What to make from raspberry juice. Raspberry juice - how to prepare and store for the winter. How to make raspberry and currant juice

Tender and fragrant raspberries can give a piece of summer happiness even in winter. There are many recipes with which you can pamper your household - preparing raspberries for the winter without cooking: with sugar, five-minute jam, confiture, raspberries in currant juice, shyly blushing jelly, sweet aromatic syrup, delicate baby puree. The imagination of real cooks knows no bounds, and some of them have a lot to learn from.

Healthy and extremely tasty, raspberries generously give housewives the opportunity to make winter preparations throughout the summer. However, in order for the jam, jelly or compote to come out bright, beautiful and tasty, the berries must be properly collected from the bush and prepared.

It is better if the berries for harvesting are clean and whole.

The most suitable time for collecting is dry, sunny weather, because rain makes the delicate beauty watery and unattractive. For the same reason, it is rarely washed, especially if collected in your garden. Only if the presence of bugs is suspected, the berries are briefly filled with salted water (1 liter of water + 20 g of salt) so that uninvited guests float to the surface. It is better to start processing berries right away, in this the berry is similar to felt cherries, which also begin to deteriorate quite quickly, even in the refrigerator. In order not to make a mistake in the proportions, it would be useful to remember that approximately 600 grams of raspberries fit in one liter jar.

To prevent the beneficial components of raspberries from disappearing during prolonged processing, its duration can be reduced to a minimum. An excellent example is five-minute, extremely tasty and not overcooked raspberry jam, which is extremely simple to prepare. Minimal processing allows you to keep the delicate berries intact and attractive.

Differences in recipes from different housewives lie in the different amounts of sugar required for jam - some prefer a 1:1 ratio, others put only half a kilogram of sugar per 1 kg of raspberries and ensure that the finished product is stored in the cold, while others do not spare even 1.5 kg sugar, but we are confident in the reliable preservation of the delicacy. However, the principle of preparing five-minute jam is approximately the same for both raspberries, currants, and other berries:

Recipes for five-minute raspberry jam allow you to preserve maximum vitamins in it
  1. Clean and sorted raspberries are carefully placed in an enamel or copper container (roomy and with a wide bottom).
  2. Raspberries are covered with sugar, based on the chosen proportion, and left for 2-4 hours. During this time, the released juice should cover the berries.
  3. Having placed the bowl with the future jam on the fire, you need to bring it, stirring slightly, to a boil and then cook for 5-7 minutes until the sugar has completely dissolved. During cooking, you can enjoy sweet foam that needs to be removed from the surface.
  4. It is advisable to additionally sterilize thoroughly washed jars, especially if the amount of sugar is minimal. Don't forget about processing the lids.
  5. Carefully place the hot delicacy into the jars so that the contents reach the very top, and immediately roll up. The five-minute jam is ready, now you can place it in a place convenient for storage and enjoy this delicious delicacy in winter.

Raspberries with sugar

Many housewives prefer to do without heat treatment, and simply mix raspberries with sugar - this preparation for the winter preserves as much as possible all the unique beneficial properties of the berries. This method takes even less time than preparing five-minute jam, and is accessible to absolutely inexperienced housewives. However, in order to reliably preserve the raspberries prepared according to this recipe, the jars with the preparations will have to be sterilized or choose a refrigerator for storing them.

Usually sugar is added to the preparation in a 1:1 ratio.

There are many recipes for preparing raspberries and sugar for the winter. The following recipes are most often used.

Method one:

  • strong and dry berries are placed in rows in prepared jars. Each new layer is sprinkled with sugar, and the dishes are slightly shaken to get it between the individual berries;
  • jars of raspberries are immersed in a large container of water and sterilized - 25 minutes will be needed for liter containers, 20 minutes for half-liter containers.

Sugar is an excellent preservative for berries

Method two:

  • raspberry berries are covered with sugar in a 1:1 ratio and left for a couple of hours, this is necessary to release the juice;
  • then the berries are crushed and thoroughly, but carefully, mixed with sugar;
  • All that remains is to place the raspberries in sterilized jars, cover them with a centimeter layer of sugar, and store them securely in the family cellar or refrigerator.

The resulting amazing jam from fragrant and tender raspberries, the preparation of which is done without cooking, will give an unforgettable pleasure during a family tea party and will help you get by in winter without an unpleasant cold.

Exclusive! Place whole and dry raspberries in a container, add honey and place in the freezer. The taste is unique!

Confiture - recipe first

Colorful confiture, successfully prepared for the winter from raspberries with sugar, unusually quickly and without the usual cooking, will pleasantly diversify your breakfast and bring a lot of pleasure. It cannot be said that the preparation according to the proposed recipe is too simple, although only one stage causes some complexity. But the result obtained more than pays for all the efforts expended, and the colorful confiture pleases with its impeccably delicate taste.

You will get the most delicate confiture if you remove all the raspberry seeds.

The hardest part is getting rid of the small raspberry seeds, which can be done with a sieve and pestle. Then the resulting mass must be mixed well with sugar. You will need 1.5 kg of it for every kilogram of sweet berries. All that remains is to put it in jars, cover with lids and, for the time being, put in a cold place - the fragrant and healthy confiture is ready.

Confiture - second recipe

You can prepare a fragrant delicacy in another way, by cooking. The recipe requires the following ingredients:

  • fresh raspberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 3 kg;
  • water - 1 l.

If you spend a little more time preparing and boiling the confiture, then the raspberries can be stored without refrigeration

Mash the raspberries in a suitable wide-bottomed container, carefully add hot water and cook for about 20 minutes from boiling time. Then carefully add sugar in several additions and continue cooking for another 15 minutes. Pour the hot confiture into clean and warm prepared jars and cover with lids. All winter long, its pleasant aroma and delicate taste will resemble a sunny summer.

Raspberry syrup

It’s impossible to do without raspberry syrup in winter! It is needed everywhere - for golden-brown pancakes, a birthday cake, a delicious drink, or as a decoration for ice cream. Preparing it is not difficult and does not take too much time.

Method one

  • raspberries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 4 cups;
  • water - 8 glasses.

Raspberry syrup will be a wonderful dessert and a source of vitamins at the same time.

Place clean and sorted raspberries in a saucepan, add the required amount of water and cook over low heat for 20 minutes, stirring and skimming off the foam. Remove the berries with a slotted spoon, add sugar and continue cooking for another 5 minutes. The finished syrup is poured into bottles or jars and stored in a cool place.

Method two

  • raspberries - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • water - 0.5 liters;
  • lemon - 10 gr.

Grind the berries using a mortar or blender, add half a liter of water and leave until morning. Stir and strain the resulting mixture, add sugar and lemon and again deprive it of your attention for a day. The next day, boil the syrup for one or two minutes, then pour into clean, warm bottles. It is advisable to store it in the refrigerator.

Dried raspberries

Dried raspberries can be added to teas, baked goods, compotes and desserts

If there is a catastrophic lack of time, but the harvest was a success, you can simply dry it and provide your household with vitamins for the entire slushy and frosty season. An indispensable condition is that the berries need to be selected as dense as possible and even slightly unripe. You can dry raspberries efficiently and quickly in the oven - two hours at a temperature of 50 degrees, and then fifteen minutes at sixty degrees. Once cooled, it is placed in boxes or jars and placed in a cool and always dry place. Tea with dried raspberries is fragrant and increases the body's protective functions.

A variety of recipes for preparing raspberries for the winter allows you not to part with the fragrant berry all year round. Compotes, preserves, jams are an excellent help in preparing delicious dishes and are good on their own. Raspberries are not only a sweet and pleasant treat, but also a guarantor of good health. When choosing a method of preservation, you need to remember this and minimize the slightest loss of vitamins and other useful components. And when the season comes, don’t forget to save a couple of jars of vitamin cherry jam for the family.

Secrets of storing raspberries without cooking: video

Raspberry juice or raspberry nectar is a medicine recommended by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. Raspberries have properties similar to many antibiotics and bring relief from a number of diseases, primarily colds and flu.

In what cases should it be used?

If you are sick with the flu or a cold, then you simply need raspberry juice. Raspberry juice contains natural salicylic acid, so it acts similar to aspirin, promotes sweating and relieves fever. The essential oils contained in the drink also have a warming and antiseptic effect. Thanks to raspberry nectar, we can easily overcome the infection, without the use of synthetic drugs.

Raspberry juice can also be used for preventive purposes, as it contains many vitamins and compounds that help strengthen the immune system. Such compounds may include polyphenols, which are antioxidants that neutralize the effects of free radicals. Free radicals contribute to the formation of cancer and premature aging of the skin, so all foods containing antioxidants are extremely beneficial for the body

Nutritional value of the drink

Raspberry juice contains a lot of potassium, magnesium and calcium. These minerals strengthen the heart and lower blood pressure, and also have an anti-atherosclerotic effect. Potassium contained in raspberry juice regulates the body's water balance and is very useful for kidney and liver diseases. Raspberry juice is also recommended for anemia - it contains iron and copper compounds. The drink is useful for losing weight - it regulates the digestive system, has laxative properties, and also contains pectin and organic acids that cleanse the body of toxins.

How to cook?

There are several ways to prepare raspberry nectar:

  • The easiest way is to use a juicer and then simply follow the instructions that come with it. It is quite convenient and simple, but, unfortunately, not all of us have this kitchen appliance at hand;
  • if you don’t have a juicer, you can mix raspberries with sugar and a small amount of water (on average 100-150 ml per 2 kg of berries) in a saucepan with a thick bottom and boil the mixture until the raspberries release their juice. The finished mixture will need to be passed through a fine sieve and poured into jars.
  • you can use the method that was popular among our grandmothers. Crush raspberries with sugar and leave at room temperature until they release juice. Usually the process takes 1-2 days, after which the berries are pressed with a masher, passed through a fine sieve and poured into jars. However, be careful when using this method, if you overexpose the raspberries, they may ferment; as a result, you will not get a medicine that can put you back on your feet, but an alcoholic drink that, on the contrary, will tend to weaken your legs.

What types of raspberry nectar are there?

By following the preparation instructions presented above, you can get several varieties of the drink:

  • pure juice. This is the squeezed part of the berries, which comes from a juicer, or is obtained in the second or third way, but is carefully passed through a fine sieve or cheesecloth.
  • nectar with pulp. This drink is obtained by adding to pure juice a mixture obtained by passing raspberries through a coarse sieve. All seeds will remain on the sieve, and the nectar will be a delicate berry mousse.
  • fruits in nectar. After that, the raspberries are passed through a juicer, the raspberry pulp is transferred to jars and poured with a small amount of juice. The remaining juice can be stored as pure. If you are not bothered by seeds and pieces of berries, then this method can be considered the most successful, there is no waste, and the yield of the finished product is maximum. Such a product can be added to tea, or squeezed out already at the stage of use, using the pulp as a filling for pies, and the liquid part as a soft drink or as an additive to tea.

How much sugar should I add?

The standard proportion of sugar to raspberries is 1:3, that is, 330 g of sugar for every kilogram of raspberries. The nectar turns out sweet, but the sugar does not interrupt the taste of the raspberries and the drink will not be cloying.


There are three ways to protect your drink so it can last all winter:

  • classic pasteurization in a container with water. Place a jar stand at the bottom of the container, place a jar of raspberry juice on it and fill the container with water until it covers ¾ of the jar. Simmer over low heat for 20-35 minutes. Disadvantage of this method: high labor intensity. Usually more than one can cannot fit into a container, therefore the process is greatly delayed. If you use several burners, the cooking will go much faster, but the amount of fumes will also increase sharply, and given that we make preparations in the summer, it will not be entirely comfortable to be in such a room.
  • pasteurization in the oven. Place jars of raspberry juice in a preheated room at 120 degrees. oven for 30-40 minutes. The method is quick and convenient; you can prepare 15-20 cans within an hour.
  • without pasteurization. You can skip pasteurization if you bring the juice to a boil and pour it into jars preheated in the oven (120 degrees, 30-40 minutes) and immediately roll them up. The sealed jars must be turned over onto their lids and left to cool.

Vitamin C, fiber, iron, vitamin A, as well as folic acid are part of a very useful berry for the human body - raspberries, which are useful primarily for colds and for strengthening the female body. In addition, ripe raspberries contain ellagic acid, so they can be used to preventively strengthen the body against cancer.

Every year, raspberries are produced differently, so when there are a lot of them, having made the necessary preparation of raspberry jam, you can stock up on raspberry juice for the winter, which will become one of the favorite drinks for both children and adults.

To prepare a unique raspberry drink, you can use various preparation methods.

The first method of harvesting for the winter is carried out without boiling the berries.


  • 1200 gr. raspberries;
  • 150 ml. water;
  • 130 gr. Sahara.

Preparing raspberry juice:

  1. Sort through the berries, separating only ripe, red and soft raspberries. Wash the raspberries well and put them in a saucepan.
  2. Use a blender to bring the berries to the consistency of a thick mixture and put on fire.
  3. Heat the resulting raspberry puree until hot and remove from heat. Cover the pan with a lid and let stand for 15-20 minutes.
  4. Strain the cooled mass through a gauze sieve.
  5. Pour the resulting crimson liquid back into the saucepan, adding sugar, thoroughly stirring the juice, and boil it for five minutes.
  6. Ready hot juice must be poured into pre-sterilized jars or bottles and screw the lids on tightly.
  7. Place a warm towel over the twisted jars and leave for several days. The finished juice must be stored in a dark place.

Raspberry juice in a juicer

The following method of preparing raspberry juice is carried out using a special unique invention of mankind - a juice cooker, consisting of three main sections: a mesh basket for berries, a juice collector, a bowl for water, as well as a tap and hose through which the resulting liquid consistency is drained. Here the juice will be boiled, which will help to obtain a long-lasting product that will not lose its excellent properties and taste for several years.


  • Fresh raspberries 200 gr.;
  • Sugar 20 gr.

How to make raspberry juice for the winter:

  1. You need to pour water into the lower part of the juice cooker and put the juice cooker on the fire to boil.
  2. In the meantime, while the water is heating up, you should carefully sort out the raspberries and rinse them. Then add sugar and mix the berries with it.
  3. Place the basket of berries in the juicer.
  4. When water boils, you must immediately install a juice collector on top, in which you first need to close the tap.
  5. Reduce heat to low and leave to simmer for 45-55 minutes, until the resulting steam in the juicer squeezes out all the juice from the raspberries.
  6. After waiting the required amount of time, you can pour the juice into hot sterilized jars by opening the tap on the juicer.
  7. The juice should be a rich dark color with a fairly high concentration. After screwing the sterilized jars, you need to place them in a cool place where light will not penetrate for long-term storage.

Raspberry juice, recipe with currants without sugar

Raspberry nectar can also be prepared for long-term storage using currant juice. This drink will not only be useful for colds, but also very tasty, with additional notes of currant smell and taste. This preparation method allows you to make a drink from raspberries, without using granulated sugar.


  • 1000 gr. fresh raspberries;
  • 0.5 liters of currant juice.

How to make raspberry and currant juice:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to sort ripe raspberries from excess debris and unripe berries, rinse them with running water and place them in a pan.
  2. Blanch the currant berries over low heat for no more than one minute and squeeze out all the juice from them, passing the entire mass through a juicer or a gauze cloth folded like a widow.
  3. Pour the resulting currant juice into the raspberries, stirring thoroughly, and place the pan over medium heat. Boil for five to six minutes.
  4. Pour the hot juice into sterilized jars and close the lids.
  5. Store in the shade, cool.

You can also make currants that you and your children will enjoy.

Raspberry juice for the winter

If the raspberries have been in the refrigerator for 24 hours, then the following option for preparing raspberry juice with the addition of granulated sugar may be perfect.


  • Ripe chilled raspberries 200 gr.;
  • Water 200 ml;
  • Granulated sugar 50 gr.

How to prepare raspberry juice for the winter:

  1. Clean the raspberries from debris, twigs and leaves, rinse thoroughly with cold water, and place in an enamel pan.
  2. Add water to the berries in the same amount as raspberries.
  3. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil over medium heat, then reduce the heat to low.
  4. While the entire mixture cooks over low heat for ten minutes, you need to mash all the berries using a fork or a potato press.
  5. In order to obtain juice without adding sugar, you need to strain the cooked mass using a sieve or gauze, thoroughly squeezing all the contents of the liquid into a sterilized jar and roll it up.
  6. To obtain a sweet drink intended for longer storage, you need to pour the squeezed juice back into the pan and add sugar there, in a ratio of one to four, bring to a boil over low heat, stirring the liquid regularly until the sugar grains are completely dissolved.
  7. When the juice becomes a uniform consistency, that is, no grains of sugar are visible in it, you can remove it from the heat and roll it into jars. In order to immediately consume the resulting juice, you need to pour it into a container with an airtight lid and, after completely cooling, place it in the freezer. Chilled juice will bring unforgettable pleasure to all family members.

Raspberry juice for the winter

The fifth method of preparing raspberry juice will allow you to get the largest amount of the desired product, while the taste will be at the highest level.


  • Raspberries 1000 gr.;
  • Granulated sugar in a volume of 300 g;
  • 0.25 liters of water.

How to make raspberry juice:

  1. Rinse the raspberries, pre-clean them from excess components, and transfer them to a small saucepan, adding sugar and water, mix thoroughly.
  2. Place on low heat and heat to such a consistency that the juice is released from the berries and the sugar grains are completely dissolved in it.
  3. Remove from heat, without bringing to a boil, using a gauze sieve, strain the resulting mixture, squeezing out the berries as best as possible.
  4. Pour the resulting juice into pre-sterilized jars, sterilize and close with lids. Store in the dark and cool.
  5. Before use, it can be diluted with water (boiled only).

Preparing juice from assorted berries

In order to somehow diversify the taste of raspberry juice and please your loved ones with something unusual, you can prepare a drink from assorted berries.

To do this you will need:

  • Raspberries 500 gr.;
  • Currants 300 gr.;
  • Gooseberries 300 gr.;
  • Strawberries 300 gr.:
  • Apples 300 gr.;
  • Water in the amount of one liter;
  • Sugar about 400 grams.

How to make raspberry juice with different additives:

  1. Raspberries, currants, gooseberries and strawberries should initially be carefully sorted and placed in a colander, washed with running water. Place a colander in a container and wait until all the water has drained.
  2. Then you need to distribute the berries into jars in equal quantities.
  3. After washing the apples with cold water and dividing them into small slices, place them in jars in equal quantities.
  4. Water needs to be poured into a pan and boiled, then add granulated sugar and dissolve it completely. Fill the jars with berries to the top with the resulting sweet syrup from sugar.
  5. Sterilize jars at a temperature of 81-82 degrees, one-liter jars for no more than 15 minutes, half-liter jars for no more than 10 minutes. Close with sterilized lids. Store at low temperatures, protected from light.

Raspberry syrup recipe

For homemade preparations for the winter, you can make a tasty and sweet syrup from raspberries, which is diluted 1:1 with water and produces an unusually aromatic and delicious raspberry juice.

To prepare the syrup you will need:

  • 1000 grams of raspberries;
  • 1000 gr. Sahara;
  • 250 ml. water.

How to make raspberry syrup:

  1. Boil water and dissolve all the sugar in it to obtain sugar syrup.
  2. Immerse the raspberries in the resulting syrup and bring the whole mixture to a boil over medium heat.
  3. Let cool. Strain the entire liquid mass using a sieve or gauze.
  4. Pour the separated syrup into a saucepan and put on fire. Cook for five minutes at a low boil.
  5. Pour the finished syrup into sterilized jars, roll up and store.

Making raspberry juice at home

If, when preparing raspberry juice, a small amount remains, which, as they say, is neither here nor there, then a unique solution to this situation would be to prepare raspberry-apple juice.

To do this you will need:

  • Leftover freshly brewed raspberry juice;
  • Apple juice in the same quantity as raspberry juice.

How to make raspberry juice:

  1. Pour raspberry and apple juices into an enamel pan, either in equal proportions or in a ratio of 80% raspberry juice to 50% apple juice. Stir and place on low heat.
  2. Bring the resulting mixture to a boil and pour hot into sterilized jars and seal.

Raspberry juice, no matter how it is prepared, will always be a wonderful addition to any table, whether festive or ordinary. In addition, regular consumption of this product will help strengthen the body and also fight colds. Children will especially appreciate the taste of the juice.

In cold winter, the body especially needs vitamins, and raspberry juice can successfully fill this deficiency. Raspberries have a large number of active substances and are considered a traditional winter treat and medicine.

What are the benefits of raspberries

Both raspberries and their juice contain vitamins A, B2, B6, PP, C, E, organic acids - malic, citric, tartaric, salicylic, folic, as well as glucose and fructose, fiber, essential oil and pectin. The berries contain a substance called beta-sitosterol, which is credited with anti-sclerotic properties. The chemical composition of raspberry berries includes coumarins - they affect blood clotting, and anthocyanins - substances that actively fight sclerosis. The fruits contain a lot of microelements - potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, cobalt, zinc, fluorine and iron.

Due to its composition, raspberries are famous as a multivitamin, as well as an antipyretic, diaphoretic and anti-inflammatory agent. It has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract and tones the nervous system. If you prepare raspberry juice for the winter, it can effectively treat colds, acute respiratory viral infections, and feverish conditions. The product contains a large amount of pectin, therefore it rids the body of toxins and harmful substances. Raspberry juice has been successfully used to treat anemia and exhaustion.

You can drink raspberry juice freshly squeezed by mashing freshly picked berries and filtering them through cheesecloth. There are no contraindications to its use, even for diabetics and those who watch their figure. The sugars contained in the berry are easily digestible and do not affect blood glucose levels. In addition, the calorie content of both berries and fresh juice is very low: 100 g of juice contains about 100 kcal.

The only contraindication is severe liver disease. For such patients, it is recommended to dilute the juice in half with water, but do not give it up completely.

Preparing raspberry juice

To prepare raspberry juice for the winter, you only need ripe berries. According to this recipe, the juice is obtained without sugar, so even diabetics can drink it. Raspberries need to be sorted and washed under running water, mash the berries with a pestle or swirl in a blender to obtain a homogeneous mass.

Heat (but do not boil) water in an enamel saucepan and immerse the berry puree in it. Stirring constantly, gradually increase the heat, but not to a boil. You only need to achieve the appearance of small bubbles. You need to boil the juice for 15-20 minutes.

Strain the hot product through a sieve or cheesecloth and return to high heat. As soon as it boils, pour it into sterilized jars and seal. Place for sterilization and sterilize for 15-30 minutes depending on the volume of the jar. The proportion for making juice is 250 ml of water per 1 kg of raspberries.

Raspberry sorbet is very tasty and no less healthy - juice thickened in a special way with sugar. For cooking you will need refined sugar. It's even better if it's crushed sugar. The pieces (about 500 g) should be placed in an enamel pan and poured with freshly squeezed filtered raspberry juice. Place over very low heat and wait until the sugar is completely dissolved. The fire is increased and allowed to boil. Boil the sherbet until it thickens. Remove from heat and begin to knead with a wooden spoon, moving in one direction only. The mass should gradually thicken so that the spoon begins to stand. The finished sweet should be placed in a glass container and stored in the refrigerator.

For the winter, you can prepare raspberries in their own juice. Using a minimum of ingredients, you can get a tasty and healthy treat. Vitamins in this twist are preserved in full, since the fruits are not heat treated, but only sterilized. For 1 kg of whole berries you will need 200 g of sugar. The raspberries need to be sorted, cleaned of damaged parts and washed thoroughly. Place a layer of berries in a bowl and sprinkle with sugar. So alternate layer by layer, the top one should consist of sugar. Leave for 8-12 hours until the berries release their juice. Since the fruits are 85% water, they will quickly give up all the moisture. Carefully place the raspberries into clean, sterilized jars, being careful not to crush them. Pour in the resulting juice and sterilize the jars for 15 minutes. Screw on the lids and leave until cool. Raspberries in their own juice are ready. From such a preparation you can prepare fruit drinks, compotes, and jellies in winter.

Preparation without sterilization

An interesting way to freeze fresh juice. In such a product, all vitamins and taste are fully preserved. Squeeze clean berries through a juicer, pour into small containers and place in the freezer. There is no need to add sugar or water. At any time, you can take the concentrate out of the refrigerator, defrost it and prepare any drink, fruit drink, jelly, jelly. By the way, you can also make a full-fledged fresh juice from frozen raspberries if you defrost them, squeeze them and add water, sugar or honey to taste. In those berries that were frozen in the summer, all the beneficial properties of raspberries are preserved.

You can make canned juice that does not need to be sterilized. Wash the raspberries, crush them into a thick mass with a pestle, filter and place in an enamel pan. Add sugar and bring to a boil over medium heat. Stirring constantly, add citric acid. Boil for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly and skimming off any foam that forms. Cool, strain and pour into clean containers. Since the juice does not require rolling, it can be stored in small bottles in the refrigerator for easy use. This product is suitable both for preparing drinks and sauces, and for direct use - it can simply be diluted with water or added to tea. 2-3 tsp. Taking such a concentrate on an empty stomach in winter is the best way to prevent colds. For 1 kg of berries you will need 1 kg of sugar and 5 g of citric acid.

There is another way to make juice. Mash the clean berries with your hands, put them in a gauze bag and place under a press, collecting the flowing juice. As soon as the liquid stops dripping from the bag, you need to put the resulting pulp in a separate bowl and add hot water at the rate of 1 liter per 5 kg of pulp. Squeeze thoroughly again and mix both resulting juices. Place the pan on the fire, bring to a boil and add sugar to taste (100-200 g per 1 liter of liquid). As soon as the juice boils, pour into clean, sterilized jars and roll up. This juice should be stored in a cool, dark place.

Step-by-step recipe for raspberry juice for the winter with photo.
  • National cuisine: Ukrainian food
  • Type of dish: Conservation
  • Recipe difficulty: Very simple recipe
  • Preparation time: 15 min
  • Cooking time: 45 min
  • Number of servings: 8 servings
  • Calorie Amount: 277 kilocalories
  • Occasion: Dinner

I suggest preparing a healthy and tasty preparation for the winter - raspberry juice. This juice will be very useful during the period when colds are rampant. Juice can be prepared from both forest and garden raspberries. For juice, choose very ripe raspberries and prepare the juice immediately after picking the berries. If desired, the juice can be closed with the addition of a small amount of sugar or no sugar at all.

Ingredients for 8 servings

  • Water 200 ml
  • Fresh raspberries 1000 g
  • Sugar 100 g

Step by step

  1. To make raspberry juice we need fresh raspberries, water and sugar.
  2. Sort the raspberries and rinse.
  3. Combine raspberries and water. Grind everything using a blender.
  4. Place on fire and bring to 60°C.
  5. Close the lid and leave to steep for 15 minutes.
  6. Strain the mixture through cheesecloth.
  7. The juice is ready.
  8. Place the juice in a saucepan. Add sugar to taste. Sugar may not be added. Bring the juice to a boil.
  9. Immediately pour into sterilized jars, roll up the lids, turn upside down and cover with a thick terry towel. Leave until completely cool.
  10. Raspberry juice is ready for the winter.