of great importance. Each of them should be separate and not stick together. They should be similar in shape and approximately the same size. It is better to choose meatballs with transparent packaging - this way you can better see them before purchasing.

From your experience...
Do you like soup with ready-made meatballs?
