What can be produced from wheat grain. What is made from grain? How to cook crumbly wheat porridge in water

Since ancient times, wheat cereal has been a mandatory dish on the table of any noble person. It symbolized the wealth and prosperity of the owner of the house. If you follow the classic recipe, dishes made from wheat cereals turn out appetizing and tender. For a long time it was served as an independent product, and only a few years later wheat porridge began to act as a side dish for meat or fish.

Cooked food from wheat cereals is not only tasty, but also very healthy for the human body. It is not for nothing that wheat dishes are introduced into the diet of patients with diseases of the digestive system. What types of wheat cereals exist will be discussed in the article.


In turn, the germ contains polyunsaturated fatty acids - linoleic and linolenic, which are real allies in the fight against extra pounds.

Wheat cereals are obtained from two types of grains - soft and hard. The first is characterized by a protein content of ten to fifteen percent, the second - more than twenty percent. However, the second variety is more often susceptible to death due to unfavorable weather conditions than the first, while soft wheat consistently produces a bountiful harvest. But cereals are produced exclusively from durum wheat.

In production, wheat grains are used to obtain cereals. The grain itself consists of three main parts: the germ, the shell and the endosperm. The latter is a mealy core containing a set of useful and nutritional elements.

Wheat groats, in essence, are crushed endosperm, which has been well cleaned from the other two main parts. The size and shape of the grains determines the type of cereal. Wheat germ contains a small amount of protein, phytoestrogens, phytosterols and oil with vitamin E, which is very useful and valuable for the human body.

Their regular consumption helps reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat. But during the production of cereals, the germ and shell are removed from the grains. This is done so that food prepared from wheat cereal does not have a bitter aftertaste. However, industrial production gives the removed elements of wheat to pharmaceutical companies. Which, after some procedures, sell wheat germ as a dietary supplement.

You can make porridge from dried bulgur grains and processed with boiling water. It is not produced by grinding, it is not crushed, but whole.

Benefits and contraindications

There are quite a lot of wheat varieties today. But the agricultural industry distinguishes only two varieties of cereals, calling them soft and hard. The first, soft wheat variety is characterized by a low protein content. In this regard, this variety is sent for the production of flour, which is subsequently used in confectionery production for the preparation of bread and various pastries.

The durum variety has a fairly high protein content in the composition of this cereal crop. Therefore, it is used to produce pasta and various cereals. The grains are subjected to mandatory processing, which, depending on the method, either completely or partially removes the shell and germ. After which the grains are sent for grinding, after which they acquire the appearance of grain that is familiar to us.

Wheat crop is considered one of the lowest calorie crops, and therefore it is often used to produce dietary dishes.

One hundred grams of the product contains approximately three hundred thirty-five kilocalories. Before using any product, it is advisable to first familiarize yourself with its beneficial properties and possible contraindications. First of all, wheat cereals are very popular due to their strengthening effect and an impressive amount of beneficial vitamins and microelements that are important for the human body. So, the usefulness of this product is as follows:

  • wheat cereals are an organic source of energy and strength;
  • strengthens the human immune system;
  • promotes the loss of extra pounds;

  • promotes the healthy functioning of the digestive system;
  • has a strengthening effect on the walls of capillary vessels;
  • promotes rapid healing of wounds or cuts;
  • has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system;
  • wheat crops are natural regulators of lipid metabolism;
  • lowers cholesterol levels in blood vessels;
  • improves the activity of the heart, brain and blood vessels;
  • improves the quality of hair follicles, skin and nail plates;
  • helps remove toxic substances, waste, heavy metal ions, as well as residual elements from taking antibiotics from the body;
  • With regular consumption of wheat porridge in the morning, the body receives the dose of energy and strength it needs, and prolonged digestion of fiber and slow carbohydrates gives a feeling of fullness for quite a long time.

Wheat porridge can cause any harm to the human body only if there is a low level of acid in the stomach, an allergic reaction to wheat and increased flatulence.

Patients who have recently had their appendix removed should also exclude wheat cereals from their diet for the first time. This type of cereal contains starch, and therefore dishes prepared from wheat cereals are not recommended for people suffering from or prone to diabetes.


Today there are several varieties of wheat cereal. The main criteria are the processing method, the size and shape of the grain. Let's look at the main types of wheat cereal.

  • The first type of wheat cereal is called "Artek". The cereal has crushed grains, which, using specialized production processing, were freed from the grain shell. As a rule, grains of this variety are polished. It is also worth noting that Artek has the lowest fiber content. Very often used by chefs to prepare various side dishes and desserts.
  • For wheat cereal "Arnautka" Durum wheat, the variety of which bears the same name, is selected as a raw material. The appearance of the cereal is glassy grains. Most often, Arnautka is used to produce pureed porridges.

  • Wheat flakes obtained by heat treatment using steam or a special press. Used for preparing porridges and various sweet dishes.
  • For getting bulgura Wheat is first processed using steam, then cleared of bran. Bulgur tends to have a characteristic hazelnut flavor, which gives dishes an interesting taste. This variety is very popular in Asian and Mediterranean countries. This type of cereal is truly exotic in Russia, and most often it can be found in pilaf, in combination with rice and various types of meat.
  • It is unlikely that there is a person on Russian territory who would not know about the existence wheat porridge. During the production process, the grains are freed from the shell, then sent for crushing and grinding. This species is characterized by the content of a large amount of protein in its composition, which is perfectly absorbed by the human body.

  • Few people know, but everyone loves semolina It is made from soft wheat, the grains of which are separated from the shell in advance. The grinding of this grain is much finer than that of wheat grain. However, semolina cannot boast of a high fiber content. Semolina has fewer benefits, and its preparation takes no more than ten minutes.
  • Couscous is a national dish in many northern parts of Africa. It is prepared from large and durum wheat. Often served with sliced ​​vegetables, all types of meat and herbs. There is couscous, which has a more delicate and mild taste. To prepare it, only finely ground wheat is used, which is first placed in water for several hours, after which it is carefully sifted using specialized equipment.

Poltava groats are also one of the varieties of wheat crop, which, in turn, is itself divided into four categories. They vary in grind size.

  • Coarse grind (often called coarse grind)– has grains that are not crushed, only polished. Thanks to it, the grain takes on a long shape with a rather sharp tip. The appearance of the cereal may resemble pearl barley and is often used for making soups.
  • Medium grind (second)– has grains that undergo a crushing process. They have an oval shape, with a sharp tip. Used for making porridge.
  • Medium grind (third)– differs from the previous category only in shape, it is more round. The grains also undergo a crushing process. Used for preparing porridges or casseroles.
  • Fine grind (fourth)– visually may resemble medium-ground grains, but smaller in size. And it’s also great for making porridges, cutlets or meatballs.

Composition and calorie content

One hundred grams of wheat cereal contains three hundred thirty-five kilocalories. Of these, sixty-four kilocalories belong to proteins (sixteen grams), nine kilocalories belong to fats (one gram), two hundred and eighty kilocalories belong to carbohydrates (seventy grams). The popularity of wheat cereals is due to the high content of various vitamins and microelements that are essential for the body to function normally.

In addition to protein, wheat cereals contain quite a significant content of valine, threonine, proline, phenylalanine, glutamic acid, isoleucine and tryptophan.

These vital amino acids are the building blocks for internal cells. Useful plant fibers help cleanse the intestines.

A set of B vitamins, as well as the presence of niacin and biotin, help the body properly and better absorb proteins, fats and carbohydrates. These vitamins also have a calming effect on the nervous system. Thanks to a fairly large amount of indigestible dietary fiber, wheat cereals have a delicate cleansing effect on the intestines, removing heavy metal ions, toxins and toxic substances from the body. Regular consumption of dishes made from wheat grains helps reduce cholesterol levels, strengthen the immune system, and improve the quality of hair follicles, nail plates and gums.

See below for details on how to eat different cereals.

Since time immemorial, people have been growing grain crops. Much has been known about the benefits and value of cereals for a very long time. The most common grain crops are, of course, wheat, rice, buckwheat, oats and millet (millet). Here are some options for what you can make with these grains.

In addition to flour, semolina, familiar to everyone from childhood, is made from wheat grains by coarse grinding. For example, in the Baltics and Germany they make puberta from it - this is when semolina is brewed with fruit juice and milk with an egg. The use of wheat is truly limitless, not only in the production of cereals, but also in various porridges, kvass, tinctures and decoctions.

Buckwheat grain has long been famous in Rus'. Various porridges and jelly are made from it. Due to its low gluten content, buckwheat flour was not suitable for baking bread, but it was well suited for pancakes, flatbreads and dumplings. In Japan, soba noodles, which are very popular in the East, are made from buckwheat. And in China, jam, chocolate and even liqueurs are made from buckwheat.

One of the most useful and even healing crops is oats. This cereal owes its wide distribution throughout the world to its healing properties, such as lowering cholesterol levels, strengthening bones and teeth, and facilitating the absorption of fats. In Ireland, oats are roasted and made into vegetarian sausages. In France, oat grains are added to gourmet soups. In the USA, oats are used in the preparation of the famous “Boston” black bread. Oatmeal jelly and children's favorite oatmeal cookies are widely known in Russia.

Residents of the Russian North have been growing millet (millet) for a very long time, as they knew that this grain gives a person strength. And so they made porridge, flour, beer from it, added it to soups and various sweet dishes. Every fish soup loved by fishermen and tourists cannot do without millet grains. Currently, the most popular dish made from millet is “friendship” porridge, when millet is mixed with rice.

You could write a whole book about world-famous rice. Its numerous varieties are divided into three main types. In the East and Asia, all main dishes are made from rice. In Japan, these are sushi, rolls, and side dishes for seafood. In China, famous rice noodles are made from it. In Asia and the Caucasus, rice has found its main use in various types of pilaf and other national dishes.

Wheat(lat. Triticum) is one of the oldest cereal plants of the flowering department, class monocotyledons, order Gramineaceae, family Poaceae.

Description of wheat and photographs.

All wheat varieties have basic characteristic features. The height of the wheat stem reaches 30-150 centimeters. The stems themselves are hollow and erect, with clearly visible nodes. One plant usually grows up to 12 stems. wheat leaves reach a width of 20 mm, they are flat in shape and most often linear, with parallel veins, fibrous, rough to the touch. Wheat leaf sheaths are pronounced and well developed. The vaginas, split to the very base, have lanceolate ears at the top. Their tongues are bare and membranous, from 0.5 to 3 mm long. The wheat plant has a fibrous root system.

The structure of wheat, ears.

The inflorescence of wheat is a straight, complex spike from 4 to 15 cm long, and can be oblong or ovoid. On the axis of each ear there are spike scales 6-15 mm long. The ears of wheat are solitary and adjacent to the axis in two identical rows 5-18 millimeters long, with several closely spaced flowers, most often from 2 to 7. The axis of the wheat ear does not contain articulations. A wheat flower has 2 scales and 2 films, 3 stamens, a pistil and 2 stigmas. This structure is typical of flowers of cereal plants. When wheat ripens, it produces grain fruits.

Varieties and types of wheat.

There are many varieties of wheat. These plants have a rather complex classification, including sections, species and subspecies, as well as about 10 hybrids, both intrageneric and intergeneric. The following types of wheat are distinguished:

  • annuals
  • two-year

Spring and winter wheat - differences.

According to the sowing period, the following are distinguished:

  • Spring wheat – sown from March to May, ripens within 100 frost-free days, and is harvested in early autumn. More drought-resistant than winter wheat, it has excellent baking properties.
  • Winter wheat - sown in late summer to mid-autumn, produces a harvest in early to mid-summer of the following year. Gives a higher yield, but prefers areas with a mild climate and snowy winters.

Wheat is soft and hard.

Types of wheat according to grain hardness:

  • soft wheat– has a wider and shorter ear and a shorter or absent awn. This type is high in protein and gluten. Flour is made from soft wheat.
    • soft spring red grain wheat - this type includes wheat varieties Altaiskaya 81, Voronezhskaya 10, Lyuba, Moskovskaya 35, etc.
    • soft spring white grain wheat - this type includes wheat varieties Novosibirskaya 67, Saratovskaya 55, etc.
    • soft winter red wheat - this type includes the varieties Donskaya Bezostaya, Obriy, Volgogradskaya 84, Yuna, etc.
    • soft winter white wheat - this type includes varieties Kinsovskaya 3, Albidum 28, etc.
  • durum wheat– has spikelets that are more tightly covered with outer films; the grains from them do not fall off, but they are more difficult to isolate. It has a rich yellow color and a pleasant smell. Durum wheat is used to make pasta.
    • Durum spring wheat (durum) - this type includes varieties Almaz, Orenburgskaya 2, Svetlana, etc.
    • durum winter wheat - this type includes varieties Vakht, Mugans, Parus, etc.

Where does wheat grow?

Wheat grows everywhere except the tropics, since the variety of specially created varieties allows it to take advantage of any soil and climate conditions. The plant is not afraid of heat if there is no high humidity, which contributes to the development of diseases. Wheat is a plant so cold-resistant that it is surpassed only by barley and. Soft wheat prefers a humid climate and is common in Western Europe, Russia, Australia. Durum wheat loves drier climates and is grown in the USA, Canada, North Africa, and Asia. Winter wheat predominates in those areas where it is not damaged by frost, for example, in the North Caucasus, in the Central Black Earth region of Russia. Spring wheat is grown in the Southern Urals, Western Siberia, and Altai.

Rye and wheat are different.

Rye and wheat are among the most popular and irreplaceable cereal crops. These cereals have external similarities, but also many differences.

  • Wheat varieties are much more diverse than rye varieties.
  • Wheat has wider uses than rye.
  • Grains have different appearance and chemical composition.
  • Wheat makes more demands on soil and climate than.

Growing wheat.

High wheat yields are achieved with proper preparation for sowing. The wheat field is cultivated with cultivators and the surface is leveled to ensure good contact of wheat seeds with the soil and obtain simultaneous seedlings. Wheat is sown at a depth of 3-5 cm with row spacing of 15 cm.

Wheat is a very moisture-dependent plant, and therefore a good harvest requires regular watering. For dry climates, durum wheat varieties are more suitable; they are less demanding in terms of moisture. Wheat growth is ensured by the application of fertilizers. The sown wheat is harvested by a combine when the grain is fully ripe.

How to germinate wheat grains?

It is very easy to germinate wheat grains at home. The grain must be placed in a 1 liter glass jar. It should occupy no more than 1/4-1/3 of the jar. Add water to the jar almost to the brim, soak the grains for 7-8 hours. After this, drain the water through cheesecloth, rinse the wheat and add fresh water for 3-4 hours. Thus, wheat grains must be washed 2-4 times a day, allowed to drain and then placed back in the jar. In a day, the seedlings will reach a height of 1-2 mm, and the sprouted wheat grains can already be eaten.

How to grow wheat at home?

Green wheat sprouts can be obtained by continuing to soak the grains for another 1-2 days. Seedlings measuring 1-2 cm must be transplanted into a container with soil. Sprouted wheat grains are placed on the ground and covered with a 1 cm layer of soil on top. The ground must be watered, but not too much. wheat sprouts ready to eat in a few days.

Wheat is the most popular grain crop in the world: flour and bioproducts, cereals, pasta, animal feed, bedding and heating briquettes are made from it. Grain is grown on all continents except Antarctica, but the crop shows the highest yield in temperate climate zones.

Wheat production

The cereal crop is unpretentious, and selected varieties are resistant to diseases, pests, drought or high humidity, frost and various soil conditions. However, the optimal conditions for the natural growth of grains are: temperature from +2 to + 25`C and air humidity from 55% to 65%. For this reason, in temperate climates, wheat shows good yields at the same planting per square meter, and grain is characterized by a high content of nutrients and protein.

Based on climatic conditions, the world's largest wheat producers are:

  • Russia;
  • China;
  • India;
  • France;
  • Canada;
  • Ukraine.

All grain varieties are divided according to vegetation type into winter and spring, and according to grain structure - into hard and soft varieties.

Durum wheat is called durum (Latin meaning: triticum turgidum). It is distinguished by its high content of protein and carotenoids, which are responsible for the yellow color of the ear. Due to the formation of high-quality gluten, durum flour is used to make elite varieties of bread and pasta, bulgur, and semolina. It also improves gluten-poor types of soft flour.

Soft wheat varieties (the Latin name of the species is triticum aestivum) are characterized by less protein. The flour made from them has a finer and more delicate grind, and is white and light. Many bakery and confectionery products and sauces are prepared from it.

Wheat cereals

The most famous product made from cereal is wheat bread, but it is not the only product made from cereal. What other wheat products exist:

  • Cereals;
  • Flour;
  • Pasta;
  • Alcohol;
  • Starch.

At the end of 2017, more than 1.75 million tons of wheat cereals were sold in Russia, and almost every region of the Russian Federation has its own production of cereal products. In total, the industry includes about 250 enterprises. Most of them specialize in the production of semolina. Buckwheat ranks second in popularity, followed by pearl barley, millet, egg, oatmeal and rice.

Some of the largest producers of wheat cereals in the Russian Federation are:

  • Moscow Bakery Plant;
  • Firm Agroalyans and Angstrem, St. Petersburg;
  • Makfa, Chelyabinsk;
  • Kaliningrad Russian Cereal Company;
  • Meta-RV, Voronezh.

Crushed grain is used for production: the type of cereal and its quality depend on its size.

So semolina is made from the smallest, flour-like grains, and wheat is obtained from grain of a larger fraction. Coarsely ground cereals contain more minerals, vitamins and healthy fiber, and those made from flour-like raw materials are better absorbed.

Whole wheat

The benefits of whole grains are in complex carbohydrates, which account for up to 75% of the total composition. Whole wheat porridge is prepared simply: the washed grain is poured into boiling water, covered with a lid, and a little salt and sugar are added. Boil for about 30 minutes, then leave in a warm place for 1.5 hours.

The presence of fiber in grain improves digestion and stimulates the natural removal of toxins. Vitamins and minerals have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart, metabolism, and the state of the nervous and endocrine systems. These are all benefits, but the harm is explained by the gluten content in wheat, which means it is contraindicated for diabetics and for colitis and thyroid diseases. For patients with gastritis with high acidity, stomach ulcers and those who are prone to flatulence, it is better to limit the amount of whole grain porridge in the diet.


Wheat semolina is made from fine grinding and is thoroughly cleaned. The average grain size is about 0.5 mm. Semolina is also produced from durum wheat (durum) in mills. It is both healthier than soft wheat semolina and higher in calories (100 g of cereal contains about 330 kcal).

Semolina made from durum or soft wheat contains many essential and essential minerals, amino acids and vitamins, but has almost no fiber.

Cereals are divided into three classes.

  1. Class M contains a minimum of fiber, ash, protein, but a lot of starch. It takes no more than 7 minutes to prepare.
  2. Class Tk is characterized by high ash content, a higher percentage of fiber and proteins, but a lower starch content. It cooks for 10-15 minutes.
  3. The MT grade has average levels of protein, fiber and starch, but does not have good taste. Typically, semolina of this type is used in the preparation of muffins, desserts, sauces, pies and other dishes.

Wheat cereal is ground, polished grains without germs and with a small amount of fruit membranes. What kind of grain is it produced from: from durum wheat or from high breeding breeds of soft wheat, rich in gluten and fiber.

It is divided into Artek and Poltava. Poltava wheat groats differ from Artek in the size of the grains. It contains a lot of protein, sucrose and raffinose, monosaccharides and pure starch. It also contains minerals such as iron and potassium, zinc and selenium, vitamins thiamine, riboflavin.

The taste of artek is higher than that of Poltava and even semolina. In Greece, the word artos, consonant with artek, was used to call bread. Artek grains are slightly larger than those of semolina, have the same color and are cooked for about 15-20 minutes.

Eating wheat porridge helps improve immunity. It is recommended for diseases of the stomach and digestive system, metabolic disorders, diseases of the blood, heart and blood vessels. If there is no allergy during pregnancy, it can be included in the diet up to 3 times a week.

When breastfeeding, doctors advise consuming wheat porridge no earlier than two months after birth. The high content of fiber and protein components can provoke allergies in a newborn.

Spelled is a Russian traditional and healthy food. These are unique varieties of soft wheat with a non-threshing shell. Its composition surpasses many durum cereals in nutritional qualities. The protein content in grain reaches 40%. Before cooking, it is recommended to germinate, dry and grind the cereal. This will preserve the maximum of nutrients and improve the digestibility of the cereal.

Spelled is actively used in various diets, and its average glycemic index is 45 units. Carbohydrates that enter the body along with spelled are absorbed gradually and are completely converted into energy. Regular consumption of spelled has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, bone and muscle tissue. People with allergies to gluten, as well as those suffering from celiac disease, should treat cereals with caution.

Bulgur is prepared from crushed grains, which are previously subjected to short-term heat treatment. After threshing, the wheat is cleaned and boiled until soft. The water is drained and the grain is dried on baking sheets at high temperature. During processing, the wheat darkens and hardens. The next stage of preparation is soaking and beating, during which the grain shell breaks. The grain is dried again with hot air. The grinding is freed from husks and undergoes final threshing. After which the grains are sorted by size.

List of vitamins in bulgur:

  • Thiamine;
  • Riboflavin;
  • Pyridoxine;
  • Tocopherol;
  • Phylloquinone;
  • Choline;
  • Beta-carotene;
  • Pantheonic acid;
  • Folic acid.

Regular consumption of bulgur has a positive effect on the nervous, circulatory and digestive systems. Nutrients help restore normal metabolic processes, improve the condition of skin, hair, and nails. Bulgur is one of the cereals that are easily absorbed by the body, therefore it is recommended during diets, the recovery period after operations, childbirth, stress and depression. The only contraindication is gluten or fiber intolerance.

Couscous is made from semolina, which is moistened and ground with durum wheat flour. Couscous has all the qualities of semolina, and its inclusion in the diet helps normalize metabolism, increase tone and strengthen the immune system. Vitamins help overcome chronic fatigue and depression, insomnia. Regular consumption of couscous porridge restores water-salt metabolism and improves brain function.

Restrictions on use are available only for people with gluten allergies.

This cereal is made from milk-ripe wheat. In this phase, the grain has already collected all the necessary nutrients, but has not had time to harden. After mowing, the wheat is formed into sheaves and left to dry under the sun. Then the ears are burned on fire: the straw should burn together with the grain shell, leaving the grain itself intact.

Next, the grain is threshed, peeled, aged under the sun and crushed. Thanks to production technology, freekeh contains 4 times more dietary fiber than other grains. It contains a large amount of minerals and essential amino acids. Cereals are recommended for those who want to lose weight quickly, as well as for diabetics, people with diseases of the stomach, heart, blood and vision.

List of GOST standards for wheat cereals

The all-Russian classifier OKPD 2 has been developed for different types of products, including products made from whole and crushed wheat. It is valid from 01/01/2014 along with additions and clarifications. The state standard (GOST) is a standard that is used when comparing similar products. It is developed for all types of goods as a norm, rule and quality requirement.

GOST for semolina

GOST 7022-97 provides for 3 types of white or cream-colored semolina. The letter M corresponds to semolina made from soft grains, T - from hard grains, MT - a mixture containing no more than 20% durum. The smell of the cereal should be clean and fresh, the taste should be pleasant, without a hint of acid or bitterness. The ash content indicator is associated with careful separation of the grain shell, and the maximum is equal to:

  • 0.6 for soft grain cereals;
  • 0.85 for durum wheat semolina;
  • 0.7 for mixed composition.

Class M cereals may contain flour. Mixed semolina may be uneven in color, and durum semolina may contain glassy and hard particles. The requirements of this GOST are used for couscous.

Wheat grain standard

GOST 276-60 defines the requirements for wheat cereals. Depending on the type of processing and the size of the fraction, Poltava grain is divided into large, medium, and small. Cereals are produced from durum grades 1-3. A lower class may be used if the following conditions are met:

  • The amount of impurities is no more than 2%;
  • The amount of grain impurity is no more than 5%, including up to 3% of sprouted grain;
  • The amount of wheat of other types is up to 15%.

Main characteristics of Poltava cereals:

  • 1 - large (polished grain of elongated shape, freed from germs);
  • 2 - medium (polished oval grain);
  • 3 and 4 - medium (may contain larger particles, with small inclusions of fruit or seed coats).

Artek is polished small crushed grains. They should not contain germs, but the presence of outer shells is acceptable. The smell of the cereal is fresh, the color is even, without obvious dark inclusions. The requirements of this GOST are also accepted for bulgur and freekeh.


The inexpensive cost of wheat cereal and the ease of obtaining explain its popularity throughout the world. The product is included in many traditional dishes of Mediterranean and Asian cuisine, cuisine of North Africa and the Middle East. The benefits of whole grains and cereals made from them are enormous: vitamins and minerals strengthen the nervous system, improve the functioning of the digestive organs, heart and thyroid gland, help increase concentration and performance. The only drawback is the calorie content if cooked with milk and added sugar. This is worth remembering when preparing wheat porridge for breakfast or as a side dish for the main dish.

Wheat is one of the most popular crops in the world. Our article is dedicated to telling you what cereals are made from wheat, why they are valued and what can be prepared from them.


In the Old Testament there is a mention of manna from heaven, which is considered an analogue of semolina porridge. It is probably no coincidence that the Lord sent this particular food to the Jews during their forty years of wandering, because semolina porridge perfectly restores strength and increases vitality.

Durum wheat semolina has a yellowish color. The grains are glassy, ​​with sharp edges. The taste of porridge made from this type of semolina is more intense, it has a coarse structure and boils worse than semolina porridge from varieties.

Semolina grade M is white and boils quickly. The porridge turns out homogeneous and smooth.

Semolina porridge is ideal for dietary nutrition, as it contains only 2% fiber. It is very well absorbed and is recommended for postoperative recovery; in addition, it is indispensable for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. This is the only porridge that is digested and absorbed in the lower intestine. Semolina removes mucus and fat from the body.

However, like any product, semolina has not only positive properties, but also negative ones. Phosphorus contained in semolina binds calcium salts and thus prevents their absorption. In addition, this cereal contains a lot of gluten, which means it is contraindicated for those who are allergic to gluten.

Wheat cereals are high in calories, so those who are afraid of gaining excess weight are recommended to eat them not in the evening, but in the morning, and not every day, but alternating with other dishes.


In recent years, our table menu has expanded significantly. In addition to dishes brought from abroad, we had the opportunity to try products that were present in the diet of our distant ancestors. This concerns spelled, which is mentioned in A. S. Pushkin’s fairy tale “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda.” Spelled is a variety of wheat characterized by unique properties. Adherents of a healthy diet must include it in their diet.

This wheat belongs to soft varieties with non-threshing films. In terms of microbiological composition, spelled is significantly superior to durum wheat. Most of the useful substances, including vegetable protein, of which spelled contains almost 40%, are found in the shell and germ. Before grinding, the grain is germinated and dried.

This porridge contains the maximum amount of useful substances for which wheat is so valued - these are vitamins B (1,2,3,6 and 9), PP, A and E, about 20 amino acids, iron, copper, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, boron, vanadium, iodine, cobalt and manganese.


In our country, back in the Soviet years, the following wheat was produced in large quantities industrially: semolina, Poltava and artek.

Poltavskaya is produced from hard, under-threshed milk, crushed into large fractions and in this form is used for food. Poltavskaya contains a large amount of fiber, so it is often added to animal feed. In cooking, it is used to prepare porridges and soups with milk or water.

Before cooking, the cereal should be washed in cold water, then brought to a boil and drained of any foam that has formed on its surface. Add water again and bring to a boil, add salt to taste and continue to cook over low heat, stirring occasionally. It is best to cook this porridge in the oven, where it will heat evenly on all sides. You can add milk to the cooking water in a 1:1 ratio.


A variety of wheat cereals are extremely popular and very numerous on the world food market. The species and their names sometimes seem very strange, but with a detailed study of the etymology of these words, everything becomes clear and logical. The word “artek” translated from Crimean Tatar means “best”, so it is not surprising that the best pioneer camp in the Soviet Union, as well as the cereal that was initially made for pioneer camps, received this name. It is noteworthy that the word “artos”, consonant with “artek”, is taken from the Greek language and means “bread”. Since the time of the first Christians, this word has entered the familiar lexicon of the Orthodox Church - during multi-day fasts, at the end of the Liturgy, pieces of artos are distributed to believers to maintain strength. This is a special wheat bread that not only gives endurance, but also cures all diseases.

In addition, I would like to say that only the best varieties of durum wheat produce Artek cereals. Before grinding, the grains are completely freed from the shell and germ. For this reason, the microbiological composition of Artek is inferior to Poltava, but in terms of taste, porridge from Artek is significantly superior to both Poltava and semolina.

Artek grains are similar to semolina, but slightly larger. Unlike semolina, when processing grain for artek, wheat is not subjected to high-temperature treatment. Artek porridge is viscous and thick. The cereal cooks well and increases in volume very much.

Before cooking, the artek is not washed, but only sifted through a fine sieve. Cook it over low heat with constant stirring. This grain is not suitable for soups, but for casseroles there is no better filler. Artek goes well with both meat products and vegetables.


Bulgur is the name given not only to specially processed wheat grain, but also to dishes made from this product - porridge and pilaf. The cost of bulgur is significantly higher than domestic cereals made from crushed wheat. The fact is that when producing bulgur, the crushed grain is subjected to heat treatment, which helps to increase the shelf life of this product.

We also know about bulgur from biblical books. This grain has remained a constant component of a large number of southern cuisine dishes for several millennia. Ripe ears are threshed, the grain is cleaned and boiled until soft. Then the water is drained, and the wheat is laid out on baking sheets to dry. Shake them periodically and turn them over to prevent mold from forming. When the grains darken, wrinkle and harden, they are again moistened and beaten so that the shell cracks. Then they dry again. The dried grain is thrown in front of a stream of forced air, which easily carries away the separated husk. The kernels thus purified are sifted and ground. When grinding using different types of sieves, calibration occurs. The output is several types of bulgur with different grain sizes. The largest one is used for preparing pilaf and dolma, the medium one is for salads, stuffed vegetables and soups, and the smallest one is for kufta and desserts.


Tarhonya is a wheat cereal that is very popular in the countries of the former Austro-Hungarian Empire. In former times, women made it themselves, but now factory production has been established and cereals can be bought in the store.

To make tarhoni you need wheat flour, eggs, water and a little salt. A fairly stiff dough is kneaded and left for half an hour to stabilize. After this, the dough is rubbed through a sieve and dried in the sun or in the oven. Store cereals in linen bags in dry, ventilated areas. Tarhonya is used in soups, side dishes and as an independent dish.

Here is one of the traditional Hungarian ways of preparing tarhoni. In a frying pan you need to melt the fat and put the cereal in it. As soon as it starts to turn golden, immediately pour in boiling water, add salt and your favorite seasonings - herbs, tomatoes, garlic, paprika and others, to your taste. You cannot overcook the cereal, otherwise it will become bitter. You should also not overdo it with water, otherwise the tarhoni will become viscous. As soon as the grains are softened enough, serve. The side dish can be vegetables, meat or fish.


Couscous, like bulgur, is both the name of wheat cereal and dishes made from it. This type of wheat cereal was borrowed from the Berber and Maghreb national cuisines.

Currently, industrial production of couscous has been established. The cereal is based on large fractions remaining after grinding flour, that is, semolina. Semolina is moistened, sprinkled with flour and ground until large balls with a diameter of up to 2 mm are obtained. Then it is sifted, dried and packaged.

Traditionally, couscous is steamed, but it is also possible to simply pour boiling water over it, add oil and salt and leave for a few minutes to swell. You can eat couscous this way. It is delicious either on its own or as an alternative to rice and pasta in appropriate dishes.

If you want to cook a traditional East African dish, you can try this using a regular steamer pan. Water is poured into the bottom, and gauze is placed on top of the grate. It is needed so that the grains do not fall through and receive a sufficient amount of hot, moist steam. Traditional couscous takes a long time to prepare, about an hour, sometimes in two steps - after the first half-hour steam treatment, it is cooled a little and dried. As a result, the couscous acquires a uniform structure both inside and outside. Then the grains are steamed again. With this method, the couscous turns out to be crumbly, well-cooked and greatly increased in volume. To prevent couscous from sticking, the gauze must be shaken from time to time during cooking.


Ptitim is called Turkish bulgur. This is a cereal made from durum wheat. According to the production method, ptitim is not very different from couscous, but has a smoother structure.

Ptitim is very popular in Israel. The history of the appearance of this cereal here is quite remarkable. In the middle of the twentieth century, when Jews began to leave en masse and settle in the newly formed state of Israel, they brought with them dishes from the national cuisines of the peoples of Africa. Israeli Prime Minister Ben-Gurion set the population the task of creating a list of national products that will be included in the kosher menu. So couscous was renamed ptitim and took an honorable place in the list of dishes of Jewish cuisine. Due to its external resemblance to the Italian risoni and its original history, people began to call ptitim as Ben-Gurion rice. If you ask any Israeli what the name of the wheat cereal named after the legendary politician is, you will get a funny answer: “Ben-Gurion Rice.”

Somewhat later, ptitim began to be made in the form of various small figures, and also colored with natural food dyes.

Before using as food, poultry is boiled in salted water. It is suitable for side dishes with meat, fish and vegetable dishes. Ptitim is no less good as an independent dish. There are many different seasonings and sauces for ptitim.


Currently, a very large number of different wheat cereals are produced all over the world. It is impossible to say for sure which cereal is considered the most useful - each has its own properties and microbiological composition. Nevertheless, freekeh is considered one of the healthiest wheat cereals. Some sources call it the universal food of the future, although this cereal is at least several centuries old. A 13th-century Baghdad cookbook mentions it in a recipe for a meat dish with cinnamon, cumin, coriander and tail fat.

Freekeh is produced from young wheat that has reached food maturity, but has not yet hardened. The wheat is cut, collected into sheaves and dried in the sun. Dried ears of corn are burned over a fire so that the straw and shell burn off, but the grains remain intact. Because they are immature and contain a lot of water, they do not burn. The grains are collected and threshed to remove any remaining husks, then laid out on baking sheets and dried again in the sun. Once they reach the required texture, color and taste, they are crushed. Externally, freekeh resembles bulgur, but differs from it both in color and taste.

Freekeh has a low glycemic index, so it is recommended for people suffering from diabetes. In addition, this cereal contains four times more dietary fiber, consisting of indigestible fiber, than other similar cereals. This property allows freekeh to be included in the list of products that help cleanse the gastrointestinal tract of waste and toxins, as well as for weight loss.


Farro is an Italian wheat grain. This name still means little to Russians, but it is well known to residents of the Apennine Peninsula.

Farro is a variety of wheat and the name of a cereal that is very popular in Italy. Farro has been cultivated in this country for almost 5,000 years. Farro is used to make cereal, which in terms of taste and consumer qualities is in no way inferior to more common varieties of wheat. Semi-finished farro cereals are boiled and blast-frozen in low-temperature refrigerators. Before using them for food, they are thawed at room temperature, scalded with boiling water and served, seasoned with spices or sauces.


Wheat cereal, whose name sounds like triticale, is an amphidiploid (hybrid) of wheat and rye. Initially, this variety was bred as a fodder crop, however, breeding work brought triticale to perfection, creating a cereal that surpasses its parents in many respects. If you ask the question: “Which wheat cereal has the greatest chance of becoming a leader in the food market?”, the answer will come naturally: “Of course, triticale!”

Unfortunately, in our country, triticale is still very rare, and this despite the fact that in the 20s of the last century, domestic breeders Meiser, Derzhavin, Pisarev and others bred several very successful hybrids of wheat and rye for food and feed purposes. Despite its unpretentiousness and high yield, triticale did not take root in the USSR. Currently it is grown in Poland, Belarus, Australia, Germany and France. Triticale can be found in health food stores. It contains almost no gluten, and it contains much more protein, vegetable fats and lysine than wheat and rye.

As for what cereals are obtained from triticale wheat, the answer is quite simple - the same as those obtained from other varieties of this cereal. The consumer properties of triticale cereals are similar to those of regular wheat cereals. Before eating, they need to be boiled in salted water, and then used as a filler for soups, side dishes for main courses of meat or fish. Triticale makes delicious milk, meat and lean porridges.

Some time ago, when cereal flakes became fashionable, wheat cereals began to be subject to undeserved criticism. Still, you shouldn’t deplete your diet. We tried to tell you in as much detail as possible about a variety of healthy and very tasty wheat cereals. We hope that now they will take their rightful place in your kitchen.
