Fried new potatoes with dill and garlic. New potatoes with dill and garlic in a frying pan. How to cook new potatoes in a frying pan

Many people cook it, but simply frying new potatoes turns out very tasty. There are two ways to cook new potatoes in a frying pan. The first is to place small tubers in hot oil without peeling them and fry until golden brown, stirring constantly so that the potatoes are evenly fried on all sides and have time to soften inside. The second method is useful when the tubers are not very small, about the size of a walnut or a little larger. It is not necessary to peel off the thin young skin from them, but fried potatoes without skins turn out more tender and better absorb the aroma of garlic. To speed up the frying process, you can boil the potatoes until half cooked and then place them in a frying pan with oil. To ensure that the potatoes have a golden crust, add a little turmeric and paprika to the hot oil - the spices will make the oil brighter, and the potatoes will turn out much more appetizing. You will find more detailed information on how to cook new potatoes with dill and garlic in a frying pan in the recipe with the photo below.

- medium-sized young potatoes – 12-15 pcs;
- garlic – 2-3 cloves;
- dill – 0.5 bunch;
- salt - to taste;
- vegetable oil – 3-4 tbsp. l;
- paprika - 1\3 tsp;
- turmeric – 1/3 tsp.

Recipe with photos step by step:

Peel the potatoes, remove the thin skin with a coarse sponge or scrape it with a knife. Rinse off any remaining peel.

Whether you boil the potatoes before frying or not is up to you. If you boil it, it will be faster and easier to fry it; if you fry it raw, you will spend more time, but the potato will taste like fried, not boiled and then fried. You can boil it in water or steam, ten minutes is enough.

Heat the oil in a deep frying pan. Throw in a little turmeric and paprika. Once the spices are heated, the aroma will intensify and the oil will turn a vibrant color.

It's time to lay out the potatoes. To prevent oil splashes flying in all directions, dry the potatoes with paper towels before frying.

Turning occasionally, brown the potato tubers on all sides. In just three to five minutes, the potatoes will absorb the oil, turn a pleasant yellowish-golden color and begin to fry.

During the frying process, add salt to the potatoes two or three times. Fry over medium heat until the crust is golden brown. Test for doneness with a fork - the cloves should easily penetrate the pulp and break the potatoes.

While the potatoes are cooking, peel the garlic and finely chop the dill (use only thin branches without coarse stems).

Place the finished potatoes on a large dish, sprinkle with grated garlic, dill and serve with a side dish of fresh vegetables. You can also add this dish

Even if the store/market where you prefer to buy potatoes does not come with notes indicating specific varieties and cooking recommendations, choosing the best root vegetables for the recipes presented in this collection is very simple if you take into account the following tricks.

Potatoes with pink and red skins are best suited for boiling. For frying, the tubers are brown or yellow, having a yellowish tint inside when cut. And for baking, you should pay attention to large potatoes with white-yellow skin.

This recipe is used to prepare the simplest side dish that is universally suitable for a variety of main courses (as well as appetizers, for example, salted herring). But there is a “zest” - improving the taste of potatoes with the help of pepper and celery.


  • 350 g potatoes;
  • 50-80 g butter;
  • fresh dill;
  • 1 stalk of celery;
  • 2 black peppercorns;
  • salt.


  • Peel the potatoes and cut into large pieces of equal size;
  • finely chop the dill;
  • leave the butter to warm up and become softer at room temperature;
  • Pour water into a saucepan on the stove, wait until it boils, add peppercorns and celery, add salt;
  • Place potatoes in water, count 20 minutes;
  • reduce the heat to low, drain the water and return the pan to the stove;
  • cover it with a lid and leave for 2-3 minutes, shake several times, stirring the potatoes (this will allow them to dry appetizingly);
  • remove the pan from the stove, open it;
  • put the oil, cover again and shake several times, rolling the potatoes in it;
  • Place the potatoes on a dish, sprinkle with dill and serve immediately.

Video on the topic:

Recipe for baked potatoes with dill

The method presented below allows you to taste baked potatoes without embellishment, but in the skillful hands of a chef they can turn into an exquisite treat. After all, you can stuff it with anything. For example, instead of butter filling, you can take chopped boiled eggs with sausage and mayonnaise.


  • 350 g potatoes;
  • fresh dill;
  • 200 g hard cheese;
  • ground black pepper;
  • 100 g butter.


  • chop the dill with a knife;
  • grate the cheese on a fine grater;
  • mix dill and cheese with butter (should be soft), pepper, stir again and put in the refrigerator to harden;
  • Wash the potatoes thoroughly, but do not peel them. Wrap each tuber in 2 layers of cooking foil and place in the oven to bake at 180 degrees until done;
  • Unfold the finished root vegetables and cut each one in half lengthwise;
  • Using a fork, remove some potatoes from the middle of the tuber;
  • add a portion of cold butter with additives to each half;
  • place the potatoes on a dish and take them to the table without delay.

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Donskoy salad for the winter is a savory appetizer of fresh vegetables in a sweet and sour marinade with olive oil and balsamic vinegar. The original recipe calls for regular or apple cider vinegar, but with a combination of wine vinegar and light Balsamico it turns out much tastier. The salad can be prepared without sterilization - bring the vegetables to a boil, put them in sterile jars and wrap them warmly. You can also pasteurize the workpieces at a temperature of 85 degrees, then quickly cool.

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Today in pharmacies you can buy many different medications with a general strengthening, tonic effect that are used for colds. Despite this, I always prepare my own nettles and St. John’s wort for the winter, as I consider them indispensable medicinal herbs for the prevention and treatment of colds and many other diseases. Why these plants are valuable, how and when to collect them, dry them, store them and prepare healing infusions, I will tell you in the article.

Among species of orchids, phalaenopsis are real Spartans. And one of the hardiest species is Phalaenopsis four-scutellum, or Tetraspis. He is content with minimal care, is not capricious at all, and easily adapts. And, unfortunately, it almost completely disappeared from the windowsills. Varietal hybrids with their spectacular flowering are found at every step, but you will have to hunt for each species specimen. But if you love the exotic, then Phalaenopsis tetraspis is worth it.

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I fell in love with roses fifteen years ago. My first roses often upset me: either with multi-colored spots on the leaves, or with a white powdery coating of powdery mildew, or with some other nuisance. What I haven’t done to treat rose bushes and prevent diseases... For the last five years, fungal diseases have only occurred on my site twice and have not caused any harm to the rose garden. I will share the secrets of preventing fungal infection in the rose garden.
