What is alcohol yeast? Types of yeast for moonshine. Recipes for good mash

Alcohol is an integral part of our culture. It is presented on the shelves in all its variety of forms. Connoisseurs have ample opportunities to choose a drink to suit their taste. However, many people prefer to make their own alcohol. In order to prepare the most popular folk strong drink - moonshine, you need to know which components must be involved in the fermentation process. Among them, one of the main ones is yeast. The product is a fungus that converts sugar into alcohol under the influence of enzymes. Spirits are indispensable in creating high-quality alcohol. Belarusian producers have created a product that confidently leads the moonshine market.

What types of yeast are there?

Those who have decided to join the glorious cohort of homemade moonshine producers should know that in the recent past, ordinary yeasts were used to prepare moonshine, including: baker's yeast, wine yeast, raisin yeast, “wild” yeast, brewer’s yeast, homemade “hop” yeast, “Saf” Levure", alcoholic.

The last product is a special alcoholic yeast, which is now increasingly used by home producers. Belarusian alcoholic yeast is one of the most popular types.

What are they?

Belarusian alcoholic yeast is a product that is ideal for making moonshine. Their life activity occurs at the temperature required for making mash.

Yeast is highly resistant to high levels of alcohol, which supports its functions. After reaching the strength of the mash, part of the yeast (about 15%) dies. You can not only buy a pure yeast culture, but also breed it yourself. But today many people purchase this product in specialized stores. Mostly craftsmen prefer professionally produced yeast.

Belarusian alcoholic yeast is very popular among lovers of homemade moonshine. Their use ensures that the alcohol concentration in the mash reaches 15-18%, which helps to increase the volume of the finished product. In this indicator they are ahead of all other types of yeast. Alcohol kills weak strains. The strongest ones, which have high alcohol resistance, remain in the leaven. This eliminates the presence of yeast aromas.

In addition, according to numerous reviews, when using alcoholic yeast, the fermentation of the mash will be uniform, and the alcohol yield will increase slightly. The mash becomes ready for distillation after 6 days. Moonshine will not contain harmful impurities: acetone, aldehydes, therefore eliminating the need for additional purification with filters made of coal, potassium permanganate, as well as the use of other cleaning methods.

For many, Belarusian alcoholic yeast is the best option for making moonshine. If they are not available, it is permissible to use beer or bread yeast, and rarely - wine yeast.

How is mash made?

The amount of yeast is calculated by the volume of liquid: 10-40 liters or more. For 20 liters of filtered clean water, 65 g of yeast and 5.5-6 kg of sugar are enough. Sugar is added in several stages. The composition of the water is of great importance for obtaining high-quality mash. It is necessary to have filters to clean it. The water should not be chlorinated or contain impurities of metal salts. Its softness and oxygen saturation play a significant role. It is not recommended to use boiled water, since yeast bacteria need to breathe. If there are no filters for water purification, you can use bottled water. Clean melt or spring water is also used.


For moonshine brewing, you need a 30 liter tank; a relatively cheap material option is safe food grade plastic. Ceramic or glass tanks are also used.

The utensils used must be equipped with a tap at the bottom to drain the mash. This will eliminate the need to pour the contents of the container with the finished mash into the distillation apparatus through the top. The process of making mash requires the presence of a water seal, a lid to close the container and a heater.

A water seal is needed to ensure the release of carbon dioxide formed during fermentation. It also prevents outside air from entering the container. It is attached to the lid of the container. You can use a special or homemade water seal - a medical rubber glove with a small hole in the little finger.

The heater is designed to maintain a constant temperature during the fermentation process. If it is not available, use an aquarium heater. The cord from it is passed through a sealed hole that does not allow moisture to pass through, and is brought out to the outlet.


Yeast is a living bacteria. Their comfortable development requires maintaining a constant temperature (up to 30 degrees). It is this thermal balance that ensures the active absorption of sugar and the production of alcohol.

The yeast must be activated at the beginning of the process. To do this, clean water in a volume of 2 liters is heated to 30-35 degrees, after which it is poured into a small container. Add 100 g of sugar to the prepared water and mix thoroughly. After this, 65 g should be measured from a pack of alcoholic yeast and poured into the resulting sugar solution. Then you should thoroughly mix all the liquid again, cover with a lid and leave to “simmer” in a warm place for 1-1.5 hours. After the yeast “wake up”, the volume of the solution will increase, characteristic bubbles will appear, or a slight foam may appear. This indicates that the yeast has been activated and can now be used.


Filtered water in a volume of 20 liters is poured into the main container and the heater is turned on. The water temperature is adjusted to 30-32 degrees.

An automatic heater maintains the required temperature balance throughout the entire process. Sugar dissolves much faster in warm water than in cold water. Add 3-3.5 kg of sugar to the main container with water and mix thoroughly until completely dissolved. Pour the fermented yeast into the main volume and mix thoroughly again. The reservoir is left open for 6-7 hours. Then it should be tightly closed with a lid and a water seal should be installed on it.

After some time, a characteristic gurgling sound will appear - this is a sign that the yeast has started working and the resulting CO 2 is leaving the container. After two days, open the reservoir, add another 1 kg of sugar and dissolve, stirring the mixture thoroughly. After two days, the procedure should be repeated again. Typically fermentation time takes 7-15 days. In this process, the quality of ingredients and compliance with temperature conditions are of great importance. When the gurgling stops in the mixture, the mash is considered ready.

Dried yeast (250 g)

Belarusian alcoholic yeast enjoys the well-deserved attention of connoisseurs of homemade alcohol.

According to reviews, the product is ideal for fermenting a variety of sugar-containing and starchy raw materials and ensures smooth and rapid fermentation.

Belarusian alcoholic yeast (250 grams per package) is very convenient for transportation. The manufacturer guarantees the duration of their storage. One teaspoon of the product corresponds to 15 g of fresh


Belarusian alcoholic yeast is presented in vacuum packaging. This ensures that they can be stored unopened for at least a year.

Thanks to the sealed packaging, yeast is convenient to store and stable product quality is guaranteed. One pack is enough to produce up to 80 liters of mash (18-20 liters of 40-degree moonshine). Belarusian alcoholic yeast is stored in a dry place (t up to +15 °C).


The alcoholic dried product is produced at a yeast plant in Minsk (Belarus). In its production, a specially developed strain is used, which promotes extreme fermentation of sugar and an increase in alcohol strength.

Thanks to the use of yeast produced in Belarus, the alcohol is of the highest quality. This result cannot be achieved using a compressed or baked product. The company guarantees the level of product quality.


  • Production: Minsk Yeast Plant (Belarus).
  • Viability rate: 84%.
  • Humidity parameter: 7.5%.
  • Vacuum packaging weight: 250 g.
  • Organoleptics: in accordance with the norm.
  • Shelf life from the date of production: at least 12 months. Should be stored in a cool, dry place (t up to +15 °C).
  • Storage time is indicated in accordance with the requirements of GOST of Belarus for food products.


Reviews on the Internet call Belarusian alcoholic yeast (250 g) one of the best for producing high-quality moonshine. The advantage of the product over analogues is noted. Consumers note that mash made with Belarusian alcohol yeast has a pronounced aroma and full taste. Experts' assessments are the most favorable:

  • The product is bred under special conditions. It is optimal for use in home alcohol production.
  • Yeast is absolutely safe to use.
  • The raw materials in them invariably retain their qualities.
  • The use of Belarusian alcoholic yeast ensures the maximum yield of pure alcohol.
  • The product is distinguished by a high fermentation rate.
  • This yeast is very easy to use. Even a beginner can do this.
  • The product suppresses negative microflora in the mash.

Belarusian alcohol yeast: reviews

Network users call the quality of the product excellent, which simply has no equal. Belarusian spirits, according to reviews, ferment almost odorless. They have an ideal price-quality ratio. Users consider Belarusian alcohol yeast to be a product ideal for the production of high-quality moonshine.


The reviewers call this product specific and not subject to general requirements. Since Belarusian alcoholic yeast is presented in an inactive dry state and is packaged in double sealed packaging, its shelf life is actually longer than indicated by the manufacturer: from 5 years. Yeast is used in two stages: activation (propagation) and fermentation. Next we will describe the process in more detail.

Since Belarusian alcoholic yeast is in a dry state, it, like any other yeast, must be activated.

This is done as follows. Measure out the required amount of yeast, calculating the planned volume of fermentation: 10-40 liters or more. For 30 liters of water you need to use at least 50 g of yeast (1/5 pack). To breed yeast, you should use small containers (1-2 liters). Pour clean warm water into it (t 32-35 o C) at the rate of: per 50 g of product - 1 liter of water, add sugar or honey (50 g). Place for 6 hours in a dark place without drafts.

Belarusian alcohol yeast (the recipe compiled by network users contains this recommendation) is also activated by the following rehydration method. The authors of the reviews advise diluting the contents of the package first in a small amount of drinking water with sugar dissolved in it (water - 0.5 l, sugar - 140 g). The water temperature should be, as in previous recommendations, 30-35 o C. Then everything needs to be thoroughly mixed so that the mass becomes homogeneous and left for 30 minutes. After this time, the yeast is ready for use.

In order to optimize the fermentation process, reviews recommend strictly adhering to the proportions of all ingredients. This will ensure that you get the best quality mash. In addition, you can minimize the time spent on the fermentation process.

While the dried Belarusian alcoholic yeast is activated, the wort should be prepared. To do this, dilute sugar (jam or honey) in water. The best way is to place a large saucepan or tank on the stove and, while it heats up, gradually add sugar. When the sugar stops dissolving, water is poured into the main fermentation container and the process is repeated.

To 30 liters of water, sugar is added in two additions in an amount of at least 6 kg: 3 kg is added immediately, the remaining 3 kg - after 2 days. After a short time (usually after 6 hours), the Belarusian alcohol yeast begins to come to life, rises, and foam appears. This means that they are ready to be added to the main volume - 30 liters. Belarusian alcohol yeast (user reviews confirm this) does not produce abundant foam. The optimal temperature for their operation is 30-32 o C.

Users draw the attention of beginners to an important point: when adding yeast, it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the wort. Temperatures above 35 degrees are fatal for them.

With the help of Belarusian yeast, glucose, maltose, sucrose, galactose and raffinose (1/3) are fermented. The duration of fermentation can be from 6 to 12 days, depending on the conditions created.

The fermentation process can be accelerated. Users recommend increasing the portion of yeast by 1.5-1.8 times for this. In addition, it is noted that currently the quality of sugar is quite variable. It is known that there are “sweet” and “not sweet” sugar. When working with yeast, users are advised to take this circumstance into account. You can achieve increased (close to maximum) strength by using Belarusian dry yeast together with another product. Wine yeast is used as an addition.

Classic sugar mash

Craftsmen on the internet shared how they use dried Belarusian alcoholic yeast to prepare classic sugar moonshine.

Mash recipe:

  • For 40 liters of water, you should use at least half a pack of yeast - about 120-130 g.
  • Pour clean warm water (32-35 o C) into a container in a ratio of 1:10, add sugar (50 g per 1 liter) and yeast (about 120-130 g). Mix everything thoroughly and let stand for half an hour.
  • The yeast activation time should be used to prepare the wort: pour sugar (10 kg) into warm water (40 l) and stir it thoroughly.
  • After the yeast “fits” (this can be seen by the characteristic foam that appears on the surface), it should be added to the container with the wort.
  • To create a protein environment for yeast, dry crushed peas (400-500 g) are added to the mash (40 l).
  • The container is closed with a lid with a water seal and placed in a warm place for fermentation.
  • The optimal temperature range for a container with mash is 27-32 degrees.

Another option

Network users offer it to those who appreciate the advantages of Belarusian products and want to know how mash is made differently using Belarusian alcoholic yeast.

  • To activate the product, pour half of the water into a 3-4 liter saucepan.
  • Pour sugar (4 tablespoons), yeast (80 g) into it and mix everything thoroughly.
  • Stir again after 5 minutes.
  • Prepare a container for fermentation.
  • Pour 5 kg of sugar into it, pour in water (20 l), heated to a temperature of 45 degrees. The container should not be filled to the brim: fermentation may cause foam.
  • Carefully stir the sugar in the water until completely dissolved.
  • Add activated yeast, stir and close with a tight lid. In the first three days, the mash should be stirred 1-3 times a day.

The mash matures within 1-2 weeks. Ideal conditions for this are darkness and warmth (t 25-30 degrees). You can speed up fermentation by using a heater, for example an aquarium one. Or you can place the fermentation tank on a warm floor (to a warm radiator). If it is not possible to use a heat source, you can simply wrap the container with a blanket.


The ability to brew moonshine has come to people since ancient times. Since ancient times, the gifts of nature have been used to prepare mash. Some ancient recipes are preserved to this day. They are successfully used by lovers of homemade high-quality alcohol. Each moonshiner has his own proven recipe for making a strong drink in his arsenal.

The choice of yeast to use in the process is highly individual. Belarusian alcoholic yeast, appreciated by true craftsmen, occupies one of the leading places, according to experts.

Yeast has been helping people in distilling and cooking for thousands of years. Without them, you can’t bake bread or prepare mash for strong alcohol. Special wine yeasts take part in the fermentation of wine materials and the preparation of fruit wines. Previously, they were taken wild directly from the skin of the fruit (they were not washed before pressing). Now wine yeast for moonshine can be bought in stores; these are specially bred strains ideal for fruit or berry brews. Is it possible to use wine yeast for moonshine and home brew production? Yes, for many distillers this is the best option, we also think so.

About wine yeast

Yeasts of different varieties are called races. There are bottom and top fermentation beer, wine, alcohol, and culinary. They are distinguished by optimal fermentation temperature, reproduction intensity, resistance to alcohol, and the resulting final aroma and taste.

Let's look at the visible shortcomings:

  • Wine yeast for mash is characterized by a slow start and smooth fermentation process, it takes more time, but in the process it ferments many times less harmful and unnecessary impurities
  • If you make sugar mash with wine yeast or from fruit concentrates, they need feeding. Without them, the shutter may not begin to wander at all.
  • Wine yeast ferments no more than 11-14% depending on the selected strain; at higher strengths it dies

Despite all the disadvantages, there are an outweighing number of advantages:

  • All mashes made with wine yeast are of excellent quality and after distillation a very high-quality distillate is obtained, be it fruit or grape, grain or sugar mash
  • The resulting product has good organoleptic characteristics
  • As for drinking mash, you can prepare a really decent low-alcohol drink
  • Very economical consumption for 10 liters of mash with an estimated strength of no more than 12%; all you need is 2-4 grams, these are average figures; check the dosage individually for each product on the packaging

Which wine yeast to choose

The best manufacturers are French. The Lalvin company is a locomotive of innovation in this business, among its developments are EC1118, k1-v1116 and other varieties. In practice, Vitilevur Multiflor or Primavera is more often used. Good results can be achieved with the help of Belarusian “Wine” or Polish Biovin.

How to store wine yeast

It should be stored in a dry, dark place at a temperature below 10 degrees - 24 months, at a temperature of 20 degrees - 12 months, and at a temperature of 30 degrees - 6 months. The ideal place to store it is in the refrigerator and without access to air, so you can store it for a very long time.

General recipe for mash with wine yeast

We will not describe specific recipes for making mash from anything, you choose the recipe yourself on our website or in any other place, we will only describe general instructions on how to work with wine yeast.

It is recommended to ferment the yeast before adding it to the wort; we don’t see much sense in this; usually, it is enough to scatter it in a thin layer over the surface of the future mash, but nevertheless we will describe how to do this.

  1. Dilute the yeast with warm water 30 -35 degrees no more in a ratio of 1:10 and add a little sugar there
  2. Then stir the mixture with a wooden spoon or magnetic stirrer and leave for 20 - 30 minutes
  3. Before pouring out the reactivated yeast, make sure that the wort and the yeast solution are at approximately the same temperature (the difference is no more than 10 degrees) to avoid temperature shock, and no more than 30 degrees, otherwise they may die
  4. Be sure to install a water seal on the container so that the mash does not have contact with oxygen
  5. The temperature during fermentation in the room should be at least 15 degrees, avoid large temperature changes
  6. Fermentation lasts 8-20 days depending on the concentration of sugar in the wort and the ambient temperature
  7. Remove the finished mash from the sediment and distill twice

Watch the video on how to make mash from sugar and wine yeast, it will be useful!

In households, different types of yeast are used to prepare mash - alcohol, beer, ordinary baker's and wine. Each type of such product is characterized by special qualities and properties, it is worth familiarizing yourself with them in more detail. The article describes the characteristics of each type, this will help you make the most informed choice.

Use of baker's yeast

High-quality baker's yeast is used almost everywhere in home brewing. The product is widely used for the quick and effective fermentation of wort based on sugar, grain, grapes and other berries.

Advantages of this type of yeast:

  • Affordable price;
  • You can buy it at any supermarket;
  • Comfort during use;
  • Possibility to store for quite a long time.

To prepare moonshine, you will need to take pressed, that is, raw yeast of the baking category, add 100 grams per kilogram of sugar to the wort. The remaining yeast should be stored in the freezer, so it will not lose its qualities.

Baker's yeast for moonshine is sold in the form of a powder made from small granules. The product is packaged in sealed packages ranging from 7 to 100 grams. This form of yeast is consumed at the rate of 15-20 grams per kilogram of sugar.

Important! If you need to quickly ferment sugar for moonshine, you should purchase special turbo yeast. Essentially, it is a mixture of active and dry yeast, to which various nutritional supplements have been added.

Alcoholic yeast for moonshine

Special alcoholic yeast for moonshine is becoming increasingly popular at the moment. Many home craftsmen decide to add a product that is produced by Russian and foreign companies. These are special bred races that are indispensable in the process of producing alcoholic beverages, to which they must be added in the right quantity. Unlike baker's yeast, alcohol yeast is characterized by a higher strength. Moonshine with them should be quite strong - up to 17 degrees.

Benefits of alcohol yeast:

  • Minimum level of foaming.
  • A weaker and more pleasant smell of mash.
  • Homemade moonshine ferments much faster.

The consumption of this yeast for moonshine is quite economical. As the instructions note, approximately 2.5 grams of product should be added to a 10-liter container of wort.

Brewer's yeast

The use of such yeast for making moonshine mash at home is not recommended. Yeast produces a very low percentage of alcohol and contributes to the formation of a large amount of mash foam. This fact is confirmed by users who left reviews about the product.

Wine yeast for moonshine

If you need a starter for moonshine, the quality of which is higher, you should use special wine yeast. This is a special population of yeast that is found on the bushes and fruits of grapes. This type of yeast is a unique product that is used to make homemade wine or to produce mash and moonshine. Wort can be made from different raw materials. This could be a kilogram of grapes, berries or various fruits. The peculiarity of such yeast is based on the spontaneity of the fermentation produced. This feature allows you to get a variety of flavors of moonshine. It is wine yeast, the amount of which can vary, that is used to prepare a wide variety of wines.

Important! When using such yeast, you must carefully monitor the purification of the product. Neglecting this rule can lead to foreign microflora getting into the future drink.

The process of obtaining pure wine yeast is carried out in a special microbiological production facility. This is a special place where the method of reproduction of offspring from a single cell is used. This way you can get a product completely free of various impurities. Moonshine made from it will be characterized by unique quality.

Benefits of wine yeast:

  • Alcohol resistance;
  • Heat resistance;
  • Cold resistance.

Very often, yeast is used in the process of moonshine brewing, which is based on grapes, as well as for the production of cognac or chacha.

Important! There is no need to select wine yeast to produce sugar moonshine. If a product of 17 degrees strength is formed, then the yeast will not absorb sugar very actively and the fermentation process may stop.

Regardless of what product will be used for moonshine - baking, wine, or where the base is alcohol, it is important, after adding, to ensure that the product is provided with optimal fermentation conditions. Otherwise, preparing the mash and the drink itself will not work.

Conditions for yeast to live

If you simply throw one kilogram of sugar and selected yeast into a container, mix and seal tightly for two weeks, the process may not even start. Repeating this process several times will not help either. To prepare a quality drink, it is important to follow the rules of life and reproduction of yeast.

Rules for storing and using yeast:

  • Activation begins if the temperature is 22-28 degrees. Such a warm mode should be maintained throughout the entire cooking time, that is, more than one hour. The complete cessation of fermentation will be indicated by a sharp alcoholic smell that appears immediately after opening the lid.
  • It is worth making the right choice of container. It is desirable that it be made of copper, glass, steel and stainless steel. The most correct option is to use glass containers, since all others give a certain oxide, the wine drink acquires an unpleasant taste.
  • The correct recipe for preparing alcohol involves using clean water. It should not be chlorinated, salted, hard, carbonated or distilled. Even if the taste of the water is quite normal, it is not a fact that the moonshine will be prepared correctly. Braga turns out well if it was prepared using well or spring water. However, it must be used on the day of collection.
  • If the body of the fermentation container allows light to pass through, then it should not be exposed to direct sunlight. Otherwise, fermentation will be disrupted. To prevent this, the container must be covered very well with a cloth.
  • It is equally important to install a high-quality water seal to remove carbon dioxide and prevent air from entering the container with moonshine.

To make a high-quality product, the yeast drink must be thoroughly mixed. This should be done as carefully as possible, slowly, but reaching the bottom with a spoon.

Ideal nutrition for yeast

It is impossible to make a good product without providing special conditions for the yeast population in the drink. A high fermentation rate can be achieved by providing the following components.

Yeast feed:

  • Salts of phosphorus and ammonia.
  • Microelements are needed all the time.
  • B vitamins help a lot.

To ensure that the result is a large yield of moonshine with ideal taste, it is worth using a type of fertilizing such as mineral fertilizers. Components such as ammonium sulfate, urea, ammophosphate, superphosphate and saltpeter have a good effect on the drink. Components such as magnesium, iron, zinc, boron and manganese have an equally good effect on fermentation. These components are present in sufficient quantities in ordinary tap water.

Supplements, which contain various vitamins and microelements, are produced strictly in industrial conditions. One of the most popular options for high-quality nutrition is a preparation made on the basis of dried shells of previously used brewer's yeast. No less effective are recipes made from various means at hand. These could be products such as:

What to make the dressing from:

  • Rye flour, brewed with boiling water;
  • The peas are very well boiled;
  • Ground green malt;
  • Raisins or dry grapes;
  • Regular rye bread;
  • Nettle leaves.

To get the maximum effect, you should follow a few secrets. If a large amount of foam forms, it can be quickly and easily extinguished by crumbling cookies over the surface of the drink. Just two pieces of regular store-bought cookies are enough. If a Saf-Levure brand product was used, a small Saf-Moment sachet can be used to reduce a large amount of foam. All opened packages should always be stored in the refrigerator. You can use regular homemade raisins, so there will be a minimal amount of chemicals on them, unlike store-bought ones.

DIY yeast

Yeast can be bought ready-made, or you can make it yourself. There are quite a lot of recipes for preparing the product.

Popular recipes:

  • Potato. The product in the amount of two pieces must be grated. Everything is mixed with one tablespoon of sugar and aged for 12 hours. They must be used immediately and cannot be stored;
  • Hops based. A glass of dry product - hop cones - needs to be filled with two glasses of water. The composition must be boiled until the volume of the product is reduced by half. You need to add a spoonful of sugar and three tablespoons of flour to the solution. Everything is thoroughly mixed and covered with a cloth until the product is aged for 2-3 days. After this, the composition is poured into ordinary glass containers and placed in the refrigerator;
  • From malt. Three glasses of ground malt should be boiled for an hour in five glasses of water. After this you need to add a glass of flour and half a glass of sugar. The composition is aged in tightly closed bottles in a warm place for at least two days. Then everything is put away in a cool place;
  • Berry. You will need to take a glass of unwashed raspberries, half a glass of unwashed rose hips, half a glass of sugar and a glass of water. All components must be combined and allowed to ferment in a warm place. In about three days the wort will be ready;
  • Grape. You will need to take a liter of unwashed berries, knead everything thoroughly with your hands and then add three tablespoons of sugar and one glass of water. The mixture should be allowed to ferment at a temperature of 20-22 degrees. The composition must be constantly stirred to prevent the formation of mold. It is advisable to store the composition in the refrigerator for 10 days, no more.

The consumption of homemade yeast for homemade moonshine needs to be slightly increased. The percentage should be 1 liter per 5 liters of wort.

Video about choosing yeast for mash.

Yeast, regardless of type, is the most important component of the fermentation process. This is a product that fills the drink with useful components, and not only starts the fermentation process. It is for this reason that it is so important to approach the choice of product as competently as possible. If you are making your own yeast, it is very important to carefully follow the basic manufacturing instructions.

Having high-quality yeast in your arsenal, you can proceed to the production of mash. very diverse, you can surprise your friends and make moonshine with banana flavor. Also by following the link you will find recipes: watermelon, grape, orange mash.


Turbo yeast for moonshine and yeast

Turbo fruit yeast

Yeast rum turbo

Yeast turbo whiskey- yeast for quickly creating mash from starch-containing raw materials. Considered the best for whiskey
They also contain special fertilizers and nutrients that promote the rapid breakdown of starch. The mash preparation time is 6 - 9 days.

Turbo yeast instructionsfor use and recommendations for preparing mash:

In general, the preparation of mash from any raw material is similar, the main differences are the maturation time and the requirements for ambient temperature. So first we need a fermenter or in simple terms

We all know that to create strong drinks, you first need to make mash. And the most popular and, accordingly, the simplest method is sugar mash with yeast. The stereotypical format of mash is a very long fermentation process accompanied by unpleasant odors throughout the entire apartment or house and, accordingly, a rubber glove sticking up. If you look at several decades ago, this is exactly what the preparation for creating your favorite drinks looked like. But time does not stand still and now special yeast strains have come to replace them, capable of fermenting raw materials without extraneous unpleasant odors and the most surprising thing is that the process has decreased to just a few days.

What it is? Very often our customers in retail stores and by phone ask the question, what is so amazing and magical in this bag? All over the world you can find dozens of yeast institutes where they develop special fertilizers, nutrients and select the necessary vitamins for each strain. More precisely, turbo yeast contains a set of amino acids, vitamins, microelements and other nutrients that allow the natural fermentation of raw materials. All components of such yeast are completely natural and do not contain harmful substances, it’s just that the very essence is aimed at the rapid processing of certain raw materials.

Turbo yeast for moonshineand their main varieties. The variety of turbo yeast in our time is very large, as they say, for every taste, color and smell. Of course, yeast must be selected for its intended purpose. For example, the best yeast strains for sugar mash according to customer reviews are: and yeast . Their main difference from their counterparts is the mild fermentation process: during the process they release the smell of champagne, you can put it in your kitchen at home, for example. They always ferment stably, as stated by the manufacturer: 77 - 3 days, 48 ​​- 2 days, and always produce an alcohol content of at least 14 revolutions in the mash. Yeast is also not whimsical, it can ferment in extreme situations, for example at 10 degrees the process will not stop, it will only increase the ripening period. As a result, we get moonshine that is more aromatic and without any pungent odors.

Turbo fruit yeast- yeast strain for effective fermentation of natural juices. are rightfully leaders in their field. This strain is endowed with a unique supplement in the form of microorganisms that help gently ferment any fruit raw materials, without distorting the smell and taste of the fruit. Fermentation time is 3 days.

Yeast rum turbo- there is also turbo yeast for fermenting cane molasses. The strain, unique in its composition, contains, in addition to nutrients and vitamins, glucoamylase, which very effectively breaks down the complex sugar of cane molasses. Fermentation time is approximately 7 days. , the container can be purchased immediately in a complete set ( thermometer, drain valve and even a heater), and you can also purchase everything you need separately. We add raw materials and sugar to the container according to the instructions (instructions are always on the back of the package); for fruit mashes, it is best to first check the sugar content using and add dextrose to the mash if necessary. After that, thoroughly mix the raw materials and add a packet of yeast; you can simply scatter it over the surface. Close the lid tightly and pour water into the water seal. Then we just wait, the cessation of gas evolution in the water seal will indicate that the mash is ready.

Buy alcoholic turbo yeastYou can visit our online store website at prices from the manufacturer. You will also receive competent advice from our sales practitioners by phone. We work every day without weekends and holidays from 09.00 to 21.00, we deliver to all cities of Russia. In Moscow, same-day delivery is possible, call!

240 rub. 210 rub.

We all know that to create strong drinks, you first need to make mash. And the most popular and, accordingly, the simplest method is sugar mash with yeast. The stereotypical format of mash is a very long fermentation process accompanied by unpleasant odors throughout the entire apartment or house and, accordingly, a rubber glove sticking up. If you look at several decades ago, this is exactly what the preparation for creating your favorite drinks looked like. But time does not stand still and now special yeast strains have come to replace them, capable of fermenting raw materials without extraneous unpleasant odors and the most surprising thing is that the process has decreased to just a few days.

What it is? Very often our customers in retail stores and by phone ask the question, what is so amazing and magical in this bag? All over the world you can find dozens of yeast institutes where they develop special fertilizers, nutrients and select the necessary vitamins for each strain. More precisely, turbo yeast contains a set of amino acids, vitamins, microelements and other nutrients that allow the natural fermentation of raw materials. All components of such yeast are completely natural and do not contain harmful substances, it’s just that the very essence is aimed at the rapid processing of certain raw materials.

Turbo yeast for moonshineand their main varieties. The variety of turbo yeast in our time is very large, as they say, for every taste, color and smell. Of course, yeast must be selected for its intended purpose. For example, the best yeast strains for sugar mash according to customer reviews are: and yeast . Their main difference from their counterparts is the mild fermentation process: during the process they release the smell of champagne, you can put it in your kitchen at home, for example. They always ferment stably, as stated by the manufacturer: 77 - 3 days, 48 ​​- 2 days, and always produce an alcohol content of at least 14 revolutions in the mash. Yeast is also not whimsical, it can ferment in extreme situations, for example at 10 degrees the process will not stop, it will only increase the ripening period. As a result, we get moonshine that is more aromatic and without any pungent odors.

Turbo fruit yeast- yeast strain for effective fermentation of natural juices. are rightfully leaders in their field. This strain is endowed with a unique supplement in the form of microorganisms that help gently ferment any fruit raw materials, without distorting the smell and taste of the fruit. Fermentation time is 3 days.

Yeast rum turbo- there is also turbo yeast for fermenting cane molasses. The strain, unique in its composition, contains, in addition to nutrients and vitamins, glucoamylase, which very effectively breaks down the complex sugar of cane molasses. Fermentation time is approximately 7 days. , the container can be purchased immediately in a complete set ( thermometer, drain valve and even a heater), and you can also purchase everything you need separately. We add raw materials and sugar to the container according to the instructions (instructions are always on the back of the package); for fruit mashes, it is best to first check the sugar content using and add dextrose to the mash if necessary. After that, thoroughly mix the raw materials and add a packet of yeast; you can simply scatter it over the surface. Close the lid tightly and pour water into the water seal. Then we just wait, the cessation of gas evolution in the water seal will indicate that the mash is ready.

Buy alcoholic turbo yeastYou can visit our online store website at prices from the manufacturer. You will also receive competent advice from our sales practitioners by phone. We work every day without weekends and holidays from 09.00 to 21.00, we deliver to all cities of Russia. In Moscow, same-day delivery is possible, call!

We all know that to create strong drinks, you first need to make mash. And the most popular and, accordingly, the simplest method is sugar mash with yeast. The stereotypical format of mash is a very long fermentation process accompanied by unpleasant odors throughout the entire apartment or house and, accordingly, a rubber glove sticking up. If you look at several decades ago, this is exactly what the preparation for creating your favorite drinks looked like. But time does not stand still and now special yeast strains have come to replace them, capable of fermenting raw materials without extraneous unpleasant odors and the most surprising thing is that the process has decreased to just a few days.

What it is? Very often our customers in retail stores and by phone ask the question, what is so amazing and magical in this bag? All over the world you can find dozens of yeast institutes where they develop special fertilizers, nutrients and select the necessary vitamins for each strain. More precisely, turbo yeast contains a set of amino acids, vitamins, microelements and other nutrients that allow the natural fermentation of raw materials. All components of such yeast are completely natural and do not contain harmful substances, it’s just that the very essence is aimed at the rapid processing of certain raw materials.

Turbo yeast for moonshineand their main varieties. The variety of turbo yeast in our time is very large, as they say, for every taste, color and smell. Of course, yeast must be selected for its intended purpose. For example, the best yeast strains for sugar mash according to customer reviews are: and yeast . Their main difference from their counterparts is the mild fermentation process: during the process they release the smell of champagne, you can put it in your kitchen at home, for example. They always ferment stably, as stated by the manufacturer: 77 - 3 days, 48 ​​- 2 days, and always produce an alcohol content of at least 14 revolutions in the mash. Yeast is also not whimsical, it can ferment in extreme situations, for example at 10 degrees the process will not stop, it will only increase the ripening period. As a result, we get moonshine that is more aromatic and without any pungent odors.

Turbo fruit yeast- yeast strain for effective fermentation of natural juices. are rightfully leaders in their field. This strain is endowed with a unique supplement in the form of microorganisms that help gently ferment any fruit raw materials, without distorting the smell and taste of the fruit. Fermentation time is 3 days.

Yeast rum turbo- there is also turbo yeast for fermenting cane molasses. The strain, unique in its composition, contains, in addition to nutrients and vitamins, glucoamylase, which very effectively breaks down the complex sugar of cane molasses. Fermentation time is approximately 7 days. , the container can be purchased immediately in a complete set ( thermometer, drain valve and even a heater), and you can also purchase everything you need separately. We add raw materials and sugar to the container according to the instructions (instructions are always on the back of the package); for fruit mashes, it is best to first check the sugar content using and add dextrose to the mash if necessary. After that, thoroughly mix the raw materials and add a packet of yeast; you can simply scatter it over the surface. Close the lid tightly and pour water into the water seal. Then we just wait, the cessation of gas evolution in the water seal will indicate that the mash is ready.


We all know that to create strong drinks, you first need to make mash. And the most popular and, accordingly, the simplest method is sugar mash with yeast. The stereotypical format of mash is a very long fermentation process accompanied by unpleasant odors throughout the entire apartment or house and, accordingly, a rubber glove sticking up. If you look at several decades ago, this is exactly what the preparation for creating your favorite drinks looked like. But time does not stand still and now special yeast strains have come to replace them, capable of fermenting raw materials without extraneous unpleasant odors and the most surprising thing is that the process has decreased to just a few days.

What it is? Very often our customers in retail stores and by phone ask the question, what is so amazing and magical in this bag? All over the world you can find dozens of yeast institutes where they develop special fertilizers, nutrients and select the necessary vitamins for each strain. More precisely, turbo yeast contains a set of amino acids, vitamins, microelements and other nutrients that allow the natural fermentation of raw materials. All components of such yeast are completely natural and do not contain harmful substances, it’s just that the very essence is aimed at the rapid processing of certain raw materials.

Turbo yeast for moonshineand their main varieties. The variety of turbo yeast in our time is very large, as they say, for every taste, color and smell. Of course, yeast must be selected for its intended purpose. For example, the best yeast strains for sugar mash according to customer reviews are: and yeast . Their main difference from their counterparts is the mild fermentation process: during the process they release the smell of champagne, you can put it in your kitchen at home, for example. They always ferment stably, as stated by the manufacturer: 77 - 3 days, 48 ​​- 2 days, and always produce an alcohol content of at least 14 revolutions in the mash. Yeast is also not whimsical, it can ferment in extreme situations, for example at 10 degrees the process will not stop, it will only increase the ripening period. As a result, we get moonshine that is more aromatic and without any pungent odors.

Turbo fruit yeast- yeast strain for effective fermentation of natural juices. are rightfully leaders in their field. This strain is endowed with a unique supplement in the form of microorganisms that help gently ferment any fruit raw materials, without distorting the smell and taste of the fruit. Fermentation time is 3 days.

Yeast rum turbo- there is also turbo yeast for fermenting cane molasses. The strain, unique in its composition, contains, in addition to nutrients and vitamins, glucoamylase, which very effectively breaks down the complex sugar of cane molasses. Fermentation time is approximately 7 days. , the container can be purchased immediately in a complete set ( thermometer, drain valve and even a heater), and you can also purchase everything you need separately. We add raw materials and sugar to the container according to the instructions (instructions are always on the back of the package); for fruit mashes, it is best to first check the sugar content using and add dextrose to the mash if necessary. After that, thoroughly mix the raw materials and add a packet of yeast; you can simply scatter it over the surface. Close the lid tightly and pour water into the water seal. Then we just wait, the cessation of gas evolution in the water seal will indicate that the mash is ready.

Buy alcoholic turbo yeastYou can visit our online store website at prices from the manufacturer. You will also receive competent advice from our sales practitioners by phone. We work every day without weekends and holidays from 09.00 to 21.00, we deliver to all cities of Russia. In Moscow, same-day delivery is possible, call!

Alcohol is produced by processing sugar by yeast microorganisms. The quantity, quality, and period of obtaining the product after fermentation depend on their vital activity. Therefore, choosing the “right” yeast is the main issue for beginning moonshiners.

The purpose of yeast in moonshine brewing

Yeast is a common mushroom. They actively reproduce when they find a suitable environment and process alcohol from sugar, releasing carbon dioxide with ethanol. This culture determines the fermentation process. It usually includes 3 stages:

  1. Water is mixed with sugar, the strain (culture) is added to the syrup.
  2. The mixture is poured into a container with a water seal or a jar, which is closed with a rubber glove.
  3. As fermentation progresses, the liquid gradually becomes lighter in color, and a distinct smell of alcohol emanates from the open container.

In order for fermentation to occur quickly and correctly, fungi need appropriate conditions. Normal activity of microorganisms is possible only at a temperature of 22-28 degrees. Fungi do not “like” light, so it is better to place the mash in a dark place. Liquid with ethyl alcohol serves as a habitat for fungi only up to a certain concentration level.

Attention! Tap water is not suitable for making mash. It is better to use spring or bottled water for baby food.

The type of culture affects the characteristics of the mash - it increases or decreases its strength, determines its resistance to temperature changes. Capricious “microorganisms” require careful handling; they easily die or “hibernate”.

Types of yeast for mash

When studying which yeast is best for mash, distillers have to choose from the following types:

  • Bakery– designed for baking bakery products. It will not be possible to achieve high quality mash with such fungi.
  • Wine– used for wine, wine drinks. For home brewing, such mixtures are unreasonably expensive.
  • Beer houses– artificial fungi act as a food additive. They are categorically not recommended for use for moonshine brewing.
  • Alcohol– a universal basis for making mash. Designed specifically for industrial alcohol production.
  • Wild– used for chacha, alcohol based on grape mash. They are rarely used for alcohol due to long fermentation.

If it is not possible to work with pure alcohol strains, the culture for the mash is chosen taking into account the type of wort.

What you need to know about baker's yeast

Bakery strains are the most popular among distillers of the previous “generation”. A few years ago, they were only used to produce mash. Today the product is inferior to alternative options.

Important! To prepare mash based on baking strains, it takes at least 1-2 weeks. The strength of the finished product is up to 10 degrees. The liquid contains fusel oils, and the moonshine itself requires repeated distillation to remove impurities and a pungent odor.

In favor of baking strains says:

  • Availability. Sold in all grocery stores.
  • Low price. This is the cheapest option.
  • Long shelf life. The product retains its properties for a long time if properly stored.
  • Simplicity. The instructions on the packaging help to avoid mistakes.

The product is sold in dry and compressed forms. The properties of both options are different.


Despite the emergence of inexpensive, effective analogues, many moonshiners remain faithful to traditional raw materials.

The popularity of briquettes is explained by the following advantages:

  • Pressed strains are easy to buy in a store or market.
  • There is no need to “activate” - just add it to the wort in its pure form.
  • Fungi are in the active phase of their life, the reaction begins almost instantly.
  • The distillation product retains the characteristic taste and aroma of “country” moonshine.

Concerning shortcomings, then the pressed strain format:

  • Not resistant to ethanol. The strength of the mash is up to 10-11 degrees maximum, and the yield is very low.
  • It spoils quickly. It can be stored at room temperature for no more than 24 hours, and in the refrigerator for 10-14 days. There is a risk of buying an expired product.
  • Requires feeding. To process sugar mash, microorganisms need to be provided with special conditions for reproduction.
  • Foams the mash. The culture intensively releases carbon dioxide. Approximately 1/3 of the container is left empty, which is why more bottles are used.

The specific smell, which is considered an advantage of pressed yeast, is a categorical disadvantage for some.


The loose mixture is sold in the herbs and spices department in bags.

Elementarily easy to use, this product has become an alternative to compressed yeast for many:

  • To get a blank for mash, just cut the bag and pour out the mixture without getting your hands dirty.
  • With different packaging options; It is impossible to make a mistake with the dosage of strains.
  • The dry product is stored for months without special conditions.

Compared to pressed strains, dry strains have the following disadvantages:

  • In order for the strains to begin fermenting, they need to be “activated” - soaked in warm water and sugar until the liquid begins to foam.
  • The culture processes sugar more slowly. Due to this, fermentation takes longer, and the finished product contains a lot of fusel oils. Approximately 1/3 of the fraction must be selected during distillation.

What yeast do you prefer to use?


In terms of other characteristics, dry yeast differs little from compressed yeast. The alcohol strength is up to 14 degrees. The characteristic brew smell on dry strains is weaker, but still present.

Mushrooms also form abundant foam and require feeding. The exception is fruit and starch-containing mash; its raw materials already include the necessary minerals.

Not all baking strains are adapted for the preparation of alcohol. Most use brand products:

  • Pakmaya Cristal,
  • Saf-Luwer,
  • Saf Moment.

Standard proportions for fermentation are 15-20 g of yeast per 1 kg of sugar. If we compare the features of the compressed and dry types, the second option is better suited for moonshine.

Attention! Having no experience in fermenting with baking strains, it is easy to make a mistake with the volume of bottles. If the foam does not fit in the container and comes out, it is extinguished with crumbled cookies. It is also recommended to use a small amount (2 tablespoons) of vegetable oil or ice cubes. Many people buy a ready-made defoamer and add a couple of drops of the product when foaming.

Can wine yeast be used?

From wine strains, mash is prepared taking into account the rules and restrictions on their use. This is a common base for fermenting traditional Caucasian drinks - chacha or grappa. The strains are intended for the preparation of mash based on grape pomace - the remains of raw materials after wine production. Grape moonshine obtained in this way has a pleasant taste with a rich aroma.

Important! Wine crops are well suited for fermenting berry or fruit raw materials. Such microorganisms process sugar much worse.

Considering the industrial purpose of turbo yeast, some users believe that at a high strength the brew will not have a pleasant taste. To compensate for this deficiency and obtain high-quality moonshine, it is recommended to additionally feed the crop.

Another disadvantage of turbo yeast is its high price. From one pack you get 40 liters of mash. The product is sold in wine shops.

Alcoholic yeast: pros and cons

Alcohol strains are a universal product recommended for moonshine brewing.

This option has the following advantages:

  • Accelerates the ripening of mash. The product is ready for distillation after 3-5 days. Other microorganisms require at least a week to process raw materials.
  • Increases output. The culture of alcohol strains is very resilient. Microorganisms die only when the ethyl alcohol concentration reaches 17-18%. Using the same volume of raw materials, the user receives a larger amount of distillate.
  • Reduces the concentration of harmful elements. The longer the raw material ferments, the more impurities it contains in the output. These include acetone, fusel oils, and other secretions. The quality of moonshine is noticeably higher, and the distillate does not have a pungent odor.
  • Does not cause intense foaming. When using alcohol strains, you can get by with fewer containers. Microorganisms moderately emit carbon dioxide, and the mash does not require quenching.

Reason for refusal Working with alcohol yeast can lead to:

  • Product rarity. You can find the culture only in specialized stores and on moonshiners’ websites.
  • Great cost. Despite the increased yield, the cost of producing mash is higher than when using baking analogues.

Alcohol strains have the form of a dry packaged mixture. For mash, strains are used in a proportion of 2.5 g per 10 liters of wort. Popular products are represented by the brands BRAGMAN, STILL SPIRITS.

Attention! Recently, users have received complaints about the lack of reaction when using some mixtures produced in Belarus. To prepare mash in this way, you need to follow standard technology.

Homemade Yeast Recipes

Wild strains are prepared at home using folk recipes. A simple option - rye yeast for mash:

The culture is also prepared based on other ingredients:

  • Beer. 1 glass of wheat flour is mixed with 1 glass of warm boiled water, left in a warm place for 6 hours. Add 1 tbsp to the solution. l. sugar (sand), 250 ml dark beer.
  • Bread. For sourdough use 0.5 kg of crushed rye bread. Pour it with 2 cups of warm boiled water, add raisins, 3 tbsp. l. granulated sugar. The mixture is infused in a warm place for 24 hours. The bread is squeezed out well and the infusion is filtered. This blank becomes the basis for the dough. It is prepared by adding the required amount of flour to the mixture until it becomes sour cream and leave for another 3 hours.
  • Potato. 2 medium tubers are grated, add 1 tbsp. l. granulated sugar, stand for 12 hours. Ready-made strains are not suitable for long-term storage and are used immediately.
  • Malt. 3 cups of ground malt with 1 cup of flour and ½ cup of granulated sugar are boiled with 1.25 liters of water for an hour. The decoction is bottled, closed, and infused for 48 hours in a warm place. Ready yeast is stored in a cool place.
  • Berries. To 1 cup of water with ½ cup of dissolved granulated sugar add 1 cup of raspberries and ½ cup of rose hips. There is no need to wash the berries. All ingredients are infused in a warm place for 3 days.
  • Grape. 1 kg of unwashed grapes is thoroughly kneaded, 3 tbsp is added to the mixture. l. granulated sugar, 1 glass of water. The ingredients are left to ferment for 2-3 days at room temperature, stirring occasionally.

If you follow the technology and rules for preparing yeast, the finished product is in no way inferior to store-bought.

How to prepare sourdough

Mushrooms are fed to create comfortable conditions for the propagation of the crop. This speeds up fermentation and increases the survival time of microorganisms.


It is easier to prepare mash using alcohol yeast. The universal product increases the yield and strength of the future drink. If the quality of moonshine is a priority goal, then the purchase of alcohol strains is completely justified.

Simple recipes help you prepare yeast at home using bread, flour, hops or other ingredients. The main thing is to follow the rules of fermentation, use clean spring water and fertilize the crop.

Video review of yeast for mash
