What can you do with boiled beef? Boiled beef and dishes made from it. Form a dish and bake it in the oven

Boiled beef is a very multifaceted product. It can be used as a base for other dishes or served separately. There is a sufficient number of different dishes made from boiled beef: all kinds of salads, casseroles, porridges. If you still can’t decide what to make from boiled beef, then use it instead of sausage for breakfast sandwiches. We will share with you a few secrets on how to cook tasty and tender beef.

Boiled beef recipe

We need: pot.


Step-by-step preparation

Video recipe for cooking boiled beef

You can clearly see the whole process of preparing boiled meat (beef) in the following video with a detailed recipe.

Boiled beef for sandwiches

Cooking time: 105-110 minutes.
We need: foil, pan.


Step-by-step preparation

  1. Pour 3-3.2 liters of water into the pan, add 2.5 tablespoons of salt and let it boil completely.

  2. Place 1.5-1.6 kilograms of beef into boiling water and cook over low heat for 60-65 minutes. Do not forget that you need to periodically remove the foam.

  3. Add washed but not peeled onions (1-2 pieces) and carrots (1-2 pieces).

  4. Add 6-7 allspice peas, 1-2 bay leaves and 2-3 unpeeled cloves of garlic and cook until the meat is completely cooked.

  5. When the finished beef in the broth has cooled slightly, transfer it to a sheet of foil and sprinkle on all sides with one and a half teaspoons of suneli hops and rub the spices into the meat.

  6. Wrap a piece of beef in foil and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

  7. After which the meat will be ready to eat as a completely independent dish.

Video recipe for preparing boiled beef for sandwiches

In the next video you can see in great detail how boiled beef is prepared for sandwiches.

Boiled beef with parsley

Cooking time: 155-160 minutes.
We need: saucepan with lid.


Step-by-step preparation

Video recipe for cooking boiled beef with parsley

Beef cooked with parsley turns out very aromatic. In order not to miss anything important from the cooking process, watch the following video.

Beef is considered a very healthy meat. Therefore, it is not surprising that quite a lot of dishes are prepared from it. For example, you can cook. They turn out especially juicy if you use batter.

If you prefer less fatty dishes, we recommend. And it makes the most delicious steaks. There is an opportunity to prepare many interesting dishes.

Beef boiled in broth is a fairly versatile product, since a huge variety of dishes can be prepared from boiled beef. We told you about the most accessible methods of cooking meat. When you have the opportunity to make beef according to one of our recipes, be sure to share your impressions in the comments.

Vinaigrette with meat Peel the beets, cut into small cubes, season with some oil and soak for 5–7 minutes. Cut the cucumbers, potatoes, carrots and meat into small cubes, chop the onion. Combine the prepared ingredients with green peas, salt, pepper, season...You will need: boiled beets - 2 pcs., boiled carrots - 2 pcs., boiled potatoes - 3 pcs., onion - 1 head, pickled or pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs., vegetable oil - 5 tbsp. spoons, boiled beef pulp (veal, pork or ham) - 200 g, green peas...

Pancakes with meat Cut the meat into pieces. Finely chop the onion. Fry the onion in a little ghee without changing color. Pass the boiled meat and fried onions through a meat grinder. Add finely chopped egg, salt and pepper. Stir. Place on the toasted side of the pancakes...You will need: boiled meat 600 g, onion - 1 head, boiled egg - 1 pc., melted butter - 1/2 cup, chopped green onion - 1 tbsp. spoon, ready-made pancakes - 14 pcs., butter - 2 tbsp. spoons, ground black pepper

Meat with almonds 1. Cut the meat along the piece and unfold it so that it resembles a book, add salt and pepper. 2. Fry the almonds in a dry frying pan, grind with the addition of egg yolk and gradually pour in enough milk to form a paste-like mass. 3. Prig...You will need: beef pulp (thick edge) or pork or lamb (loin) - 500 g, almonds - 100 g, boiled egg yolk - 1 pc., milk - 2 cups, vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, ground black pepper

Meat baked in mushroom sauce Cut the champignons into slices. Pour chopped mushrooms with 2 glasses of water, add oil and cook for 10 minutes. Add vinegar, pepper, bay leaf and heat through. Cut the beef pulp into slices. Place boiled mushrooms on the meat. Place the meat in a mold, pour sour cream...You will need: boiled beef pulp - 700 g, champignons - 500 g, sour cream - 1 cup, grated cheese - 2 tbsp. spoons, olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, balsamic vinegar - 1 tbsp. spoon, bay leaf - 1 pc., ground black pepper, salt

Pies with rice and meat Mix minced meat with rice and dill. Chop the onion and fry in oil, then cool, combine with meat and rice, add salt and pepper. Roll out the dough into a layer, cut out 16 small oval layers, spread the filling, brush the edges with some of the yolk, dilute...You will need: puff pastry - 500 g, minced meat - 350 g, boiled Iberica rice - 1 cup, onion - 1 head, vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. spoons, chopped dill - 2 tbsp. spoons, egg yolk - 1 pc., ground black pepper, salt

Potato babka with meat 1. Place the potatoes in boiling salted water and boil until tender. Drain the water, mash the potatoes without letting them cool. Add butter, hot milk, eggs and mix. 2. Finely chop the onion, fry in oil until translucent...You will need: potatoes - 1 kg, eggs - 2 pcs., milk - 3 tbsp. spoons, butter - 3 tbsp. spoons, salt, boiled beef pulp - 200 g, onions - 2 heads, mushrooms - 300 g, vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons, broth or water - 3 tbsp. spoons, breadcrumbs...

Kani no oshi zushi (oshi zushi with crab meat) Chop the crab meat if necessary and separate into fibers. Place it on the bottom of the box in a layer of 0.5-0.8 cm, lightly sprinkle with lemon juice and spread a small amount of mayonnaise on top. Fill the box to the top with rice, press...You will need: boiled crab meat, sumeshi, mayonnaise, lemon juice, oshibako, sharp knife

Millet soup with meat (kulesh) Cut the lard into small cubes and fry with chopped onion until golden brown. Place the washed millet in boiling broth or water and cook. 5-10 minutes before the cereal is ready, add fried onions, salt, special...You will need: broth or water - 3 cups, millet - 1/2 cup, boiled meat - 70 g, onions - 2 pcs., raw pork lard - 3-4 slices, salt, spices

Meat Madrid style 1. Cut the peeled onions into rings. Cut the ham and meat into 1 cm cubes. 2. Heat the oil in a large deep frying pan. 3. Fry the onion, ham and meat in hot fat with constant stirring (5 minutes). 4. Salt and season with red and black...You will need: 250 g beef, 150 g fatty boiled ham, 2 onions, 3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil, 2 tbsp. spoons of ground red sweet pepper, 1.5 teaspoons of salt, ground black pepper, 1 pod of red hot pepper, 1/4 liter of dry red wine, 2 potatoes, ...

Tartlets with chicken meat and tomatoes. Prepare the shortbread dough and distribute it among the molds. Fill each mold with dough three-quarters full with filling and place in a well-heated oven. When the edges of the dough begin to brown, reduce the heat and finish baking over low heat. Filling: boiled chicken...You will need: 4 eggs, 5-6 tomatoes, 250 g boiled chicken meat, For the filling: salt to taste, 3 egg yolks, 200 g butter, 300 g wheat flour, For the dough: 1 tsp. chopped dill, pepper, salt

You can prepare a dozen different dishes from boiled meat. While you are thinking about what to cook, you should put the meat in the refrigerator. Cooking meat is very simple, because the most difficult and time-consuming stage is already over - the meat is cooked. In a fairly short period of time, there is a chance to prepare a culinary masterpiece. Fragrant herbs, aromatic spices and you're done! This is an ideal solution for those who do not have time to cook for several hours.

Please note that the meat must be cooked correctly! Each type of meat has a lot of its own characteristics and during the cooking process one should not forget about them. Before preparing jellied meat, pieces of boiled meat must be soaked in cold water so that the finished dish is beautiful and transparent. Boiled meat is a dietary product that can be eaten by adults, children and nymphs who strictly monitor their figure and weight. Cutlets, dumplings, soufflé, mousse, casserole, beshbarmak, jellied meat - the list goes on and on. Pediatricians allow giving boiled meat without spices to babies from 6-7 months, you just have to grind it in a blender to a puree.

Potato-chicken cutlets made from boiled meat

If you don’t particularly like to bother with cooking, but decide to pamper your family, prepare zrazy: quickly, conveniently and very tasty.

We will need:

  1. Boiled chicken can be replaced with beef or pork. About 500g of boiled meat.
  2. Potatoes, 4-5 pcs. medium size.
  3. Chicken egg, 1 pc.
  4. Garlic, 1 large clove.
  5. 1 medium sized onion.
  6. Greens, dill or parsley are best.
  7. Salt and peppercorns.

The potatoes must be peeled and boiled in salted water, drained and chopped together with the meat. To simplify the process, use a meat grinder or blender. Stir until smooth and add raw egg and spices. We crush the garlic with a garlic press and also add it to future dishes.

Heat a frying pan with vegetable oil; if you control your diet, you can do without oil, but only if you have a non-stick frying pan. While it is heating up, make the zrazy, you can roll them in flour or breadcrumbs so that they quickly become covered with a golden crust. Fry on each side for 1.5-2 minutes, until that same crust appears.

Before serving, you can decorate with herbs or vegetables and eat with fresh sour cream. Bon appetit.

Wondering what to cook from boiled meat? – The most delicious recipes are below.

Steamed meat cutlets

We need:

  1. Boiled fillet 0.5 kg.
  2. 1 egg.
  3. Bulb.
  4. Carrot.
  5. Salt and pepper.

Scroll the minced meat twice so that the cutlets are tender and airy. Chop the vegetables and mix with the egg and meat. Form cutlets and place in a steamer, cook for about 20 minutes.

Homemade pasties

Tasty, satisfying and quite unusual, for preparation you need:

  1. Sugar and salt 1 teaspoon each.
  2. Eggs.
  3. Boiled water.
  4. Flour 0.5 kg.
  5. Sunflower oil 100ml.
  6. Boiled meat 1 kg.
  7. Spices to taste.
  8. Onion 200g.

We make the dough on an egg base, adding flour last. The mass should be moderately stiff and homogeneous, let the dough stand. In the meantime, prepare the filling, turn the meat into minced meat, mix with spices and onions and simmer in a frying pan with water.

Cool the finished mixture and fill it with dough. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the pasties until golden brown.

Boiled beef beshbarmak


  1. Boiled beef.
  2. Bay leaf and spices to taste.
  3. Flour 0.5 kg.
  4. Water 1 glass.
Mix flour with egg, water and spices - knead the dough. It should be soft, elastic and not stick to your hands. Place the dough in the refrigerator for an hour, then cut it into thin strips and boil until tender in meat broth. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add the meat cut into small pieces, so the dish will be tastier and more aromatic. Cut the onion into rings and put them into the broth along with the spices, simmer for another 5 minutes and can be served.

Chicken breast mousse

What you will need:

  1. Breast 0.5 kg.
  2. Soy sauce 60ml.
  3. Rice vinegar 10ml.
  4. Carrot 150g.
  5. Gelatin.
  6. Spices and herbs to taste.

Boil vegetables with bay leaves and herbs in meat broth. Grind the meat in a blender with 70 ml of broth. Add soy sauce and rice vinegar, ground pepper and mix again until smooth. Heat the gelatin in a water bath and add to the meat, beat again.

Chop the carrots into cubes and place them on the bottom of the molds, pour the mixture from the blender. We put the molds in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours, and when the mousse hardens, you can serve it, adding any side dish.

Boiled beef salad

This is an interesting recipe that is appropriate on any table. Ingredients:

  1. Cherry tomatoes 7 pcs.
  2. Beef 300g.
  3. Iceberg lettuce.
  4. Lettuce salad.
  5. Dijon mustard.
  6. Garlic and spices to taste.
  7. Olive oil.
  8. Mozzarella.

Cut the beef into slices and spread with a thin layer of mustard. Tear the salad with your hands and place on a plate. Mix the remaining mustard with oil, chopped garlic and spices and mix - this is a dressing. We cut the cherry tomatoes in half, and the mozzarella balls into thin layers. Place all the ingredients on the salad in a random order and season to taste. This is a simple, tasty, low-calorie and very unusual salad that will not leave anyone indifferent.

While learning the basics of cooking, at one time I was most afraid of cooking meat. Why? Don't know. But when I cooked it once, the fear went away. In this recipe I will try to tell you about the simplest way to cook meat. Perhaps someone will need this recipe. This meat can simply be served as an appetizer, used on sandwiches or in salads.

Ingredients for “Boiled meat “Basic recipe””:

Recipe “Boiled meat “Basic recipe””:

I used pork, boneless shoulder. But this recipe can also be used to cook other parts of pork, beef, and whole chicken.

It is better to buy chilled meat that has not been frozen. If your meat is frozen, then to maintain its juiciness, it must be properly defrosted. Wrap a piece of meat in cling film or put it in a plastic bag and tie it tightly. Place the meat on a plate or tray and put it in the refrigerator. Defrosting in the refrigerator takes much longer, but this way the meat loses less juice and it will certainly taste better. Meat can take from 8 to 24 hours to defrost in the refrigerator.

Any meat should be rinsed under cold running water before cooking to ensure its cleanliness.

Let the water drain and blot off any remaining residue with a paper towel.

Peel the onions, garlic and carrots and rinse under water. Prepare salt and spices

Choose a suitable cooking pot. Try on a piece of meat by placing it in a pan. It should be about one and a half times larger than the piece of meat itself. This is necessary so that the meat is completely covered with water, but at the same time, too much water should not be placed.

In my case, my piece of meat is 1 kg, I took a 2.5 liter pan.

Pour water into a saucepan, add salt, bay leaf, pepper, onion, garlic and carrots.

Bring the water with vegetables to a boil over high heat and only now place a piece of meat here. By placing meat in boiling water, we seal all the juices inside. The meat will remain juicy and tasty. The water should cover the meat by 1 cm. If there is not enough water, add boiling water from the kettle.

Wait until the water boils again, reduce the heat to low and continue cooking. With this method of cooking, not much foam is formed, but it is still there. Carefully remove it with a spoon and throw it away.

How long will the meat cook?

A piece of meat weighing about 1-2 kg is cooked:
Pork, turkey - from 1 to 1.5 hours
Beef - from 1.5 to 2 hours
Broiler chicken - from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours
Homemade chicken - from 2 to 3 hours

In any case, the readiness of the meat must be checked. Pierce the piece with a sharp knife. If the meat is raw, then the knife enters with difficulty, and a slight “creaking” is even felt. The finished meat can be easily pierced with a knife.
Look at the puncture and the fluid flowing out of it. If the liquid is pink and cloudy, then the meat is still raw. If the liquid is clear, then the meat is ready.

Cool the meat in the broth in which it was cooked, then it will not dry out and will remain juicy. Boiled meat is stored in the refrigerator for 2-3 days. It should be stored in a container with a tight-fitting lid. Can be wrapped in foil or film.

Serve as a cold appetizer with mustard or horseradish. Can be used in salads. Can be put on a sandwich.

Strain the broth remaining after cooking the meat through a sieve. Throw away the vegetables (they will no longer be useful). The broth from boiled meat is not very rich, but nevertheless it can be used to prepare light soups and sauces. I really love cooking buckwheat with it, it turns out very tasty.
If you do not plan to use the broth in the very near future, you can freeze it for future use. To do this, pour it into a suitable container and put it in the freezer. When you need it, defrost it and you can use it.

Also, instead of freezing, you can preserve the broth by canning it for a short period of time. To preserve, sterilize the jar and boil the screw cap. Bring the broth to a boil, pour into a hot sterile jar, screw on the hot lid, cover with a terry towel and leave until cool. The lid in the middle has been “sucked in” - the broth is preserved. Store in the refrigerator for 1-2 weeks until you decide to make the soup.

For main courses and cold appetizers, they cook beef, pork, veal, lamb, goat meat, tongues, kidneys, brains, udders and other offal, ham, smoked meats, sausages, frankfurters, sausages. At the same time, such an optimal cooking mode is selected in which the maximum amount of nutrients and biological substances would be preserved in the meat products and less of them would go into solution. For this purpose, meat is most often used for cooking in large pieces (weighing up to 2.5 kg), peeled from coarse films, and the meat is poured with hot water at the rate of 1-1.5 liters per 1 kg of meat. Only by-products (kidneys and scars) are poured with cold water to remove the specific odor and more water is taken than usual.

Before cooking, the shoulder meat is rolled up and tied with twine; cuts are made on the inside of the brisket along the ribs to make it easier to remove the bones after cooking.

Corned beef is pre-soaked in cold water, and then poured with cold water and boiled.

Before cooking, the brains are soaked in cold water, the films are removed and boiled with the addition of vinegar.

The kidneys are cut lengthwise, soaked in cold water and boiled, poured with cold water, then the broth is drained and not used, poured again with cold water and boiled until tender.

The technological scheme for cooking meat consists of the following operations: put the meat in boiling water, add onions and roots, heat it to a boil and cook at a low boil. Salt at the end of cooking, add spices (bay leaf, peppercorns).

Cooking time depends on a number of factors and is 2-2.5 hours for beef, 1-1.5 hours for lamb, 2-2.5 hours for pork, 1.5-2 hours for veal. The readiness of the meat is determined by piercing it with a chef's needle. At the same time, it freely penetrates into the thickness of the meat, and the released juice is colorless.

Boiled meat is stored on a steam table in broth in large pieces for up to 3 hours at a temperature of 50-60C. For longer storage, the meat is cooled in broth to prevent it from darkening, and then stored in the refrigerator. Before release, such meat is cut into portions and heated in broth.

The following culinary parts are used for cooking:

For beef - shoulder and shoulder parts of the shoulder blade, subscapular part, trim of carcasses of the 1st fatness category, brisket, side and outer parts of the hip cut; for lamb - ham, shoulder, brisket of old animals; for pork - shoulder; for veal - shoulder and brisket.

BOILED MEAT Boiled meat is cut into two pieces per serving across the grain and heated in the broth. Garnish with boiled potatoes, mashed potatoes or poached vegetables (carrots, rutabaga, turnips, cabbage). It is better to cook vegetables in meat broth. When leaving, boiled meat products should be topped with sauces derived from red base (onion, tomato, with vegetables, with cucumbers, steam, sour cream with horseradish). In addition, crumbly porridge, vegetables in milk sauce, stewed cabbage, and poached rice can be served with the meat.

BOILED LAMB WITH VEGETABLES IN A POT meat with bones, 2-5 pieces per serving weighing 30-40g, add water, add salt, spicy roots and cook. 30 minutes before the meat is ready, add whole medium-sized potatoes, cabbage in checkers, carrots, turnips, parsley, onion slices, spices and cook until tender, drain the broth and prepare a white sauce on it, pour it over the meat and vegetables, bring to a boil and season with garlic . The dish should be prepared in a portioned pot.

BESHBARMAK IN KYRGYZSTAN – cut boiled lamb into thin slices. Knead unleavened dough from flour, eggs, water, cut into noodles and boil in broth, combine with meat and place in a heap on a dish. Place onion rings on top, simmered in broth, sprinkle with ground pepper. Serve the noodles and meat in kes, and the strong broth separately in a bowl.
