What is better - cognac or vodka, what is the fundamental difference? Features of production and use. What is more harmful to health: vodka or beer?

There are many facts in favor of both vodka and beer, proving which of these drinks is healthier and which is more harmful, both for individual organs and for the body as a whole.

Among the advantages of vodka, the following are usually distinguished:

  • pure composition, without additional components;
  • storage duration;
  • ability to warm the body;
  • the title of a traditional Russian drink;
  • positive effect on the cardiovascular system (when used in small doses).

In turn, beer lovers emphasize the following advantages over vodka:

  • pleasant taste and aroma;
  • the ability to quench thirst;
  • providing a tonic effect;
  • low calorie content;
  • the ability to control the state of intoxication due to the minimum strength of the drink.

Speaking about the greatest harm to the body, the undisputed leader is vodka. Like all drinks with a high alcohol content, it promotes rapid intoxication and causes a crushing blow to the organs. However, beer also has a negative effect on the body, promoting rapid obesity and leaching of beneficial vitamins and microelements.

Ethyl alcohol has a detrimental effect on the digestive system. Even in small quantities, alcohol provokes the stomach to produce excessive amounts of acid, thereby causing various irritations.

Of course, drinking vodka has a more destructive effect on the stomach than beer. However, it all depends on the volume of alcohol consumed. It cannot be said that two shots of vodka are much more harmful than two liters of beer.

In general, uncontrolled doses of alcohol can provoke:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • gastritis;
  • ulcer;
  • diarrhea;
  • nutrient absorption disorders;
  • gastrodigestive reflux (burn of the throat mucosa);
  • in severe cases - bleeding.

The effect of vodka and beer on the liver

After alcohol enters the stomach, its molecules are absorbed into the blood and then travel to the liver. It is this organ that is responsible for processing ethyl alcohol through the production of special enzymes. When doses of alcohol exceed the norm, the liver can no longer cope with them and simply wears out. As a result, organ cells are destroyed, and there is a risk of developing the following diseases:

  1. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), in which liver cells are gradually replaced by fatty tissue.
  2. Alcoholic hepatitis in acute or chronic form (inflammatory processes in the organ).
  3. Cirrhosis is an incurable liver disease accompanied by acute liver failure and destruction of organ tissue.

Of course, people who prefer vodka and other strong drinks are much more likely to encounter these diseases.

Although beer is a low-alcohol drink, many people neglect the permissible dose of ethanol per day (no more than 40 grams). In addition to the main component, beer contains many other additives that are harmful to the liver, namely:

  • cobalt;
  • salts of heavy metals;
  • toxic stabilizers;
  • carbon dioxide;
  • phytoestrogens.

The effect of vodka and beer on the heart

Drinking vodka is especially dangerous for people with blood pressure problems and heart failure. If the recommendations are ignored, the patient may develop a crisis or even death.

In general, vodka (if abused) can cause the following heart pathologies:

  • surges in blood pressure and changes in heart rhythm (arrhythmia, tachycardia);
  • increase in muscle mass of the heart;
  • overgrowth of the organ with connective tissue;
  • wear and tear of the heart muscle;
  • muscle tissue rupture;
  • ischemia.

If we talk about beer, it has an equally destructive effect on the heart. Due to the gas content, the absorption rate of ethyl alcohol and water increases noticeably. The work of the organ is activated due to hypervolemia (an increase in the volume of circulating blood). This contributes to the following manifestations:

  • hypertension;
  • heart failure;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • angina pectoris.

The effect of vodka and beer on the pancreas

Doctors say that the harmful effects of alcoholic beverages have a much stronger effect on the pancreas than on the liver. The reason is that, unlike the liver, the pancreas does not produce enzymes responsible for the breakdown of ethyl alcohol. As a result, a pure dose of toxic alcohol is absorbed into the organ, which can lead to the following disorders:

  • oxygen starvation of gland cells;
  • dysfunction of the sphincter of Oddi (closing of the duct into the duodenum);
  • thickening of digestive juices.

These processes lead to pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas tissue, which is accompanied by acute abdominal pain.

Even a single drink of alcohol can trigger an attack. In this situation, there is no difference between the type of alcohol: beer, vodka, etc. A toxic dose of 50 ml of ethyl alcohol per day will be quite enough for a healthy person (0.5 liters of beer contains 25.5 ml of ethanol, and 0.5 liters of vodka - 200 ml).

The effect of beer and vodka on the kidneys

Abuse of any alcohol causes an acid-base imbalance, as a result of which the kidneys begin to work more actively than usual. And this, in turn, negatively affects the condition of these organs, causing lower back pain.

Ethyl alcohol can cause the following kidney pathologies:

  1. Impaired GFR (the blood is cleared of harmful substances more slowly, organs are depleted).
  2. Proteinuria is the appearance of protein in the urine as a result of its leaching from the body.
  3. Excessive urination leading to kidney exhaustion.
  4. Problems with electrolyte balance (dehydration) due to potassium leaching.

Your Narcologist warns: Combination of vodka and beer (Ruff)

Often a feast begins with beer and gradually flows over to vodka. But there are those who risk mixing these two incompatible drinks into a mixture with shocking characteristics - Ruff. Not only does the drink taste disgusting, it has a powerful, destructive effect on the brain, liver, pancreas and other organs.

Under no circumstances should you mix beer and vodka. Entering the body simultaneously, they react and affect brain activity, causing sleep, amnesia and unbearable headache.

It is difficult to assess what is more harmful to the body, vodka or beer. However, both drinks have one common and no less important drawback: being alcoholic, both the first and second can provoke the development of addiction, which will not be so easy to get rid of.

Often during a feast a person is faced with a choice - what to drink, vodka or beer. It has long been known that all alcoholic drinks are harmful to the health of the body. Any alcohol contains varying amounts of ethyl alcohol and harmful chemical compounds used in production. According to statistics, this is the type of alcohol that people drink most often in the Russian Federation.

Many people believe that this drink is harmless and can be consumed in large quantities. However, this is a big misconception. If you look at the composition, in addition to alcohol, it contains dyes and flavors, fusel oils. It is very rare in the modern market that they offer a truly high-quality product prepared according to a true ancient recipe.

  • When drinking a low-alcohol drink, it is difficult to monitor the amount you drink. Beer produces joy hormones, which is why beer addiction develops faster than when drinking vodka.
  • The liver is under a lot of stress when drinking unlimited amounts of beer. Over time, the organ cannot cope with it, hepatocytes die and toxic substances enter the blood.
  • All harmful compounds used in beer production have a negative effect on the gastric mucosa. Over time, there may be a risk of developing gastritis or stomach ulcers.
  • Beer has a less harmful effect on the pancreas, however, the load increases if consumed on an empty stomach. As a rule, beer increases appetite, and when drunk, a person constantly eats.
  • With long enough consumption of the drink, kidney performance decreases. The body's waste products are poorly excreted, and chronic poisoning begins (chronic renal failure).

Beer is prepared by fermenting malt and hops with brewer's yeast. It is known that hops contain phytoestrogen, a substance harmful to the human body.

  1. Because of it, men begin to become obese: the mammary glands enlarge, the “beer” belly grows, and with prolonged use, potency decreases.
  2. Women begin to have problems with the menstrual cycle, including the development of infertility.

The main harm of an intoxicating drink is as follows:

  • rapid development of alcoholism;
  • irritates the gastric mucosa;
  • disrupts the functioning of the liver and kidneys;
  • causes hormonal imbalance in the body.

The effect of vodka on the body

Vodka contains ethanol and water. After drinking a strong forty-degree drink, a person suffers from a more severe hangover than after drinking low-alcohol drinks, beer, for example.

  • Vodka contains much less fusel oils, unlike beer, but there is much more alcohol, which has a detrimental effect on the largest vital gland in our body. The worst thing for the liver is exposure to toxic substances (alcohol among them). The cells of the filter organ are destroyed and replaced with connective tissue. Gradually, the liver ceases to perform its functions, which leads to the development of alcoholic hepatitis with subsequent transition to cirrhosis.
  • Vodka is dangerous for the human brain. With long-term use, neurons are destroyed, and alcoholic encephalopathy develops, which is dangerous due to its complications.
  • Ethyl alcohol is known to cause dehydration. This factor has a detrimental effect on the pancreas. Due to the decrease in the amount of water in the cells of the organ, the concentration of enzymes becomes enormous. Because of this, the gland becomes inflamed with the development of pancreatitis. Due to a decrease in the enzymatic activity of the pancreas, problems with the intestines arise. Ulcers form in the duodenum.

  • Vodka is more harmful to the stomach. People who drink can go without eating for several days without feeling hungry or exhausted. Less protective mucus is secreted; gastric juice irritates the mucous membrane. Gastritis develops and turns into an ulcer.
  • Vodka has a detrimental effect on arterial vessels. Over time, atherosclerotic plaques form in them, they narrow, and the load on the heart increases. The rheological properties of the blood also deteriorate and there is a high risk of thrombosis.
  • Alcohol causes irreversible changes in the adrenal glands. Because of this, the immune function of the body decreases in drinkers. They are prone to developing inflammatory diseases. The kidneys are often affected with the development of pyelonephritis and carbuncles.

The main harm of vodka is as follows:

  1. harmful effects on all human organs (the liver and brain are especially affected);
  2. severe hangover.

The consequences of mixing vodka with beer

Many people consider drinking a ruff (as a cocktail of vodka and beer is called) a normal event. It is important to know that the combination of beer and vodka is dangerous; you can get severe intoxication of the entire body.

As a result, poisoning leads to a severe hangover. Headache, nausea and vomiting are just a few of the consequences of this mixture. Sometimes emergency assistance from medical professionals is necessary, since it is not always possible to cope with this condition on your own.

Acceptable rate

There is a certain dosage of alcoholic beverages, which experts consider harmless to the body.

A man can drink 50 ml of vodka, and a woman - 30 ml per day. Beer is 0.5 l and 0.33 l, respectively. These dosages are considered safe for human health. It is important to know that each person is individual and it is not possible to determine an exact harmless norm. Age, health status, nationality and even weather also play a significant role.

Of course, the choice of drinks is varied. So, if it is hot outside or indoors, it is better to drink cold beer, since vodka will increase blood pressure and intoxication will occur several times faster.

Important! You can't drink vodka in the cold! It will not help you warm up, but on the contrary, frostbite will come faster.

Vodka or beer

The following conclusion can be drawn. If you have to choose: drink vodka or beer, it is impossible to give a definite answer. It all depends on individual characteristics, preferences and, interestingly, the weather. However, any drink can only be drunk in small quantities, otherwise you may get poisoned.

If there is such an opportunity, then it is better to choose not alcohol, but fruit drink, juice or plain water.

The modern world pleases lovers and connoisseurs of alcohol with an affordable abundance of a wide variety of alcoholic beverages. But here’s an interesting fact: a person can drink moonshine, vodka, whiskey, beer, brandy or wine, but at the same time he will always try to find out what is healthier or more harmful, better or, on the contrary, worse for health. What is less traumatic for internal organs (especially the liver) - pure domestic moonshine or imported whiskey or brandy? What is more effective for combating high blood pressure – red wine or white wine? What will help you cope with excess weight – wine or beer? And the most important question: what is more dangerous – vodka or beer?

Advantages and disadvantages of vodka and beer

Without exaggeration, vodka and beer can be called the most popular drinks among our compatriots, so the fact of constant debate among connoisseurs of this or that product no longer causes any surprise. Various arguments are given in favor of a vodka or beer product, but in order to understand which one is healthier and which one is more harmful for the body as a whole and for the liver or blood vessels in particular, it is best to understand the advantages and disadvantages of both.

The advantages of vodka, as opposed to beer, include the following facts:

  • no additives, only water with alcohol;
  • storage duration;
  • produces an excellent warming effect on the body;
  • traditionality as a Russian table drink;
  • convenience and ease of home preparation (moonshine);
  • useful in small quantities for the cardiovascular system;
  • Possibility of combination with various types of snacks.

Many people prefer to drink beer, believing that it is healthier and different:

  • more pleasant taste and smell than vodka;
  • the ability to quench thirst and produce a diuretic effect;
  • the presence of tonic components;
  • minimal alcohol content and low calorie content;
  • promoting slow intoxication, thanks to which the drinker can control the drinking process.

Vodka, as well as other high-proof drinks (moonshine, whiskey, brandy, cognac), are worse for health, since intoxication occurs very quickly after it. Beer is not for the better because it causes hunger, and therefore leads to rapid weight gain. Among the disadvantages inherent in vodka and beer equally, one can name the fact that both of these drinks are alcoholic, that is, they stimulate the development of addiction, and with excessive use they become even more harmful, provoking various diseases of the liver and cardiovascular system.

Health Difference

As for harm to the body in general, both representatives of the alcoholic fraternity lose. Both of them harm internal organs, primarily the liver and heart, harm the future offspring of drinkers, disrupt social connections and accelerate deaths.

It lies in the specific effect it has on a person. In the male body, it provokes the production of estrogens, female sex hormones, which suppress male hormones, which causes suppression of male sexual function up to impotence and infertility, and also begins the process of obesity of the “female” type - with an enlarged abdomen and general “heaviness” bodies. Women with an excess of female sex hormones are constantly in an aggressive mood, they are characterized by a state of increased excitability, which leads to an increase in the number of promiscuous sexual relations. If consumed unreasonably, beer leads to the development of pathology of the reproductive system in women, problems with menstrual function and female infertility. Moreover, beer has a teratogenic effect, that is, a woman who abuses this drink has every chance of giving birth to a child with a huge “bouquet” of pathologies and anomalies.

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What alcoholic drinks do you drink most often?

How often do you drink alcohol?

The next day after drinking alcohol, do you feel like you have a hangover?

Which system do you think alcohol has the greatest negative impact on?

Do you think the measures taken by the government to restrict the sale of alcohol are sufficient?

As for vodka, the harm caused to it is a little less insidious, although much more serious. This alcohol, like other drinks with a high ethanol content (moonshine, whiskey, brandy, cognac, tequila), quickly leads to death, harming the liver and brain, destroying the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Vodka negatively affects the reproductive function of men and women, leads to the development of pregnancy anomalies, and provokes an increase in accidents in which alcoholics and the people around them die. If we compare two drinks, which one is better and which one is worse, only one thing can be noted: if the safe dose is exceeded, any drink - vodka and moonshine, wine and beer, and cognac - can cause significant harm to the body.

In whose favor will the comparison be?

If we take into account the fact that alcohol causes the main harm to the body by three factors - pure ethanol content, calorie content and additives - we can determine whether beer or vodka is more harmful to a person.

  1. The content of pure ethyl alcohol is 40 ml per 100 g. in vodka, and only 6 ml per 100 g. in beer. The stronger the drink, the more dangerous it is; therefore, it is better to drink beer than alcohol with a higher degree, which includes vodka and cognac, homemade moonshine, whiskey and brandy, which contain significantly more ethanol. However, we should not forget that people are accustomed to drinking beer not in “hundred grams”, but in liters, and this must be taken into account when calculating the alcohol content.
  2. Calorie content 100 gr. vodka and similar products (moonshine, brandy and especially whiskey) is 240 Kcal, so it is more harmful than beer, which contains only 40 Kcal per 100 ml. At the same time, one should not forget about the traditionally drunk volumes of beer, as well as the fact that it stimulates hunger, ultimately provoking an increase in body weight.
  3. There are no additives in vodka, as a result of which it is neutral at this point. Beer, on the other hand, is a controversial drink: on the one hand, it contains useful components that help, for example, in cleaning blood vessels. On the other hand, without harm to health, you can only drink natural beer, and not the surrogate that is sold in most Russian stores, which contains chemical additives that are harmful to health.

If we draw a conclusion about the dangers and benefits of two drinks based on the listed facts, then beer can be considered a winner, but only if it is consumed in moderation (no more than 350-500 ml per day).

The stronger the drink, the more ethanol, and therefore more dangerous to health.

Every drink has its time

There are cases in which, other things being equal, it is better to give preference to vodka. For example, this drink can be used “to warm up” after a long stay in the cold. Just 100 ml of vodka can dilate blood vessels, causing blood to flow to the skin, accelerating the warming process. And, it just so happens that with everything for the liver, it is this product (and it is this product, and not whiskey or brandy) that usually occupies an important place on the festive table at birthday celebrations and on New Year's Eve. If you control the amount of vodka you drink, the holiday will be a success.

There are, however, some situations in which it is better to drink beer than vodka. First of all, this is hot weather: strong alcohol (not only vodka or cognac, but also whiskey, moonshine, brandy) at high air temperatures contributes to a rapid increase in blood pressure, which increases the risk of a heart attack. From this point of view, beer is less harmful, since it creates a feeling of coolness and quenches thirst, and thanks to the diuretic effect it provides, it will take care of cooling the body. In addition, the beer product is safer than a drink with a higher ethanol content and calorie content, so it is better suited for a long “feast”, the purpose of which is to socialize, and not to get drunk. You can drink beer for a long time without getting drunk and without losing your human appearance.

But with all that has been said above, one cannot help but note: if there is an opportunity to sit with friends or celebrate a celebration without alcohol of any kind, you should prefer this option. The mood during the “party” will not be spoiled by drunken surprises, the morning following the fun will be without a hangover, and for health (the body in general and the liver in particular), non-alcoholic fun will be much safer.

It cannot be said that beer is definitely safer than vodka or, on the contrary, that vodka is much better than beer. If consumed excessively, any drink - low-proof (beer, wine) or high-proof (vodka, moonshine, whiskey, cognac) - poses a health hazard. In moderation, each has its own advantages and disadvantages. All of them have been studied and described, so that every drinker can decide in favor of one type of alcohol or another. And even better - give up any alcohol in the name of preserving your own health and the lives of your children.

To drink or not to drink? Unfortunately, people almost never face this question. But the problem of choosing a drink often arises. More often we are guided by taste and personal preferences, but sometimes we give this very preference to the least harmful drink of two equal in other characteristics. So, what is more harmful for a feast? Vodka or beer? There may not be a healthy drink here, but they have different effects on health. At the same time, the strength is also not the same, so the question requires thought.

The main guests of the feast

It is not so easy to answer the question of what is more harmful - vodka or beer, since these are two regular participants in any holiday. It is no coincidence that foreigners consider Russia. It must be said that this point of view is erroneous, and in this rating our country hardly makes it into the top ten. A plus is the fact that both vodka and beer are considered fairly “clean” drinks and even more natural, but they cannot be called harmless. Each of them contains ethanol, and this is a common feature that allows comparison, despite belonging to different groups. Let's try to make a comparative analysis and figure out what is more harmful - vodka or beer.

A drink from ancient times

Let's try to plunge into the times of "foamy antiquity" and find out the pros and cons of drinking. It is impossible to say with certainty when alcohol became an integral part of holidays in Russia, but it is known for certain that the ancient Sumerians used alcohol both for fun and to treat toothache. They not only drank it, but also rinsed the mouth for an effective effect on the nerve endings. The tradition of serving alcohol at the table came from the Middle Ages, and not a single meal was complete without it, and alcohol was often consumed for medicinal purposes. There was a belief that alcohol healed spiritual and physical devastation, and even hopeless patients were allegedly cured with it. It is worth remembering the famous Paracelsus, who used a beer infusion from fern to treat all patients, regardless of the disease. Many doctors actually experimented with beer treatment and agreed that beer should be consumed together with drugs to increase effectiveness. Surprisingly, over time, mixing alcohol with medications has become prohibited. But many contraindications do not prevent people from following the recommendations of ancient doctors.

Opinion about alcohol

Residents of different countries have long-established opinions about alcohol. For example, Germany is associated in the minds of many with famous beers. There is even an institute in the country to study the effect. Scientists believe that a liter of unfiltered beer brings more benefits than the same amount of milk. True, except for the Germans, no one else supports this theory. In Scandinavia, beer is on the list of the best sedatives and is even considered a fat burner. The last theory came from the light hand of Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was on a beer diet before the Mr. Universe competition. However, no one mentions the threat to the liver from such a nutritional system.

Pros: obvious and not so obvious

In the debate about which is more harmful - vodka or beer, American scientists are surprisingly unanimous: they believe that a dose of 500 ml of intoxicating drink daily can reduce the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system. The healing component lies in a substance called lipoprotein, which cleanses the blood vessels of toxins. By the way, in Italy this “skill” is attributed to red wine, but the therapeutic dose was reduced to 300 ml daily, believing that this amount will not harm the liver. What happens, beer can become a medicine?! Hardly, because the negative impact of the drink cannot be denied.

Was there a boy?

If in the company of men the question arises about what is more harmful - vodka or beer, the impact on health is considered from a somewhat specific angle. In particular, men are frightened by the notorious talk that beer contains female hormones and over time can provoke female-type obesity and decreased potency. So, should beer connoisseurs worry? First, hops contain phytoestrogen, which is not destroyed during processing. In composition and structure, it is close to female hormones and has a bad effect on the male body. In particular, the body becomes more rounded and a “beer belly” appears. At the same time, the aging process accelerates and the liver becomes clogged with systematic consumption of the drink. So maybe girls can afford beer? Unfortunately no. The foamy drink threatens the fair sex with infertility. When considering the question: “Which is more harmful - beer or vodka?”, it is worth considering that most often we do not mean “live” beer, but its analogue, which has gone through the stages of filtration, pasteurization and purification. Such a product, of course, wins in terms of storage, but in other characteristics it is significantly inferior.

About vodka

It’s worth telling a little about beer’s rival in this matter. Vodka cannot be considered a drink that came from antiquity, since it gained popularity in the world relatively recently. Moreover, not a single holiday is complete without it. In the sales ranking, vodka holds a confident lead, surpassing even cognac. It is impossible to say unequivocally what is more harmful - beer or vodka, since when making a final verdict it is necessary to take into account the number and frequency of libations. But we can safely say that vodka is a pure product that does not contain any impurities in its composition. This allows you to avoid a morning hangover, of course, provided that the drinks were not mixed and there was a good snack. Beer cannot boast of this valuable quality, and therefore preference is often given to vodka. It is also worth noting the shelf life of “fire water” and its distinctive taste. And vodka doesn’t require a unique menu, except that it definitely won’t go well with a sweet table.

Let's go through the cons

By comparing the benefits, we determined that for a long feast people often buy vodka rather than beer. But the foamy drink wins during friendly gatherings and during the summer heat season. Let's try to do the opposite and highlight the most significant negative aspects. So, which is more harmful - vodka or beer? Both options have a negative impact on health, but vodka has the highest calorie content among alcoholic drinks and rapidly increases your weight. In addition, this drink increases appetite and implies the presence of a good snack. Meat, bread and vegetables go very well with vodka. The traditional “snack” is pickled cucumbers, bacon or onions. These products, by the way, only whet your appetite, and the meal turns into endless. With vodka, the state of intoxication occurs much faster, and, accordingly, addiction develops more quickly. To this we must also add liver problems. By the way, it is not only the drink in its pure form that is addictive, but also variations based on it. Nightclub lovers prefer cocktails with vodka, which are a little sweeter and more aromatic, but no less problematic. Remember! Vodka is poison because the concentration of ethanol in it is too high. A dose of 30 ml is considered safe when consumed at lunch and dinner.

Complete ban

In some cases, there is no need to find out what is more harmful - vodka or beer. For the health of people with diseases of the central nervous system, liver and blood vessels, even a minimal dose of alcohol poses a serious threat. Pregnant women and nursing mothers are also at risk.

Vodka VS Beer

So, in the right corner of the ring is the most popular product in Russia - vodka, and opposed to it is a drink revered throughout the globe - beer. The first criterion for comparison will be the benefits of the drink. In this aspect, beer wins, since vodka has a high ethanol concentration. With systematic use, control over what you drink is lost. It is unlikely that you will be able to stop at a vodka feast. In terms of calories, beer also remains the leader, since vodka contains almost 6 times more calories: 240 versus 40. However, they drink many times more beer. In addition, when figuring out which is more harmful to the liver - beer or vodka - we must mention that the hop-based drink contains lipoprotein, which cleanses blood vessels. This one doesn't carry it. Thus, on these three points, beer is much healthier than vodka, since it does not harm the liver.

Oh, this taste!

Let's try to compare the drinks by taste. So, what is more harmful - vodka, beer or wine? Vodka has a harsh taste and is therefore not always consumed in its pure form. Most often, people snack after a glass, wash it down, or even flavor the product with juice. But beer with a thick head of foam is ideal in hot weather and tastes good. It gives a feeling of coolness and freshness, and in cold weather it can lower body temperature. It is better to drink alcoholic drinks in winter, when it would be good to warm up and get your blood flowing. In the heat it causes rapid intoxication and poor health. Wine represents the golden mean between vodka and beer, since the taste is pleasant, it is mildly intoxicating and, with a reasonable dosage, does not cause significant harm to health. So, what is more harmful - vodka or beer? Or wine? If you want to spend time in good company, it is better to choose a beer that will not get you drunk and will have fun. And for a feast on a serious occasion, the actual choice would be wine with its aromas and taste.

In the leader's yellow jersey

Based on all parameters, we tried to determine what is more harmful - vodka or beer. We left the reviews of alcohol lovers for last, and therefore it is too early to award first place to the foamy drink. Let's start with a fly in the ointment and remember the fact that beer contains substances that lead to pathologies of the liver and other organs. They can also cause a burn to the mucous membrane and lead to gastritis and ulcers. It turns out that it will not be possible to accurately determine the least harmful drink, since you have to focus on a specific human body. The rules for drinking alcohol remain unbreakable. For example, you should not mix strong alcohol with beer, as this is a severe blow to your health, leading to intoxication and poisoning. There are certain rules for drinking libations that help prevent or minimize the negative effect of the feast. In particular, before a meal you need to eat a piece of butter or drink a spoonful of vegetable oil. At night, it is recommended to ventilate the room well and refrain from smoking so as not to worsen the effect.

We draw a conclusion

So, what can we say, taking into account all the above? What is more harmful to the stomach - beer or vodka? It must be noted that the question was initially formulated incorrectly, since the correct choice is determined by the nature of the holiday, the temperature outside and the dosage. On a hot day, a bottle of beer can even be beneficial for the human body, but a glass of vodka will be a blow. But in winter, with a good piece of meat or a sandwich, vodka will invigorate and warm you. The answer will be this: the harm and benefit received from the drink are determined by the amount of drink and its quality. A healthy person can easily afford both beer and vodka, but in safe doses. Naturally, this does not mean daily alcoholic libations.

The quality of the drink is also an important factor. If you buy a bottle of vodka around the nearest corner, then you shouldn’t be surprised that the alcohol lover is unwell. Beer can also overstay or go bad. You need to be especially careful with the so-called live product, which is stored for a couple of days at best. Yes, such beer is much tastier and even healthier than bottled beer, but this is under conditions of proper storage and timely consumption. To summarize, it must be said that alcohol is not as terrible as it is painted, but it requires, first of all, a respectful attitude towards oneself. Then a glass or two or even three of vodka or a glass or two of beer will not adversely affect your health and will not spoil the holiday. So drink only high-quality drinks, in reasonable doses, with a good snack and in pleasant company - and the problem of choice will be eliminated.

Comparison of the harm of beer and vodka. The effect of beer and vodka on the body.

Beer and vodka are the favorite drinks of many men and women. These types of alcohol are the best-selling. With the holidays approaching, many people have a question: what to give their guests? And more and more often you can see not only vodka, but also beer on holiday tables.

If you understand the composition of these drinks, it becomes clear that drinking beer is more harmful to health. The fact is that in addition to alcohol, it contains flavorings and dyes. Nowadays, few manufacturers produce this intoxicating drink, preserving the ancient recipe. Some components were replaced with cheaper and not the most useful components.

According to scientific research, it was found that drinking beer causes the release of the hormone dopamine into the blood. This is a pleasure hormone, which makes a person want to drink more and more. Thus, the expression “beer alcoholism” is quite real. People who drink beer every day are alcoholics.

Despite its pleasant taste, beer is very harmful to the liver. This is due to processes in the body. When drinking beer, it ferments in the stomach for some time, provoking the formation of esters, which are toxic to the liver. In addition, since unfiltered beer cannot be purified, it contains a lot of fusel oils, which are “poison” for the liver, destroying its cells. Vodka producers remove oils from this strong alcoholic drink by filtering. Accordingly, there is practically no this substance in vodka.

Beer contains phytoestrogens, which are harmful to men. Through prolonged drinking of beer, a man develops a belly and his shape becomes more rounded.

Harm of beer and vodka:

  • A large amount of female hormones in beer has a detrimental effect not only on potency, but also on the stomach. The fact is that when beer breaks down, toxic substances are formed from fusel oils and aldehydes, which can cause stomach and pancreatic cancer.
  • Regarding vodka, it should also not be consumed if you have a stomach ulcer; it can cause an exacerbation. But, despite its strength, vodka does not contain dyes, preservatives or fusel oils, which can cause dysbiosis and diarrhea.
  • Scientists have proven that daily consumption of beer can lead to the development of dermatitis and psoriasis. These are systemic ailments that arise due to incomplete absorption of nutrients in the intestines and stomach. Yeast is the cause of intestinal disorders

It all depends on the quantity and frequency of drinking drinks. If there is a feast ahead, and circumstances force you to drink a lot, then you should give preference to vodka. If you drink a lot of beer in the evening, you will have a terrible hangover in the morning. This is due to the presence of fusel oils and esters in beer.

They negatively affect brain function, causing nausea and headaches. In addition, diarrhea and morning vomiting are possible when drinking large amounts of beer. When beer breaks down, a lot of acetaldehydes are formed, which poison the body.

Regarding caloric content, 100 g of intoxicating drink contains 50 calories. There are 250 calories in 100 ml of vodka. But usually no one counts calories during a feast. Accordingly, a person gains weight not so much from food as from alcohol.

Remember, there are 250 calories in a bottle of beer, this is the energy value of 100 g of vodka.

If we count by the amount of alcohol, then a 0.5 liter bottle of intoxicating drink contains as much ethyl alcohol as 60 g of vodka. But these drinks are removed from the body differently. Typically, 50 g of vodka disappears in 3 hours, and a bottle of beer in 5 hours.

This drink was first invented by Russian merchants. They poured all the alcohol into one container. This drink is called Ruff. A variation of Ruff is the drink Chpok. It also consists of these ingredients, but their quantities are different. It is necessary to pour 100 ml of vodka and 60 ml of beer into a faceted glass. Next, cover the glass with your palm and sharply turn it upside down, hitting your knee. Turn it over again and drink it right away.

The drink “Beer Scoundrel” is prepared from beer and vodka. To prepare it, pour 50 ml of vodka, 2 tablespoons of spicy ketchup and 35 ml of tomato juice into a large glass. Beer is poured in a thin stream. You need to drink the drink without stirring, in one gulp.

To prepare it, you need to mix 60 ml of vodka and 400 g of intoxicating drink. Alcohol is drunk immediately. Very often this drink is called “Goodbye roof”. The fact is that carbon dioxide bubbles irritate the gastric mucosa and severe alcohol intoxication occurs. The brain seems to turn off.

Why you can’t drink beer after vodka: consequences


  • Pure alcohol, such as vodka, greatly overloads the liver and stomachs. For the body it is a poison that needs to be eliminated
  • By drinking beer we also introduce fusel oils and esters. When gas bubbles enter the stomach, they enhance the absorption of vodka. The person instantly becomes drunk. The morning after such a cocktail there is always a terrible hangover
  • Acetaldehydes linger in the body for a very long time, poisoning it
  • People say that the temperature cannot be lowered. This is due to the fact that the body is determined to process the strong drink. If weak alcohol enters the stomach afterwards, the body relaxes and takes longer to process the “explosive mixture.”

As you can see, despite the pleasant taste and naturalness of beer, this drink is processed worse by the body than vodka. It is not recommended to mix these two drinks.

VIDEO: The truth about beer
