What is curry - the beneficial properties and composition of the seasoning, how to use it in Asian and Indian dishes. What is curry (dish)

Curry is a popular Indian seasoning that is considered a true symbol of this sunny country. The popularity of the spice has long crossed the borders of India and today curry has become a favorite seasoning in many countries. And this is understandable, because in addition to the bright, rich taste and unique aroma, the benefits of the spice also include the benefits of curry for the body.

Curry Ingredients

Curry is a mixture of several spices. This unusual and original combination allows you to add a spicy, spicy note to meat and fish delicacies. The seasoning is also added to cold dishes, drinks and even baked goods.

Curry Ingredients:

· turmeric – improves blood composition, promotes the removal of toxins from the body;

· cayenne pepper – stimulates blood circulation, accelerates food digestion and fat burning;

· coriander – activates digestive processes;

· cumin – normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;

· cardamom – has an antioxidant effect, tidies up the nervous system;

· Basil – considered a natural antidepressant, improves sleep, has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effects.

The seasoning recipe and its ingredients may vary depending on the region of India. Ginger, fenugreek, cinnamon, fennel or mustard seeds, as well as garlic and nutmeg are added to the curry.

The calorie content of the spice is 325 kcal per 100 g. But since the seasoning has the ability to speed up the metabolic process and burn fat, it is recommended to include it in the weight loss menu.

About the benefits of curry

The benefits of curry for the human body have been known since ancient times. One of the useful properties of the seasoning is its unique composition - a combination of several spices in the right proportions gives an interesting, original taste that will perfectly complement almost any dish. At the same time, each of the ingredients has its own positive effect on the body.

Turmeric – improves brain functioning, effectively fights various tumors, and improves blood quality.

Pepper enhances the benefits of curry. It activates blood circulation, promotes rapid digestion of food, and normalizes stool. People who often use this healthy seasoning never experience constipation or diarrhea.

Coriander as part of the curry spice has a choleretic effect and normalizes the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. Regular consumption of dishes with this seasoning helps improve digestion.

Quite often, the aromatic seasoning includes cumin, which improves immunity and activates the body's defenses to fight viruses and microbes.

Cardamom is known for its ability to tidy up the intestinal microflora, accelerate tissue regeneration, normalize the functioning of the nervous system, and protect against stress.

Curry is ideal for people who want to lose a few extra pounds without much effort. This hot spice, due to its beneficial properties, activates digestion, as a result of which fatty tissue is not formed. The seasoning is also a natural diuretic, removing excess fluid from the body and preventing the occurrence of edema.

Dishes seasoned with curry must be present on the table of people suffering from frequent headaches and migraines. The herbs included in its composition have antispasmodic properties and help solve the problem without pills.

In India, it is believed that the hot spice stimulates the functioning of the muscular system, normalizes metabolic processes in the body, and removes accumulated waste and toxins. Due to its benefits, curry is recommended to be consumed regularly for the following diseases:

1. Bronchial asthma.

2. Flu and other acute respiratory diseases.

3. Arthritis.

4. Gout.

5. Rheumatism.

6. Tendency to bloating.

7. Alzheimer's disease.

Scientific research has found that the aromatic mixture activates the body's defenses to fight cancer cells. In addition, people who regularly consume curry dishes notice improvements in their heart function and the condition of their vascular system. The spice cleanses blood vessels of atherosclerotic plaques, removes cholesterol and prevents the development of thrombosis.

Can curry be harmful?

Despite the huge list of beneficial properties of the spice, it is also known that curry is harmful. Most often, the negative effects of the seasoning are associated with individual intolerance of the body or an allergic reaction to the spice.

Who shouldn't eat Indian spice?

· women treated for breast cancer;

· for kidney pathologies;

· after a heart attack or stroke;

· people suffering from gastrointestinal diseases;

· with obstruction of gallstones.

The aromatic spice has a strong effect on the process of hematopoiesis. The harm of curry is that it slows down blood clotting and also increases the likelihood of bleeding. Therefore, dishes generously seasoned with curry should not be consumed by hemophiliacs.


The aromatic spice can add a touch of oriental sophistication to even the most ordinary dish. But behind the original taste, one should not forget about the dangers of curry and its combination with certain medications.

The Indian spice is known for its effect on the circulatory system. Therefore, if a person is taking blood thinning medications, curry consumption should be strictly limited. Excessive consumption of spicy seasoning can lead to internal bleeding.

Also, doctors do not advise combining the use of Warfarin, Clopidogrel or Aspirin with a dish that includes an Indian spicy mixture. This may cause you to feel worse and have other side effects.

Using curry for weight loss

The herbs included in the aromatic mixture contain huge amounts of antioxidants and folic acid. This means that it is simply irreplaceable for women's beauty and health. Curry increases sexual activity, improves skin tone, and stimulates rejuvenation processes.

Indian spice is also indispensable for people who want to lose weight. Thanks to its piquant hot taste, curry perfectly speeds up metabolism and activates metabolism in the body. As a result, the accumulated kilograms simply “burn out.”

Curry is included in the dish of the same name, which is considered an ideal option for quick weight loss. There are many varieties of it - with rice, lentils, fish, meat, vegetables, nuts and other spices. For dietary nutrition, it is best to use lean varieties of fish and meat, skinless chicken, tomatoes, eggplants, zucchini, corn, and bell peppers.

In addition, the spicy Indian mixture can be added to various meat, fish and vegetable dishes, rice, and aromatic broths and sauces can be prepared on its basis.

The harm of curry for weight loss is that such a diet should not be long-term. Regular spicy food will be a real blow to the digestive system and can lead to such sad consequences as gastritis of the stomach.

For many centuries, oriental cuisine has gained universal recognition, and it is thanks to it that spices are so in demand today. Over the past time, a huge number of different natural aromatic additives have been discovered, among which Indian curry seasoning occupies a special place. All the spices in this mixture are chosen surprisingly harmoniously, which allows you to miraculously embellish the taste of any vegetable, meat and rice dish.

History of curry

The course of history practically throughout the entire period went side by side with spices. Since time immemorial, fragrant plants have been incredibly highly valued and played an important role in the development of trade relations in the Ancient World. Salt was then valued at its weight in gold, but the first “fragrant currency” was pepper and cinnamon.

Subsequently, many spicy mixtures were discovered, the components of which were selected depending on the locality of production of one or another aromatic addition to dishes, as well as taking into account the taste preferences of a particular people.

Most of these fragrant combinations were considered very successful and received a “ticket to life.” The spread of spices around the world was truly large-scale; all the inhabitants of the Earth loved them so much that to this day we cannot do without seasonings. Such worldwide fame has also fallen on Indian curry.

In India, rice was the only source of food for the peoples of the Malabar Coast. But at the same time, this area was literally replete with tropical fragrant plants. It was there that the residents created a surprisingly aromatic bright yellow mixture of cardamom, black pepper, turmeric, ginger and coconut to anoint disgusting rice. This ancient recipe is considered the “great-grandmother” of the current world-famous Indian mixture called curry.

Nowadays, this yellow composition is perhaps one of the most popular in world cooking. It is widely used both for home cooking and on an industrial scale.

Usually in production, curry is added to soup concentrates and sauces. In addition, this mixture is sold as a powder for use as a seasoning for various dishes, mainly rice, vegetables or meat.

Increased demand also creates supply, and therefore various versions of curry began to appear in all corners of the earth with an adapted composition to suit the tastes of a particular people. Today, no one is surprised by European or American curry.

In addition, the taste of this oriental seasoning may vary depending on the manufacturer. This trend has led to the fact that the current traditional Indian spice began to be divided into brands and types. Not only the main list of components and their ratio, but also their quantity may change. Typically there are between 7 and 24 ingredients included in a curry.

But, despite such a varied abundance, the “root” of this spice is still the same - the curry leaf, namely the leaves of Murray Koenig, coupled with the constant powder of turmeric roots, which gives the powder a rich yellow color.

Often, Western producers of this spice go to certain lengths. So, for example, in America and Europe, as well as in some countries of the East, where it is extremely difficult to find the notorious curry leaf, it is replaced with fenugreek (10-20% of the total mass), which has already become “their own” in all this aromatic splendor.

Any recipe for making Indian curry seasoning includes 20-30% turmeric. This is the undisputed leader in this mixture, however, along with this yellow root, coriander is of particular importance in the composition, which can be contained in this spice from 20 to 50%.

In addition, red cayenne pepper must certainly be present in the general mixture (1-6%).

Thus, we see that the most important components of curry are: turmeric, fenugreek, coriander and red pepper. In total, these spices can make up up to 96% of the total seasoning, while the other 10-20 aromatic elements will be “clumped” in the remaining 4-50%. In general, other powders are designed to carry an aromatic and taste load, superimposed on a standard base.

Composition of curry spices from different continents

In order to accurately determine the origin of the traditional Indian seasoning, you should become more familiar with the recipe features of curries produced in different parts of the world.

This type of spice has a sharper and rougher taste and aroma, since pepper plays a leading role in the mixture. This curry is usually used in industrial canning production.

The special characteristic of this spice lies in the peculiar simplicity of the aroma and delicate taste, thanks to the predominant turmeric in the composition. This seasoning is produced for home cooking and is also used in the food industry.

In the Middle East, the composition of the seasoning is more diverse. In addition, West Indian and West Pakistani curries can be prepared from different spice sets, which come as an additive to the base of four basic spices.

The table shows two versions of Middle Eastern curry, where the first version is mainly used in cooking by villagers and poor people, and the second recipe, richer in components, on the contrary, is a priority for city dwellers and wealthy citizens.

Basic Ingredients Additional ingredients (option 1) Additional ingredients (option 2)
Turmeric root Azhgon (zira) Iowaan fragrant, also known as cumin or azhgon
Cayenne red pepper Ginger root Ginger root
Coriander Fragrant turmeric Carnation
Fenugreek or curry leaves Asafoetida Allspice
Dried garlic Mace
Ground black pepper Ground black pepper

This curry is also called complete, and this perfectly characterizes this mixture of spices, because in addition to the basic 4 components, this seasoning includes 16 more fragrant plants. In total, curry consists of 20 aromatic herbs and seeds, but in some areas 1-4 more spices are added to this impressive list.

Basic Ingredients Additional Ingredients
Turmeric root Jeera or Indian cumin
Cayenne red pepper Ginger root
Coriander Black pepper powder
Fenugreek or curry leaves Cinnamon powder
Asafoetida aka ferula
Jamaican allspice
White pepper
Galgant or galangal root
Cambodian garcinia
Fennel (sweet dill)
Dried garlic

Curry classification

Full curry is usually a home-cooked product, since the food industry of Western, European and Asian countries has already established certain standards for this seasoning, in which no more than 15 spices are added to the aromatic powder.

All industrial curries are classified based on certain characteristics:

  • Sharpness. Soft and burning.
  • Color. Light and dark.
  • Area of ​​application in cooking: meat, vegetables, fish, rice and so on.

Spices Curry for fish and seafood, g Full high quality curries, g Incomplete inexpensive curries, g Indian curry with a wide range of uses, g Soft taste. Light shade, g Spicy taste. Light shade, g Spicy taste. Dark shade, g
1 Jamaican allspice 4 4 4
2 Cayenne red pepper 6 6 4 1 4 2 5
3 Chinese cinnamon 4 4
4 Iowaan fragrant 10 10 8 10 8 10 10
5 Coriander 26 22 27 24 37 32 36
6 Turmeric 20 30 30 32 20 32 20
7 Macis 2 2
8 Fenugreek 10 4 4 10 4 10 10
9 Carnation 2 2 2 4 2
10 Fennel 2 2 2 2 2 4
11 White mustard seeds 5
12 Black pepper powder 5 2 5
13 Ginger root 7 7 4 4 5
14 Cardamom 12 12 5 12 5
15 White pepper 5 4 5 10
Bottom line grams 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Turning to the stated standards of industrial curry, you can notice that along with the fixed turmeric, fenugreek, coriander and cayenne pepper, there is another component that is found in all mixtures - this is azhgon, also known as cumin, cumin, cumin, Indian and Coptic cumin or ajovan (ajwain) fragrant (fragrant).

Azhgon can be seen in classic curry recipes of the East and India, and that is why it can easily be included in the basic composition of this seasoning.

Curry sauce

As a rule, curry seasoning is used to prepare curry sauces, which are essentially aromatic concentrates. In their creation, in addition to the already stated dry spices, components such as vinegar, salt and flour are also used, as well as a liquid base, which can be:

  • Pomegranate juice.
  • Tomato paste.
  • Apple and plum puree.
  • Meat broth.

Based on the characteristics of the liquid seasoning recipe, it can be used in cooking and added to various dishes. But here it is worth noting that the presence of vinegar in the composition of the dressing significantly increases the pungency of the spice, gives it a sharp taste and smell, and this “acid neighborhood” threatens the loss of the valuable dietary qualities of fragrant plants concentrated in the powdered spice mixture. That is why the priority is to use curry powder rather than in the form of sauces.

Undoubtedly, there are many spicy mixtures in the world, the composition of which is quite simple and has a less wide distribution, limited by the taste preferences of a particular people, traditional and cultural values ​​of the population regarding nutrition.

The peoples of different countries of Asia, the Caucasus, Transcaucasia and the Carpathians have their own spice recipes in their culinary heritage. However, Indian curry seasoning was and remains today the most popular spicy composition in world cuisine.

Admirers of oriental cuisine know that the sophistication and unique taste of the dishes presented is based on the correct use of spices. Among them, curry seasoning occupies a special place; this mixture consists of harmoniously selected spices that can highlight the taste of a vegetable, fish or meat dish.

In India, this seasoning is prepared only before serving; this approach allows you to preserve the freshness and unsurpassed aroma of the ingredients.

  • Red and black pepper.
  • Turmeric.
  • Ginger.
  • Coriander.

In the future, everything depends on the taste preferences of the manufacturer; the following are often used:

  • Carnation.
  • Nutmeg.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Cardamom.
  • Cumin.
  • Fenugreek.
  • Fennel.
  • Garlic.
  • Caraway.

If you are going to buy the mixture at the supermarket, be sure to study the ingredients. Avoid spices with potato starch, salt or flavor enhancer.

Curry seasoning

Today, this spicy powder has several varieties, depending on the country of origin:

  • Eastern European - sharp and coarse taste and aroma, since the main emphasis is on pepper.
  • Western European - delicate taste and simple aroma, based on turmeric.
  • Middle Eastern - turmeric, pepper, coriander and fenugreek are used as a base, exquisite aroma and unsurpassed taste.
  • South Asian is the leader in the number of components. The spice has a rich taste and smell.

The cost of the seasoning depends on the ingredients.

The benefits and harms of curry seasoning

Benefits of using spices in recipes:

  • Protects against cancer.
  • British scientists have proven that the mixture can support cancer patients during the rest period between chemotherapy courses. The powder destroys atypical cells.
  • Stimulates the functioning of the immune system.
  • Turmeric has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The spice mixture is recognized as the best antioxidant.
  • Taking the powder 2-3 times a week protects against dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
  • Improves liver function.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels.
  • Allows you to get rid of extra pounds by activating your metabolism.
  • Coriander helps normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • Helps get rid of a hangover.
  • Has an antibacterial effect on the body. Recommended for use during seasonal colds.

It is worth noting that the use of spices can cause harm to the body:

  • During chemotherapy, it may block the effects of certain medications.
  • Prohibited for pregnant women, since the effect on the fetus has not been studied.
  • Children under 2 years of age do not have the enzymes to process hot powder.
  • Contraindicated for people who suffer from gastritis and peptic ulcers.

Magic spice

Many people are interested in what curry looks like? Full spice is a homemade product that is a powder with a specific smell, consisting of 15 spices.


  • According to their pungency, they are classified into soft and hot.
  • Color – dark and lightened.
  • Diverse industry of use.

The site specyi.ru contains photos of this fragrant powder.

Application: for what dishes?

For which dishes is the spice the best choice? Let's figure out where to add the mixture and what flavor features it will add. Spice seasoning is used in combination with:

  • Meat. Gives a pungent taste and spicy aroma. Can be added during marinating or after cooking.
  • The second courses are porridge and stew.
  • Drinks and cocktails are filled with bright taste and unforgettable aroma.

Where to add seasoning?

Since the seasoning came to our lives from India, it goes perfectly with rice, naan flatbreads, steamed idlis, chicken, dosa pancakes and chanti sauce.

There are several variations of curry dishes:

  • Pasandra – when creating this masterpiece, lamb marinated in natural yogurt is used. During the cooking process, cream and tomato juice are used to soften the taste.
  • Palak is a green colored sauce. This rich dish calls for fenugreek, spinach and mustard.
  • Korma is a great recipe that consists of chicken or goat meat in coconut milk with nuts, cardamom and cayenne pepper.
  • Tika masala – chicken pieces in a sweet and sour sauce (cream and tomatoes) with the addition of masala spice.
  • Balti is a medium hot sauce with pepper and coriander. Combine with flatbreads.

What can be replaced?

Many people are interested in: what can replace curry powder? Some chefs answer that there is no analogue, but you can use the sauce. This product has a sharper and sharper taste, while the beneficial properties are much lower.

The best option is to create a mixture of spices and store them in a dry place protected from ultraviolet rays. Homemade seasoning can be stored in a tightly closed jar for up to 4 months.

Today, supermarket shelves are filled with a variety of products, including seasonings. Everyone chooses to their own taste and color. Each of them has its own characteristics and exquisite taste. Some go well with meat, while others go well with fish. In this article we will look at curry seasoning, its composition, the benefits and harm that it can bring to the human body. It came to us from India, therefore it is unique in its taste and combination with individual dishes.

A little about the composition of the seasoning

Curry consists of several spices. Their interesting combination ensures its popularity to this day. Thanks to the use of spices, you can make a dish not only refined, but also tasty. Curry seasoning has a very diverse composition.

Its main part is turmeric. In addition to it, there are also such components as coriander and cayenne pepper. It also contains fenugreek. These spices form the basis of the seasoning. Other components may also be added to them. For example, to add an interesting taste and aroma, you can additionally add bay leaf, cloves, cinnamon, and black pepper.

Curry seasoning: beneficial properties

One of its advantages is that the combination of different spices gives an interesting chemical composition. A lot can be said about curry seasoning and its benefits for the body. For example, turmeric helps improve brain performance and also provides good assistance in the fight against tumors. Improving blood composition is also one of the beneficial properties of the seasoning.

Coriander has a choleretic effect. It also improves the functioning of the digestive system. If you regularly use curry seasoning as part of various dishes, you can achieve normalization of cholesterol levels in the blood.

In addition, it is perfect for people who want to lose excess weight. The components that make up the seasoning prevent the formation of fatty tissue and also remove excess water from the body.

If you add cumin to its composition, the body’s protective functions will increase. Speaking about curry seasoning, benefits and harm for humans, we can say that there is much more of the former. But, of course, everything should be consumed in moderation. Zira, if included in the composition, will help remove toxins. And this spice effect is very valuable. Because there are a lot of harmful products nowadays. Ginger, in turn, will improve blood circulation. It will also help cope with constipation. A lot can be said about curry seasoning, its benefits and harms. But she has more positive characteristics. You will be convinced of this by reading the remaining sections of the article.

Thus, each component is rich in “useful things” for the human body. It is up to the individual to decide which option to add spices to choose. Because the taste of your dish depends on this.

Where is curry used?

This seasoning belongs to Indian cuisine. Some people use it in all dishes. But it goes best with rice. It will give the product a yellowish color and some varieties a pungent taste. The peculiarity of curry is that it has a different composition of spices. In addition, it can also be used in preparing various sauces. They will be fragrant and distinctive.

The spice mixture works well for chicken salads. Curry can also be added to both meat dishes and pasta with meatballs.

Curry (seasoning): properties

Spices, which are the main components, help strengthen the human body, which regularly uses them in dishes. Curry seasoning has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antifungal effects. She also fights cancer very well. Namely, it helps to reduce the growth of such cells. Curry seasoning has beneficial properties that include improving memory and protecting against Alzheimer's disease.

In addition, the seasoning has an antioxidant effect. Thus, it slows down the aging process. If you regularly eat curry dishes, eczema and psoriasis will not be a problem.

Salicylic acid in the seasoning provides an analgesic effect. Therefore, you can forget about migraines. The spice also promotes the production of endorphins. In this case, you will not remember the sadness.

Curry has repeatedly helped people who would like to lose extra pounds. Thanks to its unique composition, fat in the human body is burned, and bile secretion increases. Moreover, digestion improves.

What is the harm of Indian spice?

Some people can't eat a lot of spices. This time, while talking about curry seasoning, benefits and harms, let's focus on the second point. Eating too many spices can lead to side effects and consequences. People with blood vessel diseases and breast cancer are at risk.

Turmeric, along with its beneficial properties, helps to increase bleeding in conjunction with medications.

During chemotherapy, curcumin interferes with the immunosuppressant drug used in the treatment of breast cancer.

People who have kidney problems should also not consume curry. Because turmeric increases oxalate levels. It is this that increases the risk of kidney stones.

Thus, the benefits and harms of curry seasoning are not correlated in equal proportions. Of course, despite the harmfulness of the spice, it has many more advantages.

How should you select and store seasoning?

The moment you buy curry, pay attention to its components. The main requirement for seasoning is that the contents include the main 4 components that were listed above.

You can also rely on smell when choosing a spice. It should be rich. The color of the seasoning, regardless of its shelf life, should be bright. Any spice that has a dull tint should not be used. And the curry should be dry.

The seasoning is stored in a closed container in a dark place. It should not be exposed to sunlight. In the case when one of the constituent components is cumin, the shelf life of the seasoning will be exactly one year. The curry will have a bitter taste. Homemade spices can be stored for about two months.

How to make seasoning at home?

To make your own curry, you will need ingredients such as coriander and turmeric seeds, cumin, chili pepper, mustard and garlic, salt, cloves, cinnamon and fenugreek. All components are placed in a frying pan and fried until brown. The almost finished spice should have a rich taste. Afterwards, the prepared mixture is sent to a coffee grinder and crushed. A stupa is also suitable if the appropriate equipment is not available.

Thus, in this article, having examined curry seasoning, the benefits and harms for the human body, we can say with confidence that it is not only a spice, but also a good way to improve health.

Curry is a seasoning originally from India, consisting of a mixture of spices and herbs. There are 4 types of curry: Eastern European, Western European, Middle Eastern and South Asian. The ingredients vary, but each recipe includes 20-30% turmeric. The combination of spices has a spicy aroma, light and pleasant taste that can decorate any meat, vegetable or rice dish.

Curry Ingredients

Indian curry contains 50% turmeric, 20% coriander, as well as red cayenne and black pepper. These four components are included in almost all interpretations of the spice recipe. The traditional version of the spice also contains ingredients such as cumin, blue fenugreek, salt, garlic and fennel. In India, curry is prepared immediately before eating by grinding all the ingredients in a mortar.

Additional components that can be found in adapted curry:

  • cumin and kmin for the European part of the population;
  • azhgon, which gives the mixture greater spiciness, is part of Asian curries;
  • ginger, basil, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, etc.

Sauce recipe

There are many variations of curry sauce, as well as seasonings, and there are two main types of this sauce: fruit and vegetable. If you wish, you can improvise and add to the dressing those ingredients that suit your taste. It’s not difficult to create a dish at home, the main thing is to follow the step-by-step recipe.

Nuances of preparing vegetable-based sauce:

  • first, chop the shallot or regular onion (one and a half onions), and grind in a blender;
  • heat the pan, adding a piece of butter to melt;
  • add half a teaspoon of cardamom to the melted butter, and a third of a teaspoon of cloves and cinnamon;
  • mix the spices, and then pour the chopped onion into the frying pan, after which it should caramelize for 10 minutes;
  • at the next stage, add 6 cloves of garlic, 50 grams of ginger and half a chili pepper into the blender bowl. From vegetables you need to get a puree, which is added to the frying pan with the fried onions;
  • the resulting mass is heated in a frying pan, stirring constantly for 5 minutes, after which spices are added to the sauce: a pinch of cumin, a teaspoon of turmeric, a third of a teaspoon of coriander and a similar amount of ground chili pepper;
  • the components are mixed and heated for another 3 minutes, and then the tomato, which has been previously peeled and crushed in a blender, is poured into the frying pan;
  • after adding the last component, the sauce should simmer under the lid for another 15 minutes;
  • at the final stage, the resulting mass is blended in a blender until it has a homogeneous consistency, and then ground through a fine sieve, after which the dressing is ready.

How to use in cooking

Curry is a unique spice that is used in cooking in all countries of the world.

  • A mixture of spices is added to the marinade for soaking meat or fish in it, or used as a seasoning for ready-made dishes. Almost everyone knows such a dish as chicken in curry sauce, which, thanks to the addition of aromatic spices, acquires a unique smell, taste and color.

  • Curry is popular in European countries, so the sauce is often used to make savory pizza or pasta.

  • In Asian countries, the sauce has found its use as a dressing for main dishes and side dishes. Thus, in the West, everyone’s favorite dish, Japanese-style rice and curry, appeared, the recipe for which can be seen in the video below.

Positive effects on the body

The benefit of the seasoning lies in its preventive and therapeutic effects on the body.

  1. Prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease. The main opposing component of mental dysfunction is curcuminoid-3 (a component of turmeric extract).
  2. Indian spice reduces the risk of developing cancer, increases the body's barrier properties, and stimulates the functioning of the immune system.
  3. Improves the digestive process, normalizing stool and toning the intestinal muscles, which is important when the peristaltic function of the digestive tract is impaired.
  4. The spice is useful for blood vessels, heart muscle and liquid tissue; it contains a large amount of minerals and vitamins necessary for the full functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  5. Helps cope with stressful situations - the spice has a relaxing effect on the nervous system.
  6. Food with curry has a positive effect on mental functions, improving memory, attention and thinking.

What is the harm?

The seasoning is hazardous to health in the following cases:

  • In the presence of chronic diseases such as gastritis or stomach ulcers, hot spices aggravate the patient’s condition by increasing inflammation localized in the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines.
  • Spice can cause tachycardia and blood pressure disorders, especially if there is a predisposition to hypertension.
  • A large amount of spice provokes severe headaches, dizziness, nausea, inflammation of the mucous membranes, and increased lacrimation.
  • In some cases, an allergic reaction is observed, which leads to breathing problems.

The curry seasoning, which came to us from Indian cuisine, has become so popular that it is simply impossible to imagine a huge variety of dishes without it. Housewives who are accustomed to adding spice to meat, fish, vegetables and rice dishes, as well as using it as a base for savory sauces, find themselves in complete despair when the seasoning runs out at the wrong time. After all, without curry, many dishes in their minds seem imperfect and not so tasty.

What is curry? Or maybe this seasoning has analogues? Curry is a harmoniously selected mixture of herbs and spices. In fact, you can easily make this seasoning yourself. In India, housewives do just that. Moreover, there are no clear proportions and recommendations for the combination of components, but only the mandatory presence of some of them.

What is included in curry seasoning and how to make it at home?

The main component that must be present in curry seasoning is turmeric. It should be at least a quarter of the total volume of the spicy mixture. Coriander is no less important in curry. It can be the same as, or half as much or more, depending on the recipe and preferences. Additional mandatory components of the seasoning are fenugreek, which can be up to 10 percent in total, and hot cayenne pepper (up to 6 percent). Other spices and herbs can be added as desired and tasted, giving new flavors to the curry. These include ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, cardamom, cumin, cloves, basil and mint, fennel and garlic, as well as various peppers that add extra heat to the seasoning. All ingredients must be dry and ground into powder. They are combined in the desired proportions in a mortar and further ground to exchange tastes and their better mutual harmony.

Uses and benefits of curry seasoning

Curry seasoning is used to give dishes new taste qualities, as well as to tint them and obtain a better aesthetic appearance, as well as an amazing aroma. In addition, curry seasoning is extremely useful, because each of the spices in its composition has a huge range of healing and preventive properties, an impressive arsenal of vitamins, minerals and various elements that help improve the functioning of all body systems, strengthen the immune system and increase vitality.

Where to add curry seasoning?

Curry seasoning perfectly complements dishes made from rice, vegetables and various types of meat, and also harmonizes perfectly with chicken, creating dishes that taste truly royal. Moreover, the spice is added not only during marinating of poultry, but also in salads containing chicken, and in soups and stews based on it.

A lot of sauces are prepared from curry seasoning, which are used as an addition when serving meat dishes, and are also added to dishes when stewing. Some of them are even named after the most popular seasoning. So, for example, they are prepared from meat with vegetables and a sauce based on curry seasoning and complemented with rice, and for Indian curry, the chicken is marinated in an impressive portion of spices and subsequently stewed until cooked.

Curry is used not only for preparing first and second courses and sauces. Sometimes seasoning is added when creating drinks and cocktails, filling them with color and giving them a special taste and aroma. Moreover, it is believed that drinking a drink that contains curry helps fight extra pounds by burning fat and removing toxins from the body.

Curry is the real pride of India. This carefully mixed combination of spices not only gives dishes a special, unique taste, but also improves digestion. Indians have a huge variety options for preparing spicy curry seasoning.

Curry spices composition

But these are just derivatives of the classic mixture, which is prepared from several components. It includes the following spices:

  • cinnamon stick
  • turmeric seeds
  • 8 cardamom seeds
  • 4 tablespoons coriander
  • 2 spoons fenugreek seeds
  • 2 spoons of cumin seeds
  • 0.5 spoons of clove buds
  • 1.5 tablespoons peppercorns

How to cook curry

All spices are slightly heated in a frying pan (medium heat is needed) and cooled. Afterwards you also need to add a little dry crushed turmeric root, a pinch of nutmeg and the same amount of salt. Then all the ingredients are thoroughly crushed with a pestle, and the famous Indian curry seasoning is ready. To ensure that it is distributed evenly, you need to mix in a spoonful of vegetable oil before using it. Every Indian knows how to cook curry since childhood

Curry spice flavor

You could say that curry seasoning is evolving. Something new is constantly introduced into it, the quantitative composition changes, but the basis of the mixture - turmeric - is always present. Indians add powder to many dishes. It can be a soup, a hot side dish of vegetables and cereals, and a mixture of curry spices goes perfectly with poultry. Without curry seasoning, any food is simply devoid of its true “face”.

Important components of curry are turmeric, cumin (cumin), coriander, cardamom, black pepper. Why are Indian chefs so fond of them? Cardamom, or rather its seeds, when fried, give the dish a more expressive aroma. When roasted, coriander acquires a sweet-spicy, slightly nutty smell. Turmeric imbues the seasoning with a tart, bitter taste, and thanks to it, dishes acquire a rich yellowish-orange hue. Cumin (or cumin) is an oblong seed with a delicate bittersweet aroma and pleasant notes of lemon.

well and Chili pepper is the most favorite additive in curry spices.. The additional taste depends on its quantity. If you don’t put too much of it, you can feel a pleasant tickling sensation on your tongue, while those who like it more spicy prepare a truly explosive mixture that provokes an extreme burning sensation in the mouth.

Cooking curry dishes

Cooks add curry powder to dishes to infuse it with a bouquet of aromas and add a golden hue to meat, side dishes or soup. Fried potatoes with curry, chicken with spices and rice on the side have an unforgettable taste. Today, everything is served with hot seasoning, both in India and in many other countries. Kebabs and meatballs with a bouquet of spices, mussels and shrimps with curry, noodles with spicy sauce and much more.

Try and experiment with curry ingredients and prepare a mixture that everyone at home will like. Then your usual family dishes will take on a new meaning.

All articles in the "Seasonings" section
