Add grated cheese to the pancake dough. Recipe for cheese pancakes with photos. Making cheese pancakes

Hello, my dear readers. Very soon Lent will come, when we have to go through a long and difficult path of cleansing our souls and bodies. In the meantime, you can relax and spend the whole seven days before this sacred test in festivities and fun, widely celebrating the farewell of winter, illuminated by the joyful anticipation of the approaching warmth and spring renewal of nature. In Russia, this time came into our homes under the name Maslenitsa, since this week, according to Orthodox custom, meat was already excluded from food, and dairy products could still be consumed.

The celebration of Maslenitsa was originally an ancient Slavic tradition, which was based on a whole system of pagan beliefs and rituals. Burning an effigy, symbolizing the passing winter, and eating pancakes, personifying the sun, were one of the most striking actions, drawing the mental line between a cold sleep and the warm awakening of nature. The list of superstitions related to this holiday included the obligation to spend Maslenitsa as tasty and fun as possible, otherwise one could expect only sadness and failures throughout the year, so Maslenitsa is, first of all, abundant and satisfying food and festivities.

Even the adoption of Christianity could not completely eradicate pagan views among the Russian people. Therefore, the festival itself remained, but acquired a fundamentally different religious meaning - Maslenitsa was called Cheese, or Cheese Week. The attributes have lost their pagan sacred meaning, but the tradition of eating from the heart remains. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with not denying yourself sweets at this time and trying a variety of tempting and tasty dishes, within reason, of course.

The main and invariable attribute of this week's festive table are pancakes: round, rosy, hot, so today I suggest you prepare delicious cheese pancakes with herbs that will delight you and your loved ones on the cheerful and satisfying days of Maslenitsa.

Nutritional value of the dish per 100 grams.

BJU: 9/11/17.

Kcal: 198.

GI: average.

AI: high.

Cooking time: 25 min.

Number of servings: 10 pcs (diameter 26 cm).

Ingredients of the dish.

  • Wheat flour - 160 g (1 tbsp).
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Sugar - 10 g (1 tsp).
  • Salt - 5 g (1/2 tsp).
  • Milk 1% - 350 ml (1.5 tbsp).
  • Baking powder - 10 g (1 tsp).
  • Vegetable oil - 30 g (2 tbsp).
  • Greens - 50 g.
  • Hard cheese - 150 g.

Recipe of dish.

Prepare the ingredients. The flour must be sifted, so the pancakes will be more fluffy and soft. Heat the milk to room temperature or slightly higher. The fat content of this product should be chosen based on your preferences, but the higher it is, the more caloric the final product will be.

Greens can be used fresh or frozen. I have the second option.

Beat two eggs into a bowl, add sugar (1 tsp) and salt (1/2 tsp).

Beat the contents of the bowl until fluffy and the bulk products are dissolved using a whisk or mixer.

Gradually add the sifted flour into the liquid, while simultaneously stirring the contents of the bowl with a whisk (spoon or fork), avoiding the formation of lumps.

Then add baking powder to the dough. Stir until smooth.

Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

Add grated cheese to the dough. Mix.

Then finely chop the greens and send them into the liquid mass, pour in vegetable oil (2 tbsp).

Due to the cheese added to it, the finished dough is not very liquid (like low-fat sour cream).

Using a ladle, pour the flour base into the center of a hot frying pan with a non-stick bottom (if you have a regular frying pan or you are not sure about the quality of the coating, before the first pancake, grease its surface with oil; you will not need to do this further). Then we lift the pan, tilting it in a circle, and distribute the dough in an even layer over its entire surface.

Turn the pancake over to the other side, slightly lifting the edge with a spatula (if you are not afraid of getting burned, you can do this with your hands), and leave to brown for half a minute.

Place the finished products on a plate, one on top of the other, so they will stay hot longer (the surface of each can be greased with butter for greater juiciness).

Serve cheese pancakes with herbs hot with sour cream or your favorite sauce, you can also wrap the filling in them. Pour milk or tea into a mug and enjoy a tasty, aromatic and satisfying lunch.

Bon appetit!

How to prepare a recipe for cheese pancakes with a photo - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out very tasty and original.

Then combine milk mixed with yolks, cheese, salt and sugar. Mix everything well. Sift the flour and add it here. Mix everything well so that there are no lumps in the dough.

3 comments on this step

▪ Good afternoon, at what point should you add flour?

MARIE Good afternoon, at what point do you add flour?

▪ MARIE, good evening. Thank you very much, it is at step number 3 that we add flour :)

Anna Alekseevna Bezikova MARIE, good evening. Thank you very much, it is at step number 3 that we add flour :)

▪ Is it possible to replace milk with whey?

Cheese pancakes with herbs - step-by-step recipe with photos of preparation

Cheese pancakes with herbs- this is a very tasty dish of Slavic cuisine, which, despite the traditional recipe, tastes a little like Georgian khachapuri. Pancakes are a classic element of the Russian table, because almost any Slav should be able to cook them. Pancakes differ mainly only in the types of filling.

There are many recipes for making pancakes. Eggs always remain the same ingredients. flour. butter and milk. In the version of cheese pancakes with herbs, the pancakes turn out to be a beautiful golden color with a delicate creamy taste. It is better to serve this dish with sour cream.

You only need a few ingredients for cheese pancakes, and they are prepared quite quickly, so you won’t lose time or money, and you’ll be able to surprise your family and friends with an unusual taste.

The peculiarity of this dish is the addition of cheese and herbs as components of the filling, which will be baked. Thanks to this, the pancakes will have an unusual taste. And from the outside they look very appetizing.

You can learn the specifics of preparing cheese pancakes with herbs from the recipe with step-by-step steps and photos.

  • Wheat flour
    (1 tbsp.)

  • Milk
    (1.5 tbsp.)

  • Hard cheese
    (150 g)

  • Egg
    (2 pcs.)

  • Granulated sugar
    (1 tsp)

  • Vegetable oil
    (1 tbsp.)

  • Parsley
    (1 bunch)

  • Garlic
    (1 clove)

  • Butter
    (50 g)

  • Table salt
    (1 tsp)

At the very beginning, finely grate the cheese. To do this, you can use an ordinary kitchen grater or just a large knife.

You can choose greens at your discretion. We wash it under running water and finely chop it with a knife. Parsley must be finely chopped for even distribution over the filling.

Sift the wheat flour through a sieve.

Peel the garlic and chop it using special equipment for garlic. The end result should be a fine garlic paste.

Add salt and sugar to the eggs to taste. Beat with a mixer or blender. The main thing is that there is lush foam.

Add warm milk to the egg mixture.

In a separate bowl, mix baking powder with wheat flour, then add a little egg mixture with milk. Beat the resulting mass until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Add butter and cheese mixture with herbs and garlic to the dough.

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly so that all components are evenly distributed.

Grease the frying pan with oil and place it on the stove so that it preheats. Once the pan has warmed up, start baking. Oil should be used once - only when we heat the pan.

After removing from the pan, grease each pancake a little with butter. It goes well with the cheese flavor.

Cheese pancakes with herbs are very filling, so they are recommended for breakfast in combination with a hot drink.

Cheese pancakes with herbs

  • Milk - 1.5 tbsp
  • Egg - 2 pcs
  • Flour - 1 tbsp
  • Cheese - 150 gr
  • Salt - 1 tsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp.
  • Baking powder - 1 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
  • Dill - to taste

Good morning friends! I’m coming to you with pancakes, very, very tasty! When it's hot, you'll eat your mind! It seems to me that you can eat them endlessly. Recipe from Odnoklassniki.
1. Mix warm milk with sugar, salt and eggs.
2. Add sifted flour with baking powder
3. Grate the cheese on a fine grater and add to the liquid mass.
4. Then add finely chopped herbs and vegetable oil
5. Stir well with a whisk. Bake in a greased and hot frying pan on both sides
6. Grease the finished pancake with butter.
Very tasty hot (can be reheated in the microwave at any time).
Enjoy your tea!

Recipe: Cheese pancakes with herbs, how to cook quickly and tasty at home

Cheese pancakes with herbs

If you love cheese in any form, then you should definitely take note of the recipe for making cheese pancakes with herbs. They are absolutely delicious as a breakfast or holiday snack.

  • Cheese 150 grams
  • Milk 300 Milliliters
  • Egg 2 pieces
  • Flour 200-250 grams
  • Dill 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • Salt 1 pinch
  • Disintegrator 1 Pinch
  • Sugar 1 pinch
  • Vegetable oil 2-3 tbsp. spoons

1. First you need to do the test. Beat the eggs into a deep bowl. Add a pinch of salt and a little sugar. Beat with a fork or whisk. Heat the milk a little (do not bring to a boil) and pour into the egg mixture. Mix everything thoroughly so that the mass is homogeneous.

2. Sift the flour with baking powder and gradually add it to the dough. If lumps form, the dough can be left for 3-5 minutes and then beaten again - the lumps will disperse and the dough will be completely homogeneous. The amount of flour may vary, since the recipe for making green cheese pancakes cannot take into account the size of the eggs, the quality of the flour and the exact amount of milk.

3. Grate the cheese on a fine or medium grater. If the cheese is salty, you may not need to add salt to the dough.

Cheese pancakes with herbs. Step-by-step recipe with photos

Today you can find recipes for thin pancakes in a frying pan to suit every taste, from simple to complex. Today I want to show you a recipe for thin pancakes with herbs and cheese topping. Pancakes with a creamy taste and the aroma of fresh dill, I am sure, will not leave any pancake lover indifferent. Cheese pancakes with herbs, step by step recipe with photos of which I want to offer you, they cook very quickly, do not stick to the pan and do not tear when turning over.

  • Milk – 1.5 cups,
  • Eggs – 2 pcs.,
  • Flour - 5-6 tbsp. spoons,
  • Cheese – 100 gr.,
  • Dill - a small bunch,
  • Sugar – 1 teaspoon,
  • Baking powder - half a sachet,
  • Vegetable oil,
  • Salt on the tip of a teaspoon.

Cheese pancakes with herbs - recipe

Beat the eggs into a deep bowl.

Pour in milk at room temperature.

Add sugar and salt.

Add half a packet of baking powder. If you don’t have it, then simply quench a teaspoon of soda with vinegar.

Mix the pancake mixture thoroughly with a whisk. It should turn out liquid and homogeneous, like ordinary thin pancakes.

Wash and dry the dill. Chop it finely. Add to the dough.

Grate hard cheese on a medium grater or finely. Transfer it to the bowl with the dough.

Stir the mixture again until smooth. That's it, our pancake dough is ready. By the way, if you want to get pancakes of a more yellow hue, then add half a teaspoon of turmeric to it. It will give the pancakes a beautiful yellow color. You can see what color they get in the recipe for pancakes with turmeric, cheese and garlic.

Heat the frying pan. Pour in just a little sunflower oil. Scoop out the dough and pour it into the pan. Twist it in different directions so that the dough is distributed in an even layer over its entire surface.

Once the bottom of the pancake is cooked through, flip it over using a wide spatula. Fry until golden brown on this side as well.

So bake everything cheese pancakes with herbs. Add vegetable oil to the pan as needed. Place pancakes in a stack on a plate. Serve the pancakes by folding the edges over and rolling them into a log. Serve them with sour cream or sour cream sauce. In addition, you can come up with different fillings for them, for example, wrap them in fried champignons, cottage cheese and salmon filling, boiled chicken fillet, crab filling or any other that your imagination tells you.

Well, if you really want to surprise your guests or your family, you can make them a snack cake. The pancakes are spread with grated cheese mixed with mayonnaise and garlic. The top of the cake can be decorated as desired. Enjoy your meal. I also recommend making pancakes with cottage cheese and banana.

Cheese pancakes with herbs. Photo

Cheese pancakes with herbs

Have you ever made cheese pancakes? If not, then you are missing out! It's not just tasty - it's very tasty! So it's definitely worth a try.

And if you add greenery, the result will be even more interesting.

I took dill, but you can add parsley, cilantro, fresh basil, etc. to the dough.

By the way, if you wish, there is room for garlic in the dough! You can use both granular and extruded through a press. The choice is yours!

Ingredients for cheese pancakes with herbs

Recipe for cheese pancakes with herbs

First of all, I beat the eggs with milk in a blender.

You can also use a mixer, but a regular whisk may not cope with lumps in this recipe.

I grated the cheese on a coarse grater.

The dill was washed, dried and chopped with a knife.

I added it to the dough along with cheese and sunflower oil.

Beat it again - the dough is ready!

I baked it as usual - in a hot frying pan for a few minutes on both sides.

From the ingredients I took, I got 8 pieces. Try it, it’s really incredibly delicious!

Cheese pancakes with herbs

These pancakes can be prepared for breakfast and as a snack. They turn out very tasty and filling. You just can't tear yourself away from the heat!

  • After cooking you will receive 5 servings
  • Cooking time: 30 minutes 30 minutes
  • cheese, 150 grams
  • salt, 1 tsp.
  • sugar, 1 tsp.
  • baking powder, 1 tsp.
  • dill, 1 bunch.
  • milk, 0.5 l
  • vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. l.
  • egg, 2 pieces
  • flour, 1 cup.

Cooking method

Let's prepare all our ingredients.

Beat the eggs and salt well with a mixer.

Add milk and sugar. Mix.

Rinse the greens well, dry with a paper towel and finely chop. Pour into the dough.

Grate hard cheese on a coarse grater. And also add to the dough. Mix.

Next add the sifted flour and baking powder. Mix with a whisk.

The last step is to add vegetable oil. The dough is ready. It shouldn't be very liquid.

Grease a frying pan with oil, pour in a small amount of dough, spread over the surface and fry on both sides until golden brown. I recommend greasing the pan before baking each pancake.

Serve hot, possibly with sour cream. Bon appetit!

They prepared it. Look what happened

Everyone loves pancakes, both adults and children, they are simply baked and then eaten with incredible speed. Let's move away from the traditional recipe for making pancakes, which is not the first time we've done it - zucchini pancakes have already been baked at Tasty Kitchen. and today on our table there will be cheese pancakes with herbs. Cheese pancakes are a good option for a hearty and tasty breakfast. How you eat in the morning will determine your mood for the whole day. Give yourself a good mood, try delicious and aromatic cheese pancakes with herbs and sour cream.

To prepare delicious, satisfying, cheese pancakes you will need the following products:

wheat flour – 2 cups

granulated sugar – 3 teaspoons

sunflower oil – 2 tablespoons

eggs - 2 pieces

hard cheese – 150 g

small bunch of dill

The process of making pancakes with cheese

1. Beat the eggs with granulated sugar and salt until the latter dissolve.

2. Pour in warm milk, sunflower oil, stir everything.

We will gradually introduce the sifted flour so that there are no lumps.

In general, the pancake dough is ready, but today we are not having simple pancakes, but cheese ones, so we still need to prepare the cheese and dill.

3. Grate the cheese on a fine grater and chop the finely washed dill.

Add them to the pancake dough.

Mix everything well, the pancake dough with grated cheese and dill for baking cheese pancakes is ready.

4. Pour vegetable oil into a well-heated frying pan and pour a small portion of dough. Holding the handle of the frying pan, distribute it evenly over the entire bottom of the frying pan in a circular motion. Important: to prevent the cheese from sticking to the surface of the pan, it must be heated well before pouring the dough.

After frying the pancake until golden brown on one side, turn it over and fry it on the other side.

Delicious, rosy, cheese pancakes are ready,

they can be served with sour cream.

In the Tasty Kitchen you can cook:

Photos of ready-made cheese pancakes

  • Ingredients
  • Step-by-step preparation
  • Video recipe

Many housewives are looking for new pancake recipes, since the usual ones with milk sometimes become boring. I will help you expand your culinary collection of pancake recipes. I suggest you bake unusual pancakes with cheese and experience an amazingly new taste. They turn out to be quite interesting, original and festive, and also have a very unusual delicate cheese taste. At the same time, despite the fact that they are prepared with cheese, they can be served with any sweet fillings: jam, honey, condensed milk, jams, and, of course, sour cream.
This method of preparing a dish can be classified as a series of pancakes with seasoning. There are several options for their preparation.

  • First: a little dough is poured into the frying pan and the filling is laid out on top.
  • Second: first the filling is placed in the pan, and then it is filled with dough.
  • Third: the crushed products are immediately put into the finished kneaded dough.

All of the above options are good, but each housewife must decide for herself which one is most suitable for her. Today I used the first method. Because in this case, the amount of filling can be independently adjusted for each pancake.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 204 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 20
  • Cooking time - 30 minutes


  • Flour - 250 g
  • Sour cream - 50 g
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.
  • Hard cheese - 200 g
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp. or to taste
  • Drinking water - 500 ml

Making cheese pancakes

1. Pour flour into a bowl of suitable size, which it is advisable to sift through a sieve so that it is enriched with oxygen. This will give the baked goods a more delicate consistency.

2. Pour vegetable oil into the flour. You can replace it with any fat: olive oil, melted butter, melted lard or mayonnaise. But you can’t put any fat, otherwise the pancakes will stick to the surface of the pan.

3. Add sour cream to the products and beat in the egg.

4. Put a pinch of salt, sugar and drinking water at room temperature. Using a blender, mix the dough well until it has a smooth texture, so that there is not a single lump. If you don’t have a blender and you knead the dough with a whisk, then the products must be combined differently. First, combine all the liquid ingredients, knead them until smooth, and then add a little flour and gradually knead the dough to the desired consistency.

5. Leave the kneaded dough to stand for 30 minutes so that the flour begins to release gluten. Then the pancakes will fry better and turn out softer. Meanwhile, grate the cheese on a medium grater.

6. Now place the frying pan on the stove and heat it very well so that it even starts to smoke. Good heating will not allow the first pancake to come out lumpy. Then grease the surface of the frying pan with a piece of lard and heat it up a little. Using a ladle, scoop the dough and pour it into the pan in a circular motion. Immediately, before it sets, spread the grated cheese on the dough, and only after that, send the pan to the stove.

7. Fry the cheese pancakes on one side for about 1.5-2 minutes, then turn them over and fry for no more than a minute, because Pancakes on the reverse side cook 2 times faster. Place the finished sheets on a plate and serve. By the way, if you want the edges of the pancakes to be soft, then cover them with a lid, and if you like them crispy, then leave them as is.

Watch also the video recipe on how to make cheese pancakes.

Milk pancakes

Ginger pancakes

Rye pancakes with condensed milk

Nalistniki stuffed with cottage cheese and plums

Beer pancakes

Pancakes with milk and scrambled eggs

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Cheese pancakes with herbs. A very simple recipe.

Fluffy milk pancakes without yeast recipe

Recipes for delicious pancakes

Don't know what to have for breakfast? Prepare tender, delicious cheese pancakes with herbs according to our family recipe with photos and detailed videos! Cook delicious food with us

20 minutes

220 kcal

5/5 (3)

Have you met anyone who doesn't like pancakes? Since childhood, I have loved neat spring rolls, for some reason I associate them with sunny days and the arrival of spring. I don’t know what this is connected with, but in my family they baked whole mountains of them to feed even a random guest or neighbor.

Today I cook them for breakfast in a wide variety of ways, but my husband’s favorite is my mother’s pancakes with cheese and herbs - it turns out that my mother-in-law’s pancakes are still better than mine!

I indulge my husband without complaint, because there is no faster or easier way in the world to bake delicious and satisfying pancakes that will simply be swept off the table early in the morning, when you don’t particularly feel like eating. Today I decided to introduce you to this amazingly easy recipe so that you too can solve the problem of an easy breakfast forever.

Did you know? Pancakes are one of the oldest dishes in Russian cuisine; there is evidence that they appeared long before the 9th century, when these exceptionally delicate products were first mentioned in records. The word “pancake” is a distorted “mlyn”, which in turn comes from the verb “to grind” - this means that the product is prepared from what has been ground, that is, flour.

Kitchen appliances

It is very important to prepare in advance all the necessary utensils, utensils and kitchen tools for successfully making delicious pancakes with herbs and cheese: a spacious frying pan with a non-stick coating with a diameter of 24 to 27 cm, several spacious bowls with a capacity of 200 to 900 ml, a wooden spatula, a sieve, a sharp knife, cutting board, medium or large grater, metal whisk, measuring utensils or kitchen scales, cotton and linen towels, as well as oven mitts. Apart from this, use a blender and food processor whenever possible to prepare the perfect dough.

Important! Avoid using plastic utensils or utensils to make pancake batter, as they may result in less fluffy pancakes and more holes.

Required Ingredients

The basis

Important! If possible, add milk instead of water to the pancake batter: this will make your products more tender and melt in your mouth, and the taste will be even more delicate. Also, the recipe uses large eggs, so if you have small ones, add three to the pancake batter rather than two.


  • 150 – 200 g hard cheese;
  • 20 g of greens (dill, parsley, cilantro).


  • 50 g of creamy margarine or lard.

Cooking sequence


Did you know? The pancakes can be made sweeter if you so desire: to do this, prepare a little more granulated sugar, or even replace it with powdered sugar in an amount of no more than 20 g. In addition, I recommend adding a little rosemary, curry or turmeric to the dough so that the pancakes turn out bright and unusual in appearance.



Important! Be careful not to overcook the products. To do this, use a spatula to pry up the edge of the pancake being prepared and look at the frying surface: if it has taken on a blush-pink color, the product can be turned over.

That's all, your most delicate pancakes with cheese and herbs are completely ready! Let them cool a little and serve, sprinkled with a small amount of herbs, grated garlic or ground black pepper - the choice is yours.

My mom tries to drizzle melted butter over each finished pancake, but this should only be done if you're not watching your weight. Try to cook as many pancakes as your family will eat in one sitting, since cold products are not nearly as tasty as “hot or hot”.

Video recipe for making cheese pancakes

Watch the video to see how to properly knead the dough and quickly fry excellent pancakes with cheese and herbs.

What to eat these pancakes with

Pancakes with herbs and soft cheese go very well with mayonnaise or low-fat sour cream - at least, most of my family members would recommend these additives. In addition, I can personally recommend several other options for using these amazing products.

  • Use pancakes with cheese as a bread substitute for first courses - they are lower in calories and much more tasty, and are more suitable for meals.
  • Season your pancakes with chili ketchup or Caesar dressing. Soy sauce also goes great with them.
  • Come up with an original filling for the products: it could be minced meat, unsweetened apples or potatoes.
  • Bake large, plump pancakes with cheese for homemade shawarma.
  • Cut the prepared pancakes into thin and long strips: you will get delicious homemade noodles that do not need to be cooked.

Did you know? Remember that cheese pancakes with herbs are combined primarily with salty, sour and sweet and sour sauces, but sweet ones are best left for classic pancakes.

Finally, I would really like to recommend to you several other options for pancakes that I often prepare for my family for breakfast or lunch. Try the classic ones

I decided to please my family on a day off and bake my long-time favorite cheese pancakes. In general, not only I love them, but my whole family loves them. These pancakes are prepared simply and quite quickly. It's best to serve them piping hot - they're especially delicious when they're hot! And with sour cream to boot! I am sure that you will bake these pancakes many times.

To prepare pancakes we need flour, eggs, milk, hard cheese, baking powder, sunflower oil, sugar and salt.

Break the eggs into a bowl, add sugar and salt, stir well with a whisk.

Pour in slightly warmed milk, add flour and baking powder. Stir well. You can also add chopped dill, which perfectly complements these pancakes. Grate hard cheese and add it to the dough.

Pour sunflower oil into the dough, stir and let stand for 15-20 minutes. The dough should be like thick sour cream, but pourable.

Heat a frying pan and grease it with oil before making the first pancake. Pour a portion of the dough into the center of the pan and immediately smooth the surface with a spoon. Fry until the top of the pancake tightens and there are no wet spots on it.

Then turn the pancake over and fry on the other side.

Fry all the pancakes and stack them on a plate.

Serve with sour cream, herbs, and fresh vegetables.

Bon appetit!

If you have a bunch of herbs and at least a small piece of cheese in the refrigerator, be sure to bake cheese pancakes with dill and parsley. Motley, with green specks, they just beg to be put into your mouth. And their aroma is a completely different story!

In fact, pancakes with cheese and herbs are another “lazy” variation of pancakes with seasoning. The filling is added directly to the dough, then everything is mixed, and you can bake pancakes in a frying pan. Absolutely any cheese is suitable, not necessarily expensive and elite. For greens, I recommend dill and a little parsley, although you can do it without it, it will turn out no less tasty. You can also try making pancakes with onions and cheese - and not only green onions will work, but also regular onions, however, you must first sauté them until soft and only then add them to the dough.


  • chicken eggs 2 pcs.
  • sugar 1 tsp.
  • salt 0.5 tsp.
  • milk 300 ml
  • wheat flour 1 cup
  • baking powder 1 tsp.
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l.
  • hard cheese 150 g
  • dill and parsley 0.5 bunch.

How to cook pancakes with herbs and cheese

  1. In a convenient beating bowl, combine the eggs with sugar and salt. Beat until fluffy foam using a mixer - about 2-3 minutes at low speed.

  2. I heat the milk in the microwave (30 seconds at maximum power). Then pour warm, but not too hot milk into the egg mixture. Beat for a few more seconds at low mixer speed.

  3. I sift 1 glass of flour (250 ml glass) and mix it with baking powder. Then gradually add the dry ingredients to the liquid ones and beat with a mixer for 10-15 seconds.

  4. I chop the cheese on a coarse grater, finely chop the dill and parsley with a knife. I add cheese and herbs to the pancake dough and mix with a spoon.

  5. At the end, I pour in vegetable oil (refined) and beat everything with a mixer for the last time. The result will be a liquid dough interspersed with cheese and herbs.

  6. I heat the frying pan very well, grease it with vegetable oil (you can grease it with a piece of lard) and pour in the dough, a little less than a ladle. I distribute it in a circular motion in the air - the dough instantly sets upon contact with a hot frying pan, and the cheese gradually melts. The smell in the kitchen is amazing!

  7. After about 30 seconds, when the pancake is browned, I turn it over to the other side - either in the air or using a wooden spatula. Bake for another 10 seconds until golden brown.

  8. It turns out this beauty - green pancakes with cheese. To make them even more tender, I grease them with butter.
  9. Then I roll it into a tube and quickly serve it to the table while the pancakes with herbs and cheese are still hot.

On a note

Pancakes can be served separately or with filling. For example, cottage cheese-garlic paste is suitable - cottage cheese, ground through a sieve, with sour cream, garlic and salt. The combination of “pancakes with red fish” or “pancakes with caviar” will also be delicious.
