Delicious breakfast for my beloved wife. A romantic breakfast for Valentine's Day... or after. Making caramelized apples

Romance should not leave a relationship. Otherwise, life will become boring, monotonous and ordinary. Comrade Mayakovsky also said: “The love boat crashed into everyday life.” What could be worse than a relationship that has cooled down?.. But all you need is nothing - just not to lose heart, not to be lazy in giving gifts and not to forget to show signs of attention. Gifts and signs are not always luxurious bouquets or trips to expensive restaurants. It’s the little little things that many people dismiss as unimportant and unnecessary that help maintain a warm, steady fire that warms you and your loved ones. One of these unexpected little things can be a regular breakfast. But why “ordinary”?

You can prepare a romantic breakfast just like that, without waiting for a holiday or birthday. And such a surprise will be doubly pleasant for your “half”. Not everyone will like cinematic and lyrical delights like breakfast in bed. Well, how can you really enjoy coffee and croissants if you haven’t washed your face or brushed your teeth yet? However, for fans we can offer this option. To do this, you need to get a special table and prepare a simple breakfast.

There is no need to cook masterful dishes. Firstly, for this you will have to get up early in the morning, and secondly, few people are ready to enjoy delicious, but quite satisfying dishes in the morning. Breakfast should be light, and the romantics will add flowers, heart-shaped dishes, special table settings and your good mood.

If your “other half” is an early bird, then coffee with pancakes or sandwiches will be enough. “Owls,” on the contrary, will enjoy a fairly hearty, hearty breakfast consisting of porridge, omelet or casserole, with cocoa or strong tea. Sandwiches can be made into heart shapes by cutting bread, cheese and sausage into cookie cutters. You can fry scrambled eggs or an omelet in a special silicone mold in the shape of a heart. You can decorate porridge or salad by sprinkling finely chopped nuts or chocolate on a heart in a stencil. If the hearts already make you sick, then you can use another shape, for example, a square or an asterisk. Square pancakes are interesting.

So, you set your alarm for half an hour early and decided to do a little magic in the kitchen. Our site offers you a choice of several simple and affordable dishes that are easy to prepare.

1 baguette,
250 g soft cream cheese,
1/3 cup Sahara,
1/3 cup chopped walnuts,
1 tbsp. orange zest.
4 eggs,
1 tsp vanillin,
¼ cup milk,
2 tbsp. butter - for frying.

First prepare the filling. Combine cream cheese, nuts, sugar and orange zest, mix well and refrigerate. Cut the baguette into slices 2-3 cm thick. Cut each slice lengthwise, without cutting all the way through, so that a “pocket” is formed. Place 1 tsp inside the slices. with a heap of buttercream and press lightly so that the bread covers the filling. Break the eggs into a separate bowl, scramble them with a fork, add vanilla and milk, mix thoroughly. Dip each piece of filled bread into the batter, moistening both sides. Place the pieces on a flat dish. Melt the butter in a frying pan and fry the stuffed slices until golden brown, 5 minutes. Serve with any syrup or liquid jam.

1/3 cup cocoa powder,
1 stack flour,
2/3 stack. Sahara,
1 egg,
1 stack milk,
1 packet of vanillin,
1 ½ tsp. baking powder,
¼ tsp. salt,
2 tbsp. melted butter.
100 g butter,
1 stack brown sugar,
2 tbsp. syrup (honey),
½ cup heavy cream,
3-4 bananas.

Melt the butter, add brown sugar and syrup (or honey) and heat, stirring, until boiling. Then pour in the cream, reduce the heat and leave to simmer slowly until a caramel-like mass is obtained. Meanwhile, prepare the pancakes. First, combine all the dry ingredients, mix, add the egg, milk and melted butter and beat well. Bake pancakes in a hot frying pan with butter. Cut ripe bananas into slices, place on each pancake and pour syrup over them.

1 baguette,
6 eggs
4 tbsp. maple syrup (or liquid honey),
1 tbsp. butter,
1 handful of corn flakes,
powdered sugar - to taste.

Cut the baguette into thin circles 7-8 mm thick. Break the eggs into a bowl and stir them with a fork. Add maple syrup or liquid honey and stir thoroughly. Crumble the corn flakes and add to the egg mixture. Place the baguette slices into the egg mixture and leave for 5 minutes until thoroughly coated. Heat a frying pan with butter and fry the toast on both sides until golden brown. Place the finished croutons on a paper towel to remove excess oil. Serve with powdered sugar, maple syrup or honey.

6 eggs
½ cup milk,
5 cherry tomatoes
½ cup feta cheese,
brown bread crackers,
Tabasco sauce, salt, pepper - to taste.

Break the eggs into a bowl, add salt, pepper and a little Tabasco sauce, stir. Add milk and beat with a whisk or mixer. Add feta cheese and diced tomatoes to the egg mixture. Pour the prepared mixture into a heated frying pan with butter and place over medium heat. The omelette should be completely baked. Serve with brown bread crackers, sprinkling everything with a mixture of salt and pepper.

3-4 apples,
100 g kefir,
1 egg,
flour, vanillin.

Wash the apples, remove the core and cut into slices. Make a batter by combining kefir and egg and adding enough flour to make a dough slightly thicker than pancakes. Add a pinch of vanilla. Prick apple slices with a fork, dip into batter and fry on both sides in hot vegetable oil until golden brown. Serve with sour cream and fresh berries.

1 package of ready-made puff pastry,
100-150 g jam or jam,
sugar - for sprinkling.

Thaw the finished puff pastry overnight. Lightly roll out the dough sheets on a floured board and cut into long triangles. Brush them with beaten egg, put a little thick jam on the wide part and roll them up. Place the rolls on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 180°C for 15 minutes. Brush the finished rolls with egg and sprinkle with sugar. If you think that rolls are too troublesome, then simply cut out the cookies with a notch, bake them and glue them together in two, layering them with jam or boiled condensed milk.

600 g milk,
10 tbsp. flour (with a slide),
3 tbsp. Sahara,
3 tbsp. vegetable oil,
2 eggs,
½ tsp. salt.

Insert a funnel into a one and a half liter mineral water bottle and pour flour, sugar, salt through it, pour in the loose eggs, vegetable oil and milk and close the lid. Shake the bottle until the dough is evenly mixed. Take a second cap from the same bottle and make a hole in it with a hot nail. Pour a little vegetable oil into the frying pan, screw on the lid with the hole and pour the dough into the frying pan with a thin strip in the shape of a heart. Fry the heart until golden brown, fill it with batter from the bottle and cook the pancake until done. When you flip the pancake, you will get a darker heart since the dough takes longer to fry than usual.

1 banana
1 kiwi,
1 tangerine,
1 mango,
10-15 seedless grapes,
2-3 strawberries - for decoration,
1 jar of natural yogurt,
1 tsp lemon juice.

Cut the banana into slices and sprinkle with lemon juice. Cut the kiwi into circles and then into quarters, cut the mango into cubes, divide the tangerine into slices and cut each into 3-4 parts, cut the grapes in half. Cut the strawberries into thin slices and set aside for now. Before serving, season the salad with yogurt, stir with a fork and place in a beautiful salad bowl. Arrange the strawberries beautifully on the salad and serve. Fruit salad can be sprinkled with chopped pistachios.

2-4 slices of black or white bread,
thin slices of tomato or sweet pepper slices
salt, ground pepper - to taste,
1-2 walnuts.

Crush the walnuts with the flat side of a knife and chop finely. Place ham, slices of tomato or sweet pepper on slices of bread, salt and pepper Roast, sprinkle with chopped nuts and top with cheese. Place in the microwave or hot oven for a few minutes until the cheese melts.

All this deliciousness can be served with a variety of drinks. This could be freshly squeezed fruit juice, fresh tea or aromatic coffee. You can also make cocoa or hot chocolate – a children’s drink that is so invigorating!

600 ml milk,
3 tbsp. cream,
6 tbsp. cocoa powder,
6 tbsp. Sahara,
½ tsp. vanilla,
a pinch of cinnamon,
a little grated orange zest,
a pinch of salt,
whipped cream - for decoration.

Mix cocoa powder, sugar and salt, pour in milk and put on fire. Heat, stirring, until the sugar is completely dissolved. Add cream, vanilla and a pinch of cinnamon, stir and bring to a boil. Pour into warmed cups, garnish with whipped cream, sprinkle with cocoa powder and grated orange zest.

400 ml milk,
2 tbsp. cocoa powder,
1-2 tbsp. Sahara,
2 pieces of chocolate.

Mix cocoa and sugar, add a little warmed milk, stir until smooth. Then pour in the remaining milk, place on the stove and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, pour into cups and place a piece of chocolate in each.


1 stack natural yogurt,
1 stack natural juice (freshly squeezed),
½ banana
100 g blueberries, strawberries or other berries,
5-6 ice cubes.

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Pour into a tall glass and serve garnished with a mint leaf.

1 tbsp. black tea,
1-2 cm ginger root
500 ml boiling water.

Pour boiling water over the teapot, drain the water and pour in the tea leaves. Cut the ginger root into thin slices and place in a teapot with tea leaves. Pour boiling water and leave for 2-3 minutes. Pour into cups through a strainer.

If after a romantic breakfast your plans do not include going to work, then you can serve a frivolous Mimosa cocktail at the table. Mix champagne and freshly squeezed orange juice (not from boxes!) in equal proportions, pour into glasses and add 2-3 ice cubes.

Wherever you serve your romantic breakfast, be sure to set a crisp white tablecloth, pretty napkins, and use formal plates and cups. Silver spoons, a small crystal vase with a single lush rose - all this puts you in a lyrical mood and lifts your spirits.

Love and tenderness to you!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Every loving man has flashes of romance, and he decides to cook breakfast for his wife. But the decision is only half the battle, because the desire must be realized. To make your family life more romantic, we offer good recipes for what to cook for your wife for breakfast.

Of course, ideally it should be breakfast in bed. Don't forget about the surroundings: put the finished dishes on a tray, put a glass with a rose or other flower, put a napkin, perhaps put a candle. It will work out beautifully if you additionally turn on romantic music and give your wife a massage after breakfast.

Omelet with vegetables and cheese

Required ingredients:

  • Six eggs;
  • Half a glass of milk;
  • Two tomatoes;
  • Half a glass of cheese, cut into cubes;
  • Brown bread crackers, hot sauce, salt and pepper;

Break eggs in a bowl, add salt and pepper, sauce. Stir, then pour in milk and whisk. Add cheese and tomatoes to the mixture (cut into small cubes). Pour the mixture into a frying pan, in which by this time the butter should be well heated. Serve sprinkled with crackers.

Sandwiches in the shape of a heart

Required ingredients:

  • 4 square slices of bread;
  • Butter;
  • Four slices of ham;
  • Cucumber;

First, the wife will need to make a heart out of the bread for this breakfast. If you have a special cookie cutter at home, then there shouldn’t be any difficulties. When there is no mold, you need to use a sharp knife. Grease the finished hearts on both sides with butter and place in a dry, heated frying pan. Bake for two minutes on each side.

Spread pieces of cooled bread with butter, put a slice of cucumber, cut out hearts from the ham and place them on the cucumber. Now fold the sandwich.

Chocolate pancakes with homemade syrup

Required ingredients:

  • A third of a glass of cocoa;
  • A glass of flour;
  • Two thirds of a glass of sugar;
  • One egg;
  • A glass of milk;
  • A packet of vanilla sugar;
  • A teaspoon of baking powder and a pinch of salt;

For the syrup:

  • 100 grams of butter;
  • A glass of brown sugar;
  • Two tablespoons of natural honey;
  • Half a cup of heavy cream;
  • Three bananas;

First, prepare the syrup by melting the butter, adding brown sugar and honey. Heat to a boil, then pour in the cream and turn the heat to low. Cook until you get a mass that has a consistency similar to cream.

Simple heart shaped pancakes

If you want to prepare a breakfast for your wife that will definitely be remembered, you need to focus on romance. It is difficult to find a more suitable dish for such a breakfast than heart-shaped pancakes. The secret is that we will pour the dough from a bottle. This way you can create absolutely any shape for pancakes, including a heart.

Required ingredients:

  • 600 ml milk;
  • 10 tablespoons of flour;
  • Three tablespoons of sugar;
  • Two tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • Two eggs;
  • A pinch of salt;

Insert a special funnel into a mineral water bottle. Pour flour, sugar and salt through it, pour in the previously scrambled egg, vegetable oil and milk. Close the bottle and shake it well to mix the dough. Now use a hot nail to make a hole in the lid. Pour the batter into the hot frying pan in the shape of a heart. First make an outline, and then fill the center of the heart. Fry until golden brown. You can serve these pancakes with sour cream, whipped cream, pieces of fruit and berries.

Fruit salad “Bed Passion”

Required ingredients:

  • Banana;
  • Kiwi;
  • Mandarin;
  • Mango;
  • Ten seedless grapes;
  • 2-3 strawberries for decoration;
  • A jar of natural yoghurt, a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice;

Peel and cut the banana into slices, sprinkle with lemon juice. Cut the kiwi into slices, mango into cubes. Divide the tangerine into slices and cut each into 4 parts; simply cut the grapes into two parts. Slice the strawberries into thin slices and set aside. Before serving, mix all ingredients, except strawberries, and season with natural yogurt. Arrange the strawberry layers on a plate. It will be beautiful if you sprinkle the salad with nuts.

Breakfast drinks for wife

You can, of course, just brew tea or a traditional morning cup of coffee, or you can try your best here by preparing something new and unusual. Women love surprises. And in a big surprise in the form of breakfast there can be many small pleasant moments.

American style hot chocolate

Required ingredients:

  • 600 ml milk;
  • Three tablespoons of cream;
  • Six tablespoons of cocoa powder and sugar;
  • A little vanilla, a pinch of cinnamon;
  • Zest of one orange (grate finely);
  • A pinch of salt, whipped cream (for decoration);

Cocoa is mixed with salt and sugar, milk is added. Place the mixture on the fire and heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then add cream, vanilla and cinnamon. Boil. Pour into cups, garnish with whipped cream and sprinkle with citrus zest.

Natural smoothie

Required ingredients:

  • A glass of natural yogurt;
  • A glass of natural, freshly squeezed juice;
  • Half a banana;
  • 100 grams of any berries;
  • Six ice cubes;

Combine all ingredients, turn on the blender and beat until smooth. This morning drink is served in a tall glass. Additionally, you can decorate it with a straw.

Ginger tea

Required ingredients:

  • A tablespoon of black tea;
  • 2 cm ginger root;
  • 500 ml boiling water;

Pour the tea leaves into the teapot. Cut the ginger into thin slices and place in the kettle. Pour boiling water over and leave for two minutes. Then you can pour through a strainer into cups.

To prepare breakfast for your beloved wife, you will need a maximum of an hour of time. All the recipes, you see, are very simple and quite feasible even without special training. But romance will strengthen your relationships and diversify your life. Let every morning be good! If you want to prepare your loved one not only breakfast, but lunch or dinner, then we have it in a feature article.

When you want to give your loved one something unusual and pleasantly exciting, it is not enough to resort to generally accepted advice - you need to act according to the call of your heart, giving all the best that has accumulated in you in relation to your partner.

In the whirlwind of events in the fast pace of life, there is so little room for romance, trembling feelings and tender declarations of love. But without this, the relationship will not last long. Therefore, at least from time to time, give your loved ones pleasant surprises that will prolong or refresh the euphoria of your relationship.

It’s good that a holiday comes to the aid of lovers - after all, it’s on this day that there’s no way to avoid a rendezvous with your soul mate. Moreover, one cannot avoid preparing for this holiday for lovers. We offer you some interesting ideas on how to give your loved one an unexpected surprise - romantic breakfast for Valentine's Day in an atmosphere of complete mutual understanding and tender feelings.

Workshop for men: preparing breakfast in bed for your beloved

No matter how hard women try to show their love with the help of cute things and unexpected surprises, they will never be able to achieve the same effect that men achieve by showing just a little imagination and making just a few body movements. And the secret is that women evaluate attention from a man more reverently, and a surprise with romantic breakfast for Valentine's Day will completely disarm even the most unromantic nature.

Waking up in the morning...

Let's start with the fact that you need to get up early, leaving your loved one to get some sleep. If she has already woken up, agree with your significant other so that she can soak in bed a little more, otherwise the surprise will not turn out the way you intended it.

What are we going to cook?

When deciding what to cook for Valentine's Day for breakfast, start from two principles - firstly, your spouse or girlfriend should like the food, and secondly, it should look amazing.

Use hearts to decorate dishes - most often they will help you. Scrambled eggs with sausage, fried toast or heart-shaped pancakes will be the ideal solution for such a romantic occasion. It is very convenient to use a frying pan or a special heart-shaped mold for this.

But you can make an egg in a sausage even in a regular frying pan by first cutting a long sausage lengthwise, forming a heart out of two parts and chipping it with toothpicks once at the bottom and twice at the top. This “construction” needs to be placed in a heated frying pan and an egg must be cracked into the middle. If desired, you can grate cheese on top and sprinkle generously with herbs.

Using a mold, you can fry eggs in the shape of a heart and place them on golden toast. And if you don’t have a mold, you can cut the heart directly into the toast, then brown the bread on one side, turn it over and crack an egg into the middle.

The pancakes baked in a heart mold are simply amazing. Decorate them with honey, jam, serve with fruit and whipped cream. For these pancakes, you can cut the strawberries into slices; in this form, they also have the shape of hearts. You can buy it for breakfast or bake it yourself.

If your loved one likes to drink coffee in the morning, brew the most delicious, selected varieties, and you can decorate it with cream and draw a heart. Or make coffee with thick foam, on which a heart drawn with contrasting brown coffee granules will look beautiful. However, you can do all sorts of miracles with foam.

What else is suitable for a romantic breakfast for your beloved in bed? Croissants, buns, fruit, freshly squeezed juice, oatmeal, dessert with cottage cheese, aromatic tea and other goodies. All this also requires decoration and spectacular presentation. Improvise by creating your own breakfast for your loved one.

Where will we have breakfast?

Undoubtedly the most romantic breakfast on Valentine's Day it will work out in bed. How nice it is to wake up early in the morning to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, fried toast, fresh pastries and other delicacies.

Don't miss the chance to please your loved one with a romantic morning feast, and for this you will definitely need a beautiful tray or a special table for breakfast in bed. You can even find trays for breakfast in bed in the shape of a heart, but if there is none, try to decorate it with flowers, beautiful napkins, and serve dishes exclusively on beautiful dishes and with festive cutlery.

Romantic breakfast for lovers, but not families

If you are not husband and wife yet, but are just dating, then you will certainly want to arrange and, of course, spend this night together. In this case, your romantic breakfast can easily be postponed to February 15, and it will become a kind of continuation. It doesn’t matter who wants to surprise their significant other - a man or a woman, the main thing is that such a start to the day will be pleasant for the two of you.

Alternatively, you can organize a romantic breakfast in nature the morning after Valentine's Day. Take with you all the dishes that we recommended above, symbolically decorated for two.

In conclusion, I would like to wish all lovers more romance and sincere feelings, because being loved and loving is wonderful. Enjoy each other not only on holidays, but any day, just whenever you want.

We start every day with breakfast, and Valentine's Day is no exception. But you must admit, on February 14th you want to prepare an unusually tasty and beautiful breakfast for your beloved guy or girlfriend. So what should you cook for your loved one for breakfast on Valentine's Day? It’s difficult to recommend something unusual for your romantic breakfast on Valentine’s Day; the originality of the breakfast will lie more in the presentation than in the ingredients.

DIY mug painting

We all drink coffee or tea in the morning, so you can start by painting the mug yourself. True, this needs to be done in advance. You can paint glasses and plates, by the way, also with a marker or buy special paint for “school boards”. In both cases, let the paint dry (paint for chalkboards - 24 hours), then bake in the oven at 150 degrees for 30 minutes. Both cases have their advantages: if you use paint, you can leave messages with your favorite chalk, but if you prefer a marker (for ceramics - you can buy it at a craft store), then you can initially write something nice for your soulmate.

Well, if you don’t have the opportunity to purchase paint or a marker, you can use the means at hand. Namely: mix sugar, food coloring, a little water (you can experiment with the proportions) and simply draw with the resulting mixture on glasses or plates (hearts or something else).

In addition to painting on glasses, you can sew some original decoration.

How to decorate coffee or tea

In addition, you can decorate the coffee in the glass: sprinkle cocoa using some kind of stencil or put marshmallows cut in the shape of a heart.

And for tea lovers, there are original options for serving for Valentine's Day: you can glue a new tag - a heart - to a thread, make a new package, or make the tea bag itself from scratch (we cut out hearts from coffee filters, sew them in half, fill them with tea and sew them up until the end ).

What about those who drink milk in the morning? It’s very simple: add food coloring to a small amount of milk, stir thoroughly and pour the resulting colored milk into ice trays, freeze, and in the morning add colored hearts to your loved one’s milk.

In fact, food coloring is a good helper on Valentine's Day. With its help you can make beautiful colored hearts from sugar. To do this: you will need small heart-shaped cookie cutters, apply them to the cardboard and trace the inner outline, cut out small hearts. Add a couple of drops of dye to the sugar (the amount of dye depends on the desired color intensity), 0.5 tsp. water, mix everything thoroughly. Next, we tamp the sugar into the molds and, using a cardboard heart, carefully “push them out.” Let them dry a little, then put them in a sugar bowl.

It will be easier if you use a silicone mold, the procedure is the same, only we will remove the already dry hearts from the molds.

Romantic breakfast for Valentine's day

The simplest breakfast is scrambled eggs, and in honor of Valentine's Day, of course, in the shape of a heart. You can use a special heart-shaped mold or cut a heart from a ready-made scrambled egg.

Or you can cut out a heart in the bread and fry it in it like an egg shape. Decorate the finished sandwich or scrambled eggs with ketchup or mayonnaise.

You can fry eggs in the form of a mini pizza: put cheese and herbs on a thin heart-shaped dough, and eggs on top and bake in the oven. It turns out to be an original breakfast for Valentine's Day.

Or you can use silicone molds in the shape of hearts, place bread on the bottom (oiled side down), then a strip of bacon and an egg, bake in the oven. It makes a beautiful breakfast.

You can fry eggs in a sausage heart, or you can simply fry heart-shaped sausages and top them with a salad or omelet.

You can also fry an omelette in the shape of a heart, or you can work hard and make an unusual composition: from an omelette, rice, carrots and cheese. Makes a pretty cute breakfast for Valentine's Day.

You can make airy egg hearts. Recipe for 4 hearts: 3 large eggs, 1 tbsp. sour cream 1 tbsp. milk, 1 small tomato, salt to taste, 2 tbsp. cheese. Place the cheese on the bottom, mix all the other ingredients together and pour the resulting mass into the molds. Bake in the oven for 15-17 minutes.

You can add meat (pre-fried) or vegetables and herbs.

If you prefer regular boiled eggs, you can use a piece of paper and a pencil to make a heart out of a boiled egg. We make the design as shown in the photo, leave for 10 minutes, then carefully cut the egg in half.

French toast is also a great option for Valentine's Day breakfast. Cut out hearts from the bread, dip them in a mixture of 2 eggs, 1 tbsp. milk, sugar and salt to taste. Fry the bread. Beat sugar with cream or sour cream, coat toast with cream, glue two toasts together, decorate with strawberries.

Or you can spread them with chocolate paste, add white chocolate slices and strawberry pieces. Cover the last toast with whipped cream.

You can fry bread without eggs, cut out hearts in it and serve with jam. Or spread a piece of bread with butter and make a heart with jam. You can use special forms to squeeze out the inscription on the bread.

If there is no intricate shape with an inscription, you can use a regular heart-shaped cookie cutter - also squeeze out the outline or the entire heart. And then there’s another interesting point: we mix milk with food coloring and literally “decorate” the bread, then bake it in the oven on wire racks. This is the kind of bread you can serve to your loved ones for breakfast on Valentine's Day.

Well, what would breakfast be without pancakes? You can fry heart-shaped pancakes using special molds or cut out hearts from ready-made pancakes.

You can bake pancakes of different colors, cut out hearts from them and swap them. Another great option for serving pancakes: make them of different sizes and fold them into a mini cake, covering them with cream (you can additionally add berries, fruits and nuts).

If you don't have molds, you can use a bottle with a thin hole or a regular plastic bag (fill it with dough and make a small cut in the corner) and just carefully pour it into the pan. In this way you can make incredibly beautiful lace pancakes for breakfast. And don’t forget that while baking the pancake, you can add heart-shaped pieces of fruit to it.

You can bake regular round pancakes and serve them with heart-shaped fruit or candy.

For breakfast on Valentine's Day, you can make delicious and beautiful pastries from puff pastry with heart-shaped holes, or simply use a toothpick to knock out heart-shaped holes. The filling can be made from chocolate paste with strawberry jam or from fresh strawberries with sugar. It will take you little time to prepare this beautiful breakfast and imagine how you will please your loved one by serving this beauty on Valentine's Day.

For those who prefer sandwiches for breakfast, you can serve them with heart-shaped pieces of sausage or cut hearts out of sausages. In addition, sausages can be wrapped in bacon, then in an egg mixture and breadcrumbs, and fried in batter.

Remember, on February 14, you can prepare the most ordinary breakfast, but serving it in bed will be very pleasant for your loved one.

And finally, many of us have children and Valentine's Day is their holiday too. You can also please your kids by serving a unique breakfast on Valentine's Day.

Here are some ideas on how to prepare a delicious breakfast for your loved one on Valentine's Day. Experiment, come up with your own menu for Valentine's Day and serve a delicious breakfast to your other half. Happy Valentine's Day!

For a real man there are no difficulties. A man can master any new task perfectly, and if he starts doing something, he must do it perfectly. Do something nice for your girlfriend - prepare breakfast in honor of March 8th or any other day!

You yourself understand what effect breakfast in bed can have, so don’t spare any effort. Breakfast for a girl is the beginning of the day, a charge of vivacity and a good mood, on which yours may depend. Remember - there are no trifles in this matter. Any little thing or inattention can cost your morning mood and bring all your efforts to naught.

What should a girl's breakfast be like?

Breakfast should be light, satisfying, tasty and beautiful. At the same time, “nourishing” does not mean "fatty" or "calorie-dense". Let's say that oatmeal is very satiating, but at the same time does not harm the figure - this is important for girls. Before you move on to practice, you need to thoroughly scout everything out. Even if you've only known each other for a day, it won't hurt to find out what a girl loves most and what she hates with all her heart.

Imagine yourself as a spy who must not give away his intentions, but must find out all the secrets. The more details you find out, the more likely you are to hit the mark, that is, prepare the best breakfast in the world for your beloved girl. Carefully ask about what the girl liked to eat as a child, what she even tried to cook herself, and what she hated. Ask about the culinary impressions of her early youth, about what she ate on Sunday morning. You may ask - why know all this? The fact is that any food that evoked warm feelings in childhood and adolescence can evoke them at any other time. And if this coincides with the joy of a weekend, vacation or holiday, then this only enhances the right effect.

A completely different approach: cook something completely new or what you do best. It may be a simple scrambled egg and toast, but it has to be perfect.

Girl on a diet

If a girl is on a diet, then you shouldn’t even think about fried, fatty, oily or high-calorie foods. Although, to be honest, it is better in any case to prepare something low-calorie and healthy, thereby showing concern for your loved one. At the same time, there is an important detail: wish the girl to remain as beautiful, but under no circumstances tell her to become beautiful. In the first case, you claim that she is beautiful, but in the second you hint that she is ugly and want to set her on the right path with this breakfast. This effect will be especially strong if a girl is trying to lose weight. Try not to screw up on such important details.

The simplest breakfast for a girl

Don’t be surprised - the easiest way is to “cook” fresh fruit for breakfast. There is no need to build a basket of apples and oranges; let there be 1 apple, 1 tangerine or orange, banana and peeled kiwi. Fruits go perfectly with nuts and fermented milk drinks, such as yogurt. You can get some natural unsweetened yogurt, pour a glass of store-bought kefir, or make an Indian banana lassi.

1 banana
½ cup unsweetened yogurt,
½ cup cold water.

Whisk everything in a pitcher mixer and pour into a tall glass.

Yogurt can be replaced with kefir or fermented baked milk, the taste will be slightly different, but the drink will still be healthy and tasty.

If you couldn’t find fresh fruit or want to change the range of flavors, you can use dried fruits. Carefully and thoroughly rinse the dried fruits, try to dry them and pour them into a small bowl. Add the same bowl of nuts to the dried fruits and be sure to have something milky or hot tea.

Sometimes in the morning you want something sweet. In this case, honey will help - mix nuts and dried fruits with honey, transfer to a beautiful small cup or bowl, add a glass of kefir or any milk drink and treat the beauty.

Porridge is the best friend of slender girls

Be sure to find out if there are any childhood psychological traumas associated with porridge. Like terrible memories of semolina porridge from kindergarten or terrible pearl barley porridge from school canteens. Although properly prepared porridge will not cause any unpleasant impressions, a couple of our secret details will make your porridge the best in the world, and you - a culinary wizard and destroyer of phobias. It's always nice.

An important detail: the porridge is very filling and you only need a small amount. You can make extra porridge if it is convenient, but serve it in a small, deep, warmed cup or bowl.

Any (!) milk porridge must be stirred continuously from the moment the cereal is poured into the milk until it is served on a plate. This main and most difficult condition has never been observed in kindergartens and schools, which is why many people still hate porridge. But this is until you prepare the right version for them.

Almost all milk porridges can be prepared using a mixture of milk and water in any proportions. Any porridge goes well with butter and dried fruits. Try making barley porridge with raisins.

1 part barley grits,
2 parts milk (or a 1:1 mixture of water and milk),
a little raisin
a piece of butter.

Warm the milk, add the cereal, stirring with a spoon, and continue stirring. Add raisins. Cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Add butter, stir and transfer to a warm cup. Serve with a cup of coffee or strong black tea.

Porridge on the water

Porridge with water is no less tasty, if you don’t skimp on dried fruits and don’t forget to add a piece of butter. Porridge with water should also be stirred, but not as intensively and constantly as milk porridge. Do not take long breaks in stirring; cook over low heat. Any cereal is boiled in water in a 1:2 ratio (1 part cereal to 2 parts water). Flakes, for example, oatmeal, are boiled in a ratio of 1:3.

Cereals for breakfast

Cereals are divided into two types: instant and regular. Regular flakes are cooked like cereals - 10-15 minutes, and instant cereal - 2-3 minutes, or simply poured with hot milk or boiling water. Regular flakes are healthier because... were not subjected to heat treatment. Flakes, like cereal porridges, go well with butter, dried fruits and nuts.

1 part regular (not instant) oatmeal
3 parts milk or a mixture of milk and water,
a handful of raisins,
a pinch of salt.

Boil water, add the cereal and cook over low heat, stirring continuously. Add raisins and a little salt. Place the finished cereal into a warm large cup or bowl. Serve with honey and tea.

Salad for breakfast

The salad should be fresh and low in calories. Make any Mediterranean-style salad and it will do the trick. The basis of the salad is greens and lettuce leaves. They need to be washed and dried. The filling can be vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, black olives, feta cheese. Dress fresh salad exclusively with a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice. You can decorate this light salad with pink pepper, black sesame seeds or crushed nuts. If the vegetable salad seems light, add rye bread toast. Vegetable or fruit juices go great with the salad. By the way, any such salad can be prepared even faster than porridge.

1 tomato
1 cucumber
½ sweet pepper
½ head of red sweet onion,
50-70 g cheese,
olive oil,
1 tbsp. spoon of lemon juice.

Chop the ingredients finely, but do not chop them. Add oils and lemon juice. Stir. Transfer to a salad bowl. Add finely chopped cheese, drizzle with more olive oil and serve.

Sometimes you need to eat thoroughly, for example, before a bike ride or skiing or snowboarding. A light breakfast is not suitable here, and you don’t have to worry about calories - it’s better to eat thoroughly in the morning and get hungry only in the evening, than to grab chocolates and rolls during the day. An English breakfast is ideal for starting a busy day and often lasts until dinner.

There are two versions of the English breakfast - simple and full. A simple one includes scrambled eggs, bacon and toast. The full version adds beans, vegetables, a scone with jam and strong tea or coffee with cream. By the way, this is the only case of justified use of canned food. Canned beans do not lose their taste at all, they are still healthy and are a complete protein food. If you are capable of a feat and go to the nearest cafe for fresh pastries, and then prepare fresh coffee or tea, then this will make breakfast for a girl not just excellent, but ideal.

2 eggs,
3 strips of bacon,
1 slice of bread (for toast)


Heat the frying pan, add the bacon, fry it, transfer the bacon to a plate, and break the eggs into the frying pan. Fry for 2 minutes, turn off the heat, cover with a lid. Chop the herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro). Transfer the scrambled eggs to a plate and sprinkle with chopped herbs. Add canned beans to the scrambled eggs. After the bacon and scrambled eggs, prepare toast in the same butter, spread with butter or jam and serve with strong tea or coffee with cream.

French breakfast

If in an English breakfast fresh pastries from a cafe are a feat, then in a French breakfast it is an indispensable condition. A couple of fresh croissants or the freshest baguette, cut lengthwise, spread with real butter and fig jam, strong black coffee or a glass of orange juice make a Sunday morning wonderful and unforgettable. However, you can also prepare a simple omelette with mushrooms.

2 eggs,
100 ml milk,
50 g champignons,
a pinch of salt.

Slice the mushrooms lengthwise so that the shape of the mushroom is clearly visible. Mix eggs with milk. Heat a frying pan, add oil, heat it, fry the mushrooms for a few minutes and pour the egg-milk mixture into the frying pan with the mushrooms. Add some salt. Fry for a few minutes over medium heat, turn off the heat, fold the omelette in half and let it sit in the hot pan, covered. Serve the omelette on a warm plate.

Do any food with a smile and without haste. It’s better to let breakfast linger for a couple of minutes, but not remain raw or burnt. Remember that girls are especially sensitive to signs of attention, to details that are sometimes perceived by men as insignificant trifles. Serve breakfast beautifully, place a clean mat under the plate, wrap the knife and fork in a napkin, warm the plate, check the glass - it should be crystal clear. Offer your creation with a smile, looking the girl in the eyes, and don’t be afraid to seem overly sentimental. Don’t make excuses if something doesn’t work out, it’s better to smile, shrug your shoulders and kiss the beauty on the cheek.

Breakfast for a girl is not only morning food, but your attention, care and love. Be careful and loved!

Alexey Borodin
