Technological map for the preparation of confectionery products. Development of technical and technological maps for flour confectionery products. During baking, moisture is redistributed in the product, surface layers are dehydrated and a crust forms. Required

In the confectionery shop of a Hungarian restaurant, technological documentation is developed and approved by the head of the enterprise for all dishes with new recipes and signature dishes: STP, specifications, technical, technological and technological maps. When using raw materials of a different standard for preparing dishes than those provided for in the recipes, the rate of input of raw materials by gross weight is determined by recalculation based on the net weight indicated in the recipes, the value of which remains constant, and the percentage of waste established by the standards.

As part of the thesis work, work was carried out on the preparation of new signature dishes, for which technical and technological maps were developed.

Drawing up a technological map for the product “Esterhazy” cake

Figure 5 - Esterhazy cake

Table 6 - technological map of the product “Esterhazy” cake

name of raw materials

Raw material consumption, g

For air transfer:

Eggs (whites

Wheat flour

Air output:

Cow's milk

Coconut milk

Eggs (yolks)

Condensed milk


Cherry liqueur

Vanilla sugar

Apricot jam

Almond flakes

White chocolate

Dark chocolate

Fat cream 33-35%

Output of the finished product

Cooking technology:

Beat the chilled whites with a pinch of salt in a mixer until they form a strong foam. Continuing to beat, gradually add sugar, one tablespoon at a time. Beat until a stable, shiny foam forms that does not fall out of the bowl turned upside down. Grind the nuts in a blender into flour. If the crumbs turn out to be too large, pour them onto a baking sheet lined with parchment and dry at 150°C for 10 minutes, then grind again. Gradually add nut flour to the whites along with cinnamon and flour, gently mixing with a silicone spatula from bottom to top. Using a round mold with a diameter of 24 cm, using a soft pencil, draw 6 templates for the base for the cake on parchment, placing them 3-4 cm apart so that the future cakes do not interfere with each other while laying out the dough and baking. Spread the protein mass into circles in an even thin layer using a long-bladed knife or a metal pastry spatula. Bake the cakes in an oven preheated to 140-150 ° C until light brown, 18-20 minutes. Then remove from the oven, trim the edges with a knife if necessary and cool. To make the cream, mix coconut and cow's milk very thoroughly with a mixer so that no clots of coconut milk remain. Beat 1/3 of the milk alternately with sugar, yolks and vanilla sugar until smooth. Bring the remaining milk to a boil over low heat in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Carefully add the prepared yolks to the boiling milk, stirring constantly with a whisk. Bring to a boil again, remove from heat, cool and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Beat softened butter with boiled condensed milk, gradually add one tablespoon at a time into the cream, add cherry vodka or liqueur and beat until smooth. Cool. Spread five cake layers with chilled cream, and cover the sixth with a thin layer of jam heated in a water bath. Melt white chocolate in a water base, stir with cream until smooth, cover the cake on top of the jam while the chocolate is still hot. Cool slightly. When the surface has set a little, melt the dark chocolate in a water bath or in the microwave, pour it into a pound rolled out of parchment, cut off the tip of the pound and draw a spiral with chocolate along the white top of the cake, working from the center to the edge. Immediately run the tip of the knife in a spiral, working from the center to the edges of the cake. Repeat the same action 8 times, dividing the cake into 8 segments. Divide each segment again, but now move from the edge to the center. “Feathers” will appear on your cake. Sprinkle the sides of the cake with shaved almonds. slightly

Drawing up a technological map for “Mountain Peak” roll

Table 7 - technological map of the Mountain Peak roll dish

name of raw materials

100 servings

Gross weight, g

Net weight, g

Gross weight, g

Net weight, g

Net weight, g

Gross weight, g



Cooking technology:

Knead the dough from flour, butter, yeast, milk, sugar, egg yolks and place in a warm place to increase in volume. Then roll it out on a floured board into a layer 1 cm thick, cover with filling, roll it into a roll and cut into pieces 5 cm thick. Grease small molds with oil, place the rolls in them, let them rise and bake in a hot oven at medium temperature. Beat egg whites and sugar into a strong foam. Make thick sugar syrup from sugar and water. Mix the foam with the syrup and beat the whole mass well again. Place the baked products in vases and form foam tubercles on the surface of each. Method for preparing the filling: mix washed raisins with chopped candied fruit, add ground cinnamon and cloves, lemon zest, and rum.

Quality requirements:

Appearance - small rolls, baked in molds, decorated with protein cream; Color - appropriate golden yellow, cream snow white; Taste - corresponding to the taste of spices, vanilla;

Storage and sales temperature is 4-8 degrees Celsius. Implementation time 36 hours.

Drawing up a technological map for “Corn Pie”

Figure 8 - “Corn Pie”

9 - technological map of the dish “Corn pie”

name of raw materials

100 servings

Gross weight, g

Net weight, g

Gross weight, g

Net weight, g

Gross weight, g

Net weight, g

Corn flour


Powdered sugar

Cooking technology:

Pour boiling water over corn flour, grind well and place in a warm place for 12 hours. Prepare a dough using yeast, 50g of warm sweet milk and white flour. When the dough increases in volume, add corn flour diluted in 50 g of hot milk, melted margarine, sugar, salt, soda, wheat flour and grated lemon zest. Mix the mass well. Grease a large baking tray, pour the corn mixture into it and let it proof for 2 hours. Bake the product in a hot oven at high temperature. The baked cake should separate from the baking sheet. Sprinkle the hot cake with vanilla powdered sugar and cut into square pieces on a baking sheet. Remove the cake from the pan when it has cooled.

Quality requirements:

Appearance: square-shaped portioned pieces, sprinkled with powdered sugar; Color: golden yellow"; The taste corresponds to the taste of lemon zest; vanilla;

Consistency - the crumb is well baked, porous;

Storage and sales temperature 4-8 degrees. Implementation period 36 hours.

Drawing up a technical and technological map for the product Dobosh cake

I approve

General Director of LLC

Mukhlyakova Yulia Sergeevna


This technical and technological map applies to the Dobosh cake

Quality requirements

Food raw materials, food products and semi-finished products used to prepare the cake must comply with the requirements of current regulatory and technical documents, have accompanying documents confirming their safety and quality (declaration of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological conclusion, safety and quality certificate, etc.)


Table 10 - product recipe

Technological process

The preparation of raw materials is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Collection of technological standards for public catering enterprises (2010, 2014 edition). Separate the yolks from the whites, beat with sugar and vanilla powder. Add flour, grind the butter until white, carefully add the whipped whites into a thick foam. Grease a baking dish with butter and sprinkle the bottom with flour. Then, pour in biscuit dough in equal parts, bake 6-8 thin cakes in turn in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees. Set aside the best crust as a top coating. and cool the rest. prepare a cream from soft butter, powdered sugar, ground chocolate, cocoa, eggs, whipping everything into foam and adding a little rum. Spread the cream onto 5-7 cake layers, place them carefully one on top of the other, brushing the edges of the cake with the cream. Then place in the refrigerator. Melt the powdered sugar over low heat until it becomes liquid, add butter and pour the resulting glaze over the last, top layer of the cake. Before the glaze hardens, it is better to cut the “lid” with an oiled knife into 16 sectors, and when the glaze hardens, carefully place it on the cake.

Requirements for registration, sale and storage

The surface of the cake is glazed with icing.

The shelf life of the cake is 36 hours at a temperature of +2+8 degrees.

Quality and safety indicators

Organoleptic quality indicators:

Appearance - a round cake, cut into sectors, the layers of sponge cake, cream layer and top glazed surface are even, the glaze is frozen; menu bakery pastry dough

Color-corresponding to the taste of chocolate, vanilla;

Smell: Vanilla and chocolate aroma;

The consistency of the butter sponge cake is porous, airy, the glaze does not spread or stick.

The microbiological parameters of the cake must correspond

The nutritional value

Table 11 - Nutritional value of the dish

Responsible for the registration of TTK in the restaurant is the chef ________

For the dish: “Biscuit cake”

1 area of ​​use

1.1. This technical and technological map applies to “Biscuit” cake.

2. Raw materials used

2.1. For the preparation of cakes, raw materials are used that meet the requirements of regulatory documentation and have certificates of conformity or a declaration of conformity, veterinary certificates for livestock products, and quality certificates.

3. Recipe

3.1. Recipe for “Biscuit” cakes

Name of raw materials

Mass fraction of dry substances, %

Raw material consumption per 10 kg of semi-finished product, g

Consumption of raw materials per 10 kg of finished products, g

In dry matter

In dry matter

Egg yolks

Egg whites


Citric acid

Test output:

Whole condensed milk with sugar


Powdered sugar

Cream yield:

4. Technological process

Melange with granulated sugar without heating or (to speed up whipping) with preheating to 40 0 ​​C is beaten in a beater, first at low, then at high speed for 30-40 minutes until the volume increases by 2.5-3 times. Before the end of beating, add flour and essence and mix for no more than 15 seconds. Flour should be introduced in 2-3 doses.

The dough is poured onto prepared pastry sheets and spread with a layer of 2-3 mm.

Baking duration is 10-15 minutes at a temperature of 200-220 0 C. The baked biscuit is kept at a temperature of 15-20 0 C until use. After this, the paper is removed and the biscuit is cleaned.

5. Registration, submission, sale, storage

5.1 Served on a dessert plate.

6. Quality and safety

Appearance: sponge cake in the form of a thin layer 6-9 mm thick; the top crust is smooth.

Consistency: porous, elastic.

Color: crust – light brown; crumb - yellow.

Taste: characteristic of the products used.

Odor: characteristic of the products used.

7. Indicators of nutritional composition and energy value

3.3 “Basket” cake

Technology system

Processing the recipe of a new or signature dish and cooking technology

Name of products and indicators

Net weight according to recipe, g

Processing data per portion, g

Average data, g

Accepted recipe, g

1st grade wheat flour

Granulated sugar


Sodium bicarbonate

Ammonium carbonate

Weight of product set

Product weight

Production losses, %

Weight of the finished dish



Heat loss


Cookies "Round"


name of raw materials


Powdered sugar

Vanilla powder



Melange for lubrication



Cooking technology

The finished dough is rolled out into a layer 5 mm thick, brushed with egg and sprinkled with chilled crumbs. After 20 minutes, cut out round cakes using a round recess with a diameter of 40 mm and bake on dry pastry sheets at a temperature of 230°C.

For making crumbs "/ 10 cool part of the dough, add I Take a little flour and rub through a fine sieve.

Quality requirements

The cookies are round in shape, not deformed, the edges are smooth, without hardening, the cookies crumble when pressed, humidity 6%. In 1 kg. At least 85 pcs.


Cookies "Leaves"

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams


Powdered sugar

Vanilla powder



Melange for lubrication

Ammonium carbonate



Cooking technology

Grind butter until white with sugar, add p O sedately, without ceasing to stir, melange (eggs), vanilla bean d ru, after which - flour with ammonium and knead the dough. The dough is formed into oval pointed cakes, onto which the contours of the leaf veins are applied with the end of a knife, placed on a dry sheet, brushed with egg and baked at 230-240°C.

Quality requirements

The cookies are leaf-shaped, not deformed, the edges are smooth, without hardening, the cookies crumble when pressed, humidity 6%. In 1 kg. at least 60-70 pcs.


"Star Cookies"

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams


Powdered sugar

Vanilla powder




Candied fruits or fruits

Drinking soda



Cooking technology

The refined butter is thoroughly ground, mixed with sugar and vanilla powder, soda, and beaten for 6-8 minutes. In this

milk mixed with melange is gradually added to the mixture and whisked And simmer for another 5-8 minutes, then mix with flour. If granulated sugar is used instead of powdered sugar, then it is mixed with milk, heating until the sugar dissolves, cooling A eat and, whisking, add to the mass, after what is mixed with flour.

The finished dough is placed in a pastry bag with a notched pipe. h coy (hole diameter 1.5 cm). Small star-shaped cookies are placed on a dry baking sheet at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. Place a piece of ducat or raisin in the middle of the cookie. Products are baked at 230-240°C.

Quality requirements

The cookies are leaf-shaped, not deformed, the edges are smooth, without hardening, the cookies crumble when pressed, humidity 8%. In 1 kg. at least 140 pcs.


Cookies "Glagolik"

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams


Powdered sugar

Vanilla powder




Invert syrup

Drinking soda



Cooking technology

The dough is prepared as for Zvezdochka cookies, but V Pour invert syrup and place small cookies in the shape of the letter “g” on a baking sheet using a pastry bag with a toothed tube (hole diameter 6-7 mm). Bake poi tempera and the temperature is 230-240°C.

Quality requirements

Cookies are shaped like the letter “g”, not deformed, the edges are smooth, without hardening, the cookies crumble when pressed, humidity 7%. 1 kg. 122 pcs.


Lemon cookies

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams


Granulated sugar

Ammonium carbonate




Lemon essence


Whole milk



Cooking technology

Grind butter until white with sugar, add l And mono essence, ammonium, honey and, continuing to beat, add little by little melange mixed with milk. Flour mixed with soda is added to the fluffy whipped mass. Roll out the finished dough A The cakes are cut out into a layer 5 mm thick and a round recess with a diameter of 40 mm, which are placed on dry sheets and baked at a temperature of 240°C.

Quality requirements

The cookies are round, crumbly, golden in color, with the smell of lemon and honey; in 1 kg. at least 125 pcs.


Sand strip with jam

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams



Granulated sugar

Vanilla essence






Ammonium carbonate


100 pieces, 50 gr.

Cooking technology

Roll out the finished shortbread dough with a rolling pin into a layer 10-15 mm thick, place it on a baking sheet and lay a rope around the edges. e made from the same dough in the form of a side. On the layer uniformly O I put jam on it. Roll out the rest of the dough into thin ropes (strips) and place them in the form of a lattice on the pie, securing the ends to the side. Before baking, the surface of the pie is brushed with egg and baked at a temperature of 240-250°C until cooked.

Cut into rectangular products weighing 50 g.

Can be prepared as a pie with jam, minced meat b lok, with fruit filling.

Quality requirements

Cookies are rectangular in shape, crumbly, golden in color, with a fruity aroma; in 1 kg. at least 125 pcs.


Butter cookies

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams


Granulated sugar






Cooking technology

Beat butter and sugar until fluffy and homogeneous. O add melange, dissolve the essence and beat. Quickly deputy e sew with flour. The finished dough is placed in a confectionery pan e shock with a jagged tube with a diameter of 0.7-0.8 cm. The stove is deposited e Nye round or oval shape onto dry sheets. Bake at a temperature of 240-250°C for 5-6 minutes.

Quality requirements

Cookies are round and oval in shape, crumbly, golden in color, with the smell of essence.


Sliced ​​cookies

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams


Granulated sugar


Vanilla powder


Drinking soda

Ammonium carbonate

Invert syrup



Cooking technology

Beat margarine and sugar until smooth, add invert syrup in which salt, soda, ammonium are dissolved, A nil powder, and then quickly knead with flour until smooth. The finished dough is rolled out into a layer 4.5-5 mm thick and cookies are cut into rectangular or round shapes using notches. R We. Bake at a temperature of 220-240°C for 5-6 minutes.

Quality requirements

Cookie rectangular or round in shape, not deformed, the edges are smooth, without hardening, the cookies crumble when pressed.


Shortbread cone with poppy seeds

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams



Granulated sugar




Vanilla powder


Drinking soda

Ammonium carbonate


Poppy for finishing


100 pieces. 50 gr.

Cooking technology

The shortbread dough is prepared, divided into pieces weighing 56 g. Shaped into horseshoes (horns), sprinkled with poppy seeds (3 g) on ​​top and baked on greased sheets at a temperature of 260 ° C.

Quality requirements

The cookies are horseshoe-shaped, crumbly, golden in color, with a vanilla aroma.


Shortbread cookies

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams


Powdered sugar




For finishing





Cooking technology

Beat butter with powdered sugar, add melange, O dissolve the salt in the rum and beat for another 10-15 minutes, then quickly mix with the flour until smooth. The dough is rolled out into a layer 0.5 cm thick, sprinkled with sugar and chopped nuts, and rolled on top with a rolling pin, or a grooved one. With the help of you e Use the mock to cut out cookies of different shapes (Fig. 13). Bake on dry sheets at a temperature of 240-250°C for 5-6 minutes.

Quality requirements

The cookies are round in shape, not deformed, the edges are smooth, without hardening, the cookies crumble when pressed, humidity 6%. In 1 kg. At least 60-70 pcs.


Curd cookies

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams


Granulated sugar

Butter (margarine)


Drinking soda


Granulated sugar for sprinkling



Cooking technology

Knead the shortbread dough with the addition of grated cottage cheese. The finished dough is rolled out into a layer 5 mm thick, sprinkled with A Harom-sand. Cut out cookies of different shapes using e mok or knife. Bake for 5-8 minutes at a temperature of 220-230°C.

Quality requirements

Cookies of different shapes, not deformed, the edges are even, without hardening, the cookies crumble when pressed.


Sandbox with raisins

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams



Granulated sugar



Drinking soda



Ammonium carbonate

Grease for lubricating sheets



100 pieces. 50 g each

Cooking technology

Prepare shortbread dough with raisins. Raisins are added along with flour.

Roll out the dough into a layer 1 cm thick, sprinkle with chopped s with nuts and cut into rectangular products weighing 61 g. Bake at a temperature of 240-250 ° C on greased sheets.

Quality requirements

The cookies are rectangular in shape, not deformed, the edges are smooth, without hardening, the cookies crumble when pressed, humidity 6%. In 1 kg. At least 85 pcs.


Cookies "Chamomile"

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams


Powdered sugar



Whole milk



Ammonium carbonate




Cooking technology

Beat melange (eggs) with half the norm of sugar at low A heating up to 40°C. Grind the remaining half of the sugar and beat And boil with butter, gradually adding essence and m O loko. Both masses are combined and mixed with flour and loosened And teles. The finished dough is placed in a pastry bag and a patterned shape in the shape of a chamomile is pressed out. Part of the test A sew with burnt paste and darker dough from another pastry shopa bag with a smooth tube fills the middle of the chamomile. baked A Eat cookies on dry pastry sheets at a temperature of 240°C.

Quality requirements

The product is shaped like a chamomile, golden-yellow in color with a dark center, crumbly. In 1 kg. 150 pcs.


Cupcake "Capital"(piece)

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams



Granulated sugar










Ammonium carbonate

Powdered sugar for finishing


100pcs, 75 gr.

Cooking technology

Beat the butter and granulated sugar until smooth, O melange is gradually added. First, salt, essence, and ammonium carbonate are dissolved in it. Beat the mixture for 10-15 minutes, e put in a bowl, add raisins, then flour and mix until smooth. For cakes, use truncated molds. n cone with corrugated surface or cylindrical. They are greased, and the cylindrical ones can be lined with paper. Place 82 g of dough into molds. Bake at a temperature of 205-215°C for 25-30 minutes, then cool the cupcakes and remove from the baking pan. R we sprinkle it with powdered sugar.

Quality requirements


Cupcake "Capital"(weight)

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams


Granulated sugar






Ammonium carbonate

Powdered sugar for finishing



Cooking technology

The dough is prepared in the same way as for a piece cake, but when baking h Rectangular shapes are not used. They are greased or lined with paper. The dough is placed in molds, the surface is leveled and cut along the entire length with a spatula dipped in vegetable oil, as a result, after baking the surface is more beautiful. If this is not done, the cracks will be located in different directions. Bake at temperature at re 160-180°C for about 1 hour. After cooling, remove from the mold and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Quality requirements

The cake has the shape of a truncated cone or cylindrical with a convex surface, sprinkled with powdered sugar, when cut, the crumb is dense, yellow in color, with raisins evenly distributed.


Cupcake "Tea"

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams


Granulated sugar






Ammonium carbonate

Powdered sugar for finishing



Cooking technology

The dough is prepared in the same way as for the Stolichny cake, only with With then margarine is used for butter. Bake straight at bare pans, greased or lined with paper. To improve the appearance, run a spatula dipped in oil over the top of the cake. Bake, cool, remove from pan, O sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Quality requirements

The cake has the shape of a truncated cone or cylindrical with a convex surface, sprinkled with powdered sugar, when cut, the crumb is dense, yellow in color, with raisins evenly distributed.

Cashew kernels, raw

Vanilla essence

Ammonium carbonate

Powdered sugar for finishing



Cooking technology

Prepare the dough in the same way as for the Stolichny cake, only with With Then crushed nuts are added to the raisins. Lay out in preparation O molded square shapes. Bake at a temperature of 160-180°C for 1 hour. After cooling, remove from the mold and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Quality requirements

The shape is square, the surface is sprinkled with powdered sugar, when cut, the crumb is dense, yellow, with evenly distributed nuts.


Curd cupcake

N.G. Buteikis; A.A. Zhukov Technology of preparation of flour confectionery products.


name of raw materials

Amount of product, in grams


Granulated sugar



Cashew kernels, raw

Vanilla essence

Ammonium carbonate

Powdered sugar for finishing



Cooking technology

Beat butter and sugar, add grated cottage cheese, etc. O should be beaten, then add melange, in which the solution I Add baking soda and ammonium carbonate, continue beating until fluffy and quickly mix with flour.

The dough is placed in rectangular molds greased. Bake at a temperature of 160-180°C for about 60 minutes. Cool, remove from mold, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Quality requirements

The shape is rectangular, the surface is convex, sprinkled with powdered sugar, when cut, the crumb is dense, yellow, with raisins evenly distributed.

regional vocational educational institution

"Sudzhansky Agricultural College"

Bolshesoldatsky branch

Technological maps for the professional module PM.08 “Preparation of bakery, flour and confectionery products”

Prepared by: master p/o

Nosova Tatyana Ivanovna.

Bolshesoldatskoe village


Name of confectionery product: Pan bread

Collection of recipes: 2012

Salt and yeast are dissolved in warm water, flour is added, the dough is kneaded, and placed on a flattening surface. Knead 2 times, shape, trim, bake at a temperature of 200-280 degrees.

Technological map of confectionery products

Name of confectionery: Cheesecake

Collection of recipes: 2012

Grease for sheets







10 pieces. 75 g

1 PC. 75 g

Yeast dough for cheesecakes is prepared using a straight method, rolled out in the form of a rope, 3 cm in diameter, divided into pieces and rolled into balls, placed on a pastry table for proofing. After 15 minutes of proofing, a hole is made with a wooden pestle, cottage cheese is released into the hole from a pastry bag, the surface is brushed with egg and baked at 240 degrees for 8 minutes.

Technological map of confectionery products

Name of confectionery product: Baked pies with sweet minced meat

Collection of recipes: 2012

580.0 g

58.0 g

Ground meat



For lubrication:

Grease for sheets







10 pieces. 75 g each

1 PC. 75 g each

The yeast dough is prepared using the unpressed method, kneaded twice, the dough is cut into balls on the pastry table, put to proof, and the minced meat is prepared. Apples are cut into slices, sprinkled with sugar, and shaped into pies. The pies are baked at a temperature of 220-240 degrees.

Technological map of confectionery products

Name of confectionery product: Sweet unleavened dough

Collection of recipes: 2012

Flour – 1000 g

Sugar – 250 g

Oil – 250 g

Eggs – 75 g

Water or sour cream – 750 g

Soda – 7 g

Citric acid (if using water) – 2 g.

Yield: 1000 g

The flour is sifted onto the table in the form of a slide, having previously been mixed with soda, a funnel is made in it, into which the strained solution of sugar and acid, eggs and softened butter are poured, everything is quickly mixed.

Technological map of confectionery products

Name of confectionery: Poppy cakes

Collection of recipes: 2012

1000 g

100 g

In a dough mixing machine, mix poppy seeds, sour cream, eggs, butter, sugar for 10 minutes, add flour mixed with soda, and knead the dough until elastic for 2-3 minutes. The dough is cooled for 30-40 minutes, then rolled out into a layer 10 mm thick, a semi-finished round corrugated shape is cut out with a metal notch, placed on a sheet, greased with fat, the surface is covered with melange. Bake at 230 degrees for 15 minutes.

Technological map of confectionery products

Name of confectionery product: Shortbread dough

Collection of recipes: 2012

1000 g

100 g

Beat the butter and sugar in a beater until fluffy, then transfer it to the bowl of a dough mixing machine, add eggs, in which ammonium, soda, salt, and essence (vanilla or rum) are dissolved. Lastly, add 93% of the flour, leave 7% to dust, knead the dough until smooth for 1-2 minutes; if kneading for a long time, the dough may turn out to be too long.

Technological map of confectionery products

Name of confectionery product: Shortbread cupcake

Collection of recipes: 2012

Powdered sugar



Grease for mold lubrication




1000 g

100 g

Egg yolks are ground with sugar until the sugar crystals disappear. Beat the butter separately and combine it with mashed egg yolks, vanillin, and separately beaten whites. Mix the mass well and add starch without stopping whisking. The finished dough is transferred to prepared forms and baked at a temperature of 200 degrees. The molds are pre-greased and sprinkled with flour. After baking, the finished products are sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Technological map of confectionery products

Name of confectionery product: Sand-honey semi-finished product

Collection of recipes: 2013

Beat margarine and sugar until fluffy for 15 minutes, gradually adding the egg. If the honey is thick, melt it in a water bath, add it to the whipped mass and beat until smooth. Then add soda, citric acid, mix, add flour and knead for another 3-5 minutes. Roll out the dough into a layer 0.5 cm thick, cut out the desired shapes. Bake at 220-250 degrees for 8 minutes.

Technological map of confectionery products

Name of confectionery product: “Holiday” cookies

Collection of recipes: 2013

Prepare a rich sweet dough, roll out a layer 3 mm thick. The flatbreads are cut out using notches of different shapes, and the centers of half of the flatbreads are cut out. Bake on sheets lined with parchment paper for 15-12 minutes at a temperature of 180-200 degrees until golden brown. Cool the whole halves, coat them with boiled condensed milk, and place the halves with the middle cut out on top. The centers are filled with melted milk or dark chocolate. Beautiful patterns and streaks of white chocolate are applied. The center of the cookies can be filled with thick raspberry, cherry or redcurrant jam.

Technological map of confectionery products

Name of pastry: Lemon pie

Collection of recipes: 2013






Grease for mold lubrication




1000 g

100 g

Beat sugar and margarine until fluffy, gradually add eggs with salt and ammonium, add flour and mix until smooth. The kneaded dough is cooled, divided into two parts, and rolled out into a layer 10 mm thick. 1 layer is placed in the mold, the filling is applied, and the second layer is covered. Grease with egg, bake for 30 minutes at 160 degrees

Filling: grind the lemon along with the zest, add sugar, mix.

In public catering, various regulatory documentation is used. Regulatory documentation is divided into categories and types. The category determines the significance of regulatory documentation, and the type determines its content.

Technical and technological maps (TTK) are developed for new and branded dishes and culinary products produced and sold only at this enterprise.





1.1 This technical and technological map applies to the flour confectionery product “Sponge cake” with soufflé, produced at the enterprise restaurant “Avtostop”


To prepare the “Sponge” cake with soufflé, the following raw materials are used: butter GOST R 52969 - 2008, granulated sugar GOST 21 - 94, premium flour GOST R 52189 - 2003, condensed milk with sugar GOST 2903 - 78, table eggs GOST R 52121 - 2003, potato starch GOST 7699 - 78, gelatin GOST 11293 - 89, chocolate GOST R 52821 - 2007, cocoa butter GOST 28931 - 91, fresh strawberries GOST 6828 - 69, citric acid, essence, molasses or products of foreign companies having certificates and quality certificates of the Russian Federation.

The raw materials used for the preparation of the confectionery product “Sponge cake” with soufflé must comply with the requirements of regulatory documentation, have certificates and quality certificates.


Table 15 - Recipe for “Sponge” cake with soufflé


The preparation of raw materials is carried out in accordance with the recommendations of the Collection of technological standards for public catering establishments and technological recommendations for imported raw materials.

The baked semi-finished round sponge product is glued to the soufflé. The surface is glazed with chocolate glaze, decorated with strawberries and placed in the refrigerator until the chocolate hardens.


5.1 “Sponge” cake with soufflé on the surface is decorated with chocolate glaze and fresh strawberries.

5.2 The “Sponge” cake with soufflé is placed in an individual artistically decorated box made of cardboard or polymer materials, the bottom is lined with parchment paper.

5.3 Transportation must be carried out in compliance with all sanitary requirements, without shocks or sudden shocks.

5.3 Shelf life no more than 72 hours from the end of the technological process.


6.1 Organoleptic characteristics of the product:

Appearance - the cake consists of two layers: a baked semi-finished sponge cake and a soufflé, the surface is evenly covered with glaze, decorated with strawberries

Sectional view - The layers are clearly visible: the baked semi-finished product and the soufflé provided for in the recipe

Color - Biscuit semi-finished product: light brown, soufflé - white

Taste - Sweet. The product should not have an unpleasant odor or taste, not fresh food.

Smell - Corresponds to baked semi-finished product and soufflé

Consistency -. Biscuit - porous, elastic, easily broken; soufflé - fluffy, homogeneous, retains its shape well.

6.2 Physico-chemical indicators:

Physico-chemical indicators and microbiological indicators that affect the safety of the product correspond to the categories specified in SanPiN - 96 “Hygienic requirements for the safety of food raw materials and food products” and SanPiN - 02 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the organization of public nutrition, production and circulation of food raw materials and food products in them"


Developer O.R. Mukhortova
