Children's story about vegetables. Unusual facts about fruits. fun facts about vegetables

1. You can make jam from potatoes
Potatoes appeared in Europe only in the 16th century. It was grown in gardens as an ornamental plant, jam was made from its berries, and they began to be eaten much later. And in 1800, potatoes were such a rare product that they were given to each other for holidays.

2. People were killed for cucumbers
In addition to potatoes, cucumbers were once rare. One day, the Turkish Sultan Mohammed II (who was famous for his cruelty and greed) ordered the bellies of his seven subjects to be opened, having learned that one of them had eaten one of the cucumbers sent to him as a gift.

3. The Greeks Worshiped the Bow
In ancient Greece, onions were considered a sacred vegetable. The onion was considered a symbol of the structure of the Universe. Both poor people and aristocrats ate onions in Greece. And to drown out the smell, they ate it with parsley and walnuts. By the way, when someone was in grief, he or she would wear a parsley wreath as a sign of sadness.

4. Broccoli is the most hated vegetable in the world
President George H. W. Bush hated broccoli so much that he banned it from the White House. Its bitter taste is not liked by most people on the planet. But broccoli lovers advise choosing smaller sprouts, as they are sweeter. They need to be cut, quickly boiled and then thrown into cold water to remove the bitterness. You can also add acid. For example, lemon or red wine vinegar will help get rid of the bitter taste.

5. Tomatoes drove people crazy
For a long time, the tomato was considered a poisonous plant. For example, in the book “A Complete Guide to Gardening,” published in Denmark in 1774, it is written: “These fruits are extremely harmful, as they drive those who eat them crazy.” And in Rus', tomatoes were called “mad berries.”

6. Horseradish can bloom even in glaciers
Arctic horseradish is one of the most interesting vegetables in the world. It can be found in cold Greenland along the entire coast of the Arctic Ocean, on sandy and pebble river banks. It blooms even when severe frosts occur. Northern peoples use it as a remedy against scurvy.

7. Banana is a vegetable
Banana is a vegetable. This is explained by the fact that banana is a perennial herbaceous plant. By definition, vegetables are parts of herbaceous plants. In general, it cannot be classified as a fruit, since it is the fruit of a plant, and vegetables are parts of herbaceous plants.

8. Borscht was made from pineapple
Pineapple is another food that experts argue over. During the time of Catherine II, the nobles used it at feasts, although in a way unusual for us. So, Count Alexander Stroganov served pineapple in vinegar, and Count Zavadovsky chopped it like cabbage, stored it in tubs and cooked borscht and cabbage soup from it.

9. Lotus can also be eaten
Lotus is also classified as a vegetable because its roots are used as food in Asian cuisine.

10. The carrots were purple
Originally, wild carrots were purple, sometimes white. And the orange one we are familiar with appeared as a result of selection - it was bred by the Dutch in the 16th century, he writes with reference to

A fairy tale about vegetables for children is not just entertainment. Thanks to it, the child gets acquainted with this or that product, finds out what color it is, what shape it has. An interesting story about the benefits of vegetables may interest a child. He will love to eat them, and this is very important for his body.

A fairy tale about vegetables for preschoolers should not only have fascinating content, but also be presented in simple and accessible language.

What does a fairy tale teach?

A fairy tale is not just entertainment for a child. She is able to teach, educate, solve many problems, and also calm. Thanks to a fairy tale, you can explain to your baby or toddler many things that are difficult to understand with a normal explanation. There are, for example, children's fairy tales about vegetables and fruits that will help you find out the names of certain products, as well as recognize their beneficial properties.

The therapeutic effect of fairy tales

Incredibly, fairy tales have a therapeutic effect. A fairy tale about vegetables for children can be no worse than one where the main characters are people. This way the child can quickly get acquainted and “make friends” with new vegetables. If he refuses to eat certain foods, then an interesting fairy tale about vegetables will help change his attitude towards them. Reading or listening to fairy tales, you are involuntarily transported to the world of magic and fantasy, dreams and daydreams. In this amazing world, anything can happen. Animals and birds can talk, houses can be made of candy, people can travel through time, fly, etc. The world of fairy tales is always kind and beautiful. That's why not only children, but also adults like them so much.

Merry vegetable garden

This is a short story about vegetables. One day a puppy was walking through the garden and met its inhabitants. But I just didn’t know what their name was. We need to help the puppy learn about the inhabitants of the wonderful garden.

First the dog saw a green and pimply creature. Who is it? So this is a cucumber, a real brave daredevil.

And here is a business lady, she is dressed in a hundred fur coats. And in the summer she is not the least bit hot. This is cabbage that just can't get warm.

Who is it that exposed his side to the sun? He didn't tan, but just turned a little white. Yes, this is a couch potato.

He also saw a girl whose braid was always on the street, and she herself was sitting in prison. Who is this? Of course, carrots. Now the puppy knows who lives in the cheerful garden. It is inhabited by wonderful people.

Tale about vegetables (funny)

Grandfather planted a turnip. And I expected her to grow very, very big. It's time to. Grandfather began to dig turnips. He pulls and pulls... And then he hears that the vegetable is talking to him.

Grandpa, what kind of turnip am I to you, I’m a red carrot with green curly hair!

These are miracles, says the grandfather, but where did I plant the turnip? I do not remember. Get into my basket, you’ll need it for soup, but in the meantime, we’ll look for it together. He walks further through the garden. Pulls and pulls...

“Oh, be careful with me, I’m not a turnip, but a beet,” the burgundy lady answered busily.

“How come,” says the grandfather, “I got it mixed up again.” I'm an old fool. Well, come with me, you’ll need some borscht. He moves on.

“You’re probably a turnip,” the grandfather turned to another vegetable.

Who am I? No, what are you? I'm a potato.

Here's the thing, - muttered grandfather, - oh, old age is not a joy. He's blind and has problems with his memory. How can I find a turnip?

“Here I am,” exclaimed the turnip, “how long can I wait for all of you?” I'm sitting here, bored, alone.

“Finally,” the grandfather rejoiced. I wanted to pull it out, but a really big, big turnip was born. Probably we should call our grandmother, granddaughter and others. How did grandfather pull the turnip? Well, that's another story...

Vegetable dispute

These are vegetables. Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. Grandfather watched TV in the evenings, and grandmother knitted socks for him. They became bored with living like this. We decided to get a vegetable garden. They spent days fiddling with it. They really liked that time flew by quickly and it was not boring at all. It's time to sow the seeds. The grandfather did not entrust such a serious matter to the grandmother. I went to the market myself and bought everything. I decided not to call grandma, but to sow the seeds myself. But he stumbled, and all the seeds scattered throughout the garden.

Grandfather came home gloomy. And he says: “Now how can you find out where the carrots are and where the beets are!” “Don’t worry, grandfather,” said the grandmother, “the time will come, we’ll figure it out ourselves.”

Autumn has come, it's time to harvest. An old man and an old woman were watching, and the vegetables were all so beautiful and ripe. But they argue with each other about which of them is better and more useful.

I am a tomato, I make a delicious tomato. I'm the best.

And I’m the most useful of all. I am an onion, I save everyone from illness.

But no. I'm also rich in vitamins. I am a sweet and very tasty pumpkin, and I am also very bright and beautiful.

You are not the only one who shines with beauty. I am a red carrot, I am a beautiful girl. Healthy and tasty, everyone really likes it.

The vegetables argued for a long time, until the grandfather and grandmother said: “You are all the main, important and useful. We will gather all of you, we will not leave anyone in the garden. Some will go into porridge, some into soup, and many of you will eat raw vegetables.” and very tasty. The vegetables were delighted, laughed and clapped."

A therapeutic tale about healthy vegetables. Part one

This story about vegetables is perfect for those children who have problems with food. Approximate age: from 3.5 years. Many children enjoy conversations about tasty and healthy food, as well as junk food. The main thing is that they are interesting. If you are telling a therapeutic story, you should not use your child's name for the main character.

So, a therapeutic tale about vegetables could be next. Katya, as usual, was visiting her grandmother during the summer holidays. She really liked this village. The bright and warm sun always lifted my spirits, and I could always swim to my heart's content in the clean river. Only Katya was very often capricious and did not obey her grandmother. She did not want to eat cooked vegetables and fruits. The girl refused to eat them and said: “I don’t want this, I won’t do this. I don’t eat this green one, but take away this red one.” And everything like that. Of course, this greatly upset the grandmother, because she tried so hard for her beloved granddaughter. But Katenka couldn’t help herself.

A therapeutic tale about healthy vegetables. Part two

One day the girl went outside and heard someone talking in the garden. She came closer to the beds and was very surprised. The vegetables were arguing among themselves.

“I am more important than everyone else in the world,” the potato spoke, “I am able to saturate the entire body and give strength for the whole day.” Thanks to my beneficial properties, every child will run, jump, gallop for a long time, and will not get tired at all.

It's not true, I'm the most important! - said the beautiful orange carrot. You have no idea how much beta-carotene is in me - a supervitamin. It is good for vision.

Hmm, Katya thought, grandma probably loves carrots very much, since she still knits and reads without glasses.

Meanwhile, the vegetables continued to argue:

Dear friend,” pumpkin joined the conversation, “don’t think that you’re the only one rich in beta-carotene. I have plenty of it too. I help people cope with autumn ailments. I also contain vitamin C.

“I also have this vitamin,” the red pepper answered playfully, “I have much more of it than citrus fruits.”

No, guys, of course, you are important, but I’m still the most important! - said broccoli. - You can eat me not only boiled, fried or stewed, but also raw. I contain the most useful vitamins. And the soup I make is excellent.

Friends, you are all right, of course, but without me the dishes don’t turn out as tasty. - said the bow in a deep voice, - and I can cure a person of various diseases.

And then the vegetables noticed that someone was watching them, and they immediately stopped their argument, as if they were not talking at all.

These are miracles! - Katenka said quietly. - And then the grandmother called her granddaughter to eat. Katya realized that she was very hungry and ran to wash her hands. When the girl saw that pumpkin porridge was waiting for her for breakfast, she was very happy. She wanted to try all the vegetables herself and choose which of them was more important and tastier. Katya decided that now she would enjoy eating her grandmother’s salads and porridge and would become beautiful and healthy.


Thus, a fairy tale about vegetables can be educational, therapeutic and developmental. For very young children, choose books with thick pages (preferably made of cardboard) and bright illustrations. The baby, leafing through them, will gradually find out which vegetable is which. Choose fairy tales written in simple and accessible language. When they are presented in verse, they really attract the attention of children. Make up your own fairy tales. Make up stories, but use another child's name. When your baby grows up, teach him to write fairy tales. Often the fairy tales invented by children are very funny and interesting.

Peaches, grapes, persimmons, lemon, melons, tangerines, apples - we know many fruits and berries not only by their appearance, but also by their taste. But in this article we will tell you interesting facts about fruits that will change your understanding of this delicacy. Go!

  • 1. Grapefruit juice is not recommended for use with medications. This fruit contains furanocoumarins - substances that increase the concentration of active substances of drugs. This can lead to negative consequences caused by an overdose of the drug. People taking antihistamines, antiarrhythmics, antitussives, and lipid-lowering medications should be especially careful. This unwanted side effect is observed when taking more than four dozen drugs with grapefruit juice.
  • 2. A sour fruit like lemon contains more sugar than sweet strawberries.
  • 3. Papaya juice is a powerful solvent. They can remove not only very stubborn stains, but even remove fingerprints.
  • 4. Japanese farmers learned to grow watermelons and cube-shaped melons. To achieve this shape, the young fruit is placed in a glass mold. It is convenient to transport such berries (place them on a surface, place them one on top of another), but they also cost more than the round ones we are used to.

  • 5. Residents of Ancient Rome believed that sour lemon was a poisonous fruit. It was even included in the list of deadly products and used against moths.
  • 6. In 1820, as a result of an unexpected mutation of one orange tree bush, seedless fruits appeared. The so-called Navellorange variety. And the Navelorange trees that exist today are clones from that tree. The fact is that a new variety can only reproduce by grafting.

  • 7. Interesting facts about fruits relate to the etiquette of cleaning and eating them. Thus, it is customary to peel tangerines with your hands, and oranges with a knife.
  • 8. During the reign of Hitler, eating and selling overseas fruits, bananas, was considered unpatriotic. So, above a tray of bananas, the seller had to hang a poster with a campaign to buy German apples.
  • 9. If you leave oranges on the tree, they will not ripen.
  • 10. Apples are very healthy because they are free of sodium, cholesterol and fat.
  • 11. There are about seven and a half thousand varieties of apples all over the world. They differ not only in taste, but also in size - from small, like a cherry, to large, like a grapefruit.

  • 12. Fiber is not lost even in dried, canned and frozen fruits.
  • 13. In the European Union, the following are considered fruits: carrots, tomatoes, rhubarb, cucumbers, sweet potatoes, ginger, pumpkin. Even jams and preserves are made from them.

Miracle vegetables in the garden beds or giants among vegetables


Author: Elizaveta Zhilyaeva, 9 years old, studying at the Zolotukhinskaya Secondary School, Zolotukhino village, Kursk region
Supervisor: Alla Alekseevna Kondratyeva, primary school teacher, Zolotukhinsk Secondary School, Zolotukhino village, Kursk region
Description: The publication is intended for children of different ages, as well as for inquisitive adults. The publication material can be used for conversations, entertaining classes, extracurricular activities, as well as for self-education.
Target: expanding the ideas of children and adults about the world around us.
1.Teach your interlocutor to see and hear, to peer inquisitively into the world, to observe this world.
2.Summarize, consolidate and deepen knowledge about the world of vegetables around us.
3. Contribute to the formation of knowledge about nature and its patterns.
4.Promote the development of thinking, attention, observation.
Summer time is not only a beautiful time of year, but also the time to harvest berries, fruits and vegetables. In the summer, radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes, onions, garlic, watermelons, potatoes, pumpkins, zucchini ripen at the dacha... This year we had a rainy summer. Excess moisture affected the growth of different vegetables differently. I would like to tell you about the unusual cucumbers that grew in our garden this summer.

The first cucumber was crooked, long, but very tasty.

A little later, in the garden, we picked another unusual cucumber and decided to measure it: its length turned out to be 43 cm.

But what struck us most was the third miracle cucumber: its length turned out to be 68 cm and its weight was 1 kg 420 g.

Having seen such miracle cucumbers, my grandmother and I wanted to find information on the Internet about giant vegetables grown in different parts of our planet. We learned that many farmers around the world are passionate about breeding and strive to enter the Guinness Book of Records with their largest, heaviest and longest vegetables and fruits. In a number of countries, fairs are held annually where farmers present their miracle vegetables.
It was very interesting to search for material on the Internet: what we just didn’t see! We were very amazed by the variety of giants among vegetables! Judge for yourself!
Giants among cucumbers.

1. The world's longest cucumber grew in the greenhouse of British woman Claire Pierce. Its length was 1.19 meters. The woman admitted that she did nothing to grow the record-breaking cucumber: “I just watered the plant.” Claire Pearce also revealed that the giant vegetable grew from expired seeds that she bought two years ago and simply forgot about them. The pensioner was going to apply for registration of the record, but the vegetable rotted before experts could measure it.

And these are the grandchildren of British woman Claire Pierce, Jamie and Hazel, holding the same cucumber, about 119 cm long.

2. Israeli resident Yitzhak Izdanpana became interested in gardening after he retired. He managed to grow a cucumber 1.2 meters long. The cucumber grew on its own in three months without special means to stimulate growth.

3. Briton Philip Vowles has been growing vegetables for many years. His successful gardening projects include giant pumpkins, cabbages, cucumbers and zucchini. In the photo he is captured with a 7-kilogram cucumber, which was once included in the Guinness Book of Records. Vauls has been growing vegetables for 25 years, so he knows all about how to get a huge harvest.

4. The Atherton family (Britain) is also interested in vegetable growing. Joe Atherton (senior) in this photo is holding an 80cm cucumber and a 1.5kg potato.

Giants among watermelons.
1. As you know, the largest berry in the world is the watermelon, and it really confirms this title.

In 2006, the largest watermelon in the world was grown in the US state of Arkansas. Its “author” was farmer Lloyd Bright. After the watermelon was picked and weighed, it turned out that its weight was 122 kilograms. This giant watermelon, native to America, was included in the Guinness Book of Records. This watermelon was a Carolina Cross variety. This farmer’s entire family has been growing giant watermelons for 35 years.

2. Another giant was grown in Louisiana. The big guy was raised by farmers from the Sistrunk family. The berry was picked on August 26, 2008. The weight of the huge watermelon was 114.5 kilograms and its length was 96 centimeters. To reach this size, the fruit took 147 days to ripen. The huge watermelon was given to parishioners from a local church, who were surprised not only by the size, but also by the taste of the watermelon, which turned out to be very sweet.

3. Russia also distinguished itself - in 2009, a watermelon (Russian size variety) was born weighing 61.4 kilograms (despite the fact that the average watermelon weighs 4-15 kilograms). Its “author” was Igor Likhosenko from the Temryuk district (Krasnodar region, Russia), who has now been growing watermelons for more than 28 years. According to the farmer, despite its size, the largest watermelon in Russia did not have any special taste. It had about 8% sugar, while a regular watermelon has 12-13% sugar.

Did you know, that, in addition to huge watermelons, there are also dwarf watermelons?

In South America, small watermelons, only 3-4 centimeters long, called Pepquinos, are grown. They taste like fresh cucumber and are often used in expensive restaurants to prepare various salads, sorbet or as an appetizer. They were discovered and brought to Europe in 1987 by the Dutch company Koppert Cress, which then began producing their seeds for sale.
Pumpkins are giants.
1. If we talk about the largest pumpkin that has ever been grown in the world, then the Americans are the leader here. A US resident, Chris Stevens, managed to grow a fetus whose weight exceeded 820 kg!

This is the pumpkin that Chris Stevens (USA) grew in 2010; she weighed 821.23 kg, and her circumference at the center reached 4.73 meters.

2. Japanese farmer Koji Ueno grew this giant pumpkin weighing 485.1 kilograms! It has twice won first place in the nationwide "Japan's Biggest Pumpkin" competition.
The largest pumpkins are weighed using a forklift.

3. Joe Midway hugs a 392kg pumpkin at the Sydney Easter Market. It was raised by horticulturist Ken Ryan. The pumpkin won the competition for the largest fruit.

4. And below is the world champion and record holder of 2014, which weighs almost like a real carriage in which you can send Cinderella to the ball. We are talking about a mass of 950 kilos. The superfruit ripened on the farm of Benny Meyer, a 30-year-old Swiss. To transport the pumpkin to the exhibition and get the prize, I had to hire a truck with a crane. Abundant watering and daily care contributed to the ripening of the melon monster.

5. American farmer Harry Miller in 2013 became the overall winner of the annual world pumpkin weighing championship “Super Bowl of Weigh-Offs”. A farmer managed to grow a pumpkin weighing 900 kilograms in his garden! The top prize was $11,910.

6. A pumpkin weighing about 700 kilograms was grown by American Thad Starr on his plot in Oregon. He regularly brings giant pumpkins to various fairs and competitions. One of the latest specimens weighs approximately 800 kilograms.

Super-giants among zucchini.

1. Briton Joe Atherton won a competition for the largest zucchini at a gardening fair in Yorkshire. The weight of the winning fetus was approximately 44 kilograms.

2. Gardener Phillip Vowels with his son Andrew and a 51kg squash in Llangarry, South Wales.

3. A gentleman named Peter Glazebrook, living in the north of England in Newark, devoted his life to growing huge fruits of cultivated plants. Most recently, in September 2015, a 70-year-old Englishman won the championship in the “Heaviest Zucchini” competition. The vegetable grown by Glazebrook weighs 52.2 kg and has the potential to satisfy the appetite of any glutton, with the needs of a Gargantua, Robin Bobbin or Bad Boy.

4. The largest zucchini grew on Norfolk Island (Australia).
The giant weighs as much as an adult man - 65 kilograms, and only two people could lift it.

The vegetable, included in the Guinness Book of Records, weighs 3 kilograms more than its record-holder predecessor.
Miracle - carrots in the garden.

1. The heaviest carrot was grown by Alaskan farmer John Evans and weighed 8.61 kg.

The root crop was included in the Guinness Book of Records in 1998. John Evans holds several more world records: the largest cauliflower and the heaviest broccoli.

2. Another record holder among carrots was a root crop grown by Briton Joe Artenon from Nottinghamshire. This giant carrot reached 5.81 meters in length and took 14 months to grow.

Giant cabbage.
1. This is ten-year-old Alaska resident Kevan Dinkel, who grew a head of cabbage weighing 41.9 kilograms.

2. American farmer Scott Robb managed to grow cabbage weighing almost 63 kilograms in 2012. He presented the giant vegetable at the fair, which takes place annually in Palmar. However, the fruit was never included in the Guinness Book of Records.
At the moment, the recognized giant among cabbage heads is the 58-kilogram vegetable grown in 2006 in Alaska.

3. Farmer Derek Neumann takes a giant cabbage to the flower and vegetable exhibition, which takes place annually in the UK, in the town of Harrowgate.

Proud exhibitors at the Harrowgate Farmers' Festival.

And this is Yorkshire Fair judges Adrian Reid and Dave Alcock hugging the winner of the giant vegetable show - a head of cabbage weighing 30 kilograms.
Miracle tomatoes.
1. In 2015, Joe Etherton won the English tomato competition in the Gigantomo category with a tomato monster weighing 1.7 kilograms.

2. A resident of Norway grew a giant tomato weighing more than 1.1 kg

Did you know?
Maximum tomatoes from one bush. Graham Tranter from Bridgnorth (Shropshire, UK) grew a tomato with a record number of fruits - 488 fruits were harvested in the autumn of 2010. Graham broke his own record, set in 2009, of 304 fruits from one plant.

But the Japanese entered the Guinness Book of Records by growing a tomato tree the height of a three-story house on a special frame.

An Israeli, Nissan Tamir, has also been growing garden crops for a long time and with pleasure. On his plot, everything takes on gigantic proportions, even the radishes, which have gained 21 kilograms of weight.

Miracle potatoes in the garden.

1. The weight of this tuber was 11.2 kilograms! At first the farmer couldn’t believe his eyes, because he didn’t even try to grow such a huge potato! Also, Khalil Tir from Lebanon (Saudi Arabia) said that when growing potatoes he did not use any fertilizers and did not pay special attention to his beds, the potatoes grew as usual. Farmer Khalil is very pleased that it was he who grew the largest potatoes in his garden. After entering the Guinness Book of Records, interest in his farm grew greatly, and potato sales increased several times.

2. 70-year-old Peter Glazebrook is a British gardener, the same one who in September 2015 (see above) won the championship in the “Heaviest Zucchini” competition (weight 52.2 kg) spends almost all his time on his hobby - vegetable gardening. Among his achievements are the heaviest potatoes, as well as the heaviest onions, and also a gigantic cauliflower, simply colossal in size. 27.5 kg - this is exactly how much the Glazebrook cauliflower pulled, and this head of cabbage is 1.8 meters in diameter. This vegetable is enough to feed a whole family for several weeks. Peter Glazebrook has set 10 records included in the Guinness Book of Records, including the last 3 records in the “Largest Vegetable” category. In 2010, at the vegetable fair in Shelton Mallet (Somerset, Britain), he presented a potato weighing 3.76 kg - the size of a newborn!

It is not without reason that Mr. Tony Glover from the English countryside considers himself the king of onions. His name is mentioned in the Guinness Book because Tony managed to grow the heaviest onion on Earth - weighing 8.5 kg.

In general, growing vegetables is the whole life of the elderly Briton Peter Glazebrook; in his garden he rests his soul and works with his hands, and this gives him vitality and tranquility.

Thanks everyone for your attention!

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The garden is empty
if not…
That's right, cabbage. This vegetable has been known to people since ancient times. Ancient people ate wild cabbage leaves. Cabbage began to be grown about 7 thousand years ago, in Spain. From there this culture spread to other countries. In Rus', cabbage began to be cultivated in the 11th century. This vegetable is one of the most popular among people. “Why have a garden if you don’t plant cabbage,” people say. Why do people value cabbage so much?
Because it's the most delicious
very tasty cabbage leaf.
(A. Krylov) Cabbage is not only tasty, but also healthy. The famous Greek mathematician Pythagoras wrote: “Cabbage is a vegetable that maintains vigor and a cheerful, calm mood.” Cabbage contains many vitamins, proteins, sugars and various mineral salts. Most of the nutrients are in the stalk.
On a hot day and on a cool day
Cabbage wants to be elegant.
She stands on a large leg
He holds all his clothes in an armful.
(G. Grinev)
The most common variety of cabbage is white cabbage. This is a biennial plant. In the northern regions, in the spring, when it is warm outside, seedlings are planted in the ground. In the first year of cabbage, a shortened stem grows, it is called a stump; wide leaves form around it - “a hundred clothes” - collected into a head of cabbage. A head of cabbage is not a cabbage fruit; it does not contain seeds. To get cabbage seeds, in the fall you pull out the cabbage stalk with the roots. In winter it is stored in a cool place, and in spring it is planted in the ground. Tall stems grow from the stalk, and clusters of yellow flowers appear on them. In autumn, the flowers produce fruits - pods with small round seeds.
One-legged Panteley dressed warmly.
I pulled on a hundred clothes, but didn’t button a single one.
He was in a hurry to go to the fair, but his pocket was empty.
The kids all call Panteley...
Without cabbage, cabbage soup is not thick.
The hare is a coward, and he even hunts for cabbage.
Don't meddle with the cabbage until they let you in


I love carrots! Here it is still in lumps of clay.
It lies elegant and juicy - full of vitamins!
I even taught the puppy to chew carrots to grow.
It is simply necessary for a snowman.
(V. Sabirov)
People began to grow carrots a long time ago - about 4 thousand years ago. This plant does not require special care - throw a seed into the ground and wait for the harvest. If the soil is not very fertile, this is not a problem - carrots grow well even on sandy soils. Carrots tolerate drought and slight cold equally easily. Carrots love sunbathing, so they are sown in an open, not shaded place.
Since the 14th century, carrots began to be grown in Rus'. The peasants came up with many proverbs and sayings related to carrots. “Lying on the floors, you won’t see the carrots!”, “Sow the carrots on time, it will be good.”
The most valuable part of the carrots that we eat is the root vegetable. It is formed in the first year of carrot life. The root crop is completely in the ground, only its upper part sticks out, and above it is a green tail of leaves similar to dill leaves.
Why are carrots so beneficial? Carrot roots contain a huge amount of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in our body. It is also called growth vitamin - it is very useful for children. Carrot seeds also bring benefits to humans. They are used to make a medicine used to treat heart disease. And in Rus', for a long time, pain in the liver and nasopharynx was relieved with carrot juice.
Carrot roots come in different shapes: cone or cylinder. And their weight can reach half a kilogram! By the way, by the shape of a carrot you can determine where it grew. If the root crop is long and sharp, the conditions for its growth were not the best - dense and heavy soil, little water. If the carrot is short and thick, it means that it has been “corroded” on fertile soil, with abundant and frequent watering.
Carrots are not necessarily orange in color. There are varieties of carrots that are yellow, white, and even dark purple.
From the hole I pull a red fox by the curvy withers.
But not a cunning cheat, but a crispy one...
* * *
I grew for many days, becoming redder and sweeter.
I became crispy. And I have a green crest, guys,
So that everyone can pull and pull it out of the garden.


The earth around is still black and not warmed by the sun,
But onions sprout in the garden - the cheerful harbinger of summer.
When, trembling from the dampness, he pulls the arrows up,
Then the garden bed will look like a green hedgehog.
(V. Sabirov)
The most common type of onion is onion. It is grown in almost all countries of the world.
Since ancient times, people have eaten wild onions. And about 6 thousand years ago in India and China they began to grow it as a garden plant. Among the Egyptians, onions were universally loved. The ancient Greeks revered the onion; they perceived the onion as a symbol of the structure of the Universe. At festivities in honor of the god Pan, the protector of forests and fields, his sculptural images were showered with onions. On festival days, the Greeks tried to bring the largest onion to the temple. The ancient Romans believed that onions energized a person and protected against disease.
In the 12th century, onions appeared in Rus'. On September 20, peasants celebrated bow day. They took the onions to the market to sell. Whoever collected a lot of onions and sold them quickly has a good income. Onion Day is a sad holiday for two reasons. The first is that it coincided with the end of Indian summer, with warm days left behind. Secondly, girls and women had to shed a lot of tears on this day while processing onions.
The bulb consists of several layers of inner leaves. This is where the plant stores nutrients. And there are a lot of them in onions - both vitamins and mineral salts. Scientists have found that in terms of usefulness, onions are in third place among vegetables, second only to beets and parsley root. The essential oils it contains give the onion its pungency. They cause irritation to the mucous membrane of the eye, which is why we cry when we cut onions.
Onions contain substances that kill harmful bacteria. In order to avoid getting colds, you need to eat onions.
You can also grow onions at home. Just put the onion in a jar of water. In a few days, the onion will take root and green leaves will stretch up.
There are bitter varieties of onions, and there are sweet ones. Different varieties of onions have different bulb colors: red, purple, yellow, white, pink.
Nowadays, not only onions are grown. Dishes to which leeks, shallots, spring onions, and chives are added are very tasty and healthy.
Hurry up to harvest the onion harvest.
Onion - from seven ailments.
