Stinky fruit name. Unusual fruits of Thailand


Durian resembles the monster from Loch Ness - everyone has heard of it, but few have seen it. And in appearance it looks like a prickly and thorny monster. The name corresponds - “duri” means “thorn”. People make up legends about its heavenly taste and disgusting smell.

In our material we will tell you everything about the benefits and harms of durian and discuss beneficial features fruit for the body of men, women and children, and also talk about contraindications to the use of an unusual product.

In the photo - durian fruit:

Let's give an example of just a few amazing facts about this fruit:

  • Durian is prohibited from being brought into public places or transport.
  • In the homeland of the fruit - in the cities of Southeast Asia - special buffets are organized on the streets, intended exclusively for serving durian.
  • The flowers of this exotic fruit are pollinated by mammals - bats.
  • Only 9 subspecies of the plant are consumed, and there are about 30 in total.
  • Indole, an aromatic volatile substance, gives the fruit not only the hellish stench of biological decay, but also bactericidal qualities.
  • Taste evokes different associations. Many people call it creamy and cheesy, to some it resembles ice cream with whipped cream and banana, while others even compare durian to fried potatoes and dough for pies.
  • In Thailand, along the roads there are monuments to the amazing creation of nature.

How to choose

If you flew to Thailand or Malaysia from April to September, consider that your trip was a success - you are in durian season. At this time he has the best taste properties, the cheapest.

There are several distinctive features, by which you can choose the best fruits:

Composition, calorie content, beneficial properties

The energy value of the product reaches 147 kcal per 100 g due to the following nutrients:

  • proteins - 1.5 g;
  • fats - 5.3 g;
  • carbohydrates - 23.3 g.

The pulp of the fruit contains a lot of water (65%) and fiber (3.8%).

The mineral composition is quite rich, includes compounds of potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, copper, iron.

A characteristic feature is the presence of organic sulfur. Its volatile compounds, together with indole, create a renowned aromatic bouquet.

Biologically active substances fruit - B vitamins, ascorbic acid, vitamin A.

What is useful and harmful

Thais and Malaysians eat durian all their lives.

Here are their observations about the influence of this fruit on the functions of the human body:

But consumption of any exotic product must be dosed. His useful qualities have a positive effect only on local residents who have been eating this fruit since childhood.

But the result can be unpredictable for a tourist, even to the point of individual intolerance.

First of all, it is worth remembering these rules:

  • You should eat durian in the morning, no more than 200 g at a time.
  • No alcohol in combination with durian! Yes, many people boast that they washed this fruit down with alcoholic drinks. But not everyone's experience was successful.
  • Southern exotics are definitely contraindicated for allergy sufferers: foreign substances in the composition can cause an unexpected allergic reaction.
  • The tonic properties of durian can play a bad joke on people with hypertension.
  • Children under 5 years of age and pregnant and lactating women should consume the fruit with caution - primarily due to unexpected manifestations of allergies.
  • Another unpleasant consequence of eating is belching with a repulsive odor.

Use in cooking

A European traveling in Southeast Asia can consider himself very lucky if he finds a good ripe durian on sale at the market that he likes the taste.

And for local peoples, eating durian is the most common thing, although they also consider it festive dish undoubtedly respected. It is even called the king among fruits.

In the summer season, when the plantations begin to bear fruit at the same time, it is not possible to sell everything to tourists, then the fruits are processed.

The Thais and Malays have accumulated a wealth of experience using the thorny king in cooking:

  • Durian is included in many recipes confectionery: sweets, ice cream, cocktails.
  • The fruits of the plant are used to make jam or jam and dry them, like chips and dried fruits. In this form you can keep it for a long time and even bring it home from a trip.
  • Quite unexpectedly, this fruit (mostly unripe) is even fried. It turns out something similar to fried potatoes.
  • The seeds are dried, ground and added to vegetable and meat dishes.
  • Fresh pulp is added to main courses and soups.
  • How fresh vegetable, consume the young shoots of the plant.
  • Local residents bake tubes and pies filled with durian.
  • The peel and bark of the tree are used to smoke fish.
  • Decoction of tree roots with others herbal ingredients for diseases respiratory tract used as an anti-inflammatory and antipyretic agent. This old recipe, recorded almost 100 years ago.
  • Another ancient remedy is ash obtained from the prickly peel of the fruit. Women who have recently given birth drink it.
  • For jaundice, baths with the leaves of the plant are prescribed.
  • The seeds contain tannins and have antidiarrheal properties.
  • A decoction of leaves and fruits is a remedy against inflammation and swelling of external tissues.
  • For raw foodists, pulp is good source fats and proteins.
  • The roots and leaves of the plant are used to treat feverish conditions.

The fats and vitamins in the composition allow the fruit pulp to be used in cosmetology. It is mainly used as a component of cosmetic masks for dry facial skin and dry hair.

You must first make sure that the fruit does not cause allergies when used externally.

  • The simplest nourishing and moisturizing mask for dry skin is to apply homogeneous mass fruit on the face, wait 20 minutes, rinse.
  • A piece of the fruit can simply be rubbed on dry facial skin in the morning.
  • For oily skin, make a mask with cleansing properties. To do this, the pulp is mixed with citrus juice and oatmeal. 20 minutes after applying the mask to the hair, rinse off with water.

The following composition is useful for dry hair: burdock oil and grated durian pulp in a ratio of 2:1. Apply to hair, rinse with shampoo after 20 minutes.

Several Yet interesting facts about durian fruit - in this video:

Russians have different opinions about durian. Sometimes it seems that people are practicing eloquence, issuing flowery descriptions and unexpected epithets.

No one regretted the new experience, although not everyone liked the Thai king of fruits. But he is definitely worthy of attention and respect. Durian is a miracle, not a monster!

In contact with

Durian is unique fruit from a tropical tree of the same name, classified as a member of the malvaceae family. After flowering, this tree produces a unique fruit - prickly in appearance, amazing in taste and with the same incredibly repulsive smell, reaching a length of up to 25-30 centimeters and 4-5 kilograms in weight. But it is the smell that makes durian famous throughout the world, as well as its amazing and unique taste.

What does durian smell like?

This is precisely the question asked by many people who have heard about an exotic fruit with a specific smell and amazing taste, although we have never tasted it. What does durian smell like? Many people have very different opinions on this matter and describe its smell in their own way. And so let's get started.

Some gourmets compare the smell of exotic durian with the amber that exudes hydrogen sulfide, while others compare it with rotten and rotten onions, and even with such a chemical as turpentine. The aroma of durian is often compared to the smell of something moldy, but still noble cheese, but in any case they agree that it is a somewhat unpleasant odor.

Those who have tasted the ripe fruit at least once compare its aroma with the odors emitted by rotten fish carcasses and sewage, with an admixture of livestock manure. Maybe dirty socks smell like that too, who knows? It is precisely because of such a sharp and unpleasant smell that it is forbidden to bring it into transport, hotels, or airports, although it is not difficult to buy it on the market. Although it is worth making a reservation right away - bad smell have exclusively ripe fruits, but green and unripe ones have practically no smell.

Taste qualities

Regarding the taste qualities that this one has exotic fruit, then opinions also differ in this regard. But what cannot but rejoice is that, in contrast to the smell, it is very gentle and pleasant. Some can legitimately compare its taste with a delicate and airy custard, others - with a familiar one from childhood creamy ice cream. To understand its taste and appreciate it yourself, it’s worth trying.

When choosing a fruit, it is important to remember that you need to choose fruits that are fully ripe, but not overripe. Unripe, green durian has a bitter and tart taste, and the smell is still unpleasant and pungent. They eat the latter exclusively with a spoon, without touching it with their hands - the whole point is that the “aroma” is strongly absorbed into the skin. And you won’t be able to wash it off for several days. Even soaking in saline or milk will not help remove the unpleasant aroma, and ventilating the room is also useless - therefore it is best to eat immediately after purchase.

The juice of this exotic fruit is low-fat and not too sticky, and you can eat the pulp itself either raw, canned or pickled. The aromatic pulp is most often used for making jam and preserves, chips and sweets, even fine wine. But unripe fruit can be cut into slices, fried in vegetable oil and served as a side dish. In addition to all this, it can be canned and even added to desserts and ice cream, and, for example, in Indonesia aromatic pulp Durian is added to the sauce that is used to season the local National dish from rice and fruits.

Beneficial features

This prickly and unpleasantly smelling fruit has amazing pleasant taste endowed with nature and a considerable amount useful substances, vitamins, macro and microelements. All of them fill the body with strength and allow it to normalize its functioning. The light pink pulp contains 1.5% protein and 5.3% fat, 23% carbohydrates and 4% dietary fiber. 100 grams of fruit contain 147 kcal.

It contains B vitamins, as well as ascorbic, nicotinic acids and sulfur, and carotene. In addition, it contains many minerals, such as iron and calcium, zinc and magnesium, phosphorus and amino acids, necessary for the body antioxidants. This combination of many useful compounds determines the ability of the fruit to have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and vascular system, central nervous system and immunity, other internal organs and systems.

The specific, fragrant smell of an exotic fruit is due to the content of a special compound in its pulp, indole - the latter gives a specific “aroma”. But due to this compound, the peel of the fruit has pronounced bactericidal properties. The active sulfur contained in insulin determines the ability of this fruit to normalize blood glucose levels. Yes, and at the same time clean and naturally remove harmful toxins and waste from the body naturally. Sulfur is also part of many proteins and hormones, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of hair and skin, nails and bones.

Along with this, the sweet pulp of the fruit also has pronounced anthelmintic properties, and the leaves and rhizome of the plant act as a natural antipyretic, which is why their use is so effective for influenza and fever, external skin diseases. That is why the latter is actively used in Asian countries in the treatment of many viral and colds, and an infusion of durin leaves used in a bath helps to overcome jaundice, since it successfully removes excess bilirubin from the body.

The fruit and especially its seeds help with diarrhea, having pronounced astringent properties. But the most important and useful property that has made this fruit famous throughout the world, in addition to its specific smell, is the ability to increase potency, which is especially important for the stronger half of humanity. Durian is considered a powerful aphrodisiac and therefore it is often used in a special diet for problems with potency. It is considered one of the few fruits that can activate and normalize the functioning of the reproductive system of the stronger half of humanity, strengthening and activating the body’s potential.

Durian also contains a considerable amount of sucrose and fructose - this is very valuable source nutritious energy for the body. Due to this, it quickly satisfies the feeling of hunger, saturating and filling the body with useful, nutritious components.

Existing contraindications to eating the fruit

With all the benefits exotic fruit, introduce it into your diet as a component of sauce or dessert, in fresh stands very carefully. First of all, it is worth remembering about individual intolerance, allergies to an exotic and unusual product.

In addition, even if there is no allergy to durian, and the body tolerates it well, all hypertensive patients should eat it with caution. Along with this, pregnant women, as well as during lactation, should not abuse exotic foods. This limitation is due to several points:

  1. The pulp of the exotic fruit contains substances that are undesirable for inclusion in the diet during this period.
  2. In addition, due to high content fructose and lactose in the pulp are the strongest allergens.

Also, you should not serve this fruit as a snack with alcohol, since combined use can be very unpredictable, ranging from a banal stomach upset and an unpleasant smell, and ending with death. The thing is that, when interacting with the components of alcohol, some components and substances of the fruit can provoke a sharp drop in pressure.

Durian fruit is the most unusual of its kind. As a rule, those who have tried it at least once are divided into two categories - those who incredibly liked it and those who will never try durian again in their lives. The fact is that this fruit has tasty pulp, but at the same time its smell is so disgusting to most people that it cannot even be brought into public places.

The king of fruits, durian, still remains a mystery not only to gourmets, but also to scientists. There is no other fruit or vegetable on Earth that has even a remotely similar smell. We are accustomed to the fact that all fruits smell pleasant or neutral, and it is still unclear what causes this specific smell.

Where does durian grow?

This mysterious fruit grows in Asia, where it was discovered 600 years ago. It is also popular in Malaysia, where it got its name, which translated into Russian means “thorn” or “thorn,” in Indochina and India. It is also collected in the Australian tropics and South America, but still it is the Asian sample that is most popular. A humid tropical climate is ideal for durian to grow, with lowland conditions being desirable.

Durian season

Durian fruit ripening peaks in spring and summer. The timing may vary slightly based on specific climate conditions, but in general, durians ripen in tropical countries from early spring to late summer. Another interesting fact is that durian blooms for only 8 hours - the flowers fall off when the sun sets. It is also important that the fruits of this fruit are not collected, but are waited until the durian itself falls to the ground.

What does durian look like?

The durian fruit is distinguished by its weight and respectable size. Thus, the weight of a ripe fruit starts from 2-3 kg and can reach up to 10 kg, and in size it can resemble a large soccer ball. It has an elongated shape - it is usually about 20 cm to 30 cm in length, and the diameter is equal to the length from 15 cm to 25 cm. However, most of the weight and size is made up of a dense, massive skin with spikes; there is not too much pulp inside.

By the way, this fruit has the full name of durian civet, which comes from the scientific Latin name of the plant “Durio zibethinus”. There is also a subspecies known as the Kutean durian (from the Latin Durio kutejensis), whose homeland is considered to be Indonesia, as well as the island of Kalimantan. This variety is distinguished by its small size compared to its more common counterpart - the fruit is only 20 cm in length and no more than 12 cm in diameter, and smaller durian leaves. Its thorny peel is soft enough that you can hold the fruit with your bare hands without any problems. In general, the peel and pulp are quite soft and elastic, and, remarkably, there is no that disgusting pungent smell for which durian is traditionally famous. Only the inner part of the fruit is edible.

Selection and storage of durian

The exotic fruit durian must be carefully chosen so as not to spoil the first impression of this mysterious oriental delicacy. Follow these steps:

  • pay attention to the top of the fruit, from which the tail extends. You need to sniff the peel well in this area - the more pronounced the aroma, the more the fruit will please you with its taste;
  • you need to pay attention to what sound it makes. Tap the peel, and if you hear a dull sound in response, then most likely the fruit should be left to ripen. A ripe fruit should not respond with loud sounds when tapped; only a quiet gurgling sound can be heard inside - this indicates that the fruit is ready for consumption;
  • carefully examine the durian thorns; their color will indicate ripeness. A ripe fruit should have a yellowish thorn with brownish tips.

It’s definitely not worth storing in an apartment or any other room - this will be indicated by the acrid smell that the fruit will emit. That's why perfect option– eat it immediately after purchase and, especially, do not leave it unopened for more than 5 minutes. You can place the fruit in several layers of thick film for storage, but the smell will still make itself known. If you decide to bring durian as a souvenir from an exotic trip, then you will not be able to do this - they simply will not be allowed into the airport premises with it. But all kinds ready-made desserts from this fruit - chips, sweets and candied fruits can be safely stored for a long time and exported from the country in unlimited quantities.

Freezing is also not The best decision, because when low temperatures it will lose not only its taste, but also all its beneficial properties.

What does durian smell like?

Durian is truly the most stinky fruit in the world. It is because of this that it is practically not exported and is consumed exclusively in the place where it grows, so many tourists do not lose the opportunity to try this fruit, which smells bad, during their vacation.

We can say that it smells differently for everyone, so there is no exact definition of its smell. However, it is unanimously noted that it is the unpleasant notes in the aroma that predominate. So, to some it resembles a mixture of smell rotten eggs and boiled onions, dirty socks and sewerage, garlic and stale fish, and sometimes you can find descriptions that contain a hint of turpentine. The unpleasant smell of durian has long become a legend, so most people want to try at least a piece of this strange fruit. However, after cutting the fruit and the pulp of the fruit and smelling it, many people refuse to taste its pulp.

How to eat durian

How to eat durian correctly? It must be fresh seasonal fruit. Eat it immediately after purchase within a few hours without bringing it indoors. First you need to peel the pulp, and then after opening you have two options - break off pieces with your hands or use a spoon. Of course, doing this with your hands is faster and easier, but the smell is so pungent that it will be very difficult to wash it off the skin of your hands. It is somewhat more difficult to scrape out the pulp with a spoon, but the smell will not haunt you for a long time.

Durian is also often added in slices to exotic cocktails. Dried durian is no less popular because in this form it no longer has a pungent odor, and most people decide to try it without fear.

Thais prefer to drink this fruit with slightly salted water; in their opinion, this is how the taste is fully revealed. Thai gourmets also prefer desserts such as marinated coconut milk in the form of pieces.

If you come across an unripe edible fruit, you can use it as a vegetable - for example, fry it in oil, stew it and serve it with a side dish.

Durian taste

The taste and smell of durian cannot be compared with anything else, but the reasons why it stinks so much are still unclear. It’s rare for anyone to be able to taste the pulp and understand the entire flavor spectrum the first time. However, it is worth trying 2 or 3 times, and you will definitely not remain indifferent. It is worth noting that in nature it is impossible to find two durians identical in taste and smell - not only the variety and place of growth matters here, but also climatic conditions, time and quality of storage and many other factors. Yes, the king of fruits has a sharp aroma, but its taste is something subtle and multifaceted.

So, taste qualities Durian is difficult to describe in words, so you just have to try it and form your own opinion.

Calorie content and chemical composition

The calorie content of durian will be of interest to those who are used to taking care of their figure. 100 grams of pulp contains 147 kcal, which can be called the average value for a fruit. Chemical composition the following: calcium, potassium, sodium, manganese, magnesium and phosphorus, zinc and iron. 100 grams of fruit also contains:

  • 65 grams of water;
  • 23.3 g carbohydrates;
  • 1.5 g proteins;
  • 5.3 g fat;
  • 3.8 g fiber.

What are the benefits of durian?

The beneficial properties of durian for the body are highlighted. The beneficial characteristics of a fruit such as durian extend to cardiovascular system, systems of female and men's health and not only.

Energy wealth

The beneficial properties of durian are due to the fact that it contains copper, iron and potassium, as well as folic acid and B vitamins. And the sucrose and fructose in the composition help to quickly restore energy.

Prevents anemia

Thanks to vitamins, microelements and iron content in the composition, it has a beneficial effect on the entire circulatory system, therefore regular use This fruit is useful for those who are suspected or diagnosed with anemia.

Has a beneficial effect on the skin

For women, it will be a pleasant plus that regular consumption of the fruit allows you to give the skin elasticity and firmness and also cleanse it thanks to the fiber and dietary fiber in the composition.

Against diabetes

The composition of durian is rich in manganese, so taking it is not only allowed for diabetes, but is even indicated because this element reduces blood sugar.

Treats constipation

This fruit contains a lot of fiber, which helps digestion, promoting regular bowel movements, and ultimately helps cope with chronic constipation.

Strengthens bones

Saves teeth

Calcium alone is not enough to strengthen teeth, while durian fruits contain phosphorus, which, together with potassium, makes teeth strong and heals gums.

Durian fruit

The durian fruit is one of the twenty most fantastic edible fruits in the whole world. The culture is especially popular in tropical regions. The homeland of the plant is called Southeast Asia. No one can definitely explain what durian smells like. The smell of the plant is very strong and is described as a combination of fried and rotten onions, sulfur, sewage, caramel and honey. Durian is banned from transport, hotels and public places in many countries due to its unpleasant stench.

The fruit tree is adapted to growing at altitudes of up to 800 meters above sea level. Optimal temperature for a plant is about +23-25 ​​degrees at a relative humidity of 80%. Required amount precipitation for high yields per year should be at least 1.5-2 thousand mm. The plant prefers:

  • loose rocks (sandy loam);
  • loamy soil with a high content of organic matter;
  • well-drained and slightly acidic soil (pH 5.5-5.6).

In the Philippines, the tree is grown as a monoculture in conjunction with coconut and other fruit crops.

The edible part of the fruit, similar to a capsule, surrounds the seeds and makes up about 20-35% of the weight of the fruit. The pulp is rich in carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin and vitamins A and C), as well as minerals(calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron). The durian tree can reach 40 meters in height. Flowering lasts 2-3 weeks, inflorescences are formed from old branches. Pollination is largely provided by nocturnal representatives of the fauna - bats and moths.

Fruit on a crop grown from seed often matures 7-12 years after planting. Pinched trees can bear fruit as early as 5 years. The fruits are attached to the lateral branches on the stems individually and in small groups.

Ban on durian in public places.

Popular varieties and varieties of durian

There are thirty species of durian in nature, of which only eight can be eaten:

  • durio zibethinus (durian);
  • durio dulcis (durian maragang, lahong);
  • durio grandiflorus (munjit);
  • durio graveolens (durian merah, kuning, tabelak);
  • durio kutejensis (durian kulu, pulu, lai);
  • durio lowianus (chaarian);
  • durio oxleyanus (durian sukang, keratogan);
  • durio testudinarum (kura-kura).

The most popular among the species is the civet durian (Durio zibethinus).

Seed germination

Depending on climatic conditions, different subspecies and series of fruit are grown in countries:

  1. Popular in Thailand are Gaanyao, Montong, KOB Picul, Chanee, Kradoom Tong and Chompoosri.
  2. In Malaysia - D2 (Dato Nina), D10 (Durian Hijau), D16, D24, D98 (Katoi), D99 (Kop Kecil) D116 (Batu), D117 (Gombak), D123 (Rim 2/Chanee), Hew 3; D145 Tuan Mek Hijau/Beserah D158 Kan Yau/Tangkai Panjang, D159 Mon Thong/Bantal Mas, D169 Tok Litok, MDUR 78, MDUR 79, MDUR.
  3. In Indonesia: Sitokong, BaKul, Mas, Sitebel, Simanalagi and Simadat.
  4. In the Philippines, the National Seed Industry Council (NSIC) recommends the following: local varieties: Fancy, Arancillo, Atabrine, Duyaya, GD 69, Lacson Uno, Lacson Dos, Mamer, Nanam, Oboza, Puyat, Sulit and UPLB Gold.

Durian civet - characteristics

Durian civet is a very valuable and most sought after seasonal fruit in Asian countries. The plant belongs to the Bombacaceae family. Particularly appreciated for high quality peel - thickness, bright color and sweet taste.

Durian civet.

General characteristics

Durian grows up to 40 meters in height. Grafted trees are significantly smaller, with a straight trunk and a vertical orientation. As a rule, the subspecies has low branches and a dense canopy.


The wide leaves have a dark green upper surface, a glossy hue and a tightly mesh structure. The lower surface is densely covered with silvery or golden colored scales with a layer of stellate hairs. The leaves are alternate - about 25 cm long and 7.5 cm wide.


Large buds (5-6 cm long and 2 cm in diameter) hang in huge inflorescences on bare branches. The flowers are white in color with a strong scent. Flowers are located directly on large branches, in a group of 3 to 30 inflorescences. They bloom exclusively at night.



Large, about 15-30 cm long, hard, with green or brownish skin. Completely covered in thorns. Large, long stalks with five segments. Each piece contains 1-4 light brown seeds. Tastes sweet and spicy like custard or vanilla ice cream with hints of spice, onion and banana.

Fruit composition

The nutritional properties of Durian fruit are much higher compared to other plants.

The fruit pulp (approximately 243 grams) contains:

  1. Calories: 357.
  2. Fat: 13 grams.
  3. Carbohydrates: 66 grams.
  4. Fiber: 9 grams.
  5. Protein: 4 grams.
  6. Vitamin C: 80% of RDI.
  7. Thiamine: 61% of RDI.
  8. Manganese: 39% of RDI.
  9. Vitamin B6: 38% of RDI.
  10. Potassium: 30% of RDI.
  11. Riboflavin: 29% RDI.
  12. Copper: 25% of RDI.
  13. Folic acid: 22% of RDI.
  14. Magnesium: 18% RDI.
  15. Niacin: 13% RDI.

The smell of durian

Opinions about the fruit are divided. Some consider it a divine fruit, others call it a fiend of hell. Why does the fruit stink so much? As a result of gas chromatography studies, 44 components were identified - chemical substances, which produce distinctive aromas. These included: hydrogen sulfide, acetaldehyde, methanethiol, ethylsulfanyl, methylsulfanyl. Thus, durian combines the smells of fruit, honey, onion, rot, sulfur, caramel, soup seasoning, and rotten egg.

You can hear reviews about the controversial fruit in the video:

How to eat fruit correctly?

To cut the fruit yourself, you will need gloves or mittens to protect your hands. All you need to do is follow simple recommendations:

The pulp is also sold frozen. Due to the cold effect, it changes the texture, which makes the fruit softer and more chewy. You can also find durian in prepared foods such as candy.

Benefit for health

All parts of the durian plant - leaves, husk, roots and fruit parts - are used in traditional Malaysian medicine to treat a variety of symptoms, including high temperature, jaundice and skin diseases.

Research has shown that fruits can have a positive effect on:

  1. Reducing the risk of cancer. Antioxidants neutralize cancer by absorbing free radicals. The extract prevents breast cancer cells from spreading.
  2. Prevent heart disease. Several compounds in durian may help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.
  3. Fighting infection. The peel contains antibacterial and antifungal components.
  4. Reduced blood sugar levels. Durian has a lower glycemic index, than others tropical fruits. In addition, the fruit can prevent glucose absorption and stimulate insulin production.

Toxic interaction with alcohol

Concomitant consumption of durian fruits can lead to serious consequences. Sulfur-containing compounds in the fruit reduce the effect of enzymes that break down alcohol. Therefore, the blood alcohol level will be very high.

Nausea, vomiting, rapid heartbeat, upset stomach, increased blood pressure. High doses of alcohol can be fatal.

Only 26% of durian fruits are edible.

Young durian seedling

Ripe fruits can be eaten fresh (immediately after opening the fruit) or frozen, used for flavoring ice cream, cookies and candies, canning, boiling with sugar, drying, fermenting or pickling. The pulp is also used to make sauces and seasonings. The peel of the fruit is suitable for making compost and feeding animals.

The peel can be used as fuel. The main thing is to follow all precautions and durian can become an indispensable fruit in the everyday menu.

Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Durian civet - a tropical tree of the family Malvaceae, the fruit of which is a fruit famous for both its taste and smell. The name durian comes from Malaysia from the word duri (thorn) with the suffix -an. In Malaysia you can find more than 30 varieties of this plant, 9 of which are edible. Each variety of durian has a different taste and aroma.

Durian grows in the tropical rain forests of Southeast Asia, and is often grown in the Malay Peninsula and Indonesia, less commonly in southern India, the island of Sri Lanka, southern Thailand, Indochina and the southern Philippines (kalorizator). The species is also cultivated in East Africa, very rarely in Latin and South America.

What are the fruits of durian?

Durian flowers are large and have a heavy sour smell. Bats eat durian nectar and pollen, and they pollinate the plant.

Durian fruits are spherical in shape and develop on trunks or branches. They reach a diameter of up to 30 cm and a weight of more than 5 kg, and have a very hard shell covered with spines.

The color of the fruit shell is green-brown, the flesh is yellow-red. Inside the fruit there are five nests, each of which contains one shiny seed, 2 to 6 cm in size, ranging in color from pale yellow to red-brown. The seed is surrounded by a thick cap (aryllus), which has the consistency of pudding and is cream to dark yellow in color. This edible arillus has a sweet, nutty, cheesy taste and an incomparable aroma. Ripe fruit has a peculiar, very corrosive, sweetish-putrid odor.

Durian calories

Durian is quite high in calories and contains 147 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition and beneficial properties of durian

The uniqueness of this fruit is that it contains a large number of organic It is because of volatile compounds that this exotic fruit has unpleasant smell. Durian is the only edible fruit in the world that contains organic matter.

The characteristic unpleasant odor of durian is due to the presence of indole- a chemical compound with an unpleasant odor, which, however, when strongly diluted, gives a delicate jasmine note. Indole is very bactericidal and extremely beneficial, so eating durian helps restore the health of sick people and animals.

Use of durian in cooking

The specific properties of durian did not prevent this fruit from taking its rightful place in the kitchen. You can make a lot out of it delicious dishes, for example, flavored milkshakes and delicious ice cream.

Southeast Asia is characterized by the use of durian fruit as a basis for the preparation of dried fruits (calorizator). Moreover, the pulp of the fruit is not just dried, but a kind of marshmallow is made. In this state, the fruit can be stored for a long time, and the taste and beneficial properties of durian remain unchanged.

In Thailand, for example, one of the most popular desserts is Khao Nam Ka Ti Turian, which can be found in all roadside cafes and eateries. This dish is a cup sticky rice, which is generously drizzled with coconut syrup, sweetened with sugarcane juice and flavored with pieces fresh fruit durian

One of the favorite Malay treats is durian dodol. Although in Malaysia this dish is called a cake, it is actually a tasty, slightly viscous, congealed baked mass consisting of durian pulp, glutinous rice, palm sugar and coconut milk.

Myths about durian

  1. Durian has a terrible smell. It is not true. Durian has a specific and rather strong hapah, however, it can be called unusual rather than bad.
  2. Durian tastes disgusting. This is also not true. Not everyone likes the taste the first time, but if you are persistent and dare to try it again, you may become a durian fan. You may like its taste, but its unusual consistency scares many.
  3. Durian cannot be brought indoors or on board an airplane. This is true. The smell of durian is very persistent and does not dissipate well, even in the refrigerator, if you put durian in there, all the products will absorb its smell.
  4. Durian should not be combined with alcohol. This is true. It is undesirable to combine it with alcohol due to the high content of various active enzymes in it. This can lead to an increase in temperature and even unpredictable consequences.
  5. Durian is an aphrodisiac. This is true. Durian is a strong aphrodisiac not only for men, but also for women.