Choux pastry with yeast for eclairs. Homemade cake - eclairs made from choux pastry. White icing for eclairs


  • In preparing a truly perfect choux pastry for eclairs and profiteroles, the first thing to do is turn on the oven. It should be well heated to maximum temperature. And you need to get the food you will cook from from the refrigerator. After all, they should be at room temperature.

  • When the preparatory processes are completed, you can begin to brew the dough. Place 750 ml of water in a saucepan.

  • Next, add butter to the water (you can replace it with margarine, but the taste of the finished product will not be quite the same), salt and put it on the stove. Sift the flour.

  • When the mixture of water and butter has already boiled, you can remove it from the stove.

  • Add sifted flour to water. Remember! The flour must be added all at once. If you try to sprinkle it in sections, it will curdle instead of brewing. When the flour is added, the mass must be stirred very quickly without stopping. Place the already combined ingredients back on the stove.

  • On the stovetop, stir the mixture constantly until it is completely smooth and shiny. If you have made the correct choux pastry, there should be no lumps in it. Add the eggs and mix well and quickly again so that the eggs do not cook. Advice! To make the finished product more golden, add only the yolks.

  • You can pipe the finished classic dough for eclairs and profiteroles using a pastry syringe. It’s hard to say how long it takes to bake eclairs at home. It all depends on the oven and temperature. According to GOST, finished eclairs should be golden in color, and there should be no bubbles or moisture on the surface of the dough. As you can see, mixing the cake base is very easy!

“Eclairs,” if translated into Russian from French, mean “lightning.” Perhaps the explanation for this is that the cakes were taken from the tray at the speed of light.

According to the classic recipe, eclairs made from choux pastry are elongated pastries with filling inside. Decoration is chocolate glaze or powdered sugar.

Cooking rules:

  • eggs, the main ingredient, should be as fresh as possible and at room temperature;
  • the dough requires long mixing, use a mixer or blender;
  • the base must be butter; replacing it with margarine may result in the dough not “rising”;
  • The consistency of the dough is thick sour cream.

You will need:

  1. 100g butter;
  2. 200g wheat flour;
  3. 200ml warm water;
  4. 4 chicken eggs;
  5. a pinch of salt.

Recipe with photos step by step

Cooking method

Prepare the choux pastry recipe for eclairs step by step. First you need to melt the butter. Place the plate in the microwave 30 seconds, or melt in a water bath. Then add water and add some salt. Mix. Pour into a large saucepan.

Place on the fire and begin to “brew” the dough, gradually adding flour. Mix quickly with a wooden spoon until smooth. Stir without interruption, keeping it on fire for about 1 minutes. Remove the cooked dough from the heat. Let cool 5-10 minutes.

Attention: If you start adding eggs right away they will curdle.

When the mixture has cooled slightly, add 1 chicken egg at a time, stirring constantly. We move from hand kneading to whipping with a mixer. The consistency should be similar to thick sour cream.

Line a baking tray with baking paper or foil. Lubricate with vegetable oil. Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Transfer the dough into a pastry syringe with a wide nozzle. Squeeze onto a baking sheet.

Advice: If you don't have a pastry syringe, use a regular tablespoon. 2 tbsp is enough. dough for 1 cake.

The distance between eclairs should be at least 2-3cm. Length of cakes 10-15cm. Baking 10 minutes at 220 degrees and 25 minutes at 170 degrees. We take it out of the oven. Let it cool.

The eclairs are ready. Now you know how to make choux pastry for cakes according to the classic recipe.

Attention: You can find recipes for eclairs without eggs on the Internet, but in almost all of them the cakes do not rise. So is it worth translating products?

Custard + shortbread = eclairs

This option is considered the most suitable for a holiday and beautiful. The cakes combine shortbread and choux pastry. As a result, you get airy desserts with a crispy crust. Compared to the classic version, this one is more labor-intensive.

For the choux pastry you will need:

  • 4 eggs;
  • 120g flour;
  • 80g butter;
  • 100g fresh milk;
  • a pinch of salt.

For the shortbread dough you will need:

  • 125g granulated sugar;
  • 125g wheat flour;
  • 100g butter;
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking method

  • Let's prepare shortbread dough. Mix butter at room temperature with granulated sugar, wheat flour and salt. You should have crumbly dough. Form a ball. Wrap with cling film on one side. Roll out into a pancake width 10-15cm. Cover with cling film. Place in the refrigerator for 1h. Let's get it. Cut into 2cm strips. Wrap each one in cling film. Put it in the refrigerator.
  • Preheat the oven at 180 degrees.
  • Let's prepare the choux pastry. Place the butter and milk in a small saucepan and add a little salt. Bring to a boil in a water bath. When the liquid boils, begin to add flour, stirring vigorously. Stir until smooth. Remove from heat. Add eggs to the cooled mixture, one at a time.
  • Fill the pastry bag. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Squeeze out oblong cakes through the bag. Place a strip of shortcrust pastry on each one. Baking 10 minutes. Then open the oven a couple of mm and let out the steam. We bake for another half hour in this manner.

You should get delicious dry cakes with a golden crust. Let's move on to filling them with cream. Bon appetit.

How to prepare choux pastry for eclairs with milk

You can experiment with the filling for cakes as you like: custard, cottage cheese, condensed milk, etc., as opposed to dough. Choux pastry does not involve assumption or change. The only option is to replace water with milk. In this case, yeast must be added.

You will need:

  • 200ml fresh milk;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 65 ml vegetable oil;
  • 10g yeast (dry);
  • 200g wheat flour;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a pinch of sugar.

Cooking method

  • Break the eggs into a deep bowl. Beat them with a mixer into a foamy mass. Pour milk into a small saucepan. We put it on fire. Bring to a boil.
  • Sift the wheat flour. Combine flour and milk. Mix with a mixer until smooth. Pour 1 tbsp into a cup. warm water. Add yeast. Mix until the yeast dissolves. Add sugar. Mix again. Pour into the base. Beat with a mixer until smooth. Pour in the foamy mixture of eggs. Mix again. Add a pinch of salt and vegetable oil. Mix with a mixer until it becomes thick sour cream. If necessary, add more flour.
  • Cover the baking sheet with baking paper greased with vegetable oil. Preheat the oven at 200 degrees. We spread the dough with sticks, 10 cm long. the distance between them is 2-3cm. Baking 30 min.
  • Let's get it. Transfer to a plate. Let it cool.

Cooking instructions

50 minutes Print

    1. Boil 250 ml of water, add oil, salt, bring to a boil.

    2. Add flour to boiling water, mix well and cook for 2 minutes. Flour seeder tool Flour must be sifted even if you grind it yourself and guarantee the absence of lumps and pellets. Waking up through the sieve, the flour is loosened, saturated with oxygen, the dough rises better and then has a better texture. You can sift using any fine sieve or, for example, a special OXO seeder, which works on the principle of a meditative rocking chair.

    3. Cool the mixture a little.

    4. Add one egg, mix well, add the second, mix. Add all the eggs in this manner.
    Crib How to check egg quality

    5. Cover a baking tray with baking paper (or grease with oil).
    Tool Baking paper For even baking, it is better to place open pies and quiches in the oven on a wire rack, and to prevent the sauce boiling from the heat from dripping between the rods, baking paper will help. For example, the Finns produce a good one - it is quite dense and is already divided into sheets that are easy to get out of the box. And nothing more is required from paper.

    6. Using a spoon or using a pastry syringe, pour the dough into tubes 10–11 cm long.
    Tool Portion spoon A serving spoon has many different functions. With its help, you can easily remove the insides with seeds from fruits, and cut out pieces of the correct shape - round, oval and square. It is also useful when serving ready-made dishes, serving sauce or gravy. Portion spoons vary in the type of material they are made from. Stainless steel spoons are optimal for working with vegetables and fruits, and those made from heat-resistant plastic do not damage the surfaces of pans and allow you to serve hot dishes safely and easily.

    7. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees, bake until golden brown, about 35–40 minutes.
    Do not open the oven door during baking. Tool Oven thermometer How the oven actually heats up, even if you set a specific temperature, can only be understood with experience. It is better to have a small thermometer on hand that is placed in the oven or simply hung on the grill. And it is better that it shows degrees Celsius and Fahrenheit simultaneously and accurately - like a Swiss watch. A thermometer is important when you need to strictly observe the temperature regime: for example, in the case of baking.

    8. Fill the finished cakes with cream using a pastry syringe.

    9. You can pour melted chocolate over the cakes and sprinkle with coconut flakes.

How to properly make homemade choux pastry for eclairs - What are your favorite cakes from childhood? I am sure that the majority will answer: eclairs! Of course, who doesn't like light, crispy cakes with a delicate cream inside, covered with shiny icing? Yummy, and that’s all!

Eclair - what kind of cake is it, where and when did it appear?

Eclairs are French pastries that have been widely known throughout the world since the late nineteenth century. They are elongated choux pastry pies with light cream inside.

Ideal eclairs should be smooth, even and uniform, with a length of 10 to 14 cm.

Many people do not dare to cook them at home, but prefer to buy ready-made ones in the store. It seems that such a delicious dessert must have a complex, multi-step recipe with a long list of ingredients. But in reality it turns out to be just the opposite.

The ingredients are very affordable and can be found in any refrigerator, and the preparation method is quite simple if you strictly follow the instructions. Believe in yourself and be sure to try cooking. I think the result will exceed all your expectations!

Basic rules for preparing dough for eclairs

Proper eclairs are made only from choux pastry. What is it really? The basic principle is that a mixture of flour, butter and water is “brewed” and then, after cooling slightly, the eggs are added. The result is a sticky, thick dough that does not spread, so to speak, holds its shape.

The increase in dough volume occurs due to the formation of steam inside the eclairs during baking at high temperatures.

Proper cakes do not tear because they are made only from dense, strong dough.

Classic recipe

  • water - 250 ml;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • flour - 200 g;
  • eggs – 4 pieces;
  • salt.
Choux pastry recipe for eclairs step by step:
  1. Melt the butter. You can use a water bath and a microwave;
  2. Add water and salt;
  3. Pour into a small saucepan and place on heat;
  4. Start “brewing” the dough: gradually add flour, actively stirring the mass with a spoon until smooth for a couple of minutes to “dry” the custard;
  5. Cool for 10 minutes;
  6. When the mass has cooled down a little, start adding eggs one at a time; at this stage it is convenient to use a mixer;
  7. The dough is ready! Place it on a baking sheet and bake for about 10 minutes at 180-200°C, then another 20 minutes. at 150°C.

Choux pastry for eclairs: recipe according to GOST step by step

The recipe is designed to make 20 cakes. Please note that water for cooking must be measured in grams, and not, as usual, in milliliters.

  • wheat flour – 200 g;
  • large chicken eggs - 5 pcs. (or 6 pieces of medium size);
  • butter – 100 g;
  • pure water – 180 g;
  • table salt - a pinch.
How to cook:
  1. In a saucepan, bring a mixture of diced butter, water and salt to a boil;
  2. Sift the flour thoroughly. It is advisable to do it a couple of times so that the baked goods are airy and fluffy;
  3. Pour the flour into the pan and mix thoroughly with a spoon or spatula;
  4. The dough will begin to brew and stick together into one lump. Let it brew thoroughly, continuing to stir quickly right on the burner;
  5. Transfer to a bowl and let cool;
  6. Beat eggs in a separate container;
  7. Add them gradually to the dough, gently kneading it with a spatula or using a mixer;
  8. Line a baking tray with baking paper;
  9. Using a cooking bag or a regular plastic bag, squeeze the dough onto a baking sheet in the form of sticks about 12 cm long and 18 mm in diameter (you can also in the form of circles, then you will get round eclair balls);
  10. Bake in a preheated oven first for 10 minutes at 220°C, then another 25 minutes at 180°C;
  11. Prepare your favorite cream and fudge, fill and decorate the eclairs according to your own preferences.

How to prepare lean choux pastry for eclairs

If you adhere to a vegetarian diet and exclude animal fats from your diet, then this is not a reason to deny yourself such wonderful and tasty desserts as eclairs.

The following recipe is just for you: it does not contain eggs, milk or butter!

  • 2 stacks flour;
  • 2 table. spoons of vegetable oil;
  • 1 stack boiling water;
  • salt.
How to cook:
  1. Mix the flour with salt, fold it into a mound and make a depression in the middle;
  2. Pour boiling water and vegetable oil into the center of the well;
  3. Stir the dough slightly and leave to cool until warm;
  4. Now you can knead it with your hands until it has a homogeneous consistency, this will take about 10 minutes;
  5. Let the dough rest for 25 minutes;
  6. Knead lightly again for a couple of minutes;
  7. That's it, the lean dough for eclairs is ready, you can make cakes from it and bake them as usual.

How to make choux pastry for eclairs with milk and dry yeast

Choux pastry does not tolerate experiments with the composition and stages of preparation. However, you can try to prepare another time-tested variety of it. Here the water is replaced with milk and dry yeast, and the result is almost better.

Keep in mind when you start baking that milk gives the products a darker color.

Therefore, make sure that the rosy color of the eclairs does not confuse you, and that they are well baked.

  • 200 g of premium flour;
  • 200 g cow's milk;
  • 4 medium chicken eggs;
  • 70 g plums oils;
  • 10 g dry yeast;
  • 20 ml water;
  • salt and sugar - a pinch each.
How to cook:
  1. Boil the milk and pour it over the sifted flour;
  2. Beat the resulting mixture with a mixer until smooth;
  3. Melt butter;
  4. Dissolve dry yeast in warm water and mix it with sugar, add to the custard mixture;
  5. Beat the eggs thoroughly until a thick foam forms;
  6. The eggs should be poured a little at a time into the main dough, stirring constantly;
  7. Add salt, add oil and mix again until a viscous state of fatty sour cream;
  8. It is better to let the dough rise for one hour, then shape it into sticks and bake for 30 minutes in a hot oven at 200°C.

How to form and what to bake eclairs from choux pastry

The easiest way to form eclairs is to use a piping bag. You can use a variety of attachments, especially beautiful eclairs are obtained using “round” or “open star” attachments with a diameter of 10-12 mm.

There is a little trick to quickly fill such a bag: you need to place it in a tall glass and straighten the edges. Then the dough will fill it evenly, without voids, and you won’t stain anything.

If you don’t have a cooking bag yet, then you can use a regular plastic bag, cutting off one of its corners to the desired diameter. This method is less convenient, but economical.

Eclairs are placed on a baking sheet covered with cooking paper in a checkerboard pattern, obliquely, diagonally. The preferred length is 10-14 cm. Try to leave enough distance between them, at least 3 cm, because they will increase in size during baking.

To ensure that the eclairs are the same size, you can make some kind of marks on the baking sheet for your convenience using a ruler and flour.

The best filling options for custard cakes: recipes

There are a great variety of fillings and creams for filling eclairs. The most common options are vanilla, coffee and chocolate, the most unusual are caramel, pistachio, coconut. But everyone has the right to choose their favorite, especially since there is plenty to do here!

Eclairs are filled with cream using a pastry syringe.

If you don’t have one, you can simply carefully cut the cake from the edge and spoon in the filling.

Classic custard

  • 400 ml milk;
  • 150 g plums. oils;
  • 2 table. l. Sahara;
  • 1 ½ table. l. flour;
  • 2 whole eggs and 1 yolk;
  • 1 table. l. powdered sugar.
How to cook:
  1. Add sugar to milk, bring to a boil. Check that the granulated sugar is completely dissolved;
  2. Let the resulting mixture cool slightly;
  3. Mix the flour with all the eggs and powdered sugar, add to the sugar-milk mixture;
  4. Put on fire and stir;
  5. Cook until the cream thickens. Make sure that it does not boil;
  6. Cool, add soft butter and beat with a mixer into a fluffy mass;
  7. You can play with the shades of flavor of the cream, adding vanillin, vanilla essence, citrus zest or cocoa powder if desired.

Curd cream

  • 200 g cottage cheese;
  • 1 stack granulated sugar;
  • 200 ml cream;
  • 1 packet of vanilla sugar.
How to cook:
  1. Mix low-fat cottage cheese with granulated sugar well by hand with a fork or spoon, and then beat with a mixer or blender;
  2. Add vanilla sugar and cream, beat thoroughly again;
  3. The delicate and airy cream is ready. Very simple and fast!

How to make chocolate glaze

Glaze applied to eclairs , while it's still warm. It is convenient to spread it with a pastry brush. There is another way: carefully prick the bottom of the cake with a fork and dip the top into the liquid glaze.

By adding butter, the glaze for this recipe becomes smooth and shiny after hardening.

The top of the glaze can be sprinkled with nuts, confectionery powder, caramel, decorated with fresh berries or fruits, mint leaves, and chocolate figures.

  • 4 table. spoons of milk;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 4 table. spoons of cocoa;
  • 150 g sugar.
Recipe step by step:
  1. Mix milk with sugar and cocoa powder in a suitable container;
  2. Put on fire;
  3. When granulated sugar dissolves, add butter;
  4. Cook until thickened, stirring constantly and making sure the glaze does not burn.
  1. For the successful preparation of eclairs, proportions are very important, so it is advisable to use a kitchen scale when measuring the weight of the desired products;
  2. In the choux pastry recipe, substitutions of products are not allowed; you cannot even replace butter with spread or margarine - you won’t get eclairs;
  3. Eggs should only be used at room temperature for cooking; the fresher the better. Therefore, remove them from the refrigerator in advance, at least 1 hour before cooking;
  4. Strive for the ideal dough consistency - viscous thick sour cream;
  5. It is more convenient to prepare the cream in advance so that you have time to cool it before filling the eclair;
  6. You need to leave enough space on the baking sheet: in order for the eclairs to rise well, they need free air circulation;
  7. Eclairs need to be baked while the dough is still warm;
  8. The cakes should be kept in the oven until golden brown, then they will be drier and stronger. Cream will give the eclairs the necessary juiciness;
  9. To prevent your cakes from falling off during baking, never open the oven ahead of time;
  10. The eclairs should cool slowly, preferably about an hour, so that they do not fall off. You can leave them in the oven, especially if the kitchen is a little cool.

And the main advice: cook with love and in a good mood, then you will definitely get an elegant, delicious dessert on the level of the famous French confectioneries!

Eclairs, which are usually made from choux pastry, are a favorite pastry for children and adults, in all parts of the world.

Choux pastry for eclairs has a simple recipe. All that - nothing - a couple of ingredients, and you get a sweet, favorite homemade dough, from which you create your children's favorite delicacy - eclairs, as well as other masterpieces of sweet cooking. Recipes that we have in store for you will help you fully enjoy the taste of wonderful cakes.

All of these initially hollow buns have only one base - choux pastry for eclairs, which is prepared as follows: water, butter and flour are brewed, then eggs are added, according to the recipe. It is this simple technology that allows you to create eclairs, a durable shell that swells thanks to gradually evaporating moisture (the water content in the choux pastry is quite significant), and in the end remains, thanks to the eggs, intact and unharmed.

Secrets of choux pastry for eclairs

By using the secrets we have generously provided, you will find it easier to bake these amazing cakes in the future without spending a lot of time.

Preparing eggs. To know how to prepare the perfect dough, chicken eggs should not be cold, but at the optimal room temperature. Therefore, two hours before preparing the dough, remove them from the refrigerator.

Preparing containers for the “water bath”. Prepare 2 large deep pans, one should fit well on the larger pan and be large enough to cook the dough in it. Fill the pan with water, but not completely, to 2/3 of the volume, and put on fire. Meanwhile, pour 250 milliliters of water into a smaller saucepan, cut the butter into strips, add salt and place the saucepan in a larger saucepan.

Preparation. Allow the butter to completely melt in a water bath, then immediately add all the flour to the butter without removing the small pan from the water. Stirring vigorously all the time, let the flour dissolve in the water and oil, making sure that there are no lumps at all.

When making it, use a wooden spatula, although if you need to make some effort to brew the dough, then use a mixer or other mechanized assistants. Then remove the small saucepan from the stove and continue stirring the future dough for about five minutes. You will see for yourself how gradually the mass becomes more elastic and elastic and takes on exactly the shape that you need for the next stage.

Add the eggs one at a time into the prepared flour mixture, one at a time, remembering to knead the dough each time until it is perfectly lump-free. If you want, you can place the eggs separately in a separate bowl, without mixing the yolk with the white, and then add the egg mass to the dough portionwise - do not forget to stir the dough until completely homogeneous.

Your finished choux pastry should definitely not be liquid, and at the same time not thick. This dough, you yourself will notice, will stretch itself behind the spoon and spread a little when you try to shape it into an eclair.

Choux pastry without milk

This dough is also good to use for sweet profiteroles. It turns out original, and at the same time, neutral, so for this dough you can safely use both salty and sweet filling.


water - half a glass;

flour - one and a half glasses;

creamy margarine – 150 grams;

salt on the tip of a knife;

chicken eggs - 4 pieces.


Combine water, salt and softened margarine. Bring the mixed ingredients to a boil over the heat. After that, remove the margarine and water from the heat and gradually add the flour, making sure to stir. Put it back on the fire and knead until you get a homogeneous mass. The choux pastry for eclairs should be quite thick and viscous, so it can be kneaded very easily into a homogeneous mass. Once the dough has become homogeneous, immediately remove the dough from the stove and cool slightly aside. After this, beat one egg into the dough.

Knead the dough until it is smooth again. Then beat in the remaining three eggs one at a time and stir the dough with a wooden spatula until the desired thickness is obtained. As a result, you will have a viscous and thick choux pastry with a bright, shiny surface. After greasing special baking paper with butter, place the dough on it. Place the choux pastry for eclairs using a pastry bag or syringe; if you don’t have one, then simply place the dough in tablespoons. Do not forget that the choux pastry for eclairs should increase approximately 2 times in volume during baking.

Eclairs are baked at 200 degrees for about twenty minutes. The readiness of the eclairs is checked with a regular toothpick.

Recipe for classic choux pastry for eclairs

Classic choux pastry for eclairs involves mixing thickened wheat flour or starch, milk and egg mass, with the addition of a stick of butter. However, if there is a need to exclude butter from the cake in order to get a more dietary option, then you don’t have to use it or add lean margarine or butter to the dough.


milk - half a liter;

a stick of butter;

sugar – sand – full glass:

wheat flour – 2 tablespoons;

egg - 1 piece;

flavoring to taste.


Bring the milk to a boil and set aside to cool. Mix flour and sugar in a separate deep bowl, add the egg - grind everything together properly. Strain the boiled milk into the same mixture in small portions, stir as usual until smooth. Place the mixture on low heat. With continuous stirring, bring the dough to a boil (the mass should “puff”). Remove from heat and add vanillin or lemon essence as a flavoring.

Choux pastry recipe for eclairs with cocoa

Every child, and adults too, love to eat cakes made from sweet choux pastry, where the filling will also be custard or butter cream. We propose to prepare one of the easiest, most successful, and simplest dough recipes, in our opinion. To do this, add one and a half tablespoons of cocoa powder to the dough, and the result will be a delicious chocolate dough.


wheat flour – 200 grams;

cocoa powder – 1.5 tsp;

chicken eggs - 4 pieces;

milk - half a liter;

granulated sugar – 1 full glass;

vanillin or vanilla sugar – 10 grams;

butter – 200 grams;

table salt – 1 pinch.


Take a stainless steel pan, preferably pour a glass of water, 100 grams of butter and a pinch of salt into it. Place the mixture on the fire and bring to a boil. After removing the future choux pastry from the heat, add about 150 grams of wheat flour, stir quickly using a wooden spoon. The mass should be homogeneous. Without ceasing to stir all the time, return it to the stove and keep it for a few more minutes, but only on low heat with a wooden spoon. Let the mixture cool a little, and then you can transfer the choux pastry for eclairs into the bowl of a food processor so that it can be kneaded well. Once the dough is mixed, beat in the eggs one at a time – 4 pieces. Knead until smooth.

Recipe for lean choux pastry for eclairs

A distinctive feature of the product - lean dough - is that it is completely free of animal fat (milk and butter) and chicken eggs. Lenten choux pastry for eclairs received this name due to the fact that the method of preparing it is slightly different from the usual one.

When brewing dough from flour starch, a paste is obtained that is capable of holding much more water than ordinary flour does, and this, in turn, radically changes the structure, quality and properties of the dough.


flour - 2 full glasses;

vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;

boiling water - 1 cup;

table salt.


Mix flour with salt, make a hole in the flour, closer to the center, pour boiled water and vegetable oil into it. After this, stir the dough a little and let it cool a little so that the temperature of the dough is not hot. Then boldly knead the dough until smooth. Let the dough rest for about 15 minutes and only after that the lean dough for eclairs can be rolled out and cakes made from it.

To get lean dough, use equal amounts of boiling water and vegetable oil (200 ml each), two full glasses of wheat flour, a pinch of salt, a teaspoon of baking powder and sugar. Afterwards, do everything as usual when kneading simple choux pastry for eclairs.

Bon appetit!
