What are the benefits of chocolate face mask? “Chocolate” face mask at home: recipes. Recipes for homemade chocolate face masks

54 04/24/2019 6 min.

Chocolate has unique properties that allow it to be used in medicine and cosmetology. Chocolate applications made at home are popular among women of all age groups.

Thanks to the presence of biologically active substances, chocolate cosmetics allow you to achieve positive results in the shortest time. Many defects of the facial dermis can be eliminated with the help of chocolate masks. The product is a strong allergen, so before using masks based on it, you should consult a dermatologist.

Useful properties of chocolate

Chocolate, in terms of its benefits for the body, has rare qualities that are determined by its biochemical composition. This healthy product contains vitamins B1, B2, E, PP, trace elements, amino acids and flavonoids.

Composition of chocolate.

Of the minerals, chocolate contains the most of the following substances:

  • potassium;
  • magnesium;
  • sodium;
  • calcium;
  • phosphorus.

Benefits of chocolate for the face

The unique properties of the substances contained in chocolate are used in various cosmetics and procedures. Amino acids help stop the aging process by activating cellular metabolism. Chocolate face mask saturates the skin with vitamins, microelements and fatty acids. This makes the dermis more elastic and elastic. The components of cocoa beans have a tightening effect, which helps eliminate puffiness, smooth out wrinkles and even out the shape of the face. Antioxidants remove toxins from the epidermis and activate protective properties.

As a result of using a chocolate mask, moisture deeply saturates the dermis, making it fresh and healthy looking.

Indications for use

Chocolate masks have no age restrictions and can be recommended for both young and older women. They should be used when the skin loses elasticity and decreases its tone.

The application returns the dermis to a healthy and fresh appearance. Chocolate helps relieve inflammation and remove swelling. The main focus of using chocolate masks is to combat age-related changes and natural aging of facial skin. This is the appearance of wrinkles, deformation of the shape of the face due to sagging of the dermis in problem areas and other defects.

Recipes for the best homemade masks

To obtain a positive result, various natural ingredients are added to facial masks. These can be plant extracts, oils, honey and dairy products.

Made from dark chocolate

Provides skin elasticity, activates blood circulation, increases immunity and protective properties of the epidermis. Such applications are recommended for use in the autumn-winter period. For the mask, dark chocolate with an active product content of 55-70% is used. Melt 25 grams of dark chocolate in a water bath to a paste and mix with 8 ml of coffee oil and 7 grams of starch. Apply with a wide brush along massage lines and leave for 25-30 minutes. At the end of the procedure, rinse off the composition, alternating cold and hot water.

Coffee oil is extracted from pressed coffee beans.

From dairy

Cleanses the epidermis of dead scales and helps get rid of age-related pigmentation. The application is suitable for sensitive dry skin with symptoms of rosacea. Mix 20 grams of milk chocolate and 15 grams of cottage cheese in a blender. Dilute the finished mixture with a small amount of green tea, add 4-5 drops of patchouli oil and ground cinnamon on the tip of a knife. Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply to the cleansed dermis of the face. The duration of the procedure is 20 minutes.

For wrinkles

Smoothes the dermis and helps fight facial wrinkles. An important component is dry kelp algae powder. Pour 15 grams of powder with a small amount of warm milk and leave to swell for 1 hour. Melt 25 grams of dark chocolate in a water bath and add 6 ml of almond oil and kelp. Mix the mixture thoroughly. Distribute the warm mass evenly along the massage lines on the skin of the face. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

With olive oil

Tightens sagging skin, improves tone and removes toxins. Recommended for dry and dehydrated dermis. 5 grams of dried calendula flowers are crushed in a coffee grinder and mixed with 8 grams of olive oil. 20 grams of dark chocolate are heated in a water bath until liquid. All components are mixed until smooth. Before applying the application, the dermis should be steamed with a hot compress. The mixture is applied for 15-20 minutes, excluding the area around the eyes. Wash off with warm green tea.

With honey

Well tones and moisturizes the skin. The mask can be considered the optimal care product for normal and combination dermis. Unlike other applications, white chocolate is used here. 25 grams of this product along with 10 grams of honey are heated in a water bath. 2 grams of bee pollen in small granules are added to the mixture. The composition is mixed and applied to the cleansed dermis using a sponge. Removal is performed after the mixture has completely dried, which takes approximately 15-18 minutes.

With strawberry

It narrows large pores well, evens out tone and normalizes sebum production. Suitable for women with oily skin. Grind 20 grams of dark chocolate in a mortar with 5 fresh strawberries. Add 8 grams of rye flour and mix everything. Apply the mixture to steamed facial skin for 10-15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water and a small amount of citrus essential oil. Berries should be thoroughly washed with warm water to avoid introducing dirt and bacteria.

With orange

Helps get rid of pimples and acne. Relieves inflammation and disinfects the dermis. An effective homemade mask with citrus is suitable for women with normal, combination and oily skin. 30-40 grams of chocolate are heated in a water bath. A small orange is ground into pulp, along with the peel, on a fine grater and added to liquid chocolate. The composition is mixed. The face is cleansed with cosmetic milk, after which an application is applied to it for 15-20 minutes.

With mint

It has an antibacterial effect, activates blood flow in capillaries and reduces inflammation. Grind 15 grams of milk chocolate in a mortar with 5 fresh mint leaves. Add 15 grams of cosmetic clay and 5-6 drops of peppermint oil. Stir the mixture and bring to the desired consistency with warm mineral water without gas. The composition is applied to the clean dermis of the face for 10-15 minutes. After rinsing with warm water, it is recommended to apply zinc ointment to the inflamed areas.

With cream

Helps get rid of wrinkles and age-related pigmentation. Retains moisture in the dermis and prevents loss of elasticity. Grind 1 tablet of spirulina algae into powder and pour in 20 ml of heated cream. Heat 20 grams of dark chocolate in a water bath. Combine the ingredients and mix thoroughly. Apply the composition with a sponge from the chin up towards the forehead. After 15 minutes, rinse off the application and apply moisturizer to your face.

For dry skin

Moisturizes and tightens sagging skin, evens out complexion and increases elasticity. Melt 20 grams of dark chocolate until liquid. Beat 1 teaspoon of sour cream with egg yolk and two strawberries. Add 1 teaspoon of oatmeal and 5 drops of lavender oil to the mixture. Mix with liquid chocolate and apply to face for 15 minutes. After completing the procedure, you need to wash your face with contrasting water.


Helps dry skin get rid of dead particles, refreshes and tones. Heat 20 grams of chocolate until liquid. Mix with one tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of rice or oatmeal. As a last resort, you can use premium wheat flour. If necessary, the mixture can be diluted with warmed milk. Apply with a sponge along massage lines and leave for 15 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.

For oily dermis

Cleanses the epidermis, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and relieves focal inflammation. 30 grams of dark chocolate are ground in a mortar along with one tablespoon of corn flakes. The resulting mass is diluted with two tablespoons of low-fat kefir. The mixture is thoroughly mixed until smooth. The application is applied to the face for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water.

How to cook properly

When preparing chocolate masks, a lot depends on the consistency of the ingredients. Chocolate is usually brought to a liquid state in a water bath or ground into a fine powder in a mortar.

All components of the mixture must be thoroughly mixed until smooth. Lumps and large particles are not allowed. The consistency of the finished mixture should resemble sour cream. A composition that is too thick can be diluted with warm mineral water without gas, if the recipe does not provide for other products.

To prepare applications at home, bitter or dark chocolate is usually used. A milk or white product is used only when specified in the recipe. In a natural bitter product, the content of cocoa bean powder varies from 50 to 70%. It contains the maximum amount of biologically active substances. Applications can be applied with a soft brush or sponge. It is recommended to carry out 2-3 procedures per week.

Chocolate containing preservatives, flavor enhancers and other fillers should not be used for home cosmetics.

Application results

After several sessions of chocolate therapy, you can notice the smoothing of wrinkles. The skin of the face acquires firmness and elasticity, and pimples and acne begin to dry out and disappear.

Results from using chocolate face masks.

Age spots lighten and gradually disappear so much that they can be hidden behind light makeup. The oval of the face is tightened, and its color becomes young and fresh.


The main contraindication is an individual allergic reaction to the product. It is not allowed to apply chocolate masks if there are abrasions, scratches or other damage on the face. Exacerbation of chronic ailments and elevated temperature are also obstacles to cosmetic applications.



  1. Chocolate is a very effective remedy for rejuvenating facial skin.
  2. This is a strong allergen, so before using the mask you should test your skin for reaction.
  3. To ensure that the components are better absorbed, a plastic film can be placed on top of the application.
  4. To obtain a positive effect, you will need a course of 10-12 masks.

The topic of our conversation is how to prepare chocolate face masks at home, and what beneficial and rejuvenating effect they have on the skin.

Of course, chocolate is a healthy and tasty food product. But, it is no less useful in facial care, namely for oily, mixed and normal skin. When used correctly, it can rejuvenate and give freshness to even aging skin.

That is why in beauty salons I often use this sweet delicacy for skin care, because the properties that chocolate has are not comparable in strength to other skin care products. It contains a record amount of antioxidants, which, when applied topically, can rejuvenate and slow down the process of skin aging.

Chocolate mask: rejuvenating effect for skin

Thanks to its unique composition, it tones the skin, gives it a boost of energy and freshness.

Chocolate face mask contains many vitamins and nutrients that are indispensable for our beauty and youth:

  • The cocoa beans from which I make chocolate are rich in vitamins: B2 (riboflavin) is involved in accelerating metabolism in tissues and the process of cellular respiration. PP (niacin) makes the complexion fresh, healthy and natural. B1 (thiamine) smoothes wrinkles and fights signs of skin aging;
  • theobromine triggers active biochemical processes that occur in skin cells, this affects the production of collagen, which makes the skin elastic and firm;
  • caffeine is an antioxidant, a generous gift from nature, which rejuvenates and tones tired and aging skin;
  • tryptophan protects against adverse weather conditions and poor ecology;
  • tannins, improve the texture of the skin, healing microcracks on it;
  • phenylethylamine is a unique substance that can cause anxiety; the benefit for the skin is that it causes blood flow and thanks to this, the cells are saturated with oxygen in sufficient quantities;
  • anandamide soothes and relaxes the skin;
  • glucose gives the skin long-lasting and rich hydration;
  • vanilla in the chocolate mask makes the skin softer, softer and younger;
  • lecithin is involved in the restoration and metabolic processes of the skin at the cellular level;
  • pectin is a natural remedy for deep cleansing of the skin at the cellular level.

Meanwhile, chocolate has powerful antimicrobial properties, which makes it possible to use it for acne. All masks with this product will be useful not only for mature, but also for young skin, which is highly susceptible to acne and irritation.

Proper preparation and regular use of a chocolate mask will give your skin a second youth, a wonderful renewal, a beautiful and healthy look. You will not see any redness, wrinkles or age spots in the mirror.

Indications and contraindications

A chocolate mask has a wonderful effect on different skin types:

  • It softens dry skin as much as possible and moisturizes it for a long time;
  • flabby, fading aging skin rejuvenates and brings to life;
  • invigorates tired skin; soothes problematic skin;
  • For normal or combination skin, it serves as a favorite product that takes care of it gently and deliciously.
  • Today you will learn how to properly make chocolate face masks at home.

Safety regulations


Despite all the benefits of this mask, it is quite allergenic, so be sure to do an allergy test before applying. Even though you can eat chocolate without any restrictions, this does not mean that your skin also tolerates this product well. Don't be lazy and check your skin's compatibility with chocolate.

To do this is quite simple, apply a small portion of the chocolate mixture to the wrist area and hold for 10 minutes. The skin in this area is very delicate and sensitive, and if chocolate treatments are contraindicated for you, then after the test you will immediately notice obvious redness.

If no reaction occurs, then your skin tolerates chocolate well, and you can confidently perform chocolate treatments.

Chocolate for oily skin

Chocolate will cleanse well and tighten pores on oily skin. To prepare masks, you need to use only warm chocolate; it is not permissible to apply it hot, so as not to burn the skin.

All masks must be left on the skin for at least 20 minutes, then washed off; moisturizing is not recommended.

Recipe 1. Take half a chocolate bar, melt it in a water bath, and apply. Remains can be distributed onto the décolleté area. The mixture moisturizes, perfectly cleanses and makes the skin younger.

Recipe 2. Take equal parts melted chocolate and white clay. Mix and apply in an even layer. The mixture perfectly cleanses pores and makes the skin soft and very smooth. This mask can be used not only for oily skin, but also for problem skin, as it has the ability to disinfect and dry out acne.

Recipe 3. Melt a quarter of the chocolate, add 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and 1 tsp. grapefruit juice. The mixture turns out to be quite liquid, so it is recommended to apply it in four layers. Each new layer is applied only when the previous one has dried a little. The mask eliminates oily shine and deeply cleanses, drying out acne.

Recipe 4. Take melted chocolate, mix in equal parts with low-fat yogurt and apply to skin. The mixture cleanses and softens even very rough skin. Meanwhile, it fights pimples well and relieves irritation.

Recipe 5. For heavily contaminated skin with blackheads, it is recommended to make chocolate half and half with protein. The chocolate and protein need to be beaten well with a whisk until foam appears, and only after that it can be applied.

The mixture cleanses very deeply, getting rid of annoying blackheads for quite a long time. If you practice this mask more often, you will completely forget about blackheads.

Chocolate for combination skin

This type of skin requires more careful care, as some areas are oily, while others are too dry. Before using chocolate, it is recommended to cleanse oily areas of the skin in advance, such as the nose, forehead and chin. To do this, you can use regular soap or washing gel. You need to keep the chocolate for about 10 minutes.

Recipe 1. Take 2 tbsp. l. softened chocolate, add a little heavy cream and a little thick sour cream to thicken the mixture. The mask moisturizes dry areas well, and at the same time cleanses and tightens pores.

Recipe 2. Mix everything in equal proportions: chocolate, yolk, yogurt and honey, apply in three layers. The mixture nourishes and moisturizes, cleansing and tightening pores. In addition, it rejuvenates and helps inhibit the natural aging process of the dermis. The mask is suitable for both young and aging skin.

Recipe 3. Take 2 tbsp. l. chocolate, add a few drops of vitamin E and aloe juice. The mask helps get rid of pimples, cleanses and heals any wounds, giving the skin incredible freshness and well-groomed.

Recipe 4. Melt a quarter of the chocolate, add 1 tsp of banana and kiwi puree. The mixture ideally cleanses, refreshes and vitaminizes the skin. It is especially good to make a mask if you have blackheads, since after the chocolate-fruit procedure they disappear instantly.

This skin needs moderate cleansing and moisturizing, but despite this, without proper care, expression lines form on it, which then become deeper. The skin gradually loses its elasticity, which means the aging mechanism begins.

Chocolate helps restore elasticity and get rid of wrinkles, but only if you do these procedures systematically. At the same time, the tone of the face is evened out, and the skin looks fresh and rested. Keep the chocolate mixtures for no more than 10 minutes.

Recipe 1. Take 50 g of melted chocolate, add 1 tsp. cream, fat sour cream and quail yolk. The mixture cleanses and moisturizes very well, smoothing out all the small wrinkles on the face.

Recipe 2. You need to take chocolate, mashed potatoes without salt and fat, and yolk in equal proportions. The mixture nourishes very well, smooths out wrinkles, and gives a pleasant fresh look.

Recipe 3. If your skin is prone to acne, then this problem can be easily solved by adding a little yeast from the briquette (live yeast) to the chocolate. In this case, the chocolate should be slightly warm so as not to kill the beneficial properties of the yeast.

The mixture should be prepared in equal proportions and applied warm to the skin. Using dry yeast is not recommended.

Recipe 4. Take 50 g of chocolate and thick honey, add 1 tsp. oatmeal The mask cleanses and moisturizes the skin well. Meanwhile, this mask has a peeling effect, making the skin very soft.

By making chocolate masks systematically, you will see for yourself that your skin is rejuvenated and transformed, becoming more delicate and beautiful.

Soon all small wrinkles will smooth out, and deeper ones will become almost invisible. Blackheads from using chocolate become less noticeable and eventually disappear completely.

Be healthy and beautiful!

Nutritionists and doctors agree on the benefits of chocolate. Cosmetologists are sure that this tasty product is good for the skin if used externally. How to do it right? What effect can you expect from chocolate? Are there any restrictions? There are a lot of questions, let's figure it out

Good chocolate contains many microelements that are beneficial to human health (phosphorus, fluorine, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium).

  • Vitamins PP and B1, B2, which improve metabolism, prevents aging at the cellular level.
  • Caffeine and tryptophan increase the anti-stress capabilities of the skin, resist unfavorable external conditions.
  • Theobromine and caffeine, phenylethylamine tone the skin, trigger skin regeneration processes, restoration of collagen fibers, for example.
  • Glucose and vanilla soften and fill the skin with moisture.
  • Pectin penetrates into deep layers, removes toxins.
  • Lecithin, phenylethylamine and tannins help restore the natural lipid barrier.
  • Anandamide soothes and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The quality of chocolate depends on its composition. In cosmetology, dark or bitter chocolate is required, in which the cocoa bean content is 50% or higher. They contain valuable components that have a beneficial effect on the skin.

Edible chocolate also contains substances that provoke allergies (cocoa beans or caffeine). Therefore, people with sensitivity to this product and cocoa derivatives should be careful and first conduct a skin test on the elbow.

Friend or foe?

Cosmetologists are sure that chocolate is universal. For any age and skin condition, you can choose masks and compositions that solve a variety of problems:

  • Tired skin acquires tone, tightens, and evens out complexion.
  • Small wrinkles are smoothed out; for mature skin, this is a vitamin cocktail that improves the appearance and condition of the skin.
  • Dry skin becomes soft and velvety and receives the necessary hydration.
  • Sensitive, problematic and combination skin is refreshed.

Any skin type will receive protection from free radicals and will improve protection from the harmful factors of the metropolis, dry air, and temperature changes.

Even those with oily skin can pamper themselves by providing the skin with additional nourishment and softening.

But they are the ones who need to carefully use cocoa products, mixing ingredients that reduce skin greasiness into the base for the mask.

The only contraindication for delicious procedures is allergies. It often manifests itself in the form of rashes, irritation, and itching. Therefore, if such reactions of the body prevent you from eating chocolate, then you should not use it for masks.

How to prepare a mask

To use the product for a mask, you need to melt it in a water bath. Most formulations require 2 tablespoons or half a bar of chocolate. You can soften it in a water bath, in the microwave, or in a plastic bag.

The last option is convenient:

  • take the required amount of chocolate,
  • put it in a clean bag and place it in a container with hot water.
  • When the chocolate melts, it is ready to be used.

It is better to apply this mass with a special brush or cotton pad; it will be difficult to distribute evenly with your hands.

Method of use

Before applying the mask, clean your skin well and use.

Uneven skin can turn into trouble: chocolate masks leave a light golden tint. If the skin is not prepared, then barely noticeable marks will remain.

By the way, this way you can give a pleasant tan color to fair-skinned girls and hide light freckles.

The chocolate mass retains heat for a long time; it needs to be cooled to a comfortable temperature. Active substances cause blood flow to the skin and its active circulation. So you can leave the masks on your face for no more than 10 minutes.

Pampering normal skin:

  • The basic recipe suggests melting a quarter of a chocolate bar, stirring cold purified water into it until the consistency of sour cream. Once the mixture reaches room temperature, it is ready to use.
  • The same volume of chocolate can be mixed with freshly grated apple (1:1). A mask with chocolate, fresh orange juice and (1:2:1) can act as a soft scrub.

Toning tired and mature skin:

  • These components are used in different interpretations in the cosmetics industry: chocolate and oatmeal are mixed with liquid honey and cream (2:2:1:4).
  • The composition of chocolate, aloe and honey (2:1:2) is no less popular. This same remedy is considered an excellent medicine for a sore throat.

Nourishing dry skin:

  • Olive oil, known for its properties, is added to warm chocolate (1:4), stirring until smooth.
  • For 1 chicken yolk you need 1 spoon of sour cream and chocolate. The mask will moisturize and tighten the skin.

Soothes oily skin:

  • In a 2:2:1 ratio, take chocolate, fresh puree from sour fruits (or berries, for example, apples, cherries) and lemon juice. The mass also helps whiten the skin.
  • Cleanse the skin and soothe it with a mixture of chocolate, oatmeal and white clay, taken in equal proportions. Stir with clean water or green tea, which has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects.
  • Using the properties of fruit acids, you can make a vitamin cocktail mask from chocolate and orange and lemon juices (2:1:1).

After the prescribed time, wash your face with warm water. No additional nutrition or hydration is required. The changes and performance of the mask can be assessed in the morning.

Is it worth doing?

In SPA salons, services using chocolate are the most popular. At home, you can also do delicious and pleasant facial treatments that will be healthy and inexpensive. After a nourishing mask with chocolate, its benefits become obvious; the skin will become soft and silky to the touch.

Sweet masks in salons will become justified in a range of services. The effect is immediately visible thanks to the selected sequence of stages. There are special series of products for home and salon use.

Such cosmetics are free of allergens, although it is difficult to call them natural.

Pampering yourself with chocolate while remaining slim, helping your facial skin survive a difficult season and providing effective care is a feasible mission. What if you don't like chocolate? Read our articles to find your super product for your facial skin. Natural beauty is always great!

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Chocolate should confidently be classified as a rather refined type of delicacy, because its taste will not leave any woman indifferent. However, in addition to its main advantage, this delicious product can work wonders in the field of cosmetology. It has a magical effect on the skin cells of the body and face, so very often the fair half pamper themselves with chocolate face masks.

What are the benefits of a mask?

Chocolate has a number of nutrients that can have a positive effect on the human body not only from the inside, but also from the outside. Masks based on it can give a boost of freshness and long-lasting energy, as well as toning the skin due to its amazing composition.

So, the chocolate mask is rich in:

  1. Theobromine - to activate all sorts of biochemical processes that occur in skin cells.
  2. Tannins - for the purpose of healing existing microcracks in the skin, improving the condition of its overall texture.
  3. Cocoa beans - for freshness and naturalness of complexion, combating wrinkles and other signs of aging skin, cellular respiration, accelerating metabolic processes in tissues.
  4. Glucose – to ensure skin hydration for a long time.
  5. Caffeine – to tone and rejuvenate skin that has a dull and tired appearance.
  6. Tryptophan - to provide protection against all kinds of adverse environmental conditions.
  7. Vanilla - for softness, elasticity, tenderness and, accordingly, youth.
  8. Phenylethylamine - to ensure blood flow directly to the upper layers of the skin, obtaining a sufficient amount of oxygen.
  9. Pectin – for maximum cleansing of the skin at the cellular level.
  10. Anandamide – to obtain some relaxing effect on the skin.
  11. Lecithin - to restore the protective properties of the skin due to participation in metabolic cellular processes.

If you prepare a chocolate face mask correctly and use it regularly, your skin will acquire a lot of positive properties: freshness, radiance, renewal, healthy appearance.

A delicious chocolate-based mask can be applied to different skin types:

  • tired;
  • problematic;
  • dry;
  • flabby;
  • withered;
  • normal;
  • combined.

Everything here is not so simple, if, for example, oily skin does not tolerate chocolate in its pure form, then when other components with a drying nature are added to the mask, then it becomes very useful.

For the external use of chocolate, experts identify only one, but extremely important, contraindication, namely an allergy to the constituent ingredients. Often they are caffeine and cocoa beans. This is considered the only signal to use chocolate for cosmetic purposes. So, if chocolate, when consumed internally, does not cause you absolutely any of the problems described above, then a face mask based on it is approved for use.

Recipes for chocolate-based face masks

Initially, you should choose the right chocolate, its main characteristics:

  • black;
  • absence of any additives;
  • cocoa bean content indicators – from 50%.

Preparation depends on skin type:

  1. Dry skin:
    • olive mask – carefully melt 2 tbsp. l. chocolate with 1 tsp. olive oil and apply chilled;
    • egg - 1 tbsp. l. melted chocolate mixed with 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and egg yolk.
  2. Normal skin:
    • orange – 1 tbsp. l. melted chocolate diluted with 2 tbsp. l. orange juice and add 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
    • classic – melted chocolate in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. diluted with cold water (necessarily boiled) to the state of sour cream;
    • apple – 1 tbsp. l. melted chocolate mixed with 1 tbsp. l. apple, previously grated using a fine grater.
  3. Oily skin:
    • clay – 2 tsp. melted chocolate, cooled, mixed with 2 tsp. white clay, 2 tsp. oatmeal, diluted with green, non-hot tea to a paste;
    • fruit - 1 tbsp. l. melted chocolate mixed with 1 tbsp. l. fruit pulp, 1 tsp. lemon juice (suitable fruits are cherries, sour apples, red currants);
    • orange-lemon – 1 tbsp. l. melted chocolate mixed with 1 tsp. orange juice and 1 tsp. lemon juice.
  4. Aging skin:
    • complex mask – 1 tbsp. l. finely grated chocolate mixed with 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal flour, 1 tsp. melted honey, 2 tbsp. l. cream;
    • based on honey - 1 tbsp. l. pre-melted chocolate mixed with 1 tsp. liquid honey, 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice

Chocolate masks for the body, face and hair: the benefits of chocolate treatments, contraindications to the use of chocolate “therapy”, recipes for chocolate masks.

Today, such unusual salon procedures as stone therapy, fichicurure, seaweed wraps, and massage with bamboo sticks have become very fashionable. Chocolate is also actively used as a cosmetic product. Masks are made from it, used for massage and wraps.

To feel the effect of “delicious” treatments, you don’t have to visit SPA salons. Chocolate masks are easy to make at home.

What are the benefits of chocolate masks?

Chocolate masks are good for skin and hair. They make the skin more elastic, perfectly cleanse and nourish it. Chocolate masks restore healthy shine and silkiness to your hair. And “tasty” procedures are good for the soul. The aroma of chocolate relieves tension, gives a feeling of peace and inner harmony.

The secret is that the noble product made from cocoa beans is a real storehouse of beauty, which contains minerals, vitamins, fatty acids, polyphenols and other useful substances.

Caffeine, which is contained in chocolate, increases blood circulation and enhances lymphatic drainage, which helps fight cellulite, puffiness and other skin imperfections. Cocoa butter regulates metabolic processes in tissues, perfectly softens and tightens the skin.

With the help of chocolate “therapy” you can get rid of acne and age spots, as well as give your skin a light tan. This must be taken into account if the skin is very light in order to avoid unwanted coloring.

Who benefits from chocolate masks?

Who should not use chocolate masks?

Such procedures cannot be carried out during acute infectious and viral diseases. They are also contraindicated for people who suffer from skin diseases. Pure chocolate masks are not recommended for oily skin.

What kind of chocolate to use

For making masks, only pure, completely natural, dark dark chocolate is suitable, without artificial colors, flavors and preservatives, without fillings and foreign additives (nuts, raisins, etc.), with a minimum sugar content and a cocoa percentage of at least 60% cocoa.

How to make chocolate masks at home

Recipe 1. Universal mask

Melt half a bar of bitter dark chocolate in a water bath, mix with a teaspoon of olive oil and apply to the face and décolleté. This mask perfectly cleanses and nourishes the skin.

Recipe 2. Firming mask

Take half a bar of dark chocolate, any fruit juice (several types are possible) and medicinal clay, preferably pink, yellow or blue. Melt the chocolate. Mix all the ingredients and apply the resulting mixture to the face and décolleté for 20 minutes. This mask will appeal to tired, aging skin.

Recipe 3. Mask for dry and sensitive skin

Take 25 g of chocolate, 1 tablespoon of coconut milk (can be replaced with sour cream), 1 tablespoon of white or red clay and 1 teaspoon of honey. Melt the chocolate and mix it with the rest of the ingredients. Apply the mask to a clean face and rinse after 20 minutes. The skin will become silky and radiant.

Dry skin will also like masks made from egg yolk, vegetable oil (almond, olive, grape seed oil), homemade sour cream, avocado pulp with the addition of melted chocolate.

Recipe 4. Mask for oily and problem skin

Take 25 g of dark chocolate, half a teaspoon each of ground cinnamon, turmeric and olive oil. Melt the chocolate and mix it with spices. Apply the mixture to your face and neck, gently massaging the skin to exfoliate dead cells. Rinse off after 20 minutes.
Oily skin will also like masks made from cosmetic clay, nettle juice, aloe and sour fruits - apple, lemon, red currant with the addition of melted chocolate.

Recipe 5. Mask for normal and combination skin

Melt half a bar of dark chocolate in a water bath, mix it with orange juice and flower honey (one tablespoon each) and apply to the face and décolleté for 10-15 minutes.
You can prepare a mask according to the following recipe: mix melted chocolate with yellow clay (one tablespoon at a time) and add a little lemon juice.

Recipe 1. Mask for stretch marks

The following mask will help make your skin more elastic and stretch marks less noticeable: melted chocolate (1 bar), mixed with 1 tablespoon of sour cream and 3 tablespoons of cocoa. If the mixture turns out thick, it can be diluted with warm water. The mask is applied to problem areas, massaged for 10 minutes and left for another 10 minutes.

Recipe 2. Anti-cellulite chocolate wrap

You will need 200 g of dark chocolate, it needs to be melted and mixed with 500 ml of hot water, cooled to a temperature of 35 degrees and applied in a rough layer to problem areas for 10-15 minutes. To enhance the effect of the procedure, you can wrap yourself in polyethylene and exfoliate your body before wrapping. You need to repeat the procedure 2-3 times a week, but those who have problems with blood vessels are not recommended to do it at all.

Recipe 3. Chocolate bath

In this case, cocoa powder is more suitable, the main thing is that it is of high quality and does not contain sugar or other impurities. Take 200 grams of cocoa, dissolve it in a liter of hot water and pour it into the bath. In addition to the amazing, delicious aroma that will fill the bath, you will get smooth, silky skin and a wonderful mood.

Recipe 1. Mask for all hair types

Melt half a bar of dark chocolate, and when it cools down a little, mix with a tablespoon of honey and 100 ml of natural yogurt or sour cream. Apply to clean hair along the entire length. Wrap your head in plastic and wrap it with a towel. Rinse off with warm water after an hour. This mask moisturizes hair and returns shine to it.

Recipe 2. Mask for dry, weakened and colored hair

Heat 3 tablespoons of milk in a small saucepan, add chocolate pieces and stir until melted. Add oil (avocado, jojoba, peach or any other), a couple of drops of essential oil (sandalwood, ylang-ylang or lavender, if desired) and 0.5 teaspoon of liquid vitamin E to a warm mask. Mix well and apply to dry areas for an hour. clean hair. Place cellophane on your hair and wrap it with a towel.

Recipe 3. Mask for oily hair

Melt half a bar of chocolate in a water bath, add a little sour fruit juice (lemon, orange, apple), 2 tablespoons of cosmetic clay (white, yellow or blue). Essential oils of rosemary, geranium, orange, mint, grapefruit and bergamot perfectly eliminate oily scalp. You can add 2 drops of any oil to this mask. Apply it to the scalp for half an hour.

Recipe 4. Nourishing mask

Take half a ripe banana and mash well. Melt 1 tablespoon of honey and half a bar of dark chocolate in a water bath, and when the chocolate-honey mass has cooled a little, add banana pulp, a little milk and mix well. Apply the mixture to dry hair, cover your head with plastic, wrap it in a towel and leave the mask on for about an hour.

Yes, you can not only enjoy chocolate, but also use it to benefit your beauty. Chocolate masks are one of the most pleasant home treatments for the body and soul. Treat your body with love and care, and it will respond to you in kind.
