Cottage cheese balls. Curd balls. Cottage cheese flatbread with rice

Delicious semolina balls are an excellent breakfast even for children who do not like porridge, and an original treat for adults. The secret of this dish is in the delicious crust formed during frying.

Sweet semolina balls go well with any nuts, canned, dried, fresh fruits and berries.

To prepare you will need:

  • 100 g semolina;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 20 g flour;
  • 20 g corn starch;
  • 2 g salt;
  • 70 g granulated sugar;
  • oil for frying.

Step by step recipe.

  1. Milk is heated in a saucepan, salted and sugared.
  2. When the first bubbles appear on the surface of the milk, the cereal is poured into it in a thin stream, stirring immediately.
  3. Cook the porridge over low heat until thickened (about 7 minutes), stirring regularly. The finished semolina is cooled.
  4. The eggs are scrambled in a bowl with a fork and poured into the cold porridge.
  5. Add starch little by little and stir.
  6. After wetting your palms with cold water, form medium-sized balls from the resulting mass.
  7. Semi-finished products are rolled in flour on all sides.
  8. Semolina porridge balls are fried in a minimal layer of oil in a frying pan without a lid.

If the semolina is cooked with lumps, you need to beat it with a blender: this will solve the problem and make the delicacy more tender.

How to cook with raisins in the oven?

The dessert turns out even more appetizing if you add raisins to the semolina base. If desired, you can replace it with other dried fruits.

Required Products:

  • 120 g semolina;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 g vanillin;
  • 2 g salt;
  • 60 g wheat flour;
  • 0.5 l of milk;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 100 g raisins.

Cooking technology.

  1. Bring the milk to a boil, add sugar, vanilla, salt, semolina, stirring continuously.
  2. Cook the porridge over low heat for 7–8 minutes.
  3. Beat an egg into the cooled porridge, add sifted flour and raisins.
  4. The basis for the meatballs is laid out in molds (preferably silicone).
  5. The dish is cooked in the oven at 190°C for about 15 minutes (until the top is browned).
  6. The balls are removed from the molds only after they have cooled completely.

With curd filling

For breakfast or afternoon snack, you can make delicious semolina balls, just like in kindergarten, using this recipe.

Required components:

  • 500 ml milk;
  • 250 g of fatty, non-grained cottage cheese;
  • 40 g sugar;
  • 120 g semolina;
  • 30 g sweet butter;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1 g vanillin;
  • vegetable oil for frying.


  1. The cottage cheese is combined with half the sugar and vanilla. If the mass is not completely homogeneous, beat it with a blender or grind it through a sieve.
  2. The semolina is gradually poured into boiling milk, the remaining sugar is added and cooked over moderate heat for 3 minutes.
  3. The semolina dough is mixed with butter and left to cool.
  4. Separately, whisk the egg and add it to the cooled porridge.
  5. Beat the second egg in another cup.
  6. Rounds are formed from the semolina base and lightly pressed down to form voluminous cakes.
  7. Place a little curd mass in the center of the workpiece and connect the edges of the flatbread, as when making pies.
  8. The semi-finished products are coated with beaten egg and fried in heated oil until a beautiful crust is obtained on each side.

Semolina balls with jelly

The dessert according to this recipe turns out to be so appetizing and tasty that even kids who are picky eaters ask for more.


  • 200 g semolina;
  • 1 liter of milk;
  • 50 g sugar;
  • 80 g starch;
  • 2 fresh eggs;
  • 40 g flour;
  • 3 g salt;
  • 300 g of any berries (fresh or frozen);
  • 1.5 liters of clean water;
  • oil for frying.

Step by step recipe.

  1. Cook semolina porridge in salted and sugared milk for 4–5 minutes.
  2. Mix semolina with butter and leave in an open pan to cool.
  3. The berries in the second pan are filled with water, covered with sugar and heated until boiling. Reduce heat and cook for 15 minutes, then remove the berries using a sieve, and bring the jelly base to a boil again.
  4. Starch is diluted in 70 ml of water. The lump-free mixture is poured into the boiled berry broth. The liquid is quickly stirred and after 20 seconds removed from the stove.
  5. The cooled semolina is mixed with eggs.
  6. The porridge is made into voluminous flatbreads, rolled in flour and fried on each side.
  7. The meatballs are laid out on plates and generously poured over with warm jelly.

Steamed in a slow cooker

Such meatballs are not only tasty, but also healthy, since during the steaming process they retain their beautiful color, shape and all valuable elements.

Required Products:

  • 0.7 l milk;
  • 250 g semolina;
  • 200 g breadcrumbs;
  • 3 g salt;
  • 1 egg;
  • 50 g butter.

Cooking steps.

  1. Pour milk into the multicooker bowl and set the “Multicook” mode (100°C) for 15 minutes.
  2. Before the milk boils, add cereal, a third of the butter, and salt.
  3. Cook the porridge for 3 minutes, then leave it in the closed slow cooker for 20 minutes.
  4. An egg is beaten into the brewed porridge.
  5. They make balls from the semolina base and bread them in breadcrumbs.
  6. Pour 500 ml of water into the multicooker bowl.
  7. The meatballs are placed in a steam container. They are cooked in the “Steam” mode for 15 minutes.


  • 150 g semolina;
  • 500 ml purified water;
  • 150 hard cheese;
  • 100 g butter;
  • 5 g salt;
  • 2 g ground pepper;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 150 g white breadcrumbs.

Cooking technology.

  1. Thick semolina is boiled in salted water.
  2. Oil is added to the hot porridge, then the dish is cooled.
  3. Break eggs into semolina, add grated cheese, salt and pepper.
  4. The semolina base is placed in the refrigerator for 1.5 hours.
  5. The cold mixture is used to make balls, roll them in breading and bake them for 20 minutes in an oven preheated to 180°C.

Semolina balls are served immediately after cooking. The sweet dish is topped with condensed milk, a portion of sugared sour cream, honey or jam. Unsweetened meatballs go well with thick cream, butter, and sour cream sauces.

Cottage cheese cutlets


500 g cottage cheese, 5 potatoes, 170 g wheat flour, 2 eggs, 40 g vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

Peel the potatoes, wash them, boil them, and pass them through a meat grinder along with the cottage cheese. Beat the resulting mixture well, add eggs, 150 g of flour and mix thoroughly.

Form cutlets from the curd-potato mixture, bread them in the remaining flour and fry in vegetable oil.

When serving, the dish can be topped with sour cream.

Zucchini and cottage cheese cutlets


1 kg of zucchini, 200 g of cottage cheese, 2 eggs, 40 g of wheat flour, 30 g of parsley, 200 ml of vegetable oil, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Wash the zucchini, peel, remove seeds, chop finely, add salt and leave for 5-10 minutes. Then squeeze, add eggs, flour, grated cottage cheese and finely chopped parsley, mix everything thoroughly.

Scoop the mixture into a tablespoon, dip into heated vegetable oil and fry on both sides until golden brown.

You can serve it with sour milk mixed with crushed garlic, finely chopped parsley and salt.

Cottage cheese and fish balls


500 g of dry unleavened cottage cheese, 500 g of cod, 100 g of wheat bread, 170 ml of milk, 1 onion, 125 ml of vegetable oil, 50 g of breadcrumbs, pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Cut the fish into fillets without skin and bones, cut into pieces. Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into half rings and fry in a small amount of vegetable oil. Soak the bread in milk. Pass cottage cheese, fish, bread and onions through a meat grinder. Season the resulting mixture with salt, pepper and mix thoroughly. Form balls from the curd-fish mass, bread them in breadcrumbs, fry on both sides in vegetable oil and finish in the oven.

You can serve it with a vegetable side dish.

Cottage cheese zrazy with raisins


500 g cottage cheese, 60 g wheat flour, 1 egg, 45 g sugar, 250 g raisins, 50 g breadcrumbs, 35 g butter, 125 g sour cream.

Cooking method:

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add flour, sugar, eggs and mix well. Sort the raisins, wash them, pour boiling water over them and let sit for 30 minutes.

Divide the curd mass into flat cakes, place raisins in the middle and pinch the edges of the flat cakes. Bread the products in breadcrumbs and fry in a frying pan in melted butter.

Serve with sour cream.

Cottage cheese pancakes with onions


500 g cottage cheese, 2 egg yolks, 1 white, 1 onion, 20 g sugar, 250 g wheat flour, 170 g sour cream, 30 ml vegetable oil, 125 g butter, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Rub the cottage cheese or pass through a meat grinder, grind with sugar and egg yolks. Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into half rings and fry in vegetable oil. Add onion, flour, whipped egg white, salt to the curd mass, mix everything thoroughly.

Spoon the mixture into a hot frying pan with melted butter and fry until golden brown.

Serve with sour cream and sugar.

Cottage cheese and beet pancakes


500 g cottage cheese, 1–2 beets, 1–2 apples, 250 g flour, 250 ml milk, 2 eggs, 20 g sugar, 40 g butter, 70 ml vegetable oil, 250 g sour cream, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Wash the apples, peel them, remove the core, then cut into thin slices. Wash the beets, boil, peel and grate on a fine grater. Then mix with flour, apples, cottage cheese, milk, eggs, sugar and salt.

Fry pancakes in a heated frying pan in vegetable oil. Pour melted butter over the finished pancakes and serve sour cream separately.

Vermicelli pancakes with cottage cheese


500 g cottage cheese, 100 g vermicelli, 40 g sugar, 4 eggs, 75 g butter, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Grind the cottage cheese with a wooden spoon. Boil the vermicelli, drain in a colander, drain and cool. Mix boiled vermicelli with cottage cheese, sugar, salt and egg yolks. Beat the egg whites and, stirring, carefully fold into the curd mixture.

Melt butter in a frying pan. Place a tablespoon of the resulting mixture into boiling oil and fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown.

Serve hot with melted butter.

Cottage cheese sticks


500 g cottage cheese, 500 g butter, 800 g wheat flour, 80 g powdered sugar, 160 g melted butter, cinnamon to taste.

Cooking method:

Squeeze out the cottage cheese, add softened butter, flour and knead the dough. Leave the finished dough in a cold place for 2–3 hours, then roll it out into a thick layer, cut into tetrahedral sticks 10 cm long and fry in melted butter.

When serving, sprinkle the sticks with powdered sugar mixed with cinnamon.

Cottage cheese with figs and nuts


500 g cottage cheese, 125 g wheat flour, 4 eggs, 60 g sugar, 120 g figs, 200 g walnuts, 60 g butter, 170 g sour cream, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder, sift the flour, soak the figs for 30 minutes in hot water, then chop finely. Fry the walnut kernels without oil and chop finely. Combine cottage cheese with half the flour, egg yolks, figs and nuts, add salt and mix thoroughly.

Divide the prepared mass into equal parts, give them a round shape and roll in the remaining flour. Fry the curds on both sides in butter until golden brown, then place them in the oven for 5–7 minutes.

Serve hot with sour cream.

Cottage cheese casserole with vegetables and fruits


500 g cottage cheese, 7–8 apples, 250 g raisins, 200 g figs, 10 eggs, 150 g butter, 125 g sugar, 600 g semolina, 3–4 carrots, 250 g spinach, 15 ml vegetable oil, 300 g sour cream.

Cooking method:

Peel the carrots, wash them, cut them into thin strips and simmer until tender in butter with the addition of a small amount of water. Wash the spinach, dry, cut into thin strips, add to the carrots, simmer for 5 minutes. Peel the apples, remove the core, cut into small cubes. Soak the figs for 30 minutes in hot water, then finely chop. Combine apples and figs with vegetables and half the amount of eggs, mix everything thoroughly. Grind the cottage cheese, mix with semolina, sugar, remaining eggs and washed raisins. In a greased mold, place the curd mixture and fruit and vegetable mixture in 4 layers. Level the top and sprinkle with vegetable oil.

Serve the finished casserole with sour cream.

Cottage cheese flatbread with rice


500 g cottage cheese, 200 g rice, 250 g walnuts, 60 g ground wheat crackers, 170 ml cream, 1 lemon, 3 eggs, 170 ml tomato sauce, 10 g butter, ground red pepper and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Boil the rice, mix with cottage cheese, chopped nuts, ground breadcrumbs and cream. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, add it to the curd mass along with eggs, salt and pepper, mix everything thoroughly.

Place the resulting mixture in a frying pan greased with butter, level it and bake in the oven.

When serving, cut the flatbread into several pieces and pour over tomato sauce.

Curd roll with egg


500 g cottage cheese, 7 eggs, 125 ml milk, 170 g wheat flour, 600 g sugar, 35 g butter, 125 g raisins, lingonberry jam and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, mix with sugar and raisins. Mix flour, milk, egg yolks and salt thoroughly and combine with beaten whites. Pour the mixture into a greased frying pan and bake in the oven. Place minced curd onto the finished omelette, then roll the omelette into a roll and heat in the oven.

When serving, pour over lingonberry jam.

Stuffed cabbage rolls with cottage cheese


500 g cottage cheese, 900 g cabbage, 6 eggs, 100 g fat, 250 g sour cream, 30 g butter, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Hard-boil the eggs, chop the milk and mix with the cottage cheese. Wash the cabbage, peel it, remove the stalk and cook in boiling salted water for 10 minutes. Then remove the cabbage from the water, disassemble it into leaves, cutting off the petioles to the thickness of the leaf.

Place prepared minced cottage cheese on cabbage leaves, form cabbage rolls and fry in a frying pan in melted fat. Then transfer the cabbage rolls to a baking sheet, pour sour cream on them and bake.

When serving, drizzle with melted butter.

Eggplants stuffed with feta cheese and cottage cheese


700 g large eggplants, 500 g cottage cheese, 500 g feta cheese, 50 g butter, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Wash the eggplants, cut them in half lengthwise, add salt and leave for 30 minutes. Then drain the released juice, bake the eggplants in the oven until half cooked, then remove the core from the halves. Rub the cottage cheese, mix with feta cheese, and stuff the eggplants with this mixture. Place the prepared eggplant halves in a greased pan and bake in the oven.

Dolma with cottage cheese and feta cheese


300 g grape leaves, 500 g cottage cheese, 100 g feta cheese, 50 g parsley, 50 g dill, 1 egg, 40 g butter, 5 g sugar, 1 lemon, 1 onion, 30 ml vegetable oil, 350 g sour cream.

Cooking method:

Wash the grape leaves, pour boiling water over them, and cut off the petioles. Wash the dill and parsley and chop finely. Peel the onion, wash it, cut it into half rings and fry in vegetable oil. Grind the cottage cheese, mix with cheese, egg, herbs and onions. Place a mound of minced curd on each grape leaf, roll the leaves into an envelope and simmer until tender with a little water, butter and sugar. Bake the cabbage rolls in the oven until golden brown.

Serve with sour cream.




600 g cottage cheese, 40 g butter, 60 g sugar, 50 g cream or sour cream, 100 g raisins, 50 g candied fruits, vanillin on the tip of a knife, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or mince it, mix with cream or sour cream, add sugar, salt and butter, mix everything thoroughly. Add vanillin, candied fruits and raisins to the finished curd mass.

Boil gauze and squeeze. Line a wooden collapsible mold with wet gauze, folded in half. Place the prepared curd mass into the mold and place it under a press. To drain the liquid, place the mixture in a cold place for a day.

Curd mass with honey


400 g cottage cheese, 60 g sugar, 200 g honey, 4 yolks, 80 g butter, 100 g cream or sour cream.

Cooking method:

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder.

Grind the yolks with sugar and honey, add softened butter, beat until fluffy. Mix the cottage cheese with the resulting mass and mix thoroughly.

Serve with whipped cream or sour cream.

Curd soufflé with cherry jam


500 g cottage cheese, 40 g butter, 2 eggs, 40 g semolina, 40–60 g sugar, 40 g flour, 100 g cherry jam.

Cooking method:

Pour 150 ml of water into the semolina while constantly stirring, put on low heat and cook until tender. Grind the egg yolks with sugar. Mix semolina porridge with grated cottage cheese and egg yolks, add half of the pre-melted butter, mix thoroughly. Then carefully add the whipped whites and mix. Grease the molds with the remaining butter, sprinkle with flour, and place the curd mass in them. Steam the souffle or bake in the oven.

When serving, pour over cherry jam.

Curd soufflé with carrots


500 g cottage cheese, 4 carrots, 5 eggs, 30 g butter, 170 g semolina, 300 g sour cream, 250 g powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

Peel the carrots, wash and steam. Grate the boiled carrots together with cottage cheese, add egg yolks, powdered sugar and semolina, mix the mixture thoroughly, then add the beaten whites. Place the prepared mixture in a mold greased with butter, place in a water bath with hot water, cover with a lid and steam until tender.

Cool the finished soufflé slightly, place on a plate and cut into several pieces.

Curd soufflé with cookies


500 g cottage cheese, 80 g cookies, 60 g sugar, 2 eggs, 80 ml milk, 40 g butter, 170 g sour cream.

Cooking method:

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Grind the cookies, mix with sugar, pour in milk and leave for 5-10 minutes.

Combine the pureed cottage cheese with cookies, yolks and melted butter, mix the mass well, then add the whipped whites.

Place the mixture in a greased pan, smooth the surface and steam until ready.

When serving, pour sour cream over it.

Soufflé with dried apricots and nuts


500 g cottage cheese, 40 g semolina, 3 eggs, 60 g sugar, 125 ml milk, 250 g dried apricots, 250 g walnuts, 50 g butter, 170 g sour cream.

Cooking method:

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve. Pour 150 ml of water into the semolina while constantly stirring, put on low heat and cook until tender. Combine cottage cheese with semolina porridge, add yolks, sugar, butter, grind well and add beaten egg whites. Finely chop the nuts, sort the dried apricots, wash and finely chop.

Combine the curd mass with crushed nuts and dried apricots, mix everything thoroughly, place in a greased mold and bake.

When serving, pour sour cream over it.

Apple soufflé with cottage cheese


1 kg apples, 500 g cottage cheese, 3 eggs, 1 lemon, 250 g sugar, 350 g walnuts, 40 g semolina, 50 g butter, 500 ml fruit syrup, 40 g ground wheat crackers.

Cooking method:

Cut the zest from the lemon and squeeze out the juice. Wash the apples, remove the core, cut into small pieces and sprinkle with lemon juice. Rub the cottage cheese, add the yolks, sugar, lemon zest, crushed walnuts and semolina, mix everything, then add the whipped whites.

Place the mixture in a mold pre-greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs and bake in the oven at a temperature of 180–200 °C.

When serving, pour over fruit syrup.

Apples stuffed with cottage cheese and raisins


150 g cottage cheese, 8 apples, 100 g raisins, 40 g butter, 40–60 g sugar, 20 g semolina, 5 egg yolks, 250 g sour cream, 20 g powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

Wash the apples and cut off the tops. Carefully remove the core and some of the pulp. Finely chop the extracted pulp.

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder. Wash and dry the raisins. Mix cottage cheese with apple pulp, raisins, sugar, semolina, yolks and melted butter, mix everything thoroughly. Stuff the apples with curd mixture, place on a baking sheet and bake in the oven. When serving, pour over sour cream and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Curd pudding


500 g cottage cheese, 60 g butter, 50 g breadcrumbs, 375 g semolina, 4 eggs, 50 ml liquid fruit syrup, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Rub the cottage cheese, add butter, semolina, beaten egg whites, salt and syrup, mix everything thoroughly. Place the prepared mixture on a napkin greased with oil and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, then roll the napkin into a loaf and tie at the edges. Dip the napkin with the curd mass into boiling salted water and cook for 30 minutes.

Steamed pudding


500 g cottage cheese, 375 g semolina, 60 g sugar, 2 eggs, 60 g raisins, 15 g butter, 50 g breadcrumbs, vanillin on the tip of a knife.

Cooking method:

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder. Wash the raisins and dry. Dissolve vanillin in 30 ml of hot water. Grind the egg yolks with sugar. Beat the whites.

Add the egg-sugar mixture, vanillin and raisins into the pureed cottage cheese, mix, then add the egg whites. Place the mixture in a mold greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, and cook in a water bath for 20–30 minutes.

Pudding can be served with jam, sour cream or sweet sauce.

Curd pudding with dried apricots and carrots


500 g low-fat cottage cheese, 3 carrots, 100 g dried apricots, 125 g sugar, 3 eggs, 170 g sour cream, 50 g semolina, 25 g butter.

Cooking method:

Peel the carrots, wash, boil and cool. Rub cottage cheese and carrots through a sieve or mince. Wash the dried apricots, chop finely, combine with the curd and carrot mixture, add semolina, egg yolks and sugar, mix everything, then carefully fold in the whipped whites. Place the resulting mass in a greased mold and cook in a water bath until tender.

Serve with sour cream.

Cottage cheese pudding with candied fruits


500 g cottage cheese, 4 eggs, 125 g sugar, 375 g semolina, 100 g candied fruits, 80 g raisins, orange zest, 60 g butter, 50 g breadcrumbs, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve, add egg yolks, sugar, zest, semolina and melted butter, mix everything thoroughly and beat.

Add washed raisins, candied fruits and beaten egg whites to the curd mass. Place the mixture in a greased and breadcrumbed pan, then bake in the oven.

Can be served with fruit syrup or jam.

Raspberry and cottage cheese dessert


500 g raspberries, 500 g cottage cheese, 50 g coconut flakes, 100 g sugar, vanillin on the tip of a knife.

Cooking method:

Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder, mix with sugar and vanilla, grind thoroughly. Sort the raspberries, wash and dry. Using a pastry syringe, pour the curd mixture into bowls and decorate with raspberries on top.

When serving, sprinkle with coconut flakes.

Babka with cottage cheese


500 g cottage cheese, 300 g stale wheat bread, 80 g raisins, 125 ml milk, 40 g crackers, 60 g sugar, 2 eggs, 40 g butter or margarine.

Cooking method:

Cut the bread into slices. Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder or rub through a sieve, add sugar, 1 egg and washed raisins. Mix milk with the remaining egg, dip one side of the bread slices into this mixture.

Place the bread in one layer with the moistened side in a frying pan, greased with butter or margarine and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, place the curd mixture on it. Place another layer of bread slices on top of the curd mixture, moistened side up. Bake in the oven until done.

Baked curd babka


500 g cottage cheese, 4 eggs, 40 g sugar, 170 g raisins, 25 g butter, 40 g ground wheat crackers, vanillin on the tip of a knife, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder. Grind the yolks with sugar and vanilla. Combine the cottage cheese with the egg mixture, washed raisins and salt, mix everything thoroughly. Gently fold the beaten egg whites into the resulting mixture.

Place the curd mass in a mold, greased with butter and sprinkled with breadcrumbs, and bake in the oven.

Babka from cottage cheese with almonds


500 g cottage cheese, 60 g butter, 170 g sugar, 125 g almonds, 4 eggs, vanillin on the tip of a knife, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder, finely chop the almonds. Combine the prepared cottage cheese with almonds, 50 g of melted butter, vanillin, salt and egg yolks mashed with sugar. Mix everything thoroughly and carefully add the beaten egg whites into the resulting mass.

Grease the mold with oil, place the curd mixture in it and bake the babka in the oven.

Babka from cottage cheese and rice


500 g cottage cheese, 175 g rice, 50 g butter, 5 eggs, 80 g raisins, 40 g sugar, 350 g sour cream, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Grind the cottage cheese with a wooden spoon, add egg yolks, mashed with sugar, 30 g of softened butter, washed raisins, salt, mix everything thoroughly.

Sort the rice, rinse, add 300 ml of water, cook until tender, cool slightly and mix with the curd mass. Beat the whites well and carefully fold them into the curd mass. Place the prepared mixture in a mold previously greased with butter and bake.

Cut the finished babka into portions and serve with sour cream.

Curd babka with cinnamon


500 g cottage cheese, 375 g sugar, 40 g raisins, 5 g cinnamon, 4 eggs, 30 g butter, 10 ml vegetable oil, 25 g ground wheat crackers, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or pass through a meat grinder. Grind the yolks with sugar and mix with cottage cheese. Rinse the raisins thoroughly, dry them, and add to the curd mass.

Salt the prepared mixture, add cinnamon, mix everything thoroughly, then combine with the beaten egg whites.

Grease the mold with butter, sprinkle with ground breadcrumbs, put the curd mass in it, smooth the surface, sprinkle with vegetable oil. Bake the babka in the oven.

Babka with sour cream


500 g cottage cheese, 500 g sour cream, 3 eggs, 375 g sugar, 150 g rye bread.

Cooking method:

Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder. Cut the crust off the bread and cut into small cubes. Combine cottage cheese with sour cream and egg yolks, mashed with sugar and bread. Beat the egg whites and carefully mix with the prepared mixture. Grease the mold with oil and place the prepared mixture into it. Bake the babka in the oven.

Curd dessert with watermelon and grapes


300 g watermelon, 200 g seedless grapes, 500 g cottage cheese, 100 g sugar, 50 g liquid honey, vanillin on the tip of a knife.

Cooking method:

Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder, mix with sugar and vanilla. Wash the watermelon, cut off the rind, remove the seeds and cut into cubes. Wash the grapes, dry them, remove the berries from the bunches. Use a pastry syringe to place the cottage cheese into bowls and decorate with grapes and watermelon on top.

When serving, pour liquid honey over it.

Curd dessert with pears


4 large pears, 500 g cottage cheese, 250 g sour cream, vanillin on the tip of a knife, 50 g lingonberry jam, 150 g sugar, 100 g dark chocolate.

Cooking method:

Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder, add sour cream, sugar and vanillin, mix thoroughly. Wash the pears, cut them in half lengthwise, remove the core and some of the pulp, then stuff them with lingonberry jam. Place the curd mass on a dish and place the prepared pears on it.

When serving, pour melted dark chocolate over it.

Dessert with strawberries


500 g cottage cheese, 300 g strawberries, 250 g sour cream, 100 g dark chocolate, 1 lime, 100 g sugar.

Cooking method:

Sort the strawberries, wash and dry. Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder, add sour cream, lime juice and sugar, mix thoroughly. Gently mix the curd mass with strawberries, place in bowls, sprinkle with grated chocolate.

When serving, the edges of the bowls can be decorated with lime wedges.

Cottage cheese dessert with blueberries


500 g cottage cheese, 200 ml condensed milk, 200 g blueberries, 100 g dark chocolate.

Cooking method:

Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder and mix with condensed milk. Place the curd mass into bowls. Sort the blueberries, wash, dry and place on top of the cottage cheese.

When serving, sprinkle with grated dark chocolate.

Dessert “Chrysanthemums”


500 g cottage cheese, 150 g sugar, 50 g coconut flakes, 200 g large corn flakes, vanillin on the tip of a knife.

Cooking method:

Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder, mix with sugar and vanilla. Form small balls from the curd mass. Using corn flakes, make petals, placing them in several rows along the diameter of the balls.

Place the products on a flat dish, sprinkle with coconut flakes.

Curd dessert with apples and cinnamon


500 g apples, 1 lemon, 500 g cottage cheese, 200 g sour cream, cinnamon on the tip of a knife, 100 g sugar.

Cooking method:

Wash the apples, peel, core, cut into slices and sprinkle with lemon juice. Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder or rub through a sieve, add sugar and cinnamon, mix thoroughly. Place the apples on a flat dish and place the curd mixture on top.

Dessert “Ice Tale”


500 g cottage cheese, 300 g ice cream, 100 g strawberries, 200 g sugar, vanillin on the tip of a knife.

Cooking method:

Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder, mix with sugar and vanilla. Using a pastry syringe, place the curd mass into bowls. Make balls from the ice cream and place them on top of the cottage cheese. Sort the strawberries, wash, dry, cut into quarters and place in bowls.

When serving, the edges of the bowls can be decorated with whole strawberries.

Cottage cheese dessert with bananas


500 g cottage cheese, 250 g sour cream, 3 bananas, 150 g sugar, 100 g dark chocolate, vanillin on the tip of a knife.

Cooking method:

Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder along with bananas, add sour cream, sugar and vanillin, mix thoroughly. Grate the chocolate on a coarse grater. Using a pastry syringe, place the curd mass into bowls.

When serving, decorate the dessert with chocolate.

Curd dessert with nuts


500 g cottage cheese, 250 g sour cream, 20 g lemon zest, 150 g sugar, vanillin on the tip of a knife, 200 g cashew nuts, 2-3 sprigs of mint.

Cooking method:

Pass the cottage cheese through a meat grinder, mix with sour cream, vanilla, sugar and finely chopped lemon zest. Chop cashew nuts. Place the curd mass into bowls and sprinkle with nuts.

When serving, garnish with mint leaves.

Step-by-step recipe for curd balls with photo.
  • National cuisine: Russian kitchen
  • Type of dish: Dessert
  • Recipe difficulty: Simple recipe
  • Preparation time: 14 minutes
  • Cooking time: 35 min
  • Number of servings: 8 servings
  • Calorie Amount: 103 kilocalories
  • Occasion: For breakfast

This recipe for making cottage cheese balls is so good that both adults and even children, who most often refuse cottage cheese, enjoy eating this dish. It's worth a try!

Number of servings: 8-10

Ingredients for 8 servings

  • Cottage cheese - 500 grams
  • Egg - 2 pieces
  • Flour - 100-150 grams
  • Raisins - 50 grams (optional)
  • Starch - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar or powder - 3-5 tbsp. spoons
  • Butter - 50 grams

Step by step

  1. First you need to make cottage cheese. For a softer texture of the meatballs, it is best to rub it through a sieve to remove excess lumps.
  2. Combine the pureed cottage cheese with eggs and powdered sugar. Mix everything thoroughly and gradually add flour. If desired, you can use semolina instead of flour, then the cottage cheese balls at home should be left for 15-25 minutes until the cereal swells.
  3. To prevent the meatballs from melting in the pan, add a little starch to the dough (it is better to use corn starch).
  4. Another option to make curd balls more interesting is to add dried fruits. Raisins, dried apricots or prunes must first be poured with boiling water, then dried and chopped.
  5. When the curd mass is ready, you can form balls and roll them on all sides in flour or breadcrumbs.
  6. Melt the butter in a frying pan and add the meatballs there. Fry over medium heat until golden brown.
  7. You can serve them with sour cream, berry syrup or honey. Before serving, you can sprinkle with powdered sugar or a pinch of cinnamon.

An economical and tasty dish is semolina porridge, but not every baby enjoys eating it on both cheeks.

However, you can cope with it, so much so that adults will line up for more.

Prepare semolina balls - from fresh porridge or porridge left over from the previous menu. Season them with dried fruits, sour cream and even jelly and you can prepare to accept thanks and requests for more.

Semolina balls - general principles of preparation

Thickly cooked, fluffy semolina porridge is the basis for any type of similar meatballs. Basically, it is prepared with milk, adding sugar and salt according to the recipe. Before you start preparing the base, you should decide what type of meatballs you will prepare. For unsweetened ones, granulated sugar is not added.

How to properly prepare thick semolina for meatballs without lumps? Immediately measure the required amount of semolina into a dry glass. Take any non-enamel pan and pour milk or water into it. At this stage, there is no need to add anything to the liquid - sugar and salt are added during the boiling process, into an already well-heated base. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, begin to vigorously stir it in a circle, and with the other hand at this time, slowly, in a thin stream, pour in the cereal. Without ceasing to stir, let the porridge simmer for three minutes until it thickens. Cool the finished semolina.

If you need to add oil, do it about ten minutes after it is ready. Eggs and additional ingredients - poppy seeds, flour, dried fruits, cheese, cottage cheese and others, are introduced only into a completely cooled base.

Form the balls with hands well soaked in water. The shape may be different, the recommended thickness is no more than one and a half centimeters, otherwise it will be difficult to fry them in a frying pan. Baked or steamed semolina balls in the form of balls will look original.

Before frying or baking, the meatballs are breaded in flour, breadcrumbs or dry semolina. If you roll the product in breading before steaming, its layer will soften, which will negatively affect not only the appearance, but also the taste.

Serve the semolina balls immediately after they are ready. Unsweetened with sour cream, sauces, melted heavy cream or butter. Sweet - with honey, sweetened sour cream, jam, sweet syrups and sauces.

Classic recipe for semolina balls like in kindergarten

Half a glass of semolina;

75 gr. crystalline sugar;

1. Pour the milk into a saucepan and place on high heat. After warming up a little, add granulated sugar and a small pinch of salt. As soon as it starts to boil, stirring the milk intensively, pour semolina into it in a thin stream. Reduce heat and continue stirring, cook until thickened. Let cool.

2. Pour eggs into the well-cooled porridge, mix and gradually add starch.

3. Having moistened our hands, form small balls and roll them well on all sides in semolina.

4. Pour a thin layer of oil into the frying pan and heat over low heat. Place the meatballs and let them brown on both sides. We do not close the lid.

Semolina balls with raisins from the oven in molds

Six full spoons of fresh semolina;

1 gr. vanilla crystals;

Half a liter of medium-fat milk;

White coconut flakes.

1. Add sugar, vanillin and a little salt to the milk, bring to a boil, add semolina and, stirring, cook thick porridge over low heat. After cooling well, mix in the raw egg and flour, and then the raisins.

2. Place the resulting mass in small silicone molds and sprinkle coconut shavings on top.

3. Place in a hot oven and bake for a quarter of an hour - until the top is browned.

4. We take the semolina balls out of the oven, cool them a little and, only after that, release them from the molds.

Semolina balls with curd filling

Non-grain fat cottage cheese - 250 gr.;

Two spoons of sugar;

30 gr. homemade or sweet butter;

A bag of vanilla, crystalline;

Two fresh eggs;

50 gr. seedless raisins, preferably light ones.

1. Scald the sorted raisins with boiling water, add warm water and soak in it for about 10 minutes. Rinse again and place on a towel to dry.

2. Transfer the cottage cheese into a small bowl, add a little sugar and vanilla to it. Mix thoroughly and add raisins. We first grind the grainy cottage cheese on a sieve to break up the lumps.

3. Mix semolina with sugar and, pouring it in a thin stream, add it to boiling milk. Stirring, cook the porridge over moderate heat for two minutes and set aside from the stove. Add butter to the semolina base, mix, and leave until completely cooled. In semolina, as in cottage cheese, you can put up to 1/2 a small bag of vanilla sugar. Thoroughly stirring the almost cooled porridge, add the beaten egg.

4. Drain the second egg into a separate bowl, beat it and start forming the balls. Wet our hands with water, roll a small ball from the prepared mass and press it down to form a flat cake. Place a teaspoon of curd filling in the center and carefully seal the edges, as when making pies. Having given the desired shape, place the meatballs on a cutting board.

5. Place the frying pan on medium heat, pour oil into it and wait for it to warm up enough. One by one, dip the semolina balls into the beaten egg, then lower them into the frying pan. Fry over medium heat until golden brown on both sides.

Fried semolina balls in sesame breading with jelly

A glass of dry semolina;

Four tablespoons of starch;

Fresh chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;

A couple of spoons of wheat flour;

One and a half liters of drinking water;

High quality vegetable oil.

300 gr. fresh or frozen berries;

1. Cook a thick semolina base in milk, with a little sugar and salt. While still hot, stir in the butter and leave to cool.

2. While the porridge is cooling, prepare the jelly. Place the berries in a saucepan, add water and, adding sugar to taste, bring to a boil. Boil over moderate heat for a quarter of an hour, then strain the berries through a sieve, and bring the liquid jelly base to a boil again.

3. Fill a 250 ml glass one third with water, add starch. Stir thoroughly, and at the same time intensively, with a fork or whisk. Having broken all the lumps, pour the mixture into the boiling compote. Pour in a thin stream, quickly stirring the liquid in a circle. After boiling the jelly for only 30 seconds, remove from the stove.

4. Carefully mix the eggs into the cooled semolina. You can add just a little poppy seed or finely chopped dried apricots.

5. Place a frying pan on medium-low heat, pour in oil in a layer of up to 0.5-0.6 cm. Warm up.

6. Wet our hands with water and form semolina balls. Roll them in a mixture of flour and sesame seeds. Then dip into heated oil and fry, turning on both sides.

7. When serving, generously pour jelly over the meatballs laid out on plates.

Semolina balls on water with cheese in the oven - “Special”

Half a liter of drinking water;

150 gr. any cheese;

Butter - at least 100 g;

For breading - white, coarsely ground crackers;

A teaspoon of cumin.

1. Prepare a thick porridge using water with added salt. Without allowing it to cool, stir in the butter, and only then cool.

2. Add eggs, finely grated cheese, a little pepper and cumin. Stir everything well and put it in the general compartment of the refrigerator for an hour and a half.

3. From the cooled base we form meatballs, roll them well in breadcrumbs. Place in a roasting pan greased with vegetable oil, then immediately place in a hot oven. Bake the semolina balls for 20 minutes until evenly golden brown.

Steamed semolina balls with cottage cheese

Non-grained, preferably 9%, cottage cheese - 200 g;

1. To the cooled porridge cooked in milk with sugar and salt, add cottage cheese and add poppy seeds. Mixing thoroughly, pour in the raw egg.

2. With hands dipped in water, we sculpt small balls of arbitrary shape. At a distance of a finger width from each other, we lay them out on the mesh of the steamer and place it on the lower container with boiling water. Cover with a lid.

3. Steam the semolina balls for a quarter of an hour. Serve hot.

Semolina balls - cooking tricks and useful tips

To make the semolina base thick, you must strictly observe the proportions of cereal and liquid. If to prepare ordinary porridge it is enough to take six full spoons of semolina per liter of milk, in our case this amount is calculated for only half a liter. Please note that for cooking cereals in water you need to take more.

To avoid lumps, add the cereal directly when boiling, and not into an already boiling liquid. Instead of a spoon, use a whisk for intensive stirring.

Before adding the egg, beat it with a fork. Pour in small portions, stirring thoroughly each time. This will allow you to adjust the thickness of the semolina base.

If the porridge turns out to be too thick or with lumps, puree it with a blender. This procedure will help correct imperfections and make the meatballs more tender.

Sweet semolina balls can be supplemented with raisins, nuts, candied fruits, pieces of fresh and even canned fruit, and berries. Unsweetened - slices of boiled vegetables, pieces of sausage, ham or boiled meat, greens.

Unsweetened semolina balls will have a more delicate consistency if you add a little grated boiled vegetables to the semolina base. For those with sweets, cottage cheese can be such an addition.

This recipe for making cottage cheese balls is so good that both adults and even children, who most often refuse cottage cheese, enjoy eating this dish. It's worth a try!

Number of servings: 8-10

A simple recipe for curd balls, a recipe for Russian cuisine with photos and a step-by-step description of the cooking process. This recipe is easy to make at home in 35 minutes. Contains only 47 kilocalories.

  • Complexity: Simple recipe
  • National cuisine: Russian kitchen
  • Type of dish: Dessert
  • Preparation time: 12 minutes
  • Cooking time: 35 min
  • Calorie Amount: 47 kilocalories
  • Number of servings: 11 servings
  • Occasion: For breakfast

Ingredients for eight servings

  • Cottage cheese - 500 grams
  • Egg - 2 pieces
  • Flour - 100-150 grams
  • Raisins - 50 grams (optional)
  • Starch - 2-3 tbsp. spoons
  • Sugar or powder - 3-5 tbsp. spoons
  • Butter - 50 grams

Step-by-step preparation

  1. First you need to make cottage cheese. For a softer texture of the meatballs, it is best to rub it through a sieve to remove excess lumps.
  2. Combine the pureed cottage cheese with eggs and powdered sugar. Mix everything thoroughly and gradually add flour. If desired, you can use semolina instead of flour, then the cottage cheese balls at home should be left for 15-25 minutes until the cereal swells.
  3. To prevent the meatballs from melting in the pan, add a little starch to the dough (it is better to use corn starch).
  4. Another option to make curd balls more interesting is to add dried fruits. Raisins, dried apricots or prunes must first be poured with boiling water, then dried and chopped.
  5. When the curd mass is ready, you can form balls and roll them on all sides in flour or breadcrumbs.
  6. Melt the butter in a frying pan and add the meatballs there. Fry over medium heat until golden brown.
  7. You can serve them with sour cream, berry syrup or honey. Before serving, you can sprinkle with powdered sugar or a pinch of cinnamon.