Candied vegetables and fruits. Candied oranges are a healthy sweet for adults and children. Recipes for candied oranges and baking with them

Currently, all nutritionists and doctors are promoting healthy eating, it is advised to replace chocolate and butter cookies for candied fruits. You can often find conflicting information about the production of this product; even manufacturers provide very little information about the useful product. What are candied fruits made from? Let's look at this issue in detail.

This is a food product in the form of fruits, berries, some vegetables, boiled in sugar syrup or soaked in it, and then dried, covered with powdered sugar or sprinkled with sugar. Sometimes candied fruits are cut into pieces or prepared as whole fruits.

They retain almost all of their original properties, for example, valuable microelements. This is one of the dishes that can stand on festive table. They are served with tea and decorated with cakes and pastries.

By the way, candied fruits are not at all difficult to prepare, the recipe is simple, but it is not profitable for manufacturers to follow the technology, so fakes are often found on store shelves. Most often, instead of candied fruits, they sell compressed colored flour mixed with gelatin. It is very easy to check whether the product you purchased is real or counterfeit. The purchased pieces of candied fruit should be placed in a glass of water, stirred with water, and wait about half an hour. If the contents have dissolved and only cloudy particles remain in the glass, then it is a fake.

On store shelves, you can often come across fake candied papaya, melon, mango, and pineapple cubes. You should not buy them by weight; it is better to buy them packaged. The highest quality candied fruits come to our country from exotic countries such as Thailand. It is impossible to falsify whole berries, kiwi and pineapple rings, so you should not be afraid to buy them in the markets, by weight. They are cheaper there, just make sure they look appetizing. It happens that candied fruits stick together, gain moisture or become very dry. This indicates that the product was not stored properly.

Now a little about color. Only papaya has a stable natural color; other fruits turn out faded and unattractive during the cooking process. To obtain a bright color, manufacturers use dyes, almost always of synthetic origin - E102 tartrazine (yellow) and E124 Ponceau (red), approved for industrial production, but sometimes they cause allergies in some people.

To find out whether the manufacturer used a dye, you can use hot water in a glass; you need to dip a few pieces of candied fruit into it. If the water instantly changes color, this is bad, the standards are not met. If the liquid is slightly cloudy, everything is fine.

Sugar is a preservative created by nature; it helps preserve candied fruits for up to a year. If indicated on the packaging long term, the product contains synthetic preservatives. Experts do not recommend buying such a product.

Candied fruits: benefits and harm to the body

The benefits of candied fruits are due to the vitamins found in the fruit peels from which this delicacy is prepared. Some fruits, in particular citrus fruits, are useful in themselves; all their contents are valuable - peel, pulp, juice, seeds. Citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerines, and grapefruits are most often used to make especially tasty candied fruits.

The benefits of candied fruits lie not only in amazing taste, but they are also good for multi-purpose use. Despite the fact that sugar is present in them large quantities, they are valuable due to their high content of fiber, protein, microelements, vitamins - A, C, B, PP. All of these substances are necessary and important for the human body. If you compare the benefits of candied fruits and sweets, then the healthy choice will definitely be for the beneficial properties of candied fruits.

Do you know how many calories are in candied fruits? They are quite high in calories, 100 grams of this unique product contains from 300 to 400 kcal, so they are very suitable for people with exhaustion and overwork.

The harm of candied fruits is due to the considerable sugar content, therefore large quantities they are harmful to people with overweight, diabetes, hypertension. The most beautiful, bright, appetizing candied slices contain many preservatives and dyes, which can lead to food poisoning. It is also necessary to take into account that the product has a certain shelf life, there are special requirements for storage. Failure to comply with these conditions may lead to the development of dangerous microorganisms in candied fruits.

Don't want to eat candied fruits? harmful dyes, as in the store, then prepare them yourself from seasonal berries and vegetables. I’ll tell you how to make amazing homemade candied fruits. They are very useful, replace store product for something better, this is every mother's dream. After all, children are the ones who adore candied fruit slices, they look so much like candy.

Homemade candied carrots

To prepare you will need:

  • 1 kg. carrots;
  • 800 gr. Sahara;
  • 1 lemon;
  • water.
  1. Cut the peeled carrots into rings 1 cm thick, then cut them into 4 pieces and pour into a bowl.
  2. The next stage is cooking the syrup. Take a saucepan and pour 250 ml. water, put on fire, add sugar, boil.
  3. Cut off the zest and cut into small strips. You don’t have to use the zest, but it’s not easy to get rid of the carrot smell, so it’s advisable to include lemon in the recipe. In addition, we also use lemon juice, squeeze 4 tablespoons from one fruit.
  4. Add lemon juice and zest, chopped carrots to the boiled syrup, boil for 15 minutes, remove from the stove and leave. Here we proceed like this: leave it, cool down, put it on the fire again, and do this 3 times. Then the carrots will not boil, but will become softer.
  5. Drain the carrot cubes through a sieve.
  6. We take gauze and put it on it candied carrots, place on the oven rack. Turn on the oven at 50 degrees, fan mode, everything will dry in 2 hours. We do not cover the oven completely.

Candied zucchini: recipe

  1. 1 kg. Peel the zucchini, remove the pulp, cut into cubes 1-1.5 cm thick.
  2. Zucchini has a neutral flavor, and the prepared syrup will be simply sweet. Let's prepare it with dogwood, you need to boil it, rub the berries through a sieve, and only then add 1 kg of sugar to the liquid used. We take 300 ml of water, 300 grams of dogwood. Dogwood berries color the liquid red and give a slight sourness. If dogwood is not available, take blackberries, or raspberries, currants, cranberries, but not too many.
  3. Boil water and place the zucchini in it for just a couple of minutes. The blanching process is necessary so that the zucchini cubes are covered with a thin, dense crust on top, and remain juicy and soft inside, but not watery.
  4. As soon as the dogwood syrup boils, add blanched zucchini to it, after boiling, cook for 5 minutes, cool, put back on the stove for 5 minutes, cool. We do this 2 times.
  5. Drain the zucchini cubes through a sieve and let stand for a while.
  6. Take parchment paper, place it on a baking sheet, pour in the zucchini cubes. Please note that in the carrot recipe we used a wire rack, here you will need a baking sheet because candied squash is more moist. The cooking mode in the oven is similar to that described with carrots. Ready dish sprinkle with sugar.

Candied orange peels: recipe

When I buy a lot of oranges, a lot of peel remains, I make wonderful candied orange peels. Quick recipe allows you to get a whole scattering of pieces that melt in your mouth and leave a fragrant aftertaste.

  1. You need to remove the peel from the fruit with a vegetable peeler; if necessary, remove the white part from it.
    Soak in cold water for three days, changing every day several times.
  2. Cut the crusts into squares or strips.
  3. Boil syrup from water and sugar in arbitrary proportions, pour the zest over it, and keep for 2-3 days. During this period, bring the mixture to a boil several times and cool. The water should evaporate and the sugar should be absorbed into the crusts.
  4. Roll the finished candied fruit strips in sugar or powder and place them in one layer on the table until completely dry.

Candied apricots at home

  1. 1 kg. Pour sugar into a saucepan, pour in 300 ml. water, stir, put on the stove, boil the syrup for 5 minutes.
  2. Place 1 kg in boiled syrup. apricots, boil after boiling for 15 minutes, turn off, let cool in syrup.
  3. When the fruits have cooled, take each one, strain it and place it on parchment paper placed on a baking sheet, put it in the oven, heated to 50 degrees for 2 hours, for airflow.
  4. After a certain time, we place the apricots on a net for drying (I use a window net), and keep them like this on the balcony for several days. This method allows you to get dried apricots that do not turn black and do not curl. Cold storage. By dipping dried apricots in granulated sugar, we get candied apricots.

How to make candied watermelon rinds: recipe

Thick-skinned varieties of watermelons are suitable for preparing this recipe.

  1. Peel the rinds, cut into pieces, drain, place in a colander, and blanch in boiling water for 1 minute.
  2. Immediately cool quickly in cold water and place in high concentration syrup. It is prepared at the rate of 1 kg. we take 1 kg of crust. 300 gr. granulated sugar, glass of water. Cook in three batches, the first two times – 15 minutes each at low boil, with exposure after that for 10 hours. During the third cooking, add vanillin powder to the syrup. At the end of cooking, place the peels on a sieve until the syrup drains.
  3. Place candied watermelon in one row on a baking sheet, dry in the oven at a temperature of 35-40 degrees until a dry crust with small sugar crystals forms on the surface.

Pour the remaining syrup into a jar; it can be further diluted in water and used to soak the biscuit.

Cooked candied fruits are transparent and taste like marmalade. If desired, you can prepare candied watermelon rinds for future use. The simplest recipe allows you to dry them well, put them in a jar, and seal them tightly.

Candied pumpkin: a simple recipe in the oven

You will need:

  • one and a half kg. pumpkin pulp;
  • orange;
  • 800 gr. Sahara;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • a pinch of citric acid;
  • powdered sugar.
  1. Cut the pumpkin pulp into equal cubes, approximately 3 cm thick, place in a deep bowl, cover with sugar, and leave in the refrigerator until morning.
  2. Cut the washed orange, including the peel, into pieces, remove the seeds, and grind into a puree.
  3. Place pumpkin syrup in a large saucepan, add water, add orange puree, cinnamon, citric acid, stir, bring to a boil.
  4. Add pumpkin, cook for 5 minutes after boiling, stir gently. Turn off the heat and wait 2-3 hours. Cook in the same way 2 more times.
  5. Place the cubes in a sieve and let the syrup drain completely. The syrup can be used to make marmalade, jelly, drinks, and served with cheesecakes and pancakes.
  6. Cover a baking sheet with parchment, spread the pumpkin loosely, and dry in the oven for an hour at 120 degrees.
  7. Sprinkle the candied pumpkin with powdered sugar, then place them in a bowl with the powder and roll on all sides. Store at room temperature in a jar with a closed lid.

Homemade candied cherries

If you arrive at your dacha or suburban area in the middle of summer and see that a large harvest of cherries has ripened, the question arises: “what to do with it?” I'll tell you the answer - The best decision make candied cherries. This method is good for those families in which compotes, jam and other cherry preparations got boring. Of course, the process will take a lot of time, but it is not very difficult and time-consuming. Such cherries are useful in winter for adding to cakes, pies, and as a sweet snack, they are good.

  • 1 kg. cherries;
  • 100 ml. water;
  • 100 grams of sugar and a little more for sprinkling.
  1. Remove pits from cherries.
  2. Boil syrup from water and sugar, pour over berries, stir, leave for 7 hours. Then boil for another 20 minutes, again hold for 7 hours. The third time, perform the same treatment in the same way, immediately place the berries in a colander to drain the syrup.
  3. Place the cherries on a plate and sprinkle with sugar. Spread in a single layer on a parchment lined baking sheet and leave at room temperature for a week. Store dried candied cherries at home in dry jars in the refrigerator, with the lids closed.

Candied melon

If you come across something tasteless, not very good sweet melon, or maybe it is very hard, this is not a reason for frustration. There is a chance to make something new and tasty from it, such as candied melon; this is very easy to do at home.

  1. Cut the melon into two halves and remove the seeds using a spoon. There should be two clean halves left. Using a vegetable peeler, cut off the peel.
  2. We cut the fruit into slices, then cut each of them into pieces about 1 cm thick.
    I take a melon weighing 1 kg. 2 cups of sugar and a glass of water.
  3. Prepare the syrup - pour water into a saucepan, add sugar according to the norm, cook, stirring until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  4. Pour hot syrup over the melon and leave at room temperature for 12 hours. After a certain time, transfer the melon pieces along with the syrup into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
  5. Cut the zest from half an orange and a lemon and put it in a saucepan, squeeze the juice out of these halves. This will add sourness and an incredible aroma to the candied fruits, bring to a boil, cook over medium heat for 15-20 minutes. After the designated time has passed, turn off the fire and leave the workpiece again for 12 hours.
  6. Once we have waited the time, place the contents of the saucepan in a colander and wait for the syrup and juice to drain. We remove the zest crusts and begin to lay out the candied fruits to dry on a baking sheet covered with parchment.
  7. Place in the oven, temperature no more than 70 degrees, with the door ajar for an hour and a half.

Now the candied melon is ready. A simple recipe allows you to get translucent, beautiful pieces, tasty, sweet. And so that they do not stick together, we put them in plastic bag, roll in powdered sugar. Store in jars with lids, not necessarily in the refrigerator.

And although modern production allows you to produce a wide variety of candied fruits, do not rush to go to the store for the next portion of the sweet delicacy. Prepare candied fruits at home and enjoy them wonderful aroma, add as a filling to desserts, confectionery, to decorate dishes.

You are probably convinced that producing candied fruits at home is not at all difficult. Now you know, what are candied fruits made from?, and there are a great many recipes, it’s not difficult to find the right one.

You can make natural, healthy sweets yourself; it will definitely evoke positive emotions among family members. The delicacy is stored for a long time and does not contain preservatives or dyes harmful to the body. Try it, you will definitely succeed!

And that Tu Bishvat in Hebrew means “fifteenth day of the month of Shevat”, and is celebrated on this day New Year trees - you know too. And about the custom of serving, for which the Land of Israel is famous. There are families who put fifteen or even thirty types of fruit on the table. Even on Tu Bishvat they plant trees and just have fun.

By the way, you can prepare a lot of different tasty and beautiful dishes. Buknik Jr. decided to make candied oranges - chocolate covered oranges. In winter, both in Israel and in Russia, and everywhere in general, there are a lot of oranges!

The recipe is not easy, you will need the help of adults and a lot of different kitchen utensils. But by preparing oranges in chocolate, you will learn a lot of new things: for example, what caramelization is, how to make a water bath and what you need sugar syrup.

You will need very few products:

4-6 oranges
250 g chocolate
600 g sugar
300 ml water

It is very important to prepare the dishes in advance:

Pots (large and small)
A couple of bowls
cutting board and a knife
Baking tray with baking paper
One or two jars with a tight lid - for storing candied fruits

First of all, wash the oranges thoroughly.
We cut them into circles approximately 5 mm thick (if you cut them thicker, it will turn out bitter, and if you cut them thinner, the center will fall apart). You should end up with a large bowl of orange slices. We put it aside and call mom: we need to boil water in a large saucepan. When it boils, throw in all the chopped oranges and cook for 3-4 minutes so that the bitterness leaves the skin and zest. Watch your time, otherwise you will fail orange compote! Next, mom drains the water, squeezes (gently) the oranges and puts them back in the bowl.

Now we prepare sugar syrup, because candied fruits are caramelized fruits, that is, boiled in sugar syrup.
Pour 300 ml of water (about one and a half glasses) into a large saucepan, add sugar and put on fire. When the sugar dissolves, add the oranges and cook them for low heat a whole hour.

You can remove it when the zest becomes translucent. Just call your mom and hand her a slotted spoon.

Place the circles on a pre-prepared board set at an angle (you can place one edge of it on a salt shaker or small cup) to allow the syrup to drain.

Do not pour out the remaining syrup in the pan! It can be used to soak cupcakes or as a sugar substitute.

We take a baking sheet covered with baking paper, place orange slices on it, which by that time have already gone through fire and water (the copper pipes will be at the end when you serve them for tea to applause). We do this carefully so as not to damage the middle. Posted? Great! Place in the oven, preheated to 100-120 degrees, for 20 minutes, dry.

After 20 minutes, we ask mom to take out the baking sheet and wait for the oranges to cool.

Place them back into the bowl and line the baking sheet with a new sheet. baking paper and place it near the gas stove.

Attention, the final stage begins! The chocolate bars should be broken into small pieces and melted in a water bath.

Water bath Here’s how to do it: pour into a large saucepan hot water, put a small saucepan with pieces of chocolate in it, and put the whole structure on the fire. The fire burns, the water boils and melts the chocolate in a small saucepan. If you place a pan of chocolate directly on the burner, it will definitely burn.

Stir the melting chocolate with a spoon. As soon as it becomes completely liquid, let's start: take the most beautiful and whole orange circles, dip them halfway in chocolate and carefully place them on a baking sheet with baking paper.

Do you have a whole baking sheet filled with elegant orange-chocolate circles? Wonderful! Now we set it aside (away from adults who really like to taste everything that catches their eye) - the chocolate should harden. This may take several hours. It’s better (if time permits) to wrap the baking sheet in transparent film and leave it overnight.

Place those orange slices that you did not dip in chocolate (the middle of which has fallen apart) in a jar with a tight lid, because even without chocolate, candied fruits are very tasty. Well, there can always be a strange guest who doesn’t like chocolate - sometimes there are such people in the world.

Frozen chocolate oranges carefully place in a jar with a tight lid. You can store them for quite a long time - if you succeed, of course.

One of known methods Harvesting fruits for the winter is preparing candied fruits from them. This oriental sweet consists of 80% natural fruits, therefore carries great benefit for the body in the form of vitamins and minerals. In our article we will tell you how to make candied pears at home. Photo, description step-by-step preparation And useful recommendations will be outlined below. The oriental sweets turn out to be so tasty that thanks to them you can easily give up your usual sweets.

A simple recipe for candied pears at home

For cooking oriental sweets for this recipe you only need 1 kg of fruit, 0.5 kg of sugar, a little powdered sugar and starch. Of these available and natural ingredients in just 3 days you can prepare delicious and healthy treat.

At home, candied pears are prepared in the following sequence:

  1. The fruits are cored, cut into slices and placed in a pan. Sprinkle the tops of the pears with sugar, cover with a lid and leave in this form for 6 hours.
  2. During this time, juice will be released from the pears. It must be poured into a separate pan, put on low heat and after boiling, cook for 15 minutes. Pour the prepared syrup over the pears and leave again for 15 minutes.
  3. Repeat all steps, but when the syrup has boiled for 15 minutes, you need to transfer the pears into it. Simmer the fruit over low heat for another 5 minutes.
  4. Place the pears on a sieve and leave them in this form until the liquid has completely drained.
  5. On a large flat plate, pour 50 g of powdered sugar mixed with the same amount of starch. Scatter the cooled pear slices on top.
  6. Candied fruits should be dried in a room with low air humidity for 3 days. They should become dry and tough. Ready-made sweets need to be rolled in powder and starch, transferred to a jar and stored under a lid in a cool place.

Delicious candied fruits from whole pears

From solid and unripe fruits It turns out to be a very healthy delicacy. To prepare candied pears at home, you need to peel the fruit (1 kg) from the seed part. Then you need to cook the syrup from 200 ml of water, 1 kg of sugar and citric acid (1 teaspoon). After boiling, with constant stirring, keep it on the fire for 5 minutes. Next, the prepared pears are dipped into the syrup. The contents of the pan are brought to a boil and removed from the heat. The pears remain in the syrup for a day.

Over the next 2 days, bring the syrup to a boil over high heat, then, reducing the heat, cook the pears for 5 minutes. Now remove the pan from the heat and leave the pears in the syrup at room temperature. On the fourth day, the fruit should be cooked for 15 minutes, and on the fifth - 1.5 hours. The finished pears are placed on a sieve until the syrup has completely drained, and after cooling, they are laid out on parchment for a couple of hours. Dried candied fruits are rolled in powdered sugar.

How to make candied fruits in the oven?

This recipe for preparing a sweet delicacy differs from the previous one only in that small fruit slices are boiled in syrup. First, pears (1.5 kg) are cut into slices, after which they are poured with boiling water (2 cups) for 10 minutes. After this, the liquid is poured into a pan, sugar (600 g) is added and the syrup is boiled. 5 minutes after boiling, pear slices are added to it. They need to be cooked for five minutes, then removed from the heat and wait until they cool completely (at least 4 hours).

Bring to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and cool the pears at least 5 times. As a result, the syrup should become thick and the slices should be transparent. Then the pears are placed on a sieve to allow all the syrup to drain. At home, candied pears are dried in the oven to the required consistency for about an hour at a temperature of 70°. Then they can be sprinkled with powder.

Candied pears in an electric dryer

According to this recipe, fruit slices are boiled in sugar syrup based on natural juice. To do this, pears cut into long slices (1 kg) are covered overnight with the same amount of sugar. In the morning, the pan is put on high heat, after which its contents are brought to a boil and boiled at low temperature for 5 minutes. Similar steps are repeated 3-4 times until the slices become transparent.

At home, candied pears are dried in an electric dryer according to this recipe. To do this, the slices are laid out on a tray and left for 5-7 hours at a temperature of 70°. To store them, sprinkle them with powdered sugar and place them in a glass jar.

Everyone knows what candied fruits are. They are a pleasure to prepare and then store, like jewelry, in boxes and jars. Today, candied vegetables and fruits are used everywhere: they are added to baked goods, jelly, ice cream and other dairy desserts, including cottage cheese, they decorate various confectionery products, in addition, slices of fruit boiled in syrup are sometimes served as an independent sweet dish for tea or coffee instead of sweets. Candied fruits serve great filling for cupcakes, rolls, puff pastries.

In Rus', candied fruits have also been loved for a long time. Only they were called Kyiv dry jam or “balabushki”. The first mention of Kiev dry jam dates back to the 14th century. It was brought from Kyiv and served at the wedding feast of the Lithuanian prince Jagiello. In 1777, Catherine II issued a decree according to which dry jam Apricots, wild strawberries, strawberries, pears, dogwoods, cherries, Hungarian plums, rosehips and pink flowers, so beloved by her, were supplied to the court. Every autumn, stagecoaches with boxes and boxes of Russian candied fruits departed from Kyiv to St. Petersburg. IN mid-18th century century there was even a separate position - “candy apprentice of the Kyiv imperial court.”

The process of making candied fruits has not changed significantly since then. The fruits are thoroughly washed and dried beforehand. They are then dipped in rich sugar syrup and cooked for a long time. At the next stage, the fruits, thoroughly soaked in syrup, are dried, after which they become similar to what we can see in the store. There is nothing difficult about making candied fruits yourself. Any fruit, berries, citrus peel with zest, as well as some vegetables, such as pumpkin, carrots and zucchini, are suitable for this.

It is worth noting that candied vegetables and fruits also have a number of beneficial properties, which many others do not have confectionery.

Candied oranges and watermelons are very tasty, or rather, from their peels, which we usually throw away.

1 kg watermelon rinds,
1 kg sugar,
200 ml water,
5 g citric acid,
orange zest, almonds, lemon zest, vanilla - to taste.

To prepare candied fruits, use watermelons with a thick rind, as well as unripe melons, which are usually thrown away as inedible products; in this case, they will be very useful to you. Peel the watermelon rinds from the thick rind and soft part, cut into pieces of the same size, keeping in mind that they will boil down later, add water and cook for 3 minutes. Then drain the water and rinse the boiled pieces cold water, pour boiling syrup made from sugar, water and citric acid. You can also add lemon or orange zest for flavoring. almond. Boil it down watermelon rinds until transparent, remove with a slotted spoon, dry and roll in powdered sugar.

1 kg zucchini,
200 g honey,
1 lemon,
500 g sugar.

Wash the zucchini, remove the peel and seeds, cut into rectangular pieces or cubes, sprinkle with sugar (200 g), refrigerate until the juice releases, then drain the juice. Wash the lemon, pour boiling water over it, cut it small pieces together with the peel, remove the seeds, pour in a glass of zucchini juice, heat and cook for 10 minutes, then pour in the remaining sugar (300 g), cook the syrup over low heat (until the sugar is completely dissolved). Pour boiling syrup over the zucchini, add honey, put on low heat and cook until tender (until the zucchini becomes transparent and the syrup is thick like honey). Remove the zucchini from the syrup, dry and roll in powdered sugar. Place the finished candied fruits in candy boxes for storage, and use the remaining syrup with lemon slices as regular jam.

1 kg plums,
1 kg sugar,
1 g ascorbic acid.

To prepare candied fruits, the seeds do not need to be removed. If you are preparing candied fruits from seedless plums, cut the fruits crosswise and not lengthwise - in this case, the skin will not curl during cooking. Place the prepared plums in a wide-bottomed pan, sprinkle with sugar and leave to separate the juice. After this, boil the fruits until the juice turns into thick syrup. Remove the plums from the syrup and place them on foil or parchment paper, dry it. If you dip dried plums in hot syrup two or three more times, drying them each time, you will get very delicious plum in caramel.

1 kg sugar beets,
3 g citric acid,
100 g sugar,
500 ml water,
lemon zest, vanilla or other flavoring of your choice.

Wash the beets, peel and cut into pieces of the same size (cubes or slices), add water, add sugar, citric acid and simmer over low heat until all the liquid has evaporated. For flavoring, beets can be boiled together with lemon or orange zest, honey, cardamom or vanillin. Just like in previous recipes, dry the beets and roll in powdered sugar.

1 kg pumpkin,
1 orange,
200 ml water,
800 g sugar.

Wash the pumpkin, peel and remove seeds, cut into cubes or cubes, add a small amount Sahara. When the juice comes out of the pumpkin, drain it.
Wash the orange, pour boiling water over it, cut into small pieces along with the peel, remove the seeds, pour boiling water over it and cook for 10 minutes. Pour the orange broth (along with orange slices) over the sugar, place on low heat and cook until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour boiling syrup over the prepared pumpkin pieces. Place the cooled mass on low heat and cook until tender (the pumpkin pieces are transparent and the syrup is thick). Remove the boiled pumpkin pieces from the syrup, dry them, roll in powdered sugar and place in a pastry box. Use the remaining syrup with orange slices as jam, and the remaining fresh pumpkin juice You can bring to a boil, immediately pour into sterilized jars and roll up. This juice will be especially useful for children, and adults are unlikely to refuse it once they try it.

It’s not for nothing that they say that “carrots polish the blood.” This is a very healthy and valuable vegetable containing many useful substances. If you want to eat not only tasty, but also healthy sweets, prepare candied carrots. To prepare this delicacy, it is better to choose young, fresh carrots - they will provide the most pleasant taste and benefit.

1 kg carrots,
1.2 kg sugar,
1.5 stack. water,
citric acid (on the tip of a knife).

Wash and peel the carrots. Cut into medium-sized pieces or thin strips. Boil water and boil the carrots in it for 10 minutes, after which, after cutting, cool them in cold water. Cook the syrup: add sugar to water, boil and wait until the sugar has completely melted. Place carrot pieces in boiling syrup and boil for 15 minutes. After this, leave the carrots to infuse in the syrup for 10 hours. Repeat this procedure 3 times. At the end of cooking, add citric acid and cool. Strain the carrot pieces through a colander and place them on parchment-lined plates or baking sheets. The syrup can be sealed in sterile jars - it will be useful for soaking or preparing glaze for baking. Dry the carrots in the oven on low or with the door open until tender, or for several days at room temperature in a well-ventilated area. You can use an electric dryer. Dip candied fruits in powdered sugar and place in jars with airtight lids.

You can make very tasty aromatic candied fruits from any berries. For example, take strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, gooseberries, red and black currant, cherries and place them on a clean baking sheet in one row, sprinkle with sugar (200 g of sugar is required for 1 kg of berries) and place in the oven preheated to 200°C for 20 minutes. As soon as the berries boil over the entire surface, carefully ensure that They didn't burn and heated evenly. Then pour the hot berries onto foil and dry them, and the rest on a baking sheet. thick juice pour into a jar and use, for example, as sweet sauce or an additive to jelly and compotes. When serving, add any nuts to the candied berry mixture.

1 kg orange peels,
1 kg sugar,
200 ml water,
5 g citric acid.

Wash the orange peels, cut into cubes, add water until they are completely covered, and cook for 5 minutes, then pour out the broth. Make syrup from sugar and water, adding citric acid. Dip the boiled ones into syrup orange peels and simmer them over low heat until they become translucent. Remove them from the syrup with a slotted spoon and dry them on parchment paper or foil. Roll the dried candied fruits in powdered sugar and place them in a box (can be used for candies or cookies). Store at room temperature. Use the remaining syrup to flavor confectionery products or for further preparation of candied fruits.

Take in your palm some of the multi-colored candied fruits you have prepared and admire: the scattering of sunny, like amber, and transparent candied fruits in the palm of your hand is like precious stones - it’s as if a sunbeam is caught in each of them. It’s impossible to resist trying at least a small piece - feel the sweetness and aroma, reminiscent of honey and flower nectar, melting and taking you to the world of dreams and hot summer.

Happy preparations!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Candied fruits are prepared in the most different options. There are recipes that require making dessert for 4 whole days. But there is something simpler, a day or even a time of hours. This recipe is an express method, so after 6-7 hours you can already eat this wonderful delicacy. The most important thing in this recipe- eliminate the specific bitterness that is contained in tangerine peel. To do this, sliced ​​fruits are soaked in cold water or boiled for 15 minutes. The bitterness, of course, will not disappear completely, but this is what makes the dessert interesting. In combination with sweet syrup, the peculiar bitter taste is felt very harmoniously.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 301 kcal.
  • Number of servings - any
  • Cooking time - 6-7 hours


  • Tangerines - 5-6 pcs.
  • Allspice- 4 peas
  • Sugar - 200 g
  • Cinnamon stick - 1 pc.
  • Anise - 3-4 stars
  • Carnations - 4-5 buds
  • Cardamom - 3 grains
  • Nutmeg- 1 PC.

How to prepare candied tangerines:

1. Wash and dry the tangerines. Wash the skin very well, because... During the growth of berries, they are treated with various harmful chemicals. Then cut the fruit into rings about 5 mm wide.

2. Place the citrus fruits in a cooking pot and pour drinking water. Boil them over low heat after boiling for 15 minutes.

3. After draining the water, cool the tangerines and fill them with water again. Boil again for 10 minutes.

4. Now do not drain the water, use a slotted spoon to remove the tangerines from the pan and place them in a sieve or on a plate.

5. Put all the spices into the orange liquid that remains in the pan and add sugar. Boil until the sugar is completely dissolved. The amount of granulated sugar can be replaced to taste by adding or subtracting it.

6. Then add tangerine slices to this syrup.

7. Place the pan on the stove and simmer the syrup over low heat with the lid closed for about 1-2 hours. It is necessary that the citrus fruits are well caramelized.

8. Next, take a wire rack and place the cooked fruit on it. Place them so that the berries do not touch each other, otherwise they will stick together during drying. Preheat the oven to 100 degrees and leave the candied fruits to dry for about 2 hours. You can also dry the dessert at room temperature or even on heating radiators if you create sweetness in winter.

You can serve these candied fruits with a cup of brewed coffee or tea. They are used in baked goods and desserts, and for the New Year they decorate the Christmas tree by hanging it on an openwork string.
